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Several hypotheses attempt to explain the latitudinal gradient of species diversity, but some basic aspects of the pattern remain insufficiently explored, including the effect of scales and the role of beta diversity. To explore such components of the latitudinal gradient, we tested the hypothesis of covariation, which states that the gradient of species diversity should show the same pattern regardless of the scale of analysis. The hypothesis implies that there should be no gradients of beta diversity, of regional range size within regions, and of the slope of the species-area curve. For the fauna of North American mammals, we found contrasting results for bats and non-volant species. We could reject the hypothesis of covariation for non-volant mammals, for which the number of species increases towards lower latitudes, but at different rates depending on the scale. Also, for this group, beta diversity is higher at lower latitudes, the regional range size within regions is smaller at lower latitudes, and z, the slope of the species-area relationship is higher at lower latitudes. Contrarily bats did not show significant deviations from the predictions of the hypothesis of covariation: at two different scales, species richness shows similar trends of increase at lower latitudes, and no gradient can be demonstrated for beta diversity, for regional range size, or for the slopes of the species-area curve. Our results show that the higher diversity of non-volant mammals in tropical areas of North America is a consequence of the increase in beta diversity and not of higher diversity at smaller scales. In contrast, the diversity of bats at both scales is higher at lower latitudes. These contrasting patterns suggest different causes for the latitudinal gradient of species diversity in the two groups that are ultimately determined by differences in the patterns of geographic distribution of the species.  相似文献   

We examine the relation between population size and geographic range size for British breeding birds and mammals. As for most other assemblages studied, a strong positive interspecific correlation is found in both taxa. The relation is also recovered once the phylogenetic relatedness of species has been controlled for using an evolutionary comparative method. The slope of the relation is steeper for birds than for mammals, but this is due in large part to two species of mammals that have much higher population sizes than expected from their small geographic ranges. These outlying mammal species are the only ones in Britain to be found only on small offshore islands, and so may be exhibiting density compensation effects. With them excluded, the slope of the abundance–range size relation for mammals is not significantly different to that for birds. However, the elevation of the relation is higher for mammals than for birds, indicating that mammals are approximately 30 times more abundant than birds of equivalent geographic range size. An earlier study of these assemblages showed that, for a given body mass, bats had abundances more similar to birds than to non-volant mammals, suggesting that the difference in abundance between mammals and birds might be due to constraints of flight. Our analyses show that the abundance–range size relation for bats is not different for that from other mammals, and that the anomalously low abundance of bats for their body mass may result because they have smaller than expected geographic extents for their size. Other reasons why birds and mammals might have different elevations for the relation between population size and geographic range size are discussed, together with possible reasons for why the slopes of these relations might be similar.  相似文献   

Are latitudinal gradients in regional diversity random or biased with respect to body size? Using data for the New World avifauna, I show that the slope of the increase in regional species richness from the Arctic to the equator is not independent of body size. The increase is steepest among small and medium‐sized species, and shallowest among the largest species. This is reflected in latitudinal variation in the shape of frequency distributions of body sizes in regional subsets of the New World avifauna. Because species are added disproportionately in small and medium size classes towards low latitudes, distributions become less widely spread along the body size axis than expected from the number of species. These patterns suggest an interaction between the effects of latitude and body size on species richness, implying that mechanisms which vary with both latitude and body size may be important determinants of high tropical diversity in New World birds.  相似文献   

Aim  Relationships between range size and species richness are contentious, yet they are key to testing the various hypotheses that attempt to explain latitudinal diversity gradients. Our goal is to utilize the largest data set yet compiled for New World woody plant biogeography to describe and assess these relationships between species richness and range size.
Location  North and South America.
Methods  We estimated the latitudinal extent of 12,980 species of woody plants (trees, shrubs, lianas). From these estimates we quantified latitudinal patterns of species richness and range size. We compared our observations with expectations derived from two null models.
Results   Peak richness and the smallest- and largest-ranged species are generally found close to the equator. In contrast to prominent diversity hypotheses: (1) mean latitudinal extent of tropical species is greater than expected; (2) latitudinal extent appears to be decoupled from species richness across New World latitudes, with abrupt transitions across subtropical latitudes; and (3) mean latitudinal extents show equatorial and north temperate peaks and subtropical minima. Our results suggest that patterns of range size and richness appear to be influenced by three broadly overlapping biotic domains (biotic provinces) for New World woody plants.
Main conclusions  Hypotheses that assume a direct relationship between range size and species richness may explain richness patterns within these domains, but cannot explain gradients in richness across the New World.  相似文献   

Extinction rates have risen to perhaps 104 the background rate. Much of this increase is due to projected influences of habitat loss on regions of the world with tropical moist forest. This ecosystem, home to a disproportionate amount of global biodiversity and a major regulator of regional and global climate, also faces disproportionately severe threats. In this study, we collect diversity and endemism data for tropical forested countries of the world, along with areal and socioeconomic data. While a correlation between overall numbers of species and endemic species per country is expected, we demonstrate that endemism patterns among birds and mammals remain very strongly convergent even after statistically rendering all countries equal in size and overall species richness and after adjusting for spatial autocorrelation. On a per country basis, mammals are generally more threatened than birds in these tropical moist forested countries. Human population growth rates and rising debt among these nations should be viewed as priorities for amelioration by the developed countries. Reserve network extent is not related to numbers of endemic mammals or birds at this large spatial scale.  相似文献   

Mammals of Australian islands: factors influencing species richness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Distribution patterns of indigenous non-volant terrestrial mammals on 257 Australian islands were examined in relation to environmental parameters and the effects of human-induced disturbance during prehistoric and historic times on island species numbers. Species occurrence for individual species, for taxonomic and trophic groups, and for all species together was related to environmental parameters using regression analysis and the extreme-value function model. Patterns of occurrence were examined separately within three major biogeographic regions derived by pattern analysis. The number of species known to have occurred on these islands during historic times was adequately predicted from area alone. No statistically significant improvement in predicted species number was gained by including island elevation, mean annual rainfall, isolation from the mainland or the number of potentially competing species present on the island. Similarly, no single factor other than area was found to influence consistently the presence of individual species. We conclude that the occurrence of indigenous non-volant terrestrial mammal species on these islands indicates a relictual rather than equilibrial fauna. Visitation by Aboriginal people during prehistoric times did not significantly increase mammal extinctions on islands. Examination of patterns of species richness for a given area on a regional basis showed that islands in and around Bass Strait and Tasmania (Bass Region) were the most species-rich, islands off the northern coasts were slightly less rich, and islands off the south western coasts had fewest species. This is in contrast to the usual latitudinal gradient in species richness patterns. However, islands off the northern and eastern coasts had an overall greater number of different species. When considered in relation to the number of different species of mammals occurring within each region, islands of a given size in Bass Region typically bore a higher proportion of this species pool than other regions. The Bass Region was found to be particularly rich in macropoid herbivores and dasyurid carnivores and insectivores. Analyses indicated that there is a very strong relationship between the presence of exotics as a whole and the local extinction of native mammals. Many mammal species formerly widespread on the Australian mainland are now restricted totally to islands (nine species) or are threatened with extinction on the mainland and have island populations of conservation significance (ten species). In all, thirty-five islands protect eighteen taxa of Australian threatened mammals. The land-use and management of these islands is of considerable importance to nature conservation. The introduction of exotic mammals to these islands should be prevented; any introductions that occur should be eradicated immediately.  相似文献   

Aim Island taxa often attain forms outside the range achieved by mainland relatives. Body size evolution of vertebrates on islands has therefore received much attention, with two seemingly conflicting patterns thought to prevail: (1) islands harbour animals of extreme size, and (2) islands promote evolution towards medium body size (‘the island rule’). We test both hypotheses using body size distributions of mammal, lizard and bird species. Location World‐wide. Methods We assembled body size and insularity datasets for the world’s lizards, birds and mammals. We compared the frequencies with which the largest or smallest member of a group is insular with the frequencies expected if insularity is randomly assigned within groups. We tested whether size extremes on islands considered across mammalian phylogeny depart from a null expectation under a Brownian motion model. We tested the island rule by comparing insular and mainland members of (1) a taxonomic level and (2) mammalian sister species, to determine if large insular animals tend to evolve smaller body sizes while small ones evolve larger sizes. Results The smallest species in a taxon (order, family or genus) are insular no more often than would be expected by chance in all groups. The largest species within lizard families and bird genera (but no other taxonomic levels) are insular more often than expected. The incidence of extreme sizes in insular mammals never departs from the null, except among extant genera, where gigantism is marginally less common than expected under a Brownian motion null. Mammals follow the island rule at the genus level and when comparing sister species and clades. This appears to be driven mainly by insular dwarfing in large‐bodied lineages. A similar pattern in birds is apparent for species within orders. However, lizards follow the converse pattern. Main conclusions The popular misconception that islands have more than their fair share of size extremes may stem from a greater tendency to notice gigantism and dwarfism when they occur on islands. There is compelling evidence for insular dwarfing in large mammals, but not in other taxa, and little evidence for the second component of the island rule – gigantism in small‐bodied taxa.  相似文献   

One could predict that the capacity for travelling great distances might predispose long-distance migratory birds to be good colonists and to exhibit wider geographic distributions than their non-migratory or short-distance migratory relatives or non-volant mammals. This prediction is not supported by the data on avian biogeography. The distributions of species, genera and families of North American and Eurasian birds and mammals are indeed related to migratory status, but long-distance migratory birds exhibit a great deal of biogeographic regionalism. In particular, at all taxonomic levels their distributions tend to be confined to either the Eastern or Western Hemisphere, suggesting that there has been little successful east–west dispersal between North America and Eurasia. Compared to non-migratory birds, short-distance migratory birds and non-volant mammals, long-distance migrants appear to be subject to severe constraints on their physiology, behaviour and ecology, w hich have prevented colonization of distant regions.  相似文献   

Aim We tested whether the geographic variation in the proportion of beta diversity attributed to nestedness or turnover components was explained by the effect of past glaciation events. Specifically, we tested the hypothesis that most of the beta diversity in regions retaining ice until recent periods was due to nestedness. Additionally, we tested whether the variation was influenced by thermal tolerance and the dispersal ability of species. Location This study analysed data from the New World. Methods We used presence/absence data for amphibians, birds and mammals of the New World. We calculated beta diversity among each 1°× 1° cell and the adjacent cells using the Sorensen dissimilarity index that expresses the total beta diversity. Furthermore, we partitioned it into turnover and nestedness components. The relative importance of the two latter components was expressed as the proportion of total beta diversity explained by nestedness (βratio). We calculated the correlation between βratio and the time each cell was free of ice since the last glaciation (cell age). To control the effects of spatial autocorrelation, we calculated geographically effective degrees of freedom. Results The proportion of beta diversity attributed to nestedness was negatively correlated with cell age. Moreover, this effect was stronger for amphibians than mammals, and stronger for mammals than birds. Main conclusions Our results are in accordance with the hypothesis that the nestedness component of beta diversity is more important in areas affected by glaciations until recent time. The beta diversity in high latitudes is the result of past extinctions and recent recolonization, which result in higher levels of nestedness. This process is more evident for vertebrates with lower dispersal ability and lower temperature tolerance.  相似文献   

Mexico has higher mammalian diversity than expected for its size and geographic position. High environmental hetero geneity throughout Mexico is hypothesized to promote high turnover rates (β‐diversity), thus contributing more to observed species richness and composition than within‐habitat (α) diversity. This is true if species are strongly associated with their environments, such that changes in environmental attributes will result in changes in species composition. Also, greater heterogeneity in an area will result in greater species richness. This hypothesis has been deemed false for bats, as their ability to fly would reduce opportunities for habitat specialization. If so, we would expect no significant relationships between 1) species composition and environmental variables, 2) species richness and environmental heterogeneity, 3) β‐diversity and environmental heterogeneity. We tested these predictions using 31 bat assemblages distributed across Mexico. Using variance partitioning we evaluated the relative contribution of vegetation, climate, elevation, horizontal heterogeneity (a variate including vegetation, climate, and elevational heterogeneity), spatial variation (lat‐long), and vertical hetero geneity (of vegetation strata) to variation in bat species composition and richness. Variation in vegetation explained 92% of the variation in species composition and was correlated with all other variables examined, indicating that bats respond directly to habitat composition and structure. Beta‐diversity and vegetational heterogeneity were significantly correlated. Bat species richness was significantly correlated with vertical, but not horizontal, heterogeneity. Nonetheless, neither horizontal nor vertical heterogeneity were random; both were related to latitude and to elevation. Variation in bat community composition and richness in Mexico were primarily explained by local landscape heterogeneity and environmental factors. Significant relationships between β‐diversity and environmental variation reveal differences in habitat specialization by bats, and explain their high diversity in Mexico. Understanding mechanisms acting along environmental or geographic gradients is as important for understanding spatial variation in community composition as studying mechanisms that operate at local scales.  相似文献   

1.?Environmental sorting, historical factors and neutral dynamics may all drive beta diversity (change in species composition across space), but their relative importance remains unresolved. In the case of European mammals, key potential drivers of large-scale beta diversity include current climate, neutral dynamics and two historical factors: Pleistocene glaciations and peninsular dynamics (immigration from extra-regional eastern faunal source areas and inter-linked relictual survival and evolutionary differentiation in isolated areas). 2.?We assessed the relative importance of these drivers using a novel analytical framework to deconstruct beta diversity of non-volant mammals in Europe (138 species) into its turnover (change in species composition because of species replacements) and nestedness components (change in species composition because of species richness differences) at continental and regional (250,000 km(2) ) scales. 3.?We found continental-scale mammal beta diversity to be mainly caused by spatial turnover (99·9%), with only a small contribution (0·1%) from nestedness. 4.?Current climate emerged as an important driver of beta diversity, given the strong continental-scale turnover, particularly in north-south direction, i.e., in line with the latitudinal climate gradient, and, more directly, the strong correlation of climate with spatial turnover at both continental and regional scales. 5.?However, there was also evidence for the importance of non-climatic drivers. Notably, the compositional variation purely accounted for by space was greater than that purely accounted for by environment for both the turnover and the nestedness component of beta diversity. Furthermore, the strong longitudinal turnover within Southern Europe is in accordance with the region's long-term climatic stability having allowed multiple refugia and local evolutionary diversification. As expected from peninsular dynamics, there was increasing dissimilarity with geographic distance in an east-west direction because of nestedness, but only in Central and Northern Europe. 6.?In conclusion, European mammal beta diversity mainly reflects spatial turnover and only to a limited extent nestedness and is driven by current climate in combination with historical - and perhaps, neutral - dynamics. These findings suggest that a key challenge for climate-change predictive studies will be taking the influence of non-climatic factors into account.  相似文献   

The 480 species of leafy spurges, Euphorbia subgenus Esula, represent the main temperate radiation in the large genus Euphorbia. This group is distributed primarily in temperate Eurasia, but with smaller, disjunct centres of diversity in the mountains of the Old World tropics, in temperate southern Africa and in the New World. The majority of New World diversity (32 species) occurs in a single section, section Tithymalus. We analysed sequences of the nrITS and plastid ndhF, trnH‐psbA, trnS‐trnG and trnD‐trnT regions to reconstruct the phylogeny of section Tithymalus and to examine the origins and diversification of the species native to the New World. Our results indicate that the New World species of section Tithymalus form a clade that is sister to the widespread, weedy E. peplus. The New World species fall into two primary groups: a ‘northern annual clade’ from eastern North America and a diverse clade of both annual and perennial species that is divided into three subgroups. Within the second group, there is a small ‘southern annual clade’ from Texas and northern Mexico, a perennial ‘Brachycera clade’ from the western United States and northern Mexico, and a perennial ‘Esuliformis clade’ from montane areas of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and the Caribbean island of Hispaniola. Ancestral state reconstructions indicate that the annual habit probably evolved in the ancestor of E. peplus and the New World clade, with a subsequent reversal to the perennial habit. In conjunction with this phylogenetic framework, the New World species of section Tithymalus are comprehensively reviewed. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 175 , 191–228.  相似文献   

A prominent hypothesis in the diversification of placental mammals after the Cretaceous–Palaeogene (K/Pg) boundary suggests that the extinction of non-avian dinosaurs resulted in the ecological release of mammals, which were previously constrained to small body sizes and limited species richness. This ‘dinosaur incumbency hypothesis’ may therefore explain increases in mammalian diversity via expansion into larger body size niches, that were previously occupied by dinosaurs, but does not directly predict increases in other body size classes. To evaluate this, we estimate sampling-standardized diversity patterns of terrestrial North American fossil mammals within body size classes, during the Cretaceous and Palaeogene. We find strong evidence for post-extinction diversity increases in all size classes. Increases in the diversity of small-bodied species (less than 100 g, the common body size class of Cretaceous mammals, and much smaller than the smallest non-avialan dinosaurs (c. 400 g)) were similar to those of larger species. We propose that small-bodied mammals had access to greater energetic resources or were able to partition resources more finely after the K/Pg mass extinction. This is likely to be the result of a combination of widespread niche clearing due to the K/Pg mass extinctions, alongside a suite of biotic and abiotic changes that occurred during the Late Cretaceous and across the K/Pg boundary, such as shifting floral composition, and novel key innovations among eutherian mammals.  相似文献   

Nonconvergence in the evolution of primate life history and socio-ecology   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The goal of this study was to investigate the extent of convergence in four basic life history and socio-ecological traits among the primates of Africa, Asia, South America and Madagascar. The convergence hypothesis predicts that similar abiotic conditions should result in similar adaptations in independent taxa. Because primates offer a unique opportunity among mammals to examine adaptations of independent groups to tropical environments, we collected information on body mass, activity pattern, diet and group size from all genera for quantitative tests of this hypothesis. We revealed a number of qualitative and quantitative differences among the four primate groups, indicating a lack of convergence in these basic aspects of life history and socio-ecology. Our analyses demonstrated that New World primates are on average significantly smaller than primates in other regions and characterized by a lack of species larger than about 10 kg. Madagascar harbours significantly more nocturnal species than the other regions and is home to all but one of the primates with irregular bursts of activity. Asia is the only region with strictly faunivorous primates, but lacks primarily gummivorous ones. The Neotropics are characterized by the absence of primarily folivorous primates. Solitary species are not represented in the New World, whereas solitary and pair-living species make up the majority of Malagasy primates. Lemurs live in significantly smaller groups than other primates, even after controlling for differences in body size. The lack of convergence among the major primate groups is neither primarily due to phylogenetic constraints as a result of founder effects, nor can it be sufficiently explained as a passive consequence of body size differences. However, because the role of adaptive forces, such as interspecific competition, predation or phenology in shaping the observed differences is largely unexplored, we conclude that it is premature to discard the convergence hypothesis without further tests.  相似文献   


The mating system is unknown for the majority of New Zealand geckos (Family Gekkonidae). I investigated interspecific variation in relative testis volume across 19 New Zealand gecko taxa and 63 additional species of squamate reptiles from other countries to make predictions about the social mating system of the New Zealand geckos. Relative testis size varied greatly between species of New Zealand gecko, with testes ranging from 119% larger than expected to 75% smaller than expected. This variation was even greater across other squamates, with testes ranging from 55 to 152% of expected size. This variation could not be explained by seasonality of breeding, clutch size or the sex ratio of populations. As species subject to more intense sperm competition sport relatively larger testes in other vertebrate groups, it is likely that similar variation in gecko testis size is due to differences in mating systems between species. Based on testis volume, it is predicted that at least half of the New Zealand gecko taxa studied are likely to have polygynandrous mating systems.  相似文献   

Geckos in the Western Hemisphere provide an excellent model to study faunal assembly at a continental scale. We generated a time-calibrated phylogeny, including exemplars of all New World gecko genera, to produce a biogeographical scenario for the New World geckos. Patterns of New World gecko origins are consistent with almost every biogeographical scenario utilized by a terrestrial vertebrate with different New World lineages showing evidence of vicariance, dispersal via temporary land bridge, overseas dispersal or anthropogenic introductions. We also recovered a strong relationship between clade age and species diversity, with older New World lineages having more species than more recently arrived lineages. Our data provide the first phylogenetic hypothesis for all New World geckos and highlight the intricate origins and ongoing organization of continental faunas. The phylogenetic and biogeographical hypotheses presented here provide an historical framework to further pursue research on the diversification and assembly of the New World herpetofauna.  相似文献   

Current knowledge of genotypic and phenotypic diversity in the species Escherichia coli is based almost entirely on strains recovered from humans or zoo animals. In this study, we analyzed a collection of 202 strains obtained from 81 mammalian species representing 39 families and 14 orders in Australia and the Americas, as well as several reference strains; we also included a strain from a reptile and 10 from different families of birds collected in Mexico. The strains were characterized genotypically by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) and phenotypically by patterns of sugar utilization, antibiotic resistance, and plasmid profile. MLEE analysis yielded an estimated genetic diversity (H) of 0.682 for 11 loci. The observed genetic diversity in this sample is the greatest yet reported for E. coli. However, this genetic diversity is not randomly distributed; geographic effects and host taxonomic group accounted for most of the genetic differentiation. The genetic relationship among the strains showed that they are more associated by origin and host order than is expected by chance. In a dendrogram, the ancestral cluster includes primarily strains from Australia and ECOR strains from groups B and C. The most differentiated E. coli in our analysis are strains from Mexican carnivores and strains from humans, including those in the ECOR group A. The kinds and numbers of sugars utilized by the strains varied by host taxonomic group and country of origin. Strains isolated from bats were found to exploit the greatest range of sugars, while those from primates utilized the fewest. Toxins are more frequent in strains from rodents from both continents than in any other taxonomic group. Strains from Mexican wild mammals were, on average, as resistant to antibiotics as strains from humans in cities. On average, the Australian strains presented a lower antibiotic resistance than the Mexican strains. However, strains recovered from hosts in cities carried significantly more plasmids than did strains isolated from wild mammals. Previous studies have shown that natural populations of E. coli harbor an extensive genetic diversity that is organized in a limited number of clones. However, knowledge of this worldwide bacterium has been limited. Here, we suggest that the strains from a wide range of wild hosts from different regions of the world are organized in an ecotypic structure where adaptation to the host plays an important role in the population structure.  相似文献   

Surprisingly, several studies over large scales have reported a positive spatial correlation of people and biodiversity. This pattern has important implications for conservation and has been documented for well studied taxa such as plants, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. However, it is unknown whether the pattern applies also to invertebrates other than butterflies and more work is needed to establish whether the species–people relationship is explained by both variables correlating with other environmental factors. We studied whether grasshopper species richness (Orthoptera, suborder Caelifera) is related to human population size in European countries. As expected, the number of Caelifera species increases significantly with increasing human population size. But this is not the case when controlling for country area, latitude and number of plant species. Variations in Caelifera species richness are primarily associated with variations in plant species richness. Caelifera species richness also increases with decreasing mean annual precipitation, Gross Domestic Product per capita (used as an indicator for economic development) and net fertility rate of the human population. Our analysis confirms the hypothesis that the broad-scale human population–biodiversity correlations can be explained by concurrent variations in factors other than human population size such as plant species richness, environmental productivity, or habitat heterogeneity. Nonetheless, more populated countries in Europe still have more Caelifera species than less populated countries and this poses a particular challenge for conservation.  相似文献   

Aim At broad geographical scales, species richness is a product of three basic processes: speciation, extinction and migration. However, determining which of these processes predominates is a major challenge. Whilst palaeontological studies can provide information on speciation and extinction rates, data are frequently lacking. Here we use a recent dated phylogenetic tree of mammals to explore the relative importance of these three processes in structuring present‐day richness gradients. Location The global terrestrial biosphere. Methods We combine macroecological data with phylogenetic methods more typically used in community ecology to describe the phylogenetic history of regional faunas. Using simulations, we explore two simple phylogenetic metrics, the mean and variance in the pairwise distances between taxa, and describe their relationship to phylogenetic tree topology. We then use these two metrics to characterize the evolutionary relationships among mammal species assemblages across the terrestrial biome. Results We show that the mean and variance in the pairwise distances describe phylogenetic tree topology well, but are less sensitive to phylogenetic uncertainty than more direct measures of tree shape. We find the phylogeny for South American mammals is imbalanced and ‘stemmy’ (long branches towards the root), consistent with recent diversification within evolutionarily disparate lineages. In contrast, the phylogeny for African mammals is balanced and ‘tippy’ (long branches towards the tips), more consistent with the slow accumulation of diversity over long times, reflecting the Old World origin of many mammal clades. Main conclusions We show that phylogeny can accurately capture biogeographical processes operating at broad spatial scales and over long time periods. Our results support inferences from the fossil record – that the New World tropics are a diversity cradle whereas the Old World tropics are a museum of old diversity.  相似文献   

Scheffrahn RH 《ZooKeys》2011,(148):41-53
An updated New World distribution of the genus Calcaritermes is given along with photographs and a key to the New World species outside Mexico. Calcaritermes recessifrons is found to be a junior synonym of Calcaritermes nigriceps. Except for Calcaritermes temnocephalus, pseudergates of the other seven studied Calcaritermes species possess a mesonotal rasp. The rasps suggest a role in propagation of microbes on gallery surfaces and microbial infusion below the wood surface. Calcaritermes temoncephalus is shown to have an unusually large physogastric queens for a kalotermitid and several species produce large eggs.  相似文献   

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