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The hematopoietic cell recognition sites of human fibronectin (FN) are the Arg–Gly–Asp–Ser (RGDS) sequence recognized by widely distributed integrin receptor α5β1 and the type III connecting segment (III CS) containing two cell-binding sites, designated CS1 and CS5, that are recognized by the α4β1 receptor. The C-terminal heparin-binding domain of FN (Hep II) has recently been demonstrated to support adhesion of α4β1-dependent melanoma cells [A. P. Mould and M. J. Humphries (1991)EMBO J.10, 4089–4095]. Previously we demonstrated that this region of FN mediated binding of FN to HL-60 cells (acute promyelocytic leukemia cell line) by direct interaction independently of RGD and CS1 [H. Fujitaet al.,(1995)Exp. Cell Res.217, 484–488]. In this study we have characterized a novel site in the Hep II region for binding to HL-60 cells. α4β1 and α5β1 were expressed on HL-60 cells, while α2β1 and α3β1 were not present, as shown by flow cytometry using monoclonal antibodies specific for the different integrins. Anti-α4β1 (P4C2) and anti-β1 (JB1a) antibodies inhibited binding of a 29-kDa dispase-digestive fragment of FN to HL-60 cells. This fragment contains the C-terminal heparin-binding domain of FN but lacks CS1 and CS5. Only the peptide representing the sequence from Val1866to Arg1880, designated E1, inhibited the binding of the 29-kDa fragment to HL-60 cells. The active region of this peptide was a sequence of Thr–Asp–Ile–Asp–Ala–Pro–Ser (TAI- DAPS), which is homologous to Leu–Asp–Val–Pro–Ser (LDVPS) derived from the active site of CS1. Furthermore, labeled E1 peptide directly bound to HL-60 cells. The anti-α4β1 antibody (P4C2) inhibited this interaction. These results indicate that the site of binding to hematopoietic cells is present in the Hep II region of FN and the definition of the chemical structure of FN clarifies a fundamental mechanism of cell invasion of the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

The nonspecific binding of heparin to plasma proteins compromises its anticoagulant activity by reducing the amount of heparin available to bind antithrombin. In addition, interaction of heparin with fibrin promotes formation of a ternary heparin-thrombin-fibrin complex that protects fibrin-bound thrombin from inhibition by the heparin-antithrombin complex. Previous studies have shown that heparin binds the E domain of fibrinogen. The current investigation examines the role of Zn2+ in this interaction because Zn2+ is released locally by platelets and both heparin and fibrinogen bind the cation, resulting in greater protection from inhibition by antithrombin. Zn2+ promotes heparin binding to fibrinogen, as determined by chromatography, fluorescence, and surface plasmon resonance. Compared with intact fibrinogen, there is reduced heparin binding to fragment X, a clottable plasmin degradation product of fibrinogen. A monoclonal antibody directed against a portion of the fibrinogen αC domain removed by plasmin attenuates binding of heparin to fibrinogen and a peptide analog of this region binds heparin in a Zn2+-dependent fashion. These results indicate that the αC domain of fibrinogen harbors a Zn2+-dependent heparin binding site. As a consequence, heparin-catalyzed inhibition of factor Xa by antithrombin is compromised by fibrinogen to a greater extent when Zn2+ is present. These results reveal the mechanism by which Zn2+ augments the capacity of fibrinogen to impair the anticoagulant activity of heparin.  相似文献   

We studied the mechanism of the cross-linking of fibrinogen, as well as its closest structural homolog Xfragment, under the influence of a fibronectin-stabilizing factor (factor XIIIa). The data on elastic and dynamic light scattering indicate the formation of single-stranded polymers without any structural rigidity that acquire a ramified and compact structure upon reaching critical mass. The values of coefficients of translational diffusion, mean-mass molecular weight, averaged scattering factor, and the accumulation of -dimers indicate that preincubating of fibrinogen and fragment Xsolutions significantly accelerates the enzymatic formation of a covalently bound macromolecular protein complex. We propose that enzymatic cross-linking proceeds only with the gradual accumulation of structurally imperfect molecules of fibrinogen and fragment Xthat are prone to intermolecular D–Dend-to-end contacts.  相似文献   

Human adult haemoglobin consists of two unlike pairs of polypeptide chains, and can be described as α2β2. Amino-acid substitutions in either of the two types of chain result in α- and β-chain variants. In thalassaemia, which causes a lowered production of haemoglobin, the α or the β chain can be affected, the result being α- or β-thalassaemia. There is a quantitative difference in the proportion of α- and β-chain variants to normal haemoglobin in the respective heterozygotes, and there is also a difference in the pattern of inheritance of α- and β-thalassaemia: these could possibly be explained by assuming that man has one gene for the β- and two for the α-chain.  相似文献   

The C-terminus of amyloid β-protein (Aβ) 42 plays an important role in this protein's oligomerization and may therefore be a good therapeutic target for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Certain C-terminal fragments (CTFs) of Aβ42 have been shown to disrupt oligomerization and to strongly inhibit Aβ42-induced neurotoxicity. Here we study the structures of selected CTFs [Aβ(x-42); x = 29-31, 39] using replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations and ion mobility mass spectrometry. Our simulations in explicit solvent reveal that the CTFs adopt a metastable β-structure: β-hairpin for Aβ(x-42) (x = 29-31) and extended β-strand for Aβ(39-42). The β-hairpin of Aβ(30-42) is converted into a turn-coil conformation when the last two hydrophobic residues are removed, suggesting that I41 and A42 are critical in stabilizing the β-hairpin in Aβ42-derived CTFs. The importance of solvent in determining the structure of the CTFs is further highlighted in ion mobility mass spectrometry experiments and solvent-free replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations. A comparison between structures with solvent and structures without solvent reveals that hydrophobic interactions are critical for the formation of β-hairpin. The possible role played by the CTFs in disrupting oligomerization is discussed.  相似文献   

Previous experimental studies have indicated that amyloid-b peptide (A) may cause axonal degeneration in the brain of individuals with Alzheimer's disease (AD) by physical injury, mass lesion, or membrane perturbation. In this study, acetylcholinesterase histochemical, and A and tau immunohistochemical double-staining were performed in nondemented elderly human hippocampal and entorhinal brain samples, to demonstrate the presence of dystrophic neurites caused by the C-terminal or N-terminal fragments of A. The early interactions between the A-stained senile plaques (SPs) and the enzyme-positive axons were investigated. The double-stained samples revealed that A deposition occurs first, followed by the development of cholinergic axonal damage. Most of the dystrophic axonal processes are incorporated in the peripheral area of the SPs and are positive for phosphorylated tau [pS202] and tau-5. The result suggests that C-terminal fragments are more harmful than N-terminal fragments of A and may induce the development of dystrophic neurites by a toxic effect rather than by physical injury.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) isoenzymes are multi-modular proteins activated at the membrane surface to regulate signal transduction processes. When activated by second messengers, PKC undergoes a drastic conformational and spatial transition from the inactive cytosolic state to the activated membrane-bound state. The complete structure of either state of PKC remains elusive. We demonstrate, using NMR spectroscopy, that the isolated Ca2+-sensing membrane-binding C2 domain of the conventional PKCα interacts with a conserved hydrophobic motif of the kinase C-terminal region, and we report a structural model of the complex. Our data suggest that the C-terminal region plays a dual role in regulating the PKC activity: activating, through sensitization of PKC to intracellular Ca2+ oscillations; and auto-inhibitory, through its interaction with a conserved positively charged region of the C2 domain.  相似文献   

Various synthetic approaches to modified peptides with the C-terminal aldehyde group, capable of inhibiting a number of proteolytic enzymes belonging to the classes of thiol, serine, and aspartyl proteases, are considered. Both chemical methods, including solid phase peptide synthesis now widely used, and biocatalytic synthetic methods for obtaining these substances are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

In human lenses, C-terminal cleavage of αA-crystallin at residues 172,168, and 162 have been reported. The effect of C-terminal truncation of αA-crystallin on subunit exchange and heterooligomer formation with αB-crystallin and homooligomer formation with native αA-crystallin is not known. We have conducted fluorescence resonance energy transfer studies which have shown that the rates of subunit exchange of αA1–172 and αA1–168 with αB-wt were two-fold lower than for αA-wt interacting with αB-wt. The subunit exchange rate between αA1–162 and αB-wt was six-fold lower. These data suggest that cleavage of the C-terminal residues could significantly affect heterooligomerization. On the other hand, the subunit exchange rates between αA-wt and the truncated αA-crystallins were either unchanged or only slightly decreased, which suggest that homooligomerization may not be significantly influenced by C-terminal truncation. The main conclusion from this study is that cleavage of C-terminal residues of αA-crystallin including the nine residues of the flexible tail is expected to significantly affect the formation of heteroaggregates. Reconstitution experiments showed that the presence of an intact C-terminus is essential for the formation of fully integrated heteroaggregates with equal proportion of αA and αB subunits.  相似文献   

Fibrotic tissue in the liver is mainly composed of collagen. Fibronectin, which is also present in fibrotic matrices, is required for collagen matrix assembly in vitro. It also modulates the amount of growth factors and their release from the matrix. We therefore examined the effects of the absence of fibronectin on the development of fibrosis in mice.Conditional deletion of fibronectin in the liver using the Mx promoter to drive cre expression resulted in increased collagen production and hence a more pronounced fibrosis in response to dimethylnitrosamine in mice. Exclusive deletion of fibronectin in hepatocytes or normalization of circulating fibronectin in Mx-cKO mice did not affect the development of fibrosis suggesting a role for fibronectin production by other liver cell types. The boosted fibrosis in fibronectin-deficient mice was associated with enhanced stellate cell activation and proliferation, elevated concentrations of active TGF-β, and increased TGF-β-mediated signaling.In vitro experiments revealed that collagen-type-I production by fibronectin-deficient hepatic stellate cells stimulated with TGF-β was more pronounced, and was associated with augmented Smad3-mediated signaling. Interfering with TGF-β signaling using SB431542 normalized collagen-type-I production in fibronectin-deficient hepatic stellate cells. Furthermore, precoating culture plates with fibronectin, but not collagen, or providing fibronectin fibrils unable to interact with RGD binding integrins via the RGD domain significantly diminished the amount of active TGF-β in fibronectin-deficient stellate cells and normalized collagen-type-I production in response to TGF-β stimulation. Thus, excessive stellate cell activation and production of collagen results from increased active TGF-β and TGF-β signaling in the absence of fibronectin.In conclusion, our data indicate that fibronectin controls the availability of active TGF-β in the injured liver, which impacts the severity of the resulting fibrosis. We therefore propose a novel role for locally produced fibronectin in protecting the liver from an excessive TGF-β-mediated response.  相似文献   

Matriptase is a type II transmembrane serine protease. In the present study, matriptase C-terminal fragments containing the catalytic serine protease domain were found to occur on the apical and basolateral sides of Madin–Darby canine kidney epithelial cells transfected with a cDNA encoding the protease. This suggests that matriptase interacts with various potential substrates when expressed in simple epithelia.  相似文献   

By using synthetic overlapping peptides encompassing the entire -chain of adult human hemoglobin (HbA), we have mapped on the -chain the regions responsible for its binding to the -chain in solution. These binding surfaces were, in general, in good agreement with those expected from the crystal structure (peptides 81–95, 101–115, 111–125, and 131–141). However, we observed some significant differences in the levels of binding found here in solution and those expected from the crystal structure. Peptide 31–45, which in the crystal had the highest number of contact residues of all the -chain peptides, did not bind the -chain in solution. Similarly, peptide 91–105, with seven contact residues in the crystal, showed low binding with the -chain in solution. On the other hand, peptides 41–55 and 121–135 possessed much higher binding activity in solution than would be expected from their contribution to subunit association in the crystal. In fact, peptide 121–135 had the highest binding activity of the -chain peptides. These studies and our previous findings, which localized on the -chain the regions that bind to the -chain in solution, have shown that the regions of subunit association in solution are close to, but not identical with, those in the crystal. The approach should be quite useful for mapping subunit association in oligomeric proteins and could even be applied to proteins that are isolated only in traces or whose three-dimensional structure is not yet known.  相似文献   

The interplay between dopamine and α-synuclein (AS) plays a central role in Parkinson''s disease (PD). PD results primarily from a severe and selective devastation of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra pars compacta. The neuropathological hallmark of the disease is the presence of intraneuronal proteinaceous inclusions known as Lewy bodies within the surviving neurons, enriched in filamentous AS. In vitro, dopamine inhibits AS fibril formation, but the molecular determinants of this inhibition remain obscure. Here we use molecular dynamic (MD) simulations to investigate the binding of dopamine and several of its derivatives onto conformers representative of an NMR ensemble of AS structures in aqueous solution. Within the limitations inherent to MD simulations of unstructured proteins, our calculations suggest that the ligands bind to the 125YEMPS129 region, consistent with experimental findings. The ligands are further stabilized by long-range electrostatic interactions with glutamate 83 (E83) in the NAC region. These results suggest that by forming these interactions with AS, dopamine may affect AS aggregation and fibrillization properties. To test this hypothesis, we investigated in vitro the effects of dopamine on the aggregation of mutants designed to alter or abolish these interactions. We found that point mutations in the 125YEMPS129 region do not affect AS aggregation, which is consistent with the fact that dopamine interacts non-specifically with this region. In contrast, and consistent with our modeling studies, the replacement of glutamate by alanine at position 83 (E83A) abolishes the ability of dopamine to inhibit AS fibrillization.  相似文献   

Murine ESb and MDAY-D2 lymphoma cells are highly metastatic, in particular to the liver, and are highly invasive in hepatocyte cultures. This may involve adhesion to hepatocyte surface-associated fibronectin (Kemperman et al., 1994, Cell Adh. and Communic. 2:45). Both ESb and MDAY-D2 cells express the fibronectin receptor α4β1, and MDAY-D2 cells in addition also α5β1. Yet, adhesion of ESb cells to fibronectin was low, and MDAY-D2 cells did not adhere at all, but adhesion of both cells was stimulated by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) and Mn2+. In ESb cells, this adhesion was mediated by α4β1. In MDAY-D2 cells, however, only α5β1was involved, despite β4β1levels similar to ESb cells. The α4β1integrin was functional since it mediated adhesion of MDAY-D2 cells to VCAM-1. An α5β1-negative variant of MDAY-D2 adhered to fibronectin and this was mediated by α5β1. These results indicate that α4β1function in these cells is suppressed in the presence of α5β1. Adhesion of ESb cells to hepatocytes was inhibited by anti-α4antibody, but only by 30%, and fibronectin adhesion was found to have no role in the interaction of MDAY-D2 cells with hepatocytes. This suggests that α4β1and α5β1function is not activated during this interaction.

The 9EG7 antibody against mouse β1integrin was described to inhibit β1integrins (Lenter et al., 1993, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 90, 9051). In contrast, we observed that β1stimulated Printegrin function: Adhesion of ESb and MDAY-D2 cells not only to fibronectin, but also to laminin was induced or enhanced.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to identify a 64-kD thylakoid membrane protein of unknown function. The protein was extracted from chloroplast thylakoids under low ionic strength conditions and purified to homogeneity by preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Four peptides generated from the proteolytic cleavage of the wheat 64-kD protein were sequenced and found to be identical to internal sequences of the chloroplast-coupling factor (CF1) α-subunit. Antibodies for the 64-kD protein also recognized the α-subunit of CF1. Both the 64-kD protein and the 61-kD CF1 α-subunit were present in the monocots barley (Hordeum vulgare), maize (Zea mays), oat (Avena sativa), and wheat (Triticum aestivum); but the dicots pea (Pisum sativum), soybean (Glycine max Merr.), and spinach (Spinacia oleracea) contained only a single polypeptide corresponding to the CF1 α-subunit. The 64-kD protein accumulated in response to high irradiance (1000 μmol photons m−2 s−1) and declined in response to low irradiance (80 μmol photons m−2 s−1) treatments. Thus, the 64-kD protein was identified as an irradiance-dependent isoform of the CF1 α-subunit found only in monocots. Analysis of purified CF1 complexes showed that the 64-kD protein represented up to 15% of the total CF1 α-subunit.  相似文献   

The case reports come from the files of the State Department of Public Health which, together with the California Medical Association, now sponsors the statewide studies of all maternal mortalities. Selected Cases are to be presented here from time to time as a matter of interest and illumination to all physicians concerned with the practice of obstetrics. It is hoped that a review of such significant cases will help to improve the welfare of future California mothers.  相似文献   

Fibronectin (Fn) is a promiscuous ligand for numerous cell adhesion receptors or integrins. The vast majority of Fn-integrin interactions are mediated through the Fn Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) motif located within the tenth type III repeat. In the case of integrins αIIbβ3 and α5β1, the integrin binds RGD and the synergy site (PHSRN) located within the adjacent ninth type III repeat. Prior work has shown that these synergy-dependent integrins are exquisitely sensitive to perturbations in the Fn integrin binding domain conformation. Our own prior studies of epithelial cell responses to recombinant fragments of the Fn integrin binding domain led us to hypothesize that integrin α3β1 binding may also be modulated by the synergy site. To explore this hypothesis, we created a variety of recombinant variants of the Fn integrin binding domain: (i) a previously reported (Leu → Pro) stabilizing mutant (FnIII9′10), (ii) an Arg to Ala synergy site mutation (FnIII9RA10), (iii) a two-Gly (FnIII92G10) insertion, and (iv) a four-Gly (FNIII94G10) insertion in the interdomain linker region and used surface plasmon resonance to determine binding kinetics of integrin α3β1 to the Fn fragments. Integrin α3β1 had the highest affinity for FnIII9′10 and FnIII92G10. Mutation within the synergy site decreased integrin α3β1 binding 17-fold, and the four-Gly insertion decreased binding 39-fold compared with FnIII9′10. Cell attachment studies demonstrate that α3β1-mediated epithelial cell binding is greater on FnIII9′10 compared with the other fragments. These studies suggest that the presence and spacing of the RGD and synergy sites modulate integrin α3β1 binding to Fn.  相似文献   



Significant portion of αA-crystallin in human lenses exists as C-terminal residues cleaved at residues 172, 168, and 162. Chaperone activity, determined with alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and βL-crystallin as target proteins, was increased in αA1–172 and decreased in αA1–168 and αA1–162. The purpose of this study was to show whether the absence of the C-terminal residues influences protein-protein interactions with target proteins.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Our hypothesis is that the chaperone-target protein binding kinetics, otherwise termed subunit exchange rates, are expected to reflect the changes in chaperone activity. To study this, we have relied on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) utilizing amine specific and cysteine specific fluorescent probes. The subunit exchange rate (k) for ADH and αA1–172 was nearly the same as that of ADH and αA-wt, αA1–168 had lower and αA1–162 had the lowest k values. When βL-crystallin was used as the target protein, αA1–172 had slightly higher k value than αA-wt and αA1–168 and αA1–162 had lower k values. As expected from earlier studies, the chaperone activity of αA1–172 was slightly better than that of αA-wt, the chaperone activity of αA1–168 was similar to that of αA-wt and αA1–162 had substantially decreased chaperone activity.


Cleavage of eleven C-terminal residues including Arg-163 and the C-terminal flexible arm significantly affects the interaction with target proteins. The predominantly hydrophilic flexible arm appears to be needed to keep the chaperone-target protein complex soluble.  相似文献   

The complexes of the estrogen -receptor with estradiol and 8-isoestradiol were comparatively analyzed. The computations of ligand–receptor complexes, carried out using the FLEXX program, allowed us to propose a model for the binding of the analogues of 8-isoestradiol. It was found that rings Cand D of estradiol and 8-isoestradiol are similarly arranged in the ligand-binding pocket and coincide upon the superposition of the corresponding ligand–receptor complexes, whereas rings A and B do not coincide. The oxygen functions in position 17 of the estradiol analogues of both series coincide upon superposition, whereas the phenol 3-hydroxyl groups are 0.05 Å apart. A comparison of the predicted biological properties of modified estradiol analogues of the natural and 8-iso-series with the available experimental data revealed their similarity. Synthetic 2-acetyl analogues of 8-isoestrogens were found to have no uterotropic activity, which is also consistent with the proposed model.  相似文献   

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