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The X-ray structures of complexes of Thermoactinomyces vulgaris R-47 alpha-amylase 1 (TVAI) with an inhibitor acarbose and an inactive mutant TVAI with malto-hexaose and malto-tridecaose have been determined at 2.6, 2.0 and 1.8A resolution, and the structures have been refined to R-factors of 0.185 (R(free)=0.225), 0.184 (0.217) and 0.164 (0.200), respectively, with good chemical geometries. Acarbose binds to the catalytic site of TVAI, and interactions between acarbose and the enzyme are very similar to those found in other structure-solved alpha-amylase/acarbose complexes, supporting the proposed catalytic mechanism. Based on the structure of the TVAI/acarbose complex, the binding mode of pullulan containing alpha-(1,6) glucoside linkages could be deduced. Due to the structural difference caused by the replaced amino acid residue (Gln396 for Glu) in the catalytic site, malto-hexaose and malto-tridecaose partially bind to the catalytic site, giving a mimic of the enzyme/product complex. Besides the catalytic site, four sugar-binding sites on the molecular surface are found in these X-ray structures. Two sugar-binding sites in domain N hold the oligosaccharides with a regular helical structure of amylose, which suggests that the domain N is a starch-binding domain acting as an anchor to starch in the catalytic reaction of the enzyme. An assay of hydrolyzing activity for the raw starches confirmed that TVAI can efficiently hydrolyze raw starch.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of Thermoactinomyces vulgaris R-47 alpha-Amylase II (TVAII) has been determined by multiple isomorphous replacement at 2.6 A resolution. TVAII was crystallized in an orthorhombic system with the space group P212121 and the cell dimensions a=118.5 A, b=119.5 A, c=114.5 A. There are two molecules in an asymmetric unit, related by the non-crystallographic 2-fold symmetry. Diffraction data were collected at 113 K and the cell dimensions reduced to a=114.6 A, b=117.9 A, c=114.2 A, and the model was refined against 7.0-2.6 A resolution data giving an R-factor of 0.204 (Rfree=0.272). The final model consists of 1170 amino acid residues (two molecules) and 478 water molecules with good chemical geometry. TVAII has three domains, A, B, and C, like other alpha-amylases. Domain A with a (beta/alpha)8 barrel structure and domain C with a beta-sandwich structure are very similar to those found in other alpha-amylases. Additionally, TVAII has an extra domain N composed of 121 amino acid residues at the N-terminal site, which has a beta-barrel-like structure consisting of seven antiparallel beta-strands. Domain N is one of the driving forces in the formation of the dimer structure of TVAII, but its role in the enzyme activity is still not clear. TVAII does not have the Ca2+ binding site that connects domains A and B in other alpha-amylases, rather the NZ atom of Lys299 of TVAII serves as the connector between these domains. TVAII can hydrolyze cyclodextrins and pullulan as well as starch. Based on a structural comparison with the complex between a mutant cyclodextrin glucanotransferase and a beta-cyclodextrin derivative, Phe286 located at domain B is considered the residue most likely to recognize the hydrophobic cavity of cyclodextrins. The active-site cleft of TVAII is wider and shallower than that of other alpha-amylases, and seems to be suitable for the binding of pullulan which is expected not to adopt the helical structure of amylose.  相似文献   

Thermoactinomyces vulgaris R-47 produces two alpha-amylases, TVAI and TVAII, differing in substrate specificity from each other. TVAI favors high-molecular-weight substrates like starch, and scarcely hydrolyzes cyclomaltooligosaccharides (cyclodextrins) with a small cavity. TVAII favors low-molecular-weight substrates like oligosaccharides, and can efficiently hydrolyze cyclodextrins with various sized cavities. To understand the relationship between the structure and substrate specificity of these enzymes, we precisely examined the roles of key residues for substrate recognition by X-ray structural and kinetic parameter analyses of mutant enzymes and successfully obtained mutants in which the substrate specificity of each enzyme is partially converted into that of another.  相似文献   

Thermoactinomyces vulgaris R-47 alpha-amylase 2 (TVAII) can efficiently hydrolyze both starch and cyclomaltooligosaccharides (cyclodextrins). The crystal structure of an inactive mutant TVAII in a complex with maltohexaose was determined at a resolution of 2.1A. TVAII adopts a dimeric structure to form two catalytic sites, where substrates are found to bind. At the catalytic site, there are many hydrogen bonds between the enzyme and substrate at the non-reducing end from the hydrolyzing site, but few hydrogen bonds at the reducing end, where two aromatic residues, Trp356 and Tyr45, make effective interactions with a substrate. Trp356 drastically changes its side-chain conformation to achieve a strong stacking interaction with the substrate, and Tyr45 from another molecule forms a water-mediated hydrogen bond with the substrate. Kinetic analysis of the wild-type and mutant enzymes in which Trp356 and/or Tyr45 were replaced with Ala suggested that Trp356 and Tyr45 are essential to the catalytic reaction of the enzyme, and that the formation of a dimeric structure is indispensable for TVAII to hydrolyze both starch and cyclodextrins.  相似文献   

Thermoactinomyces vulgaris R-47 alpha-amylase 2 (TVAII) has the unique ability to hydrolyze cyclodextrins (CDs), with various sized cavities, as well as starch. To understand the relationship between structure and substrate specificity, x-ray structures of a TVAII-acarbose complex and inactive mutant TVAII (D325N/D421N)/alpha-, beta- and gamma-CDs complexes were determined at resolutions of 2.9, 2.9, 2.8, and 3.1 A, respectively. In all complexes, the interactions between ligands and enzymes at subsites -1, -2, and -3 were almost the same, but striking differences in the catalytic site structure were found at subsites +1 and +2, where Trp(356) and Tyr(374) changed the conformation of the side chain depending on the structure and size of the ligands. Trp(356) and Tyr(374) are thought to be responsible for the multiple substrate-recognition mechanism of TVAII, providing the unique substrate specificity. In the beta-CD complex, the beta-CD maintains a regular conical structure, making it difficult for Glu(354) to protonate the O-4 atom at the hydrolyzing site as a previously proposed hydrolyzing mechanism of alpha-amylase. From the x-ray structures, it is suggested that the protonation of the O-4 atom is possibly carried out via a hydrogen atom of the inter-glucose hydrogen bond at the hydrolyzing site.  相似文献   

Crystals of the mutant E354A of Thermoactinomyces vulgaris R-47 alpha-amylase 2 (TVAII) complexed with beta-cyclodextrin were prepared by a soaking method, and the diffraction data were collected at 100 K, using Synchrotron radiation (SPring-8). The crystals belong to an orthorhombic system with the space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) and cell dimensions a = 111.1 A, b = 117.7 A, c = 113.3 A, which is almost isomorphous with crystals of the wild-type TVAII, and the structure was refined to an R-factor = 0.208 (R(free) = 0.252) using 3.0 A resolution data. The refined structure shows that the interactions between Phe286 and two C6 atoms of beta-cyclodextrin at the hydrolyzing site are important for TVAII to recognize cyclodextrins as substrates. This observation from the X-ray structure was supported by kinetic analyses of cyclodextrins using the wild-type TVAII, the mutant F286A and F286L. These studies also suggested that the TVAII-hydrolyzing mechanism for cyclodextrins is slightly different from that for starch.  相似文献   

S100A2 is an EF hand-containing Ca2 +-binding protein of the family of S100 proteins. The protein is localized exclusively in the nucleus and is involved in cell cycle regulation. It attracted most interest by its function as a tumor suppressor via p53 interaction. We determined the crystal structure of homodimeric S100A2 in the Ca2 +-free state at 1.6-Å resolution. The structure revealed structural differences between subunits A and B, especially in the conformation of a loop that connects the N- and C-terminal EF hands and represents a part of the target-binding site in S100 proteins. Analysis of the hydrogen bonding network and molecular dynamics calculations indicate that one of the two observed conformations is more stable. The structure revealed Na+ bound to each N-terminal EF hand of both subunits coordinated by oxygen atoms of the backbone carbonyl and water molecules. Comparison with the structures of Ca2 +-free S100A3 and S100A6 suggests that Na+ might occupy the S100-specific EF hand in the Ca2 +-free state.  相似文献   

The structure of pig pancreatic alpha-amylase in complex with carbohydrate inhibitor and proteinaceous inhibitors is known but the successive events occurring at the catalytic center still remain to be elucidated. The X-ray structure analysis of a crystal of pig pancreatic alpha-amylase (PPA, EC soaked with an enzyme-resistant substrate analogue, methyl 4,4'-dithio-alpha-maltotrioside, showed electron density corresponding to the binding of substrate analogue molecules at the active site and at the "second binding site." The electron density observed at the active site was interpreted in terms of overlapping networks of oligosaccharides, which show binding of substrate analogue molecules at subsites prior to and subsequent to the cleavage site. A weaker patch of density observed at subsite -1 (using a nomenclature where the site of hydrolysis is taken to be between subsites -1 and +1) was modeled with water molecules. Conformational changes take place upon substrate analogue binding and the "flexible loop" that constitutes the surface edge of the active site is observed in a specific conformation. This confirms that this loop plays an important role in the recognition and binding of the ligand. The crystal structure was refined at 2.03 A resolution, to an R-factor of 16.0 (Rfree, 18.5).  相似文献   

Phe286 located in the center of the active site of alpha-amylase 2 from Thermoactinomyces vulgaris R-47 (TVAII) plays an important role in the substrate recognition for cyclomaltooligosaccharides (cyclodextrins). The X-ray structures of mutant TVAIIs with the replacement of Phe286 by Ala (F286A) and Tyr (F286Y) were determined at 3.2 A resolution. Their structures have no significant differences from that of the wild-type enzyme. The kinetic analyses of Phe286-replaced variants showed that the variants with non-aromatic residues, Ala (F286A) and Leu (F286L), have lower enzymatic activities than those with aromatic residues, Tyr (F286Y) and Trp (F286W), and the replacement of Phe286 affects enzymatic activities for CDs more than those for starch.  相似文献   

Thermoactinomyces vulgaris R-47 alpha-amylase 1 (TVAI) has unique hydrolyzing activities for pullulan with sequence repeats of alpha-(1,4), alpha-(1,4), and alpha-(1,6) glycosidic linkages, as well as for starch. TVAI mainly hydrolyzes alpha-(1,4) glycosidic linkages to produce a panose, but it also hydrolyzes alpha-(1,6) glycosidic linkages with a lesser efficiency. X-ray structures of three complexes comprising an inactive mutant TVAI (D356N or D356N/E396Q) and a pullulan model oligosaccharide (P2; [Glc-alpha-(1,6)-Glc-alpha-(1,4)-Glc-alpha-(1,4)]2 or P5; [Glc-alpha-(1,6)-Glc-alpha-(1,4)-Glc-alpha-(1,4)]5) were determined. The complex D356N/P2 is a mimic of the enzyme/product complex in the main catalytic reaction of TVAI, and a structural comparison with Aspergillus oryzaealpha-amylase showed that the (-) subsites of TVAI are responsible for recognizing both starch and pullulan. D356N/E396Q/P2 and D356N/E396Q/P5 provided models of the enzyme/substrate complex recognizing the alpha-(1,6) glycosidic linkage at the hydrolyzing site. They showed that only subsites -1 and -2 at the nonreducing end of TVAI are effective in the hydrolysis of alpha-(1,6) glycosidic linkages, leading to weak interactions between substrates and the enzyme. Domain N of TVAI is a starch-binding domain acting as an anchor in the catalytic reaction of the enzyme. In this study, additional substrates were also found to bind to domain N, suggesting that domain N also functions as a pullulan-binding domain.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of (L-Arg)-B0 bovine insulin has been determined, using data to 0.21 nm and atomic parameters of 2Zn porcine insulin as a starting model, by the difference Fourier method, the restrained least square method and X-PLOR package, interspersed with careful review of the electron density, to a final R-factor of 0.182 and r.m.s. deviation of 0.002 2nm for the bond lengths and 4.3° for the bond angles. The electron densities of additional (L-Arg)-B0 residues to B-chain N-terminus of two monomers in each asymmetric unit are very dear. The crystallographic micro-environment of the N-terminus of the B-chain is different from that of rhombohedral 2-zinc insulin.  相似文献   

The Bowman-Birk trypsin inhibitor (BBI) from wheat germ (I-2b) consists of 123 amino acid residues with two inhibitory loops. The crystal structure of a bovine trypsin-wheat germ trypsin inhibitor (I-2b) complex (2:1) has been determined at 2.3 A resolution to a final R-factor of 0.177. A distance of 37.2 A between the contiguous contact loops allows them to bind and inhibit two trypsin molecules simultaneously and independently. Each domain shares the same overall fold with 8 kDa BBIs. The five disulfide bridges in each domain are a subset of seven disulfide bridges in the 8 kDa BBIs. I-2b consists of ten beta-strands and the loops connecting these strands but it lacks alpha-helices. The conformations of the contiguous contact loops of I-2b are in a heart-like structure. The reactive sites in both domains, Arg 17 and Lys 76, are located on the loop connecting anti-parallel beta-strands, beta 1/beta 2 and beta 6/beta 7. Strands beta 1 and beta 6 are in direct contact with trypsin molecules and form stable triple stranded beta-sheet structures via hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

The X-ray structures of Aspergillus oryzae aspartic proteinase (AOAP) and its complex with inhibitor pepstatin have been determined at 1.9A resolution. AOAP was crystallized in an orthorhombic system with the space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) and cell dimensions of a=49.4A, b=79.4A, and c=93.6A. By the soaking of pepstatin, crystals are transformed into a monoclinic system with the space group C2 and cell dimensions of a=106.8A, b=38.6A, c=78.7A, and beta=120.3 degrees. The structures of AOAP and AOAP/pepstatin complex were refined to an R-factor of 0.177 (R(free)=0.213) and of 0.185 (0.221), respectively. AOAP has a crescent-shaped structure with two lobes (N-lobe and C-lobe) and the deep active site cleft is constructed between them. At the center of the active site cleft, two Asp residues (Asp33 and Asp214) form the active dyad with a hydrogen bonding solvent molecule between them. Pepstatin binds to the active site cleft via hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions with the enzyme. The structures of AOAP and AOAP/pepstatin complex including interactions between the enzyme and pepstatin are very similar to those of other structure-solved aspartic proteinases and their complexes with pepstatin. Generally, aspartic proteinases cleave a peptide bond between hydrophobic amino acid residues, but AOAP can also recognize the Lys/Arg residue as well as hydrophobic amino acid residues, leading to the activation of trypsinogen and chymotrypsinogen. The X-ray structure of AOAP/pepstatin complex and preliminary modeling show two possible sites of recognition for the positively charged groups of Lys/Arg residues around the active site of AOAP.  相似文献   

The SUMO proteins are a class of small ubiquitin-like modifiers. SUMO is attached to a specific lysine side chain on the target protein via an isopeptide bond with its C-terminal glycine. There are at least four SUMO proteins in humans, which are involved in protein trafficking and targeting. A truncated human SUMO-2 protein that contains residues 9-93 was expressed in Escherichia coli and crystallized in two different unit cells, with dimensions of a=b=75.25 A, c=29.17 A and a=b=74.96 A, c=33.23 A, both belonging to the rhombohedral space group R3. They diffracted X-rays to 1.6 A and 1.2 A resolution, respectively. The structures were determined by molecular replacement using the yeast SMT3 protein as a search model. Subsequent refinements yielded R/Rfree values of 0.169/0.190 and 0.119/0.185, at 1.6 A and 1.2 A, respectively. The peptide folding of SUMO-2 consists of a half-open beta-barrel and two flanking alpha-helices with secondary structural elements arranged as betabetaalphabetabetaalphabeta in the sequence, identical to those of ubiquitin, SMT3 and SUMO-1. Comparison of SUMO-2 with SUMO-1 showed a surface region near the C terminus with significantly different charge distributions. This may explain their distinct intracellular locations. In addition, crystal-packing analysis suggests a possible trimeric assembly of the SUMO-2 protein, of which the biological significance remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Sphingomonas sp. A1 possesses a high molecular mass (average 25,700 Da) alginate uptake system mediated by a novel pit-dependent ABC transporter. The X-ray crystallographic structure of AlgQ2 (57,200 Da), an alginate-binding protein in the system, was determined by the multiple isomorphous replacement method and refined at 2.0 A resolution with a final R-factor of 18.3% for 15 to 2.0 A resolution data. The refined structure of AlgQ2 was comprised of 492 amino acid residues, 172 water molecules, and one calcium ion. AlgQ2 was composed of two globular domains with a deep cleft between them, which is expected to be the alginate-binding site. The overall structure is basically similar to that of maltose/maltodextrin-binding protein, except for the presence of an N2-subdomain. The entire calcium ion-binding site is similar to the site in the EF-hand motif, but comprises a ten residue loop. This calcium ion-binding site is about 40 A away from the alginate-binding site.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of cyclomaltohexaose (α-cyclodextrin) complexes with p-chlorophenol and p-cresol have been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies. The space group of the α-cyclodextrin–p-chlorophenol complex is P212121 with unit cell dimensions of a=15.299(3), b=24.795(5), c=13.447(5) Å, and that of the α-cyclodextrin–p-cresol complex is P21 with unit cell dimensions of a=7.927(7), b=13.568(7), c=24.54(1) Å, β=90.41(8)°. In spite of the similar structures of guest molecules, both complexes have different inclusion modes and packing structures.  相似文献   

Archaerhodopsin-1 and -2 (aR-1 and aR-2) are light-driven proton pumps found in Halorubrum sp. aus-1 and -2, which share 55-58% sequence identity with bacteriorhodopsin (bR), a proton pump found in Halobacterium salinarum. In this study, aR-1 and aR-2 were crystallized into 3D crystals belonging to P4(3)2(1)2 (a = b = 128.1 A, c = 117.6 A) and C222(1) (a = 122.9 A, b = 139.5 A, c = 108.1 A), respectively. In both the crystals, the asymmetric unit contains two protein molecules with slightly different conformations. Each subunit is composed of seven helical segments as seen in bR but, unlike bR, aR-1 as well as aR-2 has a unique omega loop near the N terminus. It is found that the proton pathway in the extracellular half (i.e. the proton release channel) is more opened in aR-2 than in aR-1 or bR. This structural difference accounts for a large variation in the pKa of the acid purple-to-blue transition among the three proton pumps. All the aromatic residues surrounding the retinal polyene chain are conserved among the three proton pumps, confirming a previous argument that these residues are required for the stereo-specificity of the retinal isomerization. In the cytoplasmic half, the region surrounded by helices B, C and G is highly conserved, while the structural conservation is very low for residues extruded from helices E and F. Structural conservation of the hydrophobic residues located on the proton uptake pathway suggests that their precise arrangement is necessary to prevent a backward flow of proton in the presence of a large pH gradient and membrane potential. An empty cavity is commonly seen in the vicinity of Leu93 contacting the retinal C13 methyl. Existence of such a cavity is required to allow a large rotation of the side-chain of Leu93 at the early stage of the photocycle, which has been shown to accompany water translocation across the Schiff base.  相似文献   

This is the first structural evidence of alpha-tocopherol (alpha-TP) as a possible candidate against inflammation, as it inhibits phospholipase A2 specifically and effectively. The crystal structure of the complex formed between Vipera russelli phospholipase A2 and alpha-tocopherol has been determined and refined to a resolution of 1.8 A. The structure contains two molecules, A and B, of phospholipase A2 in the asymmetric unit, together with one alpha-tocopherol molecule, which is bound specifically to one of them. The phospholipase A2 molecules interact extensively with each other in the crystalline state. The two molecules were found in a stable association in the solution state as well, thus indicating their inherent tendency to remain together as a structural unit, leading to significant functional implications. In the crystal structure, the most important difference between the conformations of two molecules as a result of their association pertains to the orientation of Trp31. It may be noted that Trp31 is located at the mouth of the hydrophobic channel that forms the binding domain of the enzyme. The values of torsion angles (phi, psi, chi(1) and chi(2)) for both the backbone as well as for the side-chain of Trp31 in molecules A and B are -94 degrees, -30 degrees, -66 degrees, 116 degrees and -128 degrees, 170 degrees, -63 degrees, -81 degrees, respectively. The conformation of Trp31 in molecule A is suitable for binding, while that in B hinders the passage of the ligand to the binding site. Consequently, alpha-tocopherol is able to bind to molecule A only, while the binding site of molecule B contains three water molecules. In the complex, the aromatic moiety of alpha-tocopherol is placed in the large space at the active site of the enzyme, while the long hydrophobic channel in the enzyme is filled by hydrocarbon chain of alpha-tocopherol. The critical interactions between the enzyme and alpha-tocopherol are generated between the hydroxyl group of the six-membered ring of alpha-tocopherol and His48 N(delta1) and Asp49 O(delta1) as characteristic hydrogen bonds. The remaining part of alpha-tocopherol interacts extensively with the residues of the hydrophobic channel of the enzyme, giving rise to a number of hydrophobic interactions, resulting in the formation of a stable complex.  相似文献   

Peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs) are pattern recognition receptors of the innate immune system that bind peptidoglycans (PGNs) of bacterial cell walls. These molecules, which are highly conserved from insects to mammals, contribute to host defense against infections by both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Here, we present the crystal structure of human PGRP-S at 1.70A resolution. The overall structure of PGRP-S, which participates in intracellular killing of Gram-positive bacteria, is similar to that of other PGRPs, including Drosophila PGRP-LB and PGRP-SA and human PGRP-Ialpha. However, comparison with these PGRPs reveals important differences in both the PGN-binding site and a groove formed by the PGRP-specific segment on the opposite face of the molecule. This groove, which may constitute a binding site for effector or signaling proteins, is less hydrophobic and deeper in PGRP-S than in PGRP-IalphaC, whose PGRP-specific segments vary considerably in amino acid sequence. By docking a PGN ligand into the PGN-binding cleft of PGRP-S based on the known structure of a PGRP-Ialpha-PGN complex, we identified potential PGN-binding residues in PGRP-S. Differences in PGN-contacting residues and interactions suggest that, although PGRPs may engage PGNs in a similar mode, structural differences exist that likely regulate the affinity and fine specificity of PGN recognition.  相似文献   

Sphingomonas sp. A1 possesses a high molecular weight (HMW) alginate uptake system composed of a novel pit formed on the cell surface and a pit-dependent ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter in the inner membrane. The transportation of HMW alginate from the pit to the ABC transporter is mediated by the periplasmic HMW alginate-binding proteins AlgQ1 and AlgQ2. We determined the crystal structure of AlgQ2 complexed with an alginate tetrasaccharide using an alginate-free (apo) form as a search model and refined it at 1.6-A resolution. One tetrasaccharide was found between the N and C-terminal domains, which are connected by three extended hinge loops. The tetrasaccharide complex took on a closed domain form, in contrast to the open domain form of the apo form. The tetrasaccharide was bound in the cleft between the domains through van der Waals interactions and the formation of hydrogen bonds. Among the four sugar residues, the nonreducing end residue was located at the bottom of the cleft and exhibited the largest number of interactions with the surrounding amino acid residues, suggesting that AlgQ2 mainly recognizes and binds to the nonreducing part of a HMW alginate and delivers the polymer to the ABC transporter through conformational changes (open and closed forms) of the two domains.  相似文献   

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