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害虫治理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大多数昆虫有益或无害于人类,只有少数昆虫造成经济损失而成为害虫。控制害虫的方法很多,利用植物的耐害性和抗虫性、天敌昆虫和病原微生物、昆虫生长调节剂和种间信息物质、植物性杀虫剂和家业技术措施等方法,可以避免化学药剂造成的环境污染和害虫再度猖獗。谋求人类与自然协调共存,走农林害虫自然控制的道路,是明智之举。  相似文献   

Pheromones have recently been suggested for use in insect pest control. We formulate a discrete version of a model with virgin females (or female equivalent of pheromone) in traps, and explore conditions under which this mechanism can eradicate the pest. Our model is density independent, thus when eradication is not possible, the pest increases without bound, in reality density dependent effects limit population growth. Successive refinements incorporating various features, show that delayed mating together with monogamy has a strong influence on the outcome, whereas other aspects of mating behaviour are relatively unimportant. All our models show that when males are in excess control is impossible but when some virgins are left unmated each day the outcome depends on the parameters. As the birth rate or survivorship increase, control by this method becomes more difficult.  相似文献   

菜用短梗五加四种害虫的为害习性及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
短梗五加(Acanthopanax sessiliflorus Seem.)为五加科药膳两用灌木植物,其嫩茎俗称刺拐棒,是传统食用的精品山野菜。对菜用短梗五加的4种主要害虫:五加肖个木虱Triozidus acanthopanaicis Li.、黄刺蛾Cnidocampa flavescens Walker、眼纹疏广蜡蝉Euricania ocellus Walker及大造桥虫Ascotis selenaria Schiffermller & Denis的危害习性进行简要概述,并提出人工除虫、化学防治等综合防治建议。  相似文献   

害虫研究与防治中的生态学尺度   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
尺度已成为生态学上的一个重要概念和研究热点 ,但在害虫防治中尚未引起足够的重视 .本文从生态学尺度概念和等级理论出发 ,分析了不同尺度水平上害虫研究的方法、内容、关键问题及研究成果对害虫防治的意义 .在对害虫发生为害特征、害虫种群动力学原理、农业生态系统结构的演变、害虫防治的社会化、害虫防治技术的发展等因素的分析的基础上 ,指出害虫防治策略在时空尺度上拓展的趋势和必要性 .  相似文献   

Apple is one of the most important fruits in China, and both yield and quality are greatly affected by insect pests. According to surveys, there are more than 200 species of natural enemies in apple orchards. Few, however, have been closely studied. Major natural enemies including parasitoids, predators and pathogens are briefly described in this review, especially focusing on two parasitoids of Trichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura and Aphelinus mali Haldeman, predatory mites and a pathogenic fungus of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin as case studies. Augmentation, one important strategy of biological control, supplements the natural control provided by the existing natural enemy community in apple orchards, and greatly increases their efficiency in controlling pests. Conservation biological control is also widely applied in four major apple-producing areas. Based on habitat manipulation, the ground cover planting system helps regulate the microclimate and enhance the biodiversity of apple orchards, effectively conserving the richness and diversity of beneficial insect species. Certain achievements have been made in the main biological control strategies including successful introduction of some exotic natural enemies such as A. mali and Typhlodromus occidentalis Nesbitt, augmentative production and application of biological control agents such as T. dendrolimi, B. bassiana and Bacillus thuringiensis, and further research in conservation of establishing adaptive ground cover planting patterns to local environment. Challenges, however, still exist. Biological control of insect pests in apple orchards is an important part of integrated pest management programs, requiring more research and application in China.  相似文献   

This paper describes the current state of the biological control of insect pests in litchi orchards in China. Litchi is growing in importance as a fruit in China and the control of litchi stink bug, Tessaratoma papillosa (Drury) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) by the solitary egg endoparasitoid Anastatus japonicus (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) is an example of successful classical biological control. This review will cover the current economic status of litchi production in China, the challenges faced in litchi pest management, and possible solutions. The review will also focus on research activities and experiences drawn from many years of experimentation and field work by researchers in an attempt to promote biological control and reduce insecticide use to produce healthier food and a safer environment. Studies on the biology and ecology of T. papillosa and its egg parasitoid A. japonicas will be summarized. The adult longevity and long oviposition period, in combination with the short life cycle, high fecundity, and resistance to harsh environmental conditions make this parasitoid ideal for biological control. The straightforwardness of mass-rearing and easy access to high quality factitious host eggs have made it possible to control T. papillosa with this parasitoid in litchi orchards over large areas in China. Both pest and parasitoid have been thoroughly studied, and A. japonicus has been used in the field for control since late 1960s. The introduction of techniques for mass-rearing of A. japonicus and the parasitoid’s efficacy in controlling T. papillosa once released will be discussed. Finally, we will address the problems currently facing litchi pest management and the importance of conservation biological control in the development and implementation of integrated pest management (IPM).  相似文献   

Rice is one of the most important food crops in the world. China has the second largest area of the rice growing in the world and the highest yield of rice produced. Infestation by insect pests, especially rice planthoppers, stem borers and leaf folders, is always a serious challenge to rice production in China. Current methods for controlling insect pests in China mainly include good farming practices, biological control, breeding and growing resistant varieties, and the use of chemical insecticides. However, for farmers, the favorite method for insect pest control is still the application of chemical insecticide, which not only causes severe environmental pollution and the resurgence of herbivores but also reduces populations of the natural enemies of herbivores. To control insect pests safely, effectively and sustainably, strategies encouraging biological control are currently demanded. Here we review the progress that has been made in the development and implementation of biological controls for rice in China since the 1970s. Such progress includes the species identification of the natural enemies of rice insect pests, the characterization of their biology, and the integration of biological controls in integrated pest management. To develop effective ecological engineering programs whose aim is to implement conservation biological controls, further research, including the evaluation of the roles of plants in non-crop habitats in conservation biological controls, volatiles in enhancing efficiency of natural enemies and natural enemies in manipulating insect pests, and education to increase farmers’ knowledge of biological controls, is proposed.  相似文献   

枇杷害虫发生与防治技术研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
调查研究结果表明,福建枇杷发生常见害虫约35种。叶部主要害虫有枇杷瘤蛾、苹掌舟蛾,在6-8月份发生为害叶片;果实主要害虫有燕灰蝶、长卷蛾,在3-5月份发生为害果实。研究应用90%万灵WP和10%吡虫灵WP防治低龄瘤蛾幼虫,效果分别为92.61%和90.34%;采用喷5%齐螨素结合套袋(牛皮纸)保果能有效控制果蛀虫的为害,防效为96.5%。  相似文献   

Tea is one of the most economically important crops in China. To secure its production and quality, biological control measures within the context of integrated pest management (IPM) has been widely popularized in China. IMP programs also provide better control of arthropod pests on tea with less chemical insecticide usage and minimal impact on the environment. More than 1100 species of natural enemies including about 80 species of viruses, 40 species of fungi, 240 species of parasitoids and 600 species of predators, as well as several species of bacteria have been recorded in tea ecosystems in China. Biological and ecological characteristics of some dominant natural enemies have been well documented. Several viral, bacterial, and fungal insecticides have been commercially utilized at large scale in China. Progress in biological control methods in conjunction with other pest control approaches for tea insect pest management is reviewed in this article. Knowledge gaps and future directions for tea pest management are also discussed.  相似文献   

Apoptosis has been widely studied from mammals to insects. Inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) protein is a negative regulator of apoptosis. Recent studies suggest that iap genes could be excellent targets for RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated control of insect pests. However, not much is known about iap genes in one of the well-known insect model species, Tribolium castaneum. The orthologues of five iap genes were identified in T. castaneum by searching its genome at NCBI ( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ ) and UniProt ( https://www.uniprot.org/ ) databases using Drosophila melanogaster and Aedes aegypti IAP protein sequences as queries. RNAi assays were performed in T. castaneum cell line (TcA) and larvae. The knockdown of iap1 gene induced a distinct apoptotic phenotype in TcA cells and induced 91% mortality in T. castaneum larvae. Whereas, knockdown of iap5 resulted in a decrease in cell proliferation in TcA cells and developmental defects in T. castaneum larvae which led to 100% mortality. Knockdown of the other three iap genes identified did not cause a significant effect on cells or insects. These data increase our understanding of iap genes in insects and provide opportunities for developing iap1 and iap5 as targets for RNAi-based insect pest control.  相似文献   

中国南方害虫生物防治50周年回顾   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21  
综述了中国南方50年来害虫生物防治的研究与应用概况,特别是大卵(蓖麻蚕卵)繁殖赤眼蜂防治甘蔗螟虫的成功先例,为后来国内应用柞蚕卵繁殖赤眼蜂提供了宝贵经验。应用平腹小蜂防治荔枝蝽,解决了荔枝生产的主要害虫问题;引进澳洲瓢虫、孟氏隐唇瓢虫、松突圆蚧花角蚜小蜂均是我国生物防治成功的例证;以生物防治为主的水稻害虫综合防治研究坚持了20多年,从生产实践和理论方面均取得显著的成绩;在昆虫病原微生物的研究与应用方面,利用苏云金杆菌以色列变种防治蚊虫、松毛虫质多角体病毒的发现和应用、斜纹夜蛾核多角体病毒的分离以及中试和工厂化生产、昆虫病原线虫的大量繁殖与应用,取得了一批有应用价值的成果;在分子生物学研究方面,利用基因重组扩大了病原微生物的毒力与杀虫谱。总结和继承我国乃至世界上最早的以虫治虫(黄蚁防治柑桔害虫)的经验,对促进我国生物防治事业的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

K. Katagiri 《BioControl》1969,14(2):203-214
In Japan, two different serious defoliators were controlled by viruses:Dendrolimus spectabilis using cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus andLymantria fumida using cytoplasmic and nuclear polyhedrosis viruses. For controllingD. spectabilis, good results were obtained when the spraying was done against old larvae of intermediate population density. AgainstL. fumida, a mixed suspension of native nuclear and cytoplasmic polyhedrosis viruses was sprayed at the early stage. The epizootic was initiated earlier than being supposed, and the population collapsed.  相似文献   

Importations of biological control agents for insect pests and weeds in New Zealand are summarized and factors contributing to the relative success of the programmes are examined. The establishment rate of 30.9% is similar to that achieved worldwide, but is significantly lower than the rate achieved in the island habitat of Hawaii. The pioneering role of New Zealand in biological control is shown by the high proportion of programmes first attempted in this country. Although this novelty has not reduced the establishment rate, introductions against endemic species have not succeeded. Size of release was not a dominant feature in the establishment of agents. Complete or substantial success is recorded for 17 of the 70 target pests, with a relatively high success rate in forestry programmes. Examples of the influence of climate matching and competitive exclusion are also discussed. Changing practices and attitudes to the introduction of biological control agents are documented to show the increasing emphasis on specialists. No adverse effects of introductions are reported. The challenge to practitioners and regulators is to develop systems to evaluate conflicts of interest and develop workable mechanisms to determine which biological control agents are suitable for release.  相似文献   

Transferring a brain-computer interface (BCI) from the laboratory environment into real world applications is directly related to the problem of identifying user intentions from brain signals without any additional information in real time. From the perspective of signal processing, the BCI has to have an uncued or asynchronous design. Based on the results of two clinical applications, where 'thought' control of neuroprostheses based on movement imagery in tetraplegic patients with a high spinal cord injury has been established, the general steps from a synchronous or cue-guided BCI to an internally driven asynchronous brain-switch are discussed. The future potential of BCI methods for various control purposes, especially for functional rehabilitation of tetraplegics using neuroprosthetics, is outlined.  相似文献   

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