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槐豆胶与黄原胶的协效性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对槐豆胶与黄原胶的协效性进行了研究,结果表明,槐豆胶和黄原胶有较高的协效性,其最佳配比(重量比)为2:8;当混合液浓度达到0.5%-0.6%时形成凝胶,因此槐豆胶可作为黄原胶的增稠剂和凝胶剂。  相似文献   

半乳甘露聚糖胶的研究生产和应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

改性瓜尔胶的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瓜尔胶是一种天然的半乳甘露聚糖,广泛用于食品、日化、医药等行业.改性瓜尔胶的性能具有较大改善,近年来瓜尔胶的改性研究成为热点.论述了瓜尔胶结构和性质以及改性瓜尔胶的研究进展,为瓜尔胶进一步开发研究提供参考.  相似文献   

半乳甘露聚糖型植物胶的研究进展   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
本文综述了国内外半乳甘露聚糖型植物胶的研究进展,包括半乳甘露聚糖胶的资源分布、生物学特性、理化性质、结构鉴定、分离提取、产品改性、应用及前景展望等。  相似文献   

半乳甘露聚糖植物胶加工是我国70年代中期兴起的新兴产业。本文从我国植物资源发展的角度。重点论证了瓜尔豆(Cyanopsis tetragonoloba(L.)Taubert.)、田菁(Sesbania cannabina(Retz.)Pers.)、胡芦巴(Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)的生产情况,认为胡芦巴适应性强、产量高、易于机械化大面积种植与轮作,并具有改良土壤以及经济效益好等优势。因此,发展半乳甘露聚糖胶资源,大量种植胡芦巴是最好的选择。  相似文献   

胡芦巴胶是我国自主研制开发的新一代半乳甘露聚糖胶.胡芦巴胶性能优良,资源丰富,在半乳甘露聚糖胶的一些应用领域完全可以替代进口瓜尔胶使用.但是近年来在进口瓜尔胶较低价格的形势下,国内胡芦巴胶产业走向发展的低谷.针对目前现状,对胡芦巴胶应用前景和产业发展的制约因素进行了讨论.  相似文献   

半乳甘露聚糖胶物理增粘技术的研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
本文对瓜尔胶、胡芦巴胶、皂荚胶、野皂荚胶、田菁胶的水合增粘工艺进行了研究,并比较了螺杆盘磨式和轧辊刨片式两种增粘机。与原胶相比,增粘胶1%胶液粘度提高了50%,水不溶物含量降低了15%。  相似文献   

半乳甘露聚糖胶物理改性设备的研制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
半乳甘露聚糖胶物理改性设备的研制程卫民徐嘉生(南京野生植物综合利用研究设计所,210042)1概述半乳甘露聚糖胶在工业上具有广泛的用途,可作为流体流损抑制剂和絮凝剂用于石油工业,作为填充剂用于造纸工业以及作为增稠剂和稳定剂用于纺织、食品、化妆品及制药...  相似文献   

食品级槐豆胶的加工工艺及漂白研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要研究了食品级槐豆胶的加工工艺。结果表明:用此工艺加工的槐豆胶纯度高,无臭无味,胶颜色灰白至白色,具有良好的稳定性和增粘性。此工艺对胶的粘度及与黄原胶的协效性影响较小。红外光谱测定表明,用此工艺加工的槐豆胶,其分子结构未发生变化。  相似文献   

烘炒法分离提取半乳甘露聚糖型种子胶   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
种子多糖胶分离提取工艺试验表明,根据种子胚乳坚硬的物理性能,用机械分离方法分离种子胚乳,其多糖胶抽提率大于80%。烘炒法适用于种皮厚而硬一类种子胚乳的分离,正交试验表明烘炒温度对种子多糖胶抽提率和粘度指标影响最大;皂荚胚乳的最优化分离条件是种子在80℃下预热60min,然后在160℃烘炒机中烘炒4min,再进入开片、选片和筛选工序;野皂荚胚乳的分离条件是种子80℃时预热30min,130℃下烘炒3min。  相似文献   

不同产地胡芦巴中两种黄酮甙的含量测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中药胡芦巴系豆科 (Leguminosae)植物胡芦巴 (Trigonellafoenum graecumL .)的种子。胡芦巴在我国有久远的应用历史 ,主产于河南、安徽、四川等省[1,2 ] ,除药用外 ,也是重要的香精香料和食用经济作物。胡芦巴主含皂甙类成分 ,另外 ,还含有  相似文献   

A focused microwave-assisted extraction method was developed for the extraction of diosgenin from fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) seeds, air-dried and fresh leaves and air-dried roots. Several experimental parameters were studied, including extraction time, microwave power applied and percentage of 2-propanol in the extraction mixture as well as their interactions, in order to optimize the extraction efficiency. The two latter parameters were found to be the most important. Response surface modelling was used to predict the extraction yield of diosgenin in selected matrices. The analysis of diosgenin in crude extracts was carried out by capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS).  相似文献   

The rheological behaviour of liquid two phase gelatin–locust bean gum (LBG) systems, comprising of (a) liquid LBG enriched continuous phase, and (b) flow-deformable gelatin-enriched dispersed particles seems to be determined, at the same phase composition, by phase viscosity ratio (μ). In the μ range from 0.03 to 0.21, viscosity dropped to values noticeably lower (13–40 times) than those of the corresponding LBG solution. Decrease in the viscosity of the mixtures was not observed at μ=0.5–0.6, corresponding that to the maximum energy scatter inside the droplets, in agreement with Mason’s conception of droplet deformation and disruption of liquid Newtonian emulsions.  相似文献   

Changes in total nitrogen, soluble amino nitrogen, lipid and phytate contents, and in the activities of proteinase (pH 7.0), isocitrate lyase and phytase were followed in the endosperm, cotyledons, and axis during germination of fenugreek seeds and subsequent growth of the seedlings. The endosperm is comprised largely of cell-wall galactomannans: the majority of the seed total nitrogen, lipid and phytate (5%, 8%, 0.44% of seed dry weight respectively) is localised within the cotyledons as stored reserves. Germination is completed after 10–14 h from the start of imbibition, but the major reserves are not mobilised during the first 24 h. Then the total nitrogen content of the cotyledons starts to decrease and that of the axis increases; there is a concomitant accumulation of soluble amino nitrogen in both cotyledons and axis. An increase in proteinase activity in the cotyledons correlates well with the depletion of total nitrogen therein. Depletion of lipid and phytate reserves in the different seed tissues constitutes a late event, occurring after 50 h from the start of imbibition, and is coincident with the final disintegration of the endosperm tissue. The depletion of phytate and stored lipids is accompanied by an increase in phytase and isocitrate lyase activity. It appears that the products of lipid hydrolysis are converted by gluconeogenesis to serve as the major source of sugars for the growing axis after the endosperm galactomannan has been completely mobilised.  相似文献   

Trigonella foenum-graecum belongs to the family Fabaceae and is indigenous to countries that lie on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea and is also cultivated in India, Egypt and Africa. This study provides the evidence indicating the therapeutic effect of the extract prepared from the dried seeds of Trigonella foenum-graecum on an animal model of hepatotoxicity and on cell proliferation. Rats were induced liver cirrhosis by thioacetamide (0.03% in water for 16 weeks). Transmission electron microscopy of the liver tissue was done to evaluate liver cirrhosis. The herbal extract was administered orally for 3 weeks after induction and biochemical estimations were done. After the administration of extract the oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation were reversed. The elevated levels of alkaline phosphatase, γ-glutamyl transferase and selected biochemical markers of liver cirrhosis including drug metabolizing enzymes were also reversed. The study has implications in finding a treatment for liver cirrhosis by a natural herbal drug with no side effects.  相似文献   

为减少威兰胶生产过程中的废水排放量,针对威兰胶生产中废水形成的主要环节,对乙醇蒸馏母液的循环利用工艺进行初步研究。在分析乙醇蒸馏母液主要成分的基础上,对比威兰胶发酵过程的物质耗用量,以蒸馏母液作为配制培养基用水,确定威兰胶循环发酵培养基的组成,构建威兰胶生产废液循环利用的闭路工艺,达到清洁生产的目的。研究表明,与常规威兰胶发酵相比,采用闭路循环发酵工艺可节省30%KH2PO4及60%MgSO4·7H2O用量,同时产品质量浓度维持在16.8g/L左右,其黏度及流态特性指数n值分别维持在5.1 Pa·s和0.275左右。  相似文献   


Nine right-handed normal subjects were recruited for this study. We compared the cortical activation during execution of hand movements (right finger flexion–extension) with that during execution of hand movements while chewing gum (right side chewing). We found that execution of hand movements while chewing gum induced less activation in the contralateral SM1 than hand movements alone. Based on our findings, it appears chewing gum during execution of hand movements enhanced the efficiency of hand movements.  相似文献   

This experiment assessed the biochemical changes in fenugreek plants exposed to gamma radiation. Two pot experiments were carried out during two growing seasons of 2015 and 2016. Seeds were subjected to five doses of gamma irradiation (25, 50, 100, 200 and 400?Gy) and were immediately planted into soil pots in a greenhouse. The experimental analysis was performed in M1 and M2 generations. Significant differences between irradiated and control plants were detected for most studied characters in M1 and M2 generations. It was demonstrated that low doses of gamma irradiation led to gradually increases in growth, yield characters, leaf soluble protein concomitantly with increases in the contents of phenolic and flavonoids compounds particularly at 100?Gy. These changes were accompanied by a substantial increase in ascorbic acid, α-tocopherol and retinol contents. Proline content was increased under all doses of gamma rays in M1 generation and the highest amount of proline was obtained at 200?Gy with visible decrease in M2 generation under the same dose. Meanwhile, the highest dose of gamma radiation (400?Gy) decreased all the studied parameters in both mutagenic generations as compared with control plants. In addition, gamma irradiation doses induced changes in DNA profile on using five primers and caused the appearance and disappearance of DNA polymorphic bands with variation in their intensity. These findings confirm the effectiveness of relatively low doses of gamma rays on improving the physiological and biochemical criteria of fenugreek plants.  相似文献   

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