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Manipulating the mouse genome: implications for neurobiology   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
J Rossant 《Neuron》1990,4(3):323-334

The forelimb joints of terrestrial primate quadrupeds appear better able to resist mediolateral (ML) shear forces than those of arboreal quadrupedal monkeys. These differences in forelimb morphology have been used extensively to infer locomotor behavior in extinct primate quadrupeds. However, the nature of ML substrate reaction forces (SRF) during arboreal and terrestrial quadrupedalism in primates is not known. This study documents ML-SRF magnitude and orientation and forelimb joint angles in six quadrupedal anthropoid species walking across a force platform attached to terrestrial (wooden runway) and arboreal supports (raised horizontal poles). On the ground all subjects applied a lateral force in more than 50% of the steps collected. On horizontal poles, in contrast, all subjects applied a medially directed force to the substrate in more than 75% of the steps collected. In addition, all subjects on arboreal supports combined a lower magnitude peak ML-SRF with a change in the timing of the ML-SRF peak force. As a result, during quadrupedalism on the poles the overall SRF resultant was relatively lower than it was on the runway. Most subjects in this study adduct their humerus while on the poles. The kinetic and kinematic variables combine to minimize the tendency to collapse or translate forelimbs joints in an ML plane in primarily arboreal quadrupedal primates compared to primarily terrestrial quadrupedal ones. These data allow for a more complete understanding of the anatomy of the forelimb in terrestrial vs. arboreal quadrupedal primates. A better understanding of the mechanical basis of morphological differences allows greater confidence in inferences concerning the locomotion of extinct primate quadrupeds.  相似文献   

West African Diana monkeys (Cercopithecus diana) and Campbell's monkeys (Cercopithecus campbelli) frequently form mixed-species associations. Males of both species produce acoustically distinct alarm calls to crowned eagles (Stephanoaetus coronalus) and leopards (Panthera pardus), two of their main predators. Field playback experiments were conducted to investigate whether Diana monkeys respond to Campbell's alarm calls and whether they understand the calls' semantic content. Diana monkeys responded to playback of Campbell's leopard or eagle alarm calls as though the original predator were present. In a second experiment, Diana monkeys were primed with either Campbell's eagle or leopard alarm calls and then subsequently probed with the vocalizations of a crowned eagle or a leopard. Results showed that monkeys used the semantic information conveyed by the Campbell's alarm calls to predict the presence of a predator. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that non-human primates are able to use acoustic signals of diverse origin as labels for underlying mental representations.  相似文献   

The genes involved in olfactory communication in mammals via the vomeronasal system are summarized, and studies investigating these genes in primates are reviewed. Only five potentially functional vomeronasal receptor genes (V1RL s) have been found in humans, and only one of these (V1RL1) has been studied in other primates. V1RL1 has become a pseudogene repeatedly during primate evolution, but patterns of natural selection on primate V1RL genes demonstrate that this gene family diverged under natural selection throughout at least part of primate evolution. Evolution of the TRP2 gene, which encodes for an ion channel that is important in vomeronasal organ (VNO) signalling, strongly suggests that this signalling function was lost in ancestral Catarrhines. Overall, much work remains to be done to elucidate the repertoire of genes that are involved in pheromonal communication, particularly in Strepsirhines. Such studies promise unique insights into the evolution of this modality.  相似文献   

It is well established that allogrooming, which evolved for a hygienic function, has acquired an important derived social function in many primates. In particular, it has been postulated that grooming may play an essential role in group cohesion and that human language, as verbal grooming or gossip, evolved to maintain group cohesion in the hominin lineage with its unusually large group sizes. Here, we examine this group cohesion hypothesis and test it against the alternative grooming-need hypothesis which posits that rates of grooming are higher in species where grooming need (i.e. the motivation to groom for hygiene and its associated psychological reward) is more pronounced. This alternative predicts that the derived social function of grooming evolved mostly in those lineages that had the highest exposure to ectoparasites and dirt, i.e. terrestrial species. A detailed comparative analysis of 74 species of wild primates, controlling for phylogenetic non-independence, showed that terrestriality was a highly significant predictor of allogrooming time, consistent with the prediction. The predictions of the group cohesion hypothesis were not supported, however. Group size did not predict grooming time across primates, nor did it do so in separate intra-population analyses in 17 species. Thus, there is no comparative support for the group-cohesion function of allogrooming, which questions the role of grooming in the evolution of human language.  相似文献   

Photoperiodism in humans and other primates: evidence and implications   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Most of the anatomical and molecular substrates of the system that encodes changes in photoperiod in the duration of melatonin secretion, and the receptor molecules that read this signal, have been shown to be conserved in monkeys and humans, and the functions of this system appear to be intact from the level of the retina to the level of the melatonin-duration signal of change of season. While photoperiodic seasonal breeding has been shown to occur in monkeys, it remains unclear whether photoperiod and mediation of photoperiod's effects by melatonin influence human reproduction. Epidemiological evidence suggests that inhibition of fertility by heat in men in summer contributes to seasonal variation in human reproduction at lower latitudes and that stimulation of fertility by lengthening of the photoperiod in spring contributes to the variation at higher latitudes. Parallels between the seasonality of human reproduction and seasonal affective disorder suggest that they may be governed by common biological processes. Historical and experimental evidence indicates that human responses to seasonal changes in the natural photoperiod may have been more robust prior to the Industrial Revolution and that subsequently they have been increasingly suppressed by alterations of the physical environment.  相似文献   

声音通讯是非人灵长类研究一个重要的研究领域,有助于了解非人灵长类的社会行为、个体关系、行为进化和社会演化等,甚至对探究人类语言起源和进化等方面也具有十分重要的意义。本文通过对非人灵长类声音通讯的研究内容、影响因素和研究方法等进行了梳理,探讨非人灵长类声音通讯研究的前景和展望,旨在进一步推动国内非人灵长类声音通讯研究的深入,同时为相关研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

In order to identify the conditions that favored the flourishing of primate tool use into hominid technology, we examine inter- and intraspecific variation in manufacture and use of tools in extant nonhuman primates, and develop a model to account for their distribution. We focus on tools used in acquiring food, usually by extraction. Any model for the evolution of the use of feeding tools must explain why tool use is found in only a small subset of primate species, why many of these species use tools much more readily in captivity, why routine reliance on feeding tools is found in only two species of ape, and why there is strong geographic variation within these two species. Because ecological factors alone cannot explain the distribution of tool use in the wild, we develop a model that focuses on social and cognitive factors affecting the invention and transmission of tool-using skills. The model posits that tool use in the wild depends on suitable ecological niches (especially extractive foraging) and the manipulative skills that go with them, a measure of intelligence that enables rapid acquisition of complex skills (through both invention and, more importantly, observational learning), and social tolerance in a gregarious setting (which facilitates both invention and transmission). The manipulative skills component explains the distribution across species of the use of feeding tools, intelligence explains why in the wild only apes are known to make and use feeding tools routinely, and social tolerance explains variation across populations of chimpanzees and orangutans. We conclude that strong mutual tolerance was a key factor in the explosive increase in technology among hominids, probably intricately tied to a lifestyle involving food sharing and tool-based processing or the acquisition of large, shareable food packages.  相似文献   

Understanding the rules that link communication and social behaviour is an essential prerequisite for discerning how a communication system as complex as human language might have evolved. The comparative method offers a powerful tool for investigating the nature of these rules, since it provides a means to examine relationships between changes in communication abilities and changes in key aspects of social behaviour over evolutionary time. Here we present empirical evidence from phylogenetically controlled analyses indicating that evolutionary increases in the size of the vocal repertoire among non-human primate species were associated with increases in both group size and time spent grooming (our measure of extent of social bonding).  相似文献   

Protein is essential for living organisms, but digestibility of crude protein is poorly understood and difficult to predict. Nitrogen is used to estimate protein content because nitrogen is a component of the amino acids that comprise protein, but a substantial portion of the nitrogen in plants may be bound to fiber in an indigestible form. To estimate the amount of crude protein that is unavailable in the diets of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei) in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda, foods routinely eaten were analyzed to determine the amount of nitrogen bound to the acid-detergent fiber residue. The amount of fiber-bound nitrogen varied among plant parts: herbaceous leaves 14.5+/-8.9% (reported as a percentage of crude protein on a dry matter (DM) basis), tree leaves (16.1+/-6.7% DM), pith/herbaceous peel (26.2+/-8.9% DM), fruit (34.7+/-17.8% DM), bark (43.8+/-15.6% DM), and decaying wood (85.2+/-14.6% DM). When crude protein and available protein intake of adult gorillas was estimated over a year, 15.1% of the dietary crude protein was indigestible. These results indicate that the proportion of fiber-bound protein in primate diets should be considered when estimating protein intake, food selection, and food/habitat quality.  相似文献   

An outbreak of tuberculosis in non-human primates was successfully contained in the isolation area of Dublin Zoo. A Mayotte lemur, a lion-tailed macaque, a Patas monkey and a Siamang gibbon developed tuberculosis, and Mycobacterium bovis was isolated from all but the lemur, from which lesions were not cultured. Procedures for the prevention of tuberculosis in primate collections and for the management of outbreaks are discussed. The need for typing of the isolated pathogen is emphasized.  相似文献   

Inspired by the demonstration that tool-use variants among wild chimpanzees and orangutans qualify as traditions (or cultures), we developed a formal model to predict the incidence of these acquired specializations among wild primates and to examine the evolution of their underlying abilities. We assumed that the acquisition of the skill by an individual in a social unit is crucially controlled by three main factors, namely probability of innovation, probability of socially biased learning, and the prevailing social conditions (sociability, or number of potential experts at close proximity). The model reconfirms the restriction of customary tool use in wild primates to the most intelligent radiation, great apes; the greater incidence of tool use in more sociable populations of orangutans and chimpanzees; and tendencies toward tool manufacture among the most sociable monkeys. However, it also indicates that sociable gregariousness is far more likely to produce the maintenance of invented skills in a population than solitary life, where the mother is the only accessible expert. We therefore used the model to explore the evolution of the three key parameters. The most likely evolutionary scenario is that where complex skills contribute to fitness, sociability and/or the capacity for socially biased learning increase, whereas innovative abilities (i.e., intelligence) follow indirectly. We suggest that the evolution of high intelligence will often be a byproduct of selection on abilities for socially biased learning that are needed to acquire important skills, and hence that high intelligence should be most common in sociable rather than solitary organisms. Evidence for increased sociability during hominin evolution is consistent with this new hypothesis.  相似文献   

Body size may be an important factor influencing the evolution of facial expression in anthropoid primates due to allometric constraints on the perception of facial movements. Given this hypothesis, I tested the prediction that observed facial mobility is positively correlated with body size in a comparative sample of nonhuman anthropoids. Facial mobility, or the variety of facial movements a species can produce, was estimated using a novel application of the Facial Action Coding System (FACS). I used FACS to estimate facial mobility in 12 nonhuman anthropoid species, based on video recordings of facial activity in zoo animals. Body mass data were taken from the literature. I used phylogenetic generalized least squares (PGLS) to perform a multiple regression analysis with facial mobility as the dependent variable and two independent variables: log body mass and dummy-coded infraorder. Together, body mass and infraorder explain 92% of the variance in facial mobility. However, the partial effect of body mass is much stronger than for infraorder. The results of my study suggest that allometry is an important constraint on the evolution of facial mobility, which may limit the complexity of facial expression in smaller species. More work is needed to clarify the perceptual bases of this allometric pattern.  相似文献   

The production and reception of biologically significant sounds was examined in Neoconocephalus robustus males and females in order to better understand their mechanisms of communication. Wave form and spectral analyses were made on the stridulatory signal by using a computer-based digital signal processing system, MITSYN. The results revealed a narrow band of carrier frequencies with a peak energy level at 8 kHz, which derives mainly from the rate of scraper-file contact on the wings. The call signal remains unmodulated in frequency and amplitude, and uninterrupted for periods of up to 28 min. The sound pressure level of the call signal ranges from 104 to 121 dB at 1 to 10 cm. Estimates of the amount of metabolic energy expended during stridulation suggest that N. robustus males are highly efficient organisms which are capable of converting a significant portion of this energy to sound power. Auditory sensitivity of male and females was studied by electro-physiological recordings from the tympanic nerves and cervical connectives anterior to the prothoracic ganglion. The results revealed a high frequency audiogram, showing greatest sensitivity in the range of the carrier band and heighten sensitivity from about 6 to 25 kHz.  相似文献   

Aging is characterized by a functional decline in most physiological processes, including alterations in cellular metabolism and defense mechanisms. Increasing evidence suggests that caloric restriction extends longevity and retards age-related diseases at least in part by reducing metabolic rate and oxidative stress in a variety of species, including yeast, worms, flies, and mice. Moreover, recent studies in invertebrates – worms and flies, highlight the intricate interrelation between reproductive longevity and somatic aging (known as disposable soma theory of aging), which appears to be conserved in vertebrates. This review is specifically focused on how the reproductive system modulates somatic aging and vice versa in genetic model systems. Since many signaling pathways governing the aging process are evolutionarily conserved, similar mechanisms may be involved in controlling soma and reproductive aging in vertebrates.  相似文献   

1. Serum dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH) activity is one to two orders of magnitude higher in man than in any other species previously studied. The high levels of human serum DBH are associated with the inherited allele DBHH. 2. DBH activity was measured in serum from gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, gibbons, rhesus monkeys and squirrel monkeys in an attempt to determine how recently in the course of evolution the allele DBHH had originated. 3. Of the non-human primates tested, only gorillas had high levels of serum DBH activity comparable to those found in man. 4. The genetic polymorphism responsible for evaluated serum DBH in man is probably of very recent evolutionary origin.  相似文献   

A study of 246 adult nonhuman primates belonging to 34 genera indicates that a popliteal sesamoid bone is always present in the tendon of the popliteus muscle in Prosimii and Callitrichidae. The bone occurs only variably in Atelidae and Pongo, and is usually absent in Gorilla. The bone is absent, or very rare, in Cebus, Cercopithecidae, Hylobatidae, Pan, and humans. When the bone is present, it articulates with the posterior part of the articular surface of the lateral condyle of the tibia, and lies very close to the head of the fibula, at the angulated part of the popliteal tendon, near the tendomuscular junction. The presence of the popliteal sesamoid bone in primates is a primitive character.  相似文献   

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