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花生是我国重要的油料和经济作物。花生产业的发展对我国国民经济具有重要战略意义。随着分子生物学的发展,植物基因工程和功能基因组学的先进技术将有效推动花生种质创新和科技进步。分析了现有的花生EST数据,结合其他作物功能基因组学的最新研究进展,深入探讨了花生EST数据资源在基因克隆、分子标记开发及表达谱研究等方面的利用价值,并在分析花生EST数据库特点的基础上,展望了新一代测序技术在花生中的应用前景。为更好的利用花生EST数据库提供参考。  相似文献   

基因克隆技术的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为能快速而准确地克隆目的基因,综述了一些基因克隆常用技术,包括差异表达基因分离技术、转座子标签技术、图位克隆技术、同源序列技术、表达序列标签技术的原理、应用及应用潜力,并对其作了简要的评价.这些技术有利有弊,应根据不同的实验目的和水平来选择相应的技术.  相似文献   

田芳  陈主初 《生命科学》2000,12(2):72-75
如何更多更快地克隆肿瘤基因,探索肿瘤发病机制是研究工作者努力的方向。利用人类基因组研究的现存数据,从EST即cDNA的部分序列入手,通过同源筛选,直接搜寻新基因不失为一种在“基因抢夺战”中获胜的捷径。本文通过实例综述了怎样动用生物信息资源进行EST筛选及其新基因克隆的策略。  相似文献   

基因克隆的策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈岩  吴冠芸 《生命科学》1995,7(4):15-17
基因克隆的策略沈岩,吴冠芸(中国医学科学院基础医学研究所医学分子生物学国家重点实验室北京100005)前言从孟德尔发现生物遗传性状由细胞物质控制,至今已有一百多年了。现在我们都知道控制生物遗传性状的基本单位是基因。最近20年来,随着DNA重组体技术的...  相似文献   

充分利用EST数据库资源   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
表达序列标签(EST)数据库作为一种重要的基因组数据库,已成为新基因的发现、基因表达及重组蛋白表达等研究的有力分子生物学工具.介绍了如何充分利用EST数据库.  相似文献   

EST(expressed sequence tags)是指从cDNA文库中随机挑取克隆并对其3′或5′端进行单轮自动测序所获得的短cDNA库列,一般长度为150~500 bp.EST作为一种快捷、高效的揭示基因组信息的方法,为寻找新基因、绘制遗传图谱、研究基因差异表达和比较基因组学及DNA芯片的制备等提供了大量的序列信息.总结了EST标记开发存在的一些问题及解决方法和主要EST标记(EST-SSR、EST-SNP、EST-RFLP、EST-AFLP)的开发策略.  相似文献   

绍鸭卵巢卵泡发育相关新EST的分离与表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
束刚  陈杰  倪迎冬  周玉传  赵茹茜 《遗传学报》2004,31(10):1095-1102
采用银染mRNA差异显示方法从绍鸭卵巢等级卵泡中分离并筛选到 3个差异表达序列标签 (ExpressedSequenceTags ,ESTs)SXDF0 2 0 1(2 71bp)、SXDF0 2 0 2 (2 0 0bp)和SXDF0 2 0 3(173bp) ,通过测序和BLAST检索 ,发现SXDF0 2 0 1与GenBank中登录的所有物种的所有序列均无同源性 ,是在绍鸭卵巢卵泡发现的新EST ,现已登录GenBank(GenBank登录号 :CB0 72 6 2 9) ,而SXDF0 2 0 2和SXDF0 2 0 3则分别与GenBank公布的鸡的EST和肌胃肌球蛋白重链高度同源。用 5′ RACE将SXDF0 2 0 1延伸至 5 4 4bp ,经过BLAST再次检索 ,仍然未发现中度同源序列采用相对定量RT PCR方法进一步研究SXDF0 2 0 1和SXDF0 2 0 2在绍鸭组织中的时空特异性表达 ,发现这两个EST在产蛋高峰期绍兴鸭的下丘脑、垂体、肌肉、肝脏、脂肪等组织都有表达 ;SXDF0 2 0 1在 30日龄卵巢的表达水平显著高于 6 0 (P <0 0 5 )和 90 (P =0 0 15 )日龄 ;而SXDF0 2 0 2在卵巢发育的不同阶段的表达水平没有变化 ;SXDF0 2 0 1在卵巢卵泡颗粒层中的表达总体高于膜层 ,SXDF0 2 0 2在颗粒层中的表达F3 >F5>Fw(P <0 0 1) ,而在F1卵泡降至最低 (P <0 0 1) ,膜层中以Fw 卵泡表达水平最高 (P <0 0 1)。  相似文献   

随着基因定位(连锁图谱、物理图谱、转录图谱)和DNA测序及生物信息技术的迅猛发展,EST已成为人类寻找新的未知基因以及克隆不同时空差异表达基因和疾病相关基因的重要标志物。随着EST数据库的进一步完善,网上克隆和定位候选克隆策略将成为克隆新基因的主要方法,并在虚拟的网上空间将模型生物基因组的研究成果成功地应用于人类基因组的研究中。  相似文献   

白粉病是我国小麦的主要病害之一.尝试用表达序列标签(expressed sequence tags, EST)技术,研究了经白粉病菌诱导后的小麦基因表达.从构建的普通cDNA文库中随机挑取约1 500个阳性克隆并进行测序, 获不重复ESTs序列387条.不重复序列均获GenBank的存储号.其中49.4%的序列与已知基因同源,196条序列功能未知, 84条序列为新ESTs.将不重复序列制备成高密度点阵膜,用差示杂交法筛选到几个抗病相关序列.  相似文献   

采用HSV 1-2 TK和人IL-1β特异性引物分别对鹿肝组织cDNA文库及鹿血cDNA进行PCR扩增,得到的特异性cDNA片段分别连入TA克隆载体测序,得到三个EST,输入GeneBank,Swissprot dbEST等数据库中进行同源比较分析,同源分析表明,获得双阳梅花鹿三个基因EST,EST-1为梅花鹿α2-抗纤溶酶同源基因EST,EST-2为梅花鹿水通道蛋白同源基因EST,EST-3为鹿血未知基因EST,并含有一个267个碱基编码88个氨基酸的开放读码框架。  相似文献   

San HY  Zhou YG 《生理科学进展》2001,32(2):180-184
目  录一、定位克隆 ( positionalcloning)策略  (一 )家系连锁分析法  (二 )等位基因共占法  (三 )人群相关分析法  (四 )cDNA筛选二、消减杂交 (subtractivehybridization)策略  (一 )消减杂交法和抑制性消减杂交法  (二 )差示反转录PCR法和差异消减显示法  (三 )代表性差异分析法和S1核酸酶介导的缺失基因探针富集法  (四 )基因组错配扫描法  (五 )比较基因组杂交法  (六 )DNA微陈列杂交系统三、两类策略的联系基因组全序列测定可望提前完成 ,而以功能鉴定为核心的功能…  相似文献   

Strategies for mapping and cloning quantitative trait genes in rodents   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Over the past 15 years, more than 2,000 quantitative trait loci (QTLs) have been identified in crosses between inbred strains of mice and rats, but less than 1% have been characterized at a molecular level. However, new resources, such as chromosome substitution strains and the proposed Collaborative Cross, together with new analytical tools, including probabilistic ancestral haplotype reconstruction in outbred mice, Yin-Yang crosses and in silico analysis of sequence variants in many inbred strains, could make QTL cloning tractable. We review the potential of these strategies to identify genes that underlie QTLs in rodents.  相似文献   

We have developed a method for fast and efficient isolation of enzyme genes from filamentous fungi by combining the ability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to express heterologous genes with the utilisation of sensitive and reliable enzyme assays. A cDNA library from the fungus Humicola insolens was constructed in a S. cerevisiae/Escherichia coli shuttle vector in E. coli. Sub-pools of the library were subsequently screened for enzyme activity in S. cerevisiae. More than 130 clones were identified as positive in either an endo--glucanase or an endo-xylanase assay. Based on a partial characterization of the DNA sequence of the individual clones, they could be grouped into five distinct types of endo--glucanases and three types of endo-xylanases. A representative cDNA from each type was sub-cloned in an Aspergillus vector and expressed in A. oryzae. The new cloning method may be an important alternative to traditional cloning methods based on amino acid sequence information.  相似文献   

Progress in the understanding of early mammalian embryo development has been severely hampered by scarcity of study materials. To circumvent such a constraint, we have developed a strategy that involves a combination of in silico mining of new genes from expressed sequence tags (EST) databases and rapid determination of expression profiles of the dbEST-derived genes using a PCR-based assay and a panel of cDNA libraries derived from different developmental stages and somatic tissues. We demonstrate that in a random sample of 49 independent dbEST-derived zinc finger protein genes mined from a mouse embryonic 2-cell cDNA library, more than three-quarters of these genes are novel. Examination of characteristics of the human orthologues derived from these mouse genes reveals that many of them are associated with human malignancies. Expression studies have further led to the identification of three novel genes that are exclusively expressed in mouse embryos before or up to the 8-cell stage. Two of the genes, designated 2czf45 and 2czf48 (2czf for 2-cell zinc finger), are zinc finger protein genes coding for a RBCC protein with a RFP domain and a protein with three C2H2 fingers, respectively. The third gene, designated 2cpoz56, codes for a protein with a POZ domain that is often associated with zinc finger proteins. These three genes are candidate genes for regulatory or other functions in early embryogenesis. The strategy described in this report should generally be applicable to rapid and large-scale mining of other classes of rare genes involved in other biological and pathological processes. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 59:249-255, 2001.  相似文献   

利用表达序列标签电子克隆cDNA全序列的策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基因组计划的进展及表达序列标签数据的迅速扩增使得电子克隆方法孕育而生,为进行基因克隆开辟了一条新的路径。介绍了表达序列标签和电子克隆的原理及过程,重点分析电子克隆过程中遇到的问题及解决方法,展望其在新基因功能研究中的作用。  相似文献   

We isolated the genes of two small GTP-binding proteins of the rab family from a human melanocyte cDNA library and from melanoma cells. One gene, rab30 codes for a novel rab protein of 203 amino acids with minimal homology to previously documented GTPases. The other, rab22b, appears to be an isoform of the human homologue of canine rab22. Both rab mRNAs displayed a nearly ubiquitous pattern of expression in the various tissues examined. Rab22b and rab30 were mapped to chromosomes 18 and 11, respectively.  相似文献   

Diffuse panbronchiolitis (DPB) is a rare complex genetic disease affecting East Asians and is strongly associated with the class I human leukocyte antigens (HLA)-B54 in Japanese and HLA-A11 in Koreans. We recently showed that an HLA-associated major susceptibility gene for DPB is probably located within the 200?kb in the class I region 300?kb telomeric of the HLA-B locus on the chromosome 6p21.3. We cloned two novel mucin-like genes designated panbronchiolitis related mucin-like 1 and 2 (PBMUCL1 and PBMUCL2) in the candidate region, which form a mucin-like gene cluster together with two adjacent genes, MUC21 and DPCR1. PBMUCL1 gene expression was remarkably upregulated by polyinosine-polycytidylic acid [poly(I:C)] stimulation in normal human bronchial epithelial cells redifferentiated at the air-liquid interface. We found genetic polymorphisms in PBMUCL1 gene which were associated with DPB: the A-allele of the PBMUCL1 intron 2 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) was positively associated and variable numbers of tandem repeats (VNTR) polymorphism in exon 3 (1,890-base pair deletion) was negatively associated. Despite a strong association with HLA-B in the Japanese, the mucin-like gene PBMUCL1 is also one of the candidate genes of DPB susceptibility.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify a novel 1,4-beta-xylanase gene from the mixed genome DNA of human fecal bacteria without bacterial cultivation. Total DNA was isolated from a population of bacteria extracted from fecal microbiota. Using PCR, the gene fragments encoding 5 different family 10 xylanases (xyn10A, xyn10B, xyn10C, xyn10D, and xyn10E) were found. Amino acid sequences deduced from these genes were highly homologous with those of xylanases from anaerobic intestinal bacteria such as Bacteroides spp. and Prevotella spp. Self-organizing map (SOM) analysis revealed that xynA10 was classified into Bacteroidetes. To confirm that one of these genes encodes an active enzyme, a full-length xyn10A gene was obtained using nested primers specific to the internal fragments and random primers. The xyn10A gene encoding the xylanase Xyn10A consists of 1146 bp and encodes a protein of 382 amino acids and a molecular weight of 43,552. Xyn10A was a single module novel xylanase. Xyn10A was purified from a recombinant Escherichia coli strain and characterized. This enzyme was optimally active at 40 degrees C and stable up to 50 degrees C at pH 6.5 and over the pH range 4.0-11.0 at 25 degrees C. In addition, 2 ORFs (ORF1 and ORF2) were identified upstream of xyn10A. These results suggested that many unidentified xylanolytic bacteria exist in the human gut and may contribute to the breakdown of xylan which contains dietary fiber.  相似文献   

Using RT-PCR and rapid amplification of cDNA ends, two new full-length cDNAs of SAD (TaSAD1 and TaSAD2) were obtained from a hardiest winter wheat cultivar (Mironovskaya808). Sequence comparison analysis showed that the deduced amino acid sequences of TaSAD1 and TaSAD2 had high similarity to those of other reported SAD proteins. They were also different each other by some substitutions, insertions and/or deletions involving single amino acid residues or motifs. Based on evolution analysis, it was clear that all SAD genes from Poaceae were closer than those from other genus such as Arabidopsis, Glycine, Triadica, Brassica, Sesamum and Bassia. All SAD genes clustered into two major groups in Poaceae. Meanwhile, TaSAD1 and TaSAD2 were clustered into different groups. The tertiary structure prediction indicated that both TaSAD1 and TaSAD2 proteins were a compact globular protein and their model structures almost were the same.  相似文献   

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