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A key aspect of equitable management of the world’s fishery resources is the provision of traditional fishing access for Indigenous peoples. In Australia, increased recognition of the importance of fisheries to Indigenous culture and livelihoods over recent years has created a need for information on the species targeted to support policy and management. In the State of New South Wales (NSW), research on Indigenous fisheries catch composition is limited to two major studies. Here, we compare and combine data on Indigenous catch composition from these two studies to produce a comprehensive synthesis of current knowledge of Indigenous fisheries in NSW. The species harvested include more than 150 species of finfish and invertebrates, over 90 % of which are also harvested by commercial and recreational fishers. Our findings provide an empirical basis for future development of policy and management initiatives to meet the needs of Indigenous fishers and other stakeholders, as well as the principles of sustainable fisheries harvest.  相似文献   

Marine recreational fishing is a popular outdoor activity. However, knowledge about the magnitude of recreational catches relative to commercial catches in coastal fisheries is generally sparse. Coastal Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is a target species for recreational fishers in the North Atlantic. In Norway, recreational fishers are allowed to use a variety of traps and nets as well as long-line and rod and line when fishing for cod. From 2005 to 2013, 9729 cod (mean size: 40 cm, range: 15–93 cm) were tagged and released in coastal Skagerrak, southeast Norway. Both high-reward (NOK 500) and low-reward tags (NOK 50) were used in this study. Because some harvested fish (even those posting high-reward tags) may go unreported by fishers, reporting rates were estimated from mark-recovery models that incorporate detection parameters in their structure, in addition to survival and mortality estimates. During 2005 to 2013, a total of 1707 tagged cod were recovered and reported by fishers. We estimate the overall annual survival to be 33% (SE 1.5). Recreational rod and line fishing were responsible for 33.7% (SE 2.4) of total mortality, followed by commercial fisheries (15.1% SE 0.8) and recreational fixed gear (6.8% SE 0.4). Natural mortality was 44.4% (SE 2.5) of total mortality. Our findings suggest that recreational fishing—rod and line fishing in particular—is responsible for a substantial part of fishing mortality exerted on coastal cod in southern Norway.  相似文献   

Accurate information on total catch and effort is essential for successful fisheries management. Officially reported landings, however, may be underestimates of total catch in many fisheries. We investigated the fishery for the nationally red-listed European lobster (Homarus gammarus) in south-eastern Norway. Probability-based strip transect surveys were used to count buoys in the study area in combination with catch per unit effort data obtained independently from volunteer catch diaries, phone interviews, and questionnaires. We estimate that recreational catch accounts for 65% of total catch in the study area. Moreover, our results indicate that only a small proportion (24%) of lobsters landed commercially were sold through the legal market and documented. Total estimated lobster catch was nearly 14 times higher than reported officially. Our study highlights the need for adequate catch monitoring and data collection efforts in coastal areas, presents a clear warning to resource managers that illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fisheries in coastal areas should not be ignored, and shows the potential impact of recreational fisheries.  相似文献   

Can the abundance of fish populations be effectively determined by the collection of scientific research with support from recreational fishers? Collecting and analysing fishing data from recreational fishers to aid management are not new; however, engaging fishers in a scientific survey design to produce specific population estimates is rarely undertaken. We engaged recreational fishers to assist with field sampling to provide an estimate Murray Crayfish (Euastacus armatus von Martens, 1866) abundance at three sites on the Edward River which were recently impacted by an extreme blackwater disturbance. Employing mark‐resight models, fishers undertook crayfish surveys and produced research data which estimated adult population sizes of Murray Crayfish in the studied reaches ranging between 94.27 ± 24.72 individuals (Below Stevens) and 450.01 ± 175.30 individuals (Twin Rivers). Both the effective undertaking of the mark‐resight designs in collaboration with fishers and acquiring population abundance estimates for Murray Crayfish in a river reach are concepts which have not previously been published and are important attributes for the management of aquatic species.  相似文献   

The Godineau (South Oropuche) Swamp (3171 ha) on the southwestern coast of Trinidad (10 degrees l315'N, 61degrees 30-32'W) is heavily impacted by anthropogenic activities including fishing, oil exploration, drainage manipulation and wetland clearance. To reduce the negative effects of these activities and to manage the swamp more sustainably, more quantitative information is needed on the ecology of the wetland and the activities that occur within it. This study focuses on the distribution of the fish resources and exploited fisheries as a basis for more informed management directives. Sampling was conducted during 2002, in April-May (for dry season) and July-September (for wet season sampling). Ichthyofauna was sampled both day and night using trammel nets and a push seine. Fishing activities were assessed using a questionnaire and informal discussions with fishers. The wetland supports over 29 species of fish distributed over the freshwater, estuarine and saline zones (n=1454). Species distribution is seasonal, with evidence of the wetland being used as a spawning ground. Species richness and species diversity (Shannon-Weiner Index) for the wetland ranged over 2-11 and 0.162-0.967, respectively, in the dry season and 2-7 and 0.036-0.903, respectively, in the wet season. Communities inhabiting the saline and estuarine zones of the wetland were dominated by a single species, Hexanematichthvs bonillai. Percent Similarity Indices were 41.8% for freshwater, 72.7% for estuarine and 79.8% for estuarine-saline communities. The commercial species accounted for 18% of total catch sampled and consisted of Centropomus undecimalis, Megalops atlanticus, Hoplosternum littorale, Hoplias malabaricus, Ophioscion punctatissimus and Macrodon ancyclodon. Full-time and part-time fishers, including recreational fishers, accounted for 14.3% and 85.7%, respectively of all fishers surveyed (n=56). A conservative estimate of the revenue earned directly at point of sale for fish and shellfish, is approximately US$43 000 per annum. Fishing is important in the area. Management directives taking into account the ecology of the target organisms are needed to allow these fishing practices to be continued in a sustainable manner.  相似文献   

California's commercial and recreational fisheries support vibrant coastal economies and communities. Maintaining healthy fishing communities into the future requires a detailed understanding of their past. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has been monitoring statewide fisheries landings and participation since 1916 and releases confidential versions of this data through authorized data requests and non-confidential summaries of this data in its quasi-annual landings reports. The non-confidential data published in the landings reports provide a rich history of California's fisheries but are scattered across 1000s of tables in 100 s of documents, limiting their accessibility to researchers, fishers, and other interested stakeholders. We reviewed the 58 landings reports published from 1929 to 2020 and extracted and carefully curated 13 datasets with long time series and wide public interest. These datasets include: (1) annual landings in pounds and value by port and species from 1941 to 2019; (2) annual number of commercial fishing vessels by length class from 1934 to 2020; (3) annual number of licensed commercial fishers by area of residence from 1916 to 2020; and (4) annual number of party boat (CPFV) vessels, anglers, and their total catch by species from 1936 to 2020. Notably, we harmonized port names, species common names, and species scientific names across all years and datasets. We make these curated datasets, collectively called the CALFISH database, publicly available to any interested stakeholder in the supplementary materials of this paper, on an open-access data-repository, and in the wcfish R package. These datasets can be used (1) to understand the historical context of California's fisheries; (2) for original research requiring only summaries of historical landings and participation data; and (3) to anticipate the likely characteristics of confidential data requested from the state. We conclude the paper by identifying key principles for increasing the accessibility and utility of historical fisheries landings and participation data.  相似文献   

Globally, fisheries are challenged by the combined impacts of overfishing, degradation of ecosystems and impacts of climate change, while fisheries livelihoods are further pressured by conservation policy imperatives. Fishers' adaptive responses to these pressures, such as exiting from a fishery to pursue alternative livelihoods, determine their own vulnerability, as well as the potential for reducing fishing effort and sustaining fisheries. The willingness and ability to make particular adaptations in response to change, such as exiting from a declining fishery, is influenced by economic, cultural and institutional factors operating at scales from individual fishers to national economies. Previous studies of exit from fisheries at single or few sites, offer limited insight into the relative importance of individual and larger-scale social and economic factors. We asked 599 fishers how they would respond to hypothetical scenarios of catch declines in 28 sites in five western Indian Ocean countries. We investigated how socioeconomic variables at the individual-, household- and site-scale affected whether they would exit fisheries. Site-level factors had the greatest influence on readiness to exit, but these relationships were contrary to common predictions. Specifically, higher levels of infrastructure development and economic vitality - expected to promote exit from fisheries - were associated with less readiness to exit. This may be due to site level histories of exit from fisheries, greater specialisation of fishing households, or higher rewards from fishing in more economically developed sites due to technology, market access, catch value and government subsidies. At the individual and household scale, fishers from households with more livelihood activities, and fishers with lower catch value were more willing to exit. These results demonstrate empirically how adaptive responses to change are influenced by factors at multiple scales, and highlight the importance of understanding natural resource-based livelihoods in the context of the wider economy and society.  相似文献   

This study compared the catch composition, catch per unit effort, and incidental impacts of spearfishers and linefishers engaged in a structured fishing program whereby fishing effort was standardized across time, space and skill level. It was found that (1) the catch composition of both groups of fishers overlapped considerably, (2) the numbers of target fish caught by spearfishers (156) and linefishers (168) were not significantly different, (3) the mean size of target fish caught by spearfishers (1.95 ± 0.1 kg, ±SE) was significantly larger than the mean size of target fish caught by linefishers (1.27 ± 0.06 kg), and (4) spearfishers retained 43% more biomass of target species than did linefishers (304 versus 213 kg, respectively). However, linefishers used ∼1 kg of bait for every 3 kg of target fish that were captured. Linefishers also caught far more undersized, undesirable, or protected fishes (i.e., bycatch) and caused far more pollution (i.e., lost gear) than did spearfishers. It is concluded that the overall impacts of recreational spearfishing and linefishing on fishery resources of the Great Barrier Reef are broadly equivalent (per unit of fishing effort), and that management regulations should be applied equitably across both fishing sectors. A management strategy of this type will simplify enforcement of fisheries regulations and avoid discrimination of particular fishers in local communities where both fishing methods are socially or culturally important.  相似文献   

Increasing fishing pressure and uncertainty surrounding recreational fishing catch and effort data promoted the development of alternative methods for conducting fisheries research. A pilot investigation was undertaken to engage the Australian game fishing community and promote the non-lethal collection of tissue samples from the black marlin Istiompax indica, a valuable recreational-only species in Australian waters, for the purpose of future genetic research. Recruitment of recreational anglers was achieved by publicizing the project in magazines, local newspapers, social media, blogs, websites and direct communication workshops at game fishing tournaments. The Game Fishing Association of Australia and the Queensland Game Fishing Association were also engaged to advertise the project and recruit participants with a focus on those anglers already involved in the tag-and-release of marlin. Participants of the program took small tissue samples using non-lethal methods which were stored for future genetic analysis. The program resulted in 165 samples from 49 participants across the known distribution of I. indica within Australian waters which was a sufficient number to facilitate a downstream population genetic analysis. The project demonstrated the potential for the development of citizen science sampling programs to collect tissue samples using non-lethal methods in order to achieve targeted research objects in recreationally caught species.  相似文献   

Understanding how fishers make decisions is important for improving management of fisheries. There is debate about the extent to which small-scale fishers follow an ideal free distribution (IFD) – distributing their fishing effort efficiently according to resource availability rather than being influenced by social factors or personal preference. Using detailed data from 1800 fisher catches and from semi-structured interviews with over 700 fishers at Lake Alaotra, the largest inland fishery in Madagascar, we show that fishers generally conform to IFD. However, there were differences in catch: effort relationships between fishers using different gear types as well as other revealing deviations from the predictions of IFD. Fishers report routine as the primary determinant of their choice of fishing location, explaining why they do not quickly respond to changes in catch at a site. Understanding the influences on fishers’ spatial behaviour will allow better estimates of costs of fishing policies on resource users, and help predict their likely responses. This can inform management strategies to minimise the negative impacts of interventions, increasing local support for and compliance with rules.  相似文献   

Artisanal fisheries are a key source of food and income for millions of people, but if poorly managed, fishing can have declining returns as well as impacts on biodiversity. Management interventions such as spatial and temporal closures can improve fishery sustainability and reduce environmental degradation, but may carry substantial short-term costs for fishers. The Lake Alaotra wetland in Madagascar supports a commercially important artisanal fishery and provides habitat for a Critically Endangered primate and other endemic wildlife of conservation importance. Using detailed data from more than 1,600 fisher catches, we used linear mixed effects models to explore and quantify relationships between catch weight, effort, and spatial and temporal restrictions to identify drivers of fisher behaviour and quantify the potential effect of fishing restrictions on catch. We found that restricted area interventions and fishery closures would generate direct short-term costs through reduced catch and income, and these costs vary between groups of fishers using different gear. Our results show that conservation interventions can have uneven impacts on local people with different fishing strategies. This information can be used to formulate management strategies that minimise the adverse impacts of interventions, increase local support and compliance, and therefore maximise conservation effectiveness.  相似文献   

Incorporating the perspectives and insights of stakeholders is an essential component of ecosystem-based fisheries management, such that policy strategies should account for the diverse interests of various groups of anglers to enhance their efficacy. Here we assessed fishing stakeholders’ perceptions on the management of Atlantic striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and receptiveness to potential future regulations using an online survey of recreational and commercial fishers in Massachusetts and Connecticut (USA). Our results indicate that most fishers harbored adequate to positive perceptions of current striped bass management policies when asked to grade their state’s management regime. Yet, subtle differences in perceptions existed between recreational and commercial fishers, as well as across individuals with differing levels of fishing experience, resource dependency, and tournament participation. Recreational fishers in both states were generally supportive or neutral towards potential management actions including slot limits (71%) and mandated circle hooks to reduce mortality of released fish (74%), but less supportive of reduced recreational bag limits (51%). Although commercial anglers were typically less supportive of management changes than their recreational counterparts, the majority were still supportive of slot limits (54%) and mandated use of circle hooks (56%). Our study suggests that both recreational and commercial fishers are generally supportive of additional management strategies aimed at sustaining healthy striped bass populations and agree on a variety of strategies. However, both stakeholder groups were less supportive of harvest reductions, which is the most direct measure of reducing mortality available to fisheries managers. By revealing factors that influence stakeholders’ support or willingness to comply with management strategies, studies such as ours can help managers identify potential stakeholder support for or conflicts that may result from regulation changes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that an estuarine species as the spotted grunter Pomadasys commersonnii is evenly distributed within the estuary and uniformly exploited by different groups of fishers. This was done by investigating the movements and area use of spotted grunter in relation to the fisheries. The position of 20 acoustically tagged fish was recorded during 36 days in February and March 2003, by manual tracking and automated data logging receivers. Information on the fisheries in the estuary was collected through visual registration of fishing effort and interviews. The spotted grunter moved on average 1.0 km (SD ± 0.7) between positional fixes. Most of the fish were positioned in the lower part of the 12 km long estuary, as 70% of the positional fixes were within the first 3 km, and 89% within the first 6 km. Approximately half (49%) of all the fixes were between 1.0 and 1.5 km from the estuary mouth. The spotted grunter used on average 4.9 km (SD ± 4.9) of the length of the estuary, and there was no significant relationship between the length of the estuary used and the body length of the fish (26–39 cm TL). Subsistence fishers accounted for 73% of fishing lines in the water, while recreational fishers accounted for the rest. Ninety-three percent of the lines were recorded within the first 6 km from the estuary mouth, of which 80% were recorded within the first 3 km. Almost 1/3 of the fishing effort was recorded between 1.0 and 1.5 km from the mouth. The hypothesis that the estuarine dependent species spotted grunter was evenly distributed within the estuary was rejected. However, there was a significant relationship between the distribution of the fishing effort of the subsistence fishers and the fish, indicating that the spotted grunter was uniformly exploited within the estuary by this group of fishers. In contrast, there was no relationship between the distribution of fish and recreational anglers.  相似文献   


Public attitudes toward the use of fisheries and marine mammals in the northwest Atlantic have played an influential role in recent controversies over management of these resources. A thorough assessment of public sentiment has, however, been lacking. We describe the results of a survey conducted to assess Canadian public opinion regarding a variety of commercial fisheries and marine mammal issues. Over one thousand, randomly selected adult Canadians were surveyed concerning their attitudes, knowledge, and concerns toward the conservation and management of marine mammals in the northwest Atlantic. The sample included 875 members of the general public, 130 sealers and 81 commercial fishermen.

Most Canadians (93–95%) in all sampling groups and in all provinces, except Quebec (54%), expressed concern about conflicts between marine mammals and commercial fisheries. Knowledge of basic marine mammal biology, however, was strikingly deficient and variable among groups: sealers obtained the highest knowledge rating, fishers were intermediate, and the general public scored lowest. The views of the Canadian general public, sealers, and commercial fishers were highly divergent regarding prioritization of goals for Canada's commercial fishing industry. Sealers and fishers emphasized employment, cultural and economic considerations, while the general public placed greater emphasis on ecological and ethical matters. All groups agreed that the most significant threats to Canada's commercial fisheries included fishing by foreign countries, pollution, and over-fishing. Competition from marine mammals and damage to fishing equipment by marine mammals were rated as the least important threats. Fishing by foreign vessels in Canadian waters was regarded by all groups with particular suspicion.

Unlike sealers and fishers, the general public consistently disputed the notion of sacrificing the needs of marine mammals for the benefit of commercial fishing. The public also expressed a strong preference for including fishing impacts on marine mammals in setting allowable catch quotas for commercial fish stocks, and further indicated a willingness to favor the interests of marine mammals over commercial fisheries in marine mammal entanglement situations.

More than ninety percent of all respondents indicated strong support for the ‘existence value’ of seals. Most Canadians opposed sealing for fur, whereas most approved of harvesting abundant adult seal populations for meat, harvests associated with the cultures of native peoples, and harvests important to local economies. Respondents were divided regarding the harvest of seals that damage fishing gear. All groups strongly opposed the harvest of newborn seals. Sealers and residents of Newfoundland supported lethal methods of seal population control, while residents of large urban areas and women were inclined to approve of non-lethal measures. An overwhelming majority of Canadians objected to the use of poisons or clubs as a means of population control.

Consideration of the results of this study could provide an enhanced basis for fashioning mutually acceptable policy solutions and mitigating conflicts between commercial fisheries and marine mammal conservation in the northwest Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

The common dentex Dentex dentex (Linnaeus, 1758) is an iconic marine coastal fish in the Mediterranean Sea. It is a demersal sparid fish (0–200 m), that grows to a maximum length of 100 cm and a weight of 13 kg, with a relatively long life span (more than 20 years). As a high trophic level predator, it holds a key position in coastal marine food webs. The common dentex is of great economic importance for both artisanal (small-scale coastal fisheries) and recreational fishing. Despite its economic and ecological importance, scientific data on this species in its natural environment are still very scant. The global commercial catch of common dentex has fluctuated over the last 60 years on an interannual time scale, and has declined significantly since the 1990s. There are few data regarding fishing effort and total catch from recreational fishing for common dentex, but it appears that this species is particularly targeted by this activity. The common dentex is now classified as “vulnerable” in the Red List of Threatened Species in the Mediterranean Sea. This review summarizes the current literature on D. dentex in regard to biology, ecology, parasitology, population structure, commercial and recreational fishing, and management regulations. Future research directions to fill gaps in current knowledge are suggested.  相似文献   

In the eastern Gulf of Finland, European smelt Osmerus eperlanus occurs as an anadromous ecological form that spawns in coastal, low-salinity zones and in several rivers entering the gulf, most importantly in the River Neva. Osmerus eperlanus is a key commercial fish species for the population of St. Petersburg, and the city's fish symbol. However, the state of the smelt stock has considerably deteriorated over the past few decades. Monitoring shows that annual catches during 1965–1992 averaged 2274 t, compared to 292 t in 2002–2017, although some improvement is inidicated by a gradual increase in catches in recent years (e.g., to 595 t in 2017). This paper addresses long-term and recent changes in the fisheries for smelt in the eastern Gulf of Finland, including both commercial and recreational fisheries, and the range of fishing gears used. The commercial smelt fishery is mainly conducted during the spawning period (April–May) on migrating fish, using trap nets of various designs and beach seines. There has been an increase in recreational fisheries for smelt; in years when ice cover on the gulf during winter (December–April) is steady, recreational fishers from St. Petersburg, using hook and line, may catch quantities that are comparable to those of commercial catches. Several factors may account for the stock dynamics and associated changes in catches of smelt: these include a decrease in prey availability in the gulf; loss and degradation of spawning and nursery habitats, partly associated with large-scale hydroengineering operations in Neva Bay; and illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing which became widespread in post-Soviet decades. In spite of a gradual increase in smelt abundance in the most recent 15 years, a failure to accurately monitor and manage the extent of IUU and recreational fishing for smelt, to assess the status of the stock, or to forecast catches, increases the risk of overfishing of the spawning stock.  相似文献   

Traditional fisheries stock assessment methods and fishery independent surveys are costly and time consuming exercises. However fishers trained in data collection and utilising other skills can reduce costs and improve fishery assessments and management. A data collection program was conducted by Australian and Indonesian scientists with small-scale Indonesian sea cucumber fishers to evaluate the approach and then capture its benefits. The data fishers recorded allowed for the first stock assessment of this trans-boundary fishery during its centuries-long existence at Scott Reef in north-western Australia. The program also included interviews with fishers capturing the social, economic, and demographic aspects of the fishery. Economic inputs to fishing were complemented by fishery revenue data voluntarily submitted when fishers returned to port and sold their catch. Catch data recorded by fishers demonstrated much higher abundances than estimates obtained using standard visual transect methods and accurately reflected the true catch composition. However, they also showed extreme rates of exploitation. Interviews revealed social and economic factors that would be important considerations if management interventions were made. The program’s approach and the time scientists spent on the fishers’ vessels were key ingredients to fishers’ participation and the utility of the results. Despite the program’s achievements the information generated has not led to improved management or had any direct benefits for the participants. Sustaining the program in the longer term requires that its value is better captured.  相似文献   

Hierarchical sampling and subsequent microsatellite genotyping of >2300 Haliotis laevigata (greenlip abalone) from 19 locations distributed across five biogeographic regions have substantially advanced our knowledge of population structure and connectivity in this commercially important species. The study has found key differences in stock structure of H. laevigata compared with the sympatric and congeneric Haliotis rubra (blacklip abalone) and yielded valuable insights into the management of fisheries targeting species characterized by spatial structure at small scales (i.e. S‐fisheries). As with H. rubra, H. laevigata comprise a series of metapopulations with strong self‐recruitment. However, the spatial extent of H. laevigata metapopulations (reefal areas around 30 km2; distances of up to 135 km are effective barriers to larval dispersal) was substantially greater than that identified for H. rubra (Miller et al. 2009). Differences in the dynamics and scale of population processes, even between congeneric haliotids as made evident in this study, imply that for S‐fisheries, it is difficult to generalize about the potential consequences of life history commonalities. Consequently, species‐specific management reflective of the population structure of the target species remains particularly important. This will likely require integration of information about stock structure and connectivity with data on life history and population dynamics to determine the necessary input (e.g. number of fishers, fishing effort) and output (e.g. minimum legal size, total allowable catch) controls to underpin their sustainable management.  相似文献   

Fisheries statistics are known to be underestimated, since they are mainly based on information about commercial fisheries. However, various types of fishing activities exist and evaluating them is necessary for implementing effective management plans. This paper assesses the characteristics and catches of the French European sea bass recreational fishery along the Atlantic coasts, through the combination of large-scale telephone surveys and fishing diaries study. Our results demonstrated that half of the total catches (mainly small fish) were released at sea and that the mean length of a kept sea bass was 46.6 cm. We highlighted different patterns of fishing methods and type of gear used. Catches from boats were greater than from the shore, both in abundance and biomass, considering mean values per fishing trip as well as CPUE. Spearfishers caught the highest biomass of sea bass per fishing trip, but the fishing rod with lure was the most effective type of gear in terms of CPUE. Longlines had the highest CPUE value in abundance but not in biomass: they caught numerous but small sea bass. Handlines were less effective, catching few sea bass in both abundance and biomass. We estimated that the annual total recreational sea bass catches was 3,173 tonnes of which 2,345 tonnes were kept. Since the annual commercial catches landings were evaluated at 5,160 tonnes, recreational landings represent 30% of the total fishing catches on the Atlantic coasts of France. Using fishers'' self-reports was a valuable way to obtain new information on data-poor fisheries. Our results underline the importance of evaluating recreational fishing as a part of the total amount of fisheries catches. More studies are critically needed to assess overall fish resources caught in order to develop effective fishery management tools.  相似文献   

Fishing gear and methods, catch composition, annual catch numbers and the monetary value of fisheries based in the mangroves of Pak Phanang, Nakhon Si Thamarat province, Thailand, were studied from September 2004 to February 2005. The fishing gear and methods were surveyed by visual observation and interviews. Sample catches were taken for each type of fishing gear and method. Semi-closed questionnaire surveys were conducted among fishers, local traders, local administrative officers and related organizations to derive information on utilized species, gear and methods, fisher and fishery status, and trading and catch price. The Pak Phanang mangrove fishery has three types of multi-species capture gear: channel traps, gill nets and lift nets. It also has three kinds of single-species (group) gear/methods: crab traps, catfish hooks and hand capture using a long tail fishing boat. A total of 57 fish species in 27 families, and 23 shell fish species in 8 families were recorded from the catch samples. Penaeid shrimp (25%), and ambassid (31%) and mugilid (24%) fishes were the abundant groups in the channel traps, while ariid (36%) and mugilid (19%) fishes were abundant in the lift net catches. Ambassid (42%) fish dominated the gill net catches. Species richness (number of species) varied depending on sampling month and type of fishing gear. The total annual catch and its monetary value were estimated to be 442–551 tons and US $368,038–733,973, respectively. The estimated annual catch per unit area of mangrove was 63–79 kg ha−1, which generated a market value of US $368,038–733,973, respectively. The estimated annual catch per unit area of mangrove was 63–79 kg ha−1, which generated a market value of US 52–105.  相似文献   

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