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We have used ancestral character state reconstruction and molecular dating to test hypotheses on the evolution of New Zealand alpine cicadas of the genus Maoricicada Dugdale. Gene trees were estimated from mitochondrial DNA and the nuclear loci elongation factor 1-α, period, and calmodulin and species-level relationships were reconstructed using gene tree parsimony. These analyses suggest that the alpine habitat character state had a single origin and that the ancestral Maoricicada lived in low to mid-elevation habitats. Our reconstructions also strongly support the hypothesis that this ancestor was darkly coloured and had increased pubescence, classic adaptations of alpine insects. Using relaxed-clock Bayesian dating methods, we estimated that the radiation of the alpine Maoricicada species was coincident with the late Miocene acceleration in the rate of uplift of the Southern Alps rather than uplift in the early Miocene. These dates are very similar to those of other alpine taxa, indicating that the New Zealand alpine biota is very young. Our reconstructions suggest that the ancestral Maoricicada may have been preadapted to the alpine environment because it existed before the origin of high mountainous habitats, dwelt at mid-to-low altitudes, and yet possessed the classic alpine insect adaptations of heavy pubescence and dark coloration.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 419–435.  相似文献   

Laticifers and the classification of Euphorbia: the chemotaxonomy of Euphorbia esula L. Articulated and non-articulated laticifer cells represent distinctive cell types of relatively recent origin and occur in only a few families. Both types are of separate phylogenetic origin, reflecting independent evolutionary trends in the Euphorbiaceae. Supra-generic groupings of this family can be segregated into three taxonomic units using the laticifer character; with either articulated laticifers, non-articulated laticifers, or no laticifers. Such units may reflect more natural assemblages than now represented in the classification of this family. Laticifers possess chemical and morphological features of potential application as taxonomic characters to aid in delimiting species and interpreting evolutionary trends. The triterpenoid profile from latex of Euphorbia species has been shown to be diagnostic for a taxon. The qualitative and quantitative composition show a high level of stability under diverse environmental and physiological conditions indicating a genetic basis for triterpenoid synthesis. Triterpenoid profiles of known accessions of European E. esula L. and related presumptive taxa from North America readily separated them into distinctive chemotaxa that include one for E. esula L., whereas morphological features were found inadequate for separating accessions to presumptive taxa. Identification of adventive spurges in North America requires diagnostic analyses of Eurasian leafy spurges for comparison. Laticifer characters used in conjunction with relevant morphological features will provide a broadened insight into phylogenetic relationships with the Euphorbiaceae.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic reconstructions of relations within the phylum Nematoda are inherently difficult but have been advanced with the introduction of large-scale molecular-based techniques. However, the most recent revisions were heavily biased towards terrestrial and parasitic species and greater representation of clades containing marine species (e.g. Araeolaimida, Chromadorida, Desmodorida, Desmoscolecida, Enoplida, and Monhysterida) is needed for accurate coverage of known taxonomic diversity. We now add small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) sequences for 100 previously un-sequenced species of nematodes, including 46 marine taxa. SSU rDNA sequences for >200 taxa have been analysed based on Bayesian inference and LogDet-transformed distances. The resulting phylogenies provide support for (i) the re-classification of the Secernentea as the order Rhabditida that derived from a common ancestor of chromadorean orders Araeolaimida, Chromadorida, Desmodorida, Desmoscolecida, and Monhysterida and (ii) the position of Bunonema close to the Diplogasteroidea in the Rhabditina. Other, previously controversial relationships can now be resolved more clearly: (a) Alaimus, Campydora, and Trischistoma belong in the Enoplida, (b) Isolaimium is placed basally to a big clade containing the Axonolaimidae, Plectidae, and Rhabditida, (c) Xyzzors belongs in the Desmodoridae, (d) Comesomatidae and Cyartonema belongs in the Monhysterida, (e) Globodera belongs in the Hoplolaimidae and (f) Paratylenchus dianeae belongs in the Criconematoidea. However, the SSU gene did not provide significant support for the class Chromadoria or clear evidence for the relationship between the three classes, Enoplia, Dorylaimia, and Chromadoria. Furthermore, across the whole phylum, the phylogenetically informative characters of the SSU gene are not informative in a parsimony analysis, highlighting the short-comings of the parsimony method for large-scale phylogenetic modelling.  相似文献   

Adding new taxa to morphological phylogenetic analyses without substantially revising the set of included characters is a common practice, with drawbacks (undersampling of relevant characters) and potential benefits (character selection is not biased by preconceptions over the affinities of the ‘retrofitted’ taxon). Retrofitting turtles (Testudines) and other taxa to recent reptile phylogenies consistently places turtles with anapsid‐grade parareptiles (especially Eunotosaurus and/or pareiasauromorphs), under both Bayesian and parsimony analyses. This morphological evidence for turtle–parareptile affinities appears to contradict the robust genomic evidence that extant (living) turtles are nested within diapsids as sister to extant archosaurs (birds and crocodilians). However, the morphological data are almost equally consistent with a turtle–archosaur clade: enforcing this molecular scaffold onto the morphological data does not greatly increase tree length (parsimony) or reduce likelihood (Bayesian inference). Moreover, under certain analytic conditions, Eunotosaurus groups with turtles and thus also falls within the turtle–archosaur clade. This result raises the possibility that turtles could simultaneously be most closely related to a taxon traditionally considered a parareptile (Eunotosaurus) and still have archosaurs as their closest extant sister group.  相似文献   

The first formal analysis of phylogenetic relationships among small-headed flies (Acroceridae) is presented based on DNA sequence data from two ribosomal (16S and 28S) and two protein-encoding genes: carbomoylphosphate synthase (CPS) domain of CAD (i.e., rudimentary locus) and cytochrome oxidase I (COI). DNA sequences from 40 species in 22 genera of Acroceridae (representing all three subfamilies) were compared with outgroup exemplars from Nemestrinidae, Stratiomyidae, Tabanidae, and Xylophagidae. Parsimony and Bayesian simultaneous analyses of the full data set recover a well-resolved and strongly supported hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships for major lineages within the family. Molecular evidence supports the monophyly of traditionally recognised subfamilies Philopotinae and Panopinae, but Acrocerinae are polyphyletic. Panopinae, sometimes considered "primitive" based on morphology and host-use, are always placed in a more derived position in the current study. Furthermore, these data support emerging morphological evidence that the type genus Acrocera Meigen, and its sister genus Sphaerops, are atypical acrocerids, comprising a sister lineage to all other Acroceridae. Based on the phylogeny generated in the simultaneous analysis, historical divergence times were estimated using Bayesian methodology constrained with fossil data. These estimates indicate Acroceridae likely evolved during the late Triassic but did not diversify greatly until the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The broad palette of feather colours displayed by birds serves diverse biological functions, including communication and camouflage. Fossil feathers provide evidence that some avian colours, like black and brown melanins, have existed for at least 160 million years (Myr), but no traces of bright carotenoid pigments in ancient feathers have been reported. Insight into the evolutionary history of plumage carotenoids may instead be gained from living species. We visually surveyed modern birds for carotenoid-consistent plumage colours (present in 2956 of 9993 species). We then used high-performance liquid chromatography and Raman spectroscopy to chemically assess the family-level distribution of plumage carotenoids, confirming their presence in 95 of 236 extant bird families (only 36 family-level occurrences had been confirmed previously). Using our data for all modern birds, we modelled the evolutionary history of carotenoid-consistent plumage colours on recent supertrees. Results support multiple independent origins of carotenoid plumage pigmentation in 13 orders, including six orders without previous reports of plumage carotenoids. Based on time calibrations from the supertree, the number of avian families displaying plumage carotenoids increased throughout the Cenozoic, and most plumage carotenoid originations occurred after the Miocene Epoch (23 Myr). The earliest origination of plumage carotenoids was reconstructed within Passeriformes, during the Palaeocene Epoch (66–56 Myr), and not at the base of crown-lineage birds.  相似文献   

A novel soybean sudden death syndrome (SDS) pathogen from Argentina and Brazil is formally described herein as Fusarium crassistipitatum based on detailed phenotypic analyses of macro- and microscopic characters and phylogenetic analyses of multilocus DNA sequence data. Fusarium crassistipitatum can be distinguished from the other soybean SDS and bean (Phaseolus/Vigna) root rot pathogens (BRR) phenotypically by the production of yellowish colonies on PDA; and tall, stout, and mostly unbranched conidiophores with a thick-walled base, which form multiseptate conidia apically. Phylogenetic species recognition based on genealogical concordance of a six-gene dataset strongly supported the reciprocal monophyly of F. crassistipitatum with respect to the other SDS and BRR pathogens. Isolates of F. crassistipitatum were able to induce typical SDS foliar and root rot symptoms on soybean that were indistinguishable from those caused by three other SDS pathogens (i.e., F. virguliforme, F. brasiliense, and F. tucumaniae) on susceptible cultivars A-6445RG and N-4613RG in a pathogenicity experiment.  相似文献   

We used partial sequences of three mitochondrial genes (12S rRNA, cytochrome b, and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) to reconstruct the phylogeny of European seed beetles (Bruchidae) belonging to the genera Bruchus Linnaeus and Bruchidius Schilsky. Adult beetles examined in this study were obtained from larvae bred from seeds directly collected in the field. Parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference were used to infer phylogenetic relationships among species. Both genera, Bruchidius and Bruchus, formed monophyletic groups in all analyses. Our results were partially in discrepancy with existing taxonomic groups (Borowiec, 1987). Critical analysis of relationships among taxa, and exhaustive review of host-plants data highlight the very high level of specialization of these seed beetles. Phylogenetically related insects were associated with host-plants belonging to the same botanical tribes.  相似文献   

Allium subgenus Melanocrommyum (Alliaceae) from Eurasia comprises about 150 mostly diploid species adapted to arid conditions. The group is taxonomically complicated with different and contradictory taxonomic treatments, and was thought to include a considerable number of hybrid species, as the taxa show an admixture of assumed morphological key characters. We studied the phylogeny of the subgenus, covering all existing taxonomic groups and their entire geographic distribution. We analyzed sequences of the nuclear rDNA internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) for multiple individuals of more than 100 species. Phylogenetic analyses of cloned and directly sequenced PCR products confirmed the monophyly of the subgenus, while most sections were either para- or polyphyletic. The splits of the large sections are supported by differences in the anatomy of flower nectaries. ITS data (i) demand a new treatment at sectional level, (ii) do not support the hypotheses of frequent gene flow among species, (iii) indicate that multiple rapid radiations occurred within different monophyletic groups of the subgenus, and (iv) detected separately evolving lineages within three morphologically clearly defined species (cryptic species). In two cases these lineages were close relatives, while in Allium darwasicum they fall in quite different clades in the phylogenetic tree. Fingerprint markers show that this result is not due to ongoing introgression of rDNA (ITS capture) but that genome-wide differences between both lineages exist. Thus, we report one of the rare cases in plants where morphologically indistinguishable diploid species occurring in mixed populations are non-sister cryptic species.  相似文献   

To improve our understanding of phylogenetic relationships within the anamorphic genus Septoria, three molecular data sets representing 2,417 bp of nuclear and mitochondrial genes were evaluated. Separate gene analyses and combined analyses were performed using first, the maximum parsimony criterion and second, a Bayesian framework. The homogeneity of data partitions was evaluated via a combination of homogeneity partition tests and tree topology incongruence tests before conducting combined analyses. A last incongruence re-evaluation using partitioned Bremer support was performed on the combined tree, which corroborated the previous estimates. After each separate data set attributes were examined, simple explanations were advocated as the causes of the significant incongruences detected. The analysis of multiple gene partitions showed unprecedented phylogenetic resolution within the genus Septoria that supported the results from previously published single gene phylogenies. Specifically, we have delimited distinct but closely related species representing monophyletic groups that frequently correlated with their respective host families. Conversely, the occurrence of well-supported groups including closely related but distinct molecular taxa sampled on unrelated host-plants allowed us to reject, in these particular cases, the co-evolutionary concept expected between a parasite and its host and to discuss alternative evolutionary models recently proposed for these pathogens.  相似文献   

Current -omics methods allow the collection of a large amount of information that helps in describing the microbial diversity in nature. Here, and as a result of a culturomic approach that rendered the collection of thousands of isolates from 5 different hypersaline sites (in Spain, USA and New Zealand), we obtained 21 strains that represent two new Salinibacter species. For these species we propose the names Salinibacter pepae sp. nov. and Salinibacter grassmerensis sp. nov. (showing average nucleotide identity (ANI) values < 95.09% and 87.08% with Sal. ruber M31T, respectively). Metabolomics revealed species-specific discriminative profiles. Sal. ruber strains were distinguished by a higher percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids and specific N-functionalized fatty acids; and Sal. altiplanensis was distinguished by an increased number of glycosylated molecules. Based on sequence characteristics and inferred phenotype of metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs), we describe two new members of the genus Salinibacter. These species dominated in different sites and always coexisted with Sal. ruber and Sal. pepae. Based on the MAGs from three Argentinian lakes in the Pampa region of Argentina and the MAG of the Romanian lake Fără Fund, we describe the species Salinibacter pampae sp. nov. and Salinibacter abyssi sp. nov. respectively (showing ANI values 90.94% and 91.48% with Sal. ruber M31T, respectively). Sal. grassmerensis sp. nov. name was formed according to the rules of the International Code for Nomenclature of Prokaryotes (ICNP), and Sal. pepae, Sal. pampae sp. nov. and Sal. abyssi sp. nov. are proposed following the rules of the newly published Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes Described from Sequence Data (SeqCode). This work constitutes an example on how classification under ICNP and SeqCode can coexist, and how the official naming a cultivated organism for which the deposit in public repositories is difficult finds an intermediate solution.  相似文献   

The genus Agaricus was recently rearranged to accommodate numerous tropical taxa. Accordingly, the genus was split into six subgenera and 22 sections of which 12 are included in A. subg. Pseudochitonia. Preliminary data indicated that three putative new species belong to this subgenus. Our objectives were to describe these species, to determine to which sections they belong, and to experience the interest of some traditional traits in this new context. We morphologically described Agaricus coniferarum from France and Portugal, Agaricus iranicus from Iran, and Agaricus lusitanicus from Portugal. Multi-gene phylogenetic analyses based on ITS, LSU, and tef1 sequence data of representatives of the 12 sections clearly indicated that A. coniferarum and A. lusitanicus are placed in Agaricus sect. Bohusia, while A. iranicus is in A. sect. Sanguinolenti. Incidentally, we replaced the illegitimate name Agaricus magnivelaris by Agaricus fiardianus. In a phylogenetic tree, based on all available ITS sequence data and focussing on six related sections, we examined the phylogenetic distribution of various characters. The intensity of red discolouration when the sporocarp is rubbed or cut appeared as a phylogenetically weak informative trait. We propose a determination key leading to a group of three hardly distinguishable sections (Bohusia, Nigrobrunnescentes, and Sanguinolenti).  相似文献   

Fungi associated with seeds of tropical trees pervasively affect seed survival and germination, and thus are an important, but understudied, component of forest ecology. Here, we examine the diversity and evolutionary origins of fungi isolated from seeds of an important pioneer tree (Cecropia insignis, Cecropiaceae) following burial in soil for five months in a tropical moist forest in Panama. Our approach, which relied on molecular sequence data because most isolates did not sporulate in culture, provides an opportunity to evaluate several methods currently used to analyse environmental samples of fungi. First, intra- and interspecific divergence were estimated for the nu-rITS and 5.8S gene for four genera of Ascomycota that are commonly recovered from seeds. Using these values we estimated species boundaries for 527 isolates, showing that seed-associated fungi are highly diverse, horizontally transmitted, and genotypically congruent with some foliar endophytes from the same site. We then examined methods for inferring the taxonomic placement and phylogenetic relationships of these fungi, evaluating the effects of manual versus automated alignment, model selection, and inference methods, as well as the quality of BLAST-based identification using GenBank. We found that common methods such as neighbor-joining and Bayesian inference differ in their sensitivity to alignment methods; analyses of particular fungal genera differ in their sensitivity to alignments; and numerous and sometimes intricate disparities exist between BLAST-based versus phylogeny-based identification methods. Lastly, we used our most robust methods to infer phylogenetic relationships of seed-associated fungi in four focal genera, and reconstructed ancestral states to generate preliminary hypotheses regarding the evolutionary origins of this guild. Our results illustrate the dynamic evolutionary relationships among endophytic fungi, pathogens, and seed-associated fungi, and the apparent evolutionary distinctiveness of saprotrophs. Our study also elucidates the diversity, taxonomy, and ecology of an important group of plant-associated fungi and highlights some of the advantages and challenges inherent in the use of ITS data for environmental sampling of fungi.  相似文献   

The origin of polyploid Veronica cymbalaria (Plantaginaceae) was investigated using DNA sequence data and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprints to reveal the parentage of this taxon. The use of AFLP fingerprints in phylogenetic analysis is problematic and various methods have therefore been compared. DNA sequence data (for the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and the plastid trnL-F region (trnL intron, 3'exon, and trnL-F spacer)) and polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of the ITS region suggested a reliable hypothesis for the evolution of the V. cymbalaria complex. This hypothesis allowed evaluation of the effect of different distance measures (Jaccard and Nei-Li) in phenetic, character-state weighted parsimony, and Bayesian analyses of AFLP markers. The study establishes that tetraploid V. cymbalaria originated at least twice in the eastern Mediterranean, with one parent differing in the two separate origins. Hexaploid V. cymbalaria originated even more often. The results illustrate that even subtle differences in the analyses of AFLP markers can lead to drastically different conclusions. The study reveals multiple origins of a Mediterranean polyploid species. Furthermore, it demonstrates that the analysis of a complex marker system such as AFLP fingerprints using only one type of analysis can easily be misleading.  相似文献   

Recent computational advances provide novel opportunities to infer species trees based on multiple independent loci. Thus, single gene trees no longer need suffice as proxies for species phylogenies. Several methods have been developed to deal with the challenges posed by incomplete and stochastic lineage sorting. In this study, we employed four Bayesian methods to infer the phylogeny of a clade of 11 recently diverged oriole species within the genus Icterus. We obtained well-resolved and mostly congruent phylogenies using a set of seven unlinked nuclear intron loci and sampling multiple individuals per species. Most notably, Bayesian concordance analysis generally agreed well with concatenation; the two methods agreed fully on eight of nine nodes. The coalescent-based method BEAST further supported six of these eight nodes. The fourth method used, BEST, failed to converge despite exhaustive efforts to optimize the tree search. Overall, the results obtained by new species tree methods and concatenation generally corroborate our findings from previous analyses and data sets. However, we found striking disagreement between mitochondrial and nuclear DNA involving relationships within the northern oriole group. Our results highlight the danger of reliance on mtDNA alone for phylogenetic inference. We demonstrate that in spite of low variability and incomplete lineage sorting, multiple nuclear loci can produce largely congruent phylogenies based on multiple species tree methods, even for very closely-related species.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships amongst the New World spiny orb‐weaving spiders Micrathena and Chaetacis were assessed through parsimony and Bayesian analyses of morphological characters. A total of 146 characters was scored for ten outgroup taxa and 37 Micrathena and four Chaetacis species. The results indicate that Chaetacis nests within Micrathena and we propose Chaetacis as a junior synonym of Micrathena. Twelve subgeneric species groups of Micrathena are recognized and diagnosed. Species with extremely long spines evolved at least eight times in the genus and we suggest that this may be related to antipredator defences. Micrathena is primitively sexually monomorphic and extreme sexual size dimorphism has arisen at least six times in the genus. Most of these events are because of enlargement of the female in relation to the ancestral size, although in two cases sexual dimorphism was attained through male reduction, adding more data to the ‘giant females’ vs. ‘dwarf males’ controversy. The genus is probably of South American origin and has repeatedly invaded Central and North America. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 166 , 14–53.  相似文献   

Although it is widely recognized that oligotrich ciliates are the dominant constituent of microzooplankton communities and perform key functions in energy flow and material cycling in marine microbial food webs, knowledge of their diversity is scant. In the present study, we investigate the oligotrich genera, Cyrtostrombidium and Apostrombidium, with emphasis on their morphology and evolutionary relationships. Three isolates were collected from coastal waters of northern and southern China including two new species, viz., Cyrtostrombidium paraboreale sp. n., Apostrombidium orientale sp. n., and Apostrombidium pseudokielum Xu et al., 2009. Cyrtostrombidium paraboreale sp. n. is characterized by possessing 64–98 cytopharyngeal rods and two macronuclear nodules. Apostrombidium orientale sp. n. is characterized by its somatic kinety consisting of five fragments including a horizontally orientated subterminal fragment and possessing conspicuously long dorsal cilia. Apostrombidium pseudokielum is redescribed based on the new population and a re-examination of the type material. Phylogenetic analyses were performed for the subclass Oligotrichia, incorporating SSU rRNA gene sequences of the three species investigated here. The results indicate that the genus Cyrtostrombidium is monophyletic with C. paraboreale sp. n. occupying the basal position. The genus Apostrombidium is not monophyletic as Varistrombidium kielum is nested within it.  相似文献   

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