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The Hox code of jawed vertebrates is characterized by the colinear and rostrocaudally nested expression of Hox genes in pharyngeal arches, hindbrain, somites, and limb/fin buds. To gain insights into the evolutionary path leading to the gnathostome Hox code, we have systematically analyzed the expression pattern of the Hox gene complement in an agnathan species, Lethenteron japonicum (Lj). We have isolated 15 LjHox genes and assigned them to paralogue groups (PG) 1-11, based on their deduced amino acid sequences. LjHox expression during development displayed gnathostome-like spatial patterns with respect to the PG numbers. Specifically, lamprey PG1-3 showed homologous expression patterns in the rostral hindbrain and pharyngeal arches to their gnathostome counterparts. Moreover, PG9-11 genes were expressed specifically in the tailbud, implying its posteriorizing activity as those in gnathostomes. We conclude that these gnathostome-like colinear spatial patterns of LjHox gene expression can be regarded as one of the features already established in the common ancestor of living vertebrates. In contrast, we did not find evidence for temporal colinearity in the onset of LjHox expression. The genomic and developmental characteristics of Hox genes from different chordate species are also compared, focusing on evolution of the complex body plan of vertebrates.  相似文献   

The presence of two sets of paired appendages is one of the defining features of jawed vertebrates. We are interested in identifying genetic systems that could have been responsible for the origin of the first set of such appendages, for their subsequent duplication at a different axial level, and/or for the generation of their distinct identities. It has been hypothesized that four genes of the T-box gene family (Tbx2Tbx5) played important roles in the course of vertebrate limb evolution. To test this idea, we characterized the orthologs of tetrapod limb-expressed T-box genes from a teleost, Danio rerio. Here we report isolation of three of these genes, tbx2, tbx4, and tbx5. We found that their expression patterns are remarkably similar to those of their tetrapod counterparts. In particular, expression of tbx5 and tbx4 is restricted to pectoral and pelvic fin buds, respectively, while tbx2 can be detected at the anterior and posterior margins of the outgrowing fin buds. This, in combination with conserved expression patterns in other tissues, suggests that the last common ancestor of teleosts and tetrapods possessed all four of these limb-expressed T-box genes (Tbx2Tbx5), and that these genes had already acquired, and have subsequently maintained, their gene-specific functions. Furthermore, this evidence provides molecular support for the notion that teleost pectoral and pelvic fins and tetrapod fore- and hindlimbs, respectively, are homologous structures, as suggested by comparative morphological analyses. Received: 14 July 1999 / Accepted: 4 September 1999  相似文献   

We identified a novel secreted protein, fibin, in zebrafish, mice and humans. We inhibited its function in zebrafish embryos by injecting antisense fibin morpholino oligonucleotides. A knockdown of fibin function in zebrafish resulted in no pectoral fin bud initiation and abolished the expression of tbx5, which is involved in the specification of pectoral fin identification. The lack of pectoral fins in fibin-knockdown embryos was partially rescued by injection of fibin RNA. fibin was expressed in the lateral plate mesoderm of the presumptive pectoral fin bud regions. Its expression region was adjacent to that of tbx5. fibin expression temporally preceded tbx5 expression in presumptive pectoral fin bud regions, and not abolished in tbx5-knockdown presumptive fin bud regions. In contrast, fibin expression was abolished in retinoic acid signaling-inhibited or wnt2b-knockdown presumptive fin bud regions. These results indicate that fibin is a secreted signal essential for pectoral fin bud initiation in that it potentially acts downstream of retinoic acid and wnt signaling and is essential for tbx5 expression. The present findings have revealed a novel secreted lateral plate mesoderm signal essential for fin initiation in the lateral plate mesoderm.  相似文献   

Mechanisms that regulate the size and shape of bony structures are largely unknown. The molecular identification of the fin length mutant short fin (sof), which causes defects in the length of bony fin ray segments, may provide insights regarding the regulation of bone growth. In this report, we demonstrate that the sof phenotype is caused by mutations in the connexin43 (cx43) gene. This conclusion is supported by genetic mapping, reduced expression of cx43 in the original sof allele (sofb123), identification of missense mutations in three ENU-induced alleles, and by demonstration of partially abrogated cx43 function in sofb123 embryos. Expression of cx43 was identified in cells flanking the germinal region of newly growing segments as well as in the osteoblasts at segment boundaries. This pattern of cx43 expression in cells lateral to new segment growth is consistent with a model where cx43-expressing cells represent a biological ruler that measures segment size. This report identifies the first gene identification for a fin length mutation (sof) as well as the first connexin mutations in zebrafish, and therefore reveals a critical role for local cell-cell communication in the regulation of bone size and growth.  相似文献   

Paired appendages were a key developmental innovation among vertebrates and they eventually evolved into limbs. Ancient developmental control systems for paired fins and limbs are broadly conserved among gnathostome vertebrates. Some lineages including whales, some salamanders, snakes, and many ray-fin fish, independently lost the pectoral, pelvic, or both appendages over evolutionary time. When different taxa independently evolve similar developmental morphologies, do they use the same molecular genetic mechanisms? To determine the developmental genetic basis for the evolution of pelvis loss in the pufferfish Takifugu rubripes (fugu), we isolated fugu orthologs of genes thought to be essential for limb development in tetrapods, including limb positioning (Hoxc6, Hoxd9), limb bud initiation (Pitx1, Tbx4, Tbx5), and limb bud outgrowth (Shh, Fgf10), and studied their expression patterns during fugu development. Results showed that bud outgrowth and initiation fail to occur in fugu, and that pelvis loss is associated with altered expression of Hoxd9a, which we show to be a marker for pelvic fin position in three-spine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus. These results rule out changes in appendage outgrowth and initiation genes as the earliest developmental defect in pufferfish pelvic fin loss and suggest that altered Hoxd9a expression in the lateral mesoderm may account for pelvis loss in fugu. This mechanism appears to be different from the mechanism for pelvic loss in stickleback, showing that different taxa can evolve similar phenotypes by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Joints are essential for skeletal form and function, yet their development remains poorly understood. In zebrafish fins, joints form between the bony fin ray segments providing essentially unlimited opportunities to evaluate joint morphogenesis. Mutations in cx43 cause the short segment phenotype of short fin (sofb123) mutants, suggesting that direct cell-cell communication may regulate joint location. Interestingly, increased cx43 expression in the another long fin (alfdty86) mutant appears to cause joint failure typical of that mutant. Indeed, knockdown of cx43 in alfdty86 mutant fins rescues joint formation. Together, these data reveal a correlation between the level of Cx43 expression in the fin ray mesenchyme and the location of joints. Cx43 was also observed laterally in cells associated with developing joints. Confocal microscopy revealed that the Cx43 protein initially surrounds the membranes of ZNS5-positive joint cells, but at later stages becomes polarized toward the underlying Cx43-positive mesenchymal cells. One possibility is that communication between the Cx43-positive mesenchyme and the overlying ZNS5-positive cells regulates joint location, and upregulation of Cx43 in joint-forming cells contributes to joint morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Although Wnt signaling plays an important role in body patterning during early vertebrate embryogenesis, the mechanisms by which Wnts control the individual processes of body patterning are largely unknown. In zebrafish, wnt3a and wnt8 are expressed in overlapping domains in the blastoderm margin and later in the tailbud. The combined inhibition of Wnt3a and Wnt8 by antisense morpholino oligonucleotides led to anteriorization of the neuroectoderm, expansion of the dorsal organizer, and loss of the posterior body structure-a more severe phenotype than with inhibition of each Wnt alone-indicating a redundant role for Wnt3a and Wnt8. The ventrally expressed homeobox genes vox, vent, and ved mediated Wnt3a/Wnt8 signaling to restrict the organizer domain. Of posterior body-formation genes, expression of the caudal-related cdx1a and cdx4/kugelig, but not bmps or cyclops, was strongly reduced in the wnt3a/wnt8 morphant embryos. Like the wnt3a/wnt8 morphant embryos, cdx1a/cdx4 morphant embryos displayed complete loss of the tail structure, suggesting that Cdx1a and Cdx4 mediate Wnt-dependent posterior body formation. We also found that cdx1a and cdx4 expression is dependent on Fgf signaling. hoxa9a and hoxb7a expression was down-regulated in the wnt3a/wnt8 and cdx1a/cdx4 morphant embryos, and in embryos with defects in Fgf signaling. Fgf signaling was required for Cdx-mediated hoxa9a expression. Both the wnt3a/wnt8 and cdx1a/cdx4 morphant embryos failed to promote somitogenesis during mid-segmentation. These data indicate that the cdx genes mediate Wnt signaling and play essential roles in the morphogenesis of the posterior body in zebrafish.  相似文献   

Cho SJ  Vallès Y  Kim KM  Ji SC  Han SJ  Park SC 《Gene》2012,493(2):260-266
Annelida is a lophotrochozoan phylum whose members have a high degree of diversity in body plan morphology, reproductive strategies and ecological niches among others.Of the two traditional classes pertaining to the phylum Annelida (Polychaete and Clitellata), the structure and function of the Hox genes has not been clearly defined within the Oligochaeta class. Using a PCR-based survey, we were able to identify five new Hox genes from the earthworm Perionyx excavatus: a Hox3 gene (Pex-Hox3b), two Dfd genes (Pex-Lox6 and Pex-Lox18), and two posterior genes (Pex-post1 and -post2a). Our result suggests that the eleven earthworm Hox genes contain at least four paralog groups (PG) that have duplicated. We found the clitellates-diagnostic signature residues and annelid signature motif. Also, we show by semi-quantitative RT-PCR that duplicated Hox gene orthologs are differentially expressed in six different anterior-posterior body regions. These results provide essential data for comparative evolution of the Hox cluster within the Annelida.  相似文献   

We report a novel developmental mechanism. Anterior-posterior positional information for the vertebrate trunk is generated by sequential interactions between a timer in the early non-organiser mesoderm and the organiser. The timer is characterised by temporally colinear activation of a series of Hox genes in the early ventral and lateral mesoderm (i.e., the non-organiser mesoderm) of the Xenopus gastrula. This early Hox gene expression is transient, unless it is stabilised by signals from the Spemann organiser. The non-organiser mesoderm and the Spemann organiser undergo timed interactions during gastrulation which lead to the formation of an anterior-posterior axis and stable Hox gene expression. When separated from each other, neither non-organiser mesoderm nor the Spemann organiser is able to induce anterior-posterior pattern formation of the trunk. We present a model describing that convergence and extension continually bring new cells from the non-organiser mesoderm within the range of organiser signals and thereby create patterned axial structures. In doing so, the age of the non-organiser mesoderm, but not the age of the organiser, defines positional values along the anterior-posterior axis. We postulate that the temporal information from the non-organiser mesoderm is linked to mesodermal Hox expression.  相似文献   

NDRG4 is a novel member of the NDRG family (N-myc downstream-regulated gene). The roles of NDRG4 in development have not previously been evaluated. We show that, during zebrafish embryonic development, ndrg4 is expressed exclusively in the embryonic heart, the central nervous system (CNS) and the sensory system. Ndrg4 knockdown in zebrafish embryos causes a marked reduction in proliferative myocytes and results in hypoplastic hearts. This growth defect is associated with cardiac phenotypes in morphogenesis and function, including abnormal heart looping, inefficient circulation and weak contractility. We reveal that ndrg4 is required for restricting the expression of versican and bmp4 to the developing atrioventricular canal. This constellation of ndrg4 cardiac defects phenocopies those seen in mutant hearts of heartstrings (hst), the tbx5 loss-of-function mutants in zebrafish. We further show that ndrg4 expression is significantly decreased in hearts with reduced tbx5 activities. Conversely, increased expression of tbx5 that is due to tbx20 knockdown leads to an increase in ndrg4 expression. Together, our studies reveal an essential role of ndrg4 in regulating proliferation and growth of cardiomyocytes, suggesting that ndrg4 may function downstream of tbx5 during heart development and growth.  相似文献   

The genes Distal-less, dachshund, extradenticle, and homothorax have been shown in Drosophila to be among the earliest genes that define positional values along the proximal-distal (PD) axis of the developing legs. In order to study PD axis formation in the appendages of the pill millipede Glomeris marginata, we have isolated homologues of these four genes and have studied their expression patterns. In the trunk legs, there are several differences to Drosophila, but the patterns are nevertheless compatible with a conserved role in defining positional values along the PD axis. However, their role in the head appendages is apparently more complex. Distal-less in the mandible and maxilla is expressed in the forming sensory organs and, thus, does not seem to be involved in PD axis patterning. We could not identify in the mouthparts components that are homologous to the distal parts of the trunk legs and antennnae. Interestingly, there is also a transient premorphogenetic expression of Distal-less in the second antennal and second maxillary segment, although no appendages are eventually formed in these segments. The dachshund gene is apparently involved both in PD patterning as well as in sensory organ development in the antenna, maxilla, and mandible. Strong dachshund expression is specifically correlated with the tooth-like part of the mandible, a feature that is shared with other mandibulate arthropods. homothorax is expressed in the proximal and medial parts of the legs, while extradenticle RNA is only seen in the proximal region. This overlap of expression corresponds to the functional overlap between extradenticle and homothorax in Drosophila.  相似文献   

The differentiation of endothelial cells is tightly connected with the formation of blood vessels during vertebrate development. The signaling pathways mediated by vascular endothelial growth factor (vegf) are required for these processes. Here we show that a proto-oncogene, meis1, plays important roles in the vascular development in zebrafish. Knockdown of meis1 by anti-sense meis1 morpholino (meis1 MO) led to the impairment of intersegmental vessel (ISV) formation. In meis1 morphants, the expression of an artery marker was reduced in dorsal aorta (DA), and the expression of vein markers was expanded in DA and posterior cardinal vein (PCV), suggesting the defects on artery development. Furthermore, the expression of vegf receptor, flk1, was significantly decreased in these embryos. Interestingly, flk1 MO-injected embryos exhibited similar defects as meis1 morphants. Thus, these results implicate that meis1 is a novel regulator involved in endothelial cell development, presumably affecting the vegf signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Sonic hedgehog expression during early tooth development in Suncus murinus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tooth development is a highly organized process characterized by reciprocal interactions between epithelium and mesenchyme. However, the expression patterns and functions of molecules involved in mouse tooth development are unclear from the viewpoint of explaining human dental malformations and anomalies. Here, we show the expression of sonic hedgehog (Shh), a potent initiator of morphogenesis, during the early stages of tooth development in Suncus murinus. Initially, symmetrical, elongated expression of suncus Shh (sShh) was observed in the thin layer of dental epithelial cells along the mesial-distal axis of both jaws. As the dental epithelium continued to develop, sShh was strictly restricted to the predicted leading parts of the growing, invaginating epithelium corresponding to tooth primordia and enamel knots. We propose that some aspects of Shh function in tooth development are widely conserved in mammalian phylogeny.  相似文献   

Because of their importance for proper development of the bilaterian embryo, Hox genes have taken center stage for investigations into the evolution of bilaterian metazoans. Taxonomic surveys of major protostome taxa have shown that Hox genes are also excellent phylogenetic markers, as specific Hox genes are restricted to one of the two great protostome clades, the Lophotrochozoa or the Ecdysozoa, and thus support the phylogenetic relationships as originally deduced by 18S rDNA studies. Deuterostomes are the third major group of bilaterians and consist of three major phyla, the echinoderms, the hemichordates, and the chordates. Most morphological studies have supported Hemichordata+Chordata, whereas molecular studies support Echinodermata+Hemichordata, a clade known as Ambulacraria. To test these competing hypotheses, complete or near complete cDNAs of eight Hox genes and four Parahox genes were isolated from the enteropneust hemichordate Ptychodera flava. Only one copy of each Hox gene was isolated suggesting that the Hox genes of P. flava are arranged in a single cluster. Of particular importance is the isolation of three posterior or Abd-B Hox genes; these genes are only shared with echinoderms, and thus support the monophyly of Ambulacraria.  相似文献   

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