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Pancreatic organogenesis relies on a complex interplay of cell-autonomous and extracellular signals. We demonstrate that the morphogen sonic hedgehog (Shh) is required for pancreatic development in zebrafish. Genetic mutants of Shh and its signaling pathway establish this dependence as specific to endocrine, but not exocrine, pancreas. Using cyclopamine to inhibit hedgehog signaling, we show that transient Shh signaling is necessary during gastrulation for subsequent differentiation of endoderm into islet tissue. A second hedgehog-dependent activity occurring later in development was also identified and may be analogous to the known action of Shh in gut endoderm to direct localization of pancreatic development. The early action of Shh may be part of a more general process allowing neuroendocrine cells to originate in nonneuroectodermally derived tissues.  相似文献   

Pancreatic organogenesis is promoted or restricted by different signaling pathways. In amniotes, inhibition of hedgehog (Hh) activity in the early embryonic endoderm is a prerequisite for pancreatic specification. However, in zebrafish, loss of Hh signaling leads to a severe reduction of β-cells, leading to some ambiguity as to the role of Hh during pancreas development and whether its function has completely diverged between species. Here, we have employed genetic and pharmacological manipulations to temporally delineate the role of Hh in zebrafish endocrine pancreas development and investigate its relationship with the Bmp and retinoic acid (RA) signaling pathways. We found that Hh is required at the start of gastrulation for the medial migration and differentiation of pdx1-expressing pancreatic progenitors at later stages. This early positive role of Hh promotes β-cell lineage differentiation by restricting the repressive effects of Bmp. Inhibition of Bmp signaling in the early gastrula leads to increased β-cell numbers and partially rescued β-cell formation in Hh-deficient embryos. By the end of gastrulation, Hh switches to a negative role by antagonizing RA-mediated specification of the endocrine pancreas, but continues to promote differentiation of exocrine progenitors. We show that RA downregulates the Hh signaling components ptc1 and smo in endodermal explants, indicating a possible molecular mechanism for blocking axial mesoderm-derived Hh ligands from the prepancreatic endoderm during the specification stage. These results identify multiple sequential roles for Hh in pancreas development and highlight an unexpected antagonistic relationship between Hh and other signaling pathways to control pancreatic specification and differentiation.  相似文献   

Although many of the genes that regulate development of the endocrine pancreas have been identified, comparatively little is known about how the exocrine pancreas forms. Previous studies have shown that exocrine pancreas development may be modeled in zebrafish. However, the timing and mechanism of acinar and ductal differentiation and morphogenesis have not been described. Here, we characterize zebrafish exocrine pancreas development in wild type and mutant larvae using histological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural analyses. These data allow us to identify two stages of zebrafish exocrine development. During the first stage, the exocrine anlage forms from rostral endodermal cells. During the second stage, proto-differentiated progenitor cells undergo terminal differentiation followed by acinar gland and duct morphogenesis. Immunohistochemical analyses support a model in which the intrapancreatic ductal system develops from progenitors that join to form a contiguous network rather than by branching morphogenesis of the pancreatic epithelium, as described for mammals. Contemporaneous appearance of acinar glands and ducts in developing larvae and their disruption in pancreatic mutants suggest that common molecular pathways may regulate gland and duct morphogenesis and differentiation of their constituent cells. By contrast, analyses of mind bomb mutants and jagged morpholino-injected larvae suggest that Notch signaling principally regulates ductal differentiation of bipotential exocrine progenitors.  相似文献   

In contrast to what we know on development of endocrine pancreas, the formation of exocrine pancreas remains poorly understood. To create an animal model that allows observation of exocrine cell differentiation, proliferation, and morphogenesis in living animals, we used the zebrafish elastaseA (elaA) regulatory sequence to develop transgenic zebrafish that display highly specific exocrine pancreas expression of GFP in both larvae and adult. By following GFP expression, we found that the pancreas in early development was a relatively compact organ and later extended posterior along the intestine. By transferring the elaA:gfp transgene into slow muscle omitted mutant that is deficient in receiving Hedgehog signals, we further showed that Hedgehog signaling is required for exocrine morphogenesis but not for cell differentiation. We also applied the morpholino knockdown and toxin-mediated cell ablation approaches to this transgenic line. We showed that the development of exocrine pancreas is Islet-1 dependent. Injection of the diphtheria toxin A (DTA) construct under the elastaseA promoter resulted in selective ablation of exocrine cells while the endocrine cells and other endodermal derivatives (liver and intestine) were not affected. Thus, our works demonstrated the new transgenic line provided a useful experimental tool in analyzing exocrine pancreas development.  相似文献   

In this study, the initial specification of foregut endoderm in the chick embryo was analyzed. A fate map constructed for the area pellucida endoderm at definitive streak-stage showed centrally-located presumptive cells of foregut-derived organs around Hensen’s node. Intracoelomic cultivation of the area pellucida endoderm at this stage combined with somatic mesoderm resulted in the differentiation predominantly into intestinal epithelium, suggesting that this endoderm may not yet be regionally specified. In vitro cultivation of this endoderm for 1–1.5 day combined with Hensen’s node or its derivatives but not with other embryonic structures/tissues elicited endodermal expression of cSox2 but not of cHoxb9, which is characteristic of specified foregut endoderm. When the anteriormost or posteriormost part of the area pellucida endoderm at this stage, whose fate is extraembryonic, was combined with Hensen’s node or its derivatives for 1 day, then enwrapped with somatic mesoderm and cultivated for a long period intracoelomically, differentiation of various foregut organ epithelia was observed. Such epithelia never appeared in the endoderm associated with other embryonic structures/tissues and cultured similarly. Thus, Hensen’s node and its derivatives that lie centrally in the presumptive endodermal area of the foregut are likely to play an important role in the initial specification of the foregut. Chordin-expressing COS cells or noggin-producing CHO cells transplanted into the anteriormost area pellucida of the definitve streak-stage embryo could induce endodermal expression of cSox2 but not of cHoxb9, suggesting that chordin and noggin that emanate from Hensen’s node and its derivatives, may be involved in this process.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that subdivide the endoderm into the discrete primordia that give rise to organs such as the pancreas and liver are not well understood. However, it is known that retinoic acid (RA) signaling is critical for regionalization of the vertebrate embryo: when RA signaling is either prevented or augmented, anteroposterior (AP) patterning of the CNS and mesoderm is altered and major developmental defects occur. We have investigated the role of RA signaling in regionalization of the zebrafish endoderm. Using a mutant that prevents RA synthesis and an antagonist of the RA receptors, we show that specification of both the pancreas and liver requires RA signaling. By contrast, RA signaling is not required for the formation of the endodermal germ layer or for differentiation of other endodermal organs. Timed antagonist and RA treatments show that the RA-dependent step in pancreatic specification occurs at the end of gastrulation, significantly earlier than the expression of known markers of pancreatic progenitors. In addition to being required for pancreatic specification, RA has the capacity to transfate anterior endoderm to a pancreatic fate.  相似文献   

The Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, conserved across the animal kingdom, is critical for the development of numerous tissues. Several recent studies have focused on the roles that this pathway plays at different stages of pancreatic organogenesis, including specification, proliferation, differentiation and function. Whereas, during early endoderm development, inhibition of the pathway is required for pancreatic specification, subsequent growth and differentiation of the fetal organ depends on the pathway being active. This appears especially true for exocrine acinar cells, the specification and differentiation of which also depend on β-catenin function. Whether the pathway plays an important role in development or function of endocrine islet cells, including insulin-producing β-cells, remains controversial. This question is particularly important in light of recent studies that implicate a downstream component of the pathway, TCF7L2, in human β-cell function. This review will cover recent work on Wnt/β-catenin signaling in pancreas development, emphasizing those points of controversy that most urgently require further investigation.  相似文献   

Endodermal organogenesis requires a precise orchestration of cell fate specification and cell movements, collectively coordinating organ size and shape. In Caenorhabditis elegans, uncoordinated-53 (unc-53) encodes a neural guidance molecule that directs axonal growth. One of the vertebrate homologs of unc-53 is neuron navigator 3 (Nav3). Here, we identified a novel vertebrate neuron navigator 3 isoform in zebrafish, nav3a, and we provide genetic evidence in loss- and gain-of-function experiments showing its functional role in endodermal organogenesis during zebrafish embryogenesis. In zebrafish embryos, nav3a expression was initiated at 22 hpf in the gut endoderm and at 40 hpf expanded to the newly formed liver bud. Endodermal nav3a expression was controlled by Wnt2bb signaling and was independent of FGF and BMP signaling. Morpholino-mediated knockdown of nav3a resulted in a significantly reduced liver size, and impaired development of pancreas and swim bladder. In vivo time-lapse imaging of liver development in nav3a morphants revealed a failure of hepatoblast movement out from the gut endoderm during the liver budding stage, with hepatoblasts being retained in the intestinal endoderm. In hepatocytes in vitro, nav3a acts as a positive modulator of actin assembly in lamellipodia and filipodia extensions, allowing cellular movement. Knockdown of nav3a in vitro impeded hepatocyte movement. Endodermal-specific overexpression of nav3a in vivo resulted in additional ectopic endodermal budding beyond the normal liver and pancreatic budding sites. We conclude that nav3a is required for directing endodermal organogenesis involving coordination of endodermal cell behavior.  相似文献   

In contrast to mammals, the zebrafish maintains its cardiomyocyte proliferation capacity throughout adulthood. However, neither the molecular mechanisms that orchestrate the proliferation of cardiomyocytes during developmental heart growth nor in the context of regeneration in the adult are sufficiently defined yet. We identified in a forward genetic N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) mutagenesis screen the recessive, embryonic-lethal zebrafish mutant baldrian (bal), which shows severely impaired developmental heart growth due to diminished cardiomyocyte proliferation. By positional cloning, we identified a missense mutation in the zebrafish histone deacetylase 1 (hdac1) gene leading to severe protein instability and the loss of Hdac1 function in vivo. Hdac1 inhibition significantly reduces cardiomyocyte proliferation, indicating a role of Hdac1 during developmental heart growth in zebrafish. To evaluate whether developmental and regenerative Hdac1-associated mechanisms of cardiomyocyte proliferation are conserved, we analyzed regenerative cardiomyocyte proliferation after Hdac1 inhibition at the wound border zone in cryoinjured adult zebrafish hearts and we found that Hdac1 is also essential to orchestrate regenerative cardiomyocyte proliferation in the adult vertebrate heart. In summary, our findings suggest an important and conserved role of Histone deacetylase 1 (Hdac1) in developmental and adult regenerative cardiomyocyte proliferation in the vertebrate heart.  相似文献   

Gastrulation of the vertebrate embryo culminates in the formation of three primary germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. The endoderm contributes to the lining of the gut and the associated organs. New components of the molecular pathway for endoderm specification have been identified in the zebrafish and Xenopus. In the mouse, the activity of orthologous factors is involved with the allocation and differentiation of the definitive endoderm. Morphogenetic interactions between the endoderm and the other germ layer derivatives are critical for the morphogenesis of head structures and organogenesis of gut derivatives.  相似文献   

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