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Imaginal discs of Drosophila have the remarkable ability to regenerate. After fragmentation wound healing occurs, ectopic wg is induced and a blastema is formed. In some, but not all fragments, the blastema will replace missing structures and a few cells can become more plastic and transdetermine to structures of other discs. A series of systematic cuts through the first leg disc revealed that a cut must transect the dorsal-proximal disc area and that the fragment must also include wg-competent cells. Fragments that fail to both transdetermine and regenerate missing structures will do both when provided with exogenous Wg, demonstrating the necessity of Wg in regenerative processes. In intact leg discs ubiquitously expressed low levels of Wg also leads to blastema formation, regeneration and transdetermination. Two days after exogenous wg induction the endogenous gene is activated, leading to elevated levels of Wg in the dorsal aspect of the leg disc. We identified a wg enhancer that regulates ectopic wg expression. Deletion of this enhancer increases transdetermination, but lowers the amount of ectopic Wg. We speculate that this lessens repression of dpp dorsally, and thus creates a permissive condition under which the balance of ectopic Wg and Dpp is favorable for transdetermination.  相似文献   

Drosophila imaginal discs, the primordia of the adult fly appendages, are an excellent system for studying developmental plasticity. Cells in the imaginal discs are determined for their disc-specific fate (wingness, legness) during embryogenesis. Disc cells maintain their determination during larval development, a time of extensive growth and proliferation. Only when prompted to regenerate do disc cells exhibit lability in their determined identity. Regeneration in the disc is mediated by a localized region of cell division, known as the regeneration blastema. Most regenerating disc cells strictly adhere to their disc-specific identity; some cells however, switch fate in a phenomenon known as transdetermination. Similar regeneration and transdetermination events can be induced in situ by misexpression of the signaling molecule wingless. Recent studies indicate that the plasticity of disc cells during regeneration is associated with high morphogen activity and the reorganization of chromatin structure. Here we provide both a historical perspective of imaginal disc transdetermination, as well as discuss recent findings on how imaginal disc cells acquire developmental plasticity and multipotency. We also highlight how an understanding of imaginal disc transdetermination can enhance an understanding of developmental potency exhibited by stem cells.  相似文献   

Many diverse animal species regenerate parts of an organ or tissue after injury. However, the molecules responsible for the regenerative growth remain largely unknown. The screen reported here aimed to identify genes that function in regeneration and the transdetermination events closely associated with imaginal disc regeneration using Drosophila melanogaster. We screened a collection of 97 recessive lethal P-lacZ enhancer trap lines for two primary criteria: first, the ability to dominantly modify wg-induced leg-to-wing transdetermination and second, for the activation or repression of the lacZ reporter gene in the blastema during disc regeneration. Of the 97 P-lacZ lines, we identified six genes (Krüppel-homolog-1, rpd3, jing, combgap, Aly and S6 kinase) that met both criteria. Five of these genes suppress, while one enhances, leg-to-wing transdetermination and therefore affects disc regeneration. Two of the genes, jing and rpd3, function in concert with chromatin remodeling proteins of the Polycomb Group (PcG) and trithorax Group (trxG) genes during Drosophila development, thus linking chromatin remodeling with the process of regeneration.  相似文献   

Certain species of urodeles and teleost fish can regenerate their tissues. Zebrafish have become a widely used model to study the spontaneous regeneration of adult tissues, such as the heart1, retina2, spinal cord3, optic nerve4, sensory hair cells5, and fins6.The zebrafish fin is a relatively simple appendage that is easily manipulated to study multiple stages in epimorphic regeneration. Classically, fin regeneration was characterized by three distinct stages: wound healing, blastema formation, and fin outgrowth. After amputating part of the fin, the surrounding epithelium proliferates and migrates over the wound. At 33 °C, this process occurs within six hours post-amputation (hpa, Figure 1B)6,7. Next, underlying cells from different lineages (ex. bone, blood, glia, fibroblast) re-enter the cell cycle to form a proliferative blastema, while the overlying epidermis continues to proliferate (Figure 1D)8. Outgrowth occurs as cells proximal to the blastema re-differentiate into their respective lineages to form new tissue (Figure 1E)8. Depending on the level of the amputation, full regeneration is completed in a week to a month.The expression of a large number of gene families, including wnt, hox, fgf, msx, retinoic acid, shh, notch, bmp, and activin-betaA genes, is up-regulated during specific stages of fin regeneration9-16. However, the roles of these genes and their encoded proteins during regeneration have been difficult to assess, unless a specific inhibitor for the protein exists13, a temperature-sensitive mutant exists or a transgenic animal (either overexpressing the wild-type protein or a dominant-negative protein) was generated7,12. We developed a reverse genetic technique to quickly and easily test the function of any gene during fin regeneration.Morpholino oligonucleotides are widely used to study loss of specific proteins during zebrafish, Xenopus, chick, and mouse development17-19. Morpholinos basepair with a complementary RNA sequence to either block pre-mRNA splicing or mRNA translation. We describe a method to efficiently introduce fluorescein-tagged antisense morpholinos into regenerating zebrafish fins to knockdown expression of the target protein. The morpholino is micro-injected into each blastema of the regenerating zebrafish tail fin and electroporated into the surrounding cells. Fluorescein provides the charge to electroporate the morpholino and to visualize the morpholino in the fin tissue.This protocol permits conditional protein knockdown to examine the role of specific proteins during regenerative fin outgrowth. In the Discussion, we describe how this approach can be adapted to study the role of specific proteins during wound healing or blastema formation, as well as a potential marker of cell migration during blastema formation.  相似文献   

When a fragment of a Drosophila imaginal disc is cultured in growth permissive conditions, it either regenerates the missing structures or duplicates the pattern present in the fragment. This kind of pattern regulation is known to be epimorphic, i.e. the new pattern is generated by proliferation in a specialized tissue called the blastema. Pattern regulation is accompanied by the healing of the cut surfaces restoring the continuous epithelia. Wound healing has been considered to be the inductive signal to commence regenerative cell divisions. Although the general outlines of the proliferation dynamics in a regenerating imaginal disc blastema have been well studied, little is known about the mechanisms driving cells into the regenerative cell cycles. In this study, we have investigated the role of Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK) signaling in the wound healing and regeneration of a Drosophila wing imaginal disc. By utilizing in vivo and in vitro culturing of incised and fragmented discs, we have been able to visualize the dynamics in cellular architecture and gene expression involved in the healing and regeneration process. Our results directly show that homotypic wound healing is not a prerequisite for regenerative cell divisions. We also show that JNK signaling participates in imaginal disc wound healing and is regulated by the physical dynamics of the process, as well as in recruiting cells into the regenerative cell cycles. A model describing the determination of blastema size is discussed.  相似文献   

Drosophila imaginal disc cells have the ability to undergo transdetermination, a process whereby determined disc cells change fate to that of another disc identity. For example, leg disc cells can transdetermine to develop as wing cells. Such events can occur after mechanical disc fragmentation and subsequent regeneration. A subset of transdetermination events can be induced in situ by misexpression of the signaling gene wingless. Both fragmentation and wingless induce transdetermination by altering the expression of selector genes, which drive disc-specific developmental programs. An important future goal is to address how signaling pathways interact with chromatin structure to regulate and maintain the proper expression of selector genes.  相似文献   

Previously we demonstrated that BMP signaling is required for endogenous digit tip regeneration, and that treatment with BMP-2 or -7 induces a regenerative response following amputation at regeneration-incompetent levels (Yu et al., 2010 and Yu et al., 2012). Both endogenous regeneration and BMP-induced regeneration are associated with the transient formation of a blastema, however the formation of a regeneration blastema in mammals is poorly understood. In this study, we focus on how blastema cells respond to BMP signaling during neonatal digit regeneration in mice. First, we show that blastema cells retain regenerative properties after expansion in vitro, and when re-introduced into the amputated digit, these cells display directed migration in response to BMP-2. However, in vitro studies demonstrate that BMP-2 alone does not influence blastema cell migration, suggesting a requirement of another pivotal downstream factor for cell recruitment. We show that blastema cell migration is stimulated by the cytokine, SDF-1α, and that SDF-1α is expressed by the wound epidermis as well as endothelial cells of the blastema. Blastema cells express both SDF-1α receptors, CXCR4 and CXCR7, although the migration response is inhibited by the CXCR4-specific antagonist, AMD3100. Mice treated with AMD3100 display a partial inhibition of skeletal regrowth associated with the regeneration response. We provide evidence that BMP-2 regulates Sdf-1α expression in endothelial cells but not cells of the wound epidermis. Finally, we show that SDF-1α-expressing COS1 cells engrafted into a regeneration-incompetent digit amputation wound resulted in a locally enhanced population of CXCR4 positive cells, and induced a partial regenerative response. Taken together, this study provides evidence that one downstream mechanism of BMP signaling during mammalian digit regeneration involves activation of SDF-1α/CXCR4 signaling by endothelial cells to recruit blastema cells.  相似文献   

The formation of a blastema during regeneration of an axolotl limb involves important changes in the behavior and function of cells at the site of injury. One of the earliest events is the formation of the wound epithelium and subsequently the apical epidermal cap, which involves in vivo dedifferentiation that is controlled by signaling from the nerve. We have investigated the role of epigenetic modifications to the genome as a possible mechanism for regulating changes in gene expression patterns of keratinocytes of the wound and blastema epithelium that are involved in regeneration. We report a modulation of the expression DNMT3a, a de novo DNA methyltransferase, within the first 72 hours post injury that is dependent on nerve signaling. Treatment of skin wounds on the upper forelimb with decitabine, a DNA methyltransferase inhibitor, induced changes in gene expression and cellular behavior associated with a regenerative response. Furthermore, decitabine-treated wounds were able to participate in regeneration while untreated wounds inhibited a regenerative response. Elucidation of the specific epigenetic modifications that mediate cellular dedifferentiation likely will lead to insights for initiating a regenerative response in organisms that lack this ability.  相似文献   

Roles for Fgf signaling during zebrafish fin regeneration   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Most adult mammals heal without restorative replacement of lost tissue and instead form scar tissue at an injury site. One exception is the adult MRL/MpJ mouse that can regenerate ear and cardiac tissue after wounding with little evidence of scar tissue formation. Following production of a MRL mouse ear hole, 2 mm in diameter, a structure rapidly forms at the injury site that resembles the amphibian blastema at a limb amputation site during limb regeneration. We have isolated MRL blastemal cells (MRL-B) from this structure and adapted them to culture. We demonstrate by RT-PCR that even after continuous culturing of these cells they maintain expression of several progenitor cell markers, including DLK (Pref-1), and Msx-1. We have isolated the underlying extracellular matrix (ECM) produced by these MRL-B cells using a new non-proteolytic method and studied the biological activities of this cell-free ECM. Multiplex microELISA analysis of MRL-B cell-free ECM vs. cells revealed selective enrichment of growth factors such as bFGF, HGF and KGF in the matrix compartment. The cell-free ECM, degraded by mild enzyme treatment, was active in promoting migration and proliferation of progenitor cells in vitro and accelerating wound closure in a mouse full thickness cutaneous wound assay in vivo. In vivo, a single application of MRL-B cell matrix-derived products to full thickness cutaneous wounds in non-regenerative mice, B6, induced re-growth of pigmented hair, dermis and epidermis at the wound site whereas scar tissue replaced these tissues at wound sites in mice treated with vehicle alone. These studies suggest that matrix-derived products can stimulate regenerative healing and avert scar tissue formation in adult mammals.  相似文献   

The ability of animals to repair tissue damage is widespread and impressive. Among tissues, the repair and remodeling of bone occurs during growth and in response to injury; however, loss of bone above a threshold amount is not regenerated, resulting in a “critical-size defect” (CSD). The development of therapies to replace or regenerate a CSD is a major focus of research in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. Adult urodeles (salamanders) are unique in their ability to regenerate complex tissues perfectly, yet like mammals do not regenerate a CSD. We report on an experimental model for the regeneration of a CSD in the axolotl (the Excisional Regeneration Model) that allows for the identification of signals to induce fibroblast dedifferentiation and skeletal regeneration. This regenerative response is mediated in part by BMP signaling, as is the case in mammals; however, a complete regenerative response requires the induction of a population of undifferentiated, regeneration-competent cells. These cells can be induced by signaling from limb amputation to generate blastema cells that can be grafted to the wound, as well as by signaling from a nerve and a wound epithelium to induce blastema cells from fibroblasts within the wound environment.  相似文献   



Epimorphic regeneration results in the restoration of lost tissues and structures from an aggregation of proliferating cells known as a blastema. Among amniotes the most striking example of epimorphic regeneration comes from tail regenerating lizards. Although tail regeneration is often studied in the context of ecological costs and benefits, details of the sequence of tissue-level events are lacking. Here we investigate the anatomical and histological events that characterize tail regeneration in the leopard gecko, Eublepharis macularius.


Tail structure and tissue composition were examined at multiple days following tail loss, revealing a conserved pattern of regeneration. Removal of the tail results in a consistent series of morphological and histological events. Tail loss is followed by a latent period of wound healing with no visible signs of regenerative outgrowth. During this latent period basal cells of the epidermis proliferate and gradually cover the wound. An additional aggregation of proliferating cells accumulates adjacent to the distal tip of the severed spinal cord marking the first appearance of the blastema. Continued growth of the blastema is matched by the initiation of angiogenesis, followed by the re-development of peripheral axons and the ependymal tube of the spinal cord. Skeletal tissue differentiation, corresponding with the expression of Sox9, and muscle re-development are delayed until tail outgrowth is well underway.


We demonstrate that tail regeneration in lizards involves a highly conserved sequence of events permitting the establishment of a staging table. We show that tail loss is followed by a latent period of scar-free healing of the wound site, and that regeneration is blastema-mediated. We conclude that the major events of epimorphic regeneration are highly conserved across vertebrates and that a comparative approach is an invaluable biomedical tool for ongoing regenerative research.  相似文献   

Following tissue damage the immune response, including inflammation, has been considered an inevitable condition to build the host defense against invading pathogens. The recruitment of innate immune leukocytes to injured tissue is observed in both vertebrates and invertebrates. However, it is still not conclusive whether the inflammatory response is also indispensable for the wound healing process by itself, in addition to its role in microbial clearance. In this study we determine the requirement of innate immune cells, both hemocytes and fat body cells, in Drosophila imaginal disc regeneration. We investigate wound healing and regenerative cell proliferation of damaged imaginal discs under immunodeficient conditions. To delay development of Drosophila at matured third instar larval stage we used a sterol-mutant erg2 knock-out yeast strain in the medium. This dietary-controlled developmental arrest allowed us to generate larvae free of immune cells without interfering with their larval development. In addition, this approach allowed uncoupling regenerative cell proliferation of damaged discs from their normal developmental growth. We furthermore examined the regenerative cell proliferation of fragmented imaginal discs by transplantation into host flies deficient of immune cells. We demonstrate that the damaged/fragmented discs in immune cells deficient conditions still exhibit regenerative cell proliferation comparable to those of control samples. These results suggest that recruitment of immune cells is not a prerequisite for the regenerative growth of damaged imaginal discs.  相似文献   

We have modified and optimized the technique of organotypic slice culture in order to study the mechanisms regulating growth and pattern formation in regenerating axolotl limb blastemas. Blastema cells maintain many of the behaviors that are characteristic of blastemas in vivo when cultured as slices in vitro, including rates of proliferation that are comparable to what has been reported in vivo. Because the blastema slices can be cultured in basal medium without fetal bovine serum, it was possible to test the response of blastema cells to signaling molecules present in serum, as well as those produced by nerves. We also were able to investigate the response of blastema cells to experimentally regulated changes in BMP signaling. Blastema cells responded to all of these signals by increasing the rate of proliferation and the level of expression of the blastema marker gene, Prrx-1. The organotypic slice culture model provides the opportunity to identify and characterize the spatial and temporal co-regulation of pathways in order to induce and enhance a regenerative response.  相似文献   

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