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Sister chromatid cohesion in eukaryotes is maintained mainly by a conserved multiprotein complex termed cohesin. Drad21 and DSA1 are the Drosophila homologues of the yeast Scc1 and Scc3 cohesin subunits, respectively. We recently identified a Drosophila mitotic cohesin complex composed of Drad21/DSA1/DSMC1/DSMC3. Here we study the contribution of this complex to sister chromatid cohesion using immunofluorescence microscopy to analyze cell cycle chromosomal localization of DSA1 and Drad21 in S2 cells. We observed that DSA1 and Drad21 colocalize during all cell cycle stages in cultured cells. Both proteins remain in the centromere until metaphase, colocalizing at the centromere pairing domain that extends along the entire heterochromatin; the centromeric cohesion protein MEI-S332 is nonetheless reported in a distinct centromere domain. These results provide strong evidence that DSA1 and Drad21 are partners in a cohesin complex involved in the maintenance of sister chromatid arm and centromeric cohesion during mitosis in Drosophila.  相似文献   

In some species such as flies, worms, frogs and fish, the key to forming and maintaining early germ cell populations is the assembly of germ plasm, microscopically distinct egg cytoplasm that is rich in RNAs, RNA-binding proteins and ribosomes. Cells which inherit germ plasm are destined for the germ cell lineage. In contrast, in mammals, germ cells are formed and maintained later in development as a result of inductive signaling from one embryonic cell type to another. Research advances, using complementary approaches, including identification of key signaling factors that act during the initial stages of germ cell development, differentiation of germ cells in vitro from mouse and human embryonic stem cells and the demonstration that homologs of germ plasm components are conserved in mammals, have shed light on key elements in the early development of mammalian germ cells. Here, we use FRET (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer) to demonstrate that living mammalian germ cells possess specific RNA/protein complexes that contain germ plasm homologs, beginning in the earliest stages of development examined. Moreover, we demonstrate that, although both human and mouse germ cells and embryonic stem cells express the same proteins, germ cell-specific protein/protein interactions distinguish germ cells from precursor embryonic stem cells in vitro; interactions also determine sub-cellular localization of complex components. Finally, we suggest that assembly of similar protein complexes may be central to differentiation of diverse cell lineages and provide useful diagnostic tools for isolation of specific cell types from the assorted types differentiated from embryonic stem cells.  相似文献   

The deleted in azoospermia (DAZ) family genes encode potential RNA-binding proteins that are expressed exclusively in germ cells in a wide range of metazoans. We have previously shown that mutations in daz-1, the only DAZ family gene in Caenorhabditis elegans, cause pachytene stage arrest of female germ cells but do not affect spermatogenesis. In this study, we report that DAZ-1 protein is most abundantly expressed in proliferating female germ cells, in a manner independent of the GLP-1 signaling pathway. DAZ-1 is dispensable in males but it is expressed also in male mitotic germ cells. Detailed phenotypic analyses with fluorescence microscopy and transmission electron microscopy have revealed that loss of daz-1 function causes multiple abnormalities as early as the onset of meiotic prophase, which include aberrant chromatin structure, small nucleoli, absence of the cytoplasmic core, and precocious cellularization. Although the reduced size of nucleoli is indicative of a low translational activity in these cells, artificial repression of general translation in the germline does not phenocopy the daz-1 mutant. Thus, we propose that DAZ-1 in C. elegans plays essential roles in female premeiotic and early meiotic germ cells, probably via regulating the translational activity of specific target genes required for the progression of oogenesis.  相似文献   

The replication of chromosomes in meiosis is an important first step for subsequent chromosomal interactions that promote accurate disjunction in the first of two segregation events to generate haploid gametes. We have developed an assay to monitor DNA replication in vivo in mitotic and meiotic germline nuclei of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Using mutants that affect the mitosis/meiosis switch, we show that meiotic S phase is at least twice as long as mitotic S phase in C. elegans germ cell nuclei. Furthermore, our assay reveals that different regions of the genome replicate at different times, with the heterochromatic-like X chromosomes replicating at a distinct time from the autosomes. Finally, we have exploited S-phase labeling to monitor the timing of progression through meiotic prophase. Meiotic prophase for oocyte production in hermaphrodites lasts 54-60 h. Further, we find that the duration of the pachytene sub-stage is modulated by the presence of sperm. On the other hand, meiotic prophase for sperm production in males is completed by 20-24 h. Possible sources for the sex-specific differences in meiotic prophase kinetics are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In aberrant egg follicles of the pattern mutant dicephalic (dic) the oocyte is wedged in between two groups of nurse cells, and this condition may give rise to embryos which express anterior traits at both ends. We have analysed the role of the dic genotype of the germ line cells and the surrounding somatic follicle cells in the formation of the dic follicular phenotype. By means of pole cell transplantations into Fs (1) K 1237 hosts (this cell-autonomous mutation causes degeneration of the host's germ line cells early in oogenesis), we constructed chimeras in which either the follicle cells, the germ line cells, or both were homozygous for the dic mutation. In all three combinations the dic phenotype was expressed but not in controls with dic + in both germ line cells and follicular epithelium. Since follicles with the dic phenotype may be produced if either the germ line cells or the follicle cells lack dic + gene activity we suggest that cellular interactions between both cell types are required for the correct positioning of the oocyte at the follicle's posterior pole.  相似文献   

Germ cell sequestering in Animalia is enlightened by either, launching true germ line along epigenetic or preformistic modes of development, or by somatic embryogenesis, where no true germ line is set aside. The research on germ line-somatic tissue segregation is of special relevancy to colonial organisms like botryllid ascidians that reconstruct, on a weekly basis, completely new sets of male and female gonads in newly formed somatic tissues. By sequencing and evaluating expression patterns of BS-Vasa, the Botryllus schlosseri orthologue of Vasa, in sexually mature and asexual colonies during blastogenesis, we have demonstrated that the BS-Vasa mRNA and protein are not expressed exclusively in germ cell lineages, but appeared in cells repeatedly emerging de novo in the colony, independently of its sexual state. In addition, we recorded an immediate Vasa response to cellular stress (UV irradiation) indicating additional functions to its germ line assignments. To confirm germ lineage exclusivity, we examined the expression of three more stem cell markers (BS-Pl10, Bl-piwi and Oct4). Vasa co-expression with Pl10 and Oct4 was detected in germ line derivatives and with Bl-piwi in somatic tissues. Presumptive primordial germ cells (PGC-like cells), that are Vasa+/Pl10+/Oct4+ and 6-12 μm in diameter, were first detected in wrapped-tail embryos, in oozooids, in sexual/asexual colonies, within a newly identified PGC niche termed as ‘budlet niche’, and in circulating blood borne cells, indicating epigenetic embryogenesis. Alternatively, BS-Vasa co-expression with piwi orthologue, an omnipresent bona fide stemness flag, in non germ line cell populations, may indicate germ cell neogenesis (somatic embryogenesis) in B. schlosseri. Both alternatives are not necessarily mutually exclusive.  相似文献   

In this study, we present evidence that the asp function is required in oogenesis for germline cell divisions as well as for cyst polarity and oocyte differentiation. Consistent with previously described roles in spindle organization during Drosophila meiosis and mitosis, asp mutation leads to severe defects in spindle microtubule organization within the germarium. The mitotic spindles of the mutant cystocytes are composed by wavy microtubules and have abnormal poles that often lack gamma-tubulin. The fusome structure is also compromised. In the absence of asp function, the cystocyte divisions fail resulting in egg chamber with fewer than 16 germ cells. Moreover, the microtubule network within the developing germline cysts may assemble incorrectly in turn affecting the microtubule based transport of the specific determinants that is required during mid-oogenesis for the oocyte differentiation program.  相似文献   

During meiosis, sister chromatid cohesion is required for normal levels of homologous recombination, although how cohesion regulates exchange is not understood. Null mutations in orientation disruptor (ord) ablate arm and centromeric cohesion during Drosophila meiosis and severely reduce homologous crossovers in mutant oocytes. We show that ORD protein localizes along oocyte chromosomes during the stages in which recombination occurs. Although synaptonemal complex (SC) components initially associate with synapsed homologues in ord mutants, their localization is severely disrupted during pachytene progression, and normal tripartite SC is not visible by electron microscopy. In ord germaria, meiotic double strand breaks appear and disappear with frequency and timing indistinguishable from wild type. However, Ring chromosome recovery is dramatically reduced in ord oocytes compared with wild type, which is consistent with the model that defects in meiotic cohesion remove the constraints that normally limit recombination between sisters. We conclude that ORD activity suppresses sister chromatid exchange and stimulates inter-homologue crossovers, thereby promoting homologue bias during meiotic recombination in Drosophila.  相似文献   

The polytrophic ovarioles of three insect species, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, the fungus gnat Bradysia tritici, and the honeybee Apis mellifera, were compared morphologically and with respect to the cytological organization of the peripheral somatic layers. Staining with rhodaminyl-phalloidin revealed differences in the organization of the muscle strands of the epithelial sheath and the microfilament pattern in the basal part of the follicular epithelium (mid-vitellogenic stages). Also, the size of the intercellular space between the follicle cells differed considerably in the three analyzed species. The basement membrane of Drosophila and Bradysia follicles was partially digested using purified collagenase. The observed morphological changes indicated that in both species the basement membrane of the follicular epithelium plays an important role in shaping the follicles. The possible functional significance of the species-specific structural differences is discussed.  相似文献   

In many species, the germ cells, precursors of sperm and egg, migrate during embryogenesis. The signals that regulate this migration are thus essential for fertility. In flies, lipid signals have been shown to affect germ cell guidance. In particular, the synthesis of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate through the 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl coenzyme A reductase (Hmgcr) pathway is critical for attracting germ cells to their target tissue. In a genetic analysis of signaling pathways known to affect cell migration of other migratory cells, we failed to find a role for the Hedgehog (Hh) pathway in germ cell migration. However, previous reports had implicated Hh as a germ cell attractant in flies and suggested that Hh signaling is enhanced through the action of the Hmgcr pathway. We therefore repeated several critical experiments and carried out further experiments to test specifically whether Hh is a germ cell attractant in flies. In contrast to previously reported findings and consistent with findings in zebrafish our data do not support the notion that Hh has a direct role in the guidance of migrating germ cells in flies.  相似文献   

In germ cells, the function of which is to form the next generation, apoptotic cell death occurs during development, as in the case of somatic cells. In this study, we show that Bcl-x knockout heterozygous (Bcl-x(+/-)) mice exhibit severe defects in male germ cells during development. A substantial increase in apoptosis of male germ cells occurs at around embryonic day 13.5 (E13.5) in Bcl-x(+/-) embryos, leading to hypoplasia of postnatal testes and reduced fertility. On the other hand, female germ cells at the same stages do not show discernible differences between wild-type and Bcl-x(+/-) embryos. This phenotype of Bcl-x haploinsufficiency shows that regulation of apoptosis becomes different between the sexes at around the onset of sex differentiation. Through this study, we found that, in wild-type embryos, (1) apoptosis is much more frequent (approximately 10 times) in the male than in female germ cells, and (2) expression of Bcl-xL, but not that of Bax, is higher in female than in male germ cells, at around E13.5. Male fetal germ cells, cultured with gonadal somatic cells in vitro, showed higher frequencies of apoptosis than those cultured without gonadal somatic cells. On the other hand, in the absence of gonadal somatic cells, both male and female fetal germ cells in vitro showed similar frequencies of apoptosis to female fetal germ cells in vivo. Therefore, male germ cell apoptosis, of which the default pathway is similar to that of the female, is likely to be influenced by male gonadal environments.  相似文献   

Deletion of the lissencephaly disease gene LIS-1 in humans causes an extreme disorganization of the brain associated with significant reduction in cortical neurons. Here we show that deletion or RNA interference (RNAi) of Caenorhabditis elegans lis-1 results in a reduction in germline nuclei and causes a variety of cellular, developmental, and neurological defects throughout development. Our analysis of the germline defects suggests that the reduction in nuclei number stems from dysfunctional mitotic spindles resulting in cell cycle arrest and eventually programmed cell death (apoptosis). Deletion of the spindle checkpoint gene mdf-1 blocks lis-1(lf)-induced cell cycle arrest and germline apoptosis, placing the spindle checkpoint pathway upstream of the programmed cell death pathway. These results suggest that apoptosis may contribute to the cell-sparse pathology of lissencephaly.  相似文献   

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