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Summary An extensive array of microtubules has been shown to exist in the cortex of Xenopus laevis oocytes both at the prophase I and metaphase II stages. The cortical microtubules were visualized after the oocyte cortex was squashed and immunostained using anti-tubulin antibody. They are cold- and nocodazole-sensitive; their stability to both treatments decreases after meiotic maturation. Biochemical extraction of manually isolated oocyte cortices, in a microtubule-stabilizing buffer, confirms these cytological observations.  相似文献   

Vegetally localized RNAs in Xenopus laevis oocytes are involved in the patterning of the early embryo as well as in cell fate specification. Here we report on the isolation and characterization of a novel, vegetally localized RNA in Xenopus oocytes termed Xvelo1. It encodes a protein of unknown biological function and it represents an antisense RNA for XPc1 over a length of more than 1.8 kb. Xvelo1 exhibits a localization pattern reminiscent of the late pathway RNAs Vg1 and VegT; it contains RNA localization elements (LE) which do not match with the consensus structural features as deduced from Vg1 and VegT LEs. Nevertheless, the protein binding pattern as observed for Xvelo1-LE in UV cross-linking experiments and coimmunoprecipitation assays is largely overlapping with the one obtained for Vg1-LE. These observations suggest that the structural features recognized by the protein machinery that drives localization of maternal mRNAs along the late pathway in Xenopus oocytes must be redefined.  相似文献   

A study was made of the effects of the venom of the Chilean spider Latrodectus mactans on endogenous ion-currents of Xenopus laevis oocytes. 1 μg/ml of the venom made the resting plasma membrane potential more negative in cells voltage-clamped at −60 mV. The effect was potentially due to the closure of one or several conductances that were investigated further. Thus, we determined the effects of the venom on the following endogenous ionic-currents: (a) voltage-activated potassium currents, (b) voltage-activated chloride-currents, and (c) calcium-dependent chloride-currents (Tout). The results suggest that the venom exerts its action mainly on a transient outward potassium-current that is probably mediated by a Kv channel homologous to shaker. Consistent with the electrophysiological evidence we detected the expression of the mRNA coding for xKv1.1 in the oocytes.  相似文献   

We have identified the RNA-binding protein Hermes in a screen for vegetally localized RNAs in Xenopus oocytes. The RNA localizes to the vegetal cortex through both the message transport organizer (METRO) and late pathways. Hermes mRNA and protein are both detected at the vegetal cortex of the oocyte; however, the protein is degraded within a several hour period during oocyte maturation. Injection of antisense morpholino oligonucleotides (HE-MO) against Hermes caused a precocious reduction in Hermes protein present during maturation and resulted in a phenotype characterized by cleavage defects in vegetal blastomeres. The phenotype can be partially rescued by injecting Hermes mRNA. These results demonstrate that the localized RNA-binding protein Hermes functions during oocyte maturation to regulate the cleavage of specific vegetally derived cell lineages. Hermes most likely performs its function by regulating the translation or processing of one or more target RNAs. This is an important mechanism by which the embryo can generate unique cell lineages. The regulation of region-specific cell division is a novel function for a localized mRNA.  相似文献   

Maintenance of meiotic prophase arrest in fully grown vertebrate oocytes depends on an elevated level of cAMP in the oocyte. To investigate how the cAMP level is regulated, we examined whether the activity of an oocyte G protein of the family that stimulates adenylyl cyclase, Gs, is required to maintain meiotic arrest. Microinjection of a dominant negative form of Gs into Xenopus and mouse oocytes, or microinjection of an antibody that inhibits the Gs G protein into zebrafish oocytes, caused meiosis to resume. Together with previous studies, these results support the conclusion that Gs-regulated generation of cAMP by the oocyte is a common mechanism for maintaining meiotic prophase arrest in vertebrate oocytes.  相似文献   

Appropriate blood supply and vascular development are necessary in development and in cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Here, we report the use of DiI-labeled acetylated low-density lipoprotein (DiI-Ac-LDL) to label endothelial cells and characterize the vasculature of live Xenopus embryos. The atlas we have created provides a detailed map of normal vascular development against which perturbations of normal patterning can be compared. By following the development of the intersomitic vessels in real-time, we show that, while rostrocaudal gradient of maturing intersomitic vessels occurs, it is not absolute. In addition, the comparative study of the ontogeny of nerve bundles from the spinal cord of transgenic Xenopus embryos expressing green fluorescent protein in the nervous system and blood vessels demonstrates a strong anatomical correlation in neurovascular development. These studies provide the basis for understanding how the vascular system forms and assumes its complicated stereotypical pattern in normal development and in disease.  相似文献   

The dorsal marginal zone (DMZ) of the amphibian embryo is a key embryonic region involved in body axis organization and neural induction. Using time-lapse microscopic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), we follow the pregastrula movements that lead to the formation of the DMZ of the stage 10 Xenopus embryo. 2D and 3D MRI time-lapse series reveal that pregastrular movements change the tissue architecture of the DMZ at earlier stages and in a different fashion than previously appreciated. Beginning at stage 9, epiboly of the animal cap moves tissue into the dorsal but not into the ventral marginal zone, resulting in an asymmetry between the dorsal and the ventral sides. Time-lapse imaging of labeled blastomeres shows that the animal cap tissue moves into the superficial DMZ overlying the deeper mesendoderm of the DMZ. The shearing of superficial tissue over the deeper mesendoderm creates the radial/vertical arrangement of ectoderm outside of mesendoderm within the DMZ, which is independent of involution and prior to the formation of the dorsal blastoporal lip. This tilting of the DMZ is distinct from, but occurs synchronously with, the vegetal rotation of the vegetal cell mass [R., Winklbauer, M., Schürfeld (1999). "Vegetal rotation, a new gastrulation movement involved in the internalization of the mesoderm and endoderm in Xenopus." Development. 126, 3703-3713.]. We present a revised model of gastrulation movements in Xenopus laevis.  相似文献   

The mesoderm, comprising the tissues that come to lie entirely in the deep layer, originates in both the superficial epithelial and the deep mesenchymal layers of the early amphibian embryo. Here, we characterize the mechanisms by which the superficial component of the presumptive mesoderm ingresses into the underlying deep mesenchymal layer in Xenopus tropicalis and extend our previous findings for Xenopus laevis. Fate mapping the superficial epithelium of pregastrula stage embryos demonstrates ingression of surface cells into both paraxial and axial mesoderm (including hypochord), in similar patterns and amounts in both species. Superficial presumptive notochord lies medially, flanked by presumptive hypochord and both overlie the deep region of the presumptive notochord. These tissues are flanked laterally by superficial presumptive somitic mesoderm, the anterior tip of which also appears to overlay the presumptive deep notochord. Time-lapse recordings show that presumptive somitic and notochordal cells move out of the roof of the gastrocoel and into the deep region during neurulation, whereas hypochordal cells ingress after neurulation. Scanning electron microscopy at the stage and position where ingression occurs suggests that superficial presumptive somitic cells in X. laevis ingress into the deep region as bottle cells whereas those in X. tropicalis ingress by "relamination" (e.g., [Dev. Biol. 174 (1996) 92]). In both species, the superficially derived presumptive somitic cells come to lie in the medial region of the presumptive somites during neurulation. By the early tailbud stages, these cells lie at the horizontal myoseptum of the somites. The morphogenic pathway of these cells strongly resembles that of the primary slow muscle pioneer cells of the zebrafish. We present a revised fate map of Xenopus, and we discuss the conservation of superficial mesoderm within amphibians and across the chordates and its implications for the role of this tissue in patterning the mesoderm.  相似文献   

In urodele amphibians like the newt, complete retina and lens regeneration occurs throughout their lives. In contrast, anuran amphibians retain this capacity only in the larval stage and quickly lose it during metamorphosis. It is believed that they are unable to regenerate these tissues after metamorphosis. However, contrary to this generally accepted notion, here we report that both the neural retina (NR) and lens regenerate following the surgical removal of these tissues in the anuran amphibian, Xenopus laevis, even in the mature animal. The NR regenerated both from the retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells by transdifferentiation and from the stem cells in the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ) by differentiation. In the early stage of NR regeneration (5-10 days post operation), RPE cells appeared to delaminate from the RPE layer and adhere to the remaining retinal vascular membrane. Thereafter, they underwent transdifferentiation to regenerate the NR layer. An in vitro culture study also revealed that RPE cells differentiated into neurons and that this was accelerated by the presence of FGF-2 and IGF-1. The source of the regenerating lens appeared to be remaining lens epithelium, suggesting that this is a kind of repair process rather than regeneration. Thus, we show for the first time that anuran amphibians retain the capacity for retinal regeneration after metamorphosis, similarly to urodeles, but that the mode of regeneration differs between the two orders. Our study provides a new tool for the molecular analysis of regulatory mechanisms involved in retinal and lens regeneration by providing an alternative animal model to the newt, the only other experimental model.  相似文献   

A phosphorylated protein with molecular mass of 25,000 (pp25) is a component of Xenopus laevis vitellogenin B1. In an attempt to elucidate the physiological role of pp25, its effect on protein phosphorylation was studied. In vitro phosphorylation of some endogenous proteins from the cytoplasm and membrane fraction of Xenopus oocytes by casein kinase II and protein kinase C (PKC) was inhibited by increasing the concentration of pp25. By Western blot analysis using an antibody against phospho-(Ser/Thr) PKC substrate, phosphorylation of some endogenous proteins, especially in the cytoplasm, of Xenopus embryos was seen to increase when pp25 disappeared during developmental stages 35–45. These results suggest that pp25 may have a role as an inhibitory modulator of some protein phosphorylation in Xenopus oocytes and embryos.  相似文献   

The thyroid gland synthesizes thyroxine (T4), which passes through the larval tadpole's circulatory system. The enzyme type II iodothyronine deiodinase (D2) converts thyroxine (T4) to the active hormone 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T3) in peripheral tissues. An early response to thyroid hormone (TH) in the Xenopus laevis tadpole is the stimulation of cell division in cells that line the brain ventricles, the lumen of the spinal cord, and the limb buds. These cells express constitutively high levels of D2 mRNA. Exogenous T4 induces early DNA synthesis in brain, spinal cord, and limb buds as efficiently as T3. The deiodinase inhibitor iopanoic acid blocks T4- but not T3-induced cell division. At metamorphic climax, both TH-induced cell division and D2 expression decrease in the brain. Then D2 expression appears in late-responding tissues including the anterior pituitary, the intestine, and the tail where cell division is reduced or absent. Therefore, constitutive expression of D2 occurs in the earliest target tissues of TH that will grow and differentiate, while TH-induced expression of D2 takes place in late-responding tissues that will remodel or die. This pattern of constitutive and induced D2 expression contributes to the timing of metamorphic changes in these tissues.  相似文献   

Summary By use of an anti-gastrin serum and colloidal gold- or ferritin-labelled sheep anti-rabbit -globulins, nerve fibres and nerve terminals containing a gastrin-like substance were characterized at the ultrastructural level in the median eminence of Xenopus laevis. These immunoreactive fibres contain neurosecretory granules displaying medium to high electron density and a mean diameter of 75 nm. Labelling intensity varies from granule to granule. This is the first demonstration at the ultrastructural level of the precise location of a gastrin-like hormone in the median eminence of a vertebrate.Supported by the D.G.R.S.T., Contrat no 80.7.0242  相似文献   

Progesterone stimulates G2-arrested Xenopus oocytes to synthesize Mos, a MAPK kinase kinase required for the coordinated activation of cdc2 and the G2/Meiosis I (MI) transition. Mos leads to activation of MAPK, Rsk, and the inhibition of the cdc2 inhibitor Myt1. Previous work identified CK2 beta as a Mos-interacting protein, and suggested that CK2 beta acts as a negative regulator by setting a threshold above which newly made Mos must accumulate to activate MAPK. However, it had not been demonstrated that CK2 beta directly inhibits Mos. We report here that Mos (52-115) is required for CK2 beta binding and can serve as a portable binding domain. To test whether CK2 beta acts at the level of Mos or on a downstream component, we took advantage of previous work that showed injection of Mos arrests rapidly dividing embryonic cells. We find that coinjection of CK2 beta and Mos into embryonic cells inhibits the ability of Mos to arrest cell division. In contrast, CK2 beta does not inhibit the mitotic arrest induced by injection of active Rsk. These results argue that CK2 beta directly binds and inhibits Mos rather than a downstream component, and support that CK2 beta functions as a molecular buffer that prevents premature MAPK activation and oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

Transport mechanisms involved in pH homeostasis are relevant for the survival of Leishmania parasites. The presence of chloride conductive pathways in Leishmania has been anticipated since anion channel inhibitors limit the proton extrusion mediated by the H+ATPase, which is the major regulator of intracellular pH in amastigotes. In this study, we used Xenopus laevis oocytes as a heterologous expression system in which to study the expression of ion channels upon microinjection of polyA mRNA from Leishmania amazonensis. After injection of polyA mRNA into the oocytes, we measured three different types of currents. We discuss the possible origin of each, and propose that Type 3 currents could be the result of the heterologous expression of proteins from Leishmania since they show different pharmacological and biophysical properties as compared to endogenous oocyte currents.  相似文献   

To study the properties of ion channels of the tapeworm Taenia crassiceps, mRNA was isolated from cysticerci and injected into mature oocytes of the frog Xenopus laevis and ion currents were recorded four days after injection with the two-electrode voltage clamp technique. Oocytes injected with mRNA of T. crassiceps expressed outward currents (ITC) that activated instantly after onset of the test pulse, followed by a slow inactivation at potentials over +40 mV, with a reversal potential of −23.2 ± 5 mV. They were not affected by changes on monovalent cationic composition of external media, but replacement of external chloride by gluconate shifted significantly the reversal potential, suggesting that ITC are anion currents, with a permeability sequence of . These currents were sensitive to changes of external pH but not to hypotonic challenges. They were significantly inhibited by DIDS, NPPB and Niflumic acid, but not by 9-anthracene. These results suggest that ITC are the result of expression of anion channels from the tapeworm T. crassiceps.  相似文献   

Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) associated with the membrane fraction of trophocytes from Periplaneta americana fat body increases by as much as 100% when the cells are incubated with hypertrehalosemic hormone (HTH-II). Activation with HTH-II is approximately halved by inclusion of the PKC inhibitor sphingosine in the incubation medium. Because activation of PLA2 by HTH-II is blocked by the GDP analogue GDP-β-S, and the unactivated enzyme is activated by the GTP analogue GTP-γ-S it is likely that a G protein is involved in activation of the enzyme. Activation of PLA2 was also achieved by treating the trophocytes with the synthetic diacylglycerol 1-oleoyl-2-acetylglycerol in the presence of thapsigargin. This supports the view that protein kinase C is also involved in the activation process.  相似文献   

X-linked chronic granulomatous disease (X-CGD) is a primary immunodeficiency disease of phagocytes caused by mutations in the cytochrome b(558)β (CYBB) gene. We, for the first time, detected somatic mosaicism in two unrelated male patients with X-CGD caused by de novo nonsense mutations (p.Gly223X and p.Glu462X) in the CYBB gene. In each patient, a small subset of granulocytes was normal in terms of respiratory burst (ROB) activity, gp91(phox) expression, and CYBB sequences. Cells with wild-type CYBB sequence were also detected in buccal swab specimens and in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The normal cells were shown to be of the patient origin by fluorescent in situ hybridization analysis of X/Y chromosomes, and by HLA DNA typing. Two possible mechanisms for this somatic mosaicism were considered. The first is that the de novo disease-causing mutations in CYBB occurred at an early multicellular stage of embryogenesis with subsequent expansion of the mutated cells, leaving some unmutated cells surviving. The second possibility is that the de novo mutations occurred in oocytes which was followed by reversion of the mutations in a small subset of cells in early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

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