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Morphogen gradients play a fundamental role in organ patterning and organ growth. Unlike their role in patterning, their function in regulating the growth and the size of organs is poorly understood. How and why do morphogen gradients exert their mitogenic effects to generate uniform proliferation in developing organs, and by what means can morphogens impinge on the final size of organs? The decapentaplegic (Dpp) gradient in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc has emerged as a suitable and established system to study organ growth. Here, we review models and recent findings that attempt to address how the Dpp morphogen contributes to uniform proliferation of cells, and how it may regulate the final size of wing discs.  相似文献   

Klebes A  Biehs B  Cifuentes F  Kornberg TB 《Genome biology》2002,3(8):research0038.1-research003816


In the Drosophila larva, imaginal discs are programmed to produce adult structures at metamorphosis. Although their fate is precisely determined, these organs remain largely undifferentiated in the larva. To identify genes that establish and express the different states of determination in discs and larval tissues, we used DNA microarrays to analyze mRNAs isolated from single imaginal discs.  相似文献   

The developmental mechanisms by which growth is coordinated among developing organs are largely unknown and yet are essential to generate a correctly proportioned adult. In particular, such coordinating mechanisms must be able to accommodate perturbations in the growth of individual organs caused by environmental or developmental stress. By autonomously slowing the growth of the developing wing discs within Drosophila larvae, we show that growing organs are able to signal localized growth perturbation to the other organs in the body and slow their growth also. Growth rate is so tightly coordinated among organs that they all show approximately the same reduction in growth rate as the developing wings, thereby maintaining their correct size relationship relative to one another throughout development. Further, we show that the systemic growth effects of localized growth-perturbation are mediated by ecdysone. Application of ecdysone to larvae with growth-perturbed wing discs rescues the growth rate of other organs in the body, indicating that ecdysone is limiting for their growth, and disrupts the coordination of their growth with growth of the wing discs. Collectively our data demonstrate the existence of a novel growth-coordinating mechanism in Drosophila that synchronizes growth among organs in response to localized growth perturbation.  相似文献   

Following tissue damage the immune response, including inflammation, has been considered an inevitable condition to build the host defense against invading pathogens. The recruitment of innate immune leukocytes to injured tissue is observed in both vertebrates and invertebrates. However, it is still not conclusive whether the inflammatory response is also indispensable for the wound healing process by itself, in addition to its role in microbial clearance. In this study we determine the requirement of innate immune cells, both hemocytes and fat body cells, in Drosophila imaginal disc regeneration. We investigate wound healing and regenerative cell proliferation of damaged imaginal discs under immunodeficient conditions. To delay development of Drosophila at matured third instar larval stage we used a sterol-mutant erg2 knock-out yeast strain in the medium. This dietary-controlled developmental arrest allowed us to generate larvae free of immune cells without interfering with their larval development. In addition, this approach allowed uncoupling regenerative cell proliferation of damaged discs from their normal developmental growth. We furthermore examined the regenerative cell proliferation of fragmented imaginal discs by transplantation into host flies deficient of immune cells. We demonstrate that the damaged/fragmented discs in immune cells deficient conditions still exhibit regenerative cell proliferation comparable to those of control samples. These results suggest that recruitment of immune cells is not a prerequisite for the regenerative growth of damaged imaginal discs.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated that the insulin-signaling pathway controls body and organ size in Drosophila, and most metazoans, by signaling nutritional conditions to the growing organs. The temporal requirements for insulin signaling during development are, however, unknown. Using a temperature-sensitive insulin receptor (Inr) mutation in Drosophila, we show that the developmental requirements for Inr activity are organ specific and vary in time. Early in development, before larvae reach the “critical size” (the size at which they commit to metamorphosis and can complete development without further feeding), Inr activity influences total development time but not final body and organ size. After critical size, Inr activity no longer affects total development time but does influence final body and organ size. Final body size is affected by Inr activity from critical size until pupariation, whereas final organ size is sensitive to Inr activity from critical size until early pupal development. In addition, different organs show different sensitivities to changes in Inr activity for different periods of development, implicating the insulin pathway in the control of organ allometry. The reduction in Inr activity is accompanied by a two-fold increase in free-sugar levels, similar to the effect of reduced insulin signaling in mammals. Finally, we find that varying the magnitude of Inr activity has different effects on cell size and cell number in the fly wing, providing a potential linkage between the mode of action of insulin signaling and the distinct downstream controls of cell size and number. We present a model that incorporates the effects of the insulin-signaling pathway into the Drosophila life cycle. We hypothesize that the insulin-signaling pathway controls such diverse effects as total developmental time, total body size and organ size through its effects on the rate of cell growth, and proliferation in different organs.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster, one of the most derived species among holometabolous insects, undifferentiated imaginal cells that are set-aside during larval development are thought to proliferate and replace terminally differentiated larval cells to constitute adult structures. Essentially all tissues that undergo extensive proliferation and drastic morphological changes during metamorphosis are thought to derive from these imaginal cells and not from differentiated larval cells. The results of studies on metamorphosis of the Drosophila tracheal system suggested that large larval tracheal cells that are thought to be terminally differentiated may be eliminated via apoptosis and rapidly replaced by small imaginal cells that go on to form the adult tracheal system. However, the origin of the small imaginal tracheal cells has not been clear. Here, we show that large larval cells in tracheal metamere 2 (Tr2) divide and produce small imaginal cells prior to metamorphosis. In the absence of homothorax gene activity, larval cells in Tr2 become non-proliferative and small imaginal cells are not produced, indicating that homothorax is necessary for proliferation of Tr2 larval cells. These unexpected results suggest that larval cells can become imaginal cells and directly contribute to the adult tissue in the Drosophila tracheal system. During metamorphosis of less derived species of holometabolous insects, adult structures are known to be formed via cells constituting larval structures. Thus, the Drosophila tracheal system may utilize ancestral mode of metamorphosis.  相似文献   

The pleiotropic mutant lethal(3)giant larvae [l(3)gl] of Drosophila hydei exhibits among other anatomical defects, hypertrophy of the larval brain and imaginal discs. Both hypertrophic tissues when transplanted into wild-type female flies behave as fast growing and lethal neoplasms. Implanted into mature wild-type larvae they fail to metamorphose. When l(3)gl neoplastic brain tissue or imaginal discs were mixed with normal imaginal discs, cultured in vivo in the abdomen of adult females and transplanted into mature wild-type larvae, the following results were obtained. The invasive l(3)gl brain neoplasm, while fatal for adult hosts, had no effect on the metamorphosis of normal imaginal disc tissue. On the other hand, the noninvasive l(3)gl imaginal disc neoplasms when mixed with normal imaginal disc tissue inhibited its development and metamorphosis in the wild-type host. This inhibitory effect was not observed when the tissues were injected as separate implants into the same host.  相似文献   

Some general aspects of the concept of imaginal discs in the Holometabola are reevaluated. Their monolayer character and continuity with the surrounding epidermis are confirmed. Studies on the imaginal discs of the silkworm (Bombyx mori) and data from the literature show that the discs and their peripodial cells produce cuticle during larval life, as well as at metamorphosis. In B. mori it is demonstrated that adult and larval antennae are produced by the same cells or their progeny. The results also suggest that segments of the typically three-segmented larval antenna of Holometabola are not scape, pedicel, and one-segmented flagellum; at least segments 2 and 3 are of flagellar origin. Based on these and some additional facts it is argued that: (1) No larval organs are "replaced" at metamorphosis, but strict "sequential homology" is always maintained. (2) Imaginal discs are not undifferentiated structures destined to form the adult after larval breakdown, cannot be unambiguously defined, and do not represent qualitatively different epidermal structures. Classical imaginal discs (invaginated and present also in pre-final larval instars) arose several times independently and were not present in the larvae of ancestral Holometabola. (3) Since the disc cells are not undifferentiated and "embryonic" (if these words have a defined meaning at all), it is unreasonable to expect that the processes taking place in discs at metamorphosis would differ fundamentally from those occurring in other diploid metamorphosing epidermal cells.  相似文献   

It is largely unknown how growth slows and then stops in vivo. Similar to most organs, Drosophila imaginal discs undergo a fast, near-exponential growth phase followed by a slow growth phase before final target size is reached. We have used a genetic approach to study the role of an ABC-E protein, Pixie, in wing disc growth. pixie mutants, like mutants in ribosomal proteins genes (known as Minutes), show severe developmental delay with relatively mild alterations in final body size. Intriguingly, pixie mutant wing imaginal discs show complex regional and temporal defects in growth and cell survival that are compensated to result in near-normal final size. In S2 cells, Pixie, like its yeast homolog RLI1, is required for translation. However, a comparison of the growth of eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF4A and pixie mutant clones in wing discs suggests that only a subset of translation regulators, including pixie, mediate regional differences in growth and cell survival in wing discs. Interestingly, some of the regional effects on pixie mutant clone growth are enhanced in a Minute background. Our results suggest that the role of Pixie is not merely to allow growth, as might be expected for a translation regulator. Instead, Pixie also behaves as a target of putative constraining signals that slow disc growth during late larval life. We propose a model in which a balance of growth inhibitors and promoters determines tissue growth rates and cell survival. An alteration in this balance slows growth before final disc size is reached.  相似文献   

Summary In the insectDrosophila, formation of the puparium marks the onset of metamorphosis and serves as a useful marker for developmental progress. The cells of the adult remain diploid and divide during the larval stage while the larval cells become polytene and do not divide. We use a high dose of gamma-irradiation (10 krad) to selectively delete the imaginal lineage from the developing larvae ofDrosophila melanogaster. We find that animals depleted of imaginal cells including those of the imaginal brain pupariate only if the larval cells are allowed to mature, demonstrating that the larval cells harbor the primary developmental timer for this process. However, proliferating imaginal cells can exert a negative influence on the timing of pupariation.  相似文献   

King-Jones K  Charles JP  Lam G  Thummel CS 《Cell》2005,121(5):773-784
A critical determinant of insect body size is the time at which the larva stops feeding and initiates wandering in preparation for metamorphosis. No genes have been identified that regulate growth by contributing to this key developmental decision to terminate feeding. We show here that mutations in the DHR4 orphan nuclear receptor result in larvae that precociously leave the food to form premature prepupae, resulting in abbreviated larval development that translates directly into smaller and lighter animals. In addition, we show that DHR4 plays a central role in the genetic cascades triggered by the steroid hormone ecdysone at the onset of metamorphosis, acting as both a repressor of the early ecdysone-induced regulatory genes and an inducer of the betaFTZ-F1 midprepupal competence factor. We propose that DHR4 coordinates growth and maturation in Drosophila by mediating endocrine responses to the attainment of critical weight during larval development.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated that the insulin-signaling pathway controls body and organ size in Drosophila, and most metazoans, by signaling nutritional conditions to the growing organs. The temporal requirements for insulin signaling during development are, however, unknown. Using a temperature-sensitive insulin receptor (Inr) mutation in Drosophila, we show that the developmental requirements for Inr activity are organ specific and vary in time. Early in development, before larvae reach the “critical size” (the size at which they commit to metamorphosis and can complete development without further feeding), Inr activity influences total development time but not final body and organ size. After critical size, Inr activity no longer affects total development time but does influence final body and organ size. Final body size is affected by Inr activity from critical size until pupariation, whereas final organ size is sensitive to Inr activity from critical size until early pupal development. In addition, different organs show different sensitivities to changes in Inr activity for different periods of development, implicating the insulin pathway in the control of organ allometry. The reduction in Inr activity is accompanied by a two-fold increase in free-sugar levels, similar to the effect of reduced insulin signaling in mammals. Finally, we find that varying the magnitude of Inr activity has different effects on cell size and cell number in the fly wing, providing a potential linkage between the mode of action of insulin signaling and the distinct downstream controls of cell size and number. We present a model that incorporates the effects of the insulin-signaling pathway into the Drosophila life cycle. We hypothesize that the insulin-signaling pathway controls such diverse effects as total developmental time, total body size and organ size through its effects on the rate of cell growth, and proliferation in different organs.  相似文献   

Homozygosity for recessive mutations inDrosophila tumour suppressor genes likelethal giant larvae (Igl), lethal giant discs (Igd) orfat (ft) induce uncontrolled cell proliferations in the imaginal discs of the mutant larvae. Imaginal discs of larvae mutant forIgl tumour suppressor gene display neoplastic growths while those mutant forIgd orfat display hyperplastic growths. Results presented in this study reveal that mutant wing imaginal discs with neoplastic or hyperplastic overgrowths display high mitotic activity primarily during the extended period of larval life when their wild-type siblings have already pupariated. Both these categories of overgrowths show overall stability of the karyotypes and only low frequency of aneuploidy. The hyperplastic imaginal discs ofIgd orft mutant larvae displayed normal chromosome condensation. In contrast, the neoplastic imaginal discs ofIgl mutants showed high frequency of mitotic cells with undercondensed chromosomes. In this respect the neoplastic discs resemble malignant neuroblastomas of theIgl larvae which also display undercondensed chromosomes. These results thus suggest an indirect role of the cytoskeletal protein encoded byIgl tumour suppressor gene in aspects of normal chromosome condensation during mitosis.  相似文献   

The abnormal wing discs gene of Drosophila encodes a soluble protein with nucleosidediphosphate kinase activity. This enzymic activity is necessary for the biological function ofthe abnormal wing discs gene product. Complete loss of function, i.e., null, mutations causelethality after the larval stage. Most larval organs in such null mutant larvae appear to benormal, but the imaginal discs are small and incapable of normal differentiation.Killer-of-prune is a neomorphic mutation in the abnormal wing discs gene. It causes dominant lethalityin larvae that lack prune gene activity. The Killer-of-prune mutant protein may have alteredsubstrate specificity. Null mutant larvae have a low level of nucleoside diphosphate kinaseactivity. This suggests that there may be additional Drosophila genes that encode proteinswith nucleoside dipthosphate kinase activity. Candidate genes have been found in theDrosophila genome.  相似文献   

Body size in Drosophila larvae, like in other animals, is controlled by nutrition. Nutrient restriction leads to catabolic responses in the majority of tissues, but the Drosophila mitotic imaginal discs continue growing. The nature of these differential control mechanisms that spare distinct tissues from starvation are poorly understood. Here, we reveal that the Ret-like receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK), Stitcher (Stit), is required for cell growth and proliferation through the PI3K-I/TORC1 pathway in the Drosophila wing disc. Both Stit and insulin receptor (InR) signaling activate PI3K-I and drive cellular proliferation and tissue growth. However, whereas optimal growth requires signaling from both InR and Stit, catabolic changes manifested by autophagy only occur when both signaling pathways are compromised. The combined activities of Stit and InR in ectodermal epithelial tissues provide an RTK-mediated, two-tiered reaction threshold to varying nutritional conditions that promote epithelial organ growth even at low levels of InR signaling.  相似文献   

How cell to cell interactions control local tissue growth to attain a species-specific organ size is a central question in developmental biology. The Drosophila Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule, Fasciclin 2, is expressed during the development of neural and epithelial organs. Fasciclin 2 is a homophilic-interaction protein that shows moderate levels of expression in the proliferating epithelia and high levels in the differentiating non-proliferative cells of imaginal discs. Genetic interactions and mosaic analyses reveal a cell autonomous requirement of Fasciclin 2 to promote cell proliferation in imaginal discs. This function is mediated by the EGFR, and indirectly involves the JNK and Hippo signaling pathways. We further show that Fasciclin 2 physically interacts with EGFR and that, in turn, EGFR activity promotes the cell autonomous expression of Fasciclin 2 during imaginal disc growth. We propose that this auto-stimulatory loop between EGFR and Fasciclin 2 is at the core of a cell to cell interaction mechanism that controls the amount of intercalary growth in imaginal discs.  相似文献   

Size assessment and growth control: how adult size is determined in insects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Size control depends on both the regulation of growth rate and the control over when to stop growing. Studies of Drosophila melanogaster have shown that insulin and Target of Rapamycin (TOR) pathways play principal roles in controlling nutrition-dependent growth rates. A TOR-mediated nutrient sensor in the fat body detects nutrient availability, and regulates insulin signaling in peripheral tissues, which in turn controls larval growth rates. After larvae initiate metamorphosis, growth stops. For growth to stop at the correct time, larvae need to surpass a critical weight. Recently, it was found that the insulin-dependent growth of the prothoracic gland is involved in assessing when critical weight has been reached. Furthermore, mutations in DHR4, a repressor of ecdysone signaling, reduce critical weight and adult size. Thus, the mechanisms that control growth rates converge on those assessing size to ensure that the larvae attain the appropriate size at metamorphosis.  相似文献   

The potential to genetically dissect tumorigenesis provides the major reason to study this process in the fruit flyDrosophila. Over the last 30 years genetic analysis has identified some 55 genes in which recessive mutations cause the appearance of specific tumours during development in tissues such as the imaginal discs, the brain hemispheres, the hematopoietic organs or the gonads, Since the normal allele acts dominantly over the mutated allele, these genes are designated as tumour suppressor genes. The estimate of the number of genes that can be mutated to tumour formation may be, however, much higher ranging between I00 to 200. The challenge before this field is how best to identify these genes and elucidate their function. Current molecular procedures, such as mutagenesis mediated by P-element transposon, provide new ways for tagging any gene of interest inDrosophila and thus for cloning it rapidly. Function of the gene product can be inferred by comparing its amino acid sequence with sequences of proteins with known function or can be determined by histochemical and biochemical investigations. Progress in the understanding of tumour suppression inDrosophila is most advanced in the case of genes regulating cell growth in imaginal discs. The imaginal discs are small groups of cells displaying a strong apical-basal polarity and form folded sacs of epithelia which grow throughout the larval life and give rise to the adult tegument during metamorphosis. Tumour suppressor genes regulating cell growth of imaginal discs, such as thelethal(2)giant larvae (l(2)g1),lethal(1)discs large-1 andexpanded genes, were found to encode proteins localized in domains of cell to cell contact on the plasma membrane and were thus thought to maintain cell adhesion. However, recent studies of l(2)gl have revealed that the l(2)gl protein is a component of the normal cytoskeleton which can participates to the cytoskeletal matrix underlaying the plasma membrane. These findings indicate that the changes in cell shape and the loss of apical-basal polarity in imaginal disc cells result primarily from alterations in the cytoskeleton structure. Furthermore the neoplastic growth of the mutated cells may be caused by the disorganization of an intracellular communication system that ultimately controls cell proliferation and/or cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The morphostatic actions of juvenile hormone   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The maintenance of "status quo" in larvae by juvenile hormone (JH) involves both the programming of ecdysteroid-dependent synthesis during the molt and the suppression of morphogenetic growth during the intermolt. The latter morphostatic action does not require ecdysteroids, and has been studied in the formation of imaginal discs in Manduca sexta. Preultimate larval instars have both invaginated discs and imaginal primordia, both of which grow isomorphically with the larva. In the last instar, the young discs/primordia initiate the morphogenesis and patterning that results in a mature disc. JH suppresses both the initiation and progression of the signaling that transforms immature discs or primordia into a fully patterned imaginal disc. This transformation normally occurs in the context of the rapid growth of the last larval stage, and nutrient-dependent factors appear to be able to override the JH suppression. The morphostatic action of JH may have been important for the evolution of the larval stage. Studies on embryos of basal, hemimetabolous insects show that their premature exposure to JH can truncate patterning programs and cause precocious tissue maturation, factors essential for organizing a novel larval form. This suppression of embryonic patterning then results in embryonic fields that remain dormant as long as JH is present. These are the primordia that can transform into imaginal discs once JH disappears in preparation for metamorphosis.  相似文献   

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