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An improved method for the detection and quantitation of hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid) (HA) in biological fluids is described. The principle on which the method is based is that HA binds strongly to a biotinylated HA-binding protein (B-HABP) which was prepared from cartilage proteoglycans. HA was immobilized on polyvinyl chloride plates which had been precoated with poly-L-lysine. The unknown sample or HA standards together with excess B-HABP are then added. The B-HABP that binds to the immobilized HA is then incubated with the enzyme-conjugated avidin (e.g., alkaline phosphatase), and the color which develops on addition of enzyme substrate (e.g., p-nitrophenyl phosphate) is determined by light absorption using a microtitration plate reader. The assay is not only convenient and reliable but is capable of measuring HA in solution at the picogram level. The assay was used to determine HA levels in human sera and synovial fluid taken from volunteers and patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked ligand sorbent assay (ELLSA) for quantitation of folates is described. The method involves the following steps: (a) folate complexed to bovine serum albumin is adsorbed onto microtiter plates; (b) added folates compete with immobilized folate for binding to added biotinylated folate-binding protein; (c) biotinylated folate-binding protein bound to immobilized folate is detected after binding of avidin-alkaline phosphatase. The specificity of ELLSA is similar to that of conventional radioisotope dilution methods, and the sensitivity is high (lower limit of detection 20 fmol/sample). Quantitation of folates in erythrocyte lysates from 43 persons was performed by ELLSA. The results correlated fairly well with those obtained by the conventional radioisotope dilution method.  相似文献   

An ultramicro method for quantitation of amino acids in biological fluids   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A modification of the commercially available SZ-14 reorienting density gradient rotor is described whereby continuous sample flow with density gradient isopycnic banding may be utilized. This permits the fractionation of large volumes of dilute homogenates with excellent recovery and purity. The technique is demonstrated for the isolation of nuclei and particles of mitochondrial size.  相似文献   

A semi-automated radiometric-microbiological assay (RMA) was developed and applied for the analysis of pantothenic acid in human blood and milk. The RMA is based on the measurement of 14CO2 produced from the metabolism of L-[1-14C]methionine or L-[1-14C]valine by the yeast Kloeckera brevis in the presence of pantothenic acid. The assay was shown to be sensitive and specific for the analysis of this vitamin in biological fluids.  相似文献   

A direct ELISA for plasma cortisol is described which is carried out in a standard 96 well microtitre plate. In this ELISA cortisol-thyroglobulin conjugate is immobilised to the microtitre plate and competes with cortisol in the standard or plasma sample for antibody binding sites. Following washing the rabbit cortisol antibody bound to immobilised cortisol is incubated with peroxidase labelled goat antirabbit IgG. Following further washing o-phenylenediamine is added, colour developed, and the plate read at 492 nm on a standard ELISA plate reader. This ELISA shows good agreement with RIA and its sensitivity, specificity and precision allow its use in the routine steroid laboratory.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for plasma testosterone   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A rapid, single extraction ELISA for testosterone in plasma is described, using a standard 96 well microtitre plate. Testosterone is covalently bonded to bovine thyroglobulin and passively adsorbed in guanidine hydrochloride to the ELISA plate, giving an immobilised antigen approach which simplifies subsequent assay standardisation for steroid hormone assays. The addition of standard, sample and first antibody (rabbit anti-testosterone), which is unique for each different assay, is followed by a general procedure which includes washing, addition of peroxidase labelled goat antirabbit IgG, further washing and finally, addition of o-phenylenediamine substrate with colour development and reading of the plate at 492 nm on an automatic ELISA processor. The ELISA assay is compared to a testosterone RIA with 125I-label and has similar specificity and precision to the latter with a quicker processing time, and is more cost effective. The added advantages that ELISA assays confer over RIAs in terms of isotope purchase and disposal make this an ideal procedure for use in a routine steroid laboratory.  相似文献   

A specific and sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) of the "sandwich-type" for human corticosteroid-binding globulin was developed. A polyclonal rabbit anti-CBG antibody is immobilised to a microtitre plate. Following incubation of standards and samples a second monospecific rabbit anti-CBG antibody, labelled with alkaline phosphatase, is added. After colour development the microtitre plate is read at 405 nm wavelength. The assay shows good agreement to CBG binding capacity assay and commercially available RIA.  相似文献   

The standard ELISA technique was improved for the detection of antigalactocerebroside antibody in biological fluid. Mouse monoclonal antigalactocerebroside antibody was used to demonstrate specificity and sensitivity of the technique. After optimization of the assay, the usefulness of this measurement for the evaluation of patients with multiple sclerosis was assessed. The presence of antigalactocerebroside antibodies in the cerebrospinal fluid of 20 patients with multiple sclerosis, 10 with other neurological diseases and 10 normal individuals was determined. All the CSF samples from normal individuals were negative. In patients with multiple sclerosis 14 of the 20 samples had elevated levels of antigalactocerebroside antibody, whereas with other neurological diseases 5 out of 10 were positive. Antigalactocerebroside levels were lower in samples from patients during an acute relapse than in those from more chronic cases. These results indicate that the presence of anti-galactocerebroside antibody in cerebrospinal fluid is not specific to MS but may reflect previous damage to myelin.Abbreviations and trivial names used ELISA Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay - CSF cerebrospinal fluid; galacto- or glucocerebroside, ceramide-1-0-beta-galactoside or-glucoside  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test has been developed for measurement of heterophile antibody. The microtiter test utilizes a bovine erythrocyte monolayer as antigen and anti-human IgM antiserum conjugated with horseradish peroxidase to measure the degree of binding of the heterophile antibody in the test serum with the erythrocytes. A single serum dilution yields quantitative results when read in a spectrophotometer. The ELISA test showed a sensitivity comparable with the immune adherence hemagglutination assay (IAHA) and other heterophile tests, good reproducibility, and high specificity.  相似文献   

Pathological calcification of the cardiovascular system is one of the major causes of high mortality and morbidity in dialysis patients. The inhibition of ectopic calcification relies (I) on the formation of calciprotein particles (CPPs), nanospherical complexes of calcium phosphate mineral, fetuin-A and other acidic serum proteins, and (II) on the stabilization of calcium phosphate prenucleation clusters by fetuin-A monomers. In supersaturated serum, mineral ion aggregation leads to a change in the electrical impedance. In this work, we present a method based on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) to establish an impedance trace of mineral ion clustering in vitro. In the presence of 20 μM of serum protein fetuin-A, a prototypic calcification inhibitor, we measured a change in impedance (Δ(R)) of 195.52 ± 27.78%Ω compared to 430.41 ± 11.36%Ω in inhibitor-free samples. We also identified a CPP-formation dependency on the actual content of ions and protein in the samples under investigation. Two-step ripening of CPP was also observed. The presented method may form the basis of a simple label-free bedside or online test to be used in routine clinical practice for estimating the calcification risk in serum.  相似文献   

Although the predominant mechanism of intra-articular hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid) (HA) and hylans for the treatment of pain associated with knee osteoarthritis (OA) is unknown, in vivo, in vitro, and clinical studies demonstrate various physiological effects of exogenous HA. HA can reduce nerve impulses and nerve sensitivity associated with the pain of OA. In experimental OA, this glycosaminoglycan has protective effects on cartilage, which may be mediated by its molecular and cellular effects observed in vitro. Exogenous HA enhances chondrocyte HA and proteoglycan synthesis, reduces the production and activity of proinflammatory mediators and matrix metalloproteinases, and alters the behavior of immune cells. Many of the physiological effects of exogenous HA may be a function of its molecular weight. Several physiological effects probably contribute to the mechanisms by which HA and hylans exert their clinical effects in knee OA.  相似文献   

The quantitation of low-molecular-weight haptens has been difficult with conventional sandwich immunoassays due to their small size. Many researchers have attempted to develop sandwich assays for haptens due to the significant advantages of the sandwich format over competitive assays including greater dynamic range, ease of automation, and sensitivity. Here we apply the open-sandwich ELISA (OS-ELISA), an immunoassay based on antigen-dependent stabilization of antibody variable regions (V(H) and V(L) domains), to hapten quantitation. Two fusion proteins, the high-affinity mutant V(H) domain from anti-4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenacetyl (NP) antibody B1-8 tethered with Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase (V(H)(W33L)-PhoA) and the V(L) domain from the same antibody tethered with Streptococcus sp. protein G, were made. These fusion proteins when added together achieved Fv reassociation consequent to the addition of NP. Signal was generated in a direct relationship to the NP concentration with better sensitivity compared with competitive immunoassay, demonstrating this assay to be a quick noncompetitive alternative to the conventional assays for small compounds, such as environmental pollutants, drugs of abuse, and therapeutic drugs. With our previous demonstration that the OS-ELISA works well with large proteins, the OS-ELISA becomes the first practical immunoassay approach capable of quantifying any molecule regardless of their size.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) of the "sandwich-type" for sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) has been developed. A rabbit anti-SHBG antibody (RAb) is immobilized to the microtitre plate. After incubation with standards and samples a second monospecific rabbit anti-SHBG antibody, labelled with alkaline phosphatase is added (RAb). Following further washing substrate is added, colour developed and the plate read at 405 nm wavelength on a standard ELISA plate reader. The assay is not influenced by the presence of steroids at the binding site, and shows good agreement to SHBG binding capacity assay and commercially available IRMA. Its sensitivity, specificity and precision allows its use in the routine laboratory. The SHBG ELISA has been used to measure SHBG concentrations in sera of normal men, women, pregnant women, and women receiving high-dose medroxyprogesterone acetate as a treatment of metastatic breast cancer.  相似文献   

The development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for uridine 5'-diphospho-N-acetyl-glucosamine: alpha mannoside beta 1----6 N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GnT-V) is reported. The assay quantitates the enzymatic conversion of the specific synthetic GnT-V acceptor GlcNAc beta 1----2Man alpha 1----6Man beta-R (5) to the product GlcNAc beta 1----2[GlcNAc-beta 1----6]Man alpha 1----6Man beta-R (6) when these oligosaccharide structures were covalently attached to bovine serum albumin which was then coated on microtiter wells. Conversion of 5 to 6 was detected using a polyclonal antiserum raised against the product 6 and from which antibodies cross-reacting with acceptor 5 had been removed by affinity adsorption. GnT-V activity detected by ELISA was linearly proportional to both enzyme concentration and time under appropriate experimental conditions where 50-300 fmol of product was formed per microtiter well. GnT-V activity could be measured by ELISA in Triton X-100 extracts of hamster kidney acetone powder and in human serum. The twofold increase in GnT-V activity which is known to accompany Rous sarcoma virus transformation of baby hamster kidney cells could also be quantitated using the ELISA.  相似文献   

A double-antibody sandwich, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay has been developed for phytochrome in Avena sativa L. cv. Saladin. An immunoglobulin fraction of rabbit antiserum raised to 118 kdalton phytochrome was used with alkaline phosphatase as the enzyme label. The assay detected as little as 0.2 ng phytochrome in extracts of dark-grown plant material. No evidence for specific or non-specific measurement of proteins other than phytochrome was found. The assay detected phytochrome in extracts of Avena grown in the light. Dilution curves for light-grown phytochrome extracts had a reduced slope and saturated at a lower level of enzyme activity than those for dark extracts. These differences were not caused by an inhibitor in extracts from light-grown plants. Phytochromes from dark- and light-grown plants may be immunologically different.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for the partial purification and biological assay of a lymphokine, osteoclast-activating factor, in samples of serum. This procedure involves two steps of ultra-filtration of samples, followed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and bioassay of fractions eluted from the gels. The procedure effectively discriminates between osteoclast-activating factor and other agents with similar biological activities (parathyroid hormone, prostaglandin E2, and 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3), when each agent is added to normal human serum. Using this procedure as a specific assay for osteoclast-activating factor, serum from normal individuals and myeloma patients was examined. The activity was detected in 11 of 23 myeloma sera but in none of 12 normal sera.  相似文献   

Antiserum (MB007) was raised in rabbits to SDS-denatured cartilage link protein in order to develop an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to quantify link protein in cartilage extracts. The antibodies were characterized by using native and denatured link protein, either as the immobilised or the inhibiting antigen in the assay, and shown to bind more effectively to denatured link protein. At low concentrations, neither hyaluronate (0-30 micrograms/ml), proteoglycan (0-50 micrograms/ml) nor hyaluronate-binding region (0-3 micrograms/ml) competitively inhibited the link protein assay. However, at higher concentrations of proteoglycan (50 micrograms/ml-4 mg/ml) and hyaluronate-binding region (3-40 micrograms/ml) inhibition was observed. A more highly purified proteoglycan and a further purified hyaluronate-binding region preparation showed identical behaviour. The inhibition produced by proteoglycan and hyaluronate-binding region occurred at approximately equivalent molar concentrations (assuming Mr of 10(6) and 7 X 10(4), respectively). These results suggest that a significant proportion of these polyclonal antibodies recognize an epitope common to link protein and hyaluronate-binding region. However, the possibility that these effects are due to contamination with covalently bound link protein cannot be excluded. Trypsinated aggregates (0-10 micrograms/ml) produced no inhibition in the link protein ELISA, but as higher concentrations the inhibition was approximately 2000-fold lower than might have been expected from the link protein concentration present. Thus, the accessibility and/or binding of the antibodies to link protein was substantially decreased, illustrating masking of the link protein antigenic sites, as found by A. Ratcliffe and T.E. Hardingham (Biochem. J. 213 (1983) 371-378). These studies indicate that link protein in tissue extracts may be quantified in the concentration range 30-200 ng/ml and in the presence of hyaluronate, proteoglycan and hyaluronate-binding region, provided that both the immobilised and extracted link proteins are denatured.  相似文献   

A sensitive and specific competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for rat prolactin was developed using reagents from the National Institute of Arthritis, Diabetes, Digestive Diseases and Kidney. In this assay soluble prolactin and prolactin adsorbed to a solid-phase support compete for rabbit anti-prolactin antibody binding sites. Therefore, a high concentration of soluble prolactin in the sample will result in a low concentration of antibody immobilized to the adsorbed prolactin. The immobilized antibody-prolactin complex is detected and quantified using goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin G covalently conjugated to the enzyme horseradish peroxidase. Assay parameters were optimized by investigating the concentration of reagents and the reaction kinetics in each of the assay steps. The assay can be performed in 24 h. A sensitivity range of 0.06 to 6 ng in the region of 90 to 10% binding was obtained. Near 50% binding (0.6 ng), the intraassay coefficient of variation (CV) was 4.2% and the interassay CV was 7.6%. The correlation between radioimmunoassay and the ELISA was 0.868. Selected applications of the assay are described. The assay should prove a useful alternative to the radioimmunoassay in those instances where steps involving the use of 125I become limiting, for example, iodination facility and gamma counter availability or prolonged reagent storage.  相似文献   

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