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The River Nile is one of the world’s major rivers. Its’ catchment in Egypt has a population of 75,000,000. River flow is highly regulated and there are known discharges of pollutants. 1035 km of the river downstream of the Aswan high dam was studied to test the hypothesis that representative qualitative samples can be used to estimate macroinvertebrate biodiversity. Benthic macroinvertebrates are difficult to sample in large rivers and a reliable sampling strategy is required to evaluate their ecological status. Three methods for sampling have been investigated. Ekman Grab, macrophyte sweep netting and Artificial Substrate Samplers (ASS) were used to sample 15 sites from Aswan to Cairo between September 2001 and June 2002. Organisms were identified to species level where possible. Taxon accretion curves indicated that the all taxa present at a site should be collected using either 15 grab samples, 10 macrophyte samples or 5 ASS. The best time to sample was May–June. The biodiversity of macroinvertebrates in the Nile was recorded as 50 taxa with values of 7–31 at individual bank-side sites. Mid-stream biodiversity was much lower (0–19). Lowest biodiversity occurred at sites with known pollution inputs whilst highest occurred at sites with high levels of sedimentation. A regular programme for biomonitoring is recommended which will allow current status to be confirmed and future changes detected.  相似文献   

The causes of linear relationships between local species richness and the size of the actual species pool in closed subalpine meadow communities and open plant communities of the alpine stony substrate (the Greater Caucasus Mountains) were analyzed using a computer simulation model. The results demonstrated that this relationship is insufficient evidence for the variation of local species richness among communities is wholly or partly determined by regional processes (the species-pool hypothesis). A relatively proportional ratio between these variables can also arise where local species richness and the size of the species pool both depend on local processes, or where local species richness is determined by local factors alone while the size of the species pool is determined by both local and regional factors.  相似文献   

Restoration of seminatural habitats in the rural agricultural landscape has become an urgent matter in environmental conservation. We propose here a procedure for predicting the trajectory of species recovery and for specifying the priority of habitat types for restoration of a rural agricultural landscape. We then apply it as a case study to the recovery of dragonfly species in the Azame restoration project that began in 2003 in northern Kyushu, Japan. We examined the nestedness of the regional distribution of dragonflies using a national database on wildlife distribution and listed the recorded species in order of their prevalence in the region. We also conducted a census of adult dragonflies currently found at the restoration site to assess species richness. By comparing these data, we identified species potentially capable of inhabiting the restoration site and, based on their habitat requirements, suggest what type of habitat (e.g., bogs and marshes, ponds, and bodies of slow‐moving water) should be restored preferentially. We observed significant nestedness in the presence–absence matrix for dragonfly species and thus predict that species recovery at the restoration site will follow the regional order of prevalence of the species. The required habitat types did not differ significantly between the currently observed species and the potential species, which indicates that all these habitat types should be restored in the project.  相似文献   

Ecological risk assessment (ERA) is a scientific tool used to support ecosystem-based management (EBM), but most current ERA methods consider only a few indices of particular species or components. Such limitations restrict the scope of results so that they are insufficient to reflect the integrated risk characterization of an ecosystem, thereby inhibiting the application of ERA in EBM. We incorporate the concept of ecosystem services into ERA and develop an improved ERA framework to create a comprehensive risk map of an ecosystem, accounting for multiple human activities and ecosystem services. Using the Yellow River as a case study, we show how this framework enables the implementation of integrated risk characterization and prioritization of the most important ecological risk issues in the ecosystem-based river management of the Yellow River. This framework can help practitioners facilitate better implementation of ERA within EBM in rivers or any target ecosystem.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, watershed restoration has dramatically increased internationally. California has been at the forefront, allocating billions of dollars to restoration activities through legislation and voter-approved bonds. Yet, the implications of restoration remain ambiguous because there has been little examination of restoration accomplishments and almost no analysis of the political context of restoration. This article addresses these gaps, utilizing a case study of the Russian River basin in Northern California. We identify trends that shed light on both the ecological and the political implications of restoration at a basin scale by examining a database of 787 restoration projects implemented in the Russian River basin since the early 1980s. Although a total of over $47 million has been spent on restoration in the basin, dominant forms of restoration are limited in scope to small-scale projects that focus on technical solutions to site-specific problems. The majority of restoration efforts are devoted to road repair, riparian stabilization, and in-stream structures, accounting for 62% of all projects. These types of projects do not address the broader social drivers of watershed change such as land and water uses. We suggest that restoration can become more effective by addressing the entire watershed as a combination of social and ecological forces that interact to produce watershed conditions.  相似文献   

A series of statistical and graphical techniques incorporating a “weight of evidence” approach were used to interpret results from an integrated Triad case study designed to determine potential environmental impacts to aquatic biota in the Delaware River that may be linked to PAHs found in Motiva's oil refinery effluent. Sediment concentrations of various metals, PCBs and LMW PAHs exceeding both ERL and ERM sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) were reported in the study area. However, most chemical contaminants did not exceed their respective SQGs. Results from a long-term sediment coring study indicated that there was no evidence of significant historical PAH contamination of sediments related to Motiva's exceedences. PAHs comprising the Motiva “fingerprint” were found in the surficial sediments at four near-field sites but non-Motiva PAH concentrations (background) were shown to be significantly higher at other far-field sites (non-Motiva influence). Chronic sediment toxicity appears to have significant relationships to the patterns of most PAH isomers, certain PCB isomers, and certain metals. However, sediment toxicity does not appear to be related to the PAH isomers that are characteristic of Motiva's effluent nor to the near-field sites. Impacted benthic communities were reported in the study area, primarily at one near-field and two far-field sites. However, there were no apparent relationships between benthic community health and sediment contaminants. The status of benthic communities does not appear to be related to PAHs derived from the Motiva effluent. The “weight of evidence” analysis developed from a systematic and comprehensive series of statistical and graphical assessments indicates that, although the study area displayed some degree of sediment contamination, chronic sediment toxicity, and benthic health impacts, these environmental effects generally could not be related to Motiva's exceedences.  相似文献   

This is the first in a series of article presenting results from a case study designed to assess the impacts of an oil refinery effluent [primarily polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)] on aquatic biota in the Delaware River. During the course of the study, the oil refinery was owned by Motiva Enterprises LLC. This article provides background information on the study area, the study approach and objectives. The specific objectives of this multiyear study were to: (1) measure water column concentrations of PAHs and other contaminants (i.e., metals) in Motiva's effluent and intake canal and selected Delaware River sites; (2) assess fate and transport issues associated with the Refinery effluent; (3) characterize sediment PAHs, total organic carbon (TOC), and grain size distributions in the discharge canal, near-field, mid-field and far-field areas of the Refinery to aid in the selection of Triad sample sites (including reference areas); (4) conduct Triad studies (chemical characterizations, sediment toxicity assessments, and benthic community characterizations) at selected study sites during the spring and summer of 2001 and 2002; (5) perform fingerprinting of PAHs in Motiva's effluent to differentiate Motiva-related PAHs in sediment and biota from other sources; (6) assess bioavailability of PAHs, PCBs, and metals by using resident bivalve studies; (7) conduct long-term coring to determine potential impact of past non-complying discharges; and (8) integrate and analyze all study components to address the research goals. The results from objectives 1, 2, and 3 are briefly summarized in this series of articles whereas the other five objectives are the subject of the various papers presented in this volume.  相似文献   

盆栽榕树蓟马种类及优势种榕管蓟马对寄主植物的致害性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确盆栽榕树蓟马的种类, 了解蓟马优势种对在同一温室内混合种植的榕属及非榕属盆栽植物的致害性差异, 以福建漳州、 福州和泉州等地的盆栽榕树种植基地为观测点, 采集榕树叶片, 调查蓟马种类, 确定优势种蓟马; 以天南星科喜林芋属、 紫葳科菜豆树属、 木棉科瓜栗属和桑科榕属等不同科属盆栽植物为试验材料, 测试榕管蓟马Gynaikothrips uzeli Zimmerman对寄主植物的致害性。结果表明: 盆栽榕树蓟马种类有2亚目, 2科, 8属, 9种, 优势种为榕管蓟马, 常见种为棘腿管蓟马Androthrips ramachandrai Karny和榕腿管蓟马Mesothrips jordani Zimmermann, 其他6种蓟马均为偶见种。榕管蓟马对不同寄主植物的致害性差异显著, 以对桑科榕属植物致害性为最强, 而对天南星科喜林芋属、 紫葳科菜豆树属和木棉科瓜栗属等其他植物的致害性较弱。在6种榕属植物中, 榕管蓟马对垂叶榕Ficus benjamina Linn.、 榕树F. microcarpa Linn. f.、 花叶垂叶榕F. benjamina cv. Golden Princess等3种榕属植物的为害等级均达3级以上, 以垂叶榕最重, 榕树次之, 花叶垂叶榕略轻; 对金叶榕F. microcarpa cv. Golden Leaves、 黑叶橡胶榕F. elastica cv. Deocora Burgundy、 斑叶橡胶榕F. elastica var. variegata等3种榕属植物的为害很轻, 为害等级均仅为1级; 同时, 榕管蓟马在金叶榕、 黑叶橡胶榕和斑叶橡胶榕上繁殖力弱、 无法完成世代, 而在榕树、 垂叶榕和花叶垂叶榕上繁殖力强、 能完成世代, 但以在垂叶榕上的发育情况最好。研究可为选择利用寄主植物抗虫性来有效防控盆栽榕树蓟马提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Background: Despite the known importance of breastfeeding for women’s and children’s health, global exclusive prevalence among infants under 6 months old is estimated at only 41%. In 2018, Indonesia had a lower exclusive breastfeeding rate of 37% at 6 months postpartum; ranging from 20% to 56%, showing unequal breastfeeding support throughout the country. The World Health Organization (WHO) launched the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding (Ten Steps) in 1989, later embedded in UNICEF’s Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) program in 1991. The BFHI aims to encourage maternity facilities worldwide to ensure adequate education and support for breastfeeding mothers by adhering to the Ten Steps and complying with the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes. An Indonesian survey in 2011 found that less than one in 10 government hospitals implemented the Ten Steps. It has been common for Indonesian health services to collaborate with infant formula companies. While no Indonesian hospitals are currently BFHI-accredited, the WHO/UNICEF Ten Steps (updated in 2018) have been adopted in Indonesia’s national regulation of maternity facilities since 2012. Internationally, implementation of the Ten Steps individually and as a package has been associated with benefits to breastfeeding rates and maternal and infant health. However, to date, few studies have examined the impact of implementing the Ten Steps in economic terms. This study aims to measure the economic benefit of Ten Steps implementation in an Indonesian hospital. Methods: The study was conducted in January 2020 in Airlangga University Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia, which has implemented the Ten Steps since it was established in 2012. To understand and generate evidence on the social value of the Ten Steps, we conducted a “Social Return on Investment (SROI)” study of implementing the Ten Steps in this maternity facility. To estimate the costs relating to the Ten Steps we interviewed the financial and nursing managers, a senior pediatrician, and senior midwife due to their detailed understanding of the implementation of the Ten Steps in the hospital. The interview was guided by a questionnaire which we developed based on the 2018 WHO/UNICEF Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. The analysis was supported with peer-reviewed literature on the benefits of Ten Steps breastfeeding outcomes. Results: The total per annum value of investment (cost) required to implement Ten Steps in Airlangga University Hospital was US$ 972,303. The estimate yearly benefit was US$ 22,642,661. The social return on the investment in implementing Ten Steps in this facility was calculated to be US$ 49 (sensitivity analysis: US$ 18-65). Thus, for every US$ 1 invested in Ten Steps implementation by Airlangga Hospital could be expected to generate approximately US$ 49 of benefit. Conclusions: Investment in the Ten Steps implementation in this Surabaya maternity facility produced a social value 49 times greater than the cost of investment. This provides novel evidence of breastfeeding as a public health tool, demonstrating the value of the investment, in terms of social impact for mothers, babies, families, communities, and countries. Breastfeeding has the potential to help address inequity throughout the lifetime by providing the equal best start to all infants regardless of their background. Indonesia’s initial moves towards implementing the WHO/UNICEF Ten Steps can be strengthened by integrating all elements into the national regulation and health care system.  相似文献   

Triad studies consisting of chemical characterizations in sediment, sediment toxicity testing, and benthic community assessments were used to determine the impacts of Motiva Enterprises oil refinery effluent [primarily polynuclear aromatic hydorcarbons (PAHs)] on aquatic biota in the Delaware River. Triad studies were conducted at 15 near-field, mid-field, and far-field sites near the Refinery in the Delaware River during the spring and summer of 2001 and 2002. Fingerprinting analysis showed that Motiva-related PAHs may be present at four near-field sites. A summary of all Triad data by site for 2001 shows a strong case for contaminant-induced degradation at one near-field site in the discharge canal of the Refinery and two far-field sites as all three lines of evidence suggest impairment. Stressful conditions for benthic communities at the near-field site include elevated temperature conditions and various pesticides (Dieldrin, 4,4′-DDD and 4,4′-DDT). Toxicity at the near-field site may also be related to the presence of pesticides exceeding sediment quality guidelines. Due to exceedances of individual Effects Range Low (ERL) guidelines for two individual PAHs, the Motiva effluent cannot be eliminated as a potential stressor at the near-field site during the summer of 2001. A summary of Triad data for the 15 Delaware River sites sampled in 2002 shows only one mid-field site where all three lines of evidence suggest impairment. Toxicity and benthic community impairment at this mid-field site may be related to PCBs and low molecular weight PAHs. Three individual PAH ERL values were exceeded at three near-field sites in 2002. The source of these PAHs is a combination of both background signature and the Motiva effluent. Multivariate analysis, using a weight of evidence approach, is used to address ecological effects of the Motiva effluent in more detail in Alden et al. (2005) Alden, R W III, Hall, L W JrDauer, D M. 2005. An integrated case study for evaluating the impacts of an oil refinery effluent on aquatic biota in the Delaware River: Integration and analysis of study components. Hum Ecol Risk Assess, 11: 879936.  [Google Scholar].  相似文献   

王超  方舟 《动物学杂志》2021,56(5):756-769
几何形态测量学是头足类角质颚形态分析的重要研究方法,其中包括地标点法和轮廓线法。虽然地标点类型被划分为三种,但基于地标点法的角质颚形态研究对于地标点的选取与建立并没有一个统一的标准,因此探究可以更好地展示角质颚形态变异程度所需要的地标点以及样本数是十分必要的。为探究不同地标点和样本数对角质颚形态分析的影响,本研究利用2018和2019年捕捞的剑尖枪乌贼(Uroteuthis edulis)角质颚样本,使用R语言LaMBDA包LaSEC函数,对300对角质颚样本分别使用10、20、28个地标点和50、80、100、200、300对样本组合,以探讨不同地标点和样本数方案时表示形态变异的平稳度。研究结果表明,地标点数量会使质心大小结果产生误差;为了更好地展示角质颚的形态变异程度,最终确定研究样本在50对以内时,上颚和下颚采用26个地标点;研究样本为50~300对时采用27个地标点。研究分析认为,基于LaSEC的头足类角质颚地标点和样本定量分析可以拟定表示角质颚形态变异的最佳地标点数量,并通过角质颚形态变异箭头图来明确表示角质颚形态变异的最佳地标点方案,为后续基于地标点法的头足类角质颚形态研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

记述中国叉木蛾属3新种:银叉木蛾Metathrinca argentea,sp.nov.,佛坪叉木蛾Metathrinca fopingensis,sp.nov.和梅花山叉木蛾Metathrinca meihuashana,sp.nov.,绘出了雌雄外生殖器特征图,并提供了中国已知种检索素。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系。  相似文献   

气候变化引起的海平面上升以及人口快速增长引起的土地利用变化为新时期全球沿海低洼地区的土地利用规划带来了新的挑战。有别于传统的土地利用规划理念与方法,引入韧性城市的概念,以美国佛罗里达州马坦萨斯河入海口地区应对气候变化和人口快速增长的韧性土地利用规划为例,通过构建基于地理信息系统的综合模型,整合海平面上升影响模型、物种栖息地模型和土地利用预测模型来预测适应海平面上升的土地利用规划方案。研究的结果可为中国沿海地区特别是三角洲地区应对气候变化提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目水螟属Nymphicula Snellen 已知24种,分布于古北区、东洋区和澳洲区。中国已知5种。本文记录中国目水螟属7种,其中直缘目水螟Nymphicula saigusai Yoshiyasu 为中国新记录种,凹瓣目水螟Nymphicula concaviuscula, sp. nov. 为1新种。文中提供了新种两性外生殖器特征图及中国已知种检索表。模式标本保存于南开大学生物系。 凹瓣目水螟Nymphicula concaviuscula, 新种 (图1,2)   新种与短纹目水螟Nymphicula junctalis (Hampson) 相似,主要区别在新种抱器瓣端部凹陷,雌性交配囊有明显囊突区;该新种也与角目水螟Nymphicula patnalis (Felder et Rogenhofer) 相似,区别在于新种雄性阳茎中部无橄榄形角状器,以及抱器瓣端部凹陷,雌性外生殖器具明显的囊突区。   正模 ♂, 贵州梵净山,27.55°N,108.41°E,2002-Ⅵ-02,600 m,王新谱采;副模1♀,同正模;2♂♂2♀♀,贵州梵净山,2001-Ⅶ-03, 1300 m,李后魂、王新谱采。  相似文献   

Large-scale irrigation practices may disturb local hydrologic cycles and distribute trace metals throughout the environment. Reported here is the spatial pattern of trace metals and associated health risks in an agricultural area of China, which has a long history of irrigation with water from the Yellow River. Multivariate statistical analyses and a risk-assessment model were employed to interpret the environmental data. It indicated that Zn, Se, B, Ba, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, V, Al, Li, Sr, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, and Pb were all detected in the surface waters. Compared to drinking water guidelines, the primary trace metal pollution components (Al, Fe, Se, B, Mn, and Zn) exceeded drinking water standards by 40.7%, 14.8%, 29.6%, 25.9%, 11.1%, and 14.8%, respectively. Except for one site that exhibited anomalous metal concentrations, landscape features of trace metals identified a uniform distribution of trace metals for all sample sites. The calculated mean value of Hazard Quotients (HQs) exceeded the USEPA's recommendations by a factor of 2.9 times the threshold value. Primary sources of trace metals were associated with natural deposition, industrial and agrochemical processes, and a mixed source of both geogenic and anthropogenic origins.  相似文献   

Silicon is involved in numerous important structural and functional roles in a wide range of organisms, including diatoms, plants, and humans, but clear mechanisms have been discovered only in diatoms and sponges. Silicate availability influences metal concentrations within various cell- and tissue-types, but a mechanism has not been discovered so far. In an earlier study on Baker’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae it was proposed that a chemical mechanism, rather than a biological one, is important. In the present study, the interaction of silicon with Baker’s yeast is further investigated by studying the influence of zinc and magnesium on Si accumulation both at a low and a high silicate concentration in the medium. Si accumulation fitted well with Freundlich adsorption and Si release followed depolymerization kinetics, indicating that silicate adsorbs to the surface of the cell rather than being transported over the cell membrane. Subsequently, adsorbed silicate interacts with metal ions and, therefore, alters the cell’s affinity for these ions. Since several metals are nutritional, these Si interactions can significantly change the growth and viability of organisms. In conclusion, the results show that chemistry is important in Si and metal accumulation in Baker’s yeast, and suggest that similar mechanisms should be studied in detail in other organisms to unravel essential roles of Si.  相似文献   

Blast caused by the fungus Magnaporthae grisea (Herbert) Borr. (anamorphe Pyricularia oryza Cav.) is a serious disease of rice (Oryza sativa L.). One method to overcome this disease is to develop disease resistant cultivars. Due to the genetic plasticity in the pathogen genome, there is a continuous threat to the effectiveness of the developed cultivars. Additional studies of the genetics of resistance, virulence stability and functional genomics are required to accelerate research into understanding the molecular basis of blast disease resistance. In this study, individual plants of the F3 population derived from Pongsu Seribu 2 and Mahsuri were used for pathogenesis assays and inheritance studies of blast resistance. The study was performed with two of the most virulent Malaysian M. grisea pathotypes: P7.2 and P5.0. For blast screening, plants were scored based on the IRRI Standard Evaluation System (SES). F3 populations showed a segregation ratio of 3R:1S for pathotype P7.2, indicating that resistance to this pathotype is likely controlled by a single nuclear gene. Chi‐square analysis showed that the F3 families segregated in a 15R:1S ratio for pathotype P5.0. Therefore, locus interactions or epitasis of blast resistance occur against pathotype P5.0 in the F3 population derived from Pongsu Seribu 2 and Mahsuri. This can be explained by the presence of two independent dominant genes that when present simultaneously, provide resistance to the M. gresia pathotype P5.0. These results indicated that blast resistance in rice is due to the combined effects of multiple loci with major and minor effects. The genetic data generated here will be useful in the breeding of local cultivars for resistance to field blast. The methodology reported here will facilitate the mapping of genes and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) underlying the blast resistance trait.  相似文献   

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