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道路建设对生态环境产生了复杂而深刻的影响,具有多要素、时空动态变化特征。基于景观生态学视角,景观生态学之父、美国哈佛大学Richard TT Forman教授提出道路影响域概念。道路建设对野生动物的影响域研究是道路影响域研究的重要组成部分。本文从研究方法、研究结果等方面总结了国内外研究进展,并结合我国道路生态学发展实际,提出两点建议:以生态敏感区域为案例(如吉林省长白山区、内蒙古草原区、云南省三江并流区和高原湿地区),深入探索道路建设对野生动物的影响域研究的学术空白领域;结合生态敏感区域道路建设实际,积极将研究成果应用于道路建设实践,指导生态敏感区域道路建设,为资源节约型与环境友好型交通建设服务。  相似文献   

京新高速公路(临白段)穿越和毗邻3个保护区,为此设置了多处野生动物通道,但其利用效果还缺乏跟踪监测。2016年11月—2017年10月,采用红外相机技术对18处野生动物通道开展监测。结果表明:1)至少5种兽类和14种鸟类利用通道,包括国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物野猫Felis silvestris和兔狲Otocolobus manul; 2)从相对丰富度指数看,兽类中,赤狐Vulpes vulpes(119. 94)最高,蒙古兔Lepus tolai为53. 31,野猫及兔狲均为26. 73,猪獾Arctonyx collaris(5. 25)最低;鸟类中,喜鹊Pica pica(140. 30)最高,其次为石鸡Alectoris chukar(95. 57),其他12种鸟类为148. 04;赤狐利用了绝大多数的通道,穿越了10座桥梁中的8座,8个涵洞中的6个;赤狐、蒙古兔、野猫和兔狲对桥梁利用率高于涵洞,从兽类和鸟类总体利用率看,桥梁优于涵洞; 3)通道尺寸是鸟兽利用通道的主要影响因素,水体和植被覆盖也对野生动物利用通道起重要引导作用。因此,建议未来在我国干旱半干旱区公路建设中尽量将大型、开阔的通道纳入设计中,在通道出入口营造永久或季节性水体以及类型丰富和覆盖度高的植被景观以诱导野生动物利用通道。  相似文献   

Abstract: Current techniques for remotely monitoring wildlife lack the capability to survey a wide area or to transmit data in real time. We addressed these technology gaps by developing and testing a new video and telemetry system for remotely sampling wildlife abundance, distribution, and behavior across large open areas. The system consisted of 2 pan-tilt-zoom video cameras equipped with 20–200× lens, and an automated telemetry scanner and data logger. All components were charged by wind and solar power and located on a hilltop overlooking an open valley (23 km2) in Yellowstone National Park, USA. A satellite up-link to the internet transmitted data in real time to the University of Minnesota-St. Paul and relayed commands from undergraduate students who controlled the cameras and systematically scanned the area at 2-hour intervals 6 times/day (0800–2000 hr) 7 days/week for about 20 consecutive weeks (Dec-Jun). During each scan, students recorded presence, activity, and location of bison (Bison bison), coyote (Canis latrans), grizzly bear (Ursus arctos), red fox (Vulpes vulpes), and wolf (Canis lupus). The telemetry system continuously scanned frequencies of 100 tagged wolves, including 4 members of the one resident pack. We determined wolf presence in real time by viewing the incoming data stream, or we assessed presence later after off-loading the data logger. Matched pairs of simultaneous observations taken by remote and on-site observers during a 13-day double-sampling period were highly correlated (r = 0.71–0.94), but remote observations were biased toward larger, more visible mammals (e.g., bison) and tended to underestimate their abundance. Nevertheless, the system was deployed longer than was practical for on-site observers and was, therefore, useful for detecting long-term, fine-scale trends such as daily changes in bison numbers as a function of snow depth. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(8):1834–1844; 2008)  相似文献   

Collisions with vehicles can be a major threat to wildlife populations, so wildlife mitigation structures, including exclusionary fencing and wildlife crossings, are often constructed. To assess mitigation structure effectiveness, it is useful to compare wildlife road mortalities (WRMs) before, during, and after mitigation structure construction; however, differences in survey methodologies may make comparisons of counts impractical. Location‐based cluster analyses provide a means to assess how WRM spatial patterns have changed over time. We collected WRM data between 2015 and 2019 on State Highway 100 in Texas, USA. Five wildlife crossings and exclusionary fencing were installed in this area between September 2016 and May 2018 for the endangered ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) and other similarly sized mammals. Roads intersecting State Highway 100 were mitigated by gates, wildlife guards, and wing walls. However, these structures may have provided wildlife access to the highway. We combined local hot spot analysis and time series analysis to assess how WRM cluster intensity changed after mitigation structure construction at fine spatial and temporal scales and generalized linear regression to assess how gaps in fencing and land cover were related to WRM cluster intensity in the before, during, and after construction periods. Overall, WRMs/survey day decreased after mitigation structure construction and most hot spots occurred where there were more fence gaps, and, while cluster intensity increased in a few locations, these were not at fence gaps. Cluster intensity of WRMs increased when nearer to fence gaps in naturally vegetated areas, especially forested areas, and decreased nearer to fence gaps in areas with less natural vegetation. We recommend that if fence gaps are necessary in forested areas, less permeable mitigation structures, such as gates, should be used. Local hot spot analysis, coupled with time series and regression techniques, can effectively assess how WRM clustering changes over time.  相似文献   

徐建英  桓玉婷  孔明 《生态学报》2016,36(12):3748-3757
野生动物肇事是保护区内部和周边地区的普遍现象,严重影响了保护区生物多样性保护的有效性,是当前保护区管理面临的新问题。以四川卧龙国家级自然保护区为例,于2014年7—8月以问卷调查方式获取了170个农地的野生动物肇事信息,建立了野生动物肇事与不同农地特征之间的二元logistic回归模型,并通过赤池信息量准则筛选出3个拟合优良的回归模型。研究结果表明,野生动物肇事与农地特征之间存在密切关系,其中农地种植作物类型、农地与森林、公路的距离、围栏的使用等农地特征意义显著(P值均小于0.01)。进而探讨了上述农地特征对野生动物肇事的影响机制及原因,并据此结果提出了野生动物肇事地的评价和管理、调整作物种植结构、统一规划和管理防护措施、减轻当地居民对农业的依赖等缓解人与野生动物冲突的对策。  相似文献   

本文全面总结了我国野生动物调查的主要方法及应用,分析了已有方法在应用中的问题和缺陷,介绍了国际狩猎场的盘羊资源调查方法--地图样带法,并比较了该方法与样线法得出的调查结果差异和两种方法在实际应用中的区别.地图样带法没有长度和宽度概念,也没有规定样带的既定形状,提供了一种确定调查范围和计算样带面积的便捷方法,解决了过去调查中样带面积计算的难题.该方法完全根据实际调查的区域和地形地貌来确定样带的范围,使调查更具灵活性、机动性,并使密度的计算回归到了其本身的意义.该方法没有技术门槛,对广大基层野生动物保护工作者更具可操作性.  相似文献   

国家公园原住民对野生动物肇事的态度直接影响野生动物保护政策有效实施以及人与野生动物共存机制。迄今,学术界鲜有从原住民认知与意愿角度探讨野生动物肇事的成果,基于自然保护地国家公园的相关研究尚未见报道。根据449份有效调查问卷及深度访谈数据,论文采用有序多分类Logistic回归方法,探讨武夷山国家公园原住民对野生动物肇事的认知、意愿及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)多数原住民经历过野生动物肇事,其农作物及牲畜受到严重损害,野猪(Sus scrofa)为研究区域主要的肇事动物。(2)种群数量增加、食物短缺和生存空间受限是野生动物肇事的主要原因。(3)学历、经历及认可政府应对肇事的方式对原住民防范野生动物肇事意愿的影响显著。在此基础上,提出遵循生态规律、保护栖息地、提升认知与意愿、实行社区共管、建立野生动物致害补偿机制以及引入野生动物致害赔偿保险等对策,希望能够深化对野生动物肇事特征及机理的科学认识,为有效缓解人与野生动物冲突、推进国家公园人与野生动物和谐提供政策参考。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We used video surveillance at 4 wildlife underpasses along 27 km of Arizona State Route 260, USA, to monitor elk (Cervus elaphus) responses to traffic volume and traffic type during underpass use. Passage rates at the highest traffic category (>10–27 vehicles/min) were not lower than passage rates when no vehicles were present, whereas passage rates at low, intermittent traffic volume (>0–1 vehicles/min) were 15% lower. Once elk entered an underpass, semi-trailer trucks were 4 times more likely than passenger vehicles to cause flight behavior when traffic levels were intermittent versus when traffic was continuous. Overall, traffic volumes of >10–27 vehicles per minute did not decrease the effectiveness of wildlife underpasses as a means of mitigating elk population subdivision. However, if flight away from underpasses at intermediate traffic levels causes elk to cross the highway at other points and thereby increases the potential for costly elk-vehicle collisions, we recommend that managers consider measures to reduce traffic noise and visual stimuli, especially those caused by semi-trailer trucks.  相似文献   

姚小兰  周琳  吴挺勋  任明迅 《生态学报》2022,42(16):6695-6703
海南热带雨林国家公园被中线高速公路自东北-西南方向穿越,改变了局域景观分布格局,影响到生态系统完整性与原真性,可能存在潜在的生态风险。选取海南热带雨林国家公园高速公路穿越段两侧3 km作为研究区域,运用GIS技术、Fragstats和景观生态学理论定量评价2013年(高速公路未建)、2016年(高速公路在建)和2019年(高速公路竣工)三年的景观要素变化,解析景观变化趋势和可能带来的潜在生态风险。结果表明,2016年高速公路建成面积(含动土区域)为325.51 hm2,林地面积略有减少,但林地斑块密度增加;耕地面积虽略有增加,但耕地最大斑块指数下降,耕地景观优势度降低。2019年高速公路建成竣工后,由于路旁绿化,高速公路占地面积有所下降,林地面积和林地斑块密度增加,但林地和耕地斑块的内聚力指数下降,自然连通度略降低,破碎化程度加剧;高速公路穿越段中等生态风险区和较高生态风险区面积逐年增加。但隧道和高架桥路段在一定程度上维持了道路两侧的植被连通性,对局域生态系统没有明显影响。高速公路造成的生境隔离与破碎化可能累积产生远期的负面生态学效应。海南热带雨林国家公园高速公路...  相似文献   

Restoration projects are often developed with little consideration for understanding their effects on wildlife. We contend, however, that monitoring treatment effects on wildlife should be an integral component of the design and execution of any management activity, including restoration. Thus, we provide a conceptual framework for the design and implementation of monitoring studies to understand the effects of restoration on wildlife. Our underlying premise is that effective monitoring hinges on an appropriate study design for unbiased and precise estimates of the response variables. We advocate using measures of population dynamics for response variables given that they provide the most direct measures of wildlife status and trends. The species to be monitored should be those constituting an assemblage of umbrella species that represent the range of spatial and functional requirements of wildlife in a restored ecological system. Selection of umbrella species should be based on strong empirical evidence that justifies their usage. We also advocate that monitoring be designed as true experiments or quasi‐experiments rather than as observational studies to allow for stronger inferences regarding the effects of restoration on wildlife. Our primary message is that if monitoring is to be done, it must be scientifically based.  相似文献   

Camera traps (CTs) are an increasingly popular tool for wildlife survey and monitoring. Estimating relative abundance in unmarked species is often done using detection rate as an index of relative abundance, which assumes that detection rate has a positive linear relationship with true abundance. This assumption may be violated if movement behavior varies with density, but the degree to which movement behavior is density‐dependent across taxa is unclear. The potential confounding of population‐level relative abundance indices by movement would depend on how regularly, and by what magnitude, movement rate and home‐range size vary with density. We conducted a systematic review and meta‐analysis to quantify relationships between movement rate, home‐range size, and density, across terrestrial mammalian taxa. We then simulated animal movements and CT sampling to test the effect of contrasting movement scenarios on CT detection rate indices. Overall, movement rate and home‐range size were negatively correlated with density and positively correlated with one another. The strength of the relationships varied significantly between taxa and populations. In simulations, detection rates were related to true abundance but underestimated change, particularly for slower moving species with small home ranges. In situations where animal space use changes markedly with density, we estimate that up to thirty percent of a true change in relative abundance may be missed due to the confounding effect of movement, making trend estimation more difficult. The common assumption that movement remains constant across densities is therefore violated across a wide range of mammal species. When studying unmarked species using CT detection rates, researchers and managers should explicitly consider that such indices of relative abundance reflect both density and movement. Practitioners interpreting changes in camera detection rates should be aware that observed differences may be biased low relative to true changes in abundance. Further information on animal movement, or methods that do not depend on assumptions of density‐independent movement, may be required to make robust inferences on population trends.  相似文献   

This study sought to identify critical areas for puma (Puma concolor) movement across the state of Arizona in the American Southwest and to identify those most likely to be impacted by current and future human land uses, particularly expanding urban development and associated increases in traffic volume. Human populations in this region are expanding rapidly, with the potential for urban centers and busy roads to increasingly act as barriers to demographic and genetic connectivity of large‐bodied, wide‐ranging carnivores such as pumas, whose long‐distance movements are likely to bring them into contact with human land uses and whose low tolerance both for and from humans may put them at risk unless opportunities for safe passage through or around human‐modified landscapes are present. Brownian bridge movement models based on global positioning system collar data collected during bouts of active movement and linear mixed models were used to model habitat quality for puma movement; then, a wall‐to‐wall application of circuit theory models was used to produce a continuous statewide estimate of connectivity for puma movement and to identify pinch points, or bottlenecks, that may be most at risk of impacts from current and future traffic volume and expanding development. Rugged, shrub‐ and scrub‐dominated regions were highlighted as those offering high quality movement habitat for pumas, and pinch points with the greatest potential impacts from expanding development and traffic, although widely distributed, were particularly prominent to the north and east of the city of Phoenix and along interstate highways in the western portion of the state. These pinch points likely constitute important conservation opportunities, where barriers to movement may cause disproportionate loss of connectivity, but also where actions such as placement of wildlife crossing structures or conservation easements could enhance connectivity and prevent detrimental impacts before they occur.  相似文献   

几种细胞凋亡检测方法的比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
雷静  章平  钱旻 《生物技术通讯》2005,16(6):681-683
近年来,凋亡细胞的检测方法从以形态学观察发展到生物化学、免疫化学和分子生物学等定性和定量测定技术,并在细胞、染色质到分子水平日趋完善和成熟。这些方法多用于描述DNA的片段化和细胞死亡过程中许多特定成分的检测。细胞凋亡具有其生物复杂性,检测方法要求灵敏度高、特异性强、准确性好、凋亡与坏死的区分明显等。由于每种方法各有优缺点,故应避免使用单一方法检测。  相似文献   

Conventional methods for monitoring cougar, Puma concolor, populations involve capture, tagging, and radio-collaring, but these methods are time-consuming, expensive, and logistically challenging. For difficult-to-study species such as cougars, noninvasive genetic sampling (NGS) may be a useful alternative. The ability to identify individuals from samples collected through NGS methods provides many opportunities for developing population-monitoring tools, but the utility of these survey methods is dependent upon collection of samples and accurate genotyping of those samples. In January 2003, we initiated a 3-yr evaluation of NGS methods for cougars using a radio-collared population in Yellowstone National Park (YNP), USA. Our goals were to: 1) determine which DNA collection method, hair snares or snow tracking, provided a better method for obtaining samples for genetic analysis, 2) evaluate reliability of the genetic data derived from hair samples collected in the field, and 3) evaluate the potential of NGS for demographic monitoring of cougar populations. Snow tracking yielded more hair samples and was more cost effective than snagging hair with rub pads. Samples collected from bed sites and natural hair snags (e.g., branch tips, thorn bushes) while snow tracking accurately identified and sexed 22 individuals (9 F, 13 M). The ratio of the count from snow tracking to the count from radio-telemetry was 15:24 in winter 2004, 13:12 in 2005, and 22:29 for both years combined. Annual capture probabilities for obtaining DNA from snow tracking varied considerably between years for females (0.42 in 2004 and 0.88 in 2005) but were more consistent for males (0.77 in 2004 and 0.88 in 2005). Our results indicate that snow tracking can be an efficient, reliable NGS method for cougars in YNP and has potential for estimating demographic and genetic parameters of other carnivore populations in similar climates. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

One of the key measures of the effectiveness of primary seed dispersal by animals is the quality of seed dispersal (Schupp: Plant Ecol 107/108 [1993] 15–29). We present data on quality of seed dispersal by two groups of white‐faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) in Costa Rica to test the hypothesis that capuchin seed handling results in effective primary dispersal for some fruit species they consume. We examined seed handling for 27 plant species, and germination rates of 18 species consumed by capuchins. For five of the most commonly swallowed seed species, we determined germination rates and average time to germination (latency) for seeds ingested and defecated by capuchins and compared these to seeds removed directly from fruit and planted. For the same five species, we compared germination rates and latency for passed seeds planted in capuchin feces to those cleaned of feces and planted in soil. For three of five species, differences in proportion of germinated seeds were significantly higher for gut passed seeds than for controls. For four of five species, germination latency was significantly faster for gut passed seeds than for controls. Feces had either no effect on seed germination rate or precluded germination. Data presented here support the hypothesis that white‐faced capuchins are effective primary dispersers. Am J Phys Anthropol 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

全球交通基础设施网络的不断扩张导致的栖息地丧失和破碎化已成为生物多样性下降的主要影响因素之一。国外开展了大量的道路对野生动物生存影响的研究, 相对而言, 我国在该领域的研究刚刚起步。本文通过总结截止于2021年国内的144篇案例研究文献以及新浪微博中210条道路交通伤害信息, 将我国道路对野生动物的影响分为栖息地丧失、栖息地破碎化、回避或聚集路边、阻碍或促进迁移、种群隔离、野生动物通道和道路交通伤害等方面, 从研究方法、研究地点、研究物种和研究结果等不同角度进行梳理和总结。近年来, 我国的相关研究呈现不断增长的趋势, 研究地点主要集中在可可西里、长白山和秦岭地区; 研究物种主要为青藏高原有蹄类、大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)和亚洲象(Elephas maximus)。未来重点发展方向应包括: (1)道路野生动物基础数据采集平台建设; (2)我国不同动物地理分区的道路野生动物相关研究; (3)深入开展学科交叉与部门合作以及国际交流合作。公众在社交媒体发布的相关信息表明近年来公众对道路交通伤害问题越来越关注, 未来开展基于公民科学收集道路交通伤害数据具有迫切性和可行性。  相似文献   

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