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Abstract. The tree and shrub species on a 16-ha watershed in the Coweeta Basin were sampled in 1984 and again in 1991 to determine the effects of drought on tree species composition and basal area growth. Mortality and radial growth were determined for tree species within three community types that represent a moisture gradient from moist to dry: cove-hardwoods > mixed-oak > oak-pine. Tree mortality from 1984 to 1991 was 20% and 23% in the cove-hardwoods and mixed-oak communities, respectively, compared to only 12% in the oak-pine type. With the exception of Oxydendrum arboreum and Robinia pseudoacacia, the oaks had higher percentage mortality than any other genus; Quercus velutina had 29%, 37%, and 20% mortality in the cove-hardwoods, mixed-oak, and oak-pine types, respectively; Quercus prinus had 23% mortality in the mixed-oak type; Quercus coccinea had 36% mortality in the mixed-oak type; and Quercus marilandica had 27% mortality in the oak-pine type. Mortality occurred mostly in the small-size class individuals (< 10 cm in diameter) for all species, suggesting that thinning was still an important process contributing to mortality 29 yr after clearcutting. Although growth of Liriodendron tulipifera was much higher than growth of either Quercus prinus or Quercus coccinea, growth in Liriodendron was significantly reduced by the 1985–88 drought and no growth reduction was observed for these two dominant Quercus species during the same time period.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of selective logging on tree diversity, changes in tree species composition and plant functional types were studied with the use of seven permanent plots in virgin and in logged forest. All plots were located in a lowland dipterocarp rain forest in East Kalimantan on the island of Borneo. Just after logging and during the following 20 yr tree diversity measured as Fishers’α was not significantly affected in logged forest plots. Temporal shifts in tree species composition were analysed with Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Logged forest plots had much larger changes over time than virgin forest plots. In the smallest diameter class, some logged forest plots showed a distinct trajectory in PCA space compared to virgin forest plots, while in larger diameter classes movement of logged plots in PCA space was random. This suggests that there is no predetermined community to which logged forest plots tend to shift when recovering from logging. We found a significant negative correlation between diameter increments and the species‐specific wood densities of tree species. Species‐specific wood density and potential tree height were used to assign species to five PFTs. As expected, logging increased the fraction of softwood stems in small diameter classes. In the largest diameter classes (≥ 50 cm DBH) a strong decrease of softwood emergent stems was found in logged forest plots. After more than 20 yr no recruitment was found of softwood emergent stems in selectively logged forest.  相似文献   

This study assessed the impacts of logging on the population structure and dynamics of Elgon teak (Olea capensis), a canopy dominant in Kakamega forest. The objective was to ascertain and determine the regeneration status of this tree species in view of its commercial value. A comparison was made between logged and unlogged sections at three sites in the forest. Pairwise comparisons of the differences in the population structure among three sites and the differences in the mean tree size revealed significant differences in all three study sites. Results also revealed a variation in stem density that was dependent on the block of forest under study. Results of the spatial contagion revealed that O. capensis had a varied clumped distribution in all the study sites. Clumping was highest in the Kisere forest. These results point to logging as the major factor that explains the differences in population structure and stem density in different parts of Kakamega forest. And while intermittent recruitment may explain clumped distribution, logging appears to explain the variation in the degree of clumping.  相似文献   

Dispersal limitation can affect the distribution pattern of organisms. Little is known, however, about the dispersal ecology of root endophytic fungi such as Glutinomyces brunneus (Hyaloscyphaceae, Helotiales), whose dispersal structure has not been observed. To examine gene flow on a local (<8 km) scale, we collected G. brunneus isolates from three sites encompassing four Quercus serrata- and Castanopsis cuspidata-dominated subsites. No significant linkage disequilibrium was detected among seven of eight newly developed microsatellite loci, which indicates that recombination has taken place in this species. Significant population structure was observed on a site-wide scale, which suggests limited dispersal across sites and/or frequent within-site gene flow. At the same time, the occurrence of identical multilocus genotypes at different sites suggests the occurrence of dispersal events, possibly infrequent. Our results provide novel information on the local dispersal ability of root endophytic fungi.  相似文献   

Vegetation structure and species composition of tropical ecosystems were studied through nine transects at Veerapuli and Kalamalai reserve forests in the Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India. Species diversity, dominance, species richness and evenness indices of plant communities and also population structure of woody plants were enumerated. A total of 244 species (183 genera and 76 families) were recorded. Species richness (number of species) were 82,142 and 96 species per 0.3 ha respectively for the study areas of low-elevation forest (LEF), mid-elevation forest (MEF) and high elevation forest (HEF). Species diversity indices were greater in MEF compared to the other two forests except juveniles. In contrast, greater dominance value indices were recorded in LEF than other forests. Density and basal area of the MEF were twice greater than the LEF, while HEF showed greater tree density and low basal area when compared to LEF. The stem density and species richness (number of species) decreased with increased size classes of trees observed in the present study indicated good regeneration status. Population structure of juveniles and seedlings also reflects good regeneration status. Terminalia paniculata (IVI of 99.9) and Hopea parviflora (IVI of 103.8) were dominant tree species respectively in LEF and MEF whereas in HEF Agrostistachys meeboldii (63.65), Cullenia excelsa (63.67) and Drypetes oblongifolia (39.67) share the dominance. Past damage (anthropogenic perturbation) may be one of the reasons for single species dominance in LEF and MEF. Occurrence of alien species such as Eupatorium odoratum and Ageratum conyzoides also indicated the past disturbance in LEF. The variations in plant diversity and population structure are largely due to anthropogenic perturbation and other abiotic factors.  相似文献   

采用典型抽样法,以位于中亚热带的福建省将乐县的杉木〔Cunninghamia lanceolata ( Lamb.) Hook.〕人工林为研究对象,对10、15、20、25、30和40 a林分的径级结构、林下植被组成以及物种多样性变化进行调查和分析。结果表明:不同林龄杉木人工林的径级结构均呈正态分布,均在接近平均胸径的径级上植株数量最多;径级和密度间的关系可以用3参数的Gaussian函数表征;不同林龄间胸径差异显著。杉木人工林林下分布有45科80属97种植物,其中灌木层69种、草本层28种,物种丰富,但不同林龄的林分内各种类的重要值差异较大,且不同林龄的林分间优势种、共有种和独有种均明显不同。随林龄的增加,林下灌木层和草本层的物种组成、丰富度指数( R0)、Simpson多样性指数( D)和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数( H′)、Pielou均匀度指数( Jsw )和Alatalo均匀度指数( Ea )均有明显变化。10 a林分的林下物种数量最少(18种),而20 a林分的林下物种数量最多(40种)。林下灌木层的D和H′值分别为0.827~0.923和1.956~2.917,且随林龄的增加均呈“上升—下降—平稳”的变化趋势;灌木层的Jsw和Ea值分别为0.876~0.959和0.686~0.890,随林龄增加均呈“降低—升高—降低—升高”的变化趋势,且均在20 a林分中最小、在25 a林分中最大。林下草本层的D和H′值分别为0.639~0.898和1.274~2.435,并随林龄增加均呈波动的变化趋势;草本层的Jsw和Ea值分别为0.775~0.949和0.663~0.896,随林龄增加均呈“降低—升高—降低—升高—降低”的变化趋势,且均在15 a林分中最小、在10 a林分中最大。总体上看,林龄对杉木人工林林下灌木层和草本层的物种丰富度指数和多样性指数以及草本层的均匀度指数均有显著影响。根据研究结果,建议在杉木人工林的经营过程中对林下物种进行合理配置,并进行合理间伐,以促进林下植被的生长发育。  相似文献   

The effects of climate (precipitation and temperature) on sexual dimorphism and population structure were analysed along a broad-scale environmental gradient covering the distributional range of the endemic dioecious species Corema album, along the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula. We aimed to assess distribution constraints and sex-related differences in demography and size associated with higher reproductive investment in females. Nine populations were chosen from across the geographic range of C. album and ten 10 × 10 m plots were established (10 m apart) along a 200-m transect. All male, female and non-reproductive shrubs were quantified within each plot and plant size, photosynthetic layer, height, sex ratio, population density and structure, and spatial segregation of sexes, under environmental conditions ranging from temperate to Mediterranean climate, were recorded and analysed. Increased aridity was related to lower population density and less structured populations, indicating an effect of higher temperature and lower precipitation on regeneration. Sexual dimorphism was influenced by climate, with size differences between sexes varying with aridity. However, demographic differences between sexes reflected in sex ratio deviations or the occurrence of spatial segregation were unrelated to any climatic variable, suggesting the existence of compensatory mechanisms that may counterbalance the higher reproductive effort of female plants. The results show the vulnerability of this endemic species to the increase in aridity expected in the southernmost limit of the biogeographical area due to global climate change, and demonstrate the importance of broad scale studies in the assessment of sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Conspecific negative density dependence (CNDD) is one of the main mechanisms influencing diversity maintenance in tropical forests. Tropical highland forests, in contrast to most lowland forests, are commonly dominated by a few tree species, and testing the importance of density dependence effects on seedling establishment of dominant trees may provide insights on the mechanisms regulating population dynamics and forest composition of tropical highlands. We tested the effect of CNDD regulation on seedling survival and recruitment of Quercus costaricensis, a monodominant oak in the Talamanca highland forests of Costa Rica. We used Ripley's K and generalized linear mixed models to test the effects of conspecific density, distance to the nearest adult, density of Chusquea bamboo shoots, and herbivory on the annual survival probability of 3579 seedlings between 2014 and 2017. We did not find a significant effect of CNDD on seedling survival. However, bamboo density and herbivory both significantly decreased oak seedling survival. All seedlings had signs of herbivory and predator satiation may explain the lack of density dependent regulation in seedlings of this species. We argue that the lack of intraspecific density regulation at the seedling stage may contribute to explain the dominance of Q. costaricensis in the highland forests of Costa Rica. Local seedling dynamics of this endemic oak are instead regulated by herbivory and the density of Chusquea. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

Abstract. Successional patches are a large component of forest ecosystems throughout the world and their vegetation composition is conditioned by multiple factors such as land use history, disturbances, environmental conditions and landscape context. We investigated the relative contribution of historical, environmental, biotic and spatial factors in determining vegetation composition and invasion by exotic species in secondary forest patches of Sierra de San Javier, Tucumán, Argentina. We estimated canopy cover for shrub, vine and tree species distributed over 51 patches with known land use history. We also recorded environmental, historical and spatial variables and used multivariate techniques to explore the relationship between forest composition and explanatory variables. Land use, time since abandonment, altitude, slope and cover of different strata were related to the vegetation pattern in the study site, and they were all significantly structured over space. Exotic species appeared to differ from natives in their response to explanatory variables. Overall, exotic species were dominant on the edges of young patches originated from herbaceous crops, but the total number of exotic species was related to the distance to urban areas and small farms identified as potential sources of exotic propagules. Vegetation composition of secondary forests in NW Argentina was related to historical and environmental factors, but spatial variables strongly influenced vegetation composition as well as the variation in explanatory variables.  相似文献   

This study examined differences in stand structure, tree species richness, and tree species diversity in relation to population density in Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia. Tree data were obtained from a 1997 forest inventory involving 60 clusters (540 plots) systematically distributed over 30% of the provincial forest area. Spatially referenced population data were obtained from the 1998 national population census. The average number of trees per cluster was 356/ha, the average basal area, 23 m2/ha, the average stand volume, 217 m3/ha, and the average aboveground biomass, 273 Mg/ha for all trees of DBH 10 cm and larger. The average species richness per cluster was 37 species, while average species diversity was measured as 0.916 using Simpson’s index and 2.98 by Shannon’s index. Significant negative correlations were generally found between population density surrounding clusters and tree density, basal area, stand volume, aboveground biomass, and species richness and diversity for three examined diameter classes (DBH of 10–30, ≥30, and ≥10 cm). As the distance from clusters for calculating population density increased, the correlation levels increased up to 5 or 7 km, depending on the variables and diameter class, and then stayed relatively constant for stand structure variables and decreased for species richness and diversity. The results indicate that evidence of disturbance was more pronounced at higher population density up to around 5 to 7 km. We suggest that introduction of greater controls on human disturbance should be a high priority for resource management and conservation in Kampong Thom Province and, presumably, Cambodia as a whole.  相似文献   

We evaluated the impacts of anthropogenic disturbance on community structure and diversity along three management zones of the Bia biosphere reserve in Ghana. Sixty sample plots were distributed among the core, buffer and transition zones. We estimated the degree of disturbances from discernible indicators on the field and satellite images. All tree species ≥10 cm dbh (diameter at breast height) were identified and enumerated. Inventory data were compared across the zones and related to intensity of disturbances. A total of 1176 individual trees from 108 species and 33 families were encountered. Number of species varied from 27 in the highly disturbed (HD) to 61 in the least disturbed (LD) zone. Mean basal area (BA) varied from 11.71 in the HD to 28.26 in the LD. Both Margalef's species richness and Shannon‐Weiner's α‐diversity were highest in the moderately disturbed (MD) than either the least and most disturbed zones. Our study revealed significant differences in tree abundance, stem density, BA and species diversity, attributable to differences in degree of anthropogenic disturbances among zones. Given the different levels of anthropogenic disturbance and corresponding impacts across the reserve, we recommend an integrated management strategy for the conservation of biodiversity in the Bia biosphere reserve.  相似文献   

周婷  张勇  严力蛟 《生态学报》2018,38(13):4800-4808
生态补偿政策绩效评价对完善政策调控和促进植被恢复具有重要意义。分析了临安2001—2015年植被覆盖的时空格局和变化,建立了植被退化地区土地利用变化矩阵。在Arc GIS软件中建立了临安地区归一化植被指数(NDVI)、国家级和省级公益林覆盖边界(重点生态公益林补偿边界)、道路、海拔、中心城镇用地边界、重点森林保护区、河流边界和地形湿度指数的多要素地理空间数据集。采用多元回归模型量化了重点生态公益林补偿政策、自然因素、城市化和其他人类活动对植被覆盖变化的影响。结果表明,2001—2015年间,临安大约有97%的林地呈现出不同程度的退化,其中中等退化程度的林地所占比例最高。多元线性回归模型的结果表明重点生态公益林补偿政策、海拔、河流距离、重点森林保护区距离和中心城镇距离对植被退化有抑制作用,道路和地形湿度指数对植被退化有促进作用。海拔在所有的外部影响因素中对植被退化的影响最大。政策覆盖地区的植被退化面积在每一个退化等级上都小于无政策覆盖地区。生态公益林补偿政策的实施对加强植被的保护,限制不合理的林地利用和改善区域环境质量具有十分重要的积极作用。  相似文献   

The stand structure and disturbance history in a sub-boreal coniferous forest dominated byPicea jezoensis, Picea glehnii andAbies sachalinensis were investigated in four study plots set up in Taisetsuzan National Park, Japan. The effect of stand characteristics on the growth and mortality rates of understory trees was examined. Although all the stands showed inverse J-shape d.b.h. (diameter at breast height) distributions, the age structure and disturbance history differed amongst the stands. The stands with wide d.b.h. distribution (i.e. large CV and skewness) were more uneven-aged than those with narrow d.b.h. distribution (i.e. small CV and skewness). The disturbance-return interval based on the model of Hett and Loucks was 31 to 65 years. The gap ratio in the canopy was also different among the stands. These suggest that the variations in stand structure represent different occurrences of natural disturbances. Furthermore, the structural features such as size structure, canopy gap ratio and density of canopy trees also affected the growth dynamics of understory trees (≥2 m in height and <10 cm in diameter at breast height). The growth and mortality rates of understory trees changed with the canopy gap ratio and canopy tree density. The understory trees of stands with wide canopy d.b.h. distribution had higher growth and canopy recruitment rates than those of stands with narrow canopy d.b.h. distribution, contributing to the maintenance of continuous stand stratification. The understory trees of stands with narrow canopy d.b.h. distribution showed lower growth and higher mortality rates than those of stands with narrow canopy d.b.h. distribution, leading to the formation of a single-canopy structure. It is suggested that natural disturbance governs the regeneration process in the future by affecting the growth and mortality patterns of understory trees through the stand structure (size and age structure, canopy tree density, canopy gap ratio).  相似文献   

The synthesis, X-ray structure, electronic structure, bonding, photoluminescence, spectroscopic property and characterization of an indium(III) complex, [In(Hbsac)3(phen)] (1) (H2bsac = 5-bromo-salicylic acid, and phen = 1,10-phenanthroline) are presented. Complex 1 is octacoordinate and carboxylate chelating, being novel and rarely reported for main group complexes. The electronic structure, bonding and the charge transfer properties of light excitation and light emission are discussed in detail using first-principles theory, including partial density of states (PDOSs), crystal orbital overlap population (COOP), the density functional theory (DFT/TDDFT) analysis schemes. The charge transfer is mainly π → π intraligand charge transfer transition (ILCT) for excitation, and π → π ligand-to-ligand charge transfer transition (LL′CT) for emission in nature.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of soil surface disturbance and light level on seedling emergence were examined by creating experimental conditions differing in soil surface treatment and light level in a temperate deciduous broadleaved secondary forest in central Japan. The results of MANOVA showed that soil surface disturbance exerted a favourable influence upon the seedling emergence of many species. Effect of soil disturbance on total density and number of emerged species was greater than that of a high light level. The interaction between soil surface disturbance and light level revealed significant positive effects for seedling emergence, especially for small‐seeded species. The relationship between the percentage of emerged seedlings and seed weight was significantly negative in the soil‐surface disturbed and high light level condition, suggesting that minute‐seeded species largely depend on both factors for seedling emergence. Both soil surface disturbance and high light level had a positive effect on the number of emerged species, suggesting that these factors contributed to species richness at the stage of seedling emergence.  相似文献   

Explicit understanding of the spatial scale of evolutionary processes is required in order to set targets for their effective conservation. Here, we explore the spatial context of neutral and adaptive divergence in the species-rich Knersvlakte region of South Africa. Specifically, we aimed to assess the importance of erosional drainage basins as spatial units of evolutionary process. We used amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and reciprocal transplants to investigate genetic differentiation in Argyroderma pearsonii, sampled from sparse and dense quartz habitats within each of three drainage basins. This design allowed assessment of differentiation at two distinct spatial scales; between habitats within basins, and between basins. We found near-perfect concordance between genetic clusters and basin occupancy, suggesting restricted interbasin gene flow. In addition, transplants reveal adaptive divergence between basins on the dense quartz habitat. We have shown that neutral and adaptive differentiation occurs between basins, but not between habitats within basins, suggesting that conservation plans aimed at conserving multiple interconnected drainage basins will capture an important axis of evolutionary process on the Knersvlakte.  相似文献   

择伐对吉林蛟河阔叶红松林群落结构及动态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范春雨  张春雨  赵秀海 《生态学报》2017,37(20):6668-6678
科学的森林经营能够优化林分结构,是调控森林生产力和生物多样性的有效手段。择伐作为森林经营的重要方式之一,其对森林结构以及群落动态的影响一直未有定论,因此迫切需要利用更加全面的数据对择伐及伐后林分特征的变化进行长期监测。根据森林大样地建立规范,2010年在吉林蛟河建立了42hm~2阔叶红松林动态监测样地,2011年冬季截取部分面积进行择伐经营,以经营样地为研究对象,运用数值变量描述采伐活动并分析择伐前后群落结构的变化;同时结合2015年的二次调查数据,以立地条件基本一致的对照样地为参照,比较林分水平和物种水平上死亡率、更新率的差异,并利用线性混合效应模型探究择伐活动对个体径向生长的影响。研究结果显示:经营样地的择伐强度为5.4%,受采伐干扰影响较大的物种主要包括色木槭、白牛槭、裂叶榆、胡桃楸、千金榆、水曲柳以及紫椴,采伐主要集中于林冠层树种,亚林层和灌木层个体很少涉及。择伐前后物种组成、径级结构等并未发生明显改变。5年间,经营样地和对照样地的林分密度都降低,对比对照样地,经营样地的死亡率较低,但其更新状况并未优于对照样地。从胸高断面积来看,经营样地整体的年平均生长量高于对照样地,表明择伐导致的稀疏对个体生长和存活起到了一定的促进作用。将采伐强度纳入线性混合效应模型中分析发现,胸径始终是影响个体生长的最重要因素,其次是树木个体之间的非对称竞争;采伐所涉及到的7个主要树种的年平均生长量均高于对照样地,但仅有紫椴的径向生长表现出对采伐干扰的显著响应。综合来看,低强度择伐对群落结构和动态的影响较小,不同物种的径向生长对择伐的响应存在一定差异。  相似文献   

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