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ABSTRACT Anthropogenic disturbances can promote establishment and growth of predator populations in areas where secondary prey can then become threatened. In this study, we investigated habitat selection of eastern coyotes (Canis latrans), a relatively new predator in the vicinity of an endangered population of caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou). We hypothesized that coyotes in the boreal forest depend mainly on disturbed habitat, particularly that of anthropogenic origin, because these habitats provide increased food accessibility. Coyotes would likely take advantage of moose (Alces alces) carcasses, berries, and snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) found in open habitats created by logging. To test these predictions, we described coyote diet and habitat selection at different spatial and temporal levels and then compared resource availability between habitats. To do so, we installed Global Positioning System radiocollars on 23 individual coyotes in the Gaspésie Peninsula, eastern Québec, Canada. Coyotes selected clear-cuts of 5–20 years and avoided mature coniferous forests both at the landscape and home-range levels. Clear-cuts of 5–20 years were found to contain a high availability of moose carcasses and berries, and vulnerability of snowshoe hares is known to increase in clear-cuts. The importance of these 3 food resources was confirmed by the characteristics of core areas used by coyotes and diet analysis. Moose remains were found at 45% of core areas and coyote diet comprised 51% moose on an annual basis. Anthropogenic disturbances in the boreal forest thus seem to benefit coyotes. Our results indicated that the relationship between coyotes and caribou likely involves spillover predation. This knowledge allows managers to consider spillover predation by coyotes as a possible threat for endangered caribou population when the predator depends mainly on habitat of anthropogenic origin and to suggest methods to alleviate it when developing management plans.  相似文献   

Despite a marked increase in the focus toward biodiversity conservation in fragmented landscapes, studies that confirm species breeding success are scarce and limited. In this paper, we asked whether local (area of forest patches) and landscape (amount of suitable habitat surrounding of focal patches) factors affect the breeding success of raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in Tokyo, Central Japan. The breeding success of raccoon dogs is easy to judge as adults travel with pups during the breeding season. We selected 21 forest patches (3.3–797.8 ha) as study sites. In each forest patch, we used infra-red-triggered cameras for a total of 60 camera days per site. We inspected each photo to determine whether it was of an adult or a pup. Although we found adult raccoon dogs in all 21 forest patches, pups were found only in 13 patches. To estimate probability of occurrence and detection for raccoon in 21 forest fragments, we used single season site occupancy models in PRESENCE program. Model selection based on AIC and model averaging showed that the occupancy probability of pups was positively affected by patch area. This result suggests that large forests improve breeding success of raccoon dogs. A major reason for the low habitat value of small, isolated patches may be the low availability of food sources and the high risk of being killed on the roads in such areas. Understanding the effects of local and landscape parameters on species breeding success may help us to devise and implement effective long-term conservation and management plans.  相似文献   

Whether to disperse, and where to, are two of the most prominent decisions in an individual's life, with major consequences for reproductive success. We studied natal and breeding dispersal in the monogamous black‐tailed godwit Limosa limosa limosa in the Netherlands, where they breed in agricultural grasslands. The majority of these grasslands recently changed from wet herb‐rich meadows into well‐drained grassland monocultures, on which godwits have a lower reproductive success. Here we examine habitat selection with a multistate mark–recapture analysis. Habitat transition probabilities between meadows and monocultures were estimated on the basis of 1810 marked chicks and 531 adults during seven years in a 8500 ha study area. Young and adult godwits may differ in habitat selection because: 1) adults may have gained experience from previous nest success where to settle, 2) younger individuals may find it harder to compete for the best territories. Both young and adults moved at a higher rate from the predominant monocultures to meadows than the other way around, thus actively selecting the habitat with better quality. However, dispersal distance of adults was not affected by previous nest success. The average dispersal distance from place of birth of godwits breeding for the first time was ten times larger than that of adult godwits. That godwits breeding in their second calendar year arrived and laid at similar dates and were equally able to select territories in areas with high breeding densities, suggests that young birds were not competitively inferior to adults. Although on monocultures reproduction is insufficient to maintain constant populations, birds sometimes moved from meadows to monocultures. This explains why even after 30 years of land‐use intensification, godwits still breed in low‐quality habitat. The adjustment to changing habitat conditions at the population level appears to be a slow process.  相似文献   

The red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis; hereafter RCW) was listed as federally endangered in 1973 after a population decline due primarily to habitat loss. Habitat fragmentation produces isolated populations of RCWs and managers often translocate subadult birds to augment existing populations. Although several studies have examined success of translocating subadults, detailed studies examining translocations of adults have been limited. We evaluated the feasibility and success of using adult RCWs for translocation and augmentation of existing populations in Morehouse Parish, Louisiana, 2006–2009. We translocated 41 primarily adult RCWs, consisting of 12 potential breeding groups (PBGs) and 5 single bird groups to suitable habitat at the Morehouse Parish Conservation Area (MPCA). Fifty-nine percent of translocated RCWs remained on the MPCA and 45% became breeders. Thirty-four percent of translocated RCWs were breeding after being on the MPCA for 2 breeding seasons, suggesting that translocated adult RCWs can augment the breeding population within 2 years of translocation. Fledglings contributed by translocated RCWs ranged from 11% to 30% of the total fledglings on the MPCA. There were 5 PBGs established on the MPCA from translocated RCWs and 20% of the fledglings had at least 1 translocated parent. Success rates for translocation of adults in our study were lower than previous studies where subadults were used. However, previous research suggested that demographically isolated groups have a high risk of abandonment and extirpation, and thus do not contribute to the recovery of the species. The success rates we observed suggest that translocating adult groups may be a useful tool in RCW recovery, and hence should be considered by managers when demographically isolated groups occur. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The estimation of abundance is fundamental to ecology and conservation but often is difficult or impossible to accomplish reliably. Recent improvements in wildlife cameras and ecological modelling have allowed for improved accuracy in estimates of abundance. In this study, we paired nest captures and high-definition nest video camera monitoring with modelling for a novel approach to estimate survival and abundance of threatened Piping Plovers Charadrius melodus breeding on Missouri River sandbars. From 2005 to 2014, we captured individuals on nests and uniquely marked them and recaptured previously marked individuals. In 2015–2017, we resighted marked individuals using small, high-definition video cameras deployed at nests, and counted the number of marked and unmarked breeding individuals associated with nests. We estimated apparent survival and derived estimates of the abundance of breeding individuals and population growth each year using a state-space Jolly–Seber superpopulation model with the addition of a binomial band ratio model for data collected using nest video cameras. Apparent survival averaged 0.73 ± 0.03 (mean ± sd) throughout the study. The number of breeding individuals varied, with the population increasing from 2012 to 2017 following a major habitat creation event. This study provides one of the few examples of camera data being used to produce demographic parameter and abundance estimates for an avian species. The camera and modelling methods described in this study may be applicable to other avian species in which some portion of the breeding population is uniquely marked.  相似文献   

Abundance estimation of carnivore populations is difficult and has prompted the use of non-invasive detection methods, such as remotely-triggered cameras, to collect data. To analyze photo data, studies focusing on carnivores with unique pelage patterns have utilized a mark-recapture framework and studies of carnivores without unique pelage patterns have used a mark-resight framework. We compared mark-resight and mark-recapture estimation methods to estimate bobcat (Lynx rufus) population sizes, which motivated the development of a new "hybrid" mark-resight model as an alternative to traditional methods. We deployed a sampling grid of 30 cameras throughout the urban southern California study area. Additionally, we physically captured and marked a subset of the bobcat population with GPS telemetry collars. Since we could identify individual bobcats with photos of unique pelage patterns and a subset of the population was physically marked, we were able to use traditional mark-recapture and mark-resight methods, as well as the new “hybrid” mark-resight model we developed to estimate bobcat abundance. We recorded 109 bobcat photos during 4,669 camera nights and physically marked 27 bobcats with GPS telemetry collars. Abundance estimates produced by the traditional mark-recapture, traditional mark-resight, and “hybrid” mark-resight methods were similar, however precision differed depending on the models used. Traditional mark-recapture and mark-resight estimates were relatively imprecise with percent confidence interval lengths exceeding 100% of point estimates. Hybrid mark-resight models produced better precision with percent confidence intervals not exceeding 57%. The increased precision of the hybrid mark-resight method stems from utilizing the complete encounter histories of physically marked individuals (including those never detected by a camera trap) and the encounter histories of naturally marked individuals detected at camera traps. This new estimator may be particularly useful for estimating abundance of uniquely identifiable species that are difficult to sample using camera traps alone.  相似文献   

Many bird species face seasonal and spatial variation in the availability of the specific food required to rear chicks. Caterpillar availability is often identified as the most important factor determining chick quality and breeding success in forest birds, such as tits Parus spp. It is assumed that parents play an important role in mediating the effect of environment on chick development. A reduction in prey availability should therefore result in increased foraging effort to maintain the amount of food required for optimal chick development. To investigate the capacity of adults to compensate for a reduction in food supply, we compared the foraging behaviour of Blue Tits Parus caeruleus breeding in rich and poor habitats in Corsica. We monitored the foraging effort of adults using radiotelemetry. We also identified and quantified prey items provided to nestlings by using a video camera mounted on the nest. We found that the mean travelling distance of adults was twice as great in the poor habitat as it was in the rich. Despite the marked difference in foraging distance, the proportion of optimal prey (caterpillars) in the diet of the chicks and the total biomass per hour per chick did not differ between the two habitats. We argue that relationships between habitat richness, offspring quality and breeding success cannot be understood adequately without quantifying parental effort.  相似文献   

Estimating abundance of wildlife populations can be challenging and costly, especially for species that are difficult to detect and that live at low densities, such as cougars (Puma concolor). Remote, motion-sensitive cameras are a relatively efficient monitoring tool, but most abundance estimation techniques using remote cameras rely on some or all of the population being uniquely identifiable. Recently developed methods estimate abundance from encounter rates with remote cameras and do not require identifiable individuals. We used 2 methods, the time-to-event and space-to-event models, to estimate the density of 2 cougar populations in Idaho, USA, over 3 winters from 2016–2019. We concurrently estimated cougar density using the random encounter model (REM), an existing camera-based method for unmarked populations, and genetic spatial capture recapture (SCR), an established method for monitoring cougar populations. In surveys for which we successfully estimated density using the SCR model, the time-to-event estimates were more precise and showed comparable variation between survey years. The space-to-event estimates were less precise than the SCR estimates and were more variable between survey years. Compared to REM, time-to-event was more precise and consistent, and space-to-event was less precise and consistent. Low sample sizes made the space-to-event and SCR models inconsistent from survey to survey, and non-random camera placement may have biased both of the camera-based estimators high. We show that camera-based estimators can perform comparably to existing methods for estimating abundance in unmarked species that live at low densities. With the time- and space-to-event models, managers could use remote cameras to monitor populations of multiple species at broader spatial and temporal scales than existing methods allow. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Variation in developmental time affects mating success and Allee effects   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
ChristelleRobinet  rewLiebhold  DavidGray 《Oikos》2007,116(7):1227-1237
A fundamental question in biological conservation and invasion biology is why do some populations go extinct? Allee effects, notably those caused by mate location failure, are potentially key factors leading to the extinction of sparse populations. Several previous studies have focused on the inability of males and females to locate each other in space when populations are at low densities but here we investigate the effects of differences in the timing of male and female maturation on mating success. We develop a generalized model to clarify the role of protandry (the appearance of males before female emergence) and variability in adult maturation times. We show that temporal asynchrony can substantially reduce the probability of successful mating. We then apply this generalized model to estimate mating success in invading populations of the gypsy moth in North America in relation to local climate and its associated seasonality. Considerable geographic heterogeneity was observed in simulated mating success and this variability was not correlated with previous evaluations of bioclimatic requirements and habitat suitability. Furthermore, we found that the generalized model of temporal asynchrony provided reliable predictions and that detailed modeling of gypsy moth development was not necessary.  相似文献   

DAVID B. JACKSON 《Ibis》1994,136(4):463-473
Adult and post-natal breeding-dispersal movements of Redshank Tringa totanus , Dunlin Calidris alpina and Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula were quantified in west Scotland. Data from 373 returning birds marked as breeding adults and 142 returning birds marked as chicks are presented. Unlike most previous studies, this study measured dispersal movements up to 40 km and attempted to overcome distance-related biases. For each species, adult males were significantly more nest site-faithful between years than were adult females. Likewise, first-time breeding males bred significantly closer to their natal site than did females. The settlement intensity per unit area of habitat showed marked differences between species, age classes and sex in the relative attractiveness of potential areas at different distances to settling birds. Adult dispersal was negatively and significantly related to breeding success in the previous year and positively related to capture on the nest in the previous year. Dispersal movements of adult Ringed Plover breeding on unstable cultivated habitats were significantly related to habitat quality (measured in terms of nest survival) and were always to habitat of better or equal quality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Dispersal events can affect the distribution, abundance, population structure, and gene flow of animal populations, but little is known about long‐distance movements due to the difficulty of tracking individuals across space. We documented the natal and breeding dispersal of shrubland birds among 13 study sites in a 1000 km2 area in southeastern Ohio. In addition, we radio‐marked and tracked 37 adult males of one shrubland specialist, the Yellow‐breasted Chat (Icteria virens). We banded 1925 juveniles and 2112 adults of nine shrubland species from 2002 to 2005. Of these, 33 (1.7%) juveniles were encountered in subsequent years (2003–2006) as adults (natal dispersal) and 442 (20.9%) birds initially banded as breeding adults were re‐encountered in subsequent years (breeding dispersal). Apparent survival of juvenile shrubland birds on their natal patches was 0.024 (95% CI 0.016–0.036). After accounting for the probability of detection, we found that 21% of birds banded as juveniles and recaptured as adults returned to their natal patches, whereas 78% of adult birds showed fidelity to the patch where they were originally captured. Moreover, natal dispersers tended to move farther than breeding dispersers (corrected natal median = 1.7 km ± 0.37; corrected breeding median = 0.23 km ± 0.10). We used our estimates of natal dispersal and annual apparent survival to estimate true survival at 0.11 (95% CI 0.07–0.18) for juveniles in their first year. However, this estimate was only applicable for birds dispersing within 7 km of their natal patches. Interpatch movements of radio‐marked Yellow‐breasted Chats were not uncommon, with 13 of 37 males located in more than one habitat patch. Overall, we observed low natal philopatry, but high adult site fidelity for shrubland birds in our study area. Considering the frequency of short‐distance movements observed (median = 531 m, range = 88–1045 m), clustering of patches within 1 km might facilitate use of shrubland habitat.  相似文献   

Abstract: Coyotes (Canis latrans) and Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) are sympatric throughout much of the lynx's southern range. Researchers and managers have suggested that the presence of compacted snowmobile trails may allow coyotes to access lynx habitat from which they were previously excluded by deep, unconsolidated snow. This could then allow coyotes to more effectively compete with lynx for snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus), the lynx's primary prey. We investigated how coyotes interacted with compacted snowmobile trails by conducting carnivore track surveys and by snow tracking adult coyotes (4 M, 8 F) in areas of western Montana, USA, with both documented lynx presence and recreational snowmobile use. Coyotes remained in lynx habitat having deep snow throughout the winter months. They used compacted snowmobile trails for 7.69% of their travel distance and traveled on them for a median distance of 124 m. Coyotes used compacted forest roads (5.66% of total travel) and uncompacted forest roads (4.62% of total travel) similarly. Coyotes did not travel closer to compacted snowmobile trails than random expectation (coyote x̄ distance from compacted trails = 368 m, random expectation = 339 m) and the distance they traveled from these trails did not vary with daily, monthly, or yearly changes in snow supportiveness or depth. However, they strongly selected for naturally shallower and more supportive snow surfaces when traveling off compacted snowmobile trails. Coyotes were primarily scavengers in winter (snowshoe hare kills composed 3% of coyote feed sites) and did not forage closer to compacted snowmobile trails than random expectation. The overall influence of snowmobile trails on coyote movements and foraging success during winter appeared to be minimal on our study area. The results of this study will allow land managers to better assess the effects of snow-compacting activities on coyotes and lynx.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Identifying nest predators is critical to understanding predation pressures that birds face, and using surveillance cameras appears to be the most reliable method of nest predator identification. However, presence and methods of using camera equipment may introduce bias in predation rates. To summarize potential effects of cameras on nest success we reviewed published and unpublished studies that estimated daily nest predation for bird nests with and without surveillance cameras. We used meta-analyses to quantitatively synthesize the direction and magnitude of these effects from independent studies. We found evidence that, on average, use of camera equipment may reduce nest predation rates, although these differences were not always significant and varied relative to geographic regions, vegetation types, and study duration. Researchers using camera surveillance to monitor nests must be aware that the equipment may be affecting rates of predation and possibly biasing data collected on predator identity. Based on our review and analysis, we provide recommendations for researchers seeking to minimize or control for potential bias when using surveillance cameras to monitor nest predation.  相似文献   

Nine of 16 free-ranging coyotes (Canis latrans) from central Oklahoma (USA) had naturally acquired infections of Hepatozoon americanum. Infections were confirmed by recognition of tissue stages closely resembling H. americanum in skeletal and cardiac muscle. At the time coyotes were collected they were infested with a variety of ticks, including adult Gulf Coast ticks (Amblyomma maculatum). We propose that the high prevalence of H. americanum in this small sample of free-ranging coyotes and the ability of these same animals to harbor adult populations of A. maculatum is an important component of the epizootiology of canine hepatozoonosis in North America.  相似文献   

非洲狮(Pantheraleo)群处于不断的分裂-聚合过程,其亚群大小与原狮群大小以及诸如狮群捕食成功度、协作幼仔保护及狮群领域防卫等社会性因素有关。我们分析了南非一个保护区(Hluhluwe-Umfolozi公园)15年间的狮群大小,其成年雌狮和成年雄狮群的大小在保护区内呈显著性变化。在开放生境中雌狮结大群,而茂密植被生境中则结小群。雄狮群大小与植被类型无关,但在大的雌狮群分布区域发现大雄狮群。令人惊奇的是,作为幼狮成活率指标的幼狮群大小和雌狮平均幼仔数在保护区内没有显著性差异。我们认为,雌狮群大小的不同是对植被结构的适应,即在开放生境中大群有利于协作狩猎、育幼、共同保护幼仔、应对高强度群间领域防卫竞争。相反,茂密植被中,群间竞争很低,高密度植被覆盖有利于狩猎成功及补偿小狮群对幼仔保护的不足。雌狮平均幼仔数在整个保护区内没有变化,我们认为是由于开放生境和茂密植被对狮群大小起到相似的调节作用  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Population declines among birds are often linked to habitat change and associated increases in nest predation rates. In species of conservation concern identifying nest predators is an important first step in developing management strategies to mitigate low nesting success caused by depredation. Because predator composition varies geographically and with landscape factors habitat restoration may need to be tailored to reduce locally important predators. We used miniature video cameras to identify nest predators in a population of Florida Scrub-Jays ( Aphelocoma coerulescens ) significant to conservation. At 22 nests we observed 25 predation events; 22 (88%) of these events were nocturnal. Yellow rat snakes ( Elaphe obsoleta ) had the highest daily predation rate and accounted for 76% of egg and nestling losses. Florida Scrub-Jays are vulnerable to nocturnal nest predation because their vigilance behavior is ineffective against nocturnal predators, breeders cannot defend against nocturnal predators, and brooding females are at risk of being killed by nocturnal predators. If current habitat restoration efforts do not reduce numbers of yellow rat snakes and improve scrub-jay nesting success, management actions to reduce populations of nocturnal snakes may need to be considered.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Management of Pacific Flyway Canada geese (Branta canadensis) requires information on winter distribution of different populations. Recoveries of tarsus bands from Vancouver Canada geese (B. canadensis fulva) marked in southeast Alaska, USA, ≥4 decades ago suggested that ≥83% of the population was non-migratory and that annual adult survival was high (Ŝ = 0.836). However, recovery distribution of tarsus bands was potentially biased due to geographic differences in harvest intensity in the Pacific Flyway. Also, winter distribution of Vancouver Canada geese could have shifted since the 1960s, as has occurred for some other populations of Canada geese. Because winter distribution and annual survival of this population had not recently been evaluated, we surgically implanted very high frequency radiotransmitters in 166 adult female Canada geese in southeast Alaska. We captured Vancouver Canada geese during molt at 2 sites where adults with goslings were present (breeding areas) and 2 sites where we observed nonbreeding birds only. During winter radiotracking flights in southeast Alaska, we detected 98% of 85 females marked at breeding areas and 83% of 70 females marked at nonbreeding sites, excluding 11 females that died prior to the onset of winter radiotracking. We detected no radiomarked females in coastal British Columbia, or western Washington and Oregon, USA. Most (70%) females moved ≤30 km between November and March. Our model-averaged estimate of annual survival (Ŝ = 0.844, SE = 0.050) was similar to the estimate of annual survival of geese marked from 1956 to 1960. Likely <2% of Vancouver Canada geese that nest in southeast Alaska migrate to winter areas in Oregon or Washington where they could intermix with Canada geese from other populations in the Pacific Flyway. Because annual survival of adult Vancouver Canada geese was high and showed evidence of long-term consistency, managers should examine how reproductive success and recruitment may affect the population.  相似文献   

During the 1992 breeding season, we studied the habitat selection, behaviour, aggressive interactions and diet of immature and adult Grey Eagle-buzzards Geranoaetus melanoleucus in an area of the Argentinean Patagonia. Immature eagles selected areas rich in prey, had no preference for flat or rugged areas and did not avoid areas close to active nests or those used by adult eagles. The density of the European Hare Lepus europaeus was the best predictor of the distribution of immature eagles. Adult eagles preferred rugged to flat areas but were not significantly affected by prey distribution. Immature eagles used flapping flight more frequently than did adult eagles. Wing-flapping frequency of immatures did not differ when flying over slopes or plains. In contrast, adults used a more economic flight with a lower wing-flapping frequency than that of immatures, especially when flying over slopes. Adults, in contrast to immatures, tended to select slopes when flying over predominantly flat country. Only in 22% of the occasions when adult and immatures were seen together were immatures attacked by adults, a rate of aggressive encounters similar to that observed between immatures (32%). This similarity indicates that adults do not actively exclude immatures from certain areas. The main prey of both immature and adult eagles was the introduced European Hare followed by native rodents and birds. Immatures ate significantly more carrion and fewer birds than did adults. These observations suggest that differences in flight behaviour and in the flight silhouette between adult and immature eagles may be responsible for their different habitat selection in relation to topography. While immatures apparently cue on prey density for habitat selection, adults select areas that allow more economic foraging flights  相似文献   

Abstract: San Joaquin kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis mutica) are an endangered species with a narrow geographic range whose natural populations are limited by predation by coyotes (Canis latrans). In the warm, arid grassland and shrubland habitats where kit foxes occur, coyotes are more cover dependent than kit foxes, creating the possibility of habitat segregation. Effects of habitat variation on coyote and kit fox competition are unknown. We assessed exploitation and interference competition between coyotes and kit foxes in grassland and shrubland habitats to determine if such competition varies among habitats. With respect to exploitation competition, we evaluated habitat and spatial partitioning, diet, prey abundance, and survival for kit foxes and coyotes at the Lokern Natural Area in central California, USA, from January 2003 through June 2004. Kit foxes partitioned habitat, space, and diet with coyotes. Coyotes primarily used shrubland habitats whereas kit foxes selectively used burned grasslands. Kit foxes and coyotes had high dietary overlap with regards to items used, but proportional use of items differed between the 2 species. Kit foxes selected for Heermann's kangaroo rats (Dipodomys heermanni), which were closely tied to shrub habitats. With respect to interference competition, predation was the primary source of mortality for kit foxes, and survival of individual kit foxes was inversely related to proportion of shrub habitat within their home ranges. Our results suggest that a heterogeneous landscape may benefit kit foxes by providing habitat patches where predation risk may be lower.  相似文献   

Coyotes (Canis latrans) may affect adult and neonate white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) survival and have been implicated as a contributor to the decline of deer populations. Additionally, coyote diet composition is influenced by prey availability, season, and region. Because coyote movement and diet vary by region, local data are important to understand coyote population dynamics and their impact on prey species. In southeast Minnesota, we investigated the effect of coyotes on white-tailed deer populations by documenting movement rates, distances moved, and habitats searched by coyotes during fawning and nonfawning periods. Additionally, we determined survival, cause-specific mortality, and seasonal diet composition of coyotes. From 2001 to 2003, we captured and radiocollared 30 coyotes. Per-hour rate of movement averaged 0.87 km and was greater (P = 0.046) during the fawning (1.07 km) than the nonfawning period (0.80 km); areas searched were similar (P = 0.175) between seasons. Coyote habitat use differed during both seasons; habitats were not used in proportion to their availability (P < 0.001). Croplands were used more (P < 0.001) than their proportional availability during both seasons. Use of grasslands was greater during the fawning period (P = 0.030), whereas use of cropland was greater in the nonfawning period (P < 0.001). We collected 66 fecal samples during the nonfawning period; coyote diets were primarily composed of Microtus spp. (65.2%), and consumption of deer was 9.1%. During the study, 19 coyotes died; annual survival rate range was 0.33–0.41, which was low compared with other studies. Consumption of deer was low and coyotes searched open areas (i.e., cropland) more than fawning areas with dense cover. These factors in addition to high coyote mortality suggested that coyote predation was not likely limiting white-tailed deer populations in southeast Minnesota. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

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