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The Asian orchid, Arundina graminifolia, has been introduced to many locations over the last 50 yr, predominantly in South and Central America. A list of localities of A. graminifolia was compiled and used to model potential climatic niches based on the maximum entropy method. The differences are presented between niches occupied by native and invasive populations of A. graminifolia, and possible changes in the potential range of the species are discussed on the basis of various climate change scenarios. The coverage of habitats suitable for A. graminifolia will be reduced under future climate changes scenarios. The created niche distribution models indicated a more significant reduction in the potential ecological niches of the studied species in its invasive range. Nevertheless, areas with potentially suitable bioclimatic conditions for A. graminifolia should be monitored to prevent future uncontrolled invasion of the orchid into new habitats and to study its impact on the local ecosystems, as vast areas of its potential niche in the Americas are still unoccupied.  相似文献   

Jaboury Ghazoul 《Biotropica》2004,36(2):156-164
The indirect impacts of Shorea siamensis‐logging on the reproductive ecology of Dipterocarpus obtusifolius, a self‐incompatible butterfly‐, moth‐, and bird‐pollinated tree, were studied in tropical dry forest in Thailand. Pollinator activity at D. obtusifolius trees and subsequent seed production were recorded in three forest areas subject to differing intensities of S. siamensis extraction. The pollinator and plant understory communities in these areas were also noted. Forest areas subject to high S. siamensis extraction intensities had very high understory flowering plant cover, dominated by the exotic invader Chromolaena odorata. Activity of butterfly pollinators at D. obtusifolius trees decreased in these disturbed areas, although their abundance remained comparable to other forest areas subject to only moderate or no extraction. For sphingid moth pollinators, there was no difference across differentially disturbed forest areas in either abundance or in the proportion bearing pollen. Pollinator activity by birds increased at highly disturbed locations but was not sufficient to offset a decline in overall pollinator activity at D. obtusifolius canopies in areas of heavy 5. siamensis extraction. Thus, extraction of S. siamensis indirectly affected the pollination of D. obtusifolius, primarily by causing changes in the foraging behavior of butterfly pollinators rather than their abundance. A shift in the relative abundance of floral nectar resources from the canopy to the understory, a consequence of 5. siamensis extraction and invasion by C. odorata, led to a parallel shift in foraging location of the principal diurnal pollinators, the butterflies, toward the understory. Despite reduced pollination at disturbed sites, behavioral changes did not translate into a D. obtusifolius seed set effect, possibly because pollination by birds (or moths) at the disturbed site compensated for reduced butterfly pollination.  相似文献   

Globally, invasive predators are major pests of agriculture and biodiversity and are the focus of comprehensive control programs. Because these species are typically elusive, wary of traps, and occur at low densities, their fundamental population dynamics are difficult to determine and quantitative evaluations of control programs are rarely conducted. Noninvasive DNA analysis has the potential to resolve this long-standing limitation to pest management. We carried out a landscape-scale experiment to quantify reduction in the abundance of a red fox (Vulpes vulpes) population when baited with sodium fluoroacetate (1080) poison (the most widely used method of fox control in Australia). We collected fox hairs with hair snares during 4 4-day sessions over the course of 6 months at a site in semi-arid Western Australia. The first session took place in late summer just prior to when juvenile foxes typically disperse, and the final session followed aerial baiting with 1080 poison. We obtained consensus microsatellite genotypes from 196 samples, and used them to conduct both spatially explicit and open model capture–recapture analysis. Twenty-eight percent of trap nights yielded hair samples suitable for identification of individual foxes, which is more than an order of magnitude greater than trapping rates reported with conventional techniques. Fox density changed little during 3 pre-baiting sessions and averaged 0.73 foxes/km2 (±0.33 SE), which is less than most previous trap-based estimates for Australian foxes. Density dropped significantly in response to baiting to 0.004 foxes/km2. Prior to baiting, the apparent survival of foxes remained static (0.72 ± 0.14 SE), but in response to baiting it dropped precipitously and was effectively zero. This experiment provides the first quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of 1080 poison baiting for reducing fox density, and in this case demonstrates it to be a highly effective method for culling foxes from a region. Further, it demonstrates that noninvasive DNA analysis will provide significantly more data than conventional trapping methods. This method is likely to provide greater precision and accuracy than conventional methods and therefore result in more robust evaluations of management strategies for the fox in Australia, and for cryptic species elsewhere. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Population viability analysis, the use of ecological models to assess a population's risk of extinction, plays an important role in contemporary conservation biology. The premise of this review is that models, concepts, and data analyses that yield results on extinction risk of threatened and endangered species can also tell us about establishment risks of potentially invasive species. I briefly review important results for simple unstructured models, demographic models, and spatial models, giving examples of the application of each type of model to invasive species, and general conclusions about the applicability of each type of model to risk analysis for invasive species. The examples illustrate a portion of the range of potential applications of such models to invasive species, and some of the types of predictions that they can provide. They also highlight some of the limitations of such models. Finally, I present several conjectures and open research questions concerning the application of population viability analyses to risk analysis and control of invasive species.  相似文献   

The distribution and co-occurrence of three groups of carnivorous soil macro-invertebrates (Carabidae, Staphylinidae, Chilopoda) were examined in laurel forests of the western Canary Islands. The species numbers per site decreased from East to West (La Gomera, El Hierro, La Palma) in both, beetles and centipedes. No evidence was found for the ‘diversity-invasibility-hypothesis’ sensu Elton. The number of invasive species per site increased with that of native species in Chilopoda, and was not significant in Carabidae+Staphylinidae. Carabidae and Staphylinidae were combined to form a guild of non-specialized ground-dwelling predatory beetles. The mandible length of adults and larvae was used as an indicator of the preferred food size class to determine the food niche width and niche separation. Two invasive coleopteran species were also examined: Ocypus olens occupied the vacant top predator niche on El Hierro, and Laemostenus complanatus occupied the vacant medium size predator niche on La Palma. Neither of these species was found in laurel forests of any other island where these niches are occupied by autochthonous species, though they are introduced on these islands too. The Chilopoda occurred in the forests with seven invasive and seven native species. Autochthonous and introduced centipedes species of the same size class and group are mutually exclusive.  相似文献   

  • 1 The horse‐chestnut leaf miner, Cameraria ohridella, is a moth of unknown origin that has recently invaded Europe and severely defoliates the European horse‐chestnut, an important ornamental tree.
  • 2 Several indigenous parasitoids have colonized this new host, but parasitism remains low. One of the hypotheses suggested to explain the low parasitism is that candidate parasitoids emerge too early in spring to attack the first host generation and, thus, need early‐occurring leaf miners as alternate hosts. This hypothesis was tested by observing the synchronization between the phenology of the moth and that of its main parasitoids, and by comparing parasitism rates and parasitoid richness in different environments with various levels of biological diversity.
  • 3 In spring, the bulk of the parasitoids emerge at least 5 weeks before the occurrence of the first suitable larvae of C. ohridella whereas most parasitoid adults reared outdoors die within 5 weeks after emergence.
  • 4 Parasitism rates and parasitoid richness do not increase with biological diversity, suggesting that most parasitoids attacking the first generation of C. ohridella do not come from alternate hosts. Parasitism does not increase later in the year in the subsequent generations, when host‐parasitoid synchronization becomes less critical.
  • 5 We conclude that, although the spring emergence of parasitoids is not synchronized with the phenology of C. ohridella, the parasitoids attacking the first generation are probably old or late‐emerging adults of the overwintering generation. The lack of synchronization is probably not the only reason for the poor recruitment of native parasitoids by C. ohridella.

为全面了解薇甘菊在海南的危害现状与入侵动态,提供有效防治的科学依据,对海南全岛薇甘菊入侵现状进行了调查,分析其入侵动态,并对其分布区进行预测。结果表明,自2003年在海口、文昌首次发现以来,薇甘菊已侵入到海南10余个市县,由于其繁殖力强、生长迅速、适应性好,与本地植物进行强烈的资源竞争,对本地农林业生产已构成一定危害,而且有向整个海南岛扩散蔓延的趋势。因此,必须引起高度重视,采取综合防治,有效减少薇甘菊大面积入侵造成的危害和损失。  相似文献   

Cultivation of annual crops in the initial stage of reforestation has been commonly practiced in the tropics. In recent decades, however, cultivation of such areas has been discontinued, resulting in widespread abandoned settlements. In this article we used a former forest village settlement in Kenya, which had been cleared, cultivated and then abandoned, to study how natural vegetation recovers after such disturbances. Species richness, abundance, and composition of tree seedlings, saplings, adult trees, shrubs, and herbs were recorded in different zones, from a heavily degraded zone in the center of the settlement, through less disturbed transition zones (TZs), and in the surrounding secondary forest (SF). Species richness and abundance of tree seedlings, saplings, and adult trees increased gradually from the heavily degraded zone to the SF, whereas shrub and herb richness were the same for TZs and SF and abundance was lowest in the SF. Total species richness was highest in the SF. Some pioneer tree species were highly associated with the TZs, whereas sub‐canopy tree species were associated with the SF. A group of tree species were not particularly associated with any of the four zones. Thus, these species might have good potential as restoration species. The results of our study contribute to the knowledge of natural regeneration in general, and of individual species characterizing the different stages of recovery of abandoned settlements in particular. Such information is urgently needed in designing ecologically sound management strategies for restoring abandoned forest settlements in tropical areas.  相似文献   

The need for research and development of effective approaches to weed control continues to increase globally. Adaptive protocols using diverse control methods are often required in ecological restoration as recruitment of native species is highly site‐specific, species‐specific, and experimental. The use of composted weed refuse to control other weeds may be a practical option; yet, the option is not well studied due to the accompanied risk of introducing weed propagules to areas where weed control is desired. Here, we tested the effectiveness of different physical control techniques including the use of mulch made by composting weed refuse on‐site. English ivy (Hedera helix), a non‐native, invasive species in the Pacific northwestern United States, was removed from a heavily invaded site, shredded, and composted. The mulch was compared with other methods of suppressing herb Robert (Geranium robertianum), another invasive species on‐site. Five treatments were tested: flame‐weeding, hand‐pulling, mulching, hand‐pulling followed by mulching, and flame‐weeding followed by mulching. The mulch and pull/mulch treatments were the most effective, reducing G. robertianum cover by 92 and 86% of pre‐treatment levels, respectively, and suppressing G. robertianum 2.9 and 1.6 times more than the control, respectively. The mechanism behind the effectiveness of the mulch is uncertain, but may be related to weed seed burial or the allelopathic potential of the mulch. Composting one invasive species to use as mulch to control another can be effective and merits trial elsewhere.  相似文献   

Freshwater aquatic organisms in North America are disproportionately imperilled when compared to their terrestrial counterparts due to widespread habitat alteration, pollution, overexploitation and the introduction of alien species. In this review, we examine the threat factors contributing to the endangerment of freshwater fishes and molluscs in Canada and further examine the nature of alien invasive species introductions affecting aquatic species at risk. Habitat loss and degradation is the predominant threat factor for Canadian freshwater fishes and molluscs that are listed as Extinct, Extirpated, Endangered and Threatened. Alien invasive species are the second most prevalent threat for fishes, affecting 26 of 41 listed species. Alien invasive species are a threat in most parts of Canada where listed fishes are found. Most (65%) of the alien invasive species affecting listed fishes are the result of intentional introductions related to sport fishing, and the majority of these introductions are unauthorized. Fifteen fishes and two plant species are cited as alien invasive species that impact listed fishes with brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) and pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) being the most prevalent. Alien species are a threat to 6 of 11 listed mollusc species. All six species are threatened by the alien zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in the Great Lakes basin. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Matrix models are widely used for demographic analysis of age and stage structured biological populations. Dynamic properties of the model can be summarized by the net reproductive rate R 0. In this paper, we introduce a new method to calculate and analyze the net reproductive rate directly from the life cycle graph of the matrix. We show, with examples, how our method of analysis of R 0 can be used in the design of strategies for controlling invasive species.  相似文献   

Introduction of biological control agents to reduce the abundance of exotic invasive plant species is often considered necessary but risky. I used matrix projection models to investigate the current population dynamics of Clidemia hirta (Melastomataceae), an invasive shrub, in two rainforest stands on the island of Hawaii and to predict the efficacy of hypothetical biological control agents in reducing population growth rates. Stage-structured matrix models were parameterized with field data collected over 3 years from 2906 C. hirta plants in a recently invaded forest with an open overstory (Laupahoehoe) and 600 plants in a less recently invaded forest with a closed canopy (Waiakea). Asymptotic population growth rates (λ) for both populations in all years were greater than one, demonstrating that both populations were growing. Composite elasticities were high for the seedling life-history stage and fecundity, and near-term demographic elasticities suggested that changes in seedling survival would have the largest effect on population size in the short term. However, simulations showed that almost 100% of seedlings or new recruits produced per reproductive adult would have to be destroyed to cause populations to go locally extinct under current environmental conditions. Herbivores or pathogens that decrease survival across all vegetative stages by 12% at Waiakea and 64% at Laupahoehoe were projected to cause the populations to decline. Thus, biocontrol agents that reduce survival of multiple life-history stages rather than seed production should be pursued to control C. hirta in Hawaiian rainforests.  相似文献   

Abstract: Throughout the United States, managers lack safe, effective methods to control expanding populations of the invasive monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus). Because the reproductive inhibitor diazacon (20,25 diazacholesterol) has been used effectively in captive monk parakeets, we provided diazacon-treated sunflower seeds to birds at electric utility substations inhabited by parakeets in south Florida, USA. Nest productivity (nestlings plus eggs with embryos) averaged 1.31 (SE = 0.45, n = 100 nests) at 6 treated sites compared to 4.15 (SE = 0.68, n = 50 nests) at 4 untreated sites, a 68.4% reduction. Exposure of native bird species to treated bait was infrequent. Diazacon is an effective means to reduce reproductive success of monk parakeets, and development of methods to limit exposure of nontarget birds will enable more widespread use of this useful population management technique.  相似文献   

Marine transportation moves the vast majority of cargo volume in international trade. Ballast water loaded in one port to stabilize ships for a safe voyage contains local aquatic species that are later discharged into other ports, where they are potentially invasive and can cause ecological, socioeconomic, and human health consequences. This article discusses the new Global Ballast Water Convention, what the Convention suggests about the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and its relationship to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The article also considers implementation of the Ballast Water Convention by presenting a decision support model that allows regulators to explore tradeoffs between costs and benefits of new technologies and derive optimal reductions of ballast-water-borne biological pollutants.  相似文献   

Coexistence of a native and invasive species may be possible at certain conditions along an environmental gradient where the individual responses of each species are maximally apart. Water temperature may differentially affect the growth of a native cool-water species like the Barrens topminnow, Fundulus julisia, and an originally warm-water adapted western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, who is a recent invader in Barrens Plateau region of middle Tennessee. We measured the specific growth rate (SGR) of the two species separately in laboratory aquaria at 10, 15, 20 and 25 °C, representing a range of temperatures that occur in topminnow habitats throughout the year. Both species grew faster with increasing temperature and SGRs were highest at 25 °C. The interspecific difference in SGR was maximized at 15 °C. At this temperature, mean growth rate of topminnows was 0.78% per day, more than twice that of mosquitofish (0.38% per day). These results suggest that cool springhead habitats with a near-constant thermal environment of 15 °C throughout the year may provide a growth advantage to the Barrens topminnow over the mosquitofish. Other environmental, density-dependent, or behavioral factors not examined here may act along with temperature to mediate the coexistence of the topminnow and mosquitofish.  相似文献   

Given the limited resources available for weed management, a strategic approach is required to give the “best bang for your buck.” The current study incorporates: (1) a model ensemble approach to identify areas of uncertainty and commonality regarding a species invasive potential, (2) current distribution of the invaded species, and (3) connectivity of systems to identify target regions and focus efforts for more effective management. Uncertainty in the prediction of suitable habitat for H. amplexicaulis (study species) in Australia was addressed in an ensemble-forecasting approach to compare distributional scenarios from four models (CLIMATCH; CLIMEX; boosted regression trees [BRT]; maximum entropy [Maxent]). Models were built using subsets of occurrence and environmental data. Catchment risk was determined through incorporating habitat suitability, the current abundance and distribution of H. amplexicaulis, and catchment connectivity. Our results indicate geographic differences between predictions of different approaches. Despite these differences a number of catchments in northern, central, and southern Australia were identified as high risk of invasion or further spread by all models suggesting they should be given priority for the management of H. amplexicaulis. The study also highlighted the utility of ensemble approaches in indentifying areas of uncertainty and commonality regarding the species’ invasive potential.  相似文献   

Abstract: Identification of wildlife species from indirect evidence can be an important part of wildlife management, and conventional methods can be expensive or have high error rates. We used chemical characterization of the volatile organic constituents (VOCs) in scat as a method to identify 5 species of North American canids from multiple individuals. We sampled vapors of scats in the headspace over a sample using solid-phase microextraction and determined VOC content using gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector. We used linear discriminant analysis to develop models for differentiating species with bootstrapping to estimate accuracy. Our method correctly classified 82.4% (bootstrapped 95% CI = 68.8–93.8%) of scat samples. Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) scat was most frequently misclassified (25.0% of scats misclassified); red fox was also the most common destination for misclassified samples. Our findings are the first reported identification of animal species using VOCs in vapor emissions from scat and suggest that identification of wildlife species may be plausible through chemical characterization of vapor emissions of scat. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):792–797; 2008)  相似文献   

Mechanical, biological, and chemical attempts to control invasive plants can be expensive, ecologically damaging, and frequently unsuccessful. This study proposes using the intrinsic biological attributes of the threatened plant community by artificially increasing the density of competitive native species to selectively suppress the growth of the invasive. Evidence from agricultural weed control suggests that oversowing infested areas with species with biological traits similar to those of the invasive species not only reduces productivity of the invasive species but also may eliminate environmental damage associated with standard control techniques. Annual bastard cabbage (Rapistrum rugosum), a Eurasian exotic, is an invader of native plant communities in the continental United States. Control with herbicides has been problematic due to high mortality of adjacent native species and subsequent perpetuation of a disturbed state that facilitates further regeneration of R. rugosum from the seed bank. In a randomized field experiment, sowing native Indian blanket (Gaillardia pulchella) over established seedling colonies of R. rugosum resulted in significant reduction of R. rugosum productivity (F= 3.43; p < 0.05). The highest sowing rate of G. pulchella resulted in a 72% reduction in aboveground productivity of R. rugosum that translated to an estimated 83% decrease in seed set, without significant suppression of adjacent native species. It is proposed that enriching threatened or infested plant communities with selected native species with matching phenologies and competitive characteristics has advantages over conventional control methods in that (1) it reduces the threat to nontarget organisms; (2) once installed, the species could self‐regenerate; and (3) it does not perpetuate a disturbed (early‐successional) state that might aggravate the problem. This may serve as an alternative technique to protect and restore native plant communities.  相似文献   

The recruitment of native seedlings is often reduced in areas where the invasive Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) is abundant. To address this recruitment problem, we evaluated the effectiveness of L. maackii eradication methods and restoration efforts using seedlings of six native tree species planted within eradication and unmanipulated (control) plots. Two eradication methods using glyphosate herbicide were evaluated: cut and paint and stem injection with an EZ‐Ject lance. Lonicera maackii density and biomass as well as microenvironmental characteristics were measured to study their effects on seedling growth and survivorship. Mean biomass of Amur honeysuckle was 361 ± 69 kg/ha, and density was 21,380 ± 3,171 plants/ha. Both eradication treatments were effective in killing L. maackii (≥ 94%). The injection treatment was most effective on large L. maackii individuals (>1.5 cm diameter), was 43% faster to apply than cutting and painting and less fatiguing for the operator, decreased operator exposure to herbicide, and minimized impact to nontarget vegetation. Deer browse tree protectors were used on half of the seedlings, but did not affect survivorship or growth. After 3 years, survival of native seedlings was significantly less where L. maackii was left intact (32 ± 3%) compared with the eradication plots (p < 0.002). Seedling survival was significantly different between cut (51 ± 3%) and injected (45 ± 3%) plots. Species had different final percent survival and rates of mortality. Species survival differed greatly by species (in descending order): Fraxinus pennsylvanica > Quercus muehlenbergiiPrunus serotinaJuglans nigra > Cercis canadensis > Cornus florida. Survivorship and growth of native seedlings was affected by a severe first‐year drought and by site location. One site exhibited greater spring soil moisture, pH, percent open canopy, and had greater survivorship relative to the other site (55 ± 2 vs. 30 ± 2%). Overall, both L. maackii eradication methods were successful, but restorationists should be aware of the potential for differential survivorship of native seedlings depending on species identity and microenvironmental conditions.  相似文献   

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