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ABSTRACT Studies of reintroduced animals are beneficial to evaluate the success of reintroduction programs and to understand factors influencing fitness of reintroduced individuals. The geographic distribution of the federally threatened Louisiana black bear (Ursus americanus luteolus) has been reduced to 3 isolated populations due to habitat loss and excessive harvest. We reintroduced 23 adult female Louisiana black bears and their cubs to east-central Louisiana, USA, and documented postrelease space use, survival, movements, and reproduction. Individual females used larger home ranges after reintroduction than they had in the source population (P = 0.037). Spring ranges of reintroduced females were smaller than summer, autumn, and annual ranges (all P < 0.09), which did not differ from each other (all P > 0.60). Survival of reintroduced females did not differ between their first (S = 0.933) and second (S = 1.00) year after release or from annual survival of females in the source population (S = 0.964–1.00). Mean straight-line distance traveled by females from their release sites to the center of established home ranges or last recorded locations was 22.7 km. Six females reproduced after reintroduction and produced 15 cubs. Mean postrelease litter size of parturient reintroduced females (2.5) was similar to reported mean litter size of females in the source population (2.4). Our results suggest that the Louisiana reintroduction program is proceeding favorably; however, future studies should continue to monitor survival and reproduction of reintroduced females in Louisiana. Additional demographic parameters (i.e., cub survival) should be estimated to allow for population viability analysis to determine if the new population is self-sustaining. 相似文献
ABSTRACT Understanding den selection for the federally threatened Louisiana black bear (Ursus americanus luteolus) will assist managers in effectively managing bear populations and the landscapes they inhabit. We assessed den selection of 72 female Louisiana black bears at multiple spatial scales in northern and central Louisiana, USA. We used 230 den-years to examine den type preference, microhabitat characteristics of dens, and effects of landscape characteristics on den selection. We also evaluated reuse of tree dens and their availability across several study areas. Bears selected tree dens more frequently (65%) than ground dens. Most (55%) ground dens were associated with standing or downed trees, and most tree dens were in baldcypress (Taxodium distichum; 86%) or surrounded by water (80%). Selection of ground dens was positively associated with landscape metrics related to presence of water, whereas selection of tree dens was positively associated with proximity to edge and greater proportions of swamp and areas containing water. Reuse of tree dens averaged 15% (range = 0–20%) across study areas and our estimates of tree-den availability indicated that tree dens were not a limiting resource for Louisiana black bears in the northern or central portions of Louisiana. Although Louisiana black bears demonstrated plasticity in den selection, we recommend managers use forest management practices that conserve appropriate tree dens and create ground-denning opportunities, because both would promote the recovery of Louisiana black bear populations. 相似文献
Elliot J. Lustig Sara Bales Lyda David M. Leslie JR. Barney Luttbeg W. Sue Fairbanks 《The Journal of wildlife management》2021,85(3):531-542
American black bears (Ursus americanus) were extirpated from Oklahoma, USA, in the early twentieth century but have since recolonized eastern portions of the state after immigrating from Arkansas, where they were successfully translocated. Within the last 2 decades, a population of black bears was detected in the Oklahoma Ozark region, prompting studies to determine population size, growth rate, and genetic makeup. To understand how black bears were recolonizing the human-dominated landscape, we investigated resource selection at 2 scales. Between 2011 and 2016, we collected global positioning system collar spatial data for 10 males and 13 females. We calculated average kernel density home ranges on a seasonal scale for all collared bears. We used generalized linear mixed models to calculate resource selection functions at the study area, defined by locations of all radio-collared black bears (second order) and the scale of individual black bear home ranges (third order). Resource selection did not differ significantly by sex. Black bears across seasons and scales selected riparian forest and moist oak (Quercus spp.) forest land cover types and mostly selected against indicators of human activity (e.g., pasture-prairie, anthropogenic land cover types, roads, and areas of high human population density). Black bears also selected areas with rugged terrain at high elevations, although not consistently across seasons and scales. Black bear recolonization appeared to be negatively affected by areas and features characterized as human-altered. Further expansion of the range of black bears may be limited by anthropogenic disturbance in the region. © 2021 The Wildlife Society. 相似文献
ABSTRACT Understanding landscape structure and the role of habitat linkages is important to managing wildlife populations in fragmented landscapes. We present a data-based method for identifying local- and regional-scale habitat linkages for American black bears (Ursus americanus) on the Albemarle-Pamlico Peninsula of North Carolina, USA. We used weights-of-evidence, a discrete multivariate technique for combining spatial data, to make predictions about bear habitat use from 1,771 telemetry locations on 2 study areas (n = 35 bears). The model included 3 variables measured at a 0.2-km2 scale: forest cohesion, forest diversity, and forest-agriculture edge density, adequately describing important habitat characteristics for bears on our study area. We used 2 categories of unique habitat conditions to delineate favorable bear habitat, which correctly classified 79.5% of the bear locations in a 10-fold model validation. Forest cohesion and forest-agriculture edge density were the most powerful predictors of black bear habitat use. We used predicted probabilities of bear occurrence from the model to delineate habitat linkages among local and regional areas where bear densities were relatively high. Our models clearly identified 2 of the 3 sites previously recommended for wildlife underpasses on a new, 4-lane highway in the study area. Our approach yielded insights into how landscape metrics can be integrated to identify linkages suitable as habitat and dispersal routes. 相似文献
Joseph W. Hinton Alicia E. Freeman Véronique St-Louis Louis Cornicelli Gino J. D'Angelo 《The Journal of wildlife management》2020,84(5):957-967
Understanding space-use patterns by elk (Cervus canadensis) is essential to alleviating human-elk conflicts, particularly when crop depredation by elk can make it harder to justify to the public the need to restore elk populations to regions with agricultural landscapes. In 2016–2017, we used global positioning system data from 20 female elk to investigate their selection for agricultural cover during the agricultural season (1 May–31 Oct) in northwestern Minnesota, USA. We estimated resource selection functions with resource availability defined at the home range scale. Elk space use was primarily determined by distance to forest cover in areas proximate to agricultural fields. During diurnal periods, elk selected areas with forest cover near agricultural fields planted with legumes and cereal. During nocturnal periods, elk selected for agricultural fields with little to no canopy and that were planted with legumes. We suggest that management of elk in northwestern Minnesota will require practices that discourage the use of agriculture by elk while improving natural habitats within areas managed for elk restoration. We suggest that forestry practices (i.e., thinning and burning) could improve cover and forage openings for elk in restoration areas. Furthermore, managers could work with agricultural producers where elk occur to plant crops favored by elk (i.e., legumes) outside known home ranges and plant fields within home ranges with crops that elk avoided (i.e., hay). Collectively, these practices may shift the ranges of elk herds into restoration areas and lower conflict between the public and elk restoration efforts. © 2020 The Wildlife Society. 相似文献
Testing a Mahalanobis Distance Model of Black Bear Habitat Use in the Ouachita Mountains of Oklahoma
ERIC C. HELLGREN SARA L. BALES MARK S. GREGORY DAVID M. LESLIE JR. JOSEPH D. CLARK 《The Journal of wildlife management》2007,71(3):924-928
Abstract: Regional wildlife-habitat models are commonly developed but rarely tested with truly independent data. We tested a published habitat model for black bears (Ursus americanus) with new data collected in a different site in the same ecological region (i.e., Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas and Oklahoma, USA). We used a Mahalanobis distance model developed from relocations of black bears in Arkansas to produce a map layer of Mahalanobis distances on a study area in neighboring Oklahoma. We tested this modeled map layer with relocations of black bears on the Oklahoma area. The distributions of relocations of female black bears were consistent with model predictions. We conclude that this modeling approach can be used to predict regional suitability for a species of interest. 相似文献
Abstract: We compared historic (1985–1992) and contemporary (2003–2006) black bear (Ursus americanus) den locations in Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP), Colorado, USA, for habitat and physiographic attributes of den sites and used maximum entropy modeling to determine which factors were most influential in predicting den-site locations. We observed variability in the relationship between den locations and distance to trails and elevation over time. Locations of historic den sites were most associated with slope, elevation, and covertype, whereas contemporary sites were associated with slope, distance to roads, aspect, and canopy height. Although relationships to covariates differed between historic and contemporary periods, preferred den-site characteristics consistently included steep slopes and factors associated with greater snow depth. Distribution of den locations shifted toward areas closer to human developments, indicating little negative influence of this factor on den-site selection by black bears in RMNP. 相似文献
2002年11月至2003年4月、2003年11月至2004年3月,在东北小兴安岭林区对黑熊冬眠仓的特征和仓址选择进行了研究.采用网状排查的方法,调查熊仓111个和未被利用的树洞(26)、岩洞(12),其中树仓72个,地仓36个,明仓3个.结果表明:72个利用树仓和26个未利用树洞的坡度和灌丛盖度差异显著;坡度、灌丛盖度、仓口到地面高度、海拔、树高等因子与利用状况关联紧密;黑熊对树仓周围植被偏好利用针叶林和杂木林,回避阔叶林,对针阔叶混交林生境随机利用;对树仓的洞口有选择性,选择利用只有一个上洞口或侧口的树洞,回避有多个洞口的树洞;而对坡向、坡位、树种、枯树/活树和洞口朝向的利用无选择性.36个利用地仓和12个未利用岩洞的树高和坡度差异极显著,人为干扰距离因子差异显著,其余各项数量型因子差异不显著;树高、坡度、人为干扰距离、灌丛盖度、仓口长和海拔等因子与利用状况关联紧密.黑熊对地仓偏好利用上坡位和中坡位,回避下坡位;对地仓的洞口朝向选择利用仓口朝向阳面的地仓,回避阴面,对洞口朝向半阴半阳面的地仓随机利用.对植被类型、坡向、树种、枯树/活树和树洞/岩洞的利用无选择性.在小兴安岭南坡的带岭林区研究中还发现,当树仓、地仓被火烧过以后,将不再被黑熊利用;但是黑熊并不离开冬眠巢域,而是就地自建巢穴,利用明仓过冬. 相似文献
岷山黑熊生境选择的初步分析 总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22
1998 年3 月末至9 月, 作者在岷山山系对黑熊的生境选择进行了研究。野外工作中共设置了40 个20 ×20 m2样方和15 个生态因子, 以此为基准进行了定量分析。黑熊生境喜好程度分析表明, 黑熊喜欢选择向阳、坡度较大、避风性适中、郁闭度在30 %~50 %之间的山嵴或山坡面, 选择乔木密度和灌木密度适中、倒木密度和树桩密度较小的生境, 其他如乔木距离、灌木距离、倒木距离和树桩距离以适中为准。主成分分析表明,影响黑熊生境选择的主要因子有5 种, 依次为: 食物丰富度因子(包括乔木密度、灌木密度、乔木距离和灌木距离) 、干扰因子(包括倒木密度、树桩密度、倒木距离和树桩距离) 、地形因子(包括郁闭度、地理性和坡位) 、气候因子(包括避风性和坡向) 和海拔因子。其最适生境状况为: 乔木密度为1 226~1 625根/ hm2, 灌木密度为1 425~1 976 根/ hm2, 倒木密度为120~240 根/ hm2 , 树桩密度为110~230 根/ hm2 , 郁闭度为3519 %~4315 % , 地理性为0.6~0.7 (山坡面) , 坡位为0.5~0.7 (中坡位) , 避风性为0.4~0.7 (适中) , 坡向为49.8°~153°(东坡) , 海拔高度为1 993~2 276 m (阔叶林和针阔混交林带) 。 相似文献
STEPHANIE A. TUCKER WILLIAM R. CLARK TODD E. GOSSELINK 《The Journal of wildlife management》2008,72(5):1114-1124
Abstract: Historically, bobcats (Lynx rufus) were found throughout the Corn Belt region, but they nearly disappeared from this area due to habitat loss and unregulated harvest that occurred during the century after European settlement. Reports of bobcat occurrences have been increasing in Iowa, USA, and biologists would like to understand the mechanisms enabling bobcats to recolonize this fragmented agricultural landscape. We determined space use and habitat selection of bobcats by radiocollaring 68 bobcats in south-central Iowa during 2003–2006. We triangulated 12,966 locations and recovered an additional 1,399 3-dimensional locations from Global Positioning System collars. We used a fixed kernel estimator to calculate 95% utilization distributions (UDs) for home ranges and 50% UDs for cores. Annual home range area of males (x̄ = 58.6 km2, 95% CI = 49.2–69.9) was nearly 3 times that of females (x̄=19.9 km2, 95% CI = 17.0–23.3). Females used smaller home ranges during April-September when they were suspected to have kittens with them (x̄ = 16.8 km2, 95% CI = 13.7–20.7), as compared to October-March (x̄ = 24.1 km2, 95% CI = 19.0–30.7), whereas home ranges of males did not differ between seasons. Similarly, core area of males (x̄ = 7.7 km2, 95% CI = 6.2–9.6) was larger than that of females (x̄ = 2.3 km2, 95% CI = 1.9–2.7). Females used significantly smaller cores in April-September (x̄ = 1.8 km2, 95% CI = 1.4–2.3) as compared to October-March (x̄ = 2.8 km2, 95% CI = 2.2–3.7), whereas males did not. For both sexes, compositional analysis indicated that forest habitat was ranked higher than all other habitat classes at both the landscape and local scale. Standardized habitat selection ratios illustrate that female and male bobcats selected forest habitat about twice as frequently as any other habitat class, including grassland and Conservation Reserve Program land. Predictive models indicated that home range and core area was smaller in landscapes where perennial forest and grassland habitats were less fragmented. Predictive models indicated home ranges were more irregular in shape in landscapes where row crop patches were less aggregated within home ranges. Our results have practical implications for wildlife managers regarding expected bobcat habitat use and distribution as the species becomes more abundant in the agricultural landscape of the Midwest. 相似文献
Andrew S. Bridges Michael R. Vaughan Josephine A. Fox 《The Journal of wildlife management》2011,75(5):1137-1144
We studied reproduction of American black bears (Ursus americanus) in western Virginia from 1994 to 2003. We handled 326 ≥2-year-old female black bears 672 times during summer trapping and followed 176 of these individuals through 424 winter den seasons. We examined 183 litters consisting of 455 cubs. Primiparity occurred at mean and modal ages of 3.8 and 3 years, respectively. Composite mean litter size was 2.49 (SE = 0.06) cubs/litter; 3- and 4-year-olds had smaller litters than older bears. We tracked reproductive synchrony using 5 indices and documented a resetting of this synchrony, likely in response to hard-mast failure. The amplitude of oscillations in synchrony indices dampened through time after the synchronizing events. Documentation and quantification of relationships between nutrient availability, reproduction and population dynamics can be used to inform population modeling efforts and more accurately forecast harvest. © 2011 The Wildlife Society. 相似文献
American black bears (Ursus americanus) are an iconic wildlife species in the southern Appalachian highlands of the eastern United States and have increased in number and range since the early 1980s. Given an increasing number of human-bear conflicts in the region, many management agencies have liberalized harvest regulations to reduce bear populations to socially acceptable levels. Wildlife managers need reliable population data for assessing the effects of management actions for this high-profile species. Our goal was to use DNA extracted from hair collected at barbed-wire enclosures (i.e., hair traps) to identify individual bears and then use spatially explicit capture-recapture methods to estimate female black bear density, abundance, and harvest rate. We established 888 hair traps across 66,678 km2 of the southern Appalachian highlands in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee, USA, in 2017 and 2018, arranged in 174 clusters of 2–9 traps/cluster. We collected 9,113 hair samples from those sites over 6 weeks of sampling, of which 1,954 were successfully genotyped to 462 individual female bears. Our spatially explicit estimator included a percent forest covariate to explain inhomogeneous bear density across the region. Densities ranged up to 0.410 female bears/km2 and regional abundance was 5,950 (95% CI = 4,988–7,098) female bears. Based on hunter kill data from 2016 to 2018, mean annual harvest rates for females were 12.7% in Georgia, 17.6% in North Carolina, 17.6% in South Carolina, and 22.8% in Tennessee. Our estimated harvest rates for most states approached or exceeded theoretical maximum sustainable levels, and population trend data (i.e., bait-station indices) indicated decreasing growth rates since about 2009. These data suggest that the increased harvest goals and poor hard mast production over a series of prior years reduced bear population abundance in many states. We were able to obtain reasonable population abundance and density estimates because of spatially explicit capture-recapture methods, cluster sampling, and a large spatial extent. Continued monitoring of bear populations (e.g., annual bait-station surveys and periodic population estimation using spatially explicit methods) by state jurisdictions would help to ensure that population trajectories are consistent with management goals. © 2021 The Wildlife Society. 相似文献
Charles C. Schwartz Steven L. Cain Shannon Podruzny Steve Cherry Leslie Frattaroli 《The Journal of wildlife management》2010,74(8):1628-1638
ABSTRACT The distribution of grizzly (Ursus arctos) and American black bears (U. americanus) overlaps in western North America. Few studies have detailed activity patterns where the species are sympatric and no studies contrasted patterns where populations are both sympatric and allopatric. We contrasted activity patterns for sympatric black and grizzly bears and for black bears allopatric to grizzly bears, how human influences altered patterns, and rates of grizzly-black bear predation. Activity patterns differed between black bear populations, with those sympatric to grizzly bears more day-active. Activity patterns of black bears allopatric with grizzly bears were similar to those of female grizzly bears; both were crepuscular and day-active. Male grizzly bears were crepuscular and night-active. Both species were more night-active and less day-active when ≤1 km from roads or developments. In our sympatric study area, 2 of 4 black bear mortalities were due to grizzly bear predation. Our results suggested patterns of activity that allowed for intra- and inter-species avoidance. National park management often results in convergence of locally high human densities in quality bear habitat. Our data provide additional understanding into how bears alter their activity patterns in response to other bears and humans and should help park managers minimize undesirable bear-human encounters when considering needs for temporal and spatial management of humans and human developments in bear habitats. 相似文献
Michelle L. Crabb Matthew J. Clement Andrew S. Jones Kirby D. Bristow Larisa E. Harding 《The Journal of wildlife management》2022,86(3):e22182
The Wallow Fire, the largest wildfire in Arizona history, encompassed 2,170 km2 and provided a rare opportunity to examine habitat selection and home ranges of American black bears (Ursus americanus) before and after a wildfire. We had fitted global positioning system (GPS) collars on 47 bears from 2005 to April 2011, and 10 of these were still collared when the fire started in May 2011. We captured and collared an additional 7 black bears within the fire perimeter post-fire (Jul–Sep 2011 and Jun 2012). To evaluate how black bears were affected by the fire, we fit a step selection function using a conditional mixed effects Poisson regression model to estimate the relative strength of black bear habitat selection in response to burn severity. Additionally, we estimated home range sizes using an autocorrelated kernel density estimator by means of a continuous-time movement model. We then used a generalized linear model with a negative binomial error distribution and mixed effects to estimate the effect of the burn severity on black bear home range size, while controlling for sex and drought. In spring and summer in years prior to the fire, bears selected areas that later burned in the fire. After the fire, bears used all burn severities, but their selection for high-severity burns decreased significantly in summer 2011 and fall 2012. Home range sizes were 3.06 times larger pre-fire than post-fire. Our study demonstrates that black bears continued to use all burn severities after a major wildfire, and that post-fire conditions did not result in expanded black bear home ranges. 相似文献
ELINA P. GARRISON J. WALTER MCCOWN MADAN K. OLI 《The Journal of wildlife management》2007,71(3):720-727
Abstract: We investigated reproductive ecology and cub survival of Florida black bears (Ursus americanus floridanus) in Ocala National Forest and the adjacent residential area of Lynne, Florida, USA, 1999-2003. We documented production of 81 cubs from 39 litters. Average litter size was 2.08 ± 0.11 (SE) cubs. The mean age of first reproduction was 3.25 ± 0.27 years. Excluding females that reproduced in consecutive years due to litter loss, interlitter interval was 2.11 ± 0.11 years. The mean annual fecundity rate was 0.57 ± 0.06. We used expandable radiocollars to monitor the fate of 41 bear cubs. The probability of cubs surviving to 9 months of age was 0.46 ± 0.09 and did not differ between cohorts or study locations. The most important causes of cub mortality included infanticide and mortality caused directly or indirectly by collisions with vehicles. Our results indicate that reproductive rates of female black bears in the Ocala study area are comparable to those reported for other black bear populations from eastern United States, but cub survival rates are lower than those reported for most black bear populations. Management of Florida black bears should emphasize strategies to reduce the mortality of cubs. 相似文献
CHRISTOPHER W. RYAN MICHAEL R. VAUGHAN J. BLAIR MELDRUM ROBERT B. DUNCAN JOHN W. EDWARDS 《The Journal of wildlife management》2009,73(2):210-213
ABSTRACT Telazol® (Fort Dodge Animal Health, Fort Dodge, IA) is an effective immobilization drug for American black bears (Ursus americanus), but concern exists regarding retention time of this drug in tissues relative to human consumption of bears. Therefore, we evaluated retention time of Telazol in captured American black bears immobilized with Telazol and held in captivity for 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, or 21 days. We detected Telazol in muscle and liver of one bear on day 7, in serum from 2 bears on day 7, and in urine of one bear each on day 3 and day 14. Our findings suggest Telazol is metabolized and eliminated quickly from the bear's system and should allow managers additional flexibility in mark-recapture studies and nuisance situations. 相似文献
PETER H. SINGLETON JOHN F. LEHMKUHL WILLIAM L. GAINES SCOTT A. GRAHAM 《The Journal of wildlife management》2010,74(2):285-294
ABSTRACT Competition with barred owls (Strix varia varia) is an important factor contributing to the continued decline of threatened northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) populations in the Pacific Northwest, USA, but basic information on habitat selection and space use patterns of barred owls is lacking for much of the region. We investigated space use and habitat selection by tracking radiotagged barred owls in the Eastern Cascade Range of Washington, USA, from 2004 to 2006. We surveyed for barred owls across the 309-km2 study area and confirmed presence of barred owl pairs at 21 sites. We collected movement data on 14 barred owls from 12 sites. Mean annual 95% fixed-kernel home-range size was 194 ha for females (n = 4, SD = 70) and 288 ha for males (n = 5, SD = 114). Home ranges were located more frequently than expected in areas with low topographic position, gentle slopes, large overstory tree-crown diameter, high normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), overstory tree canopy closure >72%, and a moderate amount of solar insolation. Within home ranges, areas that had large tree-crown diameters, low topographic positions, and gentle slopes were used more frequently than expected. The resource selection function we developed for barred owls in our study area indicated that barred owls used areas with the combination of low values for topographic position and slope and higher values for NDVI, solar insolation, and an interaction term for canopy closure and tree-crown diameter. In comparison to published information on northern spotted owls, barred owls used areas with similar canopy closure and tree size classes, but barred owl home ranges were much smaller and more concentrated on gentler slopes in valley bottoms. This information may contribute to the development of management practices that maintain forest characteristics appropriate for spotted owl habitat and prey in areas where spotted owls are least likely to be excluded by territorial barred owls in the Eastern Cascades of Washington. 相似文献
Abstract: Mammalian females change their behavior during the last stages of pregnancy and during the weaning as a response to new energetic requirements and antipredator behavior. From March 2001 to December 2004, we studied the effects of parturition and weaning on home-range sizes and habitat selection in 28 female Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) in a 1,700-ha free area in the Gran Paradiso National Park (Western Italian Alps). We calculated Kernel home range enclosing 95% of each female's locations according to seasonal and bimonthly timescales. Pregnancy did not seem to modify spatial behavior. Lactating females showed smaller home ranges than nonlactating ones after the birth period in June-July. Hot summers slowed kids' growth and prolonged maternal care, modifying mothers' behavior. In summer 2003, which was hotter and drier than usual, weaning females showed even smaller home ranges. Because of their use of antipredator tactics during the weaning season, lactating females showed a higher use of safer habitats, such as rocky slopes. Our results are consistent with the findings of previous cervid and bovid studies, and they suggest that ungulate mothers may move to suboptimal, but safer, habitats during weaning to reduce the predation risk for their offspring. 相似文献
ABSTRACT Noninvasive genetic sampling has become a popular method for obtaining population parameter estimates for black (Ursus americanus) and brown (U. arctos) bears. These estimates allow wildlife managers to develop appropriate management strategies for populations of concern. Black bear populations at Great Dismal Swamp (GDSNWR), Pocosin Lakes (PLNWR), and Alligator River (ARNWR) National Wildlife Refuges in coastal Virginia and North Carolina, USA, were perceived by refuge biologists to be at or above cultural and perhaps biological carrying capacity, but managers had no reliable abundance estimates upon which to base population management. We derived density estimates from 3,150 hair samples collected noninvasively at each of the 3 refuges, using 6–7 microsatellite markers to obtain multilocus genotypes for individual bears. We used Program MARK to calculate population estimates from capture histories at each refuge. We estimated densities using both traditional buffer strip methods and Program DENSITY. Estimated densities were some of the highest reported in the literature and ranged from 0.46 bears/km2 at GDSNWR to 1.30 bears/km2 at PLNWR. Sex ratios were male-biased at all refuges. Our estimates can be directly utilized by biologists to develop effective strategies for managing and maintaining bears at these refuges, and noninvasive methods may also be effective for monitoring bear populations over the long term. 相似文献