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1. This study highlights the use of waterbird communities as potential measures of river and floodplain health at a landscape scale. 2. The abundance and diversity of a waterbird community (54 species) was measured over 15 trips with four aerial and three ground counts per trip on a 300-ha lake in arid Australia. 3. Aerial survey estimates of individual species were significantly less precise (SE/mean) than ground counts across two (11–100 and > 1000) out of four abundance classes of waterbirds: 0–10, 11–100, 101–1000 and > 1000. Standard error/mean as a percentage decreased with increasing abundance from about 60% for the lowest abundance class to 18% for the largest abundance class. 4. Aerial survey estimates were negatively biased for species in numbers of less than 10 and greater than 5000 but unbiased compared to ground counts for other abundance classes. Aerial surveys underestimated numbers of waterbirds by 50% when there were 40 000 waterbirds. Three ground counts found about seven more waterbird species than four aerial surveys. One ground count took about 150 times longer than two aerial surveys and cost 14 times more. 5. Regression models were derived, comparing aerial survey estimates to ground counts for 31 of 36 species for which there were sufficient data. Aerial survey estimates were unbiased for most of these species (67%), negatively biased for six species and positively biased for one species. Estimates were negatively biased in species that occurred in small numbers or that dived in response to the aircraft. 6. River system health encompasses the state of floodplain wetlands. Waterbirds on an entire wetland or floodplain may be estimated by aerial survey of waterbirds; this is a coarse but effective measure of waterbird abundance. Aerial survey is considerably less costly than ground survey and potentially provides a method for measuring river and floodplain health over long periods of time at the same scale as river management.  相似文献   

Both aerial transect sample counts and total counts of elephant and buffalo were conducted in the study area during the wet season. The results from the two counting methods were tested for significant difference. The test showed that the results were not significantly different for both the elephant ( P > 0.05) and buffalo ( P > 0.05).  相似文献   

Natural freshwater wetlands are among the most threatened habitats on Earth. Effective wetland biodiversity conservation can not, however, be evaluated without fully understanding the roles of artificial waterbodies as refuges for water-dependent plants and animals. Waterbird assemblages were examined on 59 farm ponds in the Elgin and Caledon districts of the Western Cape, South Africa. This study examines the relationship between waterbird use and habitat characteristics of farm ponds. Patterns of temporal and spatial variation of waterbird species richness and abundance were quantified in relation to the habitat characteristics of each pond. Cluster analysis and multiple regression analyses identified surface area of the farm ponds as an important variable determining the presence and abundance of many waterbird species. Structural diversity in terms of vegetation in and around the ponds was especially important in determining their usage by waterbirds. These variables were evaluated in terms of creating a mosaic of habitat types (by varying vegetation structure and pond topography), which may be a useful way to enhance waterbird diversity at farm ponds. This study concludes that the high number of farm ponds in the transformed habitat matrix of the Western Cape plays an important role in conserving waterbirds.  相似文献   

Although hurricanes have been implicated in causing shifts in waterbird use of individual colonies, little is known about whether or not these effects are consistent across broader areas affected by a storm. We examined the effects of Hurricane Rita, and to a lesser extent Katrina, and a subsequent drought, on the nesting activity of waterbirds across colonies located in southern Louisiana. Using ground counts, we compared changes in numbers of nesting pairs between 2005 and 2006, the years encompassing the hurricanes and drought, with changes between 2004 and 2005. Following the hurricanes, colonies were more likely to become inactive or experience large shifts in numbers of nesting pairs, compared with the period before the hurricanes. Although one third of the surveyed colonies became inactive following the hurricanes, total numbers of nesting birds of most species increased. We hypothesize that these increases were the result of birds shifting from damaged to active colonies. Colony use was negatively associated with the maximum wind speeds experienced at each site, apparently as a result of damage to nesting habitat. There were no associations of colony use with either storm-related flooding or localized rainfall during the drought; however, this may be due to manipulation of water levels by management agencies. Our results suggest that monitoring colonies over a broad area is necessary to understand the influence of hurricanes on the nesting activity of waterbirds.  相似文献   

城市绿地调查作为园林绿化规划建设管理的基础工作,其数据准确程度直接影响着城市园林绿化的科学发展。提出了基于遥感调查与地面调查协同的城市绿地调查的技术方法,通过该方法获得数据与单独使用遥感调查或地面调查技术获得数据相比提升了城市绿地,尤其是公园绿地和附属绿地调查的时效性和准确性,为城市绿地调查提供了可操作的技术方法。  相似文献   

Abstract: Incomplete detection of all individuals leading to negative bias in abundance estimates is a pervasive source of error in aerial surveys of wildlife, and correcting that bias is a critical step in improving surveys. We conducted experiments using duck decoys as surrogates for live ducks to estimate bias associated with surveys of wintering ducks in Mississippi, USA. We found detection of decoy groups was related to wetland cover type (open vs. forested), group size (1–100 decoys), and interaction of these variables. Observers who detected decoy groups reported counts that averaged 78% of the decoys actually present, and this counting bias was not influenced by either covariate cited above. We integrated this sightability model into estimation procedures for our sample surveys with weight adjustments derived from probabilities of group detection (estimated by logistic regression) and count bias. To estimate variances of abundance estimates, we used bootstrap resampling of transects included in aerial surveys and data from the bias-correction experiment. When we implemented bias correction procedures on data from a field survey conducted in January 2004, we found bias-corrected estimates of abundance increased 36–42%, and associated standard errors increased 38–55%, depending on species or group estimated. We deemed our method successful for integrating correction of visibility bias in an existing sample survey design for wintering ducks in Mississippi, and we believe this procedure could be implemented in a variety of sampling problems for other locations and species. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):808–813; 2008)  相似文献   

Methods commonly used to estimate the number of nests and size of the breeding population at colonies of Least Terns (Sternula antillarum) and other waterbirds include walk‐through counts of nests (ground‐nest counts) and counts of incubating adults from the colony perimeter (incubating‐adult counts). The bias and variance of different methods and the comparability of repeated surveys versus once‐annual censuses are poorly understood. Our objectives were to assess (1) the potential bias and variation of the more rapid incubating‐adult counts compared to the time‐intensive, and presumably more accurate, ground‐nest counts, and (2) how accurately a once‐annual census captured peak nesting abundance. We studied nine Least Tern colonies at Cape Lookout National Seashore (CALO), North Carolina, from April to August 2010–2012. We analyzed observer and survey method agreement with concordance correlation coefficients (ρc). We deployed time‐lapse cameras at 156 nests and used repeated‐measures logistic regression to determine if the proportion of time spent incubating varied with colony, time of day, or time of season. We found substantial agreement in abundance estimates of Least Tern nests and incubating adults between observers and survey methods, and among different times of day and seasons (all comparisons ρc > 0.97). Least Terns incubated eggs 94% of the time on average during daylight hours, irrespective of colony, nesting stage, or month. Although the nesting peak at CALO occurred during the recommended census period for Least Terns, abundance estimates for surveys conducted at different times during that period varied by as much as 39%. We recommend conducting incubating‐adult counts to estimate nest and breeding population abundance of Least Terns or other waterbirds when vegetation or dunes do not obstruct views of nesting colonies. In addition, given the variation in abundance estimates for surveys conducted at different times during the recommended survey period, incubating‐adult counts should be performed at least twice during the census period, with the maximum count reported as peak nest abundance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Cost considerations may be as important as precision when making survey-design choices, and the ability to accurately estimate survey costs will be essential if survey budgets become more constrained. We used data from a survey of ring-necked ducks (Aythya collaris) to illustrate how simple distance formulas can be used to construct a cost function for aerial quadrat surveys. Our cost function provided reasonable estimates of effort (hr) and costs, and allowed us to evaluate plot-size choices in terms of expected cost-precision tradeoffs. Although factors influencing costs in wildlife surveys can be complicated, we believe that cost functions deserve more attention and should be routinely considered in conjunction with traditional power analyses.  相似文献   

AIMS: The identification of the culturable and nonculturable bacterial population in ground water of a municipal water supply in Mainz (Germany) during the year 2002. METHODS AND RESULTS: Total counts varied between 3.5 x 103 and 2.2 x 104 cells ml-1, viable counts were approximately between 8.1 x 102 and 3.3 x 103 cells ml-1. After cultivation on different nutrient media (R2A, DEV, PCA, Endo, Standard) <1% appeared to be culturable on the media used. After denaturating gradient gel electrophoreses, up to 24 different bacterial species were detected in the ground water. With the aid of 16S rDNA isolation, amplification and sequencing, the isolated organisms and clones could be identified. CONCLUSIONS: The isolated and cultured organisms mainly belonged to the Proteobacteria (alpha, beta and gamma), Flavobacteria or Actinobacteria. However, most of the noncultured micro-organisms were beta-Proteobacteria. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This is the first study in which the identification of all culturable and nonculturable bacteria in a ground water has been attempted.  相似文献   

Abstract: Estimating components of detection probability is crucial to improving the design of aerial surveys for wildlife populations, and this is especially true for species of marine mammals that are threatened or endangered. To evaluate the probability that Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) will be detected by observers during aerial surveys, we conducted 6 series of survey flights, during mornings and afternoons on 14-16 consecutive days over the Tampa Electric Company's (TECO) Big Bend power plant discharge canal in Tampa Bay, Florida, USA (winter 2000 through 2003). Our objective was to understand how our ability to detect manatees at a winter aggregation site affects aerial survey counts, so that we may improve techniques for estimating manatee population size. We estimated the probability that manatees would be present at the warm-water discharge of the plant during winter cold fronts and estimated the overall detection probability of manatees present at the plant and the 2 components that make up the probability of detection (the probability of being available and the probability of being detected given they are available). We used telemetry tags and marker flags (n = 15) to facilitate capture-recapture analyses. The probability that marked manatees would be at the plant varied from 48% to 68% across flight series and was inversely related to the ambient water temperature. Based on sightings of marked animals, estimates of the overall probability of detecting a manatee ranged from 45% to 69% across flight series (x̄ = 58%, n = 6). The probability that a manatee would be available to an observer ranged from 73% to 94% across flight series (x̄ = 83%) but was constant among years (83%, 81%, and 78%; x̄ = 81%). The probability that an available manatee would be detected by an aerial observer was variable across flight series (55-95%) and years (73%, 86%, and 66%, x̄ = 73%). Independent estimates of the probability that a manatee would be available to the observer on one pass were obtained from time-depth data loggers and ranged from 5% to 33% (x̄ = 19%, SE = 3.7%), and the probability that a manatee would be available during ≥1 of 10 passes ranged from 41% to 98% (x̄ = 88%, 95% confidence bounds 0.71-0.95). We adjusted survey counts using measures of detectability. Although corrected counts presented here are site-specific, adjusting counts based on detection probability will greatly improve reliability of population estimates from all aerial surveys. Special sampling to estimate components of detection probability should be built into all aerial surveys to ensure that reliable and unbiased information on species abundance is used to evaluate wildlife populations.  相似文献   

绞股蓝(Gynostemma pentaphyllum)茎端具有在秋季钻入土中发育为根状茎以越冬和增殖的现象。观察绞股蓝根状茎的形成过程及其组织结构特点,并检测根状茎不同发育阶段和不同节段的内源激素含量。结果表明,正常茎端首先发育为膨大的变态茎并钻入土中,在土中发育成根状茎并进行增殖,腋芽或侧枝的增殖倍数为2.28,来春可萌发出多株新苗。正常芽、变态茎和根状茎的基本结构相似,但后两个阶段的淀粉鞘细胞、髓和髓射线细胞中含有丰富的淀粉粒。生长素、赤霉素和茉莉酸的含量在正常茎端中最高,变态茎端次之,根状茎最低。三种激素在各茎端从芽尖段、弯曲段、膨大段至稳定段的含量总体表现为先升后降趋势。三种激素在变态茎的弯曲段含量明显升高,并在膨大段达到最高值,而生长素在根状茎的弯曲段含量最高,反映它们对相应节段发育的促进作用。  相似文献   

Twelve cycling Angus-based crossbred cows were used in a crossover experimental design to evaluate two different injection schedules using Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) for superovulating donor cattle. Females randomly assigned to Treatment (A) were given twice daily FSH injections of 5 mg each (12 hours apart) for five consecutive days starting on day 10 of the estrous cycle while those in Treatment (B) received the same daily dose level of FSH, except it was given in a 3.2% protein gelatin carrier vehicle and administered on a once daily injection schedule. Animals in both Treatments (A) and (B) were each given a 30 mg dose of commercially available prostaglandin-F(2alpha) agent 48 hours after the first FSH injection. Cows in estrus were initially handmated to a fertile bull then artificially inseminated 12 hours later with two units of frozen semen. All 12 animals (100%) given twice daily FSH injections and 11 of the females (91.6%) administered once daily FSH injections exhibited standing estrus within 5 days following injection of the luteolytic agent. On day 7 or 8 after the onset of standing estrus a laparotomy was performed to observe ovarian structures. When the superovulation response was evaluated, the mean number of corpora lutea per ovary ranged from 2.9 in the twice daily injection group to 4.1 in the once daily injected group. Unexpectedly, the once daily treated group had significantly more corpora lutea per animal (8.1 vs. 6.4) than those in the twice daily treated group. In addition, mean ovarian size score per animal increased significantly when pre-treatment scores were compared to those recorded following FSH treatment (laparotomy) in both Treatment (A) and (B), however, the post-treatment ovarian size scores were not different between these groups. When evaluating post-treatment follicular development, the once daily injection group had significantly more smaller follicles (<10 mm) and a greater number of ovulatory size follicles (>10 mm) than the twice daily injection group. Furthermore, viable appearing embryos were recovered from both treatment groups and no adverse reactions were observed with the gelatin carrier vehicle in Treatment (B). Since the once daily FSH injection schedule resulted in a superovulatory response equal to or greater than the twice daily FSH injection schedule, this approach to superovulation should not be overlooked by those involved in bovine embryo transplantation.  相似文献   

The lack of autonomous take-off and landing capabilities of bird-like flapping-wing aerial vehicles(BFAVs)seriously restricts their further development and application.Thus,combined with the current research results on the autonomous take-off and landing technology of unmanned aerial vehicles,four types of technologies are studied,including jumping take-off and landing technology,taxiing take-off and landing technology,gliding take-off and landing technology,and vertical take-off and landing(VTOL)technology.Based on the analytic hierarchy process(AHP)-comprehensive evaluation method,a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model for the autonomous take-off and landing scheme of a BFAV is established,and four schemes are evaluated concretely.The results show that under the existing technical conditions,the hybrid layout VTOL scheme is the best.Furthermore,the detailed design and development of the prototype of a BFAV with a four-rotor hybrid layout are carried out,and the vehicle performance is tested.The results prove that through the four-rotor hybrid layout design,the BFAV has good autonomous take-off and landing abilities.The power consumption analysis shows that for a fixed-point reconnaissance mission,when the mission radius is less than 3.38 km,the VTOL type exhibits longer mission duration than the hand-launched type.  相似文献   

Shed antler hunting (i.e., collecting cast cervid antlers) has increased in popularity during the past decade, but little is known about how this recreational activity affects ungulate movements and space use. We placed geographic positioning system (GPS)-collars on 133 female and male bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis), bison (Bison bison), and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) to quantify their movements and space use during shed antler hunts compared with those behaviors during helicopter surveys in Utah, USA, from 2012 to 2015. For each species, we calculated means and 95% confidence intervals for distance moved during 90-minute segments (16 points/day) pre-event (control, 7 consecutive days prior to event), event (1–2 days), and post-event (7 consecutive days after event) for shed antler hunts and helicopter surveys. We also compared use of space for each species during these events. Female bighorn sheep did not increase distance moved or substantially change space use during shed antler hunts and helicopter surveys. Male bighorn sheep increased distance moved 41% on average during shed antler hunts and by 2.02 times during helicopter surveys but did not change space use during those events. Female bison increased distance moved 15% on average during shed antler hunts and 30% during helicopter surveys. Mule deer increased distance moved and altered space use the most during shed antler hunts; females increased distance moved 97%, and 54% of females moved a mean distance of 742 ± 642 (SD) m (range = 9–3,778 m) outside of their home ranges during those hunts for a mean of 9.2 ± 9.4 hours (range = 1.5 to 41 hr). Male mule deer increased distance moved by 2.10 times on average during shed antler hunts, and 82% of males moved a mean distance of 1,264 ± 732 m (range = 131–3,637 m) outside of their home ranges during those hunts for a mean of 12.6 ± 7.6 hours (range = 4.5–33 hr). Our results provide timely information about how legal shed antler hunting affects movements and space use of female and male ungulates, especially mule deer, and can guide the conservation of ungulate populations and their habitat. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The status of Ireland's harbour seal Phoca vitulina vitulina population is poorly understood. The most recent national population estimate dates back to the breeding season in 1978 and did not cover the entire coastline. Reliable up-to-date information on the abundance and distribution of harbour seals in Ireland is necessary to assess the conservation status of the species and for the effective identification, management and monitoring of special areas of conservation required for harbour seals under the EU Habitats Directive. To provide comprehensive current information on Ireland's harbour seal population, a geographically extensive survey was conducted along the coastline of the Republic of Ireland during the species' annual moult in August 2003. This complemented a similar survey of Northern Ireland, which was conducted in 2002. Using thermal imaging technology, haul-out groups of harbour seals and grey seals Halichoerus grypus were identified from the air, aerial-counts were obtained and compared with simultaneous ground-count data from selected sites. Harbour seal distribution recorded during the 2003 moult season was concentrated in the south-west, west and north-west of the country. This national survey yielded a minimum population estimate for the Republic of Ireland of 2905 harbour seals, delivering an effective baseline for current and future population research.  相似文献   

Cabo Pulmo National Park was established in 1995 and has since seen a large increase in fish biomass. An unoccupied aerial vehicle (UAV) was used to survey shallow coastal habitat in which lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris), bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) and Pacific nurse sharks (Ginglymostoma unami) were recorded. Sharks were more common in the afternoon, potentially using warmer shallow areas to behaviourally thermoregulate. This study highlights UAV surveying to be a viable tool for species identification, a limitation of previous terrestrial surveys conducted in the area.  相似文献   

During the years 1989–1992 cereal aphids were caught alive in a low level (1.5 m high) suction trap operated in Le Rheu (Brittany, France) and tested for BYDV transmission. In most cases comparisons with data collected simultaneously by a 12.2 m suction trap operating in the same site resulted in good relationships between weekly catches at both heights. Results from transmission tests showed that: (i) the two main BYDV vectors were Rhopalosiphum padi and Metopolophium dirhodum during the years of experiment; (ii) PAV and MAV were the commonest viruses and RPV was relatively scarce; (iii) during spring M. dirhodum appeared to be the most important MAV vector and nearly as good a PAV vector as R. padi; (iv) during autumn R. padi was the only vector of the three viruses with mixed transmission allowing it to transmit also MAV probably by heteroencapsidation. To give an indication of the risk of infection, infectivity indices were calculated by multiplying the numbers of aphids caught by the 12.2 m suction trap by the proportion that were infective. These infectivity indices agreed with field records of primary infections.  相似文献   

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