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By examining the role research has played in eradication or regional elimination initiatives for three viral diseases--smallpox, poliomyelitis, and measles--we derive nine cross-cutting lessons applicable to malaria eradication. In these initiatives, some types of research commenced as the programs began and proceeded in parallel. Basic laboratory, clinical, and field research all contributed notably to progress made in the viral programs. For each program, vaccine was the lynchpin intervention, but as the programs progressed, research was required to improve vaccine formulations, delivery methods, and immunization schedules. Surveillance was fundamental to all three programs, whilst polio eradication also required improved diagnostic methods to identify asymptomatic infections. Molecular characterization of pathogen isolates strengthened surveillance and allowed insights into the geographic source of infections and their spread. Anthropologic, sociologic, and behavioural research were needed to address cultural and religious beliefs to expand community acceptance. The last phases of elimination and eradication became increasingly difficult, as a nil incidence was approached. Any eradication initiative for malaria must incorporate flexible research agendas that can adapt to changing epidemiologic contingencies and allow planning for posteradication scenarios.  相似文献   

Dogs have made and will continue to make valuable contributions as animal models in biomedical research. A comprehensive approach from time of breeding through completion of in-life usage is necessary to ensure that high-quality dog models are used in studies. This approach ensures good care and minimizes the impact of interanimal variability on experimental results. Guidance related to choosing and developing high-quality laboratory dogs and managing canine research colonies is provided in this article. Ensuring that dogs are healthy, well adapted, and cooperative involves good communication between vendors, veterinarians, care staff, and researchers to develop appropriate dog husbandry programs. These programs are designed to minimize animal stress and distress from the postweaning period through the transfer and acclimation period within the research facility. Canine socialization and training programs provided by skilled personnel, together with comprehensive veterinary health programs, can further enhance animal welfare and minimize interanimal and group variability in studies.  相似文献   

Wolbachia bacteria are an unsuspected, but potentially important, component of many biocontrol programs. To heighten awareness of these bacteria, we review current knowledge of Wolbachia and their possible application in biocontrol research. Wolbachia promote their spread by altering the reproductive success of their arthropod hosts. This ability frequently is identified as having potential either to reduce populations of pest species, or to increase populations of beneficial species. However, only 19 and 1% of peer-reviewed research articles (n=844) on Wolbachia appear in arthropod- and biocontrol-specific journals, respectively. Although Wolbachia will not have application for all programs, their prevalence cannot be denied. We screened for Wolbachia in populations of arthropods of current interest to biocontrol programs in Canada. Infections were detected in 47% of 177 populations, representing 46% of the 105 species tested. Greater awareness, in combination with the rapidly expanding knowledge base of Wolbachia and similar endosymbionts, offers new directions for research in biocontrol programs. We recommend that all arthropod species in biocontrol programs be screened for these bacteria.  相似文献   


In recent years coastal states everywhere in the world have paid attention to the preservation of the marine environment and the conduct of marine scientific research. The scope and nature of China's marine scientific research have been expanded and diversified since the late 1970s because of the growing importance of the ocean for the “Four Modernization “ programs. More and more programs have been designed and executed to find fishing resources, search for offshore oil and gas, promote maritime defense, help alleviate the marine pollution problems, reinforce China's territorial claim in the South China Sea, participate in Antarctic scientific research, and to better understand the whole marine environment. This article first examines China's attitude toward the legal regimes of marine pollution and marine scientific research. It depicts China's marine scientific research activities from the early 1950s. Finally it suggests that more scientific research programs will be designed in support of China's ocean development plans in the future.  相似文献   

Zoo-based research in North America is an emerging field, which has progressed from an ad hoc approach in a small number of zoos to a coordinated, integrated network of scientists with recognized research programs in approximately one half of the accredited institutions in North America. The disciplines most active in these programs--veterinary medicine and pathology, nutrition, reproductive biology, contraception, and behavior--are now becoming coordinated in zoos through Scientific Advisory Groups. Zoos with research programs generally establish either an institutional animal care and use committee or another committee to evaluate research proposals. In addition to scientific merit and experimental design, zoos evaluate proposals based on factors such as priority by conservation program/identified need; direct effect on species conservation, species type, and appropriateness; availability and location of animals; operational requirements/logistics; communication between institutions; and available funding. Euthanasia is considered only in rare circumstances. Zoo-based research has evolved into an integral component in animal management and conservation programs by providing practical information that is used to improve animal care, well-being, health, and reproduction. However, the degree to which zoos participate in invasive research varies considerably among institutions, due not only to resource limitations but also to how the term "invasive" is defined and accepted at each institution. A more standardized approach among zoological institutions for examining and approving research projects that are supported by zoo-based conservation programs would greatly facilitate the wildlife research efforts of North American zoos.  相似文献   

Programmatic initiatives for fathers have grown rapidly in early childhood settings during the past decade. This article reviews the research literature on attitudes about father involvement in programs, patterns of father involvement, studies about program development, outcome studies, and correlates of father involvement in programs. Recommendations for future research on fatherhood initiatives and the relevance of research for programs and policy are also discussed.  相似文献   

Computer programs for the analysis of data from techniques frequently used in nucleic acids research are described. In addition to calculating non-linear, least-squares solutions to equations describing these systems, the programs allow for data editing, normalization, plotting and storage, and are flexible and simple to use. Typical applications of the programs are described.  相似文献   

A wealth of published research is available to guide environmental enrichment programs for nonhuman primates, but common practice may not consistently correspond to research findings. A 2003 survey to quantify common practice queried individuals overseeing enrichment programs about (a) social, feeding, structural, and manipulable enrichment; (b) human interaction and training; (c) general program administration; (d) the role of the institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC) in the enrichment program; and (e) the impetus for recent programmatic changes. Returned surveys provided information on the management of 35,863 primates and found social housing significantly more constrained than inanimate enrichment. Survey results suggest that social housing of macaques has not increased significantly over the past decade. The most commonly mentioned constraints related to research protocols. Facilities with thorough IACUC reviews of enrichment issues provided social housing for a significantly larger proportion of primates in biomedical research studies than did those with rare IACUC reviews. IACUC reviews prompted program enhancements much less often than did regulatory or accreditation inspections. These results suggest IACUC review is an underutilized mechanism for improving enrichment programs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this survey was to assess the background, training, and perceptions of professionals conducting and coordinating research at North American zoos and aquariums accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) and to identify the factors they considered critical to successful scientific programs. We analyzed responses to a 57‐item questionnaire from 231 professionals at AZA zoos and aquariums. The majority of those surveyed conducted behavioral research, conducted research only in a captive setting, held curatorial positions, had their salaries supported by their institutions' operating budget, and considered themselves part of a successful scientific program. About 30% of those we surveyed possessed a doctoral research degree in comparison to 55% possessing lesser level degrees—19% with master's, 34% with bachelor's, and 2% with other degrees. Support from the chief executive officer and personnel dedicated to conducting scientific programs were judged as the two most important factors contributing to the successful scientific programs. The information provided in this report may be used to develop and improve both established and newly initiated scientific programs in zoos and aquariums. Zoo Biol 29:663–675, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In animal research, validity and reproducibility of data are critically influenced by the microbial status of the experimental animals. One of the most crucial aspects of assuring quality in animal research is providing research personnel with confidence that experimental results will not be invalidated due to interference caused by infectious disease. An effective quarantine program is essential to providing this assurance. Quarantine programs are generally instituted to prevent the introduction of rodent pathogens into established specific-pathogen-free colonies in a facility. Therefore, programs should be designed to isolate newly acquired rodents until their health status can be determined and to maximize the probability that microorganisms of interest will be detected before the animals are introduced into (and thus, could potentially contaminate) established colonies. Important principles that are critical to designing an effective quarantine program will be discussed here, as will the practical implementation of these principles. Although quarantine programs may be costly in terms of time and effort, these costs must be balanced against the potential costs of disease outbreaks that could invalidate long-term studies, alter normal biological baselines, and cause the loss or necessitate re-derivation of rare or valuable strains of rodents. Reducing the incidence of quarantine failures through appropriate program design and implementation helps to maintain the confidence of research personnel in the value of quarantine programs and in our competence as specialists in laboratory animal management and as partners in the research process.  相似文献   

Schwenk and colleagues challenged biologists to develop a deeper understanding of the linkages between organisms and environments. These linkages are captured by the concept of the niche, which has guided theoretical and empirical research in ecology for decades. Despite this research, we still cannot explain or predict much of the variation in niches over space and time. This shortcoming hinders efforts to forecast biological responses to environmental change. We believe that progress has been slowed by poor coordination between theoretical and empirical efforts to understand the evolution of niches. Therefore, progress should be sped by research programs that integrate modeling and experiments. Such research programs should focus on the structures of environmental variation, the constraints on phenotypes, and the relationships between phenotypes and fitness.  相似文献   

A wealth of published research is available to guide environmental enrichment programs for nonhuman primates, but common practice may not consistently correspond to research findings. A 2003 survey to quantify common practice queried individuals overseeing enrichment programs about (a) social, feeding, structural, and manipulable enrichment; (b) human interaction and training; (c) general program administration; (d) the role of the institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC) in the enrichment program; and (e) the impetus for recent programmatic changes. Returned surveys provided information on the management of 35,863 primates and found social housing significantly more constrained than inanimate enrichment. Survey results suggest that social housing of macaques has not increased significantly over the past decade. The most commonly mentioned constraints related to research protocols. Facilities with thorough IACUC reviews of enrichment issues provided social housing for a significantly larger proportion of primates in biomedical research studies than did those with rare IACUC reviews. IACUC reviews prompted program enhancements much less often than did regulatory or accreditation inspections. These results suggest IACUC review is an underutilized mechanism for improving enrichment programs.  相似文献   

The Land for Wildlife program started in Victoria in 1981 as a voluntary program with the broad aim of supporting landholders in providing habitat for wildlife on their property. The program has since spread across Australia and is implemented in a range of guises, through a variety of governance approaches. This research collected qualitative and quantitative data on Land for Wildlife programs across Australia to conduct the first national review. Data were gathered on changes in program membership to assess different participation trends. In addition, phone interviews with Land for Wildlife coordinators throughout Australia were conducted to explore how the programs are positioned in delivering biodiversity outcomes in a range of different regions. Over 14,000 properties covering 2.3 million ha are currently registered under Land for Wildlife programs. with at least 500,000 ha of habitat managed for conservation. Limited resources present a large challenge faced by a number of programs, with generally low funding and staffing resulting in restricted biodiversity focus and conservation outcomes. We suggest options to enhance the programs and propose future research directions.  相似文献   

We report here on 32 laboratories from Argentina and Chile that include 55 research scientists. Most of these groups were constituted in the last ten years, usually by investigators returning from their postdoctoral training abroad. Some groups are based in institutions with a long tradition in plant biochemistry that are seeking to update their research. Others are organized under the National Institutes for Agronomic Research (INTA in Argentina and INIA in Chile) with the aim of introducing the techniques of molecular biology in their plant breeding programs. Several laboratories sharing similar research interests maintain collaborative links, and many of them participate in binational or multinational research programs. An interesting level, of coordination is provided by REDBIO, the Latin American Network on Plant Biotechnology, which organized national and international meetings in both Argentina and Chile to promote biotechnological research. As a whole, the academic production of these groups has been steadily increasing.  相似文献   

Research productivity assessment is increasingly relevant for allocation of research funds. On one hand, this assessment is challenging because it involves both qualitative and quantitative analysis of several characteristics, most of them subjective in nature. On the other hand, current tools and academic social networks make bibliometric data web-available to everyone for free. Those tools, especially when combined with other data, are able to create a rich environment from which information on research productivity can be extracted. In this context, our work aims at characterizing the Brazilian Computer Science graduate programs and the relationship among themselves. We (i) present views of the programs from different perspectives, (ii) rank the programs according to each perspective and a combination of them, (iii) show correlation between assessment metrics, (iv) discuss how programs relate to another, and (v) infer aspects that boost programs'' research productivity. The results indicate that programs with a higher insertion in the coauthorship network topology also possess a higher research productivity between 2004 and 2009.  相似文献   

Existing ethical frameworks for public health provide insufficient guidance on how to evaluate the risks of public health programs that compromise the best clinical interests of present patients for the benefit of others. Given the relevant similarity of such programs to clinical research, we suggest that insights from the long‐standing debate about acceptable risk in clinical research can helpfully inform and guide the evaluation of risks posed by public health programs that compromise patients’ best clinical interests. We discuss how lessons learned regarding the ethics of risk in one context can be fruitfully transferred to the other, using the example of a so‐called ‘rational antibiotic use’ guideline that limits antimicrobial prescribing in order to curb antimicrobial resistance.  相似文献   

With the rapid pace of advancements in biological research brought about by the application of computer science and information technology, we believe the time is right for introducing genomics and bioinformatics tools and concepts to secondary school students. Our approach has been to offer a full-day field trip in our research facility where secondary school students carry out experiments at the laboratory bench and on a laptop computer. This experience offers benefits for students, teachers, and field trip instructors. In delivering a wide variety of science outreach and education programs, we have learned that a number of factors contribute to designing a successful experience for secondary school students. First, it is important to engage students with authentic and fun activities that are linked to real-world applications and/or research questions. Second, connecting with a local high school teacher to pilot programs and linking to curricula taught in secondary schools will enrich the field trip experience. Whether or not programs are linked directly to local teachers, it is important to be flexible and build in mechanisms for collecting feedback in field trip programs. Finally, graduate students can be very powerful mentors for students and should be encouraged to share their enthusiasm for science and to talk about career paths. Our experiences suggest a real need for effective science outreach programs at the secondary school level and that genomics and bioinformatics are ideal areas to explore.  相似文献   

本文介绍了2006-2010年国家自然科学基金委员会生命科学部微生物学学科面上类、重点和国家杰出青年科学基金项目的资助概况,分析了三类科学基金资助的分支学科分布、依托单位和研究领域状况,对"十二·五"期间国家自然科学基金资助微生物学学科的重点资助方向进行了展望,以期为从事微生物学研究的科技工作者提供参考。  相似文献   

"This paper will discuss the following: why population policies and programs have traditionally focused on women; what the limitations of current male contraceptives are and why research into new methods [has] proved unfruitful; and why these policies and programs would be more productive if they were to direct more attention toward men."  相似文献   

Both scientists and the public would benefit from improved communication of basic scientific research and from integrating scientists into education outreach, but opportunities to support these efforts are limited. We have developed two low-cost programs—"Present Your PhD Thesis to a 12-Year-Old" and "Shadow a Scientist”—that combine training in science communication with outreach to area middle schools. We assessed the outcomes of these programs and found a 2-fold benefit: scientists improve their communication skills by explaining basic science research to a general audience, and students'' enthusiasm for science and their scientific knowledge are increased. Here we present details about both programs, along with our assessment of them, and discuss the feasibility of exporting these programs to other universities.  相似文献   

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