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Abstract: A bioenergetic approach has been adopted as a planning tool to set habitat management objectives by several United States Fish and Wildlife Service North American Waterfowl Management Plan Joint Ventures. A bioenergetics model can be simplified into 2 major components, energetic demand and energetic supply. Our goal was to estimate habitat-specific food availability, information necessary for estimating energy supply for black ducks (Anas rubripes) wintering on Long Island, New York, USA. We collected both nektonic and benthic samples from 85 wetland sites dispersed among 5 habitat types (salt marsh, mud flat, submersed aquatic vegetation, brackish bay, and freshwater) commonly used by black ducks in proportion to expected use. Biomass varied among habitats (F4,5 > 7.46, P < 0.03) in 2004–2005, but there was only marginal variation in 2005–2006 (F3,4 = 5.75, P = 0.06). Mud flats had the greatest biomass (1,204 kg/ha, SE = 532), followed by submersed aquatic vegetation (61 kg/ha, SE = 18), and salt marsh (34 kg/ha, SE = 6). In the second year of the study, freshwater had the greatest biomass (306 kg/ha, SE = 286), followed by mud flats (85 kg/ha, SE = 63), and salt marsh (35 kg/ha, SE = 4). Our results suggest food density on wintering grounds of black ducks on coastal Long Island is considerably lower than for dabbling ducks using inland freshwater habitats, indicating black duck populations are more likely than other species of dabbling ducks to be limited by winter habitat. We recommend targeting preservation, restoration, and enhancement efforts on salt marsh habitat.  相似文献   

Abstract: Unlike other North American prairie-nesting dabbling ducks, northern pintail (Anas acuta) populations have not increased since the early 1990s and remain well below the long-term average for traditional survey areas. Previously reported estimates of annual survival and recovery rates for pintails did not investigate any spatial or temporal factors to explain annual variation of these rates. We used band-recovery data from 1970 to 2003 to test the influence of temporal periods defined by differing harvest regulations and habitat conditions of breeding grounds with spatially delineated regions on survival and recovery rates of northern pintails in North America. We separated regions based on a multiresponse permutation procedure to identify banding blocks with dissimilar recovery distributions based on a cluster analysis. We categorized time by grouping years into temporal periods based on bag limits, season lengths, or overflight versus nonoverflight years. We used the Brownie approach in Program MARK to evaluate 46 a priori models estimating survival and recovery rates. The best approximating model indicated that survival varied with age, sex, and region with additive time and interactive time-by-age and time-by-region effects. Recovery rate was best represented by a fully interactive term comprised of age, sex, region, and year. There were no statistical differences among average annual survival point estimates between age and sex classes within each region, and our estimates were similar to previous unpublished studies. We found the eastern region had decreased survival and increased recovery rates compared to other regions. Trends in pintail survival suggest that variation in annual survival was not the cause of the initial decrease in the northern pintail population and is unlikely the dominant factor preventing the population from increasing. The influence of other population parameters, such as recruitment rate, should be investigated to further evaluate other causes for the population status of northern pintails. Use of the top-ranked model to estimate annual survival and recovery rates for northern pintails in North America, which indicated that annually varying estimates of survival rates were better supported by the data than grouping years into temporal classes (i.e., based on bag limits, season lengths, and overflight yr) can be used by managers and policy makers when considering annual harvest regulations and effects of conservation efforts. Managers should incorporate these estimates into future demographic studies of pintails as well as consider using the top-ranked model for future analyses of band-recovery data.  相似文献   

Abstract: Overwinter body condition (e.g., fat) provides an index to the health of northern pintail (Anas acuta) populations and may be a factor in the decline of the continental pintail population that has been previously overlooked or understated. We compared body condition between 1984–1985 and 2002–2003, and found that body condition of pintails arriving during early winter in the Playa Lakes Region (PLR) of Texas, USA, has declined by an average of 32%. Body fat levels declined at varying levels with juvenile males showing the largest decline of 41%, followed by adult females with 39%, juvenile females with 30%, and adult males with an overall 18% decline. Declines are likely related to declines in migration and wintering habitat quantity and quality within the PLR and potentially across the Central Flyway. We recommend further acquisition and management of play as to ensure that these valuable habitats remain available to provide critical habitats for migrating and wintering pintails and other waterfowl in the Central Flyway.  相似文献   

Abstract: Lesser Canada geese (Branta canadensis parvipes) are indistinguishable from other subspecies of small Canada geese on the wintering grounds using current survey methods. Consequently, managers are unable to adequately measure their abundance. Without direct estimates of abundance, researchers often use estimates of vital rates that influence abundance (e.g., annual survival) to monitor potential impact of harvest on the population. Based on capture and re-sighting data records of 567 geese marked from 1994 through 1998, we calculated annual survival and recovery rates for different age and sex classes of white-cheeked geese staging in interior Alaska. We compared those survival and recovery rates with those of other neck-collared white-cheeked geese. The best approximating model allowed survival to vary by age class while holding Seber's recovery probability (r̂) constant over sex, age class, and time. We estimated annual survival to be 0.49 (SE = 0.05) for hatch-year geese and 0.68 (SE = 0.03) for after-hatch-year geese based on the weighted average of all models with a change in Akaike's Information Criterion adjusted for small sample size and lack of fit < 4. Estimates of annual survival of white-cheeked geese in this study are among the lowest and recovery estimates are among the highest for migratory populations of neck-collared geese. Low survival estimates of Canada geese in our study suggest that harvest rates may be higher than in many other populations. Surveys to estimate abundance or other population parameters such as reproductive success and recruitment are necessary to determine whether this population is self-sustaining. Furthermore, we recommend monitoring abundance and harvest of small white-cheeked geese east and west of the Cascade Mountain Range separately to better determine harvest pressure on white-cheeked geese wintering east of the Cascades.  相似文献   

In North America, spring migration routes and breeding distribution of northern pintails Anas acuta vary because some individuals opportunistically nest at mid‐latitudes in years when ephemeral prairie wetlands are available, whereas others regularly nest in arctic and sub‐arctic regions where wetland abundance is more constant. Less was known about migration routes and breeding distribution of pintails in East Asia. From 2007–2009 we marked 198 pintails on their wintering areas in Japan with satellite transmitters to: 1) document spring migration routes and summer distribution, 2) evaluate migratory connections and breeding season sympatry with North American pintails, and 3) determine if pintails used the same migration routes in fall as in spring. Most pintails (67%) migrated to the Kamchatka or Chukotka peninsulas in eastern Russia either directly from Japan or via Sakhalin Island, Russia. Remaining pintails primarily migrated to the Magadan region or Kolyma River Basin in eastern Russia via Sakhalin Island. The Chukotka Peninsula was the most common summer destination, with highest densities in the Anadyr Lowlands; a region also used by pintails that migrate from North America. One pintail migrated to St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, in spring and another briefly migrated to the western coast of Alaska in fall. Autumn migration routes generally mirrored spring migration although most pintails bypassed Sakhalin Island in fall. Compared to North American pintails, pintails that winter in Japan exhibited less variation in migration routes and breeding distribution, and nested at higher latitudes. In the Russian Far East there is no region with habitats comparable in extent to the ephemeral mid‐latitude wetlands of North America. Consequently, East Asian pintails mainly nest in arctic and sub‐arctic regions where annual consistency in wetlands promotes constancy in migration routes and breeding distribution. Breeding season sympatry between pintails from different continents results more from North American pintails migrating to eastern Russia than from Japanese pintails migrating to North America.  相似文献   

Abstract: Information on spring migration routes, geographic linkages among winter, spring, and breeding locations, and potential geographic effects on arrival body condition of northern pintails (Anas acuta) are currently unknown. Through a combination of stable-isotope measurements of tissues representing different periods of dietary integration and body composition analyses, we examined these linkages for pintails breeding in Alaska, USA. We collected 77 females at 4 locations upon spring arrival. We performed carbon (δ13C), nitrogen (δ15N), and hydrogen (δD) isotope measurements on flight feathers, breast feathers, and whole blood, and we conducted body composition analyses. Inference based on stable-isotope values in pintail tissues suggests that philopatry to Alaska was strong, as most of the collected females had stable-isotope values consistent with the boreal forest of Canada or western Alaska and most spring migrating females had whole-blood values indicating use of a food web in the boreal forest before collection. These patterns highlight the importance of the boreal forest for production and staging of pintails. Breast feather isotope values grown during prealternate molt were variable and covered the currently documented distribution of wintering pintails. Our results indicate associations among specific geographic areas, habitat use, and arrival condition of female pintails settling in Alaska. Females that wintered or staged in coastal habitat (as indicated by elevated δ13C values) arrived with less body fat compared to those that we inferred to have wintered or staged on inland freshwater habitat. Those females we inferred to use coastal areas appeared to rely more heavily on agricultural fields for nutrient acquisition (as indicated by elevated δ15N but low δ13C values). Our results provide the first link between low-condition females and inferred use of specific geographic areas before arrival. Conservation on wintering grounds should focus on restoration and protection of wetland complexes that provide adequate natural food resources in proximity to coastal systems that are heavily used by wintering pintails. Conservation efforts should also focus on the boreal forest, not only for pintail, but for other boreal-dependent species such as lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):715–725; 2008)  相似文献   

Abstract: Concerns have been raised regarding declines in western North American northern pintail (Anas acuta L.) populations over the past 30 years. Elucidating the natal origins of pintails and identifying production areas of pintails are important steps in determining the cause of the observed declines. Here, we used stable isotope (sulphur, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen) featherprints to determine the geographic origins of northern pintail ducks shot by hunters in southern Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada. Based on the best data available for inferring the distribution of breeding pintails, the proportion of hatch-year pintails originating from Prairie regions was smaller than expected. Our results suggest that production of northern pintails on the Canadian Prairies may be significantly lower than predicted by the number of breeding birds and may be related to human-induced reductions in nest success as a result of agricultural practices.  相似文献   

Agile gibbons (Hylobates agilis) and siamangs (Symphalangus syndactylus) are sympatric small apes inhabiting threatened forests of Sumatra, Indonesia. We censused both species in the 3,568-km2 Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, at the southern limit of their ranges, over a 7-mo period in 2001. First, we monitored daily calling rates from known populations to develop probabilities of calling during a specified number of days and used the probability of calling at 1 time during 3 days to convert calling rates to abundance. Next, we used 3-day calibrated call count censuses (n=31) stratified by distance from forest edge and across a range of elevations to estimate species-specific group densities. We used group size from the known populations as well as data collected ad libitum during the census to convert group density to individual density. Agile gibbon group density averaged 0.67 km–2 (SE = 0.082) and group size averaged 2.6 (SE = 0.73) for a population estimate of 4,479 (SE = 1,331) individuals. Siamang group density averaged 2.23 km–2 (SE = 0.245), and group size averaged 3.9 (SE = 1.09) for a population estimate of 22,390 (SE = 8,138). Agile gibbon and siamang densities are negatively correlated, with agile gibbons more abundant in mid-elevation forests and siamangs most abundant in lowland and submontane forests. The small group sizes of agile gibbons indicate potential survival problems in infant and juvenile size classes. Although neither species is presently threatened by direct human disturbance, continued deforestation will jeopardize the long-term viability of both species in Bukit Barsian Selatan National Park and on Sumatra.  相似文献   

Hybridization is common between species of animals, particularly in waterfowl (Anatidae). One factor shown to promote hybridization is restricted mate choice, which can occur when 2 species occur in sympatry but one is rare. According to the Hubbs principle, or "desperation hypothesis," the rarer species is more likely to mate with heterospecifics. We report the second of 2 independent examples of hybridization between 2 species of ducks inhabiting island ecosystems in the Subantarctic and South Atlantic Ocean. Yellow-billed pintails (Anas georgica) and speckled teal (Anas flavirostris) are abundant in continental South America, where they are sympatric and coexist in mixed flocks. But on South Georgia, an isolated island in the Subantarctic, the pintail population of approximately 6000 pairs outnumbers a small breeding population of speckled teal 300∶1. Using 6 genetic loci (mtDNA and 5 nuclear introns) and Bayesian assignment tests coupled with coalescent analyses, we identified hybrid-origin speckled teal alleles in 2 pintails on South Georgia. While it is unclear whether introgression has also occurred into the speckled teal population, our data suggest that this hybridization was not a recent event, but occurred some time ago. We also failed to identify unequivocal evidence of introgression in a much larger sample of pintails and speckled teal from Argentina using a 3-population "Isolation-with-Migration" coalescent analysis. Combined with parallel findings of hybridization between these same 2 duck species in the Falkland Islands, where population ratios are reversed and pintails are outnumbered by speckled teal 1:10, our results provide further support for the desperation hypothesis, which predicts that scarcity in one population and abundance of another will often lead to hybridization. While the South Georgia pintail population appears to be thriving, it''s possible that low density of conspecific mates and inverse density dependence (Allee effect) may be one factor limiting the reproductive output of the speckled teal population, and this situation may persist unless speckled teal increase in abundance on South Georgia.  相似文献   

Abstract: Currently available methods of estimating northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) abundance are often expensive and time-consuming; therefore, additional research is necessary to develop new tools. Using Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information System technologies and distance-sampling theory, we developed a method of estimating bobwhite density during hunts with pointing dogs. Data collection occurred during the 2005–2006 and 2006–2007 hunting seasons in western Oklahoma and northern Texas, USA. We estimated effective strip width (ESW) of a bird dog's path using distance-sampling theory and point-to-flush distances. For coveys >7 birds (n = 58), estimated ESW was 13.2 m (95% CI = 11.1–15.6 m). Area searched by one dog was its GPS path buffered by ESW. For ≥2 dogs, area searched was the union of the areas of individual dogs; taking the union eliminated between- or among-dog redundancy in searched areas. A point estimate of density was number of birds flushed on a hunt divided by searched area. During the 2005–2006 hunting season, bobwhite density averaged 1.4 birds/ha (60.28 SE; n = 33). Average density declined to 0.2 birds/ha (60.07 SE) during 2006–2007 (n = 46). Estimating bobwhite density with pointing dogs needs further testing and development, but the technique may prove useful in research and management.  相似文献   

The Madagascar Jacana Actophilornis albinucha (Jacanidae) is an endemic shorebird found in the threatened wetlands of western Madagascar. This species is presumed to exhibit classical polyandry; however, few data are available to support that assumption. More generally, a lack of basic understanding of this species hinders conservation efforts. We conducted the most extensive study of the Madagascar Jacana to date, and report on its: 1) distribution, population size and density; 2) degree of sexual size dimorphism; and 3) phylogenetic position. The surveys were conducted at 54 lakes, between January and October in 2016. Madagascar Jacana were found at 22 lakes, and within these were distributed at a mean density of 3.5 ± 0.74 [SE] individuals per hectare of surveyed habitat. We estimate the global population size to be between 975 and 2 064 individuals, and habitat destruction appears to be the main threat to the species. Females were significantly larger than males, consistent with reports for other Jacanidae species. Using a mitochondrial DNA fragment, we expanded the Jacanidae genetic phylogeny, and confirmed that Madagascar Jacana is the sister species to the African Jacana Actophilornis africanus. Further studies are urgently needed to thoroughly re-assess the threat status and population trend of the Madagascar Jacana.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Determining population size and long-term trends in population size for species of high concern is a priority of international, national, and regional conservation plans. Long-billed curlews (Numenius americanus) are a species of special concern in North America due to apparent declines in their population. Because long-billed curlews are not adequately monitored by existing programs, we undertook a 2-year study with the goals of 1) determining present long-billed curlew distribution and breeding population size in the United States and 2) providing recommendations for a long-term long-billed curlew monitoring protocol. We selected a stratified random sample of survey routes in 16 western states for sampling in 2004 and 2005, and we analyzed count data from these routes to estimate detection probabilities and abundance. In addition, we evaluated habitat along roadsides to determine how well roadsides represented habitat throughout the sampling units. We estimated there were 164,515 (SE=42,047) breeding long-billed curlews in 2004, and 109,533 (SE=31,060) breeding individuals in 2005. These estimates far exceed currently accepted estimates based on expert opinion. We found that habitat along roadsides was representative of long-billed curlew habitat in general. We make recommendations for improving sampling methodology, and we present power curves to provide guidance on minimum sample sizes required to detect trends in abundance.  相似文献   

Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) is home to a low-density black bear (Ursus americanus) population that exists at >2,400?m with a very limited growing season. A previous study (1984–1991) found bear densities among the lowest reported (1.37–1.52 bears/100?km2). Because of concerns of viability of this small population, we assessed population size and density of black bears from 2003 to 2006 to determine the current status of RMNP’s bear population. We used three approaches to estimate population size and density: (1) minimum number known, (2) occupancy modeling, and (3) catch per unit effort (CPUE). We used information from capture and remote-triggered cameras, as well as visitor information, to derive a minimum known population estimate of 20–24 individuals and a median density estimate of 1.35 bears/100?km2. Bear occupancy was estimated at 0.46 (SE?=?0.11), with occupancy positively influenced by lodgepole pine stands, non-vegetated areas, and patch density but negatively influenced by mixed conifer stands. We combined the occupancy estimate with mean home-range size and overlap for bears in RMNP to derive a density estimate of 1.44 bears/100?km2. We also related CPUE to density estimates for eight low-density black bear populations to estimate density in RMNP; this estimate (1.03 bears/100?km2) was comparable to the occupancy estimate and suggests that this approach may be useful for future population monitoring. The use of corroborative techniques for assessing population size of a low-density black bear population was effective and should be considered for similar low-density wildlife populations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Precise and unbiased estimates of demographic parameters are necessary for effective population monitoring and to parameterize population models (e.g., population viability analyses). This is especially important for endangered species, where recovery planning and managers' decisions can influence species persistence. In this study, we used mark—recapture methods to estimate survival of fledged juveniles (hatch-yr [HY]) and adult (after-hatch-yr [AHY]) Laysan ducks (Anas laysanensis), an endangered anatid restricted to Laysan Island in the northwestern Hawaiian Islands. To better understand population dynamics, we examined how survival varied as a function of Laysan duck density during 1998–2004. Using random effects models, we also quantified process variation in survival, thereby quantifying the appropriate source of variation for future population models. The dataset supported variation in survival that was time (yr), age (AHY vs. HY), and sex specific. Due to small sample sizes, we did not examine time specificity in the survival of HY ducks. Survival of HY ducks was 0.832 (SE = 0.087) for females (n = 21) and 0.999 (SE < 0.001) for males (n = 15) during 1998–2001. Trends in time and density lacked support as sources of variation in the survival of AHY ducks during 1998–2004. After-hatch-year survival ranged from 0.792 (SE = 0.033) to 0.999 (SE < 0.001). Where we modeled survival as a random effect, annual survival for AHY females was 0.881 (SE = 0.017) and process variation (σs) was 0.034. For AHY males, annual survival (μs) was 0.906 (SE = 0.019) and process variation (σs) was 0.040. This information will improve existing population viability analysis models for Laysan ducks. We believe that monitoring the source and translocation populations will be paramount for increasing our understanding of Laysan duck dynamics, recovery planning, and population management.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Dense nesting cover (DNC) has been a conspicuous component of habitat management for upland-nesting ducks for >30 years, but its benefits for nesting ducks have been contentious. During 1994–1999 we monitored 3,058 dabbling duck (Anas spp.) nests in 84 DNC fields located throughout the Canadian Parklands to examine sources of among-field variation in nest density and nesting success. Nest density averaged 1.51 (SE=0.15) nests/ha and overall nesting success was 20.4%, but there was pronounced annual variation in both estimates. Nesting success increased with increasing field size (range = 6–111 ha), but nest density remained constant. Nest density increased with percent wetland habitat within DNC fields and declined with percent perennial cover in the surrounding 2.4 × 2.4-km landscape, but these variables were not important for predicting nesting success. Nest abundance and nesting success roughly doubled in fields seeded with alfalfa (Medicago sativa) or sweet clovers (Melilotus spp.), but there was no benefit from using native as opposed to tame grasses. We recommend that waterfowl managers in the Canadian Parklands establish DNC with alfalfa in large fields in landscapes with abundant wetlands but minimal competing cover.  相似文献   

Abstract: In 1999 Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) were reintroduced to the southern Rocky Mountains and in 2000 the species was listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in the contiguous United States (Colorado Division of Wildlife 2000, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2000). To better evaluate the progress of this reintroduction, we conducted field studies to estimate population densities of snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus), the primary prey of lynx in Colorado, USA. We conducted our field studies in southwestern Colorado in winters 2002 and 2003. We estimated population densities in forested stands of mature Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii)-subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) and mature lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) using mark-recapture data and 3 methods for estimating effective area trapped: half trap interval, mean maximum distance moved (MMDM), and half MMDM. In Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir, we found density estimates ranged from 0.08 ± 0.03 (SE) hares/ha to 1.32 ± 0.15 hares/ha and in lodgepole pine, density estimates ranged from 0.06 ± 0.01 hares/ha to 0.34 ± 0.06 hares/ha, depending on year and method used for estimating effective area trapped. Our density estimates are similar to those reported at the low phase of the hare cycle in populations to the north (<0.1–1.1 hares/ha), where Canada lynx persist (Hodges 2000a). Although density estimates are a useful comparative tool, they depend upon methods used to estimate effective area trapped. Therefore, we urge caution in comparing our density estimates with those from other areas, which may have used dissimilar methods. We also examined effects of temperature and moon phase on capture success of snowshoe hares; extremely low temperatures affected capture success but moon phase did not. Capture success can be improved by trapping snowshoe hares at temperatures above their lower critical temperature (Tlc). If abundance estimates are derived from mark-recapture studies then effects of temperature should be included when modeling capture probabilities.  相似文献   

Capsule The breeding Woodcock population in Britain in 2013 was estimated at 55?241 males (95% CL: 41?806–69?004), suggesting a large-scale decline that is supported by 2 additional sources of data.

Aims To provide an updated estimate of the size of Britain's breeding Woodcock population, measure recent trends and identify spatial patterns of change.

Methods Displaying male Woodcock were surveyed at a stratified sample of 834 randomly selected sites. Population estimates were compared with a baseline survey conducted in 2003 and the trend with data from annual Woodcock counts (2003–13) and Bird Atlas 200711.

Results Woodcock were estimated to be present at 22% of 1?×?1?km squares containing ≥10?ha of woodland, compared to 35% in 2003. The British population estimate fell by 29% between 2003 and 2013. The Atlas suggests that presence at the 10?×?10?km scale has declined by 56% between 1970 and 2010. Both data sources suggest regional variation in the rate of decline, with losses greatest in the West and South.

Conclusion The Woodcock's population size and breeding range appear to be declining severely across Britain. Regional variation in the rate of decline might be explained by the distribution of large continuous woodlands.  相似文献   

Abstract: Exurban development is nonmetropolitan, residential development characterized by a human population density and average property size intermediate between suburban and rural areas. Although growth in exurban areas is outpacing that of urban, suburban, or rural landscapes, studies of deer (Odocoileus spp.) ecology in exurban areas are nonexistent. During 2003–2005, we studied space use (i.e., seasonal home-range and core-area size and habitat use relative to human dwellings) and survival of 43 female white-tailed deer (O. virginianus) in an exurban setting near Carbondale, Illinois. Deer had larger home ranges than most suburban deer populations and generally smaller home ranges than rural deer populations. When we analytically controlled for habitat use, deer exhibited a subtle avoidance of human dwellings, especially during the fawning season. The annual survival rate was among the highest reported in the literature at 0.872 (SE = 0.048). Only 5 deer (cause-specific mortality rate = 0.091) were harvested by hunters, indicating major obstacles for wildlife managers when attempting to manage deer in exurban areas using traditional hunter harvest.  相似文献   

Non-invasive collection of tissue samples to obtain DNA for microsatellite genotyping required to estimate population size has been used for many wildlife species but rarely for ungulates. We estimated mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus) population size on a mountain complex in southwestern British Columbia by identification of individuals using DNA obtained from fecal pellet and hair samples collected during 3 sampling sessions. We identified 55 individuals from 170 samples that were successfully genotyped, and estimated a population of 77 mountain goats (SE = 7.4). Mean capture probability was 0.38 (SE = 0.037) per session. Our technique provides one of the first statistically rigorous estimates of abundance of an ungulate species using DNA derived primarily from fecal pellets. Our technique enables managers to obtain minimum counts or population estimates of ungulates in areas of low sightability that can be used for conservation and management. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Identifying and protecting breeding habitat for imperiled species requires an understanding of the spatial and temporal movements of breeding individuals. During the 2003 and 2004 breeding seasons, we examined space use by Piping Plovers ( Charadrius melodus ) in the federally endangered Great Lakes population. We used coordinate geometry to estimate home range sizes of individual birds and examined relationships between home range size and breeding stage (incubation versus chick rearing), year, sex, number of locations, minimum plover age, distance to the nearest nest, and human beach use (high, medium, or low). The mean size of home ranges of Piping Plovers that fledged at least one chick was 2.9 ± 0.5 (SE) ha (range = 0.4–11.2 ha), and the mean linear beach distance traversed was 475 ± 53 m (range = 130–1435 m). Individuals used 3 times more beach area and 1.5 times more shoreline distance in 2003 than in 2004. Females used smaller areas than males overall and during chick rearing. Home ranges were smallest on beaches with low public use, suggesting that human disturbance may cause greater movement by individual plovers and that larger protected areas may be warranted on beaches frequented by the public to minimize disturbance to breeding birds. Our results demonstrate that nesting Great Lakes Piping Plovers occupy relatively small ranges and, therefore, that even relatively small areas of suitable habitat can have a high conservation value for this endangered population. However, the total area of habitat used varied substantially among individuals, and this should be considered when protecting habitat for the species.  相似文献   

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