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Abstract: Wildlife managers need reliable estimates of population size, trend, and distribution to make informed decisions about how to recover at-risk populations, yet obtaining these estimates is costly and often imprecise. The grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) population in northwestern Montana, USA, has been managed for recovery since being listed under the United States Endangered Species Act in 1975, yet no rigorous data were available to evaluate the program's success. We used encounter data from 379 grizzly bears identified through bear rub surveys to parameterize a series of Pradel model simulations in Program MARK to assess the ability of noninvasive genetic sampling to estimate population growth rates. We evaluated model performance in terms of 1) power to detect gender-specific and population-wide declines in population abundance, 2) precision and relative bias of growth rate estimates, and 3) sampling effort required to achieve 80% power to detect a decline within 10 years. Simulations indicated that ecosystem-wide, annual bear rub surveys would exceed 80% power to detect a 3% annual decline within 6 years. Robust-design models with 2 simulated surveys per year provided precise and unbiased annual estimates of trend, abundance, and apparent survival. Designs incorporating one survey per year require less sampling effort but only yield trend and apparent survival estimates. Our results suggest that systematic, annual bear rub surveys may provide a viable complement or alternative to telemetry-based methods for monitoring trends in grizzly bear populations.  相似文献   

Abstract: Augmentation of large carnivore populations can be a valuable management and recovery tool, but success of many programs has not been well documented. The Cabinet—Yaak grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) population was located in northwestern Montana and northern Idaho, USA, and was estimated at 30–40 individuals. The Cabinet Mountains portion of this area may be isolated from the remainder of the zone and was the site of a test of grizzly bear population augmentation. Experimental objectives included evaluating site fidelity, reproduction, and long-term survival of the translocated bears. Four subadult females (2–6 yr old) were translocated from southeastern British Columbia, Canada, from 1990 to 1994. Three of 4 transplanted bears remained in the target area for ≥1 year and satisfied the short-term goal for site fidelity. Recent genetic evidence gathered through hair-snagging efforts has determined that at least one of the original transplanted animals has reproduced, thereby providing evidence of success for the long-term goals of survival and reproduction.  相似文献   

Abstract: We present the first rigorous estimate of grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) population density and distribution in and around Glacier National Park (GNP), Montana, USA. We used genetic analysis to identify individual bears from hair samples collected via 2 concurrent sampling methods: 1) systematically distributed, baited, barbed-wire hair traps and 2) unbaited bear rub trees found along trails. We used Huggins closed mixture models in Program MARK to estimate total population size and developed a method to account for heterogeneity caused by unequal access to rub trees. We corrected our estimate for lack of geographic closure using a new method that utilizes information from radiocollared bears and the distribution of bears captured with DNA sampling. Adjusted for closure, the average number of grizzly bears in our study area was 240.7 (95% CI = 202–303) in 1998 and 240.6 (95% CI = 205–304) in 2000. Average grizzly bear density was 30 bears/1,000 km2, with 2.4 times more bears detected per hair trap inside than outside GNP. We provide baseline information important for managing one of the few remaining populations of grizzlies in the contiguous United States.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The United States Fish and Wildlife Service uses counts of unduplicated female grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) with cubs-of-the-year to establish limits of sustainable mortality in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, USA. Sightings are clustered into observations of unique bears based on an empirically derived rule set. The method has never been tested or verified. To evaluate the rule set, we used data from radiocollared females obtained during 1975–2004 to simulate populations under varying densities, distributions, and sighting frequencies. We tested individual rules and rule-set performance, using custom software to apply the rule-set and cluster sightings. Results indicated most rules were violated to some degree, and rule-based clustering consistently underestimated the minimum number of females and total population size derived from a nonparametric estimator (Chao2). We conclude that the current rule set returns conservative estimates, but with minor improvements, counts of unduplicated females-with-cubs can serve as a reasonable index of population size useful for establishing annual mortality limits. For the Yellowstone population, the index is more practical and cost-effective than capture-mark-recapture using either DNA hair snagging or aerial surveys with radiomarked bears. The method has useful application in other ecosystems, but we recommend rules used to distinguish unique females be adapted to local conditions and tested.  相似文献   

Abstract: We used resource selection functions (RSF) to estimate the relative probability of use for grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) adjacent to the Parsnip River, British Columbia, Canada, 1998-2003. We collected data from 30 radiocollared bears on a rolling plateau where a large portion of the landscape had been modified by human activities, primarily forestry. We also monitored 24 radiocollared bears in mountain areas largely inaccessible to humans. Bears that lived on the plateau existed at less than one-quarter the density of bears in the mountains. Plateau bears ate more high-quality food items, such as meat and berries, leading us to conclude that food limitation was not responsible for the differences in densities. We hypothesized that plateau bears were limited by human-caused mortality associated with roads constructed for forestry activities. Independent estimates of bear population size from DNA-based mark-recapture techniques allowed us to link populations to habitats using RSF models to scale habitat use patterns to population density. To evaluate whether differences in land-cover type, roads, or mortality risk could account for the disparity in density we used the mountain RSF model to predict habitat use and number of bears on the plateau and vice versa. We predicted increases ranging from 34 bears to 96 bears on the plateau when switching model coefficients, excluding land-cover types; when exchanging land-cover coefficients, the model predicted that the plateau population would be 9 bears lower than was observed. Large reductions in the numbers of mountain bears were predicted by habitat-selection models of bears using the plateau landscape. Although RSF models estimated in mountain and plateau landscapes could not predict bear use and abundance in the other areas, contrasts in models between areas provided a useful tool for examining the effects of human activities on grizzly bears.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Estimation of abundance is important for assessing population responses to management actions. Accurate abundance estimates are particularly critical for monitoring temporal variation following reintroductions when the management goal is to attain population sizes capable of sustaining harvest. Numerous reintroductions have taken place in the Great Lakes region of North America, including efforts to restore extirpated fishers (Martes pennanti) and American martens (M. americana). We used a DNA-based noninvasive hair-snaring method based on one trap design and trapping -grid configuration, and evaluated capture—mark—recapture (CMR) analytical approaches to simultaneously estimate population size for co-distributed fishers and American martens in a 671-km2 area of the Ottawa National Forest in the western Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA. We included harvest as a final recapture period to increase probability of recapture and to evaluate potential violations of geographic closure assumptions. We used microsatellite markers to identify target species, eliminate congener species, and provide individual identity for estimation of abundance. Population estimates for fishers and martens on the study area ranged from 35 to 60 and 8 to 28, respectively. Estimators incorporating harvest data resulted in up to a 40% increase in abundance estimates relative to estimators without harvest. We considered population estimates not including harvest data the most appropriate for the study due to timing of sampling and environmental factors, but inclusion of harvested individuals was shown to be useful as a means to detect violations of the assumption of geographic closure. We suggest improvements on future CMR sampling designs for larger landscape scales of relevance to management through incorporation of habitat or historical harvest data. Noninvasive genetic methods that simultaneously estimate the numerical abundance of co-distributed species can greatly decrease assessment costs relative to traditional methods, and increase resulting demographic and ecological information.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Estimating black bear (Ursus americanus) population size is a difficult but important requirement when justifying harvest quotas and managing populations. Advancements in genetic techniques provide a means to identify individual bears using DNA contained in tissue and hair samples, thereby permitting estimates of population abundance based on established mark-capture-recapture methodology. We expand on previous noninvasive population-estimation work by geographically extending sampling areas (36,848 km2) to include the entire Northern Lower Peninsula (NLP) of Michigan, USA. We selected sampling locations randomly within biologically relevant bear habitat and used barbed wire hair snares to collect hair samples. Unlike previous noninvasive studies, we used tissue samples from harvested bears as an additional sampling occasion to increase recapture probabilities. We developed subsampling protocols to account for both spatial and temporal variance in sample distribution and variation in sample quality using recently published quality control protocols using 5 microsatellite loci. We quantified genotyping errors using samples from harvested bears and estimated abundance using statistical models that accounted for genotyping error. We estimated the population of yearling and adult black bears in the NLP to be 1,882 bears (95% CI = 1,389-2,551 bears). The derived population estimate with a 15% coefficient of variation was used by wildlife managers to examine the sustainability of harvest over a large geographic area.  相似文献   

Genetic monitoring has rarely been used for wildlife translocations despite the potential benefits this approach offers, compared to traditional field‐based methods. We applied genetic monitoring to the reintroduced brown bear population in northern Italy. From 2002 to 2008, 2781 hair and faecal samples collected noninvasively plus 12 samples obtained from captured or dead bears were used to follow the demographic and geographical expansion and changes in genetic composition. Individual genotypes were used to reconstruct the wild pedigree and revealed that the population increased rapidly, from nine founders to >27 individuals in 2008 (λ = 1.17–1.19). Spatial mapping of bear samples indicated that most bears were distributed in the region surrounding the translocation site; however, individual bears were found up to 163 km away. Genetic diversity in the population was high, with expected heterozygosity of 0.74–0.79 and allelic richness of 4.55–5.41. However, multi‐year genetic monitoring data showed that mortality rates were elevated, immigration did not occur, one dominant male sired all cubs born from 2002 to 2005, genetic diversity declined, relatedness increased, inbreeding occurred, and the effective population size was extremely small (Ne = 3.03, ecological method). The comprehensive information collected through genetic monitoring is critical for implementing future conservation plans for the brown bear population in the Italian Alps. This study provides a model for other reintroduction programmes by demonstrating how genetic monitoring can be implemented to uncover aspects of the demography, ecology and genetics of small and reintroduced populations that will advance our understanding of the processes influencing their viability, evolution, and successful restoration.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Variance in population estimates is affected by the number of samples that are chosen to genotype when multiple samples are available during a sampling period. Using genetic data obtained from noninvasive hair-snags used to sample black bears (Ursus americanus) in the Northern Lower Peninsula of Michigan, USA, we developed a bootstrapping simulation to determine how precision of population estimates varied based on the number of samples genotyped. Improvements in precision of population estimates were not monotonic over all samples sizes available for genotyping. Estimates of cost, both financially and in terms of bias associated with increasing genotyping error and benefits in terms of greater estimate precision, will vary by species and field conditions and should be determined empirically.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Noninvasive genetic sampling has become a popular method for obtaining population parameter estimates for black (Ursus americanus) and brown (U. arctos) bears. These estimates allow wildlife managers to develop appropriate management strategies for populations of concern. Black bear populations at Great Dismal Swamp (GDSNWR), Pocosin Lakes (PLNWR), and Alligator River (ARNWR) National Wildlife Refuges in coastal Virginia and North Carolina, USA, were perceived by refuge biologists to be at or above cultural and perhaps biological carrying capacity, but managers had no reliable abundance estimates upon which to base population management. We derived density estimates from 3,150 hair samples collected noninvasively at each of the 3 refuges, using 6–7 microsatellite markers to obtain multilocus genotypes for individual bears. We used Program MARK to calculate population estimates from capture histories at each refuge. We estimated densities using both traditional buffer strip methods and Program DENSITY. Estimated densities were some of the highest reported in the literature and ranged from 0.46 bears/km2 at GDSNWR to 1.30 bears/km2 at PLNWR. Sex ratios were male-biased at all refuges. Our estimates can be directly utilized by biologists to develop effective strategies for managing and maintaining bears at these refuges, and noninvasive methods may also be effective for monitoring bear populations over the long term.  相似文献   

The frequency of black bear (Ursus americanus) sightings, vehicle collisions, and nuisance incidents in the coastal region of South Carolina has increased over the past 4 decades. To develop the statewide Black Bear Management and Conservation Strategy, the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources needed reliable information for the coastal population. Because no such data were available, we initiated a study to determine population density and genetic structure of black bears. We selected 2 study areas that were representative of the major habitat types in the study region: Lewis Ocean Bay consisted primarily of Carolina Bays and pocosin habitats, whereas Carvers Bay was representative of extensive pine plantations commonly found in the region. We established hair snares on both study areas to obtain DNA from hair samples during 8 weekly sampling periods in 2008 and again in 2009. We used genotypes to obtain capture histories of sampled bears. We estimated density using spatially explicit capture–recapture (SECR) models and used information-theoretic procedures to fit parameters for capture heterogeneity and behavioral responses and to test if density and model parameters varied by year. Model-averaged density was 0.046 bears/km2 (SE = 0.011) for Carvers Bay and 0.339 bears/km2 (SE = 0.056) for Lewis Ocean Bay. Next, we sampled habitat covariates for all locations in the SECR sampling grid to derive spatially explicit estimates of density based on habitat characteristics. Addition of habitat covariates had substantial support, and accounted for differences in density between Carvers Bay and Lewis Ocean Bay; black bear density showed a negative association with the area of pine forests (4.5-km2 scale) and a marginal, positive association with the area of pocosin habitat (0.3-km2 scale). Bear density was not associated with pine forest at a smaller scale (0.3-km2), nor with major road density or an index of largest patch size. Predicted bear densities were low throughout the coastal region and only a few larger areas had high predicted densities, most of which were centered on public lands (e.g., Francis Marion National Forest, Lewis Ocean Bay). We sampled a third bear population in the Green Swamp area of North Carolina for genetic structure analyses and found no evidence of historic fragmentation among the 3 sampled populations. Neither did we find evidence of more recent barriers to gene exchange; with the exception of 1 recent migrant, Bayesian population assignment techniques identified only a single population cluster that incorporated all 3 sampled areas. Bears in the region may best be managed as 1 population. If the goal is to maintain or increase bear densities, demographic connectivity of high-density areas within the low-density landscape matrix is a key consideration and managers would need to mitigate potential impacts of planned highway expansions and anticipated development. Because the distribution of black bears in coastal South Carolina is not fully known, the regional map of potential black bear density can be used to identify focal areas for management and sites that should be surveyed for occupancy or where more intensive studies are needed. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Abstract Dioscorea tokoro Makino is a herbaceous climber species widespread in East Asia. Genetic structure of a natural population of D. tokoro was examined employing starch gel electrophoresis of allozymes. Genotypes of seven loci were studied for 1,128 individuals. Twenty-six populations located mainly in the Kinki district of Japan were subgrouped into four large clusters by the geographical distribution of alleles. The D. tokoro population was revealed to contain greater total genetic diversity ( HT =0.282) and higher intrapopulational genetic diversity ( HS =0.258) than other outcrossing species for which data are available. On the other hand, interpopulational differentiation ( GST =0.096) was smaller than in other outcrossers. For the heterozygosity deficiency observed ( FIT =0.125), population subdivision ( FST =0.096) and inbreeding within the population ( FIS =0.067) were revealed to contribute to the same extent. From these F -statistics, the migration rate among subpopulations and the rate of between-relative matings were estimated. Overall results on the genetic structure of the D. tokoro population indicated a high gene flow among its subpopulations, and this may be the consequence of its life form as a climber and its habitat in a disturbed environment. During the study, the geographical cline of Pgi allele frequencies was observed. This finding was supposed to be the result of the selection imposed on Pgi by the temperature differences between localities.  相似文献   

根据 2 2个等位酶位点遗传变异 ,探讨了韩国境内委陵菜 (PotentillafragarioidesL .var.sprengeliana)的遗传多样性和种群结构。酶位点的多态位点百分比为 5 9 1%。种和种群水平上的遗传多样性比较高 ,分别为Hes=0 .2 10 ,Hep=0 .199;而种群的分化水平则相对较低 (GST=0 .0 74)。 19个种群中随机交配的偏差为FIS=0 .331。每代迁移数的间接估计 (Nm=3.15 )表明该种在韩国的种群间基因流较高。另外 ,固定指数分析显示在一些种群和位点有轻微的杂合子缺乏。种群间平均遗传一致度为 0 985。这些韩国委陵菜种群存在于较为均一的生境 ,这很有可能是造成其种群遗传一致性较高的原因。  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and population structure of Potentilla fragarioides var. sprengeliana(Rosaceae) in Korea were investigated using genetic variation at 22 allozyme loci. The percent of polymorphic loci within the enzymes was 59.1%. The genetic diversity at the species level and at the population level was high (Hes=0.210; Hep=0.199, respectively), whereas the extent of the population divergence was relatively low (GST=0.074). FIS, a measure of the deviation from random mating within the 19 populations, was 0.331. An indirect estimate of the number of migrants per generation (Nm=3.15) indicates that gene flow is high among Korean populations of the species. In addition, analysis of fixation indices revealed a slight heterozygote deficiency in some populations and at some loci. The mean genetic identity between populations was 0.985. It is highly probable that the trend of genetic uniformity in a relatively homogeneous habitat is thought to be operated among Korean populations of P. fragarioides var.sprengeliana.  相似文献   

湖北3种药用淫羊藿植物等位酶多样性与居群遗传结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用超薄平板微型聚丙烯酰胺等电聚焦电泳方法对湖北3种淫羊藿属(Epimedium L.)药用植物:柔毛淫羊藿(E.pubescens Maxim.)、箭叶淫羊藿(Esagittatum(Sieb.&Zucc.)Maxim.)和巫山淫羊藿(Ewushanense T.S.Ying)的11个自然居群进行了等位酶种内遗传多样性和居群遗传结构以及种间遗传关系的研究。6个酶系统在3种淫羊藿植物中检测到13个酶位点共45个等位基因,分析结果表明:1)3种淫羊藿均具有较高的遗传多样性水平(A=2.6-3.2,P=69.2%-84.6%,Ho=0.274-0.377,HE=0.282-0.369),远高于多年生草本植物和依靠动物传粉植物的平均水平;2)所有居群都显著偏离Hardy—Weinberg平衡,大多数多态位点固定指数(F)明显偏离于0且正负值各半,暗示该属植物可能具有复杂的繁育系统;3)种内和种间的遗传分化度均较低,分别为GST=0.0246-0.0409和0.0495-0.1213,表明种内居群间存在较高的基因流和种间较近的遗传关系;4)聚类分析表明柔毛淫羊藿与箭叶淫羊藿的亲缘关系更近,这与形态学特征、花瓣演化趋势及系统发育分析等方面的研究的结果相吻合。讨论分析认为3种淫羊藿植物的遗传变异特性是由淫羊藿属植物异交与克隆繁殖的混合繁育系统、多年生的生活特性、古老的进化历史和种子的蚁播特性等多因素共同决定的。  相似文献   

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