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Published studies for reproductive and developmental toxicity conducted with isopropanol have been conducted by the inhalation and oral gavage routes of administration. Interpretation of the data from these studies has resulted in discussions regarding NOAELs and additional benchmark dose modeling publications. Unpublished reproductive and developmental toxicity studies administered in the drinking water were also conducted by BIBRA, and the results of those studies are presented here. In addition, all of the reproductive and developmental toxicity studies conducted with isopropanol are summarized and evaluated for concordance of effects and NOAELs. Endpoints of concern for regulatory agencies were decreases in male mating index and reductions in postnatal pup survival. Original study reports were evaluated and data collated to address these two endpoints, and the data summarized. Data are presented suggesting that there were technical problems in the study that implied a decrease in male mating index, and based on the results from the drinking water studies, the weight of evidence suggests that isopropanol does not affect male mating or fertility at dose levels of up to 1000 mg/kg/day. The weight of evidence suggests that isopropanol can cause decreases in postnatal pup survival following oral gavage administration of 1000-1200 mg/kg/day to the dams. The NOAEL for this endpoint with oral gavage administration was 700 mg/kg/day. Indications of maternal toxicity were also an important predictor for decreased postnatal survival. Decreased postnatal pup survival was also noted in the drinking water studies with isopropanol with a LOAEL of 2278 mg/kg/day and a NOAEL of 1947 mg/kg/day.  相似文献   

Ethyl t‐butyl ether (ETBE) is a motor fuel oxygenate used in reformulated gasoline. Knowledge of developmental and reproductive toxicity potential of ETBE is critical for making informed decisions about acceptance and regulations. This review discusses toxicology studies providing information about effects on reproduction and the conceptus. Seven GLP‐compliant studies following widely accepted protocols have focused specifically on developmental and reproductive toxicity (DART) in rats and rabbits exposed to ETBE by gavage with doses up to 1,000 mg/kg body weight/day, the limit specified in standardized test guidelines. Other repeat‐dose general toxicology studies have administered ETBE to rodents for up to 180 days, and included reproductive organ weights, histology, or other indications of reproductive system structure or function. DART potential of the main ETBE metabolite t‐butyl alcohol and class‐related MTBE has also been studied. More GLP‐compliant studies exist for evaluating ETBE using well‐established, currently recommended protocols than are available for many other chemicals used today. The database for determining ETBE DART potential is adequate, although not all study details are currently easily accessible for peer‐review. ETBE does not appear to be selectively toxic to reproduction or embryofetal development in the absence of other manifestations of general toxicity. Studies using recommended methods for sample preservation and analysis have shown no targeted effect on the reproductive system. No embryofetal effects were observed in rabbits. Early postnatal rat pup deaths show no clear dose‐response and have largely been attributed to total litter losses with accompanying evidence of maternal neglect or frank maternal morbidity. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 89:239–263, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: These studies were conducted to evaluate the potential adverse effects of di-2-ethylhexyl terephthalate (DEHT) exposure on in utero development in mice and rats. In addition, a uterotrophic assay for estrogenic activity was conducted in sexually immature rats. METHODS: In the developmental toxicity studies, diet containing DEHT was fed to four groups of mated female Crl:CD(SD)IGS BR rats (25/group) from gestation day (GD) 0-20 or Crl:CD1(ICR) mice (25/group) from GD 0-18. Concentrations within the feed were 0, 0.3, 0.6, and 1.0% for the rats and 0, 0.1, 0.3, and 0.7% for the mice. Laparohysterectomies were carried out on the last day of exposure and the numbers of fetuses, early and late resorptions, total implantations, and corpora lutea were recorded. The fetuses were weighed, sexed, and examined for external, visceral and skeletal malformations, and developmental variations. The dose rate from dietary DEHT exposure was 0, 226, 458, and 747 mg/kg/day in the rats and 197, 592, and 1382 mg/kg/day in the mice for the control, low, mid, and high-exposure groups, respectively. RESULTS: DEHT exposure did not affect clinical observations. A slight reduction in body weight gain was noted in the high-dose level rat group; the remaining groups were unaffected. At necropsy, increased liver weights were noted in the high-dose rat group and the mid- and high-dose mouse groups. Mean numbers of implantation sites and viable fetuses, mean fetal weights, and mean litter proportions of preimplantation loss, early resorptions, late resorptions, and fetal sex ratios were unaffected by DEHT exposures. No test article-related malformations or variations were observed at any concentration level in the rat and mouse developmental toxicity studies. In the uterotrophic assay for estrogenic activity, sexually immature female rats received oral gavage doses 20, 200, or 2000 mg DEHT/kg bw/day from postnatal day (PND) 19-21. A slight reduction in rate of body weight gain was noted on the first day of dosing in the high dose group, but no other indications of toxicity were evident. DEHT exposure did not affect wet or blotted uterine weight parameters in any of these dose groups. The NOEL for developmental toxicity in rats was 747 mg/kg/day and 1382 mg/kg/day in mice. The NOEL for estrogenic activity was 2000 mg/kg/day. The NOEL for maternal toxicity was 458 mg/kg/day in rats and 197 mg/kg/day in mice. CONCLUSIONS: The lack of adverse developmental effects with DEHT exposure are in contrast to the adverse developmental effects noted after di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) exposure. The difference between the effects noted with the ortho-constituent (DEHP) and the lack of effects reported with the para-constituent (DEHT) is due most likely to differences in metabolism and the formation of the stable monoester, mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (MEHP) from the DEHP moiety.  相似文献   

吸烟作为一个社会问题受到广泛关注,目前研究认为吸烟可对生殖系统存在有害影响。从吸烟对睾丸功能、精液质量、生殖内分泌功能的影响及吸烟对生殖细胞的遗传毒作用几个方面,总结了近几年国内外有关吸烟对男性生殖与遗传毒性研究进展,为进一步研究吸烟的生殖毒性提供参考。  相似文献   

Spirulina (Spirulina platensis), has numerous health benefits including antioxidant, immunomodulatory, and anti-inflammatory activities, works against heavy metal toxicity, and is often used as a food supplement in human, animals, birds and fishes. This study aimed to evaluate the protective ability of the dietary spirulina against the toxic effects of inorganic arsenic (iAs) on male reproductive parameters in rats. Seventy-two mature Long-Evans male rats, dividing into six groups (T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5) (12 rats/group) were included in this study. The T3, T4 and T5 group rats were treated with three consecutive doses (1.0 g, 1.5 g and 2.0 g/kg feed) of spirulina in feed along with 3.0 mg NaAsO2/kg body weight (BW) in drinking water (DW) daily for 90 days. Each rat of group T1 received NaAsO2 (3.0 mg/kg BW) in DW, and those of T2 group were fed with spirulina (2.0 g/kg feed) daily for 90 days. The rats of group T0 served as the control with normal feed and water. Total arsenic (tAs) contents, reproductive parameters (testicular weight, sperm motility and morphology), and histological changes in the testicles were evaluated in these rats. Arsenic dosing significantly (p=0.003, Kruskal-Wallis test) increased the tAs contents in the testicles, decreased testes weight, sperm morphology and motility compared to the controls. The effect of arsenic dosing was also evidenced by the histological changes like decreased germinal layers in the seminiferous tubules of the treated rats. Moreover, dietary spirulina (2.0 g/kg feed) supplementation significantly (p=0.011, Kruskal-Wallis test) lowered tAs contents in testicles and increases testes weights, sperm motility and morphology. Therefore, spirulina can be used as an effective dietary supplement to ameliorate the adverse effects of arsenic induced reproductive toxicities. However, further study is required to elucidate the underlying molecular mechanisms of reduction of arsenic induced reproductive toxicity by spirulina.  相似文献   

This study investigated the potential adverse effects of tert-butyl acetate (TBAc) on maternal toxicity and embryo-fetal development after maternal exposure of pregnant rats from gestational days 6 through 19. TBAc was administered to pregnant rats by gavage at 0, 400, 800, and 1,600 mg/kg/day. All dams were subjected to a Caesarean section on day 20 of gestation, and their fetuses were examined for any morphological abnormalities. At 1,600 mg/kg, maternal toxicity manifested as increases in the incidence of clinical signs and death, lower body weight gain and food intake, increases in the weights of adrenal glands and liver, and a decrease in thymus weight. Developmental toxicity included a decrease in fetal weight, an increase in the incidence of skeletal variation, and a delay in fetal ossification. At 800 mg/kg, only a minimal developmental toxicity, including an increase in the incidence of skeletal variation and a delay in fetal ossification, were observed. In contrast, no adverse maternal or developmental effects were observed at 400 mg/kg. These results show that a 14-day repeated oral dose of TBAc is embryotoxic at a maternally toxic dose (i.e., 1,600 mg/kg/day) and is minimally embryotoxic at a nonmaternally toxic dose (i.e., 800 mg/kg/day) in rats. However, no evidence for the teratogenicity of TBAc was noted in rats. It is concluded that the developmental findings observed in the present study are secondary effects to maternal toxicity. Under these experimental conditions, the no-observed-adverse-effect level of TBAc is considered to be 800 mg/kg/day for dams and 400 mg/kg/day for embryo-fetal development.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lenalidomide, a thalidomide analog, is indicated for treatment of patients with deletion-5q myelodysplastic syndromes or multiple myeloma. NZW rabbits were used because of sensitivity to thalidomide's teratogenicity. METHODS: Range-finding and pulse-dosing studies preceded a full developmental toxicity study in New Zealand white (NZW) rabbits (25/group) given lenalidomide (0, 3, 10, or 20 mg/kg/day) or thalidomide (180 mg/kg/day) by stomach tube on gestation days (GD) 7-19. Clinical signs, body weights, and feed consumption were recorded daily from GD 7. On GD 29, standard maternal necropsy, uterine content, and fetal evaluations were carried out. RESULTS: In all studies, thalidomide was selectively toxic to development. In the pulse-dosing study, lenalidomide did not affect development at 100 mg/kg/day. Increases in C(max) and AUC(0-24 hr) values for lenalidomide were slightly less than dose-proportional; lenalidomide occurred in the fetuses. At 10 and 20 mg/kg/day, lenalidomide was maternally toxic (reduced body weight gain and feed consumption; at 20 mg/kg/day, weight loss and one abortion). Developmental toxicity at 10 and 20 mg/kg/day included reduced fetal body weights and increased postimplantation losses and fetal variations (morbidity/purple-discolored skin, undeveloped intermediate lung lobe, irregular nasal-frontal suture, and delayed metacarpal ossification). Thalidomide selectively reduced fetal body weight, increased postimplantation loss and caused characteristic limb and other dysmorphology. CONCLUSIONS: The maternal and developmental NOAELs for lenalidomide are 3 mg/kg/day. Unlike thalidomide, lenalidomide affected embryo-fetal development only at maternally toxic dosages, confirming that structure-activity relationships may not predict maternal or developmental effects. No fetal malformations were attributable to lenalidomide.  相似文献   

3-Chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone (MX) is a genotoxic chlorination by-product in drinking water. There is some evidence that it has developmental toxic effects in vitro but its potential to cause developmental effects in vivo is not known. The developmental effects were evaluated in Wistar rats. Rats (22-26 dams per dose group) were administered MX by gavage at the dose levels of 3, 30, or 60 mg/kg in water on gestation days 6-19. Control animals received plain water. Clinical signs, body weight, and food and water consumption were recorded for the dams. On gestation day 20, a cesarean section was performed and the ovaries anduterine contents of the dams were examined and the liver, kidneys, spleen, and thyroid glands weighed. The fetuses of all dose groups were weighed, sexed, and observed for external and skeletal malformations and the fetuses of the two highest dose groups were evaluated for visceral malformations. The highest dose, 60 mg/kg of MX, was slightly toxic to the dams. It decreased the corrected body weight gain of dams by 32% and the water consumption by 16-17%. Kidney and liver weights were slightly increased. MX did not affect the number of implantations nor did it cause any resorptions. The body weights of fetuses were not significantly affected. MX did not cause external malformations or skeletal anomalies. Two fetuses at 60 mg/kg and one fetus at 30 mg/kg had major visceral malformations (persistent truncus arteriosus, diaphragmatic hernia, dilated aorta with a stenosis of pulmonary arteries) and two minor artery abnormalities were observed in those animals. The frequency of unilateral displaced testis was slightly higher (9.2%) in the 60-mg/kg dose group than in controls (1.6%). Since the abnormalities did not form a consistent pattern and occurred most at maternally toxic dose, we conclude that MX can be regarded as non-teratogenic.  相似文献   

Almost all herbal remedies could be therapeutic at one dose and toxic at another. These facts become more troubling and a double threat when uncharacterized medicinal herbs are blended together and used by expectant mothers as a supplement to conventional pregnancy management with an inherent belief of considering herbal remedies as harmless. Here we describe the potential adverse effects of UP446, a standardized bioflavonoid composition from the roots of Scutellaria baicalensis and the heartwoods of Acacia catechu, on the maternal and their first filial generation (F1) developmental and functional toxicity following exposure at doses of 250, 500, and 1000 mg/kg/day. Maternal gestation, viability index, sex ratio, body weight, and food consumption were evaluated. F1 growth and development, sexual function including mating index, fertility, implantation, and embryo mortality were also assessed. Test substance impacts on the maternal (F0) or F1 reproductive parameters were very minimal. There were no statistically significant differences in implantation, parturition, viability, and neonates’ sex ratios. There were no significant changes in maturation, behavioral, or functional developments between groups. No treatment‐related prenatal or postnatal in‐life or necropsy abnormalities were observed. Therefore, the no observed adverse effect level in the prenatal and postnatal developments, including maternal function study was considered to be greater than 1000 mg/kg  相似文献   

Ochratoxin A (OTA) is nephrotoxic, hepatotoxic, reprotoxic, embryotoxic, teratogenic, neurotoxic, immunotoxic, and carcinogenic for laboratory and farm animals. Male and female reproductive health has deteriorated in many countries during the last few decades. A number of toxins in environment are suspected to affect reproductive system in male and female. OTA is one of them. OTA has been found to be teratogenic in several animal models including rat, mouse, hamster, quail, and chick, with reduced birth weight and craniofacial abnormalities being the most common signs. The presence of OTA also results in congenital defects in the fetus. Neither the potential of OTA to cause malformations in human nor its teratogenic mode of action is known. Exposure to OTA leads to increased embryo lethality manifested as resorptions or dead fetuses. The mechanism of OTA transfer across human placenta (e.g., which transporters are involved in the transfer mechanism) is not fully understood. Some of the toxic effects of OTA are potentiated by other mycotoxins or other contaminants. Therefore, OTA exposure of pregnant women should be minimized. OTA has been shown to be an endocrine disruptor and a reproductive toxicant, with abilities of altering sperm quality. Other studies have shown that OTA is a testicular toxin in animals. Thus, OTA is a biologically plausible cause of testicular cancer in man.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that exposure to stress during development can have sustained effects on animal phenotype and performance across life-history stages. For example, developmental stress has been shown to decrease the quality of sexually selected traits (e.g. bird song), and therefore is thought to decrease reproductive success. However, animals exposed to developmental stress may compensate for poor quality sexually selected traits by pursuing alternative reproductive tactics. Here, we examine the effects of developmental stress on adult male reproductive investment and success in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). We tested the hypothesis that males exposed to developmental stress sire fewer offspring through extra-pair copulations (EPCs), but invest more in parental care. To test this hypothesis, we fed nestlings corticosterone (CORT; the dominant avian stress hormone) during the nestling period and measured their adult reproductive success using common garden breeding experiments. We found that nestlings reared by CORT-fed fathers received more parental care compared with nestlings reared by control fathers. Consequently, males fed CORT during development reared nestlings in better condition compared with control males. Contrary to the prediction that developmental stress decreases male reproductive success, we found that CORT-fed males also sired more offspring and were less likely to rear non-genetic offspring compared with control males, and thus had greater overall reproductive success. These data are the first to demonstrate that developmental stress can have a positive effect on fitness via changes in reproductive success and provide support for an adaptive role of developmental stress in shaping animal phenotype.  相似文献   

Bitopertin is a glycine type 1 (GlyT1) inhibitor intended for the treatment of psychiatric disorders. The principle adverse effect in the regulatory reproductive toxicity studies was peri‐natal pup death when rat dams were treated during parturition at a dose resulting in five‐times the human therapeutic exposure (AUC). Cessation of dosing two days before parturition prevented the pup deaths. Investigatory experiments and pharmacokinetic modelling suggested that the neonatal mortality was related to transplacental passage of bitopertin leading to high systemic levels in the newborn pups. Brain levels of bitopertin in the rat fetus and neonate were two‐fold higher than in the mother. As illustrated by knock‐out mice models, GlyT1 function is essential for neonatal pup survival in rodents, but is not necessary for normal prenatal morphological development. The glycine transport systems are immature at birth in the rat, but are functionally well‐developed in the human newborn. While the relevance to humans of the neonatal mortality seen in rats following late gestational exposure is unknown, bitopertin would not be recommended for use during late pregnancy unless the anticipated benefit for the mother outweighs the potential risk to the newborn.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Dimethoate (O,O-dimethyl-S-(N-methylcarbamoyl-methyl) phosphorodithioate), an organophosphate insecticide, was examined for its potential to produce developmental toxicity in rats after oral administration. METHODS: Pregnant Fischer 344 rats were given sublethal doses of 0 (corn oil), 7, 15, and 28 mg/kg/day dimethoate by gavage on gestation days (GD) 6-15. Maternal effects in 15 and 28 mg/kg/day dose groups included cholinergic signs such as tremors, diarrhea, weakness, and salivation, and depression in the maternal and fetal brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activities. Other maternal toxicity that included reduction in body weight and feed consumption was observed only in the treated group of 28 mg/kg/day. No maternal toxicity was apparent in the 7 mg/kg/day dose group. RESULTS: Maternal exposure to dimethoate during organogenesis significantly affected the number of live fetuses, early resorption, and mean fetal weight in the 28 mg/kg/day dose group. No external, visceral, and skeletal abnormalities were observed in any of the treated groups compared to the control. CONCLUSIONS: On the basis of the present results dimethoate can produce clinical signs of toxicity and significant inhibition of the maternal and fetal AChE activities in dose groups of 15 and 28 mg/kg/day and showed fetotoxicity without teratogenic effects at 28 mg/kg/day.  相似文献   

Maternal mammalian toxicity impacts prenatal development, with general systemic maternal toxicity, from reduced weight gain to morbidity, causative for reduced fetal weights/litter and increased fetal variations (especially skeletal)/litter, but not, in the author's opinion, for increased fetal malformations, reduced litter sizes or full litter losses. Increased fetal malformations are likely due to exposure to specific chemicals which alter specific maternal functions at critical point(s) in pregnancy, typically exaggerated effects from higher doses by drugs under development with known, desired pharmacological effects. Malformations can also be from genetic/epigenetic alterations, specific altered proteins, molecular pathways, etc. Full litter losses are triggered by the mother and are rare in rats. Information to inform maternal (and developmental) toxicity includes ovarian corpora lutea counts, uterine implantation profile, degree of litter reduction (if present), timing and extent of maternal toxicity relative to those of adverse embryofetal effects, etc. The view of maternal toxicity as confounding results in in vivo developmental toxicity studies, worldwide concerns about increased research animal usage, increasing time, labor, costs, and new software and hardware sophistication all drive the interest in development, validation, and performance of in vitro/in silico assays. These assays are fast, inexpensive, responsive to animal use concerns and amenable to mechanistic questions. The strength of these in vitro/in silico assays is considered by many to be the absence of the maternal organism/placenta. These assays inform mechanism and hazard, but NOT risk. The Environmental Protection Agency currently estimates that these new assays are approximately 70% accurate versus the whole animal tests.  相似文献   

A panel convened by the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis (HCRA) evaluated the weight of evidence for potential developmental and reproductive toxicity of bisphenol A (BPA, CASRN 80-05-7) in animals at doses well below the Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level (LOAEL) of 50 mg/kg-day previously identified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) and even US EPA's reference dose (RfD) of 0.05 mg/kg-day. The effects are hypothesized to occur through an endocrine-modulating mode of action, specifically through estrogen receptors. The panel focused on potential male reproductive effects but also examined other endpoints possibly associated with hormone-like effects. The review considered studies published through April 2002. A formal deliberation framework focused on consistency, generalizability, and biological plausibility. The panel found no consistent affirmative evidence of low-dose BPA effects for any endpoint. Inconsistent responses across rodent species and strains made generalizability of low-dose BPA effects questionable. Lack of adverse effects in two multiple-generation reproductive and developmental studies casts doubt on suggestions of significant physiological or functional impairment. The panel was concerned about generalization of non-oral administration results to oral exposures. Differences in the pattern of BPA responses compared to estradiol or diethylstilbestrol (DES) cast doubt on estrogenicity as a low-dose mechanism of action for BPA. Finally, there is indirect evidence that humans may be less sensitive to possible estrogenic effects from BPA exposure due to pharmacodynamic factors. The panel recommended replication of existing studies under carefully controlled conditions and further study of BPA's pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. The study was funded by a grant from the American Plastics Council.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although polymers and hydrogels are used successfully in biomedical applications, including implants and drug delivery devices, smaller molecular weight oligomers, such as those investigated here, have not been extensively studied in vivo. Poly(N‐isopropylacrylamide‐co‐acrylamide), or P(NIPAAm‐co‐AAm), has a unique thermoresponsive behavior and is under investigation as a novel drug delivery system for metastatic cancer treatment. To date, no studies have been published regarding the safety of P(NIPAAm‐co‐AAm) to the conceptus. METHODS: From gestation days (GD) 6–16, pregnant CD‐1 mice were dosed via i.p. injection with aqueous solutions containing 500, 750, or 1,000 mg/kg/d P(NIPAAm‐co‐AAm). Dams were sacrificed on GD 17 and their litters were examined for abnormalities. RESULTS: P(NIPAAm‐co‐AAm) caused no statistically significant difference in maternal weight gain or percent resorbed or dead fetuses compared to control values, but fetal weight was significantly decreased in the two highest dosage groups. CONCLUSIONS: At the highest dosages employed, maternal exposure to P(NIPAAm‐co‐AAm) was associated with decreased fetal weight. However, as the estimated human exposure levels for persons using this system would be some 1,500‐fold lower than the lowest dosage administered in this study, the authors feel that this oligomer was not shown to pose a biologically significant risk at relevant human dosages. Birth Defects Res (Part B), 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The potential for trichloroethylene (TCE) and perchloroethylene (PERC) to induce developmental toxicity was investigated in Crl:CD (SD) rats whole-body exposed to target concentrations of 0, 50, 150 or 600 ppm TCE or 0, 75, 250 or 600 ppm PERC for six hours/day, seven days/week on gestation day (GD) 6-20 and 6-19, respectively. Actual chamber concentrations were essentially identical to target with the exception of the low PERC exposure level, which was 65 ppm. The highest exposure levels exceeded the limit concentration (2 mg/L) specified in the applicable test guidelines. Maternal necropsies were performed the day following the last exposure. Dams exposed to 600 ppm TCE exhibited maternal toxicity, as evidenced by decreased body weight gain (22% less than control) during GD 6-9. There were no maternal effects at 50 or 150 ppm TCE and no indications of developmental toxicity (including heart defects or other terata) at any exposure level tested. Therefore, the TCE NOEC for maternal toxicity was 150 ppm, whereas the embryo/fetal NOEC was 600 ppm. Maternal responses to PERC were limited to slight, but statistically significant reductions in body weight gain and feed consumption during the first 3 days of exposure to 600 ppm, resulting in a maternal NOEC of 250 ppm. Developmental effects at 600 ppm consisted of reduced gravid uterus, placental and fetal body weights, and decreased ossification of thoracic vertebral centra. Developmental effects at 250 ppm were of minimal toxicological significance, being limited to minor decreases in fetal and placental weight. There were no developmental effects at 65 ppm.  相似文献   

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