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ABSTRACT Until large numbers of bat fatalities began to be reported at certain North American wind energy facilities, wildlife concerns regarding wind energy focused primarily on bird fatalities. Due in part to mitigation to reduce bird fatalities, bat fatalities now outnumber those of birds. To test one mitigation option aimed at reducing bat fatalities at wind energy facilities, we altered the operational parameters of 21 turbines at a site with high bat fatalities in southwestern Alberta, Canada, during the peak fatality period. By altering when turbine rotors begin turning in low winds, either by changing the wind-speed trigger at which the turbine rotors are allowed to begin turning or by altering blade angles to reduce rotor speed, blades were near motionless in low wind speeds, which resulted in a significant reduction in bat fatalities (by 60.0% or 57.5%, respectively). Although these are promising mitigation techniques, further experiments are needed to assess costs and benefits at other locations.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of bats to land use change depends on their foraging ecology, which varies among species based on ecomorphological traits. Additionally, because prey availability, vegetative clutter, and temperature change throughout the year, some species may display seasonal shifts in their nocturnal habitat use. In the Coastal Plain of South Carolina, USA, the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), southeastern myotis (Myotis austroriparius), tri-colored bat (Perimyotis subflavus), and northern yellow bat (Lasiurus intermedius) are species of conservation concern that are threatened by habitat loss. Our objective was to identify characteristics of habitat used by these species during their nightly active period and compare use between summer and winter. We conducted acoustic surveys at 125 sites during May–August and at 121 of the same 125 sites December–March 2018 and 2019 in upland forests, bottomland forests, fields, ponds, and salt marsh and used occupancy models to assess habitat use. The northern long-eared bat and southeastern myotis (i.e., myotis bats) used sites that were closer to hardwood stands, pine stands, and fresh water year-round. We did not identify any strong predictors of tri-colored bat habitat use in summer, but during winter they used bottomland forests, fields, and ponds more than salt marsh and upland forests. During summer and winter, northern yellow bats used sites close to fresh water and salt marsh. Additionally, during summer they used fields, ponds, and salt marsh more than upland and bottomland forests, but in winter they used bottomland forests, fields, and ponds more than upland forest and salt marsh. Our results highlight important land cover types for bats in this area (e.g., bottomland forests, ponds, and salt marsh), and that habitat use changes between seasons. Accounting for and understanding how habitat use changes throughout the year will inform managers about how critical habitat features may vary in their importance to bats throughout the year. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Insectivorous bats are integral components of terrestrial ecosystems. Despite this, a growing number of factors causing world‐wide declines in bat populations have been identified. Relatively abundant species are important for bat conservation because of their role in ecosystems and the research opportunities they offer. In addition, species that have been well‐studied present unique opportunities to synthesize information and highlight important areas of focus for conservation and research. This paper focuses on a well‐studied abundant bat, Eptesicus fuscus. I review the relevant literature on habitat use, diet and roost selection by E. fuscus in North America, and highlight important areas of conservation and research for this species, including the effects of roost disturbance, control of economically important insect pests, exposure to pesticides, long‐term monitoring of populations, and the potential consequences of expanding populations. These issues have broad implications for other species and can be used to focus future research and conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Abstract: Despite prevalent use of anthropogenic structures by bats and the associated implications for public health, management, and bat conservation, very little quantitative information exists about urban roost characteristics and their selection by bats. During the summers of 2001 to 2004 we conducted fieldwork in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, situated on the northern end of Colorado's Front Range, to address questions of roost selection by the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus). The city has experienced its greatest growth in the past half century, with its population increasing by 30% in the last decade. Similar growth in new buildings has occurred, with the number of new housing permits issued annually doubling in the past decade. We located 142 roosts using radiotelemetry or by citizen calls in response to a newspaper article and flyers. To determine characteristics of roost selectivity by bats, we compared variables for known maternity roosts and randomly selected buildings at microhabitat and landscape scales using logistic regression; we used an information theoretic approach to determine which variables were most important. We considered 44 and 100 buildings in the microhabitat and landscape scale analyses, respectively. At the microhabitat scale maternity roosts had exit points with larger areas that were higher from the ground and had warmer average temperatures than randomly selected buildings. At the landscape scale distances to similarly categorized roosts were smaller, and urbanization variables such as lower building density, higher street density, and lower traffic count density were most important. Results for variables important to urban-roosting big brown bats were often analogous to studies that characterized maternity roosts found in tree snags and rock crevices. In addition, changes in the landscape, not only in the form of anthropogenic structures but also in water availability and vegetation structure such as riparian forests, may have led to population increases and range expansions of the big brown bat. Because big brown bats appear to selectively choose specific combinations of characteristics found at maternity roosts, not all available structures can be considered suitable and exclusion from established maternity roosts may negatively impact bat populations.  相似文献   

Understanding the ephemerality of trees used as roosts by wildlife, and the number of roost trees needed to sustain their populations, is important for forest management and wildlife conservation. Several studies indicate that roosts are limiting to bats, but few studies have monitored longevity of roost trees used by bats over several years. From 2004–2007 in Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park, Saskatchewan, Canada, several big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) from a maternity group roosted in cavities in trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) trees approximately 7 km southeast away from their original known roosting area (RA1). Using a long-term data set of the roost trees used by bats in this area from 2000–2007, we evaluated whether the movement of bats to the new roosting area (RA4) corresponded with annual and cumulative losses of roost trees. We also determined whether longevity of the roosts from the time we discovered bats first using them differed between the 2 roosting areas based on Kaplan-Meier estimates. Bats began using RA4 in addition to RA1 in 2004, when the cumulative loss of roost trees in RA1 over 3 consecutive years reached 18%. Most bats exclusively roosted in RA4 in 2007, when the cumulative loss of roost trees over 6 consecutive years had reached 46% in RA1. Annual survival for roost trees, from when we first discovered bats using them, was generally lower in RA1 than in RA4. Our results suggest that the movement of bats to the new roosting area corresponded with high losses of roost trees in RA1. This provides additional evidence that to maintain high densities of suitable roost trees for bats in northern temperature forests over several decades, management plans need to recruit live and dead trees in multiple age classes and stages of decay that will be suitable for the formation of new cavities. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

抑制性频谱整合对大棕蝠下丘神经元声强敏感性的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
自由声场条件下 ,采用特定双声刺激方法研究了不同频率通道之间的非线性整合对下丘神经元声强敏感性的调制作用。实验在 1 2只麻醉与镇定的大棕蝠 (Eptesicusfuscus)上进行 ,双电极同步记录 2个配对神经元的声反应动作电位。主要结果如下 :1 )所获 1 1 0个 (5 5对 )配对神经元中 ,85 5 %表现为抑制性频谱整合作用 ,其余 1 4 5 %为易化性频谱整合 ;2 )阈上 1 0dB (SPL)放电率抑制百分比与神经元最佳频率 (BF)及记录深度呈负相关 ;3)抑制效率随声刺激强度升高而逐步下降 ;4 )当掩蔽声分别位于神经元兴奋性频率调谐曲线(FTC)内 (MSin) /外 (MSout)时 ,其抑制效率存在差异。前者的放电率抑制百分比及声反应动力学范围(DR)下降百分比均显著高于后者 ;5 )抑制性频谱整合导致 3类DR改变 :6 1 6 %为下降、 1 0 9%增加、另有2 7 5 %变化小于 1 0 %。本结果进一步支持如下设想 :下丘不同频率通道之间的抑制性频谱整合参与了对强度编码的主动神经调制活动  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We developed predictive habitat models for a bighorn sheep (Ovis Canadensis) population in the Peninsular Ranges of southern California, USA, using 2 Geographic Information System modeling techniques, Ecological Niche Factor Analysis (ENFA) and Genetic Algorithm for Rule-set Production (GARP). We used >16,000 Global Positioning System locations from 34 animals in 5 subpopulations to develop and test ENFA and GARP models, and we then compared these models to each other and to the expert-based model presented in the United States Fish and Wildlife Service's Recovery Plan for this population. Based on a suite of evaluation methods, we found both ENFA and GARP to provide useful predictions of habitat; however, models developed with GARP appeared to have higher predictive power. Habitat delineations resulting from GARP models were similar to the expert-based model, affirming that the expert-based model provided a useful delineation of bighorn sheep habitat in the Peninsular Ranges. In addition, all 3 models identified continuous bighorn sheep habitat from the northern to southern extent of our study area, indicating that the Recovery Plan's recommendation of maintaining habitat connectivity throughout the range is an appropriate goal.  相似文献   

Abstract. The common waxbill Estrilda astrild was first introduced to Portugal from Africa in 1964, and has spread across much of the country and into Spain. We modelled the expansion of the common waxbill on a 20 × 20 km UTM grid in 4‐year periods from 1964 to 1999. The time variation of the square root of the occupied area shows that this expansion process is stabilizing in Portugal, and reasons for this are discussed. Several methods used to model biological expansions are not appropriate for the present case, because little quantitative data are available on the species ecology and because this expansion has been spatially heterogeneous. Instead, colonization on a grid was modelled as a function of several biophysical and spatio‐temporal variables through the fitting of a multivariate autologistic equation. This approach allows examination of the underlying factors affecting the colonization process. In the case of the common waxbill it was associated positively with its occurrence in adjacent cells, and affected negatively by altitude and higher levels of solar radiation.  相似文献   

Abstract: The marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) is a small Pacific seabird with a breeding range that extends from the Aleutian Islands to central California. Throughout most of its breeding range, it uses mature and old-growth coniferous forests as nesting habitat. Although most murrelets seem to nest within 60 km of the coast, occupied nesting habitat has been identified as far as 84 km from the ocean in Washington state. Due to the extensive inland distances within which birds are known to breed, the area requiring surveys to identify breeding sites can be enormous. Therefore, the standard 2-year survey protocol can be expensive and time-consuming for forest management agencies and companies to administer. We developed a logistic regression model to determine whether a suite of forest structural characteristics could be used to reliably predict occupancy of a forest patch by marbled murrelets. We tested the performance of the final model using cross-validation procedures and a sample of independent sites. We used 50 sites surveyed for marbled murrelets to estimate the model, and 48 independent sites were available to test model performance. All 50 sites were on private forestland owned by Rayonier located in the western lowlands of Olympic Peninsula within the Sitka spruce and western hemlock transition zones. We sampled forest habitat at each site, and we collected information on 15 explanatory variables. The best-fitting logistic regression model contained variables that measured number of canopy layers (P<0.001, approx. F test) and mistletoe (Arceuthobium sp.) abundance (P = 0.031, approx. F test). The model misclassified 2 of 33 (94% correct) unoccupied sites as occupied using a classification cut-off (c) of c=0.25. In the other direction, under cross-validation the final model misclassified 2 of 17 (88% correct) occupied sites as unoccupied. On a test of the model against an independent sample, using a classification cut-off value of c = 0.25, the final model correctly classified 36 of 48 sites (75% correct). The final model misclassified 3 of 31 occupied sites as unoccupied (90% correct). Use of predictive models could greatly reduce the amount of forest that requires surveys by screening out those sites with little probability of use and by focusing remaining effort on higher probability sites, resulting in a higher likelihood of identifying occupied sites and thereby more efficiently conserving marbled murrelet nesting habitat.  相似文献   

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