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Abstract: We studied breeding dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis), yellow-rumped warblers (Dendroica coronata), and spruce-nesting birds from 1997 to 1998 among forests with different levels of spruce (Picea spp.) mortality following an outbreak of spruce beetles (Dendroctonus rufipennis) in Alaska, USA. We identified species using live and beetle-killed spruce for nest sites and monitored nests to determine how the outbreak influenced avian habitat selection and reproduction. We tested predictions that 1) nesting success of ground-nesting juncos would increase with spruce mortality due to proliferation of understory vegetation available to conceal nests from predators, 2) nesting success of canopy-nesting warblers would decrease with spruce mortality due to fewer live spruce in which to conceal nests, and 3) both species would alter nest-site selection in response to disturbance. Juncos did not benefit from changes in understory vegetation; nesting success in highly disturbed stands (46%) was comparable to that in undisturbed habitats throughout their range. In stands with low spruce mortality, nesting success of juncos was low (5%) and corresponded with high densities of red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus). Yellow-rumped warblers nested exclusively in spruce, but success did not vary with spruce mortality. As disturbance increased, nesting warblers switched from selecting forest patches with high densities of live white spruce (Picea glauca) to patches with beetle-killed spruce. Warblers also placed nests in large-diameter live or beetle-killed spruce, depending on which was more abundant in the stand, with no differences in nesting success. Five of the 12 other species of spruce-nesting birds also used beetle-killed spruce as nest sites. Because beetle-killed spruce can remain standing for >50 years, even highly disturbed stands provide an important breeding resource for boreal forest birds. We recommend that boreal forest managers preserve uncut blocks of infested forest within managed forest landscapes and practice partial harvest of beetle-killed spruce rather than commercial clear-cutting of infested stands in order to sustain breeding bird populations until natural reforestation occurs. Because breeding densities do not always reflect fitness, assessing impacts of a massive natural disturbance should include measuring impacts of changes in vegetation on both reproductive success and predator-prey dynamics.  相似文献   

Pleistocene glacial cycles are thought to have played a major role in the diversification of temperate and boreal species of North American birds. Given that coalescence times between sister taxa typically range from 0.1 to 2.0 Myr, it has been assumed that diversification occurred as populations were isolated in refugia over long periods of time, probably spanning one to several full glacial cycles. In contrast, the rapid postglacial range expansions and recolonization of northern latitudes following glacial maxima have received less attention as potential promoters of speciation. Here we report a case of extremely rapid diversification in the songbird genus Junco as a result of a single continent-wide range expansion within the last 10 000 years. Molecular data from 264 juncos sampled throughout their range reveal that as the yellow-eyed junco (Junco phaeonotus) of Mesoamerica expanded northward following the last glacial maximum, it speciated into the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis), which subsequently diversified itself into at least five markedly distinct and geographically structured morphotypes in the USA and Canada. Patterns of low genetic structure and diversity in mitochondrial DNA and amplified fragment length polymorphism loci found in dark-eyed juncos relative to Mesoamerican yellow-eyed juncos provide support for the hypothesis of an expansion from the south, followed by rapid diversification in the north. These results underscore the role of postglacial expansions in promoting diversification and speciation through a mechanism that represents an alternative to traditional modes of Pleistocene speciation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Riparian forest communities in the southwestern United States were historically structured by a disturbance regime of annual flooding. In recent decades, however, frequency of flooding has decreased and frequency of wildfires has increased. Riparian forests provide important breeding habitat for a large variety of bird species, and the effects of this altered disturbance regime on birds and their breeding habitat is largely unknown. To evaluate effects of high-intensity spring and summer wildfire on the quality of breeding bird habitat in the Middle Rio Grande valley, we measured vegetation structure and composition, avian nest use, and nest success at 4 unburned plots and 4 wildfire plots over a 3-year period. We measured avian nest use and success at nest boxes located in unburned riparian forest plots and plots recently burned by wildfire. Recent wildfire plots (<7 yr after fire) had a much different vegetation structure than unburned plots; an older (>7 yr after fire) wildfire plot more closely resembled its paired unburned plot than did recently burned plots. Ash-throated flycatchers (Myiarchus cinerascens) and Bewick's wrens (Thryomanes bewickii; hereafter, flycatchers and wrens, respectively) used nest boxes in most of the plots. A model selection procedure applied to logistic regressions showed that frequency of nest box use by flycatchers was positively associated with wildfire, although flycatchers used boxes in unburned plots as well. Wrens showed a preferential use of nest boxes that were in unburned sites and in close proximity to vegetative cover. Growth rates, feeding rates, and fledging mass of flycatchers were similar in wildfire and unburned plots. Growth rates for wrens were slower in wildfire plots, while feeding rates and fledging mass were similar. Nest predation varied between years, was higher for flycatchers than for wrens, and was not directly influenced by wildfire. Model selection showed that predation increased with grass cover, an indicator of forest openness, and decreased with distance to habitat edge. Recovery of dense vegetation appears important in maintaining populations of Bewick's wrens, whereas ash-throated flycatchers were less sensitive to vegetative structure and composition of postfire succession. Postfire management that maintains nest sites in large forest strips would enhance nesting density and success of these cavity-nesting birds in riparian zones.  相似文献   

Reports of female song, once considered a rarity, have recently increased across a variety of avian taxa. Females of many species can be induced to produce male‐like song with exogenous testosterone, but observations of female song in free‐living birds remain limited by incomplete sampling of females. Here, we report three independent observations of female dark‐eyed juncos Junco hyemalis producing male‐like song early in the breeding season (i.e. post‐territory establishment, pre‐nesting) in a recently established non‐migratory, urban population. To elicit song, we presented 17 free‐living junco pairs with a live, caged female conspecific. Three unique females responded to our trials by diving at the intruding female, chasing their (male) mate, fanning their tail feathers, and singing a trilled song similar in structure to male long‐range (broadcast) song. We compared male and female songs quantitatively and found that the two sexes were statistically similar in many spectral and temporal characteristics, but female songs had significantly lower minimum and peak frequencies than males. This result is particularly surprising, as males in this urban population are known to sing at a significantly higher minimum frequency than males in a nearby montane population. Both the seasonal and social context in which these songs were observed suggest a potential function for female song in mate guarding and polygyny prevention, but more data are needed to test this hypothesis. Whether female song is common in all dark‐eyed juncos during the early breeding season or if it is restricted to this particular urban and non‐migratory population remains an important question for future research.  相似文献   

Abstract: Wetlands in the Playa Lakes Region (PLR) provide important habitats for wintering waterfowl, cranes, and both migrant and breeding shorebirds. Playa Lakes Region wetlands experience naturally fluctuating hydroperiods but are exposed to anthropogenic stresses, which are exacerbated during summer and may influence PLR wetland occupancy and selection by breeding shorebirds. We examined wetland-scale habitat use and nest-site selection of the 4 dominant shorebirds (American avocets [Recurvirostra americana], black-necked stilts [Himantopus mexicanus], killdeer [Charadrius vociferus], snowy plovers [C. alexandrinus]) nesting in playas, saline lakes, and in both created and riparian wetlands in the PLR of Texas, USA. All 4 species nested in saline lakes. Only avocets and killdeer nested in playas, and snowy plovers nested in riparian wetlands. No nests were found in created wetlands. Wetland habitat changed (P < 0.001) during the breeding season, while water habitats generally decreased. Used (i.e., shorebirds found nesting) wetlands had more (P < 0.05) mudflats than non-used (i.e., shorebirds not found nesting) wetlands, which had more (P < 0.05) dry habitats. Used and non-used wetlands had similar (P > 0.05) amounts of water habitats. Nests were located close to vegetation on bare dry ground and dry ground with vegetation. Because water is ephemeral in PLR wetlands, shorebirds must select—in a somewhat predictive manner upon arrival—wetlands with suitable nest-site and brood-rearing habitat. Although surface water is necessary for nesting, its presence is not adequate for delineating suitable PLR wetland habitat for breeding shorebirds. Our findings that created wetlands cannot compensate for regional wetland losses in habitat or function highlights the need for conservation of natural PLR wetlands  相似文献   

Interest in regenerating oaks (Quercus spp.) has promoted use of partial harvesting techniques that create an open forest structure. From 2007 to 2009, we studied songbirds in mixed-oak forests in southeastern Ohio, comparing shelterwoods recently harvested to 50% stocking and closed-canopy mature second-growth. We surveyed birds using distance-based methods (56 line transects in 18 stands at 4 forests). We intensively investigated suitability of shelterwoods for canopy-nesting species by examining habitat preferences, as measured by settlement patterns, age distributions, and site fidelity; we also examined nesting success. Several midstory and ground-nesting species were 26–73% less abundant in shelterwood than unharvested stands, whereas shrub-nesting species increased >100% several years post-harvesting. Canopy-nesting species were 31–98% more abundant in shelterwoods, but cerulean warbler (Setophaga cerulea) responses varied by forest. Patterns of settlement and site fidelity were generally similar among stands. Proportions of young males were actually greater for several species in shelterwood than unharvested stands, which may have been a consequence of young birds colonizing newly created (or improved) habitat. Even in our predominantly forested study system, nesting success (>700 nests) was low, ranging from 15% to 19% for yellow-throated vireos (Vireo flavifrons) and cerulean warblers, to 27–36% for scarlet tanagers, blue-gray gnatcatchers (Polioptila caerulea) and eastern wood-pewees (Contopus virens). However, nest survival did not differ between shelterwood and unharvested stands, possibly because numbers of avian predators did not change with harvesting. Despite increased numbers of brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) in shelterwoods, only 2% of canopy nests in which young could be identified were parasitized. Although these results suggest shelterwood harvests containing abundant overstory trees can provide short-term breeding habitat for canopy songbirds, long-term responses of birds to partial harvesting may differ from those documented here depending on different management options employed. Management for oak regeneration will typically remove all overstory trees later in the cutting cycle, initially resulting in loss of nesting substrates and hence breeding habitat for canopy songbirds. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Nest-site selection by species is expected to be adaptive and lead to improved breeding productivity, but in some settings, there exist mismatches between preferred nesting habitat and breeding productivity. We tested the expectation that nest-site selection is adaptive in a sample of 63 nests of a long-lived social species that breeds and forages in groups: the critically endangered white-backed vulture (Gyps africanus). By studying breeding groups in the same area, we controlled for landscape-level effects on habitat selection and investigated how fine-scale nest-site characteristics affect breeding productivity. We developed models to assess how nine characteristics of nest sites selected by breeding vultures compared with 70 random trees and tested associations between these characteristics and breeding productivity. White-backed vultures selected nest sites in taller trees (>7 m), but neither tree height nor any other nest-site characteristics had a clear effect on breeding productivity. Vultures selected nest trees closer to each other than random trees, and the associations between nest density, nearest neighbour distance and breeding success were all positive. These positive associations and the absence of an observable effect between nest-site characteristics and breeding productivity suggest that for this semi-colonial breeder, the social imperative of proximity to conspecifics (i.e., nesting near other vultures and group foraging) may be more important than individual nest-site selection.  相似文献   

Widespread invasion of riparian ecosystems by the large bamboo-like grass Arundo donax L. has altered community structure and ecological function of streams in California. This study evaluated the influence of wildfire on A. donax invasion by investigating its relative rate of reestablishment versus native riparian species after wildfire burned 300 ha of riparian woodlands along the Santa Clara River in southern California in October 2003. Post-fire A. donax growth rates and productivity were compared to those of native woody riparian species in plots established before and after the fire. Arundo donax resprouted within days after the fire and exhibited higher growth rates and productivity compared to native riparian plants. Arundo donax grew 3–4 times faster than native woody riparian plants—up to a mean of 2.62 cm day−1—and reached up to 2.3 m in height less than 3 months after the fire. One year post-fire, A. donax density was nearly 20 times higher and productivity was 14–24 times higher than for native woody species. Three mechanisms—fire-adapted phenology, high growth rate, and growth response to nutrient enrichment—appear to promote the preemption of native woody riparian species by A. donax after fire. This greater dominance of A. donax after wildfire increased the susceptibility of riparian woodlands along the Santa Clara River to subsequent fire, potentially creating an invasive plant-fire regime cycle. Moreover, A. donax infestations appear to have allowed the wildfire to cross the broad bed of the Santa Clara River from the north, allowing thousands of acres of shrubland to the south to burn.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Despite the interest of resource managers and conservationists in the status of Common Black-Hawk ( Buteogallus anthracinus ) populations in the southwestern United States, little is known about their nesting success and habitat requirements. Because such information is essential for effective population and habitat management, I examined the nesting success and nest-site selection of Common Black-Hawks in southwestern New Mexico during 2000 and 2001. Of the 37 nesting attempts in 21 territories, ≥1 young fledged from 25 nests (68%). Comparison of nest-sites and nonused sites suggested that breeding Common Black-Hawks selected nest-sites in areas with a sparser and shorter subcanopy tree layer and in trees with a smaller trunk diameter and a greater minimum crown diameter. These differences appear to be related to variation in forest ages within territories, with nonused sites having fewer, but older, canopy trees than nest-sites. Sites with younger, smaller subcanopy trees may provide forest structure for more effective foraging, whereas the characteristics of younger nest tree canopies may reduce the risk of nest predation or offer more protection from inclement weather. Due to the limited range of this species in the southwestern United States, efforts to encourage the establishment and maturation of riparian forests in Common Black-Hawk breeding areas could be important in sustaining available nesting habitat and, in turn, maintaining or expanding current population levels.  相似文献   

As shown for various species, nesting waders are non-randomly distributed on wetlands and preferentially select riparian nest-sites adjacent to limnic or marine waterbodies. Studying the redshank Tringa totanus, we tested the hypotheses that, in a coastal wader species which conceals its clutch in vegetation, predation and hatching success are affected by vegetation zonation, and that breeding in lower salt marsh areas has negative consequences for reproduction. We further predicted effects of timing of breeding and breeding experience/age of adults potentially reflected by egg biometrics both on nest-site selection and reproduction. Effects of vegetation, space, time and individual quality on hatching success of redshanks were studied in the German part of the Wadden Sea. Dominant plant species, vertical vegetation structure and nest concealment varied significantly between nests. Variation in nest concealment was relatively low: about 90% of clutches were classified as being well concealed. This variation was explainable by vegetation structure but not by vegetation composition at the nest-site, distance to shoreline, and time of clutch initiation. Vertical vegetation structure varied by dominant plant species but not by distance to shoreline and time of clutch initiation. Hatching success of clutches was low (10.6%) due to high predation (daily predation rate: 7.4%). Hatching success and duration of clutch survival were negatively and predation positively related to the date of clutch initiation. Furthermore, negative relationships were found between egg size and predation and duration of survival, respectively. We assume that concealed nests, early breeding and breeding experience diminish predation in salt marsh breeding redshanks. Thus, redshank reproduction appears to be affected by interactive effects of timing of breeding and vegetation facilitating early breeding. In contrast to open-nesting species, breeding in riparian habitats next to waterbodies may be disadvantageous for species breeding concealed in vegetation if these are covered by less structured vegetation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We recorded telemetry locations from 1,129 radiotagged turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) on 4 study areas in the Texas Panhandle and southwestern Kansas, USA, from 2000 to 2004. Analyses of telemetry locations indicated both sexes selected riparian vegetative zones. Females did not select grazed or nongrazed pastures for daily movements. However, females did select nongrazed pastures for nest sites on 2 study areas and males selected for grazed pastures at one study area during the breeding season. We compared nest sites (n = 351) to random sites using logistic regression, which indicated height of visual obstruction, percent canopy cover, and percent bare ground provided the highest predictive power (P ≤ 0.003) for characteristics describing nest-site selection. Nest-site vegetative characteristics between vegetative zones differed primarily in composition: upland zone nest sites had more (P ≤ 0.001) shrubs and riparian zone nest sites had more (P ≤ 0.001) grass. There were no differences in measured nest site vegetative characteristics between pasture types, but there were differences between available nesting cover in grazed and nongrazed pastures. Random plots in grazed pastures had less grass cover (P ≤ 0.001) and more bare ground (P = 0.002). Because of cattle impacts on average grass height and availability, grazing would likely have the highest impact on nesting in riparian zones due to turkey use of grass as nesting cover. An appropriate grazing plan to promote Rio Grande turkey nesting habitat would include grazing upland zones in the spring, when it likely has little impact on nesting-site selection, and grazing riparian zones following breeding season completion. Grazing at light to moderate intensities with periods of rest did not affect male turkey pasture use and may have continued to maintain open areas used by male turkeys for displaying purposes.  相似文献   

Despite numerous studies on breeding dispersal, it is still unclear how habitat heterogeneity and previous nesting success interact to determine nest-site fidelity at various spatial scales. In this context, we investigated factors affecting breeding dispersal in greater snow geese (Anser caerulescens atlanticus), an Arctic breeding species nesting in two contrasting habitats (wetlands and mesic tundra) with variable pattern of snowmelt at the time of settlement in spring. From 1994 to 2005, we monitored the nesting success and breeding dispersal of individually marked females. We found that snow geese showed a moderate amount of nest-site fidelity and considerable individual variability in dispersal distance over consecutive nesting attempts. This variability can be partly accounted for by the annual timing of snowmelt. Despite this environmental constraint, habitat differences at the colony level consistently affected nesting success and settlement patterns. Females nesting in wetlands had higher nesting success than those nesting in mesic tundra. Moreover, geese responded adaptively to spatial heterogeneity by showing fidelity to their nesting habitat, independently of snowmelt pattern. From year to year, geese were more likely to move from mesic to high-quality wetland habitat, regardless of previous nesting success and without cost on their subsequent nesting performance. The unpredictability of snowmelt and the low cost of changing site apparently favour breeding-site dispersal although habitat quality promotes fidelity at the scale of habitat patches.  相似文献   

Abstract: Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests with Gambel oak (Quercus gambelii) are associated with higher bird abundance and diversity than are ponderosa pine forests lacking Gambel oak. Little is known, however, about specific structural characteristics of Gambel oak trees, clumps, and stands that may be important to birds in ponderosa pine-Gambel oak (hereafter pine-oak) forests. We examined associations among breeding birds and structural characteristics of Gambel oak at a scale similar in size to individual bird territories in pine-oak forests in northern Arizona and western New Mexico, USA. Avian species richness and occurrence of some bird species were associated with specific growth forms of Gambel oak. Estimated probability of Virginia's warblers (Vermivora virginiae), black-headed grosbeaks (Pheucticus melanocephalus), and red-faced warblers (Cardellina rubrifrons) occurring at points increased with increasing density of pole-sized Gambel oak 7–15 cm in diameter at breast height. We also found evidence that large Gambel oak trees (≥23 cm dbh) were associated with increased occurrence of yellow-rumped warblers (Dendroica coronata) at points. Some avian associations with oak were influenced by characteristics of ponderosa pines. For example, bird species richness was positively associated with the abundance of large Gambel oak when density of large pine trees ≥23 cm in diameter at breast height was low. Because large oak trees are rare and their numbers are thought to be declining, efforts should be made to retain and promote growth of additional oaks in this size class. Forest management practices that maintain forest openings, such as prescribed burning, could promote growth of pole-sized Gambel oak, which appears important to some bird species in pine-oak forests.  相似文献   

Migrant songbirds are vulnerable to changes in climatic conditions on both the breeding and wintering grounds. For North American Neotropical migrants, the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), via its effects on global precipitation and temperature, modulates the productivity of their temperate and tropical terrestrial ecosystems used during the course of their annual cycle. We evaluated how a densely nesting population of yellow warblers Dendroica petechia in a riparian forest in southern Manitoba, Canada, responded to the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) between 1992 and 2001. Standardized mist netting was used to estimate apparent annual survival of adults and production of young. Both adult survival and the production of young were positively correlated with the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI). More specifically, values of both these demographic parameters were lowest during El Niño years and highest during La Niña years. These findings demonstrate the influence of climate on populations of Neotropical migrants in North America. The more frequent El Niños predicted to result from future global climate change could negatively affect populations of yellow warblers and other Neotropical migrants breeding in this region.  相似文献   

I combined a comparative study of begging in ground- and tree-nesting wood warblers (Parulidae) with experimental measures of the predation costs of warbler begging calls. Throughout their development, ground-nesting warbler nestlings had significantly higher-frequency begging calls than did tree-nesting warblers. There was also a trend for ground-nesting birds to have less rapidly modulated calls. There were no consistent associations between nesting site and the amplitude of the calls. Using miniature walkie-talkies hidden inside artificial nests, I reciprocally transplanted the begging calls of 5- and 8-day-old black-throated blue warblers, Dendroica caerulescens (tree-nesting) and ovenbirds, Seiurus aurocapillus (ground-nesting) and measured the corresponding changes in rates of nest predation. For the begging calls of 8-day-old nestlings, but not those of 5-day-olds, the calls of the tree-nesting species coming from ground nests incurred greater costs than did the calls of ground nesters. The reciprocal transplant had little effect on the rate of predation. Tooth imprints on clay eggs placed in artificial nests indicated that eastern chipmunks, Tamias striatus, were responsible for the increased cost of begging for black-throated blue calls coming from the ground. These data suggest that nest predation may be responsible for maintaining some of the interspecific differences in the acoustic structure of begging calls. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Numerous factors, including nest predation and brood parasitism, may limit populations of neotropical migratory birds. However, nest predation and brood parasitism are not constant, and temporal, biological, habitat, and landscape factors can affect the likelihood of these events. Understanding these patterns is important for species of conservation concern for which managers seek to provide quality habitat. One such species, the Swainson's warbler (Limnothlypis swainsonii), is a neotropical migrant that breeds primarily in bottomland hardwood forests of the southeastern United States. Little is known of factors influencing reproductive success of this rare, yet locally abundant, species. From 2004 through 2007, we examined factors influencing reproductive success of Swainson's warblers at 2 sites in eastern Arkansas, USA, St. Francis National Forest and White River National Wildlife Refuge. We used 2-stage modeling to assess the relationship between 1) temporal and biological, and 2) habitat and landscape factors and brood parasitism, nest survival, and fledgling production. Brood parasitism was greater in this population (36%) than reported elsewhere (≤ 10%), but decreased throughout the breeding season. Nest survival was comparable to or lower than in other populations of this species and increased throughout the breeding season. The probability of brood parasitism was greater near forest edges. Although nests of Swainson's warblers were often associated with giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea), nest survival had a weak negative association with cane density. For nests that were successful, the best predictor of number of Swainson's warblers fledged was brood-parasitism status: nonparasitized nests fledged 2.75 young, whereas parasitized nests fledged 0.60 Swainson's warblers. Our findings suggest that managing and restoring relatively high-elevation bottomland forests that are located far from agricultural edges should increase Swainson's warbler productivity.  相似文献   

2013年7月和2014年5~7月,在新疆阜康地区对家麻雀(Passer domesticus)的巢址选择进行调查,以分析影响家麻雀巢址选择的生态因子。在研究区内共找到75个家麻雀的自然巢,筑巢生境为农田和防护林带,均在白杨(Populus adenopoda)林和胡杨(P.euphratica)林中的树上筑巢。其中,繁殖成功巢40个,繁殖失败巢20个,15个巢未记录到繁殖结果。在研究区内的居民房屋、墙洞等没有发现家麻雀的巢。采用逻辑斯蒂回归和主成分分析方法对筑巢地海拔(m)、筑巢树种、筑巢树高(m)、巢距路距离(m)、巢距地面高度(m)、巢上方盖度(%)、筑巢树胸径(m)、最近邻巢的距离(m)这些家麻雀的主要巢址参数进行分析,结果表明,影响新疆阜康地区家麻雀巢址利用的主要因素为巢距地面高度(m)、巢上方盖度(%)和巢距路距离(m)。对家麻雀繁殖成功巢(n=40)和繁殖失败巢(n=20)的巢址参数进行比较,两者差异不显著,因而推测,在研究区域的尺度内,家麻雀的巢址选择并不是影响其繁殖成效的主要因素。  相似文献   

The montane forests of northern Mozambique’s isolated massifs are inhabited by numerous range-restricted and threatened bird species, but until recently were extremely little-known. We report on a first avifaunal survey of the isolated montane habitats of Mt Mecula (1 442 m), Niassa National Reserve, notable as the only currently protected montane area in northern Mozambique. Mount Mecula’s moist forest is small (approximately 136 ha in total) and patchy, and although known botanically to have some montane affinities, was found to support an avifauna more typical of riparian forests of medium to low altitude. The only montane forest species recorded was Lemon Dove Aplopelia larvata. Other montane elements included Vincent’s Bunting Emberiza (capensis) vincenti, one of six species recorded new to the Niassa National Reserve list. Overall, it appears that despite its intermediate location, Mt Mecula does not represent a biogeographical ‘stepping stone’ for montane forest bird species. This probably owes to its remoteness from the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania to the north and the massifs of other parts of northern Mozambique, to the south and west.  相似文献   

When birds settle in new environments, they may encounter different suites of nest-predators, resulting in strong selection to nest in novel locations. An important axis of variation is in height of nest placement, because off-ground nests are likely to be subject to different predation pressures than on-ground nests. In their native habitats, i.e. temperate montane forest, dark-eyed juncos Junco hyemalis predominantly nest on the ground. A population of juncos became established on the urban campus of the Univ. of California at San Diego in the early 1980s, and now has a relatively high frequency (∼20%) of off-ground nests. Off-ground nesting is associated with strong fitness benefits: based on returns from 579 nests, an egg laid off the ground has ∼80% higher chance of producing a recruit to the next generation than one laid on the ground. In addition, some nests were occasionally re-used by ∼10% of females and off-ground nests were more likely to be re-used. Many females that bred off-ground also built an on-ground nests and we did not detect an association in nest site positions of mothers and daughters, implying low heritability of this novel nest placement trait. By contrast, certain territories consistently had on-ground nests irrespective of the identity of the breeding female. We suggest that a limitation of suitable off-ground nest sites for a species predominantly adapted to on-ground nesting greatly slows the rate of evolution of this trait.  相似文献   

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