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Abstract: Ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) is a popular small game species in northeastern North America. We assessed female ruffed grouse habitat characteristics during winter of 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 in a region dominated by mixed softwood-hardwood forests by comparing used and random locations. We followed 23 radiotagged adult females in 2 forest sites of the Réserve faunique de Portneuf, Québec, Canada, from late November to mid-April. We described grouse habitat using ground surveys and identified selected habitat characteristics using analysis of variance and logistic regression. Females preferred mixed softwood-hardwood stands > 17 m tall and 61-120 years old. Compared with random locations, grouse locations had more well-developed total canopy cover (>4m;75%), canopy (>4m;35%), midstory (1-4 m tall; 35%), and lower-story (<1 m tall; 23%) coniferous cover, and higher coniferous stem density and tree basal area (dbh > 9 cm; 343 stems/ha and 9.0 m2/ha, respectively). Forest management should maintain mature mixed softwood-hardwood stands (50% coniferous), which are adequate winter habitat for ruffed grouse.  相似文献   

Species associated with early successional habitats have experienced dramatic declines in the eastern United States as a result of land use changes and human disruption of natural disturbance regimes. Consequently, active management is required to create early successional habitat and promote plant and animal communities that depend on periodic forest disturbance. Ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) depend on recently disturbed forest habitat, and have experienced dramatic declines over the last half-century. Although ruffed grouse are extensively studied, little effort has been made to link population dynamics with habitat management at landscape scales. We used stochastic, spatially explicit population models that combined landscape conditions derived from a Geographic Information System with demographic data, and applied the model to a declining ruffed grouse population in Rhode Island, USA. We identified vital rates that influence ruffed grouse population dynamics using baseline models constructed with current demographic rates and landscape conditions, and assessed the effect of landscape-scale forest management alternatives on population persistence by running multiple management simulations. Baseline models typically predicted population decline, and we concluded that vital rates (survival and recruitment) had a greater influence on population persistence than did dispersal capability, carrying capacity, or initial population size. Management simulations predicted greater population persistence under a scenario where high-quality habitat was provided in fewer large blocks as opposed to many small blocks, and the rate at which we allowed ruffed grouse to colonize newly created habitat had a substantial impact on management success. Populations of ruffed grouse in the eastern United States are likely to continue to decline given current disturbance regimes, and our work provides a link between ruffed grouse demography and landscape-scale habitat conditions to support management decisions. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although brood survival has a pronounced effect on population growth in mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), knowledge of brood ecology is more limited than for other vital rates. During 1993–1997 we collected wetland selection data from 210 radiomarked mallard broods on 15 study areas located throughout the Canadian Prairie-Parklands. We used information-theoretic approaches to select the best-approximating model of habitat selection in relation to wetland characteristics. Wetland permanence, cover type, width of flooded emergent vegetation, and interactions between these variables and date, moisture level, and dominant species of emergent vegetation were all important predictors of wetland selection. Mallard broods selected deeper wetlands, especially later in the brood-rearing season. Mallard broods also selected wetlands with large central expanses of open water and wide peripheral zones of flooded emergent cover. These habitat characteristics can most easily be met in landscapes that already contain an abundance and diversity of natural wetland habitats. Where such wetlands are unavailable, restoration or management of deeper wetlands may be necessary to meet the habitat requirements of mallard ducklings.  相似文献   

In Britain, prior to breeding, Woodcock Scolopax rusticola switch from feeding on pastures by night to feeding in woodland by day. Their major food is earthworms (Lumbricidae). In April and May 1985, vegetation structure and composition and soil parameters including earthworm numbers (30 habitat variables) were recorded for quadrats containing 50 feeding locations of six radio-tagged birds, seven nests and 50 random locations in Whitwell Wood, northeast Derbyshire.
Significantly different mean values between feeding and random sites were found for 11 habitat variables. Feeding sites were in younger stands, with a higher percentage ground cover of dog's mercury Mercurialisperennis and consistently high values for pH. Earthworm biomass was on average 82% greater than in random plots. Areas of beech Fagus sylvaticus were avoided. A discriminant function based on six habitat variables correctly classified 85-5% of the feeding and random sites; 70% of the feeding locations were correctly classified by a jack-knife procedure. The important factors determining where feeding occurs are probably safety from avian predators and high availability of earthworms.
Discriminant analysis of the habitats used for feeding by solitary birds, broods and for nesting produced significant functions which correctly classified 84% of sites. Nests were in areas with a high percentage cover of brambles Rubus spp. and more open ground vegetation. Broods and solitary birds used similar areas characterized by denser ground vegetation than nest sites.
The results of this study indicate that both habitat structure and food availability influence the distribution of Woodcock in the breeding season.  相似文献   

We manipulated the primary brood size of Eurasian treecreepers (Certhia familiaris) breeding in different sized forest patches (0.5-12.8 ha) in moderately fragmented landscapes. We examined the effects of brood size manipulation (reduced, control, enlarged) and forest patch size on physiological stress (heterophil-lymphocyte ratios; H/L), body condition and cell-mediated immunocompetence (phytohaemagglutinin test). Nestlings' H/L ratios were negatively related to forest patch area in control and enlarged broods, whereas no effects were found in reduced broods. The effects of forest patch area were strongest in enlarged broods, which had, in general, twofold higher H/L ratios than control and reduced broods. The elevated H/L ratios were positively related to nestling mortality and negatively correlated with body-condition indices suggesting that the origin of stress in nestlings was mainly nutritional. Cell-mediated immunity of nestlings was not related to brood manipulation or to forest patch size. Also, the H/L ratios of adults were not related to brood manipulation or forest patch size. In addition, parental H/L ratios and body condition were not related to nestling H/L ratios. Our results suggest that during the breeding period the deleterious effects of habitat loss are seen explicitly in growing young.  相似文献   

Staicer  Cynthia A.  Freedman  Bill  Srivastava  Diane  Dowd  Nancy  Kilgar  Jennifer  Hayden  Jill  Payne  Fred  Pollock  Tom 《Hydrobiologia》1994,279(1):185-199
Characteristics of 32 freshwater lakes in central and western Nova Scotia were quantified to determine the relative influence of various biological, chemical, and physical factors on habitat selection by black ducks (Anas rubripes Brewster) during brood-rearing. Acidity and trophic status varied greatly among the waterbodies, of which 20 were used by black ducks for rearing their young. Duck brood density was positively related to lake trophic status. The highest brood densities occurred on hypertrophic waterbodies with a large anthropogenic input of nutrients.Lakes with black duck broods had significantly higher concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen, darker water with more dissolved organic carbon, and within the littoral zone, greater macrophyte cover, greater density and biomass of pelagic invertebrates, gentler slopes, and a softer, more organic substrate. Similar trends were observed within a subset of 17 acidic lakes (pH 5.5), 8 of which supported black ducks.The density of black duck broods was significantly correlated with 17 of 20 variables, most notably total phosphorus (r= + 0.81). Partial correlation (removing the effect of total phosphorus) revealed that brood density was significantly correlated with the abundances of pelagic (r= + 0.77) and benthic (r= + 0.68) invertebrates, macrophyte cover (r= + 0.52), and substrate score (r= + 0.57), but not with other chemical variables, including pH.Our results suggest that quality brood-rearing habitat is distinguished by a combination of factors, especially available nutrients, macrophyte cover, and invertebrates, subject to constraints imposed by physical characteristics of the littoral zone of the lake. The abundance of invertebrates, the primary food of young black ducks, emerged as the most important biological factor influencing the density of black duck broods.  相似文献   

Behavioral and movement ecology of broods are among the most poorly understood aspects of wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) reproductive ecology. Recent declines in wild turkey productivity throughout the southeastern United States necessitate comprehensive evaluations of brood ecology across multiple spatial scales. We captured and marked 408 female wild turkeys with global positioning system (GPS)-transmitters across 9 pine (Pinus spp.)-dominated study sites in the southeastern United States during 2014–2019. We evaluated various aspects of the behavioral and movement ecology of 94 brood-rearing females until brood failure or 28 days after hatch (i.e., when poults are classified as juveniles). We found that 34 (36.2%) females had broods (≥1 poult) survive to 28 days after hatch. Broods moved >500 m away from nest sites the day after hatching, and then moved progressively farther away from nest sites over time. Daily movements increased markedly the first 3 days after hatching, and broods moved >1,000 m/day on average thereafter. Females roosted broods an average of 202 m away from nest sites the first night after hatching, but distances between consecutive ground or tree roosts were variable thereafter. Daily core areas increased from 0.8 ha the day of hatch to 4.6 ha by day 28, and range sizes increased from 6.9 ha to 27.9 ha by day 28. Broods tended to consistently select open land cover types, whereas selection for other land cover types varied temporally after hatch day. Broods spent 89% of their time foraging. Predicted daily survival for broods decreased rapidly with increasing distance moved during the initial 3 days after hatching and showed less variation during the subsequent 2 weeks post-hatch. Our findings parallel previous researchers noting that the most critical period for brood survival is the first week after hatch day. Previous researchers have attempted to identify vegetative communities used by broods under the assumption that these communities are a primary factor influencing brood success; however, our results suggest that brood survival is influenced by behavioral decisions related to movements during early brooding periods. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Abstract: Wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) broods spend the first several days of life on the ground until poult flight capabilities are attained. This is a critical period of wild turkey life history, with poult survival ranging from 12% to 52%. We measured vegetation in plots used by Rio Grande wild turkey (M. g. intermedia) preflight broods at 4 sites in southwest Kansas and the Texas Panhandle, USA, to determine microhabitat selection for ground roosting and to determine if microhabitat was related to poult survival. Hens selected ground-roost locations with more visual obstruction from multiple observation heights than random sites. Plots surrounding ground roosts had 1) greater visual obstruction; 2) increased tree decay; 3) higher percent grass, shrub, litter, and forb cover; and 4) lower percent bare ground cover than random sites. Grass, shrubs, and downed trees appeared to provide desired cover for ground-roosting broods. Poult survival increased with age of poult, size of brood, and density of shrubs 1–2 m tall. Plots used by broods <10 days old with above average survival contained more visual obstruction and shrubs than plots used by broods 10–16 days old with above average survival, signifying a shift in habitat use by successful broods as poults attain flight abilities. Density of shrubs 1–2 m tall in brood-use areas appears to be important for poult survival to 16 days of age on southern Great Plains rangeland habitats. Ground-level vegetative cover appears to be a significant factor in preflight poult survival. Provisions of ground-level vegetative cover should be considered during wild turkey brooding periods where increased poult survival is desired.  相似文献   

Greater sage-grouse populations have decreased steadily since European settlement in western North America. Reduced availability of brood-rearing habitat has been identified as a limiting factor for many populations. We used radio-telemetry to acquire locations of sage-grouse broods from 1998 to 2012 in Strawberry Valley, Utah. Using these locations and remotely-sensed NAIP (National Agricultural Imagery Program) imagery, we 1) determined which characteristics of brood-rearing habitat could be used in widely available, high resolution imagery 2) assessed the spatial extent at which sage-grouse selected brood-rearing habitat, and 3) created a predictive habitat model to identify areas of preferred brood-rearing habitat. We used AIC model selection to evaluate support for a list of variables derived from remotely-sensed imagery. We examined the relationship of these explanatory variables at three spatial extents (45, 200, and 795 meter radii). Our top model included 10 variables (percent shrub, percent grass, percent tree, percent paved road, percent riparian, meters of sage/tree edge, meters of riparian/tree edge, distance to tree, distance to transmission lines, and distance to permanent structures). Variables from each spatial extent were represented in our top model with the majority being associated with the larger (795 meter) spatial extent. When applied to our study area, our top model predicted 75% of naïve brood locations suggesting reasonable success using this method and widely available NAIP imagery. We encourage application of our methodology to other sage-grouse populations and species of conservation concern.  相似文献   

We studied the primary brood sex ratio of an old-growth forest passerine, the Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris), along a gradient of forest fragmentation. We found evidence that male nestlings were more costly to produce, since they suffered twofold higher nestling mortality and were larger in body size than females. Furthermore, the proportion of males in the brood was positively associated with the provisioning rate and the amount of food delivered to the nestlings. During the first broods, a high edge density and a high proportion of pine forests around the nests were related to a decreased production of males. The densities of spiders, the main food of the treecreeper, were 38% higher on spruce trunks than on pine trunks. This suggests that pine-dominated territories with female-biased broods may have contained less food during the first broods. The observation was further supported by the fact that the feeding frequencies were lower in territories with high proportions of pines. In the second broods, territories with a high forest patch density produced female-biased broods, whereas high-quality territories with a large amount of deciduous trees and mixed forests produced male-biased broods. Our results suggest that habitat quality as measured by habitat characteristics is associated with sex allocation in free-living birds.  相似文献   

The endangered Cantabrian capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus cantabricus) lives at the southern edge of tetraonids’ distribution range, in entirely deciduous forests. Its conservation planning has been always lek-centred. There is very little information about the specific habitat requirements of hens and broods, even though reproductive success appears to be a limiting factor. We analysed summer surveys from 1997 to 2004, carried out to estimate the reproductive success of the population. We compared the habitat characteristics at different spatial scales of hens with broods, broodless hens, and cocks in summer, with the better known spring habitat in display areas. Summer habitat showed higher proportion of open areas and was associated with more rugged zones at moderate spatial scales (78 ha) than spring habitat at display areas. Cocks and hens showed summer habitat partitioning; hens were associated with higher proportions of open and shrubby habitats. Furthermore, broodless hens preferred areas with higher slope variability than the display and summer areas preferred by cocks. These differences may reflect the sexual dimorphism of the species in reproductive role, energetic demands and conspicuousness. At larger spatial scales a previously developed habitat suitability model performed well to predict good brood-rearing areas. Hens with broods were located in the best-preserved areas in the range, mainly characterized by higher proportion of forest cover at a large (50 km2) scale. We suggest that these characteristics indicate refuge habitats where Cantabrian capercaillie can still breed successfully.  相似文献   

Energy infrastructure and associated habitat loss can lead to reduced reproductive rates for a variety of species including the greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). Our goal was to refine our understanding of how the physical footprint of energy development relates to sage-grouse nest and brood survival. Our survival analyses were conditional upon the amount of surface disturbance female sage-grouse were exposed to during reproductive stages. We quantified levels of exposure and compared them to the surface disturbance levels of the surrounding area. From 2008–2014, we collected data in 6 study areas in Wyoming, USA, containing 4 primary types of renewable and nonrenewable energy development. Our research focused on press disturbance (i.e., disturbance sustained after initial disturbance and associated with existing energy infrastructure and human activity). Our results suggest exposure to press disturbance during nesting and brood-rearing was related to lower nest and brood survival, which manifested at different spatial scales. Our analysis of nest survival suggested that the likelihood of a successful nest was negatively associated with the amount of press disturbance within an 8-km² area. Broods exposed to any press disturbance within a 1-km2 area were less likely to survive compared to broods not exposed to press disturbance. Female sage-grouse consistently used habitat with lower disturbance levels during reproductive periods. Greater than 90% of nest and brood-rearing locations were in habitat with <3% press disturbance within a 2.7-km2 area. Our research links surface disturbance associated with press disturbance to reproductive costs incurred by sage-grouse exposed to diverse energy development. Our results demonstrate a pattern of female avoidance of areas where press disturbance was high during nesting and brood-rearing and survival of nests and broods were highest in areas that had the least amount of disturbance. Our findings underscore the importance of minimizing disturbance to maintain viable sage-grouse populations. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Capsule: In the Scottish Highlands, Black Grouse Tetrao tetrix females with young broods selected areas rich in wet flushes, grasses and Sphagnum mosses.

Aims: To identify associations between young Black Grouse broods and habitat characteristics.

Methods: We located brood-rearing Black Grouse females in four areas of moorland-forest mosaic in the Scottish Highlands. Each brood was paired with a random reference location 100?m away. We recorded cover of different habitats and fine-scale vegetation and structure within squares of 1 and 0.25?ha, respectively. Associations between brood occurrence and habitat and vegetation variables were examined at the two scales.

Results: Black Grouse broods were positively associated with wet flushes (1?ha), and with Heather Calluna vulgaris, sedges Carex spp., grasses, Sphagnum mosses and taller vegetation with intermediate levels of height variability (0.25?ha).

Conclusions: This study highlights the importance of wet habitats for young Black Grouse chicks. In addition, relatively tall field-layer vegetation comprising Heather, sedges, grasses over a layer of Sphagnum mosses attracted brood-rearing Black Grouse females. Many management practices associated with peatland restoration, including drain-blocking, Sphagnum re-establishment and the avoidance of burning on deep peat soils, are therefore consistent with favourable habitat management for Black Grouse.  相似文献   

Kin selection is a powerful tool for understanding cooperation among individuals, yet its role as the sole explanation of cooperative societies has recently been challenged on empirical grounds. These studies suggest that direct benefits of cooperation are often overlooked, and that partner choice may be a widespread mechanism of cooperation. Female eider ducks (Somateria mollissima) may rear broods alone, or they may pool their broods and share brood-rearing. Females are philopatric, and it has been suggested that colonies may largely consist of related females, which could promote interactions among relatives. Alternatively, shared brood care could be random with respect to relatedness, either because brood amalgamations are accidental and nonadaptive, or through group augmentation, assuming that the fitness of all group members increases with group size. We tested these alternatives by measuring the relatedness of co-tending eider females in enduring coalitions with microsatellite markers. Females formed enduring brood-rearing coalitions with each other at random with respect to relatedness. However, based on previous data, partner choice is nonrandom and dependent on female body condition. We discuss potential mechanisms underlying eider communal brood-rearing decisions, which may be driven by the specific ecological conditions under which sociality has evolved in this species.  相似文献   

We used data from the Finnish wildlife triangle censuses (1989-92) to test the prediction that the reproductive success of ground-nesting bird species is lowered in forest landscapes fragmented by the occurrence of agricultural land, presumably as a consequence of increased densities of generalist predators Our study was based on 201 wildlife triangles located in central Finland (total length 2412 km) As expected, the proportion of black grouse hens with a brood in August decreased relative to the increasing proportion of agricultural land in a landscape (100 km2) However, on a smaller spatial scale (10 8 km2), the probability of an observed hen being with a brood was higher in the vicinity of fields This finding may be explained by differences in habitat selection between hens with a brood and those without a brood We did not find any negative effect of landscape composition on brood size We conclude that increased predation pressure in forest landscapes fragmented by agriculture affects nesting success, but not the survival of black grouse chicks after hatching Our results also emphasize the importance of spatial scale in studies of landscape ecology  相似文献   

Community structure at local scales is a major factor controlling population and community dynamics of plant species. Dicerandra immaculata Lakela var. immaculata (Lamiaceae) is a critically endangered plant known only from a few locations in scrub habitat in Florida. Using seven sites where populations of D. immaculata were wild, introduced, and/or extirpated, we sought to answer the following questions: (1) how do habitat characteristics at locations supporting wild D. immaculata plants vary from random locations within the same habitat; (2) how do habitat characteristics differ between wild and extirpated populations; and (3) how do habitat characteristics differ between wild and introduced populations? At locations of wild D. immaculata, community structure had fewer woody stems, shorter understory vegetation, lower percent canopy coverage, and lower percent ground cover of detritus than random locations and locations with extirpated D. immaculata. In addition, bare ground decreased at extirpated locations because other plant species expanded their coverage, water saturation of the soil increased, diversity of shrubs decreased, and composition of the overstory changed compared to that of wild locations. Habitat characteristics associated with introduced plants were more similar to characteristics at randomly chosen locations than those with wild plants. However, introduced plants tended to occupy locations that had drier soil, a higher abundance of conspecifics, and a higher proportion of woody understory plants than that of random locations. Overall, gaps in the canopy and at ground level are likely essential for survival and recruitment of D. immaculata.  相似文献   

Abstract Fine‐scale habitat preferences of three co‐occurring mycophagous mammals were examined in a tropical wet sclerophyll forest community in north‐eastern Australia. Two of the three mammal species responded to fine‐scale variation in vegetation and landform around individual trap locations. At a broad scale, the northern bettong (Bettongia tropica), an endangered marsupial endemic to the Australian wet tropics region, showed a preference for ridges over mid‐slopes and gullies, irrespective of forest type. In contrast, the northern brown bandicoot (Isoodon macrourus), a widespread marsupial, displayed a preference for Eucalyptus woodland over adjacent Allocasuarina forest, irrespective of topographic category. The giant white‐tailed rat (Uromys caudimaculatus), a rodent endemic to the wet tropics, showed no particular preference for either forest type or topographic category. A multiple regression model of mammal capture success against three principal habitat gradients constructed from 21 habitat variables using principal component analysis indicated strong species‐specific preferences for fine‐scale vegetation assemblages. Bettongs preferred areas of Eucalyptus woodland with sparse ground cover, low densities of certain grass species, high density of tree stems and few pig diggings. Bandicoots, in contrast, favoured areas in both forest types with dense ground cover, fewer tree stems and greater numbers of pig diggings; that is, characteristics least favoured by bettongs. The striking differences in fine‐scale habitat preferences of these two mammals of similar body size and broad habitat requirements suggest a high degree of fine‐scale habitat partitioning. White‐tailed rats did not show preference for any of the habitat gradients examined.  相似文献   

Salvage logging—the removal of dead trees in disturbed forest stands—has been controversially discussed. We investigated the impact of bark beetle attacks and subsequent salvage logging on insectivorous bats in a temperate mountain forest. We quantified bat activity (25,373?min counts; 32 plots) using batcorders during 221 all-night surveys in stands killed by bark beetles, with dead trees removed or not, and in vital, single- or multi-layered mature forest stands. We analysed the differences in activity of all bats in general and of bats of foraging guilds (open habitat, forest edge, closed habitat) in these habitats using a generalized linear Poisson mixed model, with plot and observation as random factors, and temperature and habitat as fixed factors. Only open-habitat foragers were slightly more active in salvage-logged stands than in bark-beetle-affected stands; they generally benefited from an open forest canopy, whereas closed-habitat foragers did not. Our results indicated that: (1) bats are less affected by salvage logging after a disturbance of a magnitude typical for European forests, probably because enough roosts are present in surrounding areas, (2) habitats for open foragers are improved by bark beetle infestation and (3) bats are poor bioindicators of negative impacts of salvage logging after natural disturbance in forests with a composition typical for Central Europe.  相似文献   

Canada geese ( Branta canadensis ) are unusual because individuals use either of two different brood-rearing behaviors: cooperative broods (two or more merged broods attended by more than three parents) or two-parent families. We tested whether cooperative broods form in response to habitat or climatic conditions by examining variation in cooperative brood frequencies among Canada geese nesting in Connecticut from 1982 to 1996. Percent of goslings raised in cooperative broods ranged from 0 to 100% at a given site in different years, but the pattern of annual variation was different at each site. The sites were in close proximity to each other and had similar climates; thus, the differences in annual variation among sites was not likely to be a response to climatic conditions. Cooperative brood frequencies also varied among sites in each individual year, but sites with the most gang brooding in one year often had the least the next. Such would not be expected if gang brooding occurred in response to non-ephemeral habitat characteristics. Sites where gang brooding occurred and where it did not have similar food resources and predation risks. These findings failed to support the hypotheses that gang broods form in response to food competition or predation. Sites where gang broods occurred had more parent geese and more goslings than sites where they did not occur. Furthermore, the proportion of goslings raised in gang broods was correlated with the number of goslings and parents at the site. Our results support the hypothesis that gang broods form from the inadvertent mixing of goslings. This single factor, however, was not sufficient to account for all of the observed variation in gang brooding frequencies.  相似文献   

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) authorized mid-contract management (MCM) in 2004 to restore and maintain plant species composition and structural diversity in aging Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) fields for the northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) and other grassland-dependent wildlife. We implemented 3 USDA-approved MCM regimes (i.e., strip disking, strip glyphosate spraying, and strip glyphosate spraying in combination with legume interseeding) in 60 tall fescue (Festuca arundinaceae) CRP monocultures in south-central Illinois, USA, during 2005–2008. We hypothesized that adult bobwhite relative densities and brood presence would increase following MCM that effectively restored early successional plant communities in otherwise monotypic stands of tall fescue. We estimated annual adult bobwhite relative densities and brood presence-absence in managed and unmanaged CRP. We modeled vegetation characteristics and landscape composition to identify factors influencing adult densities and brood presence. Adult relative densities were 2-fold greater in managed fields than in unmanaged fields, and were negatively correlated with greater percentages of grass cover. Adult densities were positively correlated with greater plant species diversity, and greater percentages of bare ground and legume cover. Logistic regression and odds ratio estimates indicated that fields managed with glyphosate-interseed and glyphosate treatments were 39.6% more likely to have broods than unmanaged CRP, whereas disked fields were 10.0% more likely than unmanaged CRP. These models indicated that the probability of brood presence was greater in fields with increased percentage of bare ground, greater plant species diversity, and decreased percentage of grass and litter cover. These findings suggest that a 3-year rotation of glyphosate or glyphosate-interseed treatments can enhance habitat conditions for adult bobwhites and broods in CRP tall fescue monocultures. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

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