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Eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina) are widely distributed throughout the eastern United States. Although once common throughout much of its distribution, the species has experienced declines in local populations. Understanding resource selection is important for the conservation of this species; however, few data exist on resource selection for eastern box turtles in the southeastern United States. We estimated home range and resource selection for 100 individual turtles in the Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley, and Cumberland Plateau and Mountains physiographic regions in Tennessee, USA, from 2016 to 2018. We used step-selection functions to investigate eastern box turtle resource selection during May–August 2017 and May–August 2018 at 2 spatial scales. We classified vegetation type, measured vegetation composition and structure, recorded time since fire, and measured coarse woody debris abundance at 1,225 used telemetry locations and 1,225 associated available points. Home range sizes averaged 9.3 ha ± 3.0 (SE) using minimum convex polygon analysis, 8.25 ha ± 2.88 using 95% kernel density analysis, and 1.50 ha ± 0.56 using 50% kernel density analysis. Box turtles selected areas with greater visual obstruction at the 0–0.25-m level, greater amounts of 10-hour and 100-hour fuels (timelag categories used in fire-danger ratings), and greater litter depths compared to available locations. Box turtles were more likely to select areas with greater cover of brambles and coarser woody debris and were less likely to select areas with less vegetation cover. Vegetation type and time since last fire did not affect selection. Our data suggest that management activities that encourage greater understory vegetation cover, greater visual obstruction at the 0–0.25-m level, and greater bramble cover will enhance habitat quality for eastern box turtles. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Genetic analyses of populations are essential to the conservation of threatened and cryptic taxa such as Chelonians. Turtles and tortoises are among the most imperiled vertebrate taxa worldwide, yet many of the natural history traits remain unknown leaving management decisions ill- or improperly informed. The eastern box turtle Terrapene c. carolina is no exception, with many gaps in our knowledge about traits such as juvenile dispersal and patterns of relatedness across the landscape, especially as it is a species not particularly tied to water and vulnerable to human disturbance. In addition, all long-term studies of this species have documented demographic population declines, even in protected habitats. In this study we explore finescale population structuring, gene flow, dispersal, and relatedness at four sites across the species range. These sites vary in habitat fragmentation and surrounding habitat quality. Many radiotelemtery and mark-recapture studies suggest that Terrapene spp. have a sedentary natural history, with small and temporally conserved home ranges and little propensity for dispersal. Based on these data we predicted that populations would be highly structured at fine geographic scales, closely related individuals (1st- and 2nd-degree relatives) would coexist in close proximity, and individuals exhibiting transient behavior would be true transients. All sites had low levels of population structuring, mean pairwise relatedness values were statistically zero, over 90 % of pairs of individuals were unrelated, 4.4–8.7 % were half-siblings, and fewer than 1.0 % were full siblings or parent-offspring pairs. These patterns were consistent across all four sites, regardless of habitat fragmentation. Furthermore, while some related pairs were found within a few meters of each other, others ranged up to 33 km apart. We found that one of two individuals with transient behavior was indeed a true genetic transient. These findings suggest that box turtles may be much more vagile than current management practices recognize. As most turtle species are strongly affected by anthropogenic disturbance, many may require much larger contiguous blocks of intact habitat for species persistence as the box turtle likely does. Management plans may therefore need to be updated to allow for safe and effective long-distance dispersal at the appropriate spatial scales in order to maintain genetic health of these species.  相似文献   

Medical records from 694 reptiles admitted to the Wildlife Center of Virginia (WCV; Waynesboro, Virginia, USA) from 1991 to 2000 were reviewed to determine causes of morbidity and mortality. Eighteen species were represented but the majority of cases were four species; eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina) (66%), eastern painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) (11%), common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) (10%), and rat snake (Elaphe sp.) (6%). There was a significant increase in reptile cases during the study period both in absolute number and in proportion to the total caseload. Trauma (74%) was the most frequent cause of morbidity and mortality followed by unknown or undetermined (13%), aural abscessation (7%), infectious diseases (2%), and one nutritional disorder (0.1%). In addition, 3% of the cases were healthy animals that had been removed from the wild and consequently brought to the WCV. Causes of morbidity and mortality differed between the four most numerous species. Impact with a motor vehicle was the most frequent cause of trauma for eastern box turtles, eastern painted turtles, and common snapping turtles; however, garden-equipment-related trauma was the most frequent cause for rat snakes. Aural abscessation was only seen in eastern box turtles. Eighty percent of cases occurred between May and September and 65% occurred within the five counties closest to the WCV. The majority of morbidity and mortality was the result of human activities. The expanding human population in Virginia likely will continue to have an impact on the health of wild reptiles.  相似文献   

Aim This study examines the relationship between the distribution of existing sea turtle nesting sites and historical patterns of tropical cyclone events to investigate whether cyclones influence the current distribution of sea turtle nesting sites. The results, together with information on predicted cyclone activity and other key environmental variables, will help in the identification and prediction of future nesting sites for sea turtles as changes to the coastal environment continue. Location Queensland, Australia. Methods We used data on the nesting distribution of seven populations of four species of sea turtles [green (Chelonia mydas), flatback (Natator depressus), hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) and loggerhead (Caretta caretta)] from the eastern Queensland coast, and tropical cyclone track data from 1969 to 2007 to explore the relationship between (1) sea turtle nesting phenology and cyclone season, and (2) sea turtle nesting sites and cyclone distribution. Furthermore, using two green turtle populations as a case study, we investigated the relationship between cyclone disturbance and sea turtle reproductive output, nesting site and season. Bootstrapping was used to explore if current sea turtle nesting sites are located in areas with lower or higher cyclone frequency than areas where turtles are currently not nesting. Results All populations of sea turtles studied here were disturbed by cyclone activity during the study period. The exposure (frequency) of tropical cyclones that crossed each nesting site varied greatly among and within the various sea turtle populations. This was mainly a result of the spatial distribution of each population’s nesting sites. Bootstrapping indicated that nesting sites generally have experienced lower cyclone activity than other areas that are available for nesting. Main conclusions Tropical cyclones might have been sufficiently detrimental to sea turtle hatching success on the eastern Queensland coast that through a natural selection process turtles in this region are now nesting in areas with lower cyclone activity. Therefore, it is important that future studies that predict climate or range shifts for sea turtle nesting distributions consider future cyclone activity as one of the variables in their model.  相似文献   

Road mortality is thought to be a leading cause of turtle population decline. However, empirical evidence of the direct negative effects of road mortality on turtle population abundance is lacking. The purpose of this study was to provide a strong test of the prediction that roads reduce turtle population abundance. While controlling for potentially confounding variables, we compared relative abundance of painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) in 20 ponds in Eastern Ontario, 10 as close as possible to high traffic roads (Road sites) and 10 as far as possible from any major roads (No Road sites). There was no significant effect of roads on painted turtle relative abundance. Furthermore, our data do not support other predictions of the road mortality hypothesis; we observed neither a higher relative frequency of males to females at Road sites than at No Road sites, nor a lower average body size of turtles at Road than at No Road sites. We speculate that, although roads can cause substantial adult mortality in turtles, other factors, such as release from predation on adults and/or nests close to roads counter the negative effect of road mortality in some populations. We suggest that road mitigation for painted turtles can be limited to locations where turtles are forced to migrate across high traffic roads due, for example, to destruction of local nesting habitat or seasonal drying of ponds. This conclusion should not be extrapolated to other species of turtles, where road mortality could have a larger population-level effect than on painted turtles.  相似文献   

Prescribed fire is an increasingly important management tool for eastern deciduous forests, but relativity little is known about the direct effects of fire on the eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina). We used very high frequency (VHF) transmitters to monitor mortality, movement, and spatial ecology of 118 box turtles in response to 17 prescribed fires across 4 seasons and 3 sites in east Tennessee, USA, during 2016–2018. Annual survival of box turtles that experienced a prescribed fire event was lower (0.87 ± 0.04 [SE]) than turtles that did not (0.98 ± 0.01) and was negatively correlated with fire intensity, fire temperature the turtle experienced, and litter depth. All prescribed fire-related mortalities occurred during the early (Apr–May, n = 5) or late growing season (Sep–Oct, n = 1). Fourteen percent of box turtles we captured exhibited damage to their carapace from previous fire events. Box turtles that survived prescribed fires were in microsites that did not burn, moved to unburned areas during the fire, or burrowed following ignition. Home range size was similar before and after burns and sinuosity of movements did not differ in burned or unburned areas. Our results indicate that though box turtles are susceptible to prescribed fire during their active season, they have behavioral and physical traits that reduce the direct effects of prescribed fire. Prescribed fire practitioners should be aware of the risks of fire, particularly during the active season. We suggest managers consider altering prescribed fire intensity, seasonality, and firing pattern to minimize risk of direct effects where box turtles are of concern. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Effective transboundary conservation of highly migratory marine animals requires international management cooperation as well as clear scientific information about habitat use by these species. Populations of leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in the eastern Pacific have declined by >90% during the past two decades, primarily due to unsustainable egg harvest and fisheries bycatch mortality. While research and conservation efforts on nesting beaches are ongoing, relatively little is known about this population of leatherbacks' oceanic habitat use and migration pathways. We present the largest multi-year (2004-2005, 2005-2006, and 2007) satellite tracking dataset (12,095 cumulative satellite tracking days) collected for leatherback turtles. Forty-six females were electronically tagged during three field seasons at Playa Grande, Costa Rica, the largest extant nesting colony in the eastern Pacific. After completing nesting, the turtles headed southward, traversing the dynamic equatorial currents with rapid, directed movements. In contrast to the highly varied dispersal patterns seen in many other sea turtle populations, leatherbacks from Playa Grande traveled within a persistent migration corridor from Costa Rica, past the equator, and into the South Pacific Gyre, a vast, low-energy, low-productivity region. We describe the predictable effects of ocean currents on a leatherback migration corridor and characterize long-distance movements by the turtles in the eastern South Pacific. These data from high seas habitats will also elucidate potential areas for mitigating fisheries bycatch interactions. These findings directly inform existing multinational conservation frameworks and provide immediate regions in the migration corridor where conservation can be implemented. We identify high seas locations for focusing future conservation efforts within the leatherback dispersal zone in the South Pacific Gyre.  相似文献   

Urbanization is one of the most rapidly expanding forms of habitat alteration worldwide. Wildlife differs in their responses to urbanization depending upon species and site-specific factors. We used capture-mark-recapture to examine the abundance, population demographics, growth, and movements of the eastern long-necked turtle (Chelodina longicollis) in Australia over 1 year in a suburban environment and an adjacent nature reserve during drought. Contrary to expectations, sex ratios, injury incidence, and frequency of juvenile size classes did not differ between turtles in the suburbs and the nature reserve. Moreover, turtles in the suburbs were nearly 3 times more abundant, grew 5 times faster, and had populations comprised of more adults in the larger size classes than nature reserve populations. These findings, together with net movements from the nature reserves into the suburbs, suggest that suburban water bodies were the higher quality habitat, effectively buffering turtles from temporal fluctuations in environmental conditions during drought. However, reserve managers and urban planners need to recognize that suburban water bodies have the potential to attract turtles from nearby reserves during drought, and that even low levels of persistent mortality during these travels across reserve boundaries may have consequences for populations of long-lived vertebrates. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized eight polymorphic microsatellite loci for a Texas population of three-toed box turtle, Terrapene carolina triunguis, using a refined hybridization capture procedure. All eight primer pairs amplified successfully at all loci in seven Texas ornate box turtles (T. ornata ornata). Due to the decline and conservation concerns of North American box turtles, these isolated microsatellites may be a most valuable tool for evaluating baseline population genetic structure for threatened box turtle populations.  相似文献   

Recovery of sea turtle populations requires addressing: multiple sources of mortality; nonmarket, diffuse benefits with costs localized on the poor; and a transboundary resource with incomplete jurisprudence, markets, and institutions. Holistic recovery strategies include: beach conservation protecting nesting females, their eggs, and critical breeding habitat to maximize hatchling production; enhanced at-sea survival of turtles on the high seas and in commercial coastal fisheries; and reduced artisanal coastal fisheries mortality of turtles. The traditional approach of focusing long-term sustained conservation efforts on the nesting beaches has by itself led to increases in several sea turtle populations. However, current conservation is inadequate to reverse declines in other cases such as the critically endangered leatherback populations in the Pacific. This article discusses policy instruments comprising a holistic recovery strategy that reconciles fishing with biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the gear parameters responsible for loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) capture and mortality while taking into account the mitigation measures tested in the Mediterranean Sea. Incidental catch is considered as one of the major threats for turtle survival; however, the loggerhead bycatch estimated in different areas seems to be unrealistic, which highlights the need of a method for homogenising the estimates. Drifting longlines and bottom trawls have the greatest impact on Mediterranean turtle populations, respectively in pelagic and demersal phase, while passive nets (gillnets and trammel nets) seem to be responsible for the highest direct mortality, due to drowning. Most of the experiments available for the Mediterranean are focused on drifting longline. The longline parameters, hook shape and size, bait type, setting position and the reaction to sensory stimuli, strongly affect the sea turtle bycatch and mortality. Circle hooks have the potential to reduce turtle mortality only in certain fisheries and areas; larger hooks are less likely to be swallowed by turtles due to physical constraints of the mouth, reducing the mortality rate and the catch of juveniles; branchlines, once ingested, appear to be one of the major causes of sea turtle mortality; squid bait, which consistently catches more turtles than mackerel, and lightsticks, which strongly attract turtles, should be banned, at least in some areas and seasons. On the contrary only two bottom trawl studies are available from the Mediterranean. Turtle excluder devices have been tested with promising results in Turkey and Italy, even if the loss of large fish should be carefully investigated. For set nets no practical solutions are available at this time. The analysis allows the conclusion that technical parameters affecting turtle bycatch and mortality should only be studied one at a time, in order to avoid inconclusive results, studies on post-release mortality should be implemented and finally fishermen cooperation is paramount in reducing turtle bycatch and mortality.  相似文献   

Eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) populations are in decline, likely due to anthropogenic forces and disease, necessitating hematologic and biochemical data from healthy individuals for evaluation of wild populations. We repeatedly sampled 21 free-ranging eastern box turtles from May to September 2009 in the spring, summer, and fall to establish temporal hematologic and biochemical reference intervals. Packed cell volume, aspartate aminotransferase, and potassium levels declined significantly as the active season progressed. High levels of albumin, globulin, and calcium coincided with the presence of eggs in females. These reference intervals should provide baseline data for the clinical evaluation of wild box turtles presented for veterinary care or for studies of wild populations.  相似文献   

In this study, we sought to determine the population stability and genetic diversity of one isolated population of the federally-threatened bog turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) in North Carolina. Using capture–recapture data, we estimated adult survival and population growth rate from 1992 to 2007. We found that the population decreased from an estimated 36 adult turtles in 1994 to approximately 11 adult turtles in 2007. We found a constant adult survival of 0.893 (SE = 0.018, 95% confidence interval, 0.853–0.924) between 1992 and 2007. Using 18 microsatellite markers, we compared the genetic status of this population with five other bog turtle populations. The target population displayed allelic richness (4.8 ± 0.5) and observed heterozygosity (0.619 ± 0.064) within the range of the other bog turtle populations. Coalescent analysis of population growth rate, effective population size, and timing of population structuring event also indicated the genetics of the target population were comparable to the other populations studied. Estimates of effective population size were a proportion of the census size in all populations except the target population, in which the effective population size was larger than the census size (30 turtles vs. 11 turtles). We attribute the high genetic diversity in the target population to the presence of multiple generations of old turtles. This study illustrates that the demographic status of populations of long-lived species may not be reflected genetically if a decline occurred recently. Consequently, the genetic integrity of populations of long-lived animals experiencing rapid demographic bottlenecks may be preserved through conservation efforts effective in addressing demographic problems.  相似文献   

Sea turtle populations underwent severe decline in historical times, mainly through harvesting eggs and adults on nesting beaches. With the reduction of this threat in many areas, coupled with other conservation actions, some populations have demonstrated encouraging recovery, although remaining below their previous levels and undergone additional modern threats such as incidental capture in fisheries and pollution. Trends in sea turtle populations have usually been assessed through monitoring of females or nests on nesting beaches. Here we present data from a 22-year monitoring period for a juvenile green sea turtle Chelonia mydas mixed-stock in southeastern Brazil that were incidentally captured in passive non-lethal pound nets. A total of 3639 green turtles were captured in 5323 fishing days.pound−1 with mortality rate of 2%. Captures occurred in all months, but bycatch rates, excluding recapture events, were higher in September and October, probably due to the recruitment of turtles migrating from southern areas, as well as recruits from the oceanic zone. Capture rates increased by 9.2% per year in the period from 1995 to 2016, in line with increasing source populations, particularly the main source contributor at Ascension Island, but also Trindade Island (Brazil) and Aves Island (Venezuela). Mean Curved Carapace Length of green turtles was higher during austral summer/early autumn and decreased markedly in May, probably due to the small-sized individuals that recruited to the study site. We show that the incidental capture of sea turtles in non-lethal fisheries, such as Brazilian pound nets, could also provide data on trends of populations nesting in distant places, and can contribute to the assessment of population status of sea turtles within Regional Management Units throughout the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Box turtles are being extirpated from much of their former range and remaining populations often live in association with anthropogenically altered habitats. This is particularly evident at the northern distributional limit of eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina) and is an important factor to consider during the winter months when their ability to respond to microclimatic change is limited. Using temperature dataloggers, we studied the hibernal microclimate of box turtles and associated habitat following timber harvests. We monitored the body temperatures of 38 eastern box turtles and collected detailed air and soil profile temperatures of 12 box turtle hibernacula, 6 clearcuts, and 6 adjacent forested areas during the hibernal season (winter 2009–2010). We partitioned the hibernal season into 2 biologically significant thermal periods: hibernation and emergence. The mean hibernation body temperature averaged (3.28° C, SE = 0.09) and corresponded to an average depth of 10 cm. Clearcuts were consistently colder ( = 1.91° C) than forests ( = 2.68° C) and hibernacula ( = 2.77° C) during hibernation, but became the warmest areas during emergence ( = 9.96° C). We found that in the average clearcut, turtles could burrow to approximately 20 cm to attain the average hibernation body temperature or to approximately 15 cm to attain a body temperature no different than those overwintering on colder, northeast-facing slopes in the forest ( = 2.83° C). Alternatively, we found that southwest-facing slopes were warmer and if turtles chose to overwinter only in clearcuts on those slopes, they could remain shallower. All but 1 turtle overwintered in forested areas; however, our study suggests that some timber harvested areas offer various microhabitats exploitable by hibernating box turtles based on soil profile temperatures, slope aspect, and depth of hibernation. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Timber harvesting has been shown to have both positive and negative effects on forest dwelling species. We examined the immediate effects of timber harvests (clearcuts and group selection openings) on ectotherm behavior, using the eastern box turtle as a model. We monitored the movement and thermal ecology of 50 adult box turtles using radiotelemetry from May-October for two years prior to, and two years following scheduled timber harvests in the Central Hardwoods Region of the U.S. Annual home ranges (7.45 ha, 100% MCP) did not differ in any year or in response to timber harvests, but were 33% larger than previous estimates (range 0.47-187.67 ha). Distance of daily movements decreased post-harvest (from 22 m±1.2 m to 15 m±0.9 m) whereas thermal optima increased (from 23±1°C to 25±1°C). Microclimatic conditions varied by habitat type, but monthly average temperatures were warmer in harvested areas by as much as 13°C. Animals that used harvest openings were exposed to extreme monthly average temperatures (~40°C). As a result, the animals made shorter and more frequent movements in and out of the harvest areas while maintaining 9% higher body temperatures. This experimental design coupled with radiotelemetry and behavioral observation of a wild ectotherm population prior to and in response to anthropogenic habitat alteration is the first of its kind. Our results indicate that even in a relatively contiguous forested landscape with small-scale timber harvests, there are local effects on the thermal ecology of ectotherms. Ultimately, the results of this research can benefit the conservation and management of temperature-dependent species by informing effects of timber management across landscapes amid changing climates.  相似文献   

Shifts in resource use may be an important mechanism by which organisms can adjust to novel environmental conditions, such as those imposed by climate change. However, for such shifts to be possible, environmental space must exist into which organisms can move. Habitat that ensures successful survival and reproduction is one such critical resource. We studied resource selection of shade cover over nest sites by painted turtles in populations in Illinois (center of range) and New Mexico (southern edge of range). We targeted this habitat feature because shade can influence hatching success and offspring phenotype (including sex in the study species) by affecting nest microenvironments. We found that while turtles in both populations selected nest sites that were shadier than average available sites, overall resource selection differed between the populations. This disparity may have been due to differences in structure of vegetation that provides shade at each site, because areas with high shade cover in New Mexico (low dense thickets) were much more difficult for turtles to access than those in Illinois (dense tree canopy cover). Further, shade cover predicted different parameters of incubation regime at each site, suggesting that turtles must assess dissimilar components of shade cover in order to choose nest sites and predict their future incubation regimes. Our results suggest that shade cover within nesting areas is a key component of painted turtle habitat, and that accessible, highly-shaded nest sites may be limited at the New Mexico site. Maintaining a range of shade cover from which turtles can select nest sites would permit plasticity in nest-site choice to be expressed, which may be important in preventing sex ratio skews due to climate change.  相似文献   

Ranaviruses (genus Ranavirus) have been observed in disease epidemics and mass mortality events in free-ranging amphibian, turtle, and tortoise populations worldwide. Infection is highly fatal in turtles, and the potential impact on endangered populations could be devastating. Our objectives were to determine the prevalence of ranavirus DNA in blood and oral swabs, report associated clinical signs of infection, and determine spatial distribution of infected turtles. Blood and oral swabs were taken from 140 eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina) that were presented to the wildlife centers at the University of Tennessee (UT; n=39), Wildlife Center of Virginia (WCV; n=34), and North Carolina State University (NCSU; n=36), as well as a free-ranging nonrehabilitation population near Oak Ridge, Tennessee (OR; n=39) March-November 2007. Samples were evaluated for ranavirus infection using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting a conserved portion of the major capsid protein. Two turtles, one from UT and one from NCSU, had evidence of ranavirus infection; sequences of PCR products were 100% homologous to Frog Virus 3. Prevalence of ranavirus DNA in blood was 3, 0, 3, and 0% for UT, WCV, NCSU, and OR, respectively. Prevalence in oral swab samples was 3, 0, and 0% for UT, WCV, and NCSU, respectively. Wildlife centers may be useful in detection of Ranavirus infection and may serve as a useful early monitoring point for regional disease outbreaks.  相似文献   

Two ant species, Odontomachus rixosus and Pheidole annexus, were studied in the tropical rainforests of Sabah, Malaysia, North Borneo, to analyze the impact of habitat fragmentation on the genetic diversity and population structure of ant populations using RAPD-fingerprinting. Ants were sampled in a contiguous (43,800 ha) and three patches of primary rainforests of varying size (4294, 146 and 20 ha) that were fragmented about 40 years ago. We found a decrease in genetic variability for both species in the fragmented populations compared to the contiguous. Genetic distances between populations resembled the geographical arrangement of populations and can be explained by an effect of isolation by distance. A high degree in population subdivision suggests a lack of meta-population dynamics due to a shortage of gene flow between populations, possibly the result of the high degree of habitat isolation by oil palm plantations. Although the results of this study are limited due to low replication this is the first data on genetic patterns of insect populations in fragmented rainforests and should be seen as starting point for future research. The value of small to medium sized protection areas for conservation needs to be carefully evaluated in the context of this study, as even relatively large areas (4294 ha) may not prevent the critical loss of genetic variability and guarantee long-term survival of organisms.  相似文献   

Great Lakes coastal wetlands are important habitats for turtles but few studies have looked at factors driving community structure in these systems. We evaluated the effects of wetland type, vegetation, and abiotic conditions on turtle communities for 56 wetlands in Lakes Huron, Michigan, and Superior with data collected during the summers of 2000–2008. Overall, 1,366 turtles representing seven species were captured using fyke nets. For the majority of species, catches were highest in drowned river mouth wetlands In addition, turtles tended to be more abundant in water lilies, submersed aquatic vegetation, and cattails compared to bulrush. We also found positive correlations between catches of four of the species as well as total turtle catch and turtle species richness with a human disturbance gradient. These correlations suggest that turtles may be able to utilize coastal wetland areas that are inhospitable to fish because of hypoxic conditions. Our results show the importance Great Lakes coastal wetlands to turtles, and stress the need for managers to take into account turtle populations when preparing conservation and restoration strategies.  相似文献   

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