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ABSTRACT Developing comprehensive conservation strategies requires knowledge of factors influencing population growth and persistence. Although variable prey resources are often associated with fluctuations in raptor demographic parameters, the mechanisms of food limitation are poorly understood, especially for a generalist predator like the northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis). To determine the reproductive responses of goshawks to variable prey populations, we evaluated 823 goshawk breeding opportunities on the Kaibab Plateau, Arizona, USA, during 1994–2002. Concurrently, density was estimated for 4 prey species (2 avian, 2 mammalian). We explored the relationship between goshawk reproduction and prey density at one temporal scale (year) and 2 spatial scales (study area, forest type). Prey density for all 4 species combined accounted for 89% of the variation in goshawk reproduction within the entire study area (P < 0.001), 74% in mixed conifer forest (P = 0.003) and 85% in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forest (P < 0.001). We found that an incremental increase in prey density resulted in a greater increase in goshawk reproduction in ponderosa pine forest than in mixed conifer forest, suggesting that the denser structural conditions of mixed conifer forest may have reduced prey availability. Red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) density explained more annual variation in goshawk reproduction within the study area (r2 = 0.87, P < 0.001), mixed conifer forest (r2 = 0.80, P = 0.001), and ponderosa pine forest (r2 = 0.85, P < 0.001) than did any other individual species. Although certain prey species were more strongly correlated with fluctuations in goshawk reproduction than were others, the high model selection uncertainty and the strong relationship between total prey density and number of goshawk fledglings produced indicated that alternate prey species were readily substituted for one another. Therefore, conservation strategies concerned with the status of goshawk populations should incorporate forest management practices that increase the abundance, diversity, and availability of prey resources.  相似文献   

Abstract: We responded to the claim by Greenwald et al. (2005) that the management recommendations for the northern goshawk in the Southwestern United States (MRNG; Reynolds et al. 1992), a food web-based conservation plan that incorporated both northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) and multiple prey habitats, may be inadequate to protect goshawks. Greenwald et al. (2005) based this claim on their review of 12 telemetry studies of goshawk habitat selection and 5 nontelemetry studies of the effects of vegetation structure at the home range scale on goshawk nest occupancy and reproduction that appeared after the 1992 publication of the MRNG. Greenwald et al. (2005) summarized their review as showing that 1) goshawks were habitat specialists limited to forests with mature and old-growth structures including large trees, high canopy cover, multiple canopy layering, and abundant woody debris; 2) habitats were not selected on the basis of prey abundance and, therefore, managing for prey habitats diluted goshawk habitats; and 3) selection for openings, edges, and habitat diversity was inconclusive. Our review found that when the studies' respective authors pooled their radiotagged goshawks there were weak to strong selections for old forest structures. However, the studies also documented extensive variation in use of vegetation types and structures by individual goshawks; some avoided openings, edges, young forests, and old forests, whereas others selected for these characteristics. Additionally, by virtue of their wide geographic distribution, the studies showed that the focal populations themselves occurred in a variety of forest types, some with large structural differences. We found no evidence in Greenwald's et al. (2005) review that the MRNG are inadequate to protect goshawks. Rather, the studies reviewed by Greenwald et al. (2005), as well as many studies they missed, supported the MRNG. The suggestion of inadequacy by Greenwald et al. (2005) appeared rooted in misunderstandings of goshawk habitats described in the MRNG, a discounting of the extent of variation in vegetation structural and seral stages used by goshawks, a limited understanding of the extent to which prey limits goshawks, a failure to recognize the dynamic nature of forests, and an incomplete review of the literature. We believe the MRNG are adequate because they maximize the sustainable amount of mature and old forests in goshawk home ranges and specify the kinds and intermixtures of prey habitats within home ranges. Implementation of MRNG should reduce the likelihood that the availability of vegetation structures suited to goshawk nesting and foraging, as well as abundance and availability of prey, will limit goshawk nest occupancy and reproduction.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT To better understand distribution and density of fishers (Martes pennanti) in industrial forests of north-central British Columbia, Canada, we examined factors affecting the probability of a potential home range being occupied by 10 radiotagged resident fishers in the Sub-Boreal Spruce biogeoclimatic zone between 1996 and 2000. Percentage of a home range in wetlands and recently logged (within past 12 yr) best predicted likelihood of occupancy by each fisher. Probability of a home range area being occupied by a resident fisher decreased with increasing amounts of wetlands and recent logging present in the area. We estimated that a 5% increase in wetlands or recent logging decreased the relative probability of occupancy of a potential home range by 50%. The accelerated rate of timber harvest in forests affected by mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) infestations may have substantial implications for the ability of the landscape of central British Columbia to support sustainable populations of fishers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Wolverine (Gulo gulo) distribution in British Columbia, Canada, includes multiple-use lands where human use and resource extraction may influence habitat selection. We evaluated seasonal habitat use by resident adult wolverines using radiotelemetry locations from 2 multiple-use landscapes in British Columbia. Food, predation risk, and human disturbance hypotheses were considered in logistic regression analyses of used and random landscapes. Male wolverine habitat associations were most supported by the food hypothesis in both summer and winter. Moose (Alces alces) winter ranges, valley bottom forests, and avalanche terrain were positively associated with winter male wolverine use. Habitat use by male wolverines in winter was also negatively associated with helicopter skiing areas in the Columbia Mountains. Habitat associations of females were more complex; combinations of variables supporting food, predation risk, or human disturbance hypotheses were included in most supported models from both summer and winter in both study areas. Females were associated with alpine and avalanche environments where hoary marmot (Marmota caligata) and Columbia ground squirrel (Spermophilus columbianus) prey are found in summer. Roaded and recently logged areas were negatively associated with female wolverines in summer. In the Columbia Mountains, where winter recreation was widespread, females were negatively associated with helicopter and backcountry skiing. Moose winter ranges within rugged landscapes were positively associated with females during winter. Our analysis suggests wolverines were negatively responding to human disturbance within occupied habitat. The population consequences of these functional habitat relationships will require additional focused research. Our spatially explicit models can be used to support conservation planning for resource extraction and tourism industries operating in landscapes occupied by wolverines.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   To investigate the possible effect of elevation on the prevalence of hematozoa infection, we collected blood smears from a population of Winter Wrens ( Troglogytes troglodytes ) in the Coast Mountains of southwestern British Columbia, Canada. We sampled 119 Winter Wrens, including 88 at low elevation (0–500 m) and 31 at high elevation (900–1100 m) sites. In addition, five other species, including Swainson's Thrush ( Catharus ustulatus ; N = 12), Dark-eyed Junco ( Junco hyemalis ; N = 11), Hermit Thrush ( Catharus guttatus ; N = 8), Varied Thrush ( Ixoreus naevius ; N = 4), and American Robin ( Turdus migratorius ; N = 4), were sampled. No Winter Wrens were infected by blood parasites. Among the other species, Haemoproteus infection was detected in one Varied Thrush (25%) and five Swainson's Thrushes (42%). Thus, despite the occurrence of infection in sympatrically breeding species, blood parasites are apparently absent or occur at extremely low prevalence in Winter Wrens in our study area. The presence of hematozoa in European populations of Winter Wrens, combined with an abundance of vector species in our study area, suggest population-level resistance to infection. Further study is needed to determine the specific mechanisms involved in the apparent lack of infection in our study population.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Wolverines (Gulo gulo) are distributed across much of northern and western Canada and Alaska, USA, and they extend south into the mountainous western United States. Wolverines occur in most regions of British Columbia, Canada, with the highest population densities occurring in the interior mountainous areas. Wolverine populations in British Columbia have been primarily managed to provide a sustainable harvest for trappers and hunters. We used spatially based population estimates, population vital rate data, and spatially based harvest data to evaluate the sustainability of wolverine harvest (trapping and hunting) from 1985 to 2004. The median annual provincial wolverine harvest from 1985 to 2004 was 172 wolverines per year ( = 174.8), which was less than the median simulated estimate of provincial recruitment (195.9 wolverines/yr; = 209.7). Harvests in individual population units ranged from 0 to 280 over the 20-year period. Spatially, wolverine harvest was likely to have been unsustainable in 15 of the 71 population units with wolverines, and it was likely to have been sustainable in the remaining population units. Harvest in 5 of the other 56 population units was marginally sustainable and thus of potential management concern. To improve harvest management of wolverines in British Columbia, wildlife managers should focus on improved data collection and monitoring at a provincial scale, and they should work with trappers and hunters at regional scales to address issues specific to individual population units. Further research is required to improve the reliability of wolverine vital rate and population data.  相似文献   

Abstract: We used resource selection functions (RSF) to estimate the relative probability of use for grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) adjacent to the Parsnip River, British Columbia, Canada, 1998-2003. We collected data from 30 radiocollared bears on a rolling plateau where a large portion of the landscape had been modified by human activities, primarily forestry. We also monitored 24 radiocollared bears in mountain areas largely inaccessible to humans. Bears that lived on the plateau existed at less than one-quarter the density of bears in the mountains. Plateau bears ate more high-quality food items, such as meat and berries, leading us to conclude that food limitation was not responsible for the differences in densities. We hypothesized that plateau bears were limited by human-caused mortality associated with roads constructed for forestry activities. Independent estimates of bear population size from DNA-based mark-recapture techniques allowed us to link populations to habitats using RSF models to scale habitat use patterns to population density. To evaluate whether differences in land-cover type, roads, or mortality risk could account for the disparity in density we used the mountain RSF model to predict habitat use and number of bears on the plateau and vice versa. We predicted increases ranging from 34 bears to 96 bears on the plateau when switching model coefficients, excluding land-cover types; when exchanging land-cover coefficients, the model predicted that the plateau population would be 9 bears lower than was observed. Large reductions in the numbers of mountain bears were predicted by habitat-selection models of bears using the plateau landscape. Although RSF models estimated in mountain and plateau landscapes could not predict bear use and abundance in the other areas, contrasts in models between areas provided a useful tool for examining the effects of human activities on grizzly bears.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The abundance and distribution of carnivores and their habitat are key information needed for status assessment, conservation planning, population management, and assessment of the effects of human development on their habitat and populations. We developed a habitat quality rating system, using existing wolverine (Gulo gulo) distribution, wolverine food, ecosystem mapping, and human development data. We used this and empirically derived estimates of wolverine density to predict wolverine distribution and abundance at a provincial scale. Density estimates for wolverines in high-quality habitat averaged 6.2 wolverines/1,000 km2 (95% CI = 4.2–9.5). We predicted mean densities ranging from 0.3/1,000 km2 in rare-quality habitat to 4.1/1,000 km2 in moderate-quality habitat. Our predicted population estimate for wolverines in British Columbia was 3,530 (95% CI = 2,700-4,760). We predicted highest densities of wolverines in interior mountainous regions, moderate densities in interior plateau and boreal forest regions, and low densities in mainland coastal regions and drier interior plateaus. We predicted that wolverines would be rare on Vancouver Island, along the outer mainland coast, and in the dry interior forests, and absent from the Queen Charlotte Islands, interior grassland environments, and areas of intensive urban development.  相似文献   

We report daytime drift behavior of lotic macroinvertebrates following short term (12 h) additions of HCl or HCl plus AlCl3 to a circumneutral softwater (alkalinity ca. 100 µeq 1-1) mountain stream in British Columbia, Canada. Addition of HCl (pH reduced from 7.0 to 5.9) resulted in an overall tripling of invertebrate drift density with rapid (< 1 h) increases in chironomid Diptera and Trichoptera. Small Ephemeroptera also entered the drift at high densities, but were delayed about 6 h. Addition of AlCl3 (0.71 to 0.95 mg 1-1 total Al3+) in HCl (stream pH reduced to 5.9) resulted in an overall 6-fold increase in invertebrate drift, with rapid increases by Ephemeroptera and delayed responses by chironomids and Trichoptera. These results suggest that the behavior of several macroinvertebrates from low alkalinity, unacidified streams can be altered by simulations of short-term, mild acidic deposition events. Further, the magnitude and timing of entry into the drift varies among taxonomic groups with the presence or absence of low concentrations of aluminum ions.  相似文献   

We evaluated longevity and reuse of denning structures by American black bears (Ursus americanus) in coastal temperate rainforests of British Columbia from 1992 to 2010 to assess potential impacts of forest management on these critical habitat features over time. We identified 67 dens during a 4-yr intensive radio-telemetry study (1992–1995): 40 dens of 21 radio-collared black bears and 27 dens found incidentally. Dens occurred in or beneath large diameter trees or wooden structures derived from trees (i.e., logs, root boles, and stumps; = 143 cm diameter, SD = 49 cm). Longevity of dens varied by type, tree species that formed the den, and forest management that occurred at or near the den. Twenty-four of 28 dens of radio-collared bears that were monitored were still usable in 2010, whereas only 5 of 14 dens found incidentally were still usable in 2010. We assessed reuse of bear dens 3 times following initial identification: during the radio-telemetry study, again in 2000, and finally in 2010. Radio-collared bears reused dens from previous years on 7 of 25 potential occasions during the course of the radio-telemetry study. Upon assessment in 2000 and 2010, 17 of 24 (71%) available dens first used by radio-collared bears were reused at least once between 1993 and 2010. The high rate of reuse may indicate low availability of den structures in our study area. Because black bears in coastal British Columbia only used trees or structures derived from trees for winter dens and forest harvesting reduces the supply of these necessary structures, conservation and recruitment of suitable den trees is necessary if maintaining black bear populations is a management goal in these areas. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Three coniferous tree species (Pseudotsuga menziesii, Tsuga heterophylla, and Thuja plicata) at Capilano Canyon, British Columbia, were studied for their epiphytic communities. Quantitative data were obtained for fourteen bryophyte species by sampling at heights of 0.5 m, 1 m and 2 m above ground level. Scapania bolanderi is an abundant and widely distributed species; Dicranum fuscescens, Bazzania denudata, Lepidozia reptans and Hypnum circinale are also common. An environmentally uniform study area was chosen to minimize the effects of factors other than bark and elevation on the distribution of epiphytes. In general, tree species are similar in terms of their epiphytic assemblages, but ordination methods using quantitative data exposed compositional variation that may be explained by differences in microclimate and bark-type. In this respect, the results point the way to further studies to examine epiphyte associations in closer detail, and to relate these associations to specific factors in the microenvironment.Nomenclature for vascular plants follows Hitchcock & Cronquist (1973); bryophyte nomenclature follows Schofield (1976) for mosses and Stotler & Crandall-Stotler (1977) for hepatics.We thank Dr. W. B. Schofield for aiding in bryophyte identification.  相似文献   

Palynological analyses of 60 surface sediment samples from estuarine environments near Vancouver Island, including the Georgia Strait (GS), the Effingham (EFF) and the Seymour–Belize (SB) Inlets were performed in order to document the distribution of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages and their relationship to hydrographic conditions, productivity and nutrient concentrations. We tested transfer functions using the analogue method, and suggest that dinoflagellate cyst assemblages can be used to reconstruct primary productivity, temperature and salinity. The EFF and SB Inlets are characterized by a dominance of autotrophic taxa, particularly Operculodinium centrocarpum, whereas the Protoperidinioid and gymnodinial heterotrophic taxa such as Quinquecuspis concreta and Brigantedinium spp. dominate the assemblages of the GS. Multivariate analysis shows that this distribution is closely linked to primary productivity, sea-surface temperature (SST) and spring silica concentration. The abundance of autotrophic taxa in the EFF and SB Inlets is associated with high primary productivity and low summer SST, indicating summer upwelling of coastal British Columbia, whereas the heterotrophic taxa that characterizes the GS assemblages are related to low productivity, high summer SST and high silica concentration during spring. Multivariate analysis shows that the most important environmental parameters related to dinocyst distribution in the restricted embayment of the GS, are distance to the shore, distance to Vancouver Harbor, spring sea surface salinity (SSS), spring phosphate concentration and spring productivity. The autotrophic taxa are generally more common in coastal and shallow waters, but Spiniferites ramosus and Pentapharsodinium dalei show an opposite correlation to spring productivity and salinity. P. dalei is particularly abundant around Vancouver Harbor, near highly urbanized shores and within the Fraser River plume, where salinity is low and spring productivity and continental runoff are high. S. ramosus shows its highest abundance on the western coast of GS. Protoperidinioid and gymnodinial cysts characterize distal zones within the central and southern GS that are associated with a mixture of brackish waters coming from the Fraser River and deep upwelling waters entering the GS via Juan de Fuca Strait. The relationship between dinoflagellate cyst assemblages and primary productivity in these estuarine systems differs from that in oceanic and outer neritic zones, where the abundance of heterotrophic taxa is commonly associated with upwelling and high productivity.  相似文献   

Differences in the frequencies of GM haplotypes among native peoples of the Americas support the hypothesis that there were three distinct waves of migration from northeast Asia into the Americas: Paleo-Indian, Na-Dene, and Inuit (Eskimo)-Aleut (Salzano and Steinberg: Am. J. Hum. Genet. 17:273-279, 1965; Sukernik and Osipova: Hum. Genet. 61:148-153, 1982; Williams et al.:Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 66:1-19, 1985; Szathmary: In R Kirk and E Szathmary (eds): Out of Asia: Peopling of the Americas and the Pacific. Canberra: The Journal of Pacific History, Canberra Australian National University, pp. 79-104, 1985). We studied GM allotypes in two linguistically unique populations of Canadian west coast native peoples, the Haida and the Bella Coola, and compared them to GM frequencies in populations that are supposed descendants of the three migrations, in order to investigate the possible genetic relationships of these British Columbia (BC) groups to other native populations. We also estimated the amount of European admixture from the frequency of the Caucasian haplotype, Gm3;5. Results showed that the frequencies in both BC populations of the three common native haplotypes (Gm1,17;21, Gm1,2,17;21, and Gm1,17;15,16), were intermediate between the frequencies in supposed descendants of Paleo-Indian and Na-Dene. These genetic findings are consistent with the controversial hypothesis of archeologist C. Borden (Science 203:963-971, 1979) that, following deglaciation about 13,000 years ago, British Columbia was repopulated by peoples from the north (?Na-Dene) and by culturally distinct peoples from the south (?Paleo-Indian). Caucasian admixture estimates suggested that the Haida and Bella Coola have also experienced moderate amounts (12-20%) of genetic input from European-originating peoples.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To understand distributions of coastal diatoms along Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, this paper describes diatom assemblages observed in 47 surface sediment samples from intertidal environments. One hundred and eighty-four diatom taxa were identified from five transects crossing tidal flats, salt marshes, and freshwater forests in Tofino, Ucluelet, and Port Alberni. Distributions of the diatom assemblages were consistent with those reported elsewhere in the Pacific Northwest, but a few diatom taxa show different trends in their distributions. For example, one benthic species Denticula subtilis shows widespread distributions along the transect in Tofino. An ordination shown by Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) using a combined dataset indicated overlapped scatter plots of diatom assemblages, suggesting that assemblages with similar species compositions are observed in more than one location. Hierarchical and k-means clustering analyses using Euclidean distance recognized unique small groups along each transect. Rank abundance curves show different trends for richness and evenness of diatom assemblages among the five transects.  相似文献   

Pa A  Bi XT  Sokhansanj S 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(10):6167-6177
The replacement of natural gas combustion for district heating by wood waste and wood pellets gasification systems with or without emission control has been investigated by a streamlined LCA. While stack emissions from controlled gasification systems are lower than the applicable regulations, compared to the current base case, 12% and 133% increases are expected in the overall human health impacts for wood pellets and wood waste, respectively. With controlled gasification, external costs and GHG emission can be reduced by 35% and 82% on average, respectively. Between wood pellets and wood waste, wood pellets appear to be the better choice as it requires less primary energy and has a much lower impact on the local air quality.  相似文献   

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