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桂林两江国际机场内草坪动物与鸟类关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年7月~2006年7月对桂林两江国际机场草坪动物及鸟类进行调查.共记录到鸟类9目23科48种,其中优势种是:田鹨、家燕、小云雀、棕背伯劳、黑卷尾、针尾沙锥、红隼、黑翅鸢;记录到昆虫13目76科,其中优势种有:直翅目、鞘翅目、双翅目、膜翅目、半翅目等昆虫和各种蜘蛛.鸟类数量和昆虫数量存在密切联系,鸟类数量峰值和昆虫数量峰值有部分重叠,说明昆虫数量对鸟类数量有影响.严格控制草坪昆虫数量能有效控制机场草坪的鸟类数量.蛙鼠类对草坪鸟类数量影响不大.  相似文献   

Human activities, such as logging, modify the forest structure and the microenvironments of the original Nothofagus forests. The aims of this work were to evaluate changes in the diversity and relative abundance of birds and to analyze their trophic relationships with insect and plant communities along the Nothofagus pumilio forest management cycle. Data was collected using a point sampling method along transects located in different forest structures during the summer season, by direct (sight) and indirect (hearing) recognition following sunrise. Bird diversity and abundance significantly varied along the forest management cycle. Seven new species appeared after harvest, but the total number did not vary by the end of the forest management cycle, and there was no significant loss of species. Bird abundance was directly related to the insect abundance and plant biomass. Relationship between groups (lower plants, monocotyledons and dicotyledonous) is also discussed. Major studies in bird ecology are necessary to develop new silvicultural alternatives based on the more sensitive species to harvest. Forest management strategies and mitigation alternatives must be incorporated into forest planning in order to maintain the original structure of bird communities and the equilibrium with other forest species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Prescribed fire is used widely to manage grasslands on National Wildlife Refuges and other public lands in the northern Great Plains, but its effects on habitat use or production of wildlife in the region are poorly understood. During 1998–2003, we used point counts to examine effects of prescribed fire on vegetation and passerines in a mixed-grass prairie complex in north-central North Dakota, USA (n = 7 units, each 40–70 ha). Vegetation structure and, to a lesser extent, plant community composition varied with year of study (likely related to changes in annual precipitation) and with number of growing seasons since fire. Fire altered plant structure, especially the amount of residual vegetation, which in turn influenced bird species richness and abundance. The number of indicated pairs for sedge wren (Cistothorus platensis), clay-colored sparrow (Spizella pallida), Le Conte's sparrow (Ammodramus leconteii), Savannah sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis), and bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) were lowest during the first postfire growing season but generally increased and stabilized within 2–3 postfire growing seasons. Our results support the premise that grassland passerines are well-adapted to frequent, periodic fires, generally corresponding to those occurring prior to Euro-American settlement of the region. Prescribed fire is important for reducing tree and shrub invasion, restoring biological integrity of plant communities, and maintaining or enhancing populations of grassland-dependent bird species. Managers in the northern mixed-grass prairie region should not be overly concerned about reductions in bird abundances that are limited mostly to the first growing season after fire.  相似文献   

The South African grassland biome is one of the most threatened biomes in South Africa. Approximately 45% of the grassland biome area is transformed, degraded or severely invaded by alien plants and the remaining natural areas are highly fragmented. In this fragmented landscape, the connectivity between habitat patches is very important to maintain viable populations. In this study we aimed to quantify connectivity of the grassland biome in Mpumalanga using graph theory in order to identify conservation priorities and to direct conservation efforts. Graph theory‐based connectivity indices have the ability to combine spatially explicit habitat data with species specific dispersal data and can quantify structural and functional connectivity over large landscapes. We used these indices to quantify the overall connectivity of the study area, to determine the influence of abandoned croplands on overall connectivity, and to identify the habitat patches and vegetation types most in need of maintaining overall connectivity. Natural areas were identified using 2008 land cover data for Mpumalanga. Connectivity within the grassland biome of Mpumalanga was analysed for grassland species with dispersal distances ranging from 50 to 1000 m. The grassland habitat patches were mostly well connected, with 99.6% of the total habitat area connected in a single component at a threshold distance of 1000 m. The inclusion of abandoned croplands resulted in a 33% increase in connectivity at a threshold distance of 500 m. The habitat patches most important for maintaining overall connectivity were the large patches of continuous habitat in the upper and lower centres of the study area and the most important vegetation types were the Wakkerstroom Montane Grassland and the Eastern Temperate Freshwater Wetlands. These results can be used to inform management decisions and reserve design to improve and maintain connectivity in this biome.  相似文献   

Soil respiration (SR), a substantial component of the forest carbon budget, has been studied extensively at the ecosystem, regional, continental, and global scales, but little progress has been made toward understanding SR over managed forest landscapes. Soil respiration is often influenced by soil temperature (Ts), soil moisture (Ms), and type of vegetation, and these factors vary widely among the patch types within a landscape. We measured SR, Ts, Ms, and litter depth (LD) during the 1999 and 2000 growing seasons within six dominant patch types (mature northern hardwoods, young northern hardwoods, clear-cuts, open-canopy Jack pine barrens, mature Jack pine, and mature red pine) on a managed forest landscape in northern Wisconsin, USA. We compared SR among and within the patch types and derived empirically based models that relate SR to Ts, Ms, and LD. Increased levels of soil moisture and higher temperatures in June–September 1999 may have accounted for the up to 37% overall higher SR than in this same period in 2000. In 2000, SR and Ts values were lower, and the sites may have been experiencing slight water limitations, but in general Ts was a much more accurate predictor of SR during this year. Empirical predictions of SR within each patch type derived from continuous Ts measurements were in close agreement with measured values of SR during 2000, but eight of 22 of the simulated values were significantly different ( = 0.05) from the rates measured in 1999. The young hardwoods consistently had the highest SR, whereas the pine barrens had the lowest. Results from our field studies and empirical models can help land managers assess landscape responses to potential disturbances and climatic changes.  相似文献   

The South Coast Renosterveld has been fragmented extensively by agriculture. The extent of this fragmentation in terms of overall habitat loss, fragment sizes and fragment numbers has not been described previously, thereby limiting the development of conservation strategies for this vegetation type. Patterns of renosterveld loss in three sectors along a west–east gradient were described using LANDSAT imagery and a Geographical Information System‐based program (FRAGSTATS) for spatial pattern analysis. These patterns were then correlated with rainfall and topography measures, which are indicators of agricultural potential. Over 80% of the South Coast Renosterveld has been cultivated. Fragmentation levels increased significantly from east to west, with 33% of natural vegetation remaining in the east and only 4% in the west. Topographical variables were the strongest predictors of patterns of renosterveld loss, with fragments being largely confined to slopes too steep for ploughing; they therefore face little risk of future cultivation. These results have implications for conservation planning options for the South Coast Renosterveld. There is the potential for large reserves in the east, as well as corridor reserves along major river valleys, but for only small, isolated reserves in the west.  相似文献   

陕西秦岭及大巴山地区的鸟类资源调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近20多年的野外调查发现,陕西秦岭及大巴山地区的鸟类资源丰富,分布有475种鸟类,多为留鸟、夏候鸟和旅鸟。它们中有中国特有鸟类34种,国家Ⅰ级重点保护的鸟类9种,国家Ⅱ级重点保护的鸟类55种,还有28种鸟类被列入中国濒危动物红皮书及11种被列入世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)濒危物种红色名录中。目前因分布在自然保护区内而受到保护的鸟类有390种,占总种数的82.1%。保护区的存在有利于保护秦岭及大巴山地区的鸟类资源。  相似文献   

Abstract: We studied the effects of fragment size, vegetation structure and presence of habitat corridors on the reproductive success of the Des Murs’ Wiretail (Sylviorthorhynchus desmursii Des Murs, Furnariidae), a small (10 g) understorey bird, endemic to South American forests. In a rural landscape of Chiloé Island, southern Chile (42°S; 70°W), we determined the mating and nesting success of wiretails in 28 territories distributed in seven small (1–20 ha) and two large (>300 ha) forest fragments during the 1997–1998 breeding season. Wiretails inhabited dense bamboo thickets in the understorey of forest patches, dense shrublands covering old fields, and dense early successional forest vegetation. Wiretails avoided open pastures. Reproductive success depended solely on the probability of finding mates, and the main factor affecting mating success was the presence of corridors. Mated individuals occupied 72% of the territories in forest patches <20 ha connected by corridors, 73% of the territories in large (>300 ha) fragments, but only 20% of territories in isolated fragments surrounded by pastures. Because of the rapid expansion of pastures in southern Chile, the conservation of wiretails and other understorey birds will depend on the maintenance of travel corridors with dense understorey vegetation between forest fragments.  相似文献   

HUW LLOYD 《Ibis》2008,150(4):735-745
Habitat restoration strategies for fragmented high Andean forest landscapes must consider the influence of within‐patch habitat quality on bird abundance. I examined vegetation and bird abundance at three locations within a highly fragmented Polylepis forest landscape in the Cordillera Vilcanota, southern Peru. Across the landscape, there was significant variation in the vegetation structure of Polylepis forest patches of different size categories, especially in terms of tree girth, tree height, tree density, and canopy vegetation structure. Principal Component Analysis extracted five factors of habitat quality, which together accounted for 74.2% of the variability within 15 habitat variables. Polylepis bird species differed in their responses to habitat quality but, overall, variation in Polylepis bird abundance was not fully captured by the range of habitat quality variables. Tall, dense vegetation cover was clearly important for 11 conservation‐important species, a high density of large trees was important for 10 species and primary forest ground cover was important for eight species. Habitat quality exhibited no significant influence on the abundance of only one species –Asthenes urubambensis. The abundance of seven species was associated with lower elevation forest, but only one species was associated with higher elevation forest. Management of habitat quality in large and medium remnant forest patches throughout the Cordillera Vilcanota, particularly in the 3800–4200 m elevation range, will be a cornerstone in ensuring the persistence of the majority of conservation‐important bird species populations.  相似文献   

Abstract Grasslands are often considered as two‐dimensional habitats rather than complex, multilayered habitats. However, native grasslands are complex habitats, with multiple layers of annual and perennial grasses, sedges, shrubs and mosses. Vegetation complexity, including plant type, quality and three‐dimensional structure is important for providing a variety of food and habitat resources for insects. Grazing by domestic livestock can affect these processes through the loss or fragmentation of habitats, as well as altering the vertical and horizontal vegetation structure. This study aimed to investigate the role of host plants and microhabitat architecture for determining foliage invertebrate assemblages. Different plant species supported distinct invertebrate assemblages and less complex host plants supported fewer invertebrate individuals and species. Manipulations of plant architecture changed the species composition of invertebrates, with most species found in more complex vegetation. This study illustrates the importance of host diversity and pasture complexity for invertebrate communities. Management practices that encourage a heterogeneous environment with diverse and structurally complex pastures should also sustain a more diverse and functional invertebrate assemblage.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Models of habitat suitability in postfire landscapes are needed by land managers to make timely decisions regarding postfire timber harvest and other management activities. Many species of cavity-nesting birds are dependent on postfire landscapes for breeding and other aspects of their life history and are responsive to postfire management activities (e.g., timber harvest). In addition, several cavity nesters are designated as species at risk. We compare the ability of 2 types of models to distinguish between nest and non-nest locations of 6 cavity-nesting bird species (Lewis's woodpecker [Melanerpes lewis], black-backed woodpecker [Picoides arcticus], hairy woodpecker [P. villosus], northern flicker [Colaptes auratus], western bluebird [Sialia mexicana], and mountain bluebird [S. currucoides]) in the early postfire years for a ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forest in Idaho, USA. The 2 model sets consisted of 1) models based on readily available remotely sensed data and 2) models containing field-collected data in addition to remotely sensed data (combination models). We evaluated models of nesting habitat by quantifying the model's ability to correctly identify nest and non-nest locations and by determining the percentage of correctly identified nest locations. Additionally, we developed relative habitat-suitability maps for nesting habitat of black-backed and Lewis's woodpeckers from the best models. For all species except Lewis's woodpeckers, model performance improved with the addition of field-collected data. Models containing remotely sensed data adequately distinguished between nest and non-nest locations for black-backed woodpecker and Lewis's woodpecker only, whereas models containing both field-collected and remotely sensed data were adequate for all 6 species. Improvements in the availability of more accurate remote sensing technology would likely lead to improvements in the ability of the models to predict nesting locations. External validation with data from other wildfires is necessary to confirm the general applicability of our habitat-suitability models to other forests. Land managers responsible for maintaining habitat for cavity-nesting birds in postfire landscapes can use these models to identify potential nesting areas for these species and select areas in burned forests where postfire salvage logging is most likely to have minimal impacts on cavity-nesting bird habitats.  相似文献   

生物多样性保护的景观规划途径   总被引:96,自引:1,他引:96  
景观规划设计在生物多样性保护中起着决定性的作用。基于不同的保护哲学,生物多样性保护的景观规划途径主要可分为两种:一是以物种为核心的景观规划途径,另一种是以景观元素为核心和出发点的规划途径。前者首先确定物种,然后根据物种的生态特性来设计景观格局,后者则以各种尺度的景观元素作为保护对象,根据其空间位置和关系设计景观格局。多种空间战略被认为有利于生物多样性的保护,包括保护核心栖息地、建立缓冲区、构筑廊道、增加景观异质性和引入或恢复栖息地。落实这些空间战略必须首先回答选择什么和在什么地方设计上述景观元素的问题。对此,目前尚没有很好的答案。传统的生物保护战略被动地强调现存濒危物种和景观元素的保护,如果将物种运动和生态过程作为一个能动的景观控制过程来对待,我们将会有一种全新的景观规划途径。其中有三个方面的概念对这种新的景观规划途径有启发意义:即景观的空间构型对生态过程的作用,生物进化空间轨迹与景观格局设计及景观阻力与潜在的生态基础设施的设计。景观生态安全格局正是在这些方向上的一个新的探索。  相似文献   

风力发电对鸟类的影响以及应对措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
风能是一种清洁而稳定的可再生能源,风力发电可以减少全球温室气体排放,在减缓气候变化中发挥重要作用。然而,风电场的建设会对自然保护、生态环境和动物生存会造成一定的负面影响,其中对鸟类的影响尤为突出。本文通过查阅欧美等国风电场对鸟类及野生动物影响的研究文献,总结了风电场对鸟类的生存、迁徙和栖息地环境的影响,以及导致鸟类与风电塔相撞的影响因素,并提出了相关防范措施和方法。近十年中国风力发电事业发展迅猛,已经成为世界上风电装机容量最大的国家,但中国在评估风电场发展对野生动物影响方面的研究工作非常匮乏。目前,我国应借鉴国外相关研究管理经验,通过长期的连续观测,认真评估国内正在运行和在建风电场对于鸟类和其他野生动物的影响及潜在威胁。同时,应重视鸟类迁徙的基础研究,为新建风电场选址提供科学方案,保证风力发电与生态环境保护之间的和谐发展。  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification and loss of semi-natural grassland have contributed to biodiversity decline, including pollinator species, in pastures around the world. To reverse the decline, agri-environmental schemes have been implemented, varying widely in effectiveness. In addition, many countries, including the Netherlands, have established nature reserves in which semi-natural grasslands are restored and are often managed for specific groups of species, e.g. meadow birds or plants. The effects of such measures on insect biodiversity are not well known but recent reports on the dramatic decline of insect biomass in nature reserves have put even more attention to the impact of land use and management on biodiversity. This study compares pollinator abundance and species richness in three common semi-natural grassland management types in the Netherlands: (1) hay meadows, (2) herb-rich grasslands and (3) meadow bird grasslands. Pollinator abundance and species richness were assessed in eleven study areas, each with all three management types present. Standardized transects, insect sampling within a standard 20 min time frame and plot-based flower surveys were used in spring and summer to assess the relationships between management regime, floral abundance and diversity and pollinator communities. The results show that meadow bird grasslands have lower pollinator abundance and diversity and a less unique pollinator assemblage than both other types. Moreover, flower abundance has a positive effect on pollinator abundance and flower diversity has a positive effect on pollinator species richness. These results indicate that meadow-bird grasslands are a comparatively unfavourable habitat for bees, hoverflies and butterflies, which may be explained by a lack of flowers as well as unsuitable mowing practices. Measures benefitting both insectivorous birds and flower-visiting insects, such as rotational mowing, could remediate this imbalance.  相似文献   

盐池县草地沙漠化过程中植物群落的动态变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对盐池县潜在沙漠化草地、轻度沙漠化草地、中度沙漠化草地、重度沙漠化草地和极度沙漠化草地5种不同沙化类型草地植被物种组成及多样性进行研究,以探讨沙漠化对地上植被的影响。结果表明:随着沙化程度的加重,多年生草本植物逐渐减少,优势度由潜在沙漠化草地的88.73%降至极度沙漠化草地的19.97%;一年生草本植物及沙生灌木、半灌木逐渐增加,优势度由潜在沙漠化草地的12.67%增至极度沙漠化草地的80.03%。多样性指数由轻度沙漠化草地的2.21下降至极度沙漠化草地的1.52。  相似文献   

Forecasting the consequences of climate change is contingent upon our understanding of the relationship between biodiversity patterns and climatic variability. While the impacts of climate change on individual species have been well‐documented, there is a paucity of studies on climate‐mediated changes in community dynamics. Our objectives were to investigate the relationship between temporal turnover in avian biodiversity and changes in climatic conditions and to assess the role of landscape fragmentation in affecting this relationship. We hypothesized that community turnover would be highest in regions experiencing the most pronounced changes in climate and that these patterns would be reduced in human‐dominated landscapes. To test this hypothesis, we quantified temporal turnover in avian communities over a 20‐year period using data from the New York State Breeding Atlases collected during 1980–1985 and 2000–2005. We applied Bayesian spatially varying intercept models to evaluate the relationship between temporal turnover and temporal trends in climatic conditions and landscape fragmentation. We found that models including interaction terms between climate change and landscape fragmentation were superior to models without the interaction terms, suggesting that the relationship between avian community turnover and changes in climatic conditions was affected by the level of landscape fragmentation. Specifically, we found weaker associations between temporal turnover and climatic change in regions with prevalent habitat fragmentation. We suggest that avian communities in fragmented landscapes are more robust to climate change than communities found in contiguous habitats because they are comprised of species with wider thermal niches and thus are less susceptible to shifts in climatic variability. We conclude that highly fragmented regions are likely to undergo less pronounced changes in composition and structure of faunal communities as a result of climate change, whereas those changes are likely to be greater in contiguous and unfragmented habitats.  相似文献   

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