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Parrot populations are being increasingly pressured to occupy modified or fragmented landscapes, yet little is known of the habitat requirements of most species, particularly with regard to the effects on breeding habitat. We evaluated nesting habitat of the lilac-crowned parrot Amazona finschi in the modified landscape of coastal Michoacan in Mexico. We located 90 parrot nests in 12 tree species in Michoacan, with lilac-crowned parrots presenting a narrow niche-breadth of tree species used for nesting. Considering an additional 82 nest trees recorded for lilac-crowned parrots in Jalisco, we determined a 51 percent similarity in cavity resource use by parrots in the two dry forest regions. Overall, the predominant nest tree species with 76 percent of nests were Astronium graveolens , Piranhea mexicana , Brosimum alicastrum , and Tabebuia spp., all characteristic of semi-deciduous forest. Only 8 percent of nests occurred in trees characteristic of deciduous forest. Parrots utilized large trees with canopy level cavities as nest sites, and preferred conserved semi-deciduous forest for nesting, with fewer nests than expected in deciduous forest and transformed agricultural land. Nest areas in semi-deciduous forest occurred on significantly steeper terrain, as remnant semi-deciduous forest is restricted to steep ridges and canyons. Those parrot nests in modified habitats and forest patches were located near to continuous forest, with nest trees in open agricultural land being significantly closer to continuous forest than nests in disturbed forest patches. These results demonstrate the importance of conserved semi-deciduous forest as breeding habitat for the threatened, endemic lilac-crowned parrot, making wild populations of the species vulnerable to the high rate of transformation and fragmentation of tropical dry forest.  相似文献   

Ellen Andresen 《Biotropica》2005,37(2):291-300
Dung beetles are important components of most terrestrial ecosystems. In tropical rain forests, dung beetle communities can be very rich in number of species and individuals, and they are known to be useful bioindicators of habitat disturbance. In contrast, very little is known about the organization of dung beetle communities in tropical dry forests. The aim of this study was to describe in detail the dung beetle community of a Mexican tropical dry forest and to assess the relative importance of rainfall seasonality and forest structure in affecting the temporal and spatial dynamics of this community. Dung beetles were captured with pitfall traps at the beginning of the rainy season, the middle of the rainy season, and the middle of the dry season, in two distinct forest types: deciduous forest (DF) and semideciduous forest (SDF) at the Estación de Biología Chamela. Both rainfall seasonality and forest structure affected the community organization of dung beetles. During both rainy periods, 14 species were captured, but only three during the dry season. Dung beetles captured during the dry season were only found in the SDF. When comparing the beginning and the middle of the rainy season, differences in abundance and guild structure were also observed between both periods and between forest types, but these differences were much less pronounced.  相似文献   

Tropical dry forests (TDFs) host a large diversity of tree species but little is known of potential mechanisms that contribute to its maintenance. Given the paramount importance of water availability in such forests, tree species would be expected to show nonrandom patterns along water availability gradients, as well as differential individual species responses. In this work we explored whether that was true for 50 dominant tree species. Within a total area of 5.2 ha, divided into 26 transects each with ten 20 × 10 m plots, we registered presence–absence of these tree species with diameter at breast height ≥5 cm. We assessed the response of trees to four environmental variables differentially related to water availability in three steps: (1) identifying the shape of the response to individual environmental variables, (2) testing for artifacts in previous patterns due to spatial autocorrelation of presence–absence, and (3) identifying the environmental variable or combination of variables that best explained the pattern. We then classified the species with respect to their probability of occurrence along the gradient, and explored which components of the water cycle were likely to be driving the observed patterns. We found that 14 species were generalists, 16 drought tolerant, 9 intermediate, 3 water demanding and 8 showed mixed responses. Lateral flow and access to ground water most likely underlie such patterns. Our results confirm the key role played by water availability in tree species distribution. Water‐related niche differentiation seems to be crucial for maintaining the high diversity of this TDF. Abstract in Spanish is available at http://www.blackwell‐synergy.com/loi/btp .  相似文献   

We studied the activity patterns of the coyote (Canis latrans) in a tropical deciduous forest in the Mexican Pacific coast over 3 years. Fifteen coyotes (six females, nine males) were fitted with radio-collars equipped with activity sensors to determine the influence of seasonality (dry vs. wet), gender (males vs. females) and diel intervals (dusk, night, dawn, and day) on activity patterns. We found differences in activity patterns between diel intervals, but the only pair of diel intervals that showed significant differences was dawn (more active) vs. day (less active). We found no differences due to sex or season on any of the four studied diel intervals. Coyote activity patterns in this tropical forest could be responding to prey availability, human avoidance or thermoregulation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Bobcat (Lynx rufus) populations in the Midwestern United States experienced historic declines due to habitat loss and exploitation but have rebounded in recent decades. We investigated natal dispersal of juvenile bobcats from a population in south-central Indiana, USA, from 1999 to 2006. We radiocollared 16 juvenile bobcats (11 M, 5 F) and monitored them for 237–1,014 days (x̄ = 506). One female (20%) and 11 males (100%) dispersed from natal home ranges that averaged 14.6 km2 in size. Most juveniles (70%) initiated dispersal from mid-February through March, late in their first year. Only 5 bobcats (42%) ultimately established a final home range 63 ± 35 km2 in size 13–92 km (x̄ = 44) from their natal range 140 ± 45 days after initiating dispersal. Survival did not differ (P = 0.93) between dispersing (S = 0.73) and philopatric (S = 0.75) individuals, although 4 bobcats (3 M, 1 F) were killed in collisions with vehicles. We found dispersal of bobcats in fragmented landscapes is prolonged and often unsuccessful; the ability of dispersers to locate suitable vacant habitat patches may be vital to the continued growth of bobcat populations recolonizing the agricultural Midwest.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Reduced annual recruitment because of poor habitat quality has been implicated as one of the causative factors in the range-wide decline of sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) populations since the 1950s. Because chick and brood survival are directly linked to annual recruitment and may be the primary factors that limit sage-grouse population growth, we estimated 28-day survival rates of radiomarked chicks and broods from 2000 to 2003. We examined relationships between survival and several habitat variables measured at brood sites, including food availability (insects and forbs); horizontal cover of sagebrush, grasses, and forbs; and vertical cover of sagebrush and grass. We monitored 506 radiomarked chicks from 94 broods; chick survival was 0.392 (SE = 0.024). We found evidence that both food and cover variables were positively associated with chick survival, including Lepidoptera availability, slender phlox (Phlox gracilis) frequency, total forb cover, and grass cover. The effect of total grass cover on chick survival was dependent on the proportion of short grass. The hazard of an individual chick's death decreased 8.6% (95% CI = −1.0 to 18.3) for each percentage point increase in total grass cover when the proportion of short grass was >70%. Survival of 83 radiomarked broods was 0.673 (SE = 0.055). Lepidoptera availability and slender phlox frequency were the only habitat variables related to brood survival. Risk of total brood loss decreased by 11.8% (95% CI = 1.2–22.5) for each additional Lepidoptera individual and 2.7% (95% CI = −0.4 to 5.8) for each percentage point increase in the frequency of slender phlox found at brood sites. Model selection results revealed that temporal differences in brood survival were associated with variation in the availability of Lepidoptera and slender phlox. Years with high brood survival corresponded with years of high Lepidoptera availability and high slender phlox frequency. These foods likely provided high-quality nutrition for chicks during early growth and development and enhanced survival. Habitat management that promotes Lepidoptera and slender phlox abundance during May and June (i.e., early brood rearing) should have a positive effect on chick and brood survival in the short term and potentially increase annual recruitment.  相似文献   

Interactions between lichens and invertebrates are widespread and have evolved independently in several orders of invertebrates. Lichens participate as food, shelter, background for mimicry, or as camouflage for animals to wear. For this study, we discovered caterpillars of the moth family Psychidae living inside bags made from silk and lichens. We used molecular techniques to identify the lichens present and analyzed caterpillar selectivity for lichen species. We selected 13 bags and recovered the ITS genetic marker for every visually different lichen fragment. Obtained sequences were compared against a newly created ITS database from lichens of the study area. Caterpillars only used eight out of the 300 lichen species present showing a strong selection tendency for microfoliose lichens containing sekikaic acid. Our results suggest that caterpillars select lichen species at a higher rate than what is expected based on their local abundances. We provide an accessible way to study these widespread interactions in future projects.  相似文献   

We describe liana diversity and variation in morphology of flowers and diaspores in two tropical forests in Mexico: a seasonally deciduous forest at Chamela, Jalisco and a lowland rain forest at Chajul, Chiapas. Flowers were classified as inconspicuous (1 cm in length and white or pale green flowers) or conspicuous (> 1 cm and brightly colored flowers). Dispersal syndrome was classified as anemochory, barochory, and zoochory. We recorded a higher number of lianas species in Chajul (128 spp.) than in Chamela (71 spp.). In both sites, families with the highest number of species were Bignoniaceae, Leguminosae, Sapindaceae, and Malphigiaceae, and almost half of the liana species had inconspicuous flowers. Most of the species had an abiotic syndrome of dispersal with 40 (56.3%) and 71 (55.5%) wind-dispersed species in Chamela and Chajul, respectively. Zoochory was significantly associated with inconspicuous flowers and anemochory with conspicuous flowers. Our results suggest that (1) flower morphology and dispersal type are not related with the amount of rainfall and (2) lianas are more prone to be wind-dispersed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although North American wood ducks (Aix sponsa) are well-studied throughout their range, researchers know little about demographic and environmental factors influencing survival of ducklings and broods, which is necessary information for population management. We studied radiomarked female and duckling wood ducks that used nest boxes and palustrine wetlands at Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge (NNWR) in Mississippi, USA, in 1996–1999, and riverine wetlands of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Rivers and Waterway (TTRW) system in Alabama in 1998–1999. We estimated survival of ducklings and broods and evaluated potentially important predictors of duckling survival, including age and body mass of brood-rearing females, hatch date of ducklings, duckling mass, brood size at nest departure, inter-day travel distance by ducklings, site and habitat use, and daily minimum air temperature and precipitation. At NNWR, survival of 300 radiomarked ducklings ranged from 0.15 (95% CI = 0.04-0.27) to 0.24 (95% CI = 0.13-0.38) and was 0.21 (95% CI = 0.15-0.28) for 1996–1999. Our overall estimate of brood survival was 0.64 (n = 91; 95% CI = 0.54-0.73). At TTRW, survival of 129 radiomarked ducklings was 0.29 in 1998 (95% CI = 0.20-0.41) and 1999 (95% CI = 0.13-0.45) and was 0.29 (95% CI = 0.20-0.40) for 1998–1999. Our overall estimate of brood survival was 0.71 (n = 38; 95% CI = 0.56-0.85). At NNWR, models that included all predictor variables best explained variation in duckling survival. Akaike weight (wi) for the best model was 0.81, suggesting it was superior to other models (<0.01 < wi < 0.18). We detected 4 competing models for duckling survival at TTRW. Inter-day distance traveled by ducklings was important as this variable appeared in all 4 models; duckling survival was positively related to this variable. Patterns of habitat-related survival were similar at both study areas. Ducklings in broods that used scrub-shrub habitats disjunct from wetlands containing aggregations of nest boxes had greater survival probabilities than birds remaining in wetlands with such nest structures. Managers may increase local wood duck recruitment by promoting availability of suitable brood habitats (e.g., scrub-shrub wetlands) without aggregations of nest boxes that may attract predators and by dispersing nest boxes amid or adjacent to these habitats. We did not determine an optimal density of nest boxes relative to local or regional population goals, which remains important research and conservation needs.  相似文献   

Few studies have investigated the use of termitaria by nesting parrots, or how this may be affected by habitat transformation. We determined selection of termitaria by nesting Orange-fronted Parakeets Aratinga canicularis , and evaluated the effect of habitat transformation on the availability of termitaria nest-sites for Parakeets in the tropical dry forest of Western Mexico. Availability of termitaria was quantified in 24 survey plots in a factorial design of six 1-ha plots in each of conserved and modified, deciduous and semi-deciduous forest. Characteristics of termitaria were determined in survey plots, as well as 21 nest-termitaria used by Parakeets, and their nearest adjacent termitarium. There was an overall density of 1.6 termitaria/ha suitable for nesting by Parakeets, which did not differ between habitats, although only 8% of apparently suitable termitaria were occupied by nesting Parakeets. However, termitaria in conserved semi-deciduous forest were significantly higher above the ground, and termitaria in conserved deciduous forest were significantly smaller in volume. In the modified landscape, termitaria were significantly lower and their volume significantly larger than in conserved landscapes. Termitaria used by nesting parrots were at a significantly greater height above the ground than the nearest adjacent termitaria. Termitarium volume did not reliably predict the likelihood of nest-site selection, although Parakeets only used termitaria between 15 and 150 l. Parakeets nesting in modified habitats used termitaria at a significantly lower height than Parakeets nesting in conserved habitat. It is unclear whether this represents a decline in nest-site quality in modified habitats, which could affect reproductive success of Parakeet populations in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Data from roosts of Amazona parrots may be useful in creating demographic models, because these birds exhibit high roost fidelity and pairs are conspicuous in flight. However, few investigators have attempted to track changes in the number of pairs using such roosts. We studied Red-lored Amazons ( Amazona autumnalis ) at a communal roost in southwest Ecuador over a 1-yr period to understand better their population structure. Population size was estimated at 214 individuals. Counts revealed seasonal variation in numbers, but the occurrence of pairs and singles was seldom correlated. The number of paired individuals using the roost was lower during the breeding period. In contrast, the number of single birds at the roost nearly doubled during the breeding period. Overall, our data suggest that parental responsibilities during the nesting period explain fluctuations in the number of birds at the roost, and such fluctuations can be used to estimate the reproductive portion of the population. Protection of the small mangrove islands where the parrots roost would likely benefit a population that occupies a much larger area and would, at the same time, provide a useful tool for demographic studies of this poorly known neotropical parrot.  相似文献   

In recent years, our ecological knowledge of tropical dry forests has increased dramatically. However, the functional contributions of whole ecosystem components, such as lichens, remain mostly unknown. In these forests, the abundance of epiphyte crustose lichens is responsible for the characteristic white bark on most woody plants, conspicuous during the dry season, but the amount of resources that the lichen component represents remains unexplored. We estimated lichen biomass in a Mexican tropical dry forest using the bark area of trees, the dry mass of lichens per unit area and the percentage of bark covered by lichens, together with previously known tree densities. The lowest 2.5 m of the forests main trunks contained 188 kg/ha of lichen biomass, with lichens covering 85% of the available bark for trees <12 cm DBH and 38% for trees >12 cm. Total epiphytic lichen biomass was 1.34–1.99 Mg/ha. Lichen biomass represented 61% of the foliar biomass in the forest. To our knowledge, this is the first time that a lichen biomass estimate is provided for an ecosystem in which crustose lichens are the dominant lichen growth form. Crustose lichens are typically considered to contribute little to the total lichen biomass and to be difficult to include in ecological analyses. The high lichen biomass in this ecosystem implies a significant ecological role which so far is unexplored. We suggest the crustose lichen component should not be underestimated a priori in ecological studies, especially in ecosystems with abundant lichen cover.  相似文献   

Aims Seasonally tropical dry forests of the Yucatan Peninsula are typically found in sites with nutrient-poor soils because of the recent geological origin of the region. The landscape is dominated by extensive karstic plates that shape environments where vegetation regeneration through seed germination may be limited by the availability of suitable microsites. In this study, we documented the survival and growth of seedlings from three dominant tree species (Bursera simaruba, Piscidia piscipula and Lysiloma latisiliquum) in seasonally tropical dry forests in Yucatan. Specifically, we evaluated the effect of nutrient addition (N and P, separately and in combination) on seedling survival and growth across three sites with differing levels of precipitation.Methods We conducted a nutrient addition experiment, whereby we established 12 plots of dimensions 10×10 m (100 m 2) at each site, from which three plots were randomly selected to receive one of four treatments: N addition, P addition, N and P addition and no nutrient addition (controls). Prior to treatment application, in each plot, we planted 10 seedlings of each species in October 2010 and subsequently conducted surveys of plant growth and survival every 20 days from November 2010 to April 2011.Important findings Overall, nutrient addition increased seedling survival and the magnitude of this effect was similar among sites. We did not observe an additive effect of the N + P treatment on survival. Similarly, we observed a positive effect of nutrient addition on seedling growth, but this effect was contingent upon site; regarding survival, the effects of N and P on seedling growth were not additive. These results suggest that seedling recruitment and growth in the three dominant species of trees in Yucatan are limited by nutrient availability but that the magnitude of this effect, particularly on seedling growth, is specific for species and site.  相似文献   

Species diversity–environmental heterogeneity (D–EH) and species diversity–productivity (D–P) relationships have seldom been analyzed simultaneously even though such analyses could help to understand the processes underlying contrasts in species diversity among sites. Here we analyzed both relationships at a local scale for a highly diverse tropical dry forest of Mexico. We posed the following questions: (1) are environmental heterogeneity and productivity related?; (2) what are the shapes of D–EH and D–P relationships?; (3) what are individual, and interactive, contributions of these two variables to the observed variance in species diversity?; and (4) are patterns affected by sample size, or by partitioning into average local diversity and spatial species turnover? All trees (diameter at breast height ≥5 cm) within twenty‐six 0.2‐ha transects were censused; four environmental variables associated with water availability were combined into an environmental heterogeneity index; aboveground standing biomass was used as a productivity estimator. Simple and multiple linear and nonlinear regression models were run. Environmental heterogeneity and productivity were not correlated. We found consistently positive log‐linear D–EH and D–P relationships. Productivity explained a larger fraction of among‐transect variance in species diversity than did environmental heterogeneity. No effects of sample size were found. Different components of diversity varied in sensitivity to environmental heterogeneity and productivity. Our results suggest that species' differentiation along water availability gradients and species exclusion at the lowest productivity (driest) sites occur simultaneously, independently, and in a scale‐dependent fashion on the tree community of this forest.  相似文献   

Ecological studies on seasonally dry tropical forest herpetofauna are scarce and those focused on interspecific relations of lizards in this endangered ecosystem are even fewer. This study evaluates general and seasonal patterns in time and habitat use among four lizard species (Anolis nebulosus, Sceloporus melanorhinus, S. utiformis, and Urosaurus bicarinatus) in a protected area of dry tropical forest in western Mexico. Data were gathered by visual surveys along 12 linear parallel transects located in an undisturbed habitat. Anolis nebulosus showed a bimodal pattern in daily activity whereas the other species exhibited unimodal patterns of activity. Seasonality only affected the general activity patterns of S. melanorhinus and U. bicarinatus. With the exception of A. nebulosus and S. melanorhinus, statistical differences were found for all pairwise comparisons of general and seasonal patterns of habitat use. The use of leaf‐litter and low perches in arboreal species was higher during the dry season, probably in response to higher food availability in these habitats. As expected, environmental seasonality affects both activity time and habitat use by lizards. Results suggest greater differences in habitat use than in time of activity among species. The data also indicate complementary use of time and space by these lizard species: species showing similar activity patterns exhibit greater differences in their habitat use. Predation could be an important factor affecting the use of habitat and time by the four lizard species.

Los estudios ecológicos de la herpetofauna de los bosques tropicales secos son escasos y aquellos enfocados a las relaciones ínterespecíficas en lagartijas de este ecosistema fuertemente amenazado son aún más raros. Este estudio evalúa el uso del tiempo y del hábitat de cuatro especies de lagartijas (Anolis nebulosus, Sceloporus melanorhinus, S. utiformis y, Urosaurus bicarinatus) en un área protegida en el occidente de México al comparar los patrones generales y estacionales. La información se obtuvo basándose en 12 transectos visuales ubicados en bosque intacto. Anolis nebulosus registró un patrón bimodal de actividad diaria mientras que en el resto fue unimodal, pero aparentemente, la estacionalidad solo afecto los patrones generales de S. melanorhinus y U. bicarinatus. A excepción de A. nebulosus y S. melanorhinus, todas las comparaciones intraespecificas de los patrones generales y estacionales del uso del hábitat mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas. El uso de la hojarasca y perchas mas bajas, en las especies arborícolas, fue mayor durante la época de sequía probablemente en respuesta a una mayor disponibilidad de alimento en esos hábitats durante ese tiempo. Como se esperaba, la estacionalidad puede afectar el uso del tiempo y hábitat en lagartijas. Los resultados sugieren la posibilidad de un mayor uso diferencial del hábitat que del tiempo y la ocurrencia de un uso complementario de ellos: las especies con patrones de actividad más similares difieren más en su uso del hábitat. La depredación puede tener un efecto importante en el uso del tiempo y hábitat de estas especies de lagartijas.  相似文献   

Toucans (Ramphastidae) are highly frugivorous, widespread throughout the Neotropics, and travel long distances, thus likely providing dispersal for many tropical trees. Despite being large conspicuous members of the canopy and subcanopy bird community, their movement ecology has been little studied. To understand how these frugivores move through a lowland tropical forest, I tracked the movements of Ramphastos tucanus (White‐throated Toucan), Ramphastos vitellinus (Channel‐billed Toucan), and Pteroglossus pluricinctus (Many‐banded Araçari) in Yasuní National Park, Ecuador. The objectives of this study were to use radiotelemetry to estimate toucan home ranges, movement patterns, and potential seed dispersal distances. Using canopy nets, a total of 20 P. pluricinctus and three Ramphastos toucans were captured, radio‐tagged, and tracked over a 4‐yr period from 2001 to 2005. Average home range sizes were 191 and 86 ha for P. pluricinctus and Ramphastos toucans, respectively. The maximum travel distance in a single 30‐min tracking interval was 3665 m for P. pluricinctus and 3027 m for Ramphastos. Estimated dispersal distances of medium‐sized seeds ranged from 269 to 449 m. Large home range size and long‐distance movements indicate that toucans likely disperse seeds over a scale of hundreds of meters. This study is the first to estimate home range size of any toucan species in intact closed‐canopy forests. Abstract in Spanish is available at http://www.blackwell‐synergy.com/loi/btp .  相似文献   

Highly seasonal rainfall creates a pulse of litterfall in the southern Yucatan peninsula region, with cascading effects on the timing of essential nutrient fluxes, microbial dynamics, and vegetation growth. I investigated whether forest age or a regional environmental gradient related to rainfall has a greater effect on patterns of litterfall in this increasingly human‐dominated landscape. Litterfall was sampled in 10–13 stands in each of three locations spanning a rainfall gradient of ca 900–1400 mm/yr. Litter was collected monthly from November 1998 through January 2000 in mature forests and in secondary forests aged 2–25 yr. Despite a substantial precipitation gradient, age was the only significant predictor of annual litter mass. Two‐ to five‐yr‐old forests produced significantly less litter than 12–25‐yr‐old secondary forests (4.6 vs. 6.2 Mg/ha/yr), but the difference between older secondary forests and mature forests (9 percent) was not significant. Litter production increased with rainfall, but not significantly so. The pattern of litterfall was similar across locations and age classes, with a peak during late March or early April. However, litterfall seasonality was most pronounced in the old secondary and mature forests. Litterfall was more evenly distributed throughout the year in forests under 10 yr old. Seasonality of litterfall was also less pronounced at the wettest site, with less disparity between peak litterfall and off‐peak months. Seasonality was not related to soil texture. Forest age and rainfall are important drivers of litterfall dynamics; however, both litter mass and degree of seasonality depended more strongly on forest age. Thus, the impact of land‐use change on litter nutrient cycling is as great, if not greater, than the constraint imposed by the major natural environmental factor affecting tropical dry forests.  相似文献   

  • The impacts of the historical geologic and climatic events on the diversity and genetic structure of Neotropical taxa have recently become a subject of study. However, annual plants associated with tropical dry forests remain under‐studied. The exploration of additional taxa in contrasting environments will improve the current understanding of responses of the Neotropical biota to these events. Here, we explore the species distribution and geographic structure of the annual herb Tithonia rotundifolia.
  • We sampled 175 individuals from 19 populations of T. rotundifolia. Species distribution modelling and six microsatellite chloroplast loci were used to infer its population history. We identified areas of historical climate suitability and then tested if there is genetic structuring among these areas.
  • Haplotypes showed strong phylogeographic structure. Historical climatic suitability areas were found along the Pacific coast; however, a gap was found at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (IT). Although Bayesian analysis showed population structuring, amova revealed that the IT is not its main driver. Instead, a subdivision into a higher number of regions had higher FCT values. Also, populations to the east of the IT showed evidence of recent population expansion and migration in a south–north direction.
  • Pleistocene climate fluctuations partially explain the geographic structure of T. rotundifolia. However, life‐history characteristics such as limited seed dispersal and the patchy distribution of suitable habitats explain the high haplotype diversity and population sub‐structuring and diversity. Lastly, the absence of geographic structure of some haplotypes may indicate long‐distance dispersal, or hybridisation with the closely related T. tubaeformis.

We studied the composition, species richness, and relative abundance of bat assemblages in the Colombian dry forests of Chicamocha and Patía. In Chicamocha, 11 bats of the family Phyllostomidae were captured with mist-nets, corresponding to 85–100% of the potential phyllostomids species in the area. Two bats of the family Vespertilionidae were also captured in Chicamocha. In Patía, 12 species were captured with mist-nets, all Phyllostomidae, representing 72–100% of the estimated total number of species in the zone. Minor differences in number of species and composition were detected among sampling periods in Chicamocha. The most common species in this dry forest were Glossophaga longirostris and Sturnira lilium. In Patía, notable differences in the number of species and composition were observed among sampling periods, and the most common species were Artibeus jamaicensis, Carollia perspicillata and Phyllostomus discolor. Arid-zone dwelling bats were absent in Patía and we suggest that this absence may be associated with the isolation of Patía from other northern dry zones of Colombia since Quaternary times. There was also low abundance of bats in Patía, which appears to be related to human disturbance. The most abundant phyllostomid bat species in the two dry forests studied are those that include fruit and/or nectar-pollen from columnar cacti as an important proportion of their diets.  相似文献   

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