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李长生  王桂武  周虚 《四川动物》2008,27(1):120-122
通过在吉林农业科技学院左家校区动物实习基地进行试验,研究了野生狍(中国亚种)在人工驯化饲养条件下的发情配种模式.研究结果表明:狍属于短日照繁殖动物,发情和配种在秋季进行,每年有一个发情周期,性成熟是14±2月龄;雄狍在整个发情配种期始终保持兴奋状态,随时可以与达到发情旺期的雌狍进行交配,发情的雌狍外观没有明显表现,当对雄狍表现好感、主动亲近雄狍时,就是交配的最好时机;狍配种方式采用单雄群雌的同期复配方式,性别比例为雄性狍∶雌性狍=1∶4.  相似文献   

应用骨髓脂肪指数评价狍冬季体状况   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目前,有蹄类体状况的评价方法主要有整体脂肪指数(Wholebodyfat,WBF)[1,2]、肾脂肪指数(Kidneyfatindex,KFI)[3~10]、骨髓脂肪指数(Mar rowfatindex,MFI)[11~21]、尿液及雪尿分析技术(Urineanalysis)[22,23]和瘤胃粘膜表面扩张系数(Surfaceenlargementfactor,SEF)[24],可直接或间接地反映体脂肪的蓄积情况,并在一定程度上反映有蹄类所处环境的食物质量和营养压力。鹿科反刍动物对脂肪的蓄积和消耗具有一定的顺序,可视脂肪最先蓄积在心脏的基部及冠状沟附近,其次为心包膜、网膜、肾周围及皮下背部及腹部,而脂肪被消耗的顺序依次…  相似文献   

雪尿分析技术是北方冬季有蹄类种群营养状况评价的可靠性指数。本文通过对兴隆镇小东林场和三江自然保护区1999 及2000 年冬季狍50 个雪尿、尿液样本采集及分析, 用以评价在不同类型的栖息地中狍冬季的营养状况, 结果表明: 雪尿分析可以评价狍冬季的营养状况及其变化; 雪尿中较低的尿素氮与肌酸酐的比率表明两地区狍基本上处于营养不良早期阶段, 反映了食物资源可利用性低、食物营养质量低造成外源蛋白质和能量摄入不足, 而使狍大量消耗体脂肪, 并通过对尿液化学成分的重吸收利用而保持其在尿液中排出量最低, 使机体内源蛋白质分解代谢处于较低状态; 三江1999 年冬季狍营养状况相对较差, 而2000 年情况较好; 幼体及亚成体处于营养不良中期阶段。

Abstract The Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) causes large loss of free-ranging domestic sheep in Norway. We tested whether the observed higher kill rates by male lynx than female lynx were related to an association between the availability of the main natural prey, as measured by roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) habitat suitability, presence of sheep, and habitat selection of male and female lynx. We found that lynx selected areas with high roe deer suitability during summer and winter. Moreover, during summer, compared to male lynx, females had greater selection for roe deer areas and a stronger avoidance for sheep grazing areas, which suggests that previously observed differences in kill rates between male and female lynx can be attributed to sex-specific habitat use during summer. The connection between lynx habitat use and roe deer also was reflected in a positive relationship between the roe deer suitability of a sheep grazing area and the total loss of lambs, which suggests that livestock, rather than being actively selected, are mainly killed by lynx incidentally when encountered during other lynx activities (e.g., searching for natural prey species). Therefore, any management practice that separates lynx and sheep, such as concentrating livestock into small patches or less preferred habitats, may reduce depredation.  相似文献   

2003—2005年的冬季,在黑龙江省完达山地区的五泡林场,通过样线调查,利用逐步判别分析的方法,对冬季马鹿和狍子在森林采伐区和非采伐区生境选择的差异进行了比较研究,其结果表明,在该地区虽然两物种在生境选择上发生部分重叠,但在生境利用方式上均存在显著差异在采伐区马鹿主要利用中坡位或上坡位、半阴半阳或阳坡、人为干扰距离大于1000m、海拔相对较高、食物丰富度较高、乔木胸径较小、灌木密度较高的灌丛或杂木林生境;狍子主要利用中坡位或下坡位、阳坡、海拔相对较低、食物丰富度适中、乔木胸径较大、灌木密度较低、人为干扰距离要求不严格的杂木林或柞树林生境。在非采伐区,马鹿主要选择距人为干扰大于1000m、海拔较高、食物丰富度较高、乔木胸径较小的杂木林生境;狍子主要选择中坡位或下坡位、人为干扰距离要求不严格、海拔较低、食物丰富度较适中和乔木胸径较大的杂木林或杨-桦混交林生境。  相似文献   

Age-related loss of foot intrinsic muscle (FIM) strength may be associated with disability, falls, and inability to perform daily activities. Previous studies have determined the reliability of FIM strength testing and evaluated the relationship between FIM strength and corresponding muscle morphology in young adults. However, few studies have measured FIM strength in the older. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the intra- and inter-reliability of FIM strength tests and the relationship between FIM strength and FIM size in the older. A total of 61 participants aged 60–75 years were recruited, and 18 of them were selected randomly for the verification of FIM strength test reliability. A portable dynamometer was used in evaluating FIM strength, particularly the 1st (FT1), 2nd–3rd (FT2-3), and 2nd–5th (FT2-5) toes flexion, and doming. A portable musculoskeletal ultrasound device was used in measuring the cross-sectional area (CSA) and thickness of FIMs, namely, flexor digitorum brevis (FDB), abductor hallucis (AbH), flexor hallucis brevis, quadratus plantae (QP), and abductor digiti minimi (AbDM). Intra- and interclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were used in evaluating the reliability of the FIM strength tests, and Pearson’s correlation coefficients were used in determining the relationship between FIM strength and FIM size. All FIM strength tests showed good to excellent intratester reliability (ICCs: 0.793–0.920). Doming, FT2-3, and FT2-5 tests exhibited good intertester reliability (ICCs: 0.809–0.861). Doming strength was only correlated positively significantly with the thickness of AbH (r = 0.257, p = 0.046), FT1 strength was correlated negatively with AbDM thickness (r = −0.375, p = 0.003), FT2-3 strength was significantly positively correlated with the CSA of FDB (r = 0.359, p = 0.004) and the thickness (r = 0.273, p = 0.033) and CSA (r = 0.287, p = 0.025) of QP. FT2-5 strength was positively correlated with the CSA of FDB (r = 0.297, p = 0.020) and the thickness (r = 0.258, p = 0.045) and CSA (r = 0.319, p = 0.012) of QP but negatively correlated with the thickness of AbDM (r = −0.296, p = 0.020). The correlation between FIM strength and FIM size was weak. The findings suggested that foot muscle size should be cautiously used as a surrogate in evaluating FIM strength in the older.  相似文献   

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