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Understanding the types and magnitude of human‐caused mortality is essential for maintaining viable large carnivore populations. We used a database of cause‐specific mortality to examine how hunting regulations and landscape configurations influenced human‐caused mortality of North American gray wolves (Canis lupus). Our dataset included 21 studies that monitored the fates of 3564 wolves and reported 1442 mortalities. Human‐caused mortality accounted for 61% of mortality overall, with 23% due to illegal harvest, 16% due to legal harvest, and 12% the result of management removal. The overall proportion of anthropogenic wolf mortality was lowest in areas with an open hunting season compared to areas with a closed hunting season or mixed hunting regulations, suggesting that harvest mortality was neither fully additive nor compensatory. Proportion of mortality from management removal was reduced in areas with an open hunting season, suggesting that legal harvest may reduce human‐wolf conflicts or alternatively that areas with legal harvest have less potential for management removals (e.g., less livestock depredation). Proportion of natural habitat was negatively correlated with the proportion of anthropogenic and illegal harvest mortality. Additionally, the proportion of mortality due to illegal harvest increased with greater natural habitat fragmentation. The observed association between large patches of natural habitat and reductions in several sources of anthropogenic wolf mortality reiterate the importance of habitat preservation to maintain wolf populations. Furthermore, effective management of wolf populations via implementation of harvest may reduce conflict with humans. Effective wolf conservation will depend on holistic strategies that integrate ecological and socioeconomic factors to facilitate their long‐term coexistence with humans.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to update information regarding the status of shovelnose sturgeon fisheries. Although a substantial amount of shovelnose sturgeon research has been conducted in the past decade, the study purpose was not to provide a comprehensive review of the literature; the primary interest was in the status, trends, and management of Scaphirhynchus platorynchus fisheries in North America. Biologists were surveyed in all 24 states within the native distribution of the species; results indicate that commercial harvest is currently permitted in eight states, recreational harvest is allowed in 13 states, and that regulations vary within rivers and jurisdictional boundaries. Although recreational exploitation of shovelnose sturgeon is thought to be low and not a significant threat to populations, commercial harvest is a major concern in states with a commercial fishery. In the last decade harvest has increased in all states with commercial shovelnose sturgeon fisheries, but recent implementation of regulations has decreased harvest in some states. Approximately half of the states with extant shovelnose sturgeon populations conduct routine monitoring of the species, and the understanding of shovelnose sturgeon populations is increasing.  相似文献   

Reliable analyses can help wildlife managers make good decisions, which are particularly critical for controversial decisions such as wolf (Canis lupus) harvest. Creel and Rotella (2010) recently predicted substantial population declines in Montana wolf populations due to harvest, in contrast to predictions made by Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP). We replicated their analyses considering only those years in which field monitoring was consistent, and we considered the effect of annual variation in recruitment on wolf population growth. Rather than assuming constant rates, we used model selection methods to evaluate and incorporate models of factors driving recruitment and human-caused mortality rates in wolf populations in the Northern Rocky Mountains. Using data from 27 area-years of intensive wolf monitoring, we show that variation in both recruitment and human-caused mortality affect annual wolf population growth rates and that human-caused mortality rates have increased with the sizes of wolf populations. We document that recruitment rates have decreased over time, and we speculate that rates have decreased with increasing population sizes and/or that the ability of current field resources to document recruitment rates has recently become less successful as the number of wolves in the region has increased. Estimates of positive wolf population growth in Montana from our top models are consistent with field observations and estimates previously made by MFWP for 2008–2010, whereas the predictions for declining wolf populations of Creel and Rotella (2010) are not. Familiarity with limitations of raw data, obtained first-hand or through consultation with scientists who collected the data, helps generate more reliable inferences and conclusions in analyses of publicly available datasets. Additionally, development of efficient monitoring methods for wolves is a pressing need, so that analyses such as ours will be possible in future years when fewer resources will be available for monitoring. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Abstract We investigated the influence of habitat use on risk of death from hunting and trapping of 55 radiocollared gray wolves (Canis lupus) from an exploited insular population in Southeast Alaska, USA. We compared mortality rates for resident and nonresident wolves and used Cox proportional hazards regression to relate habitat composition within 100-m circular buffers around radiolocations to risk of death of resident and nonresident wolves. In addition, we included covariates representing distances to roads, logged stands, and lakes and streams in those analyses. We also compiled harvest data from 31 harvest units within the study area to compare densities of roads and distances from human settlements with rates of harvest. During our study 39 wolves died, of which 18 were harvested legally, 16 were killed illegally, and 5 died from natural causes. Legal and illegal harvest accounted for >87% of the mortality of radiocollared resident and nonresident wolves. Mean annual survival was 0.54 (SE = 0.17) for all wolves. Annual survival was 0.65 (SE = 0.17) for resident wolves and 0.34 (SE = 0.17) for nonresidents. Very few (19%) nonresident wolves survived to colonize vacant territories or join existing wolf packs. Roads, muskegs, and distances from lakes and streams were covariates positively associated with death of resident wolves. Clear-cuts were positively associated with risk of death of nonresident wolves. Rate of harvest increased with density of roads; however, road densities >0.9 km/km2 had little additional effect on harvest rates. Harvest rates decreased with ocean distances from nearest towns or settlements. Roads clearly increased risk of death for wolves from hunting and trapping and contributed to unsustainable rates of harvest. Wildlife managers should consider effects of roads and other habitat features on harvest of wolves when developing harvest recommendations. They should expect substantial illegal harvest where wolf habitat is accessible to humans. Moreover, high rates of mortality of nonresident wolves exposed to legal and illegal harvest may reduce or delay successful dispersal, potentially affecting linkages between small disjunct wolf populations or population segments. We conclude that a combination of conservative harvest regulations and large roadless reserves likely are the most effective measures for conserving wolves where risks from human-caused mortality are high.  相似文献   

Mech (2010) provided a review of options involving regulated, public hunting of gray wolves (Canis lupus) when states regain control of wolf management. We agree with his general conclusion that the use of lethal management should focus more in areas of conflict and less in wilderness areas, especially near protected places like national parks. Here, we expand on Mech's work and provide additional considerations that could be incorporated into state management plans to make them more acceptable to an increasingly diverse group of interested stakeholders, including: 1) the use of human dimensions research to understand the conditions under which stakeholders find lethal management acceptable, and to evaluate the acceptability of agency efforts to increase tolerance for wolves; 2) employing preventative measures to protect livestock and pets, especially in cases where wolf packs are highly visible to the public; and 3) selective use of sport hunting in areas where wolf impacts are deemed unacceptable. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Abstract: Gray wolf (Canis lupus) populations are recovering in many parts of the world and managers from various jurisdictions will be faced with difficult decisions as wolf populations continue to increase. Wolf management in Alberta, Canada, is achieved mostly through trapping on a registered trapline system. Wolf harvest increased over the last 22 years relative to population increases. Most wolf harvests occurred in the Rocky Mountains and surrounding foothills area and this pattern was consistent over time. On average, trappers only harvested an estimated 9.8% of the provincial population annually despite the lack of bag limits or quotas. Harvests are spatially autocorrelated with peak autocorrelation coinciding with average home-range size for wolves in Alberta. When wolf control actions are deemed necessary, trappers are unlikely to remove a sufficient number of wolves over a large enough area to limit subpopulations under the registered trapline system.  相似文献   

Abstract: After roughly a 60-year absence, wolves (Canis lupus) immigrated (1979) and were reintroduced (1995-1996) into the northern Rocky Mountains (NRM), USA, where wolves are protected under the Endangered Species Act. The wolf recovery goal is to restore an equitably distributed metapopulation of ≥30 breeding pairs and 300 wolves in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming, while minimizing damage to livestock; ultimately, the objective is to establish state-managed conservation programs for wolf populations in NRM. Previously, wolves were eradicated from the NRM because of excessive human killing. We used Andersen–Gill hazard models to assess biological, habitat, and anthropogenic factors contributing to current wolf mortality risk and whether federal protection was adequate to provide acceptably low hazards. We radiocollared 711 wolves in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming (e.g., NRM region of the United States) from 1982 to 2004 and recorded 363 mortalities. Overall, annual survival rate of wolves in the recovery areas was 0.750 (95% CI = 0.728-0.772), which is generally considered adequate for wolf population sustainability and thereby allowed the NRM wolf population to increase. Contrary to our prediction, wolf mortality risk was higher in the northwest Montana (NWMT) recovery area, likely due to less abundant public land being secure wolf habitat compared to other recovery areas. In contrast, lower hazards in the Greater Yellowstone Area (GYA) and central Idaho (CID) likely were due to larger core areas that offered stronger wolf protection. We also found that wolves collared for damage management purposes (targeted sample) had substantially lower survival than those collared for monitoring purposes (representative sample) because most mortality was due to human factors (e.g., illegal take, control). This difference in survival underscores the importance of human-caused mortality in this recovering NRM population. Other factors contributing to increased mortality risk were pup and yearling age class, or dispersing status, which was related to younger age cohorts. When we included habitat variables in our analysis, we found that wolves having abundant agricultural and private land as well as livestock in their territory had higher mortality risk. Wolf survival was higher in areas with increased wolf density, implying that secure core habitat, particularly in GYA and CID, is important for wolf protection. We failed to detect changes in wolf hazards according to either gender or season. Maintaining wolves in NWMT will require greater attention to human harvest, conflict resolution, and illegal mortality than in either CID or GYA; however, if human access increases in the future in either of the latter 2 areas hazards to wolves also may increase. Indeed, because overall suitable habitat is more fragmented and the NRM has higher human access than many places where wolves roam freely and are subject to harvest (e.g., Canada and AK), monitoring of wolf vital rates, along with concomitant conservation and management strategies directed at wolves, their habitat, and humans, will be important for ensuring long-term viability of wolves in the region.  相似文献   



The influence of policy on the incidence of human-wildlife conflict can be complex and not entirely anticipated. Policies for managing bear hunter success and depredation on hunting dogs by wolves represent an important case because with increasing wolves, depredations are expected to increase. This case is challenging because compensation for wolf depredation on hunting dogs as compared to livestock is less common and more likely to be opposed. Therefore, actions that minimize the likelihood of such conflicts are a conservation need.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used data from two US states with similar wolf populations but markedly different wolf/hunting dog depredation patterns to examine the influence of bear hunting regulations, bear hunter to wolf ratios, hunter method, and hunter effort on wolf depredation trends. Results indicated that the ratio of bear hunting permits sold per wolf, and hunter method are important factors affecting wolf depredation trends in the Upper Great Lakes region, but strong differences exist between Michigan and Wisconsin related in part to the timing and duration of bear-baiting (i.e., free feeding). The probability that a wolf depredated a bear-hunting dog increases with the duration of bear-baiting, resulting in a relative risk of depredation 2.12–7.22× greater in Wisconsin than Michigan. The net effect of compensation for hunting dog depredation in Wisconsin may also contribute to the difference between states.


These results identified a potential tradeoff between bear hunting success and wolf/bear-hunting dog conflict. These results indicate that management options to minimize conflict exist, such as adjusting baiting regulations. If reducing depredations is an important goal, this analysis indicates that actions aside from (or in addition to) reducing wolf abundance might achieve that goal. This study also stresses the need to better understand the relationship among baiting practices, the effect of compensation on hunter behavior, and depredation occurrence.  相似文献   

Human harvesting is often a major mortality factor and, hence, an important proximate factor driving the population dynamics of large mammals. Several selective harvesting regimes focus on removing animals with low reproductive value, such as “antlered” harvests in North America and juvenile harvesting in many European countries. Despite its widespread use and assumed impact, the scientific basis of juvenile harvesting is scattered in the literature and not empirically well-documented. We give the first overview of demographic, evolutionary and practical management arguments for selective harvesting of juveniles. Furthermore, we empirically test two demographic arguments based on harvest statistics of Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) in seven European countries. P1: Harvesting juveniles has little influence on harvest growth compared with harvesting adult females due to the lower reproductive value of juveniles than adult females; P2: Harvesting of juveniles dampens variance in harvest due to lower and more variable natural survival rates of juveniles compared with adults. We found that harvesting juveniles has little effect on harvest growth rate, while harvesting adult females has a significant negative effect (consistent with P1), but that increasing the proportion of juveniles in the harvest did not decrease the variability in harvest between years (P2 not supported). Based on our empirical findings and overview of arguments, we discuss how the merits of juvenile harvesting may vary over time as populations move from a low density to a very high density state.  相似文献   

To more thoroughly understand the ecological effects of harvesting geophytes for food by American Indians, an investigation of the ethnobotany and population dynamics of Dichelostemma capitatum (blue dicks), an attractive source of nutrition to many California Indian groups was undertaken. Some cultural groups harvest the corms and replant the cormlets, spare plants, and harvest after seeding to ensure replenishment of seed. Some Indian elders equate judicious harvesting with the maintenance and enhancement of field populations of this geophyte. A field experiment was conducted to determine the degree to which differences in intensity and timing of harvest, with and without replanting of cormlets, have any effect on corm and cormlet production. We found that harvesting at 100% intensity, through digging up all plants and corms, and without replanting cormlets at the seed stage, significantly reduces numbers of corms and cormlets compared to the controls (no harvest). However, harvesting at 50% intensity, through digging up half of all plants and corms at the flowering or seed stages, without replanting cormlets, was not significantly different from the controls (no harvest). The results suggest that harvesting blue dicks corms with a digging stick in the latter way could yield a sustainable level of harvest. Indigenous harvesting and management regimes may offer some of the best examples of long-term uses and management of the regional flora without detriment to its biodiversity. Restorationists are urged to study and experimentally mimic indigenous disturbance regimes and their ecological effects known to occur historically in various ecosystems. In some cases, areas will greatly benefit from the reintroduction of management and harvesting regimes that authentically simulate ancient indigenous interactions.  相似文献   

Abstract: Cultural evidence suggests that sooty shearwater (Puffinus griseus) chicks have been harvested by Rakiura Māori on islands in southern New Zealand since prehistoric times. Concerns exist that modern harvests may be impacting sooty shearwater abundance. We modeled human-related and ecological determinants of harvest (total no. of individuals harvested) of sooty shearwater chicks on 11 islands and examined the relationship between shearwater abundance and harvesting rates (chicks/hr) and harvester behavior throughout the harvesting season. Models best explaining variation in harvest between harvesting areas (manu), for both the early and late parts of the harvesting season, included harvester-days (included in all models with change in deviance information criteria [ΔDIC], ΔDIC < 8.36 and ΔDIC < 11.5, for the early and late periods, respectively). Other harvest determinants included shearwater density, size of the manu, and number of people helping harvesters (all included in the top 5 models within ΔDIC = 2.25 for the late period). Areas harvested by several families under a common-property harvesting system had higher harvest intensity for their size (24% points higher, 95% credible interval 11–36%) than those managed as an exclusive resource for one family. The slowest harvesters spent more time harvesting but on average only harvested 36% (95% credible interval 15–65%) and 34% (95% credible interval 12–63%) of the harvest taken by the fastest harvesters during the early and late periods, respectively. Our results highlight the possibility of elevated harvest intensity as the population of harvesters increases. However, our models suggested that a corresponding reduction in harvesting rate at low prey densities during the most productive period could potentially regulate harvest intensity. Future research will integrate these results into prospective shearwater demographic models to assess the utility of a range of harvesting strategies in ensuring harvest sustainability.  相似文献   

The European, Canadian, and Latin American seaweed industries rely on the sustainable harvesting of natural resources. As several countries wish to increase their activity, the harvest should be managed according to integrated and participatory governance regimes to ensure production within a long-term perspective. Development of regulations and directives enabling the sustainable exploitation of natural resources must therefore be brought to the national and international political agenda in order to ensure environmental, social, and economic values in the coastal areas around the world. In Europe, Portugal requires an appraisal of seaweed management plans while Norway and Canada have developed and implemented coastal management plans including well-established and sustainable exploitation of their natural seaweed resources. Whereas, in Latin America, different scenarios of seaweed exploitation can be observed; each country is however in need of long-term and ecosystem-based management plans to ensure that exploitation is sustainable. These plans are required particularly in Peru and Brazil, while Chile has succeeded in establishing a sustainable seaweed-harvesting plan for most of the economically important seaweeds. Furthermore, in both Europe and Latin America, seaweed aquaculture is at its infancy and development will have to overcome numerous challenges at different levels (i.e., technology, biology, policy). Thus, there is a need for regulations and establishment of “best practices” for seaweed harvesting, management, and cultivation. Trained human resources will also be required to provide information and education to the communities involved, to enable seaweed utilization to become a profitable business and provide better income opportunities to coastal communities.  相似文献   

Harvest data (e.g., number of animals harvested, trapper effort) are an important source of information for state wildlife agencies to manage harvested furbearers. These data provide evidence to support adapting harvest regulations when necessary. Setting appropriate harvest regulations for fishers (Martes pennanti) and American martens (Martes americana) is critical, as these species often exist at low densities, are sensitive to timber-management practices and trapper-harvest, and experience some level of interspecific predation and competition in sympatric populations. We estimated effects of management (e.g., number of fishers or martens harvested per trapper per season [harvest limit], season length) and extrinsic (e.g., weather, pelt prices) factors on regulated harvests of fishers and martens in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan during 1996–2007. We used generalized linear mixed models in an information-theoretic approach (quasi-likelihood adjusted Akaike Information Criterion [QAIC]) to discern which factors most strongly influenced fisher and marten harvests. For harvest of fishers, the 3 QAIC-best models included harvest limit, season length, and number of trappers, suggesting that regulatory changes within the ranges tested may be implemented to influence harvest. The QAIC-best model (harvest limit) contained 26% of the weight of evidence, and using an independent subset of data, showed no difference between model predictions and harvest data. In contrast, harvest of martens was not strongly influenced by any factors we tested. Possible reasons for a lack of measurable effects while modeling harvest of martens include a low harvest limit (i.e., 1 marten) or incidental harvest of martens by fisher or bobcat (Lynx rufus) trappers. Knowledge of influences on harvest will lead to informed decision-making when managers are setting harvest regulations, particularly for low-density furbearers. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The role of harvest in the dynamics of waterfowl populations continues to be debated among scientists and managers. Our perception is that interested members of the public and some managers believe that harvest influences North American duck populations based on calls for more conservative harvest regulations. A recent review of harvest and population dynamics of North American mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) populations (Pöysä et al. 2004) reached similar conclusions. Because of the importance of this issue, we reviewed the evidence for an impact of harvest on duck populations. Our understanding of the effects of harvest is limited because harvest effects are typically confounded with those of population density; regulations are typically most liberal when populations are greatest. This problem also exists in the current Adaptive Harvest Management Program (Conn and Kendall 2004). Consequently, even where harvest appears additive to other mortality, this may be an artifact of ignoring effects of population density. Overall, we found no compelling evidence for strong additive effects of harvest on survival in duck populations that could not be explained by other factors. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   



Predation and hunter harvest constitute the main mortality factors affecting the size and dynamics of many exploited populations. The re-colonization by wolves (Canis lupus) of the Scandinavian Peninsula may therefore substantially reduce hunter harvest of moose (Alces alces), the main prey of wolves.

Methodology/Principal findings

We examined possible effects of wolf presence on hunter harvest in areas where we had data before and after wolf establishment (n = 25), and in additional areas that had been continuously exposed to wolf predation during at least ten years (n = 43). There was a general reduction in the total number of moose harvested (n = 31,827) during the ten year study period in all areas irrespective of presence of wolves or not. However, the reduction in hunter harvest was stronger within wolf territories compared to control areas without wolves. The reduction in harvest was larger in small (500-800 km2) compared to large (1,200-1,800 km2) wolf territories. In areas with newly established wolf territories moose management appeared to be adaptive with regard to both managers (hunting quotas) and to hunters (actual harvest). In these areas an instant reduction in moose harvest over-compensated the estimated number of moose killed annually by wolves and the composition of the hunted animals changed towards a lower proportion of adult females.


We show that the re-colonization of wolves may result in an almost instant functional response by another large predator—humans—that reduced the potential for a direct numerical effect on the density of wolves’ main prey, the moose. Because most of the worlds’ habitat that will be available for future colonization by large predators are likely to be strongly influenced by humans, human behavioural responses may constitute a key trait that govern the impact of large predators on their prey.  相似文献   

In the period following wolf ( Canis lupus ) reintroduction to Yellowstone National Park (1995–2004), the northern Yellowstone elk ( Cervus elaphus ) herd declined from ∼17 000 to ∼8000 elk (8.1% yr−1). The extent to which wolf predation contributed to this decline is not obvious because the influence of other factors (human harvest and lower than average annual rainfall) on elk dynamics has not been quantified. To assess the contribution of wolf predation to this elk decline, we built and assessed models based on elk-related data prior to wolf reintroduction (1961 to 1995). We then used the best of these models to predict how elk dynamics might have been realized after wolf reintroduction (1995 to 2004) had wolves never been reintroduced. The best performing model predicted 64% of the variance in growth rate and included elk abundance, harvest rate, annual snowfall, and annual precipitation as predictor variables. The best performing models also suggest that harvest may be super-additive. That is, for every one percent increase in harvest rate, elk population growth rate declines by more than one percent. Harvest rate also accounted for ∼47% of the observed variation in elk growth rate. According to the best-performing model, which accounts for harvest rate and climate, the elk population would have been expected to decline by 7.9% per year, on average, between 1995 and 2004. Within the limits of uncertainty, which are not trivial, climate and harvest rate are justified explanations for most of the observed elk decline. To the extent that this is true, we suggest that between 1995 and 2004 wolf predation was primarily compensatory.  相似文献   

To be sustainable, feedstock harvest must neither degrade soil, water, or air resources nor negatively impact productivity or subsequent crop yields. Simulation modeling will help guide the development of sustainable feedstock production practices, but not without field validation. This paper introduces field research being conducted in six states to support Sun Grant Regional Partnership modeling. Our objectives are to (1) provide a fundamental understanding of limiting factor(s) affecting corn (Zea mays L.) stover harvest, (2) develop tools (e.g., equations, models, etc.) that account for those factors, and (3) create a multivariant analysis framework to combine models for all limiting factors. Sun Grant modelers will use this information to improve regional estimates of feedstock availability. A minimum data set, including soil organic carbon (SOC), total N, pH, bulk density (BD), and soil‐test phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) concentrations, is being collected. Stover yield for three treatments (0%, 50%, and 90% removal) and concentrations of N, P, and K in the harvested stover are being quantified to assess the impact of stover harvest on soil resources. Grain yield at a moisture content of 155 g kg?1 averaged 9.71 Mg ha?1, matching the 2008 national average. Stover dry matter harvest rates ranged from 0 to 7 Mg ha?1. Harvesting stover increased N–P–K removal by an average of 42, 5, and 45 kg ha?1 compared with harvesting only grain. Replacing those three nutrients would cost $53.68 ha?1 based on 2009 fertilizer prices. This first‐year data and that collected in subsequent years is being used to develop a residue management tool that will ultimately link multiple feedstock supplies together in a landscape vision to help develop a comprehensive carbon management plan, quantify corn stover harvest effects on soil quality, and predict regional variability in feedstock supplies.  相似文献   

The desire to see free ranging large carnivores in their natural habitat is a driver of tourism in protected areas around the globe. However, large carnivores are wide-ranging and subject to human-caused mortality outside protected area boundaries. The impact of harvest (trapping or hunting) on wildlife viewing opportunities has been the subject of intense debate and speculation, but quantitative analyses have been lacking. We examined the effect of legal harvest of wolves (Canis lupus) along the boundaries of two North American National Parks, Denali (DNPP) and Yellowstone (YNP), on wolf viewing opportunities within the parks during peak tourist season. We used data on wolf sightings, pack sizes, den site locations, and harvest adjacent to DNPP from 1997–2013 and YNP from 2008–2013 to evaluate the relationship between harvest and wolf viewing opportunities. Although sightings were largely driven by wolf population size and proximity of den sites to roads, sightings in both parks were significantly reduced by harvest. Sightings in YNP increased by 45% following years with no harvest of a wolf from a pack, and sightings in DNPP were more than twice as likely during a period with a harvest buffer zone than in years without the buffer. These findings show that harvest of wolves adjacent to protected areas can reduce sightings within those areas despite minimal impacts on the size of protected wolf populations. Consumptive use of carnivores adjacent to protected areas may therefore reduce their potential for non-consumptive use, and these tradeoffs should be considered when developing regional wildlife management policies.  相似文献   

During the last 140 years, the trajectories of Finnish bear and wolf populations have twice diverged. The first such divergence occurred during 1875–1915; wolf abundance plummeted within a decade, while bears decreased steadily over 40 years. The second divergence began in the 1990s, coinciding with the introduction of total protection of both species. Within 20 years, the bear population grew fourfold, while the wolf remained low. These patterns can be accounted for in terms of both historical and contemporary stakeholder attitudes. Data from periodicals published during 1881–1923 show a significant difference in that respect: the scenario of the extinction of the bear was seen as entirely unacceptable, while that of the wolf was clearly an objective worth pursuing. Nationwide studies carried out during the second divergence show that attitudes toward the bear are significantly more positive than those toward the wolf. Increased bear numbers re-opened sustainable harvesting of this valued game. The wolf, in contrast, has been treated rather as a pest than as a valuable quarry, and in spite of total protection, the illegal killing has kept its population low. Recent wolf population changes synchronize with policy adjustments suggesting that legal harvest might reduce the urge to undertake unlawful acts, but regulated hunting has probably been allowed in too short and erratic periods to test its real conservation potential. Rural people and hunters are salient wildlife management stakeholders in circumstances where they have to share their territory with conflict-prone species. These groups have the intrinsic power to implement forms of grassroots-level management that can sometimes override official top-down policy decisions.  相似文献   

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