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Sign surveys are commonly used to study and monitor wildlife species but may be flawed when surveys are conducted only once and cover short distances, which can lead to a lack of accountability for false absences. Multiple observers surveyed for river otter (Lontra canadensis) scat and tracks along stream and reservoir shorelines at 110 randomly selected sites in eastern Kansas from January to April 2008 and 2009 to determine if detection probability differed among substrates, sign types, observers, survey lengths, and near access points. We estimated detection probabilities (p) of river otters using occupancy models in Program PRESENCE. Mean detection probability for a 400-m survey was highest in mud substrates (p = 0.60) and lowest in snow (p = 0.18) and leaf litter substrates (p = 0.27). Scat had a higher detection probability (p = 0.53) than tracks (p = 0.18), and experienced observers had higher detection probabilities (p > 0.71) than novice observers (p < 0.55). Detection probabilities increased almost 3-fold as survey length increased from 200 m to 1,000 m, and otter sign was not concentrated near access points. After accounting for imperfect detection, our estimates of otter site occupancy based on a 400-m survey increased >3-fold, providing further evidence of the potential negative bias that can occur in estimates from sign surveys when imperfect detection is not addressed. Our study identifies areas for improvement in sign survey methodologies and results are applicable for sign surveys commonly used for many species across a range of habitats. © 2010 The Wildlife Society  相似文献   

Analysis of changes in population size can be severely biased when factors related to the acquisition of data, such as differences between observer experience and changes through time in the ability of individual observers to detect animals, are not controlled for. We analysed the effect of observer qualification on the number of groups and individuals observed during two census days of a mouflonOvis gmelini musimon xOvis sp. population. The difference between professional wildlife biologists and volunteers was strong during the census day one (87 groups and 410 mouflons vs 55 and 249 by experienced observers and volunteers, respectively) but decreased significantly on the second day for the number of animals detected (390 vs 292 mouflons by experienced observers and volunteers, respectively). Our result indicates that additional training will enhance reliability of data obtained from volunteers. Given the effect of observer qualification on performance during the census, we recommend to use observers of similar and adequate qualification in population counts.  相似文献   

Long‐term wildlife monitoring involves collecting time series data, often using the same observers over multiple years. Aging‐related changes to these observers may be an important, under‐recognized source of error that can bias management decisions. In this study, we used data from two large, independent bird surveys, the Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Ontario (“OBBA”) and the North American Breeding Bird Survey (“BBS”), to test for age‐related observer effects in long‐term time series of avian presence and abundance. We then considered the effect of such aging phenomena on current population trend estimates. We found significantly fewer detections among older versus younger observers for 13 of 43 OBBA species, and declines in detection as an observer ages for 4 of 6 vocalization groups comprising 59 of 64 BBS species. Consistent with hearing loss influencing this pattern, we also found evidence for increasingly severe detection declines with increasing call frequency among nine high‐pitched bird species (OBBA); however, there were also detection declines at other frequencies, suggesting important additional effects of aging, independent of hearing loss. We lastly found subtle, significant relationships between some species' published population trend estimates and (1) their corresponding vocalization frequency (n ≥ 22 species) and (2) their estimated declines in detectability among older observers (n = 9 high‐frequency, monotone species), suggesting that observer aging can negatively bias long‐term monitoring data for some species in part through hearing loss effects. We recommend that survey designers and modelers account for observer age where possible.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although many studies involve observations of parent birds feeding their young, few investigators have attempted to quantify possible sources of bias associated with such observations. To address this issue, we observed the provisioning behavior of Thick‐billed Murres (Uria lomvia) at a breeding colony on Coats Island, Nunavut, Canada from 2004 to 2007. We also attached electronic recorders that indicated every return to the colony and, for some prey items, allowed us to determine whether they were correctly identified based on the profile of the dive preceding delivery. We recorded when the bird arrived without a fish and, because our electronic recorders did not impact feeding rates, we were able to convert the number of arrivals into feeding rates. Of 3744 arrivals observed by the recorders, 13% of arrivals were missed by the observers at the colony, 13% were unidentified and 5% were misidentified. The proportion of missed feedings (AIC weight = 0.46) and unidentified prey (AIC weight = 0.48) increased with decreasing light level, whereas the proportion of misidentified prey increased with increasing light level (AIC weight = 0.30). Distance from the observation blind to the breeding site also influenced the proportion of missed feedings. Unidentified and misidentified feeds occurred more often when the breeding site was partially obscured. Unidentified prey also varied with observer (P= 0.0005), although this did not correlate with observer experience. Fish lengths recorded by observers viewing photographs of fish subsequently collected, and therefore of known length, were consistently about one centimeter lower than actual fish length (R2= 0.71). After correcting for missed feeds and misidentification of fish lengths, we obtained robust estimates of chick energy intake rates (accuracy ± 2%). We concluded that light level was the largest source of bias in feeding watches, but that other factors, such as breeding site location, needed to be considered when analyzing data collected from these watches.  相似文献   

Track census is a widely used method for rapid faunal assessments, which assumes that differences in track count numbers mainly reflect differences in species abundance due to some biological factors. However, some methodological and climatic variables might affect results of track censuses. Here, we tested the effect of climatic variables, such as maximum temperature, humidity, wind speed or days since last rain, and methodological factors such as censusing day period, distance from transect to vegetation edge, substrate condition or observer, on the number of tracks of mammal carnivores and some of their potential prey detected in sandy substrates. We sampled 2?×?2 km2 located within the scrubland area of Doñana National Park (southwestern Spain) for carnivore and several potential prey tracks. Our results showed differences in the number of tracks detected between observers and a significant interaction between observers and the day period when censuses were carried out. Moreover, the variables increasing the quality of the substrate (higher environmental humidity, lower wind speed and days since last rain) not only led to a greater detection of carnivore tracks but, depending on the size of the species sampled other variables such as distance from transects to the vegetation border, also affected results. We recommend restricting sampling to certain fixed weather conditions when planning to monitor relative animal abundance from track censuses. When not possible, climatic or methodological variables should be included as covariates in analyses that try to test for the biological factors affecting wildlife abundance, taking into account that these variables, which affect the number of tracks detected could vary between years.  相似文献   

Opportunistic records of animal occurrence may be problematic for inferring species distribution and habitat requirements because of unknown and uncontrolled sources of sampling variance. In this study, we used occurrence records for river otters (Lontra canadensis) derived from sign surveys, road kills, trapper bycatch, and opportunistic sightings (n = 185 records collected 2001–2012) to assess the potential distribution and habitat relationships of otters across central and western New York, USA. To mitigate for obvious observation biases, we standardized observation intensity across regions a priori and restricted inference to readily accessible areas (i.e., ≤700 m from the nearest road). Model selection, and the direction of covariate effects, proved robust to these sampling biases although effect sizes varied −7.1% to +48.0% after bias correction, with the coefficient for the proportion of available shoreline being the most unstable. Ultimately, the top bias-corrected model proved a reliable index for otter probability of occurrence given a strong, positive, and linear relationship with a withheld set of standardized survey records for otters collected in winter 2016–2017 (n = 57; R2 = 0.90). This model indicated that approximately 20% of the study area represented high probability of otter occurrence. We demonstrated that reliable inference on wildlife habitat requirements can be obtained from disparate records of animal occurrence provided that data biases are known and effectively mitigated. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The marine otter (Lontra felina) has a patchy distribution associated with rocky coastlines along the Pacific coast of South America. In Peru marine otters are found from La Libertad (8°04′S) to Tacna (18°09′S), however, few studies have assessed its population and conservation status. To assess marine otters' current distribution along the Peru coastline, we conducted visual surveys and collected environmental characteristics such as human presence and habitat type. We surveyed 20 locations from five regions where otter presence was based on signs of detection (spraints, food leftovers, tracks, or direct observations). In addition, data on human presence, habitat type, and geographic location were also collected. Across the 20 locations, 268 sections were scanned, and marine otters were detected in 90% (n = 18) of locations and in 19% (n = 52) of sections. Spraints were the most frequent sign detected while direct observations occurred only in seven locations. Our analysis indicates habitat features play an important role in marine otter presence, with habitats with large rocks providing preferred conditions. Our study provides information on marine otter distribution along the Peru coastline that can assist in the identification of locations for focused conservation initiatives and strategies, which should be coordinated among regions to strengthen their design and implementation.  相似文献   

We investigated whether commercially landed black marlin Istiompax indica were being misidentified by fisheries observers operating throughout the Pacific Ocean. Of 83 samples reported by observers as I. indica, 77% were genetically identified to be blue marlin Makaira nigricans and 2% to be striped marlin Kajikia audax. The high rate of misidentification by observers places considerable uncertainty over historic catch ratios of Indo‐Pacific marlin and stock assessments relying on the validity of these data.  相似文献   

Abstract: One of the primary assumptions associated with many wildlife and population trend studies is that target species are correctly identified. This assumption may not always be valid, particularly for species similar in appearance to co-occurring species. We examined size overlap and identification error rates among Cooper's (Accipiter cooperii) and sharp-shinned (A. striatus) hawks specific to a raptor migration count station along the Pacific Coast of North America. Illustrating the difficulty of distinguishing between these 2 species, we found overlap in 7 metrics among species-sex groups and in 2 metrics between species, and a principal components analysis revealed a continuum of discrete clusters for each species-sex combination in morphospace. Among juvenile hawks (n = 940), we found the greatest misidentification rate for male Cooper's hawks (23% of the 156 males were identified as sharp-shinned), lesser error rates for female Cooper's (8%, n = 339) and female sharp-shinned (6%, n = 246), and the lowest misidentification rate for male sharp-shinned hawks (0%, n = 199). We observed a similar pattern of misidentification among adult hawks (n = 48). We attempted to use conditional probabilities (identification rates) from calibration data to calculate the true number of adult and juvenile Cooper's hawks and sharp-shinned hawks. Discrepancies between total number of observed accipiters and estimated number using calibration data suggest that daily observer misclassification rates are higher than misclassification rates estimated from calibration data and prevent correction of the raw data. Our results illustrate the importance of testing for and quantifying observer error in species identification in wildlife census and population trend studies particularly when target species may be easily confused with other nontarget species.  相似文献   

Abstract: Estimating components of detection probability is crucial to improving the design of aerial surveys for wildlife populations, and this is especially true for species of marine mammals that are threatened or endangered. To evaluate the probability that Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) will be detected by observers during aerial surveys, we conducted 6 series of survey flights, during mornings and afternoons on 14-16 consecutive days over the Tampa Electric Company's (TECO) Big Bend power plant discharge canal in Tampa Bay, Florida, USA (winter 2000 through 2003). Our objective was to understand how our ability to detect manatees at a winter aggregation site affects aerial survey counts, so that we may improve techniques for estimating manatee population size. We estimated the probability that manatees would be present at the warm-water discharge of the plant during winter cold fronts and estimated the overall detection probability of manatees present at the plant and the 2 components that make up the probability of detection (the probability of being available and the probability of being detected given they are available). We used telemetry tags and marker flags (n = 15) to facilitate capture-recapture analyses. The probability that marked manatees would be at the plant varied from 48% to 68% across flight series and was inversely related to the ambient water temperature. Based on sightings of marked animals, estimates of the overall probability of detecting a manatee ranged from 45% to 69% across flight series (x̄ = 58%, n = 6). The probability that a manatee would be available to an observer ranged from 73% to 94% across flight series (x̄ = 83%) but was constant among years (83%, 81%, and 78%; x̄ = 81%). The probability that an available manatee would be detected by an aerial observer was variable across flight series (55-95%) and years (73%, 86%, and 66%, x̄ = 73%). Independent estimates of the probability that a manatee would be available to the observer on one pass were obtained from time-depth data loggers and ranged from 5% to 33% (x̄ = 19%, SE = 3.7%), and the probability that a manatee would be available during ≥1 of 10 passes ranged from 41% to 98% (x̄ = 88%, 95% confidence bounds 0.71-0.95). We adjusted survey counts using measures of detectability. Although corrected counts presented here are site-specific, adjusting counts based on detection probability will greatly improve reliability of population estimates from all aerial surveys. Special sampling to estimate components of detection probability should be built into all aerial surveys to ensure that reliable and unbiased information on species abundance is used to evaluate wildlife populations.  相似文献   

Eight new tetramicrosatellite loci for Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) were designed. Polymorphism of these eight loci in 29 otter individuals was tested. The results indicated that the allele numbers of each of loci ranged from three to five and the observed heterozygosity from 0.483 to 0.828. These new loci can be useful for population genetic research on otters and help improve the resolution of individual identification using noninvasive method.  相似文献   

Volunteers are increasingly being recruited into citizen science projects to collect observations for scientific studies. An additional goal of these projects is to engage and educate these volunteers. Thus, there are few barriers to participation resulting in volunteer observers with varying ability to complete the project’s tasks. To improve the quality of a citizen science project’s outcomes it would be useful to account for inter-observer variation, and to assess the rarely tested presumption that participating in a citizen science projects results in volunteers becoming better observers. Here we present a method for indexing observer variability based on the data routinely submitted by observers participating in the citizen science project eBird, a broad-scale monitoring project in which observers collect and submit lists of the bird species observed while birding. Our method for indexing observer variability uses species accumulation curves, lines that describe how the total number of species reported increase with increasing time spent in collecting observations. We find that differences in species accumulation curves among observers equates to higher rates of species accumulation, particularly for harder-to-identify species, and reveals increased species accumulation rates with continued participation. We suggest that these properties of our analysis provide a measure of observer skill, and that the potential to derive post-hoc data-derived measurements of participant ability should be more widely explored by analysts of data from citizen science projects. We see the potential for inferential results from analyses of citizen science data to be improved by accounting for observer skill.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Noninvasive genetic monitoring of animal populations has become a widely used method in animal conservation and wildlife management due to its known advantages in sample availability of endangered or elusive species. A variety of methods have been suggested to overcome the difficulties of collecting reliable genetic data despite poor DNA quality and quantity of samples. We used quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) to quantify DNA contents and preselect extracts suitable for microsatellite genotyping of noninvasive samples from 2 carnivore species, wolf (Canis lupus) and Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra). We tested 2 concentration thresholds for DNA extracts containing either 5 pg/μL or 25 pg/μL at minimum and evaluated the effect of excluding samples from genotyping falling below either of these DNA concentrations. Depending on species and threshold concentration applied, we reduced the genotyping effort by 21% to 47% and genotyping errors by 7% to 45%, yet we could still detect 82% to 99% of available genotypes. Thus, qPCR may potentially reduce genotyping effort and enhance data reliability in noninvasive genetic studies. Genetic laboratories working on noninvasive population genetic studies could transfer this approach to other species, streamline genetic analyses and, thus, more efficiently provide wildlife managers with reliable genetic data of wild populations.  相似文献   

Genetic analyses are an important contribution to wildlife reintroductions, particularly in the modern context of extirpations and ecological destruction. To address the complex historical ecology of the sea otter (Enhydra lutris) and its failed 1970s reintroduction to coastal Oregon, we compared mitochondrial genomes of pre-extirpation Oregon sea otters to extant and historical populations across the range. We sequenced, to our knowledge, the first complete ancient mitogenomes from archaeological Oregon sea otter dentine and historical sea otter dental calculus. Archaeological Oregon sea otters (n = 20) represent 10 haplotypes, which cluster with haplotypes from Alaska, Washington and British Columbia, and exhibit a clear division from California haplotypes. Our results suggest that extant northern populations are appropriate for future reintroduction efforts. This project demonstrates the feasibility of mitogenome capture and sequencing from non-human dental calculus and the diverse applications of ancient DNA analyses to pressing ecological and conservation topics and the management of at-risk/extirpated species.  相似文献   

The European Commission Habitats Directive requires that changes in the conservation status of designated species are monitored. Nocturnal and elusive species are difficult to count directly and thus population trajectories are inferred by variation in the incidence of field signs. Presence/absence techniques are, however, vulnerable to Type II errors (false negatives). The Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra), listed by the IUCN as ‘near threatened’, is monitored throughout Europe using the ‘Standard Otter Survey’ method. We explored the reliability of this approach by analysing species incidence at 1,229 sites throughout Ireland. Naïve species incidence was 72 % [95 % confidence interval (CI), 69–75 %] with variation affected significantly by survey team and, at running freshwater sites, the number of bridges present and rainfall during the month, and most notably during the 7 days, prior to survey. Rainfall had no effect on static freshwater sites or the coast. Marginal estimated mean species incidence derived from a GLM assuming the β coefficient of the survey team associated with the highest prevalence, no rainfall in the week prior to survey and sites that had multiple bridges, was 94 % [95 %CI 78–97 %]. We demonstrate that bias and error in binary wildlife surveys can have a major impact on a conservation assessment even when conducted on an apparently well-known species in a developed country with good infrastructure and a long history of similar ecological studies. Our results provide empirical evidence for further criticisms of the Standard Otter Survey method calling into question its value in monitoring changes in otter populations throughout Europe.  相似文献   

Boat-based surveys have been commonly used to monitor sea otter populations, but there has been little quantitative work to evaluate detection biases that may affect these surveys. We used ground-based observers to investigate sea otter detection probabilities in a boat-based survey of Prince William Sound, Alaska. We estimated that 30% of the otters present on surveyed transects were not detected by boat crews. Approximately half (53%) of the undetected otters were missed because the otters left the transects, apparently in response to the approaching boat. Unbiased estimates of detection probabilities will be required for obtaining unbiased population estimates from boat-based surveys of sea otters. Therefore, boat-based surveys should include methods to estimate sea otter detection probabilities under the conditions specific to each survey. Unbiased estimation of detection probabilities with ground-based observers requires either that the ground crews detect all of the otters in observed subunits, or that there are no errors in determining which crews saw each detected otter. Ground-based observer methods may be appropriate in areas where nearly all of the sea otter habitat is potentially visible from ground-based vantage points.  相似文献   

Diet composition, niche measures, and prey consumption of three sympatric species of carnivores, one non-native and introduced, the American minkNeovison vison Schreber, 1777, and two native, the spotted genetGenetta genetta Linnaeus, 1758 and the Eurasian otterLutra lutra Linnaeus, 1758, were studied in a Spanish Mediterranean area. The study was based on the analysis of prey remains in the faeces of the predators. Faeces of mink (n = 444), genet (n = 310), and otter (n = 108) were collected all year round for four years along the Llobregat (21 km) and Gavarresa rivers (12 km). Simultaneously, and in the same area, prey species density and weight were estimated by means of trapping. The diet of mink and genet was dominated by the American crayfishProcambarus clarkii, while the otter fed almost exclusively on fish. Compared to the mink, the genet seemed to specialise more on small mammals while the mink specialised more on aquatic birds, especially in autumn-winter. Niche overlap was higher between mink and genet than between either of them and the otter.  相似文献   

Abstract: We examined the relationship between the production of sites with feces (i.e., latrines) and river otter (Lontra canadensis) abundance to determine whether scat surveys were adequate for monitoring relative population size for species leaving activity signs in a clumped distribution on the landscape. We conducted winter riparian transects to simultaneously monitor otter abundance via snow tracks and latrine sites along the rivers of Kouchibouguac National Park and surrounding area in New Brunswick, Canada. Our data showed that latrine abundance poorly reflected otter abundance for given stretches of rivers because the relationship was nonlinear and reached a plateau. The number of latrine sites was not related to the time period since last snowfall, which indicated that otters repetitively defecated at the same sites. Individual otters and groups did not produce activity signs over larger distances as a function of time, which indicated that they tend to stay in their home ranges in winter. We discuss why scat survey protocols based on determining presence—absence of a species at predetermined search sites may poorly reflect population size, as well as population fluctuations in time. Caution is advised when interpreting data from such surveys for species for which feces or other activity signs surveyed play a role in intraspecific communication and tend to be in a clumped distribution on the landscape.  相似文献   

Abstract: Knowledge of the possible role of cyclic behavior in wildlife dynamics assists in understanding and managing populations. Using spectrum, we analyzed time series (1978-2002) on the abundance of northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) and scaled quail (Callipepla squamata) in several ecological regions in Texas, USA, to test for the presence of cycles; we also tested whether drought severity (Modified Palmer Drought Severity Index) exhibited cyclic dynamics and whether quail and drought cycles were synchronized among regions. We found evidence of population cyclicity in all ecoregions we tested (5 for bobwhites, 4 for scaled quail) based on both Texas Parks and Wildlife and North American Breeding Bird Survey count data. Periods of the observed cycles generally were 5-6 years (bobwhites) or 2-3 years (scaled quail), depending on ecoregion and data source. Cyclicity was most pronounced for bobwhites in the Rolling Plains (north TX) and the South Texas Plains. The Palmer Index exhibited a roughly 5-year cycle in 5 of 6 regions we tested. A 5-year bobwhite and Palmer Index cycle were synchronous in 3 contiguous ecoregions totaling 27,200,000 ha. Wet-dry cycles seemed to synchronize bobwhite cycles in Texas. Our results suggest that habitat manipulations aimed at improving habitat conditions during dry periods, such as reducing livestock stocking rates, could provide ground cover similar to that available in wet periods.  相似文献   

Military personnel and affiliates have significant buying power that can influence demand for wildlife products. Purchase and transport of certain wildlife products violates United States laws, military regulations, and national country laws where the items were purchased. We surveyed military bazaars (n = 4) in Kabul, Afghanistan from June 2007 to March 2009 to observe which species were available to soldiers. In June 2008, we conducted a pilot survey of U.S. Army personnel (n = 371) stationed at Fort Drum, New York, USA, who had been deployed or stationed overseas including in Afghanistan and Iraq. Soldiers reported skins of wild felids and gray wolf Canis lupus as most commonly observed wildlife products available for sale in Afghanistan. Forty percent of respondents said they had either purchased or seen other members of the military purchase or use wildlife products. The U.S. military was willing to assist in curtailing supply and demand for wildlife products in order to protect soldiers from unknowingly breaking the law and to conserve wildlife in the countries where they serve. Regular, focused training of military personnel should be considered an important step to reducing trade in wildlife products by addressing both demand and market supply.  相似文献   

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