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In 2010, the largest part of the Steller sea lion breeding community on Tyuleniy Island was located on the harem rookery of northern fur seals, which occupied the eastern beach, as well as on the western side of the island, which was free of fur seals. At the culmination of harem activity on June 29, 26.5% of the animals at the age of 1+ concentrated on the eastern beach and 41.1%, on the western beach in the daytime. However, 52.3% of the pups were born on the eastern beach and only 30.4% were born on the western beach. Pups were also present on the capes: 9.1% of the pups were observed on the northern cape and 8.2% on the southern cape, while the main population on these sites consisted of non-harem bulls, bachelors, and young animals. At the peak of harem activity, the number of females per one harem bull was 13.1 at sites 1 to 3 of the eastern beach and each of them, on average, had 1.05 pups; on sites 7–12 there were, respectively, 9.1 females and 1.42 pups per female, and on the western beach, 21.7 females and 0.64 pups. The resulting abundance of sea lions on Tyuleniy Island in 2010 exceeded 1500, which was almost ten times as many as their number in 1989. A total of about 100 bulls, 60 harem bulls, 1000 females, and 700 pups were recorded there. Half-bulls and young animals amounted to one-third of the entire population. Meanwhile the overall sex ratio at the culmination of harem activity was 11.5 females per one bull and 18.8 per one harem bull. About 75% of the females belonged to the parous group. The mortality rate among newborns reached 5.4%. No mortality was observed in adults. As many as 133 previously branded Steller sea lions were found and 109 of them (81.9%) were immigrants. Among immigrants, 29% were branded individuals of reproductive groups from the Kuril Islands, 54% were from the Iony Islands, 16% were from the Yamsky Islands, and about 1% were from Kamchatka. Four-year-old individuals predominated among the branded immigrants (23.8%). The oldest Steller sea lion (21 years of age) was one that was branded on the Srednego Islands in 1989. The rate of marked animal return from 175 pups that were branded on Tyuleniy Island the year before was 13.8%.  相似文献   

Surveys were undertaken at Campbell Island / Motu Ihupuku during January and February 2008, to determine the distribution and pup production of New Zealand sea lions (NZ sea lion; Phocarctos hookeri). In addition, necropsies were performed at the main breeding site of Davis Point to determine the principal causes of early mortality for NZ sea lion pups. In total, 397 pups were tagged and 186 untagged pups were found dead, giving a minimum pup production of 583 pups and a one month of age mortality estimate of 40%. This represents a higher pup production than previous estimates from Campbell Island (although survey techniques are not comparable), and equates to 21% of the total pup production for NZ sea lions in the 2007/08 season. Early pup mortality was high (40%) at Campbell Island, with trauma, starvation, and drowning in rock pools and peat mires the major causes of death. Pups were concentrated in two colonial breeding sites: Davis Point on the north shore of Perseverance Harbour (76%) and a newly recorded breeding site (Paradise Point) on the southern shore of Perseverance Harbour (21%). Non-colonial breeding or single pups occurred around the southern parts of the island from sea level to 400 m; however, these only contributed 3% of the known pup production.  相似文献   

Over the past 24 yr, 8,596 Steller sea lion ( Eumetopias jubatus ) pups were branded on their natal rookeries throughout Alaska with the objectives of determining survival rates, recruitment, movements, and site fidelity. Our objectives here were to examine the extent of dispersal of Steller sea lions away from their natal rookeries, movements between stocks, and degree of natal rookery fidelity. Pups (<1 yr old) usually remained within 500 km of their natal rookery. Branded juveniles dispersed widely and were resighted at distances up to 1,785 km from their natal rookeries. Adults generally remained within 500 km of their natal rookeries. No interchange of breeding animals between the ES (eastern stock) and WS (western stock) was observed. Although natal rookery fidelity was prevalent, 33% of the 12 observations of females branded in the WS during 1987–1988 and 19% of the 29 observations of females branded in the ES during 1994–1995 were observed with newly born pups at sites other than their natal rookeries. Steller sea lions generally conformed to the metapopulation concept as depicted by Hanski and Simberloff (1997), with local breeding populations (rookeries) and movements among these local populations having the potential of affecting local dynamics.  相似文献   

We conducted a mark‐recapture study of California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) using pups branded on San Miguel Island, California, from 1987 to 2014, and annual resightings from 1990 to 2015. We used the Burnham model (Burnham 1993), an extension of the Cormack‐Jolly‐Seber mark‐recapture model, which includes recoveries of dead animals, to analyze age, sex, and annual patterns in survival. Generally, females had higher survival than males. For female pups, the average annual survival was 0.600 and for male pups it was 0.574. Yearling survival was 0.758 and 0.757 for females and males, respectively. Peak annual survival was at age 5 and was 0.952 for females and 0.931 for males. Pups with larger mass at branding had higher survival as pups and yearlings, but the effect was relative within each cohort because of large between‐cohort variability in survival. Annual variability in sea surface temperature (SST) affected survival. For each 1°C increase in SST, the odds of survival decreased by nearly 50% for pups and yearlings; negative SST anomalies yielded higher survival. Annual variation in male survival was partly explained by leptospirosis outbreaks. Our study provides a unique view of one demographic parameter that contributed to the successful recovery of the California sea lion population.  相似文献   

Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) numbers in the United States declined by about 75% over the past 20+ yr. They are classified, under the U. S. Endangered Species Act, as “threatened” in the eastern portion of their range and as “endangered” in the western portion. We analyzed trends in numbers of pup and non-pup Steller sea lions counted in Southeast Alaska between 1979 and 1997. Sea lion numbers, based on counts of pups on rookeries, increased by an average of 5.9% per year between 1979 and 1997. However, numbers of pups increased at a much slower rate (+ 1.7% per year) between 1989 and 1997. For counts of non-pup Steller sea lions we used models that controlled for the effects of date, time, and tide at the time of the survey to analyze trends. This technique reduced bias and increased precision of the resulting trend estimates. Numbers of sea lions were stable (+0.5%) between 1989 and 1996, based on counts of non-pups. We estimated the Southeast Alaska breeding population of Steller sea lions at about 19,000 animals of all ages in 1997, a level that is probably near the highest in recorded history.  相似文献   

Recent pup population estimates of sympatric Subantarctic (Arctocephalus tropicalis) and Antarctic fur seals (A. gazella) at Marion Island are presented. Published pup population estimates of A. tropicalis (1995 and 2004) with an unpublished total island count in 2013, and annual counts on subsets of rookeries (2007–2015) were analyzed using a hierarchical Bayesian model. The pup population declined by 46% (95% credible interval CI: 43%–48%) between 2004 (mean = 15,260, CI: 14,447–16,169 pups) and 2013 (mean = 8,312, CI: 7,983–8,697), mirrored by a 58%–60% decline at rookeries counted annually (2007–2015). Population decline was highest at high‐density west and north coast rookeries, despite negligible change in female attendance patterns, pup mortality or median pupping date over the previous 25 yr. A better understanding of foraging behavior and its effects on reproductive success and survival in this A. tropicalis population is needed before we can attribute population decline to any external factors. In contrast, total island counts of A. gazella pups in 2007, 2010, and 2013, suggest that this population is still increasing although the annual intrinsic rate of population growth decreased from 17.0% (1995–2004, 744 pups) to 4.0% (2010–2013, 1,553 pups). The slowed growth of A. gazella is likely the result of saturation at the main rookery.  相似文献   

Estimates of Steller sea lion ( Eumetopias jubatus ) pup production are valuable for estimating population trend and size. Currently in Alaska, pups are counted by visiting rookeries, driving older animals into the water, then walking through the rookeries and counting the pups, a highly disruptive procedure. At smaller rookeries, with good vantage points, pups are occasionally counted from the periphery of rookeries without disturbing the sea lions. We evaluated counts made from medium-format, color, aerial photographs as an alternative to drive counts and peripheral counts. Neither the peripheral counts nor the aerial photographic counts disturbed animals on the rokeries. There were strong 1:1 linear relationships between photographic counts and drive counts ( r 2= 0.966, P < 0.001) and between photographic counts and peripheral counts ( r 2= 0.999, P < 0.001). Precision was similar for all three methods of counting. We suggest that medium-format, color, aerial photographs is appropriate for routine surveys of Steller sea lion pups in Alaska because it is not disruptive to the hauled-out sea lions and provides comparable estimates with similar precision to drive and peripheral counts. Large areas canbe rapidly surveyed during periods of good weather with a minimum of manpower.  相似文献   

We estimated survival probabilities for Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) pups from 3 wk to 6 wk old and from 6 wk to 1 yr at three rookeries in southeastern Alaska. We also investigated the effect of mass, body condition, health variables, and the genetic origin on 3–6 wk survival. Survival differed substantially among rookeries and between sexes, with survival lowest at Hazy Islands, intermediate at White Sisters, and highest at Graves Rocks and survival lower for males than females. Body mass, body condition, and hematocrit were positively related to survival and blood %H2O and haptoglobin level (for females; no relationship for males) were negatively related to survival. Taking predictor variables collectively, sea lion pups at Hazy Islands, which had the lowest survival probability, had the lowest mass, hematocrit, and hemoglobin, and had high levels of blood %H2O, and hookworm infection. Values from Graves Rocks, which had the highest survival, were the opposite of those from Hazy Island (e.g., high mass, body condition, hematocrit, and hemoglobin), while those from White Sisters (intermediate survival) had varying means (e.g., high hematocrit and hemoglobin and low hookworms, but also low body condition); these patterns suggest that physiological factors potentially underlie rookery differences in survival.  相似文献   

A calicivirus was isolated from the rectum of a Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) pup on Rogue Reef, off the southern Oregon coast. Based on the results of neutralization tests with specific typing antisera, the isolate was identified as San Miguel sea lion virus serotype 6 (SMSV-6). Blood obtained from nine of 37 pups (24%) during virus sample collection procedures had specific neutralizing antibodies to SMSV-6. The isolation of SMSV-6 from a Steller sea lion represents, to our knowledge, the first isolation of any virus from this widely distributed marine mammal species, and serves to reconfirm the host-nonspecificity of yet another calicivirus of marine origin.  相似文献   

We provide the first direct evidence that Steller sea lions will prey on harbor seals. Direct observations of predation on marine mammals at sea are rare, but when observed rates of predation are extrapolated, predation mortality may be found to be significant. From 1992 to 2002, harbor seals in Glacier Bay declined steeply, from 6,200 to 2,500 (∼65%). After documenting that Steller sea lions were preying on seals in Glacier Bay, we investigated increased predation by sea lions as a potential explanation for the large decline. In five independent data sets spanning 21–25 yr and including 14,308 d of observations, 13 predation events were recorded. We conducted a fine-scale analysis for an intensively studied haul-out (Spider Island) and a broader analysis of all of Glacier Bay. At Spider Island, estimated predation by sea lions increased and could account for the entirety of annual pup production in 5 of 8 yr since 1995. The predation rate, however, was not proportional to the number of predators. Predation by Steller sea lions is a new source of mortality that contributed to the seal declines; however, life history modeling indicates that it is unlikely that sea lion predation is the sole factor responsible for the large declines.  相似文献   

Neonatal survival of Steller sea lions ( Eumetopias jubatus ) are often considered inconsequential to their population dynamics. However, observations of dead animals on rookeries and in surrounding waters suggest that early mortality is not uncommon. This study used the natural markings of adult females in a mark and resighting framework to estimate the apparent survival (φ) of pups with the Cormack–Jolly–Seber model at two sites on Lowrie Island, Alaska from birth to 3 wk old. Estimates varied greatly by site and year; 2002 Area 5:     (95% CI: 0.199, 0.684; n = 21), 2002 Area 1:     (0.437, 0.916; n = 21), 2003 Area 5:     (0.414, 0.738; n = 56), and 2003 Area 1:     (0.695, 0.997; n = 32). The mean estimate across the four area × year combinations was     (0.569, 0.772). Survival was lowest on the first day of life and then leveled off at a higher rate. None of the four environmental covariates we considered (swell height, interaction of tide and swell heights, density, or birth date) were significantly related to neonatal survival. Our results suggest that estimates of first-year survival that do not account for mortality prior to dispersal from the natal rookery may significantly overestimate survival rate.  相似文献   

As part of population dynamics studies of the South American fur seal (Arctophoca australis gracilis) rookery at Punta Weather in Guafo Island (43°36'S, 74°43’W), the causes and extent of pup mortality were monitored. During four breeding seasons, daily counts of live and dead pups were carried out to determine pup production and pup mortality. Dead pups were retrieved from the rookery to perform necropsies. The mean pup production was 1,735.5 ± 336 pups and the mean pup mortality up to 12 wk old was 6.0%± 2.6%. The major causes of death were enteritis with microscopic lesions of bacteremia (28.4%), starvation (23.5%), drowning (21%), trauma (19.8%), and stillbirths (2.5%). Enteritis with microscopic lesions of bacteremia, and starvation had higher incidence during January (beginning and middle of the breeding season) while most trauma and drowning occurred during February (end of the breeding season). In the 2006–2007 breeding season there was an increase in mortality due to starvation and trauma. Most pup deaths at Guafo Island are generated by extrinsic factors; therefore, additional studies that assess the impact of environmental changes and fishing activities, are needed in order to determine the exact causes of the decline of this species along Chilean coasts.  相似文献   

Abstract: Determining juvenile survival and recruitment rates is essential to assess status and viability of animal populations. Currently, the demographic attributes of juvenile carnivores, specifically wolves (Canis lycaon), are poorly known but of considerable conservation interest. We measured survival and dispersal rates for 51 juvenile (age 3.5–31 weeks) wolves in Algonquin Provincial Park, Canada, from 2004 to 2005, using implantable very high frequency transmitters. Monthly pup survival was high (0.970, 95% CI = 0.951–0.990) and constant from June to November, and most pup mortality was from natural causes. Pups dispersed as early as age 15 weeks, and monthly dispersal rates were high for young pups (min. = 0.008, 95% CI = 0.000–0.019; max. = 0.030, 95% CI = 0.010–0.050). We failed to detect any influence of pack or litter size on pup survival or probability of dispersal. Radiotelemetry offers an individual-based monitoring technique capable of providing direct assessment of wolf pup survival and movements, with rigorous estimation of survival and dispersal rates and quantification of cause-specific mortality.  相似文献   

The behavioral and predatory patterns of Gulf of Alaska (GOA) transient killer whales ( Orcinus orca ) were studied between 2000 and 2005 using remote video and vessel-based observations near the Chiswell Island Steller sea lion ( Eumetopias jubatus ) rookery and in the broader Kenai Fjords (KF) region of the northern GOA. GOA transient killer whales were observed on 118 d over the 6-yr period; the median group size was two (range: 1–9). Nine predation events were observed from vessels and an additional sixteen were inferred from remote video studies; all involved Steller sea lions. Estimates from field observations suggest that fifty-nine sea lions were consumed over the summer seasons of 2002–2005; whereas estimates based on published caloric requirements of transient killer whales would suggest a loss of 103 sea lions over the same time period. GOA transients spent a large proportion (43%) of their time resting which may be a strategy for conserving energy. Predation on sea lion pups at the Chiswell Island rookery was greatest during years when a single killer whale was foraging alone and when a 1.5-yr-old calf was evidently being trained to handle prey. Predation on pups was low during years when killer whales were foraging in groups and were observed and presumed to be taking mostly juvenile sea lions. Our study suggests that GOA transients are having a minor effect on the recovery of Steller sea lions in the GOA.  相似文献   

  • 1 The New Zealand (NZ) sea lion Phocarctos hookeri is NZ's only endemic pinniped and is listed as ‘nationally critical’. The species breeds in the NZ sub‐Antarctic: 71% of the population at the Auckland Islands (2010 pup production: 1814 ± 39) and the remaining 29% on Campbell Island (726 pups in 2010).
  • 2 Pup production at the Auckland Islands has declined by 40% since 1998 (1998: 3021 pups produced): only 1501 pups were born in 2009. This decline is directly linked to philopatric females not returning to breeding areas. While the Auckland Island population has declined, the Campbell Island population appears to be increasing slowly.
  • 3 Potential reasons for the decline in the Auckland Island population, but not in the Campbell Island population, include non‐anthropogenic factors: (i) disease epizootics, (ii) predation, (iii) permanent dispersal or migration, (iv) environmental change; and anthropogenic impacts: (v) population ‘overshoot’, (vi) genetic effects, (vii) effects of contaminants, (viii) indirect effects of fisheries (i.e. resource competition) and (ix) direct effects of fisheries (i.e. by‐catch deaths). Of the nine potential reasons examined here, six can be discounted (ii–vii). Bacterial epizootics (i) occur in the NZ sea lion population, but their impact has predominantly increased pup mortality, which is unlikely to cause the severe decline observed, as pup mortality throughout the species is naturally high and variable.
  • 4 The most plausible hypotheses, based on available evidence, are that the observed decline, in particular, the decreasing number of breeding females in the Auckland Island population, is caused by (viii) fisheries‐induced resource competition and (ix) fisheries‐related by‐catch. By‐catch is the main known anthropogenic cause of mortality in the species. Competition with fisheries resulting in resource competition, nutrient stress and decreased reproductive ability in NZ sea lions should be a priority area for future research.

Pre- and early post-weaning pup mortality of southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) at Marion Island from 1990 through 1999 ranged from 1.6% to 7.3% and averaged 3.8%. Mortality of pups after weaning before their first trip to sea accounted for only 12% of the total mortality. We found no relationship between population size and percentage pup mortality, indicating that pup survival is independent of seal density, at least at the densities of breeding seals that prevailed. Indeed, pup mortality was greatest in the smallest harems, apparently owing to a greater number of younger, less experienced mothers. Small harems were generally also found on less suitable beaches than larger harems and this could have contributed to pup injury as a cause of pup mortality on these beaches. Mother-pup separation and injury caused by beachmasters is likely to be responsible for pup mortality in the larger harems. The low rates of pup mortality observed in this study obviate it being a major population regulating agent at Marion Island.  相似文献   

The Australian sea lion (Neophoca cinerea) population at Seal Bay Conservation Park, South Australia, is estimated to be declining at a rate of 1.14% per breeding season. To better understand the potential causes of this decline, survival rates were examined to 14 yr of age for eight cohorts marked as pups (aged 0.17 yr) between 1991 and 2002. Apparent yearly survival rates (Φ) varied by cohort for pups from marking to weaning at 1.5 yr (Φ= 0.30–0.67). Postweaning juvenile survival (1.5–3 yr) was 0.89 and survival from 3 to 14 yr was constant (Φ female:male = 0.96:0.89). Φ of pup cohorts was negatively correlated to local sea surface temperature where the sea lions forage (SST) and was especially low for cohort 7 in 2000 (0.30). It is possible that periods of unusually warm oceanographic conditions may be limiting primary production and inhibiting maternal provisioning to pups. Pup survival to weaning is relatively low compared to other otariid species, is likely to limit recruitment, and may be contributing to the decline in pup abundance observed in the colony.  相似文献   

The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is characterized by greatly reduced parenting investment compared with the wild type wolf (C. l. lupus) from which it is descended. Unlike wolf pups, which are reared by both parents into their second year of life, dog pups are abandoned by their mother at weaning around eight weeks of age. This relatively small parental involvement may contribute to the high pup mortality observed in dogs not living as pets. We hypothesized that people would find dog pups most attractive around weaning age when conspecific parental care is significantly reduced and pup mortality rate is high. Younger and older pups would benefit less from human intervention because in the former case the mother is providing care, and in the latter their survival is already compromised. To test this hypothesis, 51 participants rated the attractiveness of 39 black and white headshot photographs presented on a computer screen of dog pups from three breeds (Jack Russell Terrier, Cane Corso, and White Shepherd), from birth to 7 months old. In line with our hypothesis, attractiveness of Cane Corsos peaked at 6.3 weeks of age; Jack Russell Terriers’ attractiveness peaked at 7.7 weeks; and White Shepherds were most attractive at 8.3 weeks. There were also differences in attractiveness between the breeds, with Cane Corsos rated less attractive than the other two breeds. If this attractiveness motivates humans to care for the dog pups and thereby improves pup survival, this could confer significant advantages to dogs, and may contribute to our understanding of the process of domestication.  相似文献   

The onshore and at-sea cycles of females, suckling behavior of pups and their milk intake were studied in Steller sea lions ( Eumetopias jubatus ) during 1983 at Año Nuevo Island, California. Females averaged approximately 21 h ashore and 36 h at sea. The trips to sea lengthened as pups aged, resulting in an overall decline in female time ashore to 30% by the sixth week following parturition. Activity budgets of pups showed no significant differences among suckling time, age and sex. Milk intake, estimated using labeled water studies, revealed that heavier pups consumed more milk than lighter ones (milk ingestion in ml/d = 4.26 + 0.0687 [Pup Mass in kg]). Mean milk intake was 1.78 ± 0.33 liters/d. Mean pup growth rate was 0.38 ± 0.1 kg/d. The results suggest that female attendance patterns are shaped by the increasing nutritional demands of growing pups and their increasing efficiency at suckling.  相似文献   

Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) populations have undergone precipitous declines through their western Alaskan range over the last four decades with the leading hypothesis to explain this decline centering around changing prey quality, quantity, or availability for this species (i.e., nutritional stress hypothesis). Under chronic conditions of reduced food intake sea lions would conserve energy by limiting energy expenditures through lowering of metabolic rate known as metabolic depression. To examine the potential for nutritional stress, resting metabolic rate (RMR) and body composition were measured in free-ranging juvenile Steller sea lions (N = 91) at three distinct geographical locations (Southeast Alaska, Prince William Sound, Central Aleutian Islands) using open-flow respirometry and deuterium isotope dilution, respectively. Average sea lion RMR ranged from 6.7 to 36.2 MJ d−1 and was influenced by body mass, total body lipid, and to a lesser extent, ambient air temperature and age. Sea lion pups captured in the Aleutian Islands (region of decline) had significantly greater body mass and total body lipid stores when compared to pups from Prince William Sound (region of decline) and Southeast Alaska (stable region). Along with evidence of robust body condition in Aleutian Island pups, no definitive differences were detected in RMR between sea lions sampled between eastern and western populations that could not be accounted for by higher percent total body lipid content, suggesting that that at the time of this study, Steller sea lions were not experiencing metabolic depression in the locations studied.  相似文献   

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