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A small group of chimpanzees was allowed to manipulate different quantities of novel objects in order to enhance their captive conditions. This procedure led to a general increase in the manipulation frequency by the apes. It decreased their inactivity and their self-grooming, and almost eliminated the abnormal behaviors displayed by one individual. The distribution of novel objects did not affect the total frequency of social interactions and did not increase the aggressivity of the animals, even though dominant individuals secured most of the objects when only a small number of them were available. Following their familiarization with the novel objects, the chimpanzees' manipulation frequency decreased whereas self-grooming and abnormal behaviors were increased. Suggestions are made on how to maximize the use of a limited bank of toys to occupy captive chimpanzees.  相似文献   

High soil pH has been highlighted as a constraint to the restoration of heathland on ex‐arable land. Previous studies at the Minsmere Reserve of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) in England have shown that it is possible to acidify ex‐arable soils using elemental sulfur and bracken litter, although sulfur (S) is more effective. Current recommendations suggest that 4 tS/ha need to be applied to reduce soil pH below pH 4, control vigorous ruderal species, and create conditions suitable for Calluna vulgaris (heather) establishment. However, S is relatively expensive, and as bracken litter is moderately abundant within the reserve, it made economic sense to evaluate the potential for mixing S with bracken to see if adequate pH reductions could be achieved at lower S rates. Accordingly an experiment was designed to test the effects of combining S (0–8 t S/ha) and bracken litter (0–10 cm depth layers) on (1) soil pH, (2) cover of ruderal species, and (3) the developing plant community. Significant interactions were detected, especially in the period immediately after application. Where bracken litter was applied the soil pH fell immediately; in contrast, S took at least six months to start reducing pH. Where mixtures were applied there was a synergistic effect, which produced a lower pH than the S or bracken litter applied alone. These effects were most marked at low S application rates, between 0.5–4 t S/ha. The effects of the bracken litter addition also reduced the growth of ruderal species in the period immediately after application, probably through a combination of acidification and physical smothering. There is, therefore, a clear potential to acidify ex‐arable soils using combinations of S and bracken litter in schemes designed to restore Calluna heathland.  相似文献   

The use of packaging materials results in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through production and transport of materials and packaging and through end-of-life management. In this article, we investigate the potential reduction of GHGs that are related to packaging. For this purpose, we use the dynamic MATTER-MARKAL model in which the western European energy and materials system is modeled. The results show that GHGs related to packaging can technically be reduced by up to 58% in the period 1995–2030. Current European packaging directives will result in a 10% emission reduction. Cost-effective improved material management 1 that includes lightweighting, reusable packages, material recycling, and related strategies can contribute a 22% GHG emission reduction. An additional 13% reduction becomes cost effective when a GHG emission penalty of 100 euros per metric ton 2 (EUR/ton) is introduced (1 EUR 0.9 USD). Generally speaking, improved material management dominates the gains that can be achieved without a penalty or with low GHG emission penalties (up to 100 EUR/ton CO2 equivalent). By contrast, the reduction of emissions in materials production and waste handling dominate when high GHG penalties are applied (between 100 and 500 EUR/ton CO2 equivalent). Given the significant technical potential and the low costs, more attention should be paid to material efficiency improvement in GHG emission reduction strategies.  相似文献   

The use of biological control agents in combination with fertilization or fumigation to reduce sclerotial viability of Sclerotium rolfsii and the disease it causes on snap bean was investigated in the greenhouse. The fertilizers ammonium sulphate [(NH4)2SO4], ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), diammonium phosphate [(NH4)2HPO4], or urea applied to soil at a field rate of 135 kg/ha, 15 cm deep of nitrogen (N) (0.09 mg of N/g) or Gliocladium virens (Gl-3) biomass at a rate of 7.5 kg/ha, 15 cm deep (0.05 mg/g) did not reduce the viability of sclerotia of S. rolfsii (Sr-1) when each was applied alone. However, treatment with fertilizer together with the low rate of Gl-3 biomass significantly reduced the sclerotial viability. The treatments that were effective in reducing the viability by more than 75% were the application of (NH4)2SO4 or (NH4)2PO4 and the low rate of Gl-3 biomass. Application of the high rate (0.25 mg/g) of Gl-3 biomass alone only reduced the sclerotial viability by 25%. The addition of any of the fertilizers with the low rate of biomass generally resulted in bean seed germination in the pathogen-infested soil that was higher than that achieved with each individual component. The disease severity (DSI) on beans was appreciable (<3.0) in pathogen-infested soil treated with or without the fertilizer (NH4)2SO4 and in pathogen-infested soil without fertilizer but with a low rate of Gl-3. However, in pathogen-infested soil treated with the fertilizer and the low rate of Gl-3 biomass together, the disease was reduced to a DSI value of less than 1.0. In fumigation studies with metham sodium (Vapam), a dose-response study to investigate the viability of sclerotia of S. rolfsii (Sr-3) indicated that fumigant rates of less than 23.3 μ g/g of soil were sublethal. It was also shown that 5.4 μ g/g of metham sodium was inhibitory to Gl-3 biomass but not to conidia. Consequently, the conidia of isolates Gl-3, Thm-4 of Trichoderma hamatum, and Tv-1 of Trichoderma viride were used together with metham sodium at 17.1 μ g/g of soil. Conidia that were applied to the soil 2 days prior to metham sodium reduced the viability of sclerotia more than each individual component. The results of this study suggest the feasibility of effective disease reduction with an approach utilizing biological control in combination with fertilization or fumigation.  相似文献   

Abstract Non‐crop habitats may play a vital role in conservation biological control. This study tested the effect of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) strips on aphid and ladybird populations in adjacent winter wheat fields. The field experiment was conducted in three ryegrass‐margin wheat plots and three control plots in 2010 in North China. In spring, the same aphid species, Sitobion miscanthi (Takahashi), was found in both the ryegrass strips and wheat plots. The population density of ladybirds in the ryegrass strips (3.5 ± 0.9/m2) was significantly higher than in the wheat plots (1.5 ± 0.5/m2). We cut the ryegrass, forcing the ladybirds to migrate to the wheat fields. Three and eight days after cutting the ryegrass, the aphid numbers in the ryegrass‐margin wheat plots decreased significantly: they were 19.9% and 53.6%, respectively, lower than in control plots. In the early period of ladybird population development, the percentage of larvae was greater in the ryegrass‐margin wheat plots than in controls, and the peak number of pupae in the ryegrass‐margin wheat plots occurred 5 days earlier than in the control plots. The results suggest that ryegrass strips may promote the development of ladybird populations. Cutting ryegrass can manipulate ladybirds to enhance biological aphid control in wheat fields. The efficiency of this management approach is discussed.  相似文献   

Next‐generation sequencing data can be mined for highly informative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to develop high‐throughput genomic assays for nonmodel organisms. However, choosing a set of SNPs to address a variety of objectives can be difficult because SNPs are often not equally informative. We developed an optimal combination of 96 high‐throughput SNP assays from a total of 4439 SNPs identified in a previous study of Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus) and used them to address four disparate objectives: parentage analysis, species identification and characterization of neutral and adaptive variation. Nine of these SNPs are FST outliers, and five of these outliers are localized within genes and significantly associated with geography, run‐timing and dwarf life history. Two of the 96 SNPs were diagnostic for two other lamprey species that were morphologically indistinguishable at early larval stages and were sympatric in the Pacific Northwest. The majority (85) of SNPs in the panel were highly informative for parentage analysis, that is, putatively neutral with high minor allele frequency across the species’ range. Results from three case studies are presented to demonstrate the broad utility of this panel of SNP markers in this species. As Pacific lamprey populations are undergoing rapid decline, these SNPs provide an important resource to address critical uncertainties associated with the conservation and recovery of this imperiled species.  相似文献   

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