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Abstract: The endangered Florida Key deer (Odocoileus virginianus clavium) is endemic to the Lower Florida Keys. In recent years, habitat fragmentation and restricted dispersal have resulted in small, isolated herds on some islands. Recovery biologists proposed translocations to increase the island herds that had declined or remained low; however, efficacy of Key deer translocations had yet to be evaluated. Our objective was to evaluate survival, ranges, reproduction, and dispersal of translocated deer. During 2003–2005, we translocated 39 adult or yearling deer to Sugarloaf (approx. 19 km from trap site; 10 M, 14 F) and Cudjoe (approx. 15 km from trap site; 6 M, 9 F) keys. We kept deer in large, high-fenced holding pens (Sugarloaf = 7.7 ha, Cudjoe = 10.7 ha) on the destination islands for 3–6 months (i.e., soft release). We observed low mortality (n = 6 mortalities) of translocated deer with average annual survival (S) of 0.796 for both sexes. We found translocated deer had larger seasonal ranges than did resident deer (i.e., those located on Big Pine and No Name keys). In evaluating effects of acclimation period on ranges and dispersal, we found no difference in 95% ranges or 50% core areas ≤4 month postrelease versus 4–8 months postrelease. We found, however, postrelease dispersal distances were dependent on time kept in pen. Only 2 of 39 (5%) translocated deer left the destination islands by the end of the study. With high survival and low dispersal indicating success, we credit soft release translocation in establishing deer herds on Sugarloaf and Cudjoe keys. Our data support translocations as an effective strategy for creating sustainable outer-island Key deer herds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Status assessment of endangered Florida Key deer (Odocoileus virginianus clavium) is currently limited by a paucity of information regarding population estimates for outer islands, which collectively comprise approximately 70% of potential habitat within the Key deer range. Practical limitations and financial considerations render traditional survey techniques impractical for application on remote outer islands. Our objective was to evaluate the utility of infrared-triggered cameras to estimate Key deer abundance on outer islands. We used digital infrared-triggered cameras and mark-resight methods to estimate Key deer abundance on 20 outer islands. Abundance estimates for primary subpopulations ranged from 15 to 16 for Howe Key, 5 to 10 for Knockemdown complex, and 13 to 17 for Little Pine Key. Other island complexes such as Ramrod Key, Water Key, and Annette complex maintain only small subpopulations (i.e., ≤5 individuals) and other previously inhabited island complexes (e.g., Johnson complex and Summerland Key) no longer maintain subpopulations. Key deer abundance was well below estimated carrying capacities on all outer islands, with larger natural populations occurring closest to Big Pine Key. Our results suggest that camera-based surveys offer a practical method to monitor abundance and population trends of Key deer on outer islands. Our study is the first to estimate Key deer abundance in these areas using technically structured model-based methods and provides managers with current and baseline information regarding Key deer subpopulations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In North America and Europe, deer (Cervidae)—vehicle collisions (DVCs) are common and result not only in injury and death to the animals involved, but also human injury and property damage. Given that most DVCs occur during crepuscular periods, we questioned whether the perceived threat to deer posed by vehicle approach could be enhanced. We hypothesized that a vehicle-based lighting system that better complements peak visual capabilities of deer at night relative to standard tungsten-halogen (TH) lighting alone would elicit a greater flight-initiation distance (FID) by free-ranging white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Our lighting system comprised 2 TH lamps and one Xenarc high-intensity discharge (HID) lamp. We defined an a priori logistic model comprising 4 variables potentially explaining deer FID relative to vehicle approach: 1) starting distance of the approach, 2) lighting treatment, 3) season, and 4) deer group size. Deer exposed to the combination of TH lamps and constant illumination of the HID lamp exhibited a mean (SD) FID of 136 (127) m. In contrast, deer exposed to TH lamps only initiated flight on average at 116 (127) m, and those exposed to the combination of TH lamps and the HID lamp pulsed at 2 Hz exhibited a mean FID of 89 (98) m. We contend that the pulsing of the HID lamp while TH lamps were illuminated resulted in consistent loss (over approx. 0.5-sec intervals) of a portion of the image on approach, possibly interfering with sensory information relative to the position of the potential threat. In contrast, the combination of TH lamps and constant illumination of the HID lamp contributed (P = 0.033) to the probability of a FID ≥94 m. We suggest, therefore, that deer FID can be increased by combining currently available TH and HID lamps, or use of HID lamps alone, to enhance detection of an approaching vehicle at night. Also, we encourage research into new lamp designs to better complement deer visual capabilities as well as continued research to quantify deer FID in response to vehicle approach at night and lamp-specific properties that can enhance deer detection of the vehicle.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Understanding sources of male deer mortality is a prerequisite to a successful management program, especially in Texas, USA, where white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are the most economically important game species. South Texas, USA, is one of the few areas where males reach older age classes (> 4.5 yr), in part because of intense population management. Therefore, we obtained survival rates and causes of mortality of 48 mature male deer in south Texas, USA, over 2 years. We calculated Kaplan—Meier survival estimates during 2 study years modified for a staggered-entry design and annual survival rates for one cohort of deer from 1998 to 2004 using recapture and radiotelemetry data. We documented 21 mortalities (16 harvest and 5 nonhunting mortalities). Average annual survival of the known-aged 1998 cohort was 82% with 52% of surviving to 6.5 years of age. Survival in study year 2 (0.497 ± 0.069) was less than in study year 1 (0.781 ± 0.073; P = 0.0047), largely because males had finally reached harvestable age (> 6.5 yr old). All but one non-harvest mortality occurred during the rut or postrut periods. It appears that a large percentage of males can reach mature age classes under intense population management, making them available for harvest when at peak antler size. This allows for increased economic returns on intensively managed white-tailed deer populations.  相似文献   

Abstract: Surgical sterilization by tubal ligation has been proposed as a technique for controlling white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) populations in urban or suburban areas where other forms of population control are impractical, but little is known about demographic rates in populations under management with surgical sterilization. We analyzed seasonal movement and mortality data collected during a 4-year study of surgical sterilization in suburban Chicago, Illinois, USA. We calculated 323 home range size estimates for 62 individual females within season and year. Non-gravid females without young exhibited home range sizes 52% larger than gravid females and females with fawns. Mortality rate was positively correlated with home range size. We suggest that the increased mortality rate observed in surgically sterilized females may be due to greater movement by non-maternal females. Population managers will need to account for potential effects of maternal status on movement and mortality when considering the use of sterilization for management of suburban populations of white-tailed deer.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Wildlife professionals require conceptually sound methods to integrate biological and social insights for management of wildlife. The concept of acceptance capacity has been suggested to stimulate integration, although methods to link measures of acceptance capacity with measures of wildlife populations are not fully developed. To clarify relationships between acceptance capacity, wildlife populations, and human values, we explored effects of stakeholder characteristics and impact perception (the recognized, important effects arising from interactions with wildlife) on acceptance capacity. We used a mail-back questionnaire (n = 2,190 responses) to rural residents of southern Michigan 1) to examine whether 3 commonly identified stakeholder groups (hunters, farmers, and nonhunting, nonfarming rural residents) that share a common landscape also perceive similar suites of impacts and hold comparable acceptance capacities for white-tailed deer, and 2) to develop an explanatory model of acceptance capacity for deer. Comparisons among stakeholder groups revealed differences in perception of impacts resulting from interactions with deer; however, participation in hunting and farming were poor predictors of acceptance capacity for deer. Model selection criteria indicate that total effect of impacts perceived explains a majority of variation in acceptance capacity. We conclude that impact perception is a meaningful concept for integration of human values into management of wildlife populations because impacts relate to effects of current wildlife populations and can lead to management actions that address needs and interests of multiple stakeholder groups in changing landscapes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Effective management of wildlife populations often requires motivating hunters to harvest sufficient numbers of animals of prescribed sex and age classes to meet management goals. For cervids, it is convenient to design harvest regulations relative to presence (male) or absence (young and female) of antlers because harvest of females has a larger effect on population growth. We used regression techniques to evaluate effects of 2 supplemental hunting programs based on additional days of hunting opportunity and an additional incentive used to complement additional days on harvest of antlered and antlerless deer in Wisconsin, USA. Earn-a-buck regulations, an incentive-based program that requires hunters to register an antlerless deer before being authorized to harvest an antlered deer, were associated with an average increase of 2.04 deer/km2 in antlerless harvest and a 0.60 deer/km2 decrease in harvest of antlered deer. Providing more opportunity for hunting of antlerless deer in the form of 4- and 8-day supplemental firearm seasons was associated with 1.10 deer/km2 and 1.32 deer/km2 increases, respectively, in antlerless harvest with trivial (0.02 deer/km2 and 0.09 deer/km2) decreases in harvests of antlered deer. Our analysis suggests that extra days of hunting opportunity coupled with the earn-a-buck incentive was 56–88% more effective at increasing antlerless harvest relative to additional days of hunting without the incentive. Use of the earn-a-buck incentive resulted in decreased harvest of antlered deer and was disliked by many hunters. Quantifying these relationships is important for helping managers predict the costs and benefits of various hunting programs.  相似文献   

The ability to predict energy and protein allocation to different body condition parameters according to environmental constraints is a key component in understanding the processes underlying population dynamics. We investigated the influence of a proxy of population density and environmental factors on individual body condition parameters of female white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) based on long-term monitoring (2002–2013) of autumn harvest on Anticosti Island, Québec, Canada. We used dressed body mass, peroneus muscle mass, and rump fat thickness to evaluate the nutritional status of 3,123 adult females. Density index and winter precipitation negatively affected fat reserves in autumn. We detected the negative effect of winter precipitation on fat reserves only at low density likely because individuals at high density were already in bad condition. High normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in spring (May–Jun) reduced body mass, and this influence was more pronounced under high population density, probably because individuals at high densities were less likely to be buffered against environmental fluctuations when resources were scarcer than resources at low population density. Using different body condition parameters, our results provide additional insights on how northern ungulates influenced by food limitation may respond to future environmental changes. We recommend managers to collect long-term data on multiple physiological indicators of body condition. These data could be used as an index of ecological changes and provide a quantitative basis to help setting harvest objectives or supporting adaptive management. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Variation in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) mortality during winter affects population growth in cold climates. Across the northern extent of their range, mortality increases with colder temperatures and snow. Few studies have examined the relationships between winter conditions and deer mortality, and no studies have concurrently studied this relationship for different ages of deer across multiple years and landscapes. We used recently developed cause-specific mortality models to evaluate temporal and age-class variation in deer mortality in farmland areas and compared to published results from forest areas in Wisconsin, USA, from 2011–2014. We then used temporally varying snow and temperature covariates to predict mortality trends using telemetry information from 860 deer. Cause-specific mortality in the farmland varied by age and year, similar to results from previous research in the forest. Human-related mortality was the leading cause of mortality in the farmland during most years and ranged from 4.3% to 10.3% for juveniles and 3.6% to 9.1% for adults from 2011–2014. Very little predation occurred in the farmland, and this differed from previous research in the forest where predation was the leading cause of mortality. During more severe winters (2013 and 2014), other mortality, usually associated with starvation, was the leading cause of mortality for juveniles in the farmland but not adults. In the forest, we found support for saturating effects of accumulated snow depth days >30.5 cm and accumulated temperature days >0°C on mortality. We also found support for the relationship of mortality with accumulated temperature days >0°C in the farmland but no relationship with snow depth. Deer tolerate sustained cold temperatures, but the timing of winter to spring transition is more important for deer survival in both forested and agricultural areas. In the absence of empirical survival information, managers can use our model to predict annual winter effects on deer survival, which can provide improved inference compared to traditional winter severity indices. Our results suggest changes in predator abundance may have minor influence on overwinter survival compared to winter weather. Based on mortality estimates from previous research, the highest predation rates on juvenile deer in the forest occurred when wolf (Canis lupus) counts were lowest and when wolf abundance was highest, juvenile deer predation rates were lowest. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Understanding survival of and factors that may predispose newborn deer (Odocoileus spp.) to mortality contribute to improved understanding of population dynamics. We captured free-ranging white-tailed deer neonates (n = 66) of radiocollared females that survived severe (Winter Severity Index [WSI] = 153) and mild (WSI = 45) winters 2000–2001 and 2001–2002. Mean dates of birth (26 May ± 1.7 [SE] days and 26 May ± 1.3 days) and estimated birth-masses of 2.8 ± 0.1 kg and 3.0 ± 0.1 kg were similar between springs 2001 (n = 31) and 2002 (n = 35), respectively. Neonate survival was similar between years; pooled mortality rates of neonates were 0.14, 0.11, and 0.20 at 0–1 weeks, 2–4 weeks, and 5–12 weeks of age, respectively, and overall survival rate for neonates to 12 weeks of age was 0.47. Predation accounted for 86% of mortality; the remaining 14% of deaths were attributed to unknown causes. Black bears (Ursus americanus) were responsible for 57% and 38% of predation of neonates in springs 2001 and 2002, respectively, whereas bobcats (Felis rufus) accounted for 50% in 2002. Wolves (Canis lupus) accounted for only 5% of predator-related deaths. Low birth-mass, smaller body size, and elevated concentrations of serum urea nitrogen (26.1 ± 2.6 mg/dL vs 19.3 ± 0.8 mg/dL) and tumor necrosis factor-α (82.6 ± 78.6 pg/mL vs. 2.3 ± 0.5 pg/mL) were associated with neonates that died within 1 week of birth. Even though we did not detect a direct relation between winter severity and birth or blood characteristics of neonates, evidence suggests that birth-mass and key serum indices of neonate nutrition were associated with their early mortality. Thus, managers can make more informed predictions regarding survival and cause-specific mortality of fawns and adjust management strategies to better control deer population goals.  相似文献   

Abstract: Dispersal distances and their distribution pattern are important to understanding such phenomena as disease spread and gene flow, but oftentimes dispersal characteristics are modeled as a fixed trait for a given species. We found that dispersal distributions differ for spring and autumn dispersals of yearling male white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) but that combined data can be adequately modeled based on a log-normal distribution. We modeled distribution of dispersal distances from 3 distinct populations in Pennsylvania and Maryland, USA, based on the relationship between percent forest cover and mean dispersal distance and the relationship between mean and variance of dispersal distances. Our results suggest distributions of distances for dispersing yearling male white-tailed deer can be modeled by simply measuring a readily obtained landscape metric, percent forest cover, which could be used to create generalized spatially explicit disease or gene flow models.  相似文献   

Abstract: Condensed tannins (CT) can reduce digestibility of forages for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), potentially confounding estimates of diet quality and nutritional carrying capacity. We collected 143 spring and 142 summer samples of 8 important deer forage species from 22 properties in Mississippi, USA, and tested for CT content using a modified butanol-HCl assay. Three species (partridge pea [Chamaecrista fasciculata], southern dewberry [Rubus trivialis], and roundleaf greenbrier [Smilax rotundifolia]) contained CT, ranging from 0.11% to 6.46% dry weight. Summer CT concentration was greater than in spring for 2 species. We ranked soil samples from least to most fertile using 8 chemical characteristics and found a positive correlation between fertility and CT concentration for 1 species and no correlation for 2 species. We tested effects of CT concentration on in vitro dry matter disappearance (IVDMD) and in vitro protein digestibility using samples of partridge pea and roundleaf greenbrier and rumen fluid from 3 free-ranging deer. Average IVDMD was reduced 1.9% for each 1% increase in CT concentration. In vitro protein digestibility was reduced 2.5% for each 1% increase in CT concentration. Assuming that our methods reflect the effects of CT on in vivo digestibility, maximum loss of available crude protein (CP) in our samples was 3.0 g/100 g dry-weight forage, and only 13 of the 112 CT-containing forage samples (12%) would have decreased available CP by >1 g/100 g dry-weight forage. Deer consuming equal portions of sampled forages would lose <1% of dietary CP to CT. Comparisons of foraging area quality using crude protein estimates should be unaffected by CT under reasonable restrictions of similar habitat types, soil fertility, and time. Given the ability of deer to forage selectively and the abundance of alternative forages in Mississippi, the potential for CT to substantially affect spring or summer diet quality of deer appears minimal.  相似文献   

Abstract: Basic knowledge of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) hearing can improve understanding of deer behavior and may assist in the development of effective deterrent strategies. Using auditory brainstem response testing, we determined that white-tailed deer hear within the range of frequencies we tested, between 0.25–30 kilohertz (kHz), with best sensitivity between 4–8 kHz. The upper limit of human hearing lies at about 20 kHz, whereas we demonstrated that white-tailed deer detected frequencies to at least 30 kHz. This difference suggests that research on the use of ultrasonic (frequencies >20 kHz) auditory deterrents is justified as a possible means of reducing deer—human conflicts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Wildlife management and research have depended upon trapping as an essential tool for decades. Although deer (Odocoileus spp.) capture by Clover traps remains a basic technique that has changed little over time, researchers use it as an integral part of field operations to support increasingly sophisticated and costly project objectives. Despite reports of deer preference for certain baits, no study has determined if bait preference can effectively increase capture success of free-ranging deer. By supplementing corn bait with salt, peanut butter, or molasses, we tested effects of these bait treatments on capture success of free-ranging white-tailed deer (O. virginianus), as well as levels of nontarget animal disturbance in Clover traps, during February-March 2005. With 1,446 adjusted trap-nights and a 6.5% capture success rate, the probability of capture increased over time and varied among 4 study sites (df = 3, P < 0.005); however, we did not detect a significant effect of bait supplementation on capture success (df = 3, P > 0.8). Nontarget animal activity in the trap varied by site (df = 3, P < 0.001), bait treatment (df = 3, P=0.04), and Julian date (df=3, P < 0.001). Our results are the first to suggest that bait preference may not translate into actual improved capture success of free-ranging deer. Future research should focus on testing additional baits or bait supplements to determine if an increase in trapping success and a minimization of trap disturbance by nontarget species occurs.  相似文献   

Abstract: High densities of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are believed to cause broad-scale forest regeneration failure and loss of plant diversity. But, the empirical basis for such presumptions is limited. We, therefore, conducted a survey in western Connecticut, USA, woodlots to examine how spatial variation in deer densities influences variation in impacts on plant species abundance, identity and diversity, and tree regeneration. We also used a Geographic Information System to quantify trends between land-cover type and deer density. Deer density was not correlated with any vegetation or land use variable. This suggests that deer density is not a leading factor determining variation in vegetation impacts across western Connecticut.  相似文献   

Understanding how landscape change influences the distribution and densities of species, and the consequences of these changes, is a central question in modern ecology. The distribution of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) is expanding across North America, and in some areas, this pattern has led to an increase in predators and consequently higher predation rates on woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou)—an alternate prey species that is declining across western Canada. Understanding the factors influencing deer distribution has therefore become important for effective conservation of caribou in Canada. Changing climate and anthropogenic landscape alteration are hypothesized to facilitate white-tailed deer expansion. Yet, climate and habitat alteration are spatiotemporally correlated, making these factors difficult to isolate. Our study evaluates the relative effects of snow conditions and human-modified habitat (habitat alteration) across space on white-tailed deer presence and relative density. We modeled deer response to snow depth and anthropogenic habitat alteration across a large latitudinal gradient (49° to 60°) in Alberta, Canada, using motion-sensitive camera data collected in winter and spring from 2015 to 2019. Deer distribution in winter and spring were best explained by models including both snow depth and habitat alteration. Sites with shallower snow had higher deer presence regardless of latitude. Increased habitat alteration increased deer presence in the northern portion of the study area only. Winter deer density was best explained by snow depth only, whereas spring density was best explained by both habitat alteration and the previous winter's snow depth. Our results suggest that limiting future habitat alteration or restoring habitat can alter deer distribution, thereby potentially slowing or reversing expansion, but that climate plays a significant role beyond what managers can influence. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Postpartum behavior of maternal deer may be specific to species of deer and predators. We captured sympatric white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and mule deer (O. hemionus eremicus) fawns from radiocollared adult females in 2004–2006 on rangelands of west central Texas, USA, where predators larger than bobcats (Lynx rufus) were absent. Our objective was to determine whether differences in postpartum antipredator behavior existed between deer species, and if so, examine efficacy of those strategies. We collected postpartum group cohesion data in 2004 and 2005 by using radiotelemetry and examined dead fawns for cause of mortality. During fawns' hider phase, <3 weeks postpartum, mule deer females kept fawns closer to themselves (95% CI = 39−66 m) and twins closer to each other (95% CI = 25–49 m) than did white-tailed deer females (95% CIs = 152–234 m and 163–255 m, respectively). After 30 days postpartum, familial group cohesion was similarly tight for both species. During hider phases from 2004 to 2006, predated carcasses of white-tailed deer fawns (11 of 11) were dismembered or consumed more than mule deer fawns (7 of 13, P = 0.016), which was one line of evidence for maternal defense by mule deer adults. During hider phases in 2004 and 2005, predation rate of mule deer fawns was lower than that for white-tailed deer fawns. In 2006, predation rate increased for mule deer but was similar for white-tailed deer fawns compared with previous years. The tight cohesion strategy of mule deer exhibited in 2004 and 2005 seemed successful at thwarting small predators. Without large predators, the loose cohesion strategy of white-tailed deer females was maladaptive. When meso-predators are abundant due to extermination of larger predators, predation on fawns could increase if a deer species has relatively fixed postpartum maternal antipredator behavior.  相似文献   

Abstract: Hunting is the primary tool for managing white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) populations. Effectiveness of hunting in suburban areas may be reduced due to limited hunter access to small properties, firearms-discharge laws, and public safety concerns. In Connecticut, USA, hunting over bait on private land was recently legalized to increase harvest opportunities. Our objective was to assess bow-hunter willingness to use bait and effects of bait type, hunter disturbance, time spent hunting, and property size on deer-harvest potential in a suburban landscape. We mailed a prebaiting survey in February 2002 and a postbaiting survey in February 2004 to the same group of hunters. Hunters using bait were more successful and harvested more deer than hunters using no bait. Hunters using bait on small properties observed similar numbers of deer within shooting range as hunters using bait on larger properties. Hunters using bait met their venison needs, whereas hunters using no bait did not meet their needs. Resource managers should implement strategies that increase hunter success when developing urban deer-management programs for communities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Roads pose many threats to wildlife including wildlife-vehicle collisions, which are a danger to humans as well as wildlife. Bridges built with provisions for wildlife can function as important corridors for wildlife passage. We used video surveillance to record wildlife passage under a bridge near Durham, North Carolina, USA, to determine whether it functioned as a wildlife underpass. This is particularly important for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) because forests associated with the bridge created a corridor between 2 natural areas. We calculated detection probabilities and estimated the number of crossings as observed crossings divided by detection probability. We observed 126 crossings by >10 species of mammals. Detection probability was 42%; therefore, an estimated 299 wildlife crossings occurred. We observed 75 deer: 17 deer approached the underpass and retreated. We estimated sighting 40% of deer crossings and 92% of deer approaches. Thus, an estimated 185 deer crossings and 18 approaches occurred. As an index of road mortality, we conducted weekly surveys of vehicle-killed animals on a 1.8-km section containing the underpass. We discovered only 5 incidences of animals killed by vehicles. The size and design of the bridge promoted wildlife use of the underpass, providing landscape connectivity between habitats on opposite sides of the highway and likely increasing motorist safety. Thus, bridges in the appropriate landscape context and with a design conducive to wildlife use, can function as a corridor to reduce the effects of fragmentation.  相似文献   

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