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中国北方草地普遍出现灌丛化现象,灌丛化改变植物群落结构、植物多样性和生产力,直接影响着草地生态保护与可持续利用.该研究以黄土高原灌丛化草地为研究对象,通过植被调查,分析比较不同坡向的灌丛斑块与禾草斑块植物群落结构(物种组成、优势种及物种多样性)和地上生物量的差异.结果发现:(1)灌丛化草地不同坡向对物种多样性及地上生物...  相似文献   

Abstract: We assessed responses of the breeding bird community to mechanical thinning and prescribed surface fire, alone and in combination, between 2000 and 2006 in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests in northern Arizona, USA. Fuel-reduction treatments did not affect species richness or evenness, and effects on density of 5 commonly detected species varied among species. Populations of some species, such as the western bluebird (Sialia mexicana), increased following burning treatments, whereas others, such as the mountain chickadee (Poecile gambeli), decreased in response to thinning treatments. Our results also identified a temporal response component, where avian community composition and structure changed synchronously on all treatments over time. Given the modest effects these small-scale fuel-reduction treatments had on avian composition and the specific density responses of particular species, our results suggest that land managers should consider implementing prescribed surface fire after thinning projects, where appropriate.  相似文献   

环境因子对上海城市园林春季鸟类群落结构特征的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
2004年3—5月,对上海8个园林绿地的春季鸟类做了研究。在调查中共观察到55种鸟类,其中留鸟31种,候鸟24种。运用回归与相关统计分析方法分析了鸟类群落结构和分布特征与8个园林绿地的公园面积、水体比例、植被种数、乔木层盖度、灌木层盖度、草本层盖度、地形坡度异质性、临主干道状况、人流量、行道宽度10项环境指标的关系。结果表明:(1)公园面积、植被种数、灌木层盖度、草本层盖度、地形坡度异质性、临主干道状况、行道宽度等7个因子在影响园林鸟类群落结构和分布中起关键性作用;(2)上海城市鸟类数量、多样性呈单一化趋势,而且公园绿地内大面积水体等建设方案并不利于鸟类的栖息。  相似文献   

Knowledge of the recovery of insect communities after forest disturbance in tropical Africa is very limited. Here, fruit‐feeding butterflies in a tropical rain forest at Kibale National Park, Uganda, were used as a model system to uncover how, and how fast, insect communities recover after forest disturbance. We trapped butterflies monthly along a successional gradient for one year. Traps were placed in intact primary forest compartments, heavily logged forest compartments with and without arboricide treatment approximately 43 years ago, and in conifer‐clearcut compartments, ranging from 9 to 19 years of age. The species richness, total abundance, diversity, dominance, and similarity of the community composition of butterflies in the eight compartments were compared with uni‐ and multivariate statistics. A total of 16,728 individuals representing 88 species were trapped during the study. Butterfly species richness, abundance, and diversity did not show an increasing trend along the successional gradient but species richness and abundance peaked at intermediate stages. There was monthly variation in species richness, abundance, diversity and composition. Butterfly community structure differed significantly among the eight successional stages and only a marginal directional change along the successional gradient emerged. The greatest number of indicator species and intact forest interior specialists were found in one of the primary forests. Our results show that forest disturbance has a long‐term impact on the recovery of butterfly species composition, emphasizing the value of intact primary forests for butterfly conservation.  相似文献   

Changes in the macroinvertebrate community were investigated over 10 months at four sites along a 19 km salinity gradient (0.21–2.60 g l−1) in a sixth-order stream, the Meurthe River, northeastern France. Abiotic characteristics other than salinity were similar between the sites. Macroinvertebrate taxonomic richness decreased by 30% downstream of the 1.4 g l−1 sites while diversity, evenness or total abundance of taxa did not change along the gradient. In terms of functioning, a slight change in relative abundances of invertebrate feeding groups followed the salinity gradient. Eight invertebrate assemblages occurred within specific salinity distributions were identified. The exotics Gammarus tigrinus, Dreissena polymorpha, Corbicula fluminalis and Corophium curvispinum, were more abundant at the highest salinity site. These results suggest that rising salinity concentrations drastically affect the species composition, including favouring exotic species.  相似文献   

Sediment and water samples representing a pollution gradient in a long, narrow lake polluted at one end by heavy metals, arsenic, and acid drainage from mine tailings, together with samples from an unpolluted reference lake, were analyzed to determine effects of pollutants on the microbial community of the polluted lake. Ribosomal ribonucleic acid, fatty acid, and phospholipid analyses, along with assays of CO2 production, denitrification, and enzyme activities, were performed to characterize the microflora; and environmental conditions were defined by various physicochemical analyses, including determination of bioavailable metal species. Mine waste pollution fostered the growth of Holophagal Acidobacteria, green sulphur bacteria, and α-Proteobacteria but inhibited numerous other types of microorganisms, reducing the overall productivity, biomass, and biodiversity of the microflora. The beneficial effects imply toleration of pollutants, suppression of competing or antagonistic species, and utilization of biogenic sulphide; and the toxic effects are attributable to bioavailable metals, arsenic, and sulphuric acid produced by oxidation of sulphides. The bioavailability and toxicity of sediment-bound metals were evidently increased by acidification, elevation of sediment Eh, and inhibition of metal-immobilizing bacteria by pollutants but were decreased by metal-scavenging oxyhydroxides, sulphide, and organic matter. Metal toxicity also depended on specific metal properties (e.g., electronegativity), providing a basis for inferring mechanisms of toxicity and oxidation states of metals and explaining differences in relative toxicity. The pollutants harmed the ecosystem as a whole by inhibiting microorganisms that performed crucial ecological functions, notably oxygen-releasing photosynthesis, decomposition and humification of organic matter, nutrient recycling, and control of metal availability.  相似文献   

The relationship between the variables of reef fish community structure (fish richness, fish diversity and total number of fishes) and those of habitat complexity (total surface area, substratum diversity, topographic complexity, number of holes, percent cover of turf algae, zoanthids, millepores, massive corals, bare rock, encrusting calcareous algae, urchins, other sessile organisms and Sargassum) were examined on three different rocky shores (FA, FB and FT) at Arraial do Cabo, a tropical region located on Brazilian southeastern coast (23° S, 42° W). Fish abundance and vertical distribution were assessed by a visual census technique using strip transects. Percentage cover of benthic organisms and other substratum types were calculated by replicated transects using a chain laid down on the substratum. Topographic complexity was determined by the chain link method and number of holes were estimated by direct counts on replicated transects. More than 91 fishes belonging to 37 families were seen in all study sites during one year of visual census effort. FA and FB sites had similar fish community structure and habitat complexity characteristics, while FT showed different habitat characteristics and higher fish diversity and richness, plus total number of fishes. Vertical distribution of fishes along the rocky shores studied seemed to be predictable and was determined by factors such as feeding habits and behavior, availability of refuges and social interactions. The habitat variables that best explained the higher diversity and number of fishes observed in FT site were total surface area of rocky shores and the abundance of benthic sessile invertebrates; these conditions were typical of rocky shores more exposed to wave surge.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton structure was studied in Aliakmon river basin in April (highflow) and September (lowflow) 1995 in 29 sampling sites. Abundance and biomass were generally low and ranged considerably between sites. Benthic diatoms contributed greatly to the suspended algal assemblages whereas trends of potamoplankton development were observed downstream. Limnoplankton and especially chlorophytes developed in the areas where lentic conditions prevailed. The nature of changes in phytoplankton seemed to be both longitudinal and temporal. Multivariate techniques revealed that areas with distinctive morphology, hydrology and anthropogenic inputs tended to have similar phytoplankton composition although no simple relation with physico-chemical factors can be shown. Human impact was more obvious on phytoplankton at the lowflow period. Generally, discharge played a significant role to the structure of phytoplankton communities.  相似文献   

Tropical arid to semi‐arid ecosystems are nearly as diverse as more humid forests and occupy large parts of the tropics. In comparison, however, they are vastly understudied. For instance, fog precipitation alone supports a unique vegetation formation, locally termed lomas, on coastal mountains in the Peruvian desert. To effectively protect these highly endemic and threatened ecosystems, we must increase our understanding of their diversity patterns in relation to environmental factors. Consequently, we recorded all vascular species from 100 random 4 × 4 m plots on the fog‐exposed southern slope of the mountain Mongón. We used topographic and remotely sensed covariates in statistical models to generate spatial predictions of alpha diversity and plant species' distribution probabilities. Altitude was the most important predictor in all models and may represent fog moisture levels. Other significant covariates in the models most likely refer also to water availability but on a finer spatial scale. Additionally, model‐based clustering revealed five altitudinal vegetation zones. This study contributes to a better spatial understanding of the biodiversity and spatial arrangement of vegetation belts of the largely unknown but highly unique lomas formations. Furthermore, mapping species richness and plant species' distributions could support a long‐needed lomas strategic conservation scheme.  相似文献   

The study of a decapod community in a Cymodocea nodosa meadow from Southeastern Spain (Western Mediterranean Sea) showed a stable structure, in which the families Hippolytidae, Processidae, Majidae and Portunidae were the most abundant and the species Hippolyte niezabitowskii dominated. The animal community was more numerous and diverse during the night, showing the existence of nychthemeral movements, which are essentially related to the trophic behaviour and shelter. In this way, many species increased their abundance as a result of an increasing activity and, also, of an influx of other species and specimens from adjacent sandy bottoms, such as Processa spp. (mainly P. modica) Sicyonia carinata, Liocarcinus spp. (mainly juveniles) and several species of hermit crabs, which were rare or absent during the day. All these changes produced modifications in the dominance curves and in the values of all ecological indices (richness, diversity and evenness). Monthly samples were grouped and ordered (MDS) by the factor “day–night”, which showed slight qualitative and quantitative differences (SIMPER, dissimilarity average of the factor day–night = 61.67). On the other hand, no global seasonal differences have been found (one way ANOSIM), but there was a significant level of similarity between winter and spring, while the summer samples were the most different. The differentiation of the summer 1999 can be attributed to a decrease in species abundance and richness, probably due to the dynamics of the decapod populations and the balance with predators (fishes), while that of the summer 2000, to an anomalous event: the massive proliferation of filamentous algae, mainly Ectocarpus s.l., which modified the environmental conditions.  相似文献   

We sampled litter frogs in an 1800-ha mid-elevation seasonal forest in southeastern Brazil. One hundred 8 * 8-m plots were sampled during the dry/cold season and wet/warm season (unburned areas); we also examined the effects of fire in recently burned areas. A total of 267 frogs (305 g), belonging to 16 species (4 families) were caught. A single species comprised 78.5 percent of the individuals in the dry/cold season and 54.3 percent in the wet/warm season. The density of individuals did not change significantly with season, biomass did. Density and biomass of frogs were positively correlated with altitude. A Mantel test indicated that biological data (species and their abundance) were significantly associated with environmental parameters. The burned areas showed low values in richness, density and biomass of frogs. Harsh seasonal climate and a history of human disturbance may produce the low observed diversity values. The greater densities of frogs in sites of higher elevation may primarily result from mist-generated humidity, which diminishes the harshness of the dry/cold season in relation to lower sites.  相似文献   

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