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Interception traps have been used to monitor and sample Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), populations in flight, but the efficiency of these traps was unknown. The efficiency of interception window traps is limited because flying adults avoid the traps and may bounce off the trap without being collected. All trap types tested were avoided in flight chamber tests, including those constructed of transparent Plexiglas or yellow wood boards. A larger screen trap and a harp trap designed to reduce detection were also avoided by the beetles in flight. None of the traps provide a direct estimate of the number of adults randomly flying in the trap area. The highest level of efficiency for window traps was obtained with the yellow trap, which caught 16% of the expected flying population. Harp and screen traps without frames intercepted 60-62% of the expected flying population. The presence of a frame did not increase significantly the avoidance of the screen and harp traps by beetles in flight. Recommendations are made to maintain or increase the efficiency of some traps.  相似文献   

Abstract Coevolution is thought to have led to many small mammal species avoiding the scent marks of their main mammalian predators, as they provide a reliable cue to predation risk. Most support for this hypothesis comes from northern hemisphere predator/prey systems, however, it is unclear whether this avoidance of predator faecal odour occurs in Australia's mammalian fauna, which has evolved in relative isolation from the rest of the world, and is dominated by marsupials rather than placentals. We tested this theory for an Australian system with marsupial and placental predators and prey, that share a long‐term (>1 million years) or short‐term (<150 years) exposure to each other. The predators were the native marsupial tiger quoll Dasyurus maculatus and the introduced placental red fox Vulpes vulpes. The potential prey were three native rodent species, the bush rat Rattus fuscipes, the swamp rat Rattus lutreolus, the eastern chestnut mouse Pseudomys gracilicaudatus, and the marsupial brown antechinus Antechinus stuartii. Small mammals were captured in Elliott traps with 1/3 of traps treated with fox faeces, 1/3 treated with quoll faeces and the remainder left untreated. The native rodent species all showed avoidance of both tiger quoll and red fox odours whereas the marsupial antechinus showed no responses to either odour. Either predator odour avoidance has not evolved in this marsupial or their reaction to predator odours may be exhibited in ways which are not recognizable through trapping. The avoidance by the rodents of fox odour as well as quoll odour indicates this response may either be due to common components in fox and quoll odour, or it may be a recently evolved response.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We evaluated different trap styles and related mortality of trapped ducks (Anas spp.) for 3 field seasons as part of the United States-Canada Cooperative Waterfowl Banding Program. During 2002, we evaluated 4 trap designs and caught 10,966 ducks. Trap style affected capture rates (P = 0.018, F5 = 9.02), with Benning II and oval traps catching more ducks than cloverleaf and star traps. In 2003, we tested 3 trap styles and caught 10,849 ducks. Trap style affected duck capture rates (P < 0.01, F5 = 15.16), with oval traps with 6-m lead panels catching more ducks than Benning II traps and cloverleaf traps. During 2004, we tested 3 trap styles and caught 11,737 ducks. Trap style affected capture rates (P < 0.01, F5 = 11.23), with oval traps with 6-m leads catching more ducks than either the oval trap without leads or Benning II traps. Trap style affected mortality rates of ducks, but overall mortality of trapped ducks was low with a rate of 1.16% in 2002, 0.32% in 2003, and 0.17% in 2004; mortality was not a major problem in our study. Waterfowl managers may be able to catch more ducks using oval traps with leads without increasing mortality of captured ducks.  相似文献   

Pitfall traps are among the most common sampling methods used for the study of ants. There are many types of traps and many possible ways of using them. The various methodologies may introduce biases in sampling. One possible bias may be caused by the digging‐in effect (DE), resulting in higher catches of ants immediately after traps are set in the ground which subsequently decline. In this study, we performed two experiments to verify the consequences of the DE for ants in a Mediterranean ecosystem. In the first experiment we distinguished between two types of habitats: closed and open (i.e., with or without shrub or tree cover). The second experiment was carried out in a homogeneous pasture where the time of prevalence of the DE was verified, investigating the duration of the effect. The results indicate differences between communities in the first 24 h after setting of the traps, which had disappeared after 48 h. This does not dismiss the possibility of certain species being affected either positively (increase in captures) or negatively (decrease). Changes in species composition, determining whether the DE was manifested or not, differed among habitat types.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken in November 2003 to derive a suitable sampling technique for collecting a representative sample of aquatic macroinvertebrates from a selected emergent vegetation biotope in a palustrine wetland, Melmoth Vlei, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The aim was to undertake a preliminary investigation on the development and testing of a macroinvertebrate sampling technique for use in emergent sedge-dominated palustrine wetlands (sensu Cowardin et al. 1979), which could contribute to the development of a South African wetland health biomonitoring programme. Sweep nets and activity traps were evaluated for their effectiveness in terms of macroinvertebrate collection. Sweep net sampling was tested over a range of sweep intensities to determine the minimum number of sweeps required to collect a representative sample. Sampling efficiency of activity traps placed at four depths was tested, and taxon diversity and composition of sweep net and activity trap samples were compared to determine whether activity traps are required to supplement sweep net data. A total of 32 taxa (identified mainly to family level) were identified in the samples collected. Taxon diversity and composition did not differ in the activity traps placed at the four depth locations. Taxon diversity did not differ significantly between different sweep intensities. This may be a result of high variability of macroinvertebrate distribution within a wetland. There is evidence, however, to suggest that this result is due to an inadequate sample size. There was a significant difference in taxon composition between the different sweep intensities (P < 0.05) and between activity trap and sweep net samples (P < 0.05). Sixty-eight percent of taxa appeared more frequently in sweep net sampling than in activity trap sampling. Two taxa were found exclusively in activity traps, although the numbers of these taxa collected were not significant, and they do not represent any unique trophic group. Based on these findings, it was concluded that activity traps are not required to supplement sweep net data, and a technique using a sweep net with a sweep intensity of five would be suitable for collecting a representative sample of macroinvertebrates from a palustrine wetland.  相似文献   

Mortality of freshwater turtles varies among types and deployments of traps. There are few or no losses in hoop or fyke traps set where turtles may reach air, including placement in shallows, addition of floats on traps, and tying traps securely to a stake or to shore. Turtle mortality occurs when traps are set deep, traps are checked at intervals >1 day, and when turtles are captured as bycatch. Devices are available that exclude turtles from traps set for crab or game fish harvest. Slotted gates in front of the trap mouth reduce turtle entry, but small individuals still may be trapped. Incidental take of turtles is preventable by integrating several designs into aquatic traps, such as adding floats to the top of traps so turtles may reach air or an extension tube (chimney, ramp) that creates an escape route. © 2010 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The sampling efficiency and consistency of pitfall traps and Winkler samples for inventory, bioindicator and ecological studies in savanna habitats was compared using ants. Pitfall traps are often used for ant collecting while Winkler litter sampling has until now had rather limited use. We test Winkler sampling for the first time in a South African savanna. Pitfall traps were more efficient and productive than Winkler sampling for epigaeic ants, with a greater total species richness and higher abundance of ants recorded. Winkler samples contributed few additional species. The relative abundance of different sized ants was different with the two collection methods. Winkler sampling was found to catch greater numbers of smaller ants than pitfall trapping, whereas pitfall trapping caught more larger ants. The standard collecting Winkler quadrat size of 1m2 did not perform as well as 2× m2 quadrats combined for one sample.  相似文献   

Weaver ants (Oecophylla spp.) are managed in plantations to control insect pests and are sometimes harvested as a protein‐rich food source. In both cases, the amount of insect prey caught by the ants is imperative for returns, as more prey leads to more effective biocontrol and to a higher production of ants. Malaise‐like traps placed in trees may catch flying insects without catching ants, as ants may use pheromone trails to navigate in and out of the traps. Thus, ants may increase their prey intake if they are able to extract insects caught in traps. In a mango plantation in Tanzania, we estimated the amount of insects caught by simple traps (cost per trap = 3.9 USD), and whether Oecophylla longinoda was able to collect insects from them. On average, a trap caught 110 insects per month without catching any weaver ants. The number of insects found in traps with ant access was 25% lower than in control traps (ants excluded), showing that ants were able to gather prey from the traps. Ant activity in traps increased over time, showing that prey extraction efficiency may increase as ants customize to the traps. The prey removed from traps by ants constituted 5% of the number of prey items collected by O. longinoda under natural conditions (without traps), potentially increasing to 14% if ants learn to extract all insects. Thus, prey intake may be increased with 5–14% per 3.9 USD invested in traps. These numbers increased to 38 and 78%, respectively, when light was used to attract insects during night time. Combining ant predation with insect trapping is a new approach potentially building increased returns to ant biocontrol and to ant entomophagy.  相似文献   

A 3‐year study (2014–2016) was conducted at Rocky Harbour near the west coast of Newfoundland, Canada, to record the abundance and phenology of adult spruce budworms captured at traps, using a factorial design (light traps and pheromone traps deployed contiguously or segregated spatially). Budworms were most abundant and occurred seasonally earlier in 2014 than in 2015 and 2016; these findings held generally true for males and females. The geographic setting of Newfoundland (large island isolated from the mainland by an oceanic barrier of >100 km across) provides an ideal location to discriminate local flight from long‐range immigrations; in our study, however, immigrations cannot be ruled out for any single day of trapping due to broad overlap in emergence patterns at Rocky Harbour relative to forest stands with known populations of budworms on the mainland. Based on moderate daily variation in adult abundance, however, major immigration events (defined as external deposition of budworms with large numerical amplitude) likely did not take place at Rocky Harbor between 2014 and 2016. Males were more abundant at light traps coupled with pheromone traps, whereas abundance of males at pheromone traps was similar with or without contiguous light traps. This outcome may be mediated by lower range of attraction for light traps (usually <100 m) and (generally assumed to be several hundreds of meters). Females were equally abundant at light traps with or without pheromone traps. As expected, males were captured earlier in the season at pheromone traps than at light traps, and females occurred later in the season due to protandry. The onset of flight observed at light traps or pheromone traps in 2015 and 2016 occurred 10–15 days later than simulated predictions; caution is thus warranted as to conclusions derived on computer modeling of adult emergence.  相似文献   

American mink (Neovison vison) are an ecologically damaging invasive species in Europe and Iceland where attempts to control them typically rely on trapping. The focus and efficiency of trapping can be improved by using track-recording mink rafts to identify where mink are present before traps are deployed. This paper describes development of operating strategy for the use of mink rafts with traps, to optimise capture efficiency against costs. We worked sequentially on two unconnected chalk streams in central southern England. On 17 km of the River Itchen, we operated a very high density of rafts (5.9 per km) through spring and summer to generate multiple detections of each mink present. All rafts recording mink tracks were armed with traps, and captured mink were euthanased. After removal of mink until no further detections were made, we calculated that each mink was detected 5.3 times at 5.1 raft sites, and on this basis, rationalised raft density to a standard one per kilometer of river. We set a trap deployment time (10 days) that encompassed the longest observed lapse from detection to capture (7 days), and extended the check interval for rafts in monitoring mode from 1 week to 2 weeks to further reduce costs. These operating rules were then deployed for 12 months on the 44-km River Wylye beginning in autumn. Rafts indicated that the river was cleared of mink through the capture of seven individuals, each of which was detected 3.6 times at 2.7 raft sites, on average, and was trapped within 6 days of detection giving a response time of less than 20 days. Although these operating rules may need refinement for other environments, we believe this is a sound basis for effective mink control.  相似文献   

The efficiency of barrier-connected pitfall trapping was compared to conventional single traps or arrays. For ground-active beetles, the use of a pitfall system incorporating a wetting agent with five traps arranged in a cross formation connected by plastic barriers was more efficient than a single dry trap by at least an order of magnitude and at least twice as efficient as five traps without connecting barriers. It is argued that the efficiency of pitfall trapping may be improved markedly by using barrier-connected traps, particularly for some carabid and staphylinid beetles and lycosid spiders. Capture of linyphiids was not improved by the use of barriers and was dependent only on the use of wetting agent and number of traps used.  相似文献   

This study sets out a novel method to determine dispersal distances in lichens. Direct measurement of dispersal often remains difficult for lichens and other small inconspicuous species because of the need to track microscopic reproductive propagules, which even if they can be captured, cannot be identified using traditional morphological approaches. A low‐cost device (<£200) was developed to trap the reproductive propagules of lichens, capable of sampling around 0.1 m3 of air per minute. In parallel, molecular techniques were developed to enable species‐specific detection of propagules caught by the devices, with identification using novel species‐specific primers and optimization of a standard DNA extraction and nested PCR protocol. The methods were tested for both their sensitivity and specificity against a suite of lichen epiphytes, differing in their reproductive mechanisms, dispersal structures and rarity. Sensitivity tests showed that the molecular techniques could detect a single asexual propagule (soredium or isidium), or as few as 10 sexual spores. As proof of concept, propagule traps were deployed into a wooded landscape where the target epiphytes were present. Extractions from deployed propagule traps were sequenced, showing that the method was able to detect the presence of the target species in the atmosphere. As far as we are aware, this is the first attempt to use mechanized propagule traps in combination with DNA diagnostics to detect dispersal of lichens. The tests carried out here point the way for future dispersal studies of lichen epiphytes and other passively dispersed microscopic organisms including fungi or bryophytes.  相似文献   

Abstract Ants play an important role in Australian biodiversity and environmental impact assessments, with pitfall-trapping being the principal sampling method. However, the relationship between trap diameter and ant species catch has not been investigated in the context of survey design. Using four different trap diameters, each at a density of one trap per 100 m2, the present study asks three questions: (i) given an equal number of traps, do traps with larger diameters catch more species than smaller-diameter traps?; (ii) do traps with small diameters bias against large or rare species?; (iii) for equal area of the trap mouth, do small but more numerous traps catch more species than fewer but large traps? A total of 84 species were sampled within the 1600 m2 study site, with numbers of species for trap diameters of: 18mm (46 species), 42mm (56 species), 86mm (62 species) and 135mm (64 species). At equal trap density, 18 mm traps caught significantly fewer species than larger traps. Traps of 86 mm and 135mm were no more efficient than 42mm traps. Only 86mm and 135mm traps caught all species > 10mm in length (6 species). For equal area of the trap mouth, small traps were more efficient than large traps. Differences in the catch of the different-sized traps were due primarily to different capture rates of the rare species (40 species): 18mm traps caught 25% of rare species, 42 mm caught 41%, 86 mm caught 44% and 135 mm caught 52%. The role of rare ant species in environmental impact studies is discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the distribution and dispersal of corophiid amphipods (Paracorophium spp.) in a temperate New Zealand estuary. Individuals in the sediment (resident population) and those caught in bed-load (local-scale movement) and suspended-load (larger-scale movement) were counted, measured, and sexed, during two tidal cycles at 4-6 week intervals spanning 13 months. Gravid females and juveniles were present in the resident population on all sample dates suggesting near continuous reproduction. Juveniles (< 2.2 mm body length) accounted for 49.8% of individuals in the sediment, compared to 65.4% of those caught in the bed-load and suspended-load traps. For the majority of sample dates, there was a net export of juveniles from the estuary. The total number of juveniles captured in suspended-load traps was significantly greater during the ebb tide relative to the flood tide (n = 541 versus 256), whereas no significant differences were found for adults. Similarly, numbers in the bed-load traps were significantly greater for juveniles during the ebb versus the flood tide (n = 900 versus 484), and also for adult females (n = 180 versus 86). Juvenile sex ratios were female biased in the sediment (9.8:1) and in suspended-load traps (7.6:1) and both were significantly more female-biased than that recorded for juveniles caught in bed-load traps (5.8:1). By contrast, there was a significantly lower proportion of adult females to adult males found in bed-load traps (1.7:1) and in suspended-load traps (0.98:1) compared to the resident population in the sediment (3.6:1). The mean size of juvenile females caught on a flood tide was significantly larger compared to those on the ebb tide, yet juvenile males were not significantly different, suggesting that smaller females were not returning on the flood tide. We suggest that female-biased juvenile dispersal for estuarine Paracorophium spp. lowers the risk of inbreeding and reduces competition. This may have evolved in response to a polygamous breeding system with little or no social organisation where a female produces more female offspring to maximise her inclusive fitness.  相似文献   

The relative abundances of ant species captured in pitfall traps was compared with those obtained by direct counts in quadrats at a savanna site in Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory. Two measures of abundance in traps were used, one based on total numbers of ants, the other on species frequency of occurrence. All species commonly recorded in quadrats were collected in traps, and their relative abundances were highly correlated on all occasions. Of the 20 most common species in quadrats, five occurred with a significantly different (in all cases lower) frequency in pitfall traps, but these species represented only 1.8–3.1% of total quadrat counts. Results from quadrats and pitfall traps were particularly similar (r > 0.8) when species-were classified into functional groups. Frequency data from traps may sometimes overestimate the abundance of widespread, solitary foraging species (e.g. ‘Chelaner’ and Tetramorium spp.) and underestimate species with large colony sizes (e.g. Iridomyrmex spp.). Data based on total numbers of ants in traps may be more prone to distortion arising from species differences in locomotor behaviour. Species counts in traps could be scaled to reduce these distortions. The finding that pitfall traps gave results comparable with those from quadrat counts provides support for the use of pitfall traps in studies of Australian ant communities in open habitats.  相似文献   

Aggregation pheromone traps designed to capture Riptortus pedestris (Fabricius) have recently been found to reduce neither the bug population nor crop damage in soybean fields. To improve trap efficiency, we first evaluated the effect of installation distance from the soybean field (trap distance). Additionally, push (one repellent) and pull (trap distance) strategies were evaluated together in a soybean field. While installation of aggregation pheromone traps 1 m outside of the field did not reduce the R. pedestris population at all, when the traps were moved to 5 m outside of the field, the field density of R. pedestris decreased, although this never became lower than when aggregation pheromone traps were absent. When the alarm pheromone was evaluated together with trap distance as a pull–push strategy in a soybean field, no additional reduction of the bug population was found compared to when only trap distance was changed. The number of bugs caught inside the aggregation pheromone traps was highest when traps were placed 10 m outside the field from August to October. In conclusion, despite some positive effect of installation distance, traps used both with and without alarm pheromone failed to reduce the bug population to the level found when traps were not used.  相似文献   

Over 80% of Atlantic Forest remnants are <50 ha and protected areas are embedded in a matrix dominated by human activities, undermining the long‐term persistence of carnivores. The ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) is an opportunistic species, but little is known about its tolerance to habitat alterations and the influence of other species on its occupancy in Atlantic Forest remnants. We used camera traps to assess ocelot occupancy in protected areas of Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil. We found a positive correlation between the occupancy of ocelots and top predators (jaguars, Panthera onca, and pumas, Puma concolor), and a weaker negative effect between the number of domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) detected and ocelot occupancy. Ocelot detection was higher at sites with more eucalyptus, suggesting that ocelots frequently use these areas. Better‐protected areas surrounded by permeable matrices may be critical to the persistence of ocelots in the fragmented Atlantic Forest.  相似文献   

Attractant-based traps are a cornerstone of detection, delimitation and eradication programs for pests such as tephritid fruit flies. The ideal trap and lure combination has high attraction (it brings insects to the trap from a distance) and high capture efficiency (it has a high probability of capturing the insect once it arrives at the trap). We examined the effect of an insecticide (DDVP) in combination with a pheromone lure (trimedlure) on capture of Ceratitis capitata using 1) digital images of surfaces of a Jackson trap analyzed via computer vision, and 2) counts of the number of flies caught in the trap and in the area under the trap. Our results indicate no significant difference in trap capture without or with insecticide (means ± SD = 324 ±135 and 356 ±108, respectively). However, significantly more dead flies were found around the trap with insecticide (92 ±53 with insecticide compared with 35 ±22 without), suggesting a possible decrease in trap efficiency due to mortality before insects enter the trap. Indeed, the average number of flies detected on all surfaces of the traps with insecticide was lower than that for lure-only (4.15±0.39 vs 8.30±1.18), and both were higher than control (no lure: 0.76 ±0.08). We found that the majority of fly sightings, 71% of the total, occurred on the inside panels of the lure-only traps, suggesting that increased efficiency of the Jackson trap may be obtained by adding a contact insecticide to those surfaces.  相似文献   

1. Direct consumption of organic matter by the saprophagous larvae provides the ecosystem with a fundamental service by recycling nutrients and reducing exposure to decomposing matter. The present study aimed to assess the functional role of saprophagous flies in the mass loss of different types of decomposing organic matter. 2. Two types of common urban waste were used to measure the role of flies in reducing organic matter: chicken viscera (chicken) and a mixture of flour and uncooked eggs (flour and eggs), representing leftover food. Ten traps baited with each substrate, under field conditions, allowed fly access (exposed to flies) and three traps from each substrate did not (unexposed controls); adult flies entering the traps or emerging from the substrates and substrate mass loss were recorded. 3. Species from Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, Muscidae, and Fanniidae families were collected mainly in traps baited with chicken, with Phoridae being the most abundant in traps with flour and eggs as bait. A significantly richer (P < 0.05) assemblage of fly species accessed the traps baited with chicken viscera (21 species) compared with those emerging (11 species), whereas similar numbers of species accessed (n = 5) or emerged (n = 1) from traps baited with flour and eggs (average richness accessing 7.97, emerging 2.83). Chicken substrate mass loss and species richness were positively related (r = 0.56, P = 0.001). In traps where richness was larger than 10 species, the substrates were reduced by more than 85% of their initial weight compared with unexposed controls, which lost 30%. Substrate mass loss significantly increased with the abundance of flies (r = 0.73, P < 0.0001). 4. The results of the present study support the functional role of saprophagous species diversity on the decomposition rates of organic matter, reinforcing the negative consequences of loss or gain of species in modified landscapes and for ecosystem function.  相似文献   

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