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The feasibility of applying multiphoton excitation fluorescence microscopy-related techniques in planar membrane systems, such as lipid monolayers at the air-water interface (named Langmuir films), is presented and discussed in this paper. The non-linear fluorescence microscopy approach, allows obtaining spatially and temporally resolved information by exploiting the fluorescent properties of particular fluorescence probes. For instance, the use of environmental sensitive probes, such as LAURDAN, allows performing measurements using the LAURDAN generalized polarization function that in turn is sensitive to the local lipid packing in the membrane. The fact that LAURDAN exhibit homogeneous distribution in monolayers, particularly in systems displaying domain coexistence, overcomes a general problem observed when “classical” fluorescence probes are used to label Langmuir films, i.e. the inability to obtain simultaneous information from the two coexisting membrane regions. Also, the well described photoselection effect caused by excitation light on LAURDAN allows: (i) to qualitative infer tilting information of the monolayer when liquid condensed phases are present and (ii) to provide high contrast to visualize 3D membranous structures at the film's collapse pressure. In the last case, computation of the LAURDAN GP function provides information about lipid packing in these 3D structures. Additionally, LAURDAN GP values upon compression in monolayers were compared with those obtained in compositionally similar planar bilayer systems. At similar GP values we found, for both DOPC and DPPC, a correspondence between the molecular areas reported in monolayers and bilayers. This correspondence occurs when the lateral pressure of the monolayer is 26 ± 2 mN/m and 28 ± 3 mN/m for DOPC and DPPC, respectively.  相似文献   

In this study we demonstrate a new noninvasive imaging method to monitor freezing processes in biological samples and to investigate life in the frozen state. It combines a laser scanning microscope with a computer-controlled cryostage. Nearinfrared (NIR) femtosecond laser pulses evoke the fluorescence of endogenous fluorophores and fluorescent labels due to multiphoton absorption.The inherent optical nonlinearity of multiphoton absorption allows 3D fluorescence imaging for optical tomography of frozen biological material in-situ. As an example for functional imaging we use fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) to create images with chemical and physical contrast.  相似文献   

Dynamic imaging of cellular interactions with extracellular matrix   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
Adhesive and proteolytic interactions of cells with components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) are fundamental to morphogenesis, tissue assembly and remodeling, and cell migration as well as signal acquisition from tissue-bound factors. The visualization from fixed samples provides snapshot-like, static information on the cellular and molecular dynamics of adhesion receptor and protease functions toward ECM, such as interstitial fibrillar tissues and basement membranes. Recent technological developments additionally support the dynamic imaging of ECM scaffolds and the interaction behavior of cells contained therein. These include differential interference contrast, confocal reflection microscopy, optical coherence tomography, and multiphoton microscopy and second-harmonic generation imaging. Most of these approaches are combined with fluorescence imaging using derivates of GFP and/or other fluorescent dyes. Dynamic 3D imaging has revealed an unexpected degree of dynamics and turnover of cell adhesion and migration as well as basic mechanisms that lead to proteolytic remodeling of connective tissue by stromal cells and invading tumor cells.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00418-004-0682-0The Histochemistry and Cell Biology Lecture presented at the 12th International Congress of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry in La Jolla, California, USA, 24–28 July 2004  相似文献   

Characterization and non-invasive measurement of host-pathogen interactions in living cells, animal models and humans at the cellular and molecular levels is now possible using remote imaging detectors. Positron emission tomography scanners, highly sensitive cooled charge-coupled device cameras for bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging as well as high-magnetic-field magnetic resonance imaging scanners can be used to study such diverse processes as pathogen tropism, pathogen life cycle, signal transduction, host response, cell trafficking and gene transfer. In many cases, images from more than one modality can be fused, allowing structure-function and multifunction relationships to be studied on a tissue-restricted or regional basis. These new instruments, when used in conjunction with targeted contrast agents, reporter substrates and radiopharmaceuticals, enable "molecular imaging" with enormous potential for elucidating host-pathogen interactions in intact animal models.  相似文献   

In this study, intravital multiphoton microscopy was used to quantitatively investigate hepatobiliary metabolism in chronic pathologies of the liver. Specifically, through the use of the probe molecule 6‐carboxyfluorescein diacetate, the effects of liver fibrosis, fatty liver, and hepatocellular carcinoma on the metabolic capabilities of mouse liver were investigated. After the acquisition of time‐lapse images, a first order kinetic model was used to calculate rate constant resolved images of various pathologies. It was found that the ability of the liver to metabolically process the probe molecules varies among different pathologies, with liver fibrosis and fatty liver disease negatively impacted the uptake, processing, and excretion of molecules. The approach demonstrated in this work allows the study of the response of hepatic functions to different pathologies in real time and is useful for studying processes such as pharmacokinetics through direct optical imaging.   相似文献   

Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a common liver disorder caused by fatty liver. Because NASH is associated with fibrotic and morphological changes in liver tissue, a direct imaging technique is required for accurate staging of liver tissue. For this purpose, in this study we took advantage of two label-free optical imaging techniques, second harmonic generation (SHG) and auto-fluorescence (AF), using two-photon excitation microscopy (TPEM). Three-dimensional ex vivo imaging of tissues from NASH model mice, followed by image processing, revealed that SHG and AF are sufficient to quantitatively characterize the hepatic capsule at an early stage and parenchymal morphologies associated with liver disease progression, respectively.  相似文献   

As an important method to accurately and timely diagnose stroke and study physiological characteristics and pathological mechanism in it, imaging technology has gone through more than a century of iteration. The interaction of cells densely packed in the brain is three-dimensional (3D), but the flat images brought by traditional visualization methods show only a few cells and ignore connections outside the slices. The increased resolution allows for a more microscopic and underlying view. Today''s intuitive 3D imagings of micron or even nanometer scale are showing its essentiality in stroke. In recent years, 3D imaging technology has gained rapid development. With the overhaul of imaging mediums and the innovation of imaging mode, the resolution has been significantly improved, endowing researchers with the capability of holistic observation of a large volume, real-time monitoring of tiny voxels, and quantitative measurement of spatial parameters. In this review, we will summarize the current methods of high-resolution 3D imaging applied in stroke.  相似文献   

Analyzing the dynamics of cellular immune responses, although performed for decades in immunologic research, has seen an enormous increase in the number of studies using this approach since the development of intravital 2-photon microscopy. Meanwhile, new insights into the dynamics of cellular immunity are being published on a daily basis. This review gives a short overview of the currently most widely used techniques, both on the microscopy side as well as on the experimental part. Difficulties and promises will be discussed. Finally, a personal selection of the most interesting findings of the first 6 years of intravital 2-photon microscopy for immunological questions will be given. The overall aim is to get the reader interested into this fascinating way of investigating the immune response by means of “dynamic histology”. This already has and will continue to broaden our view on how immune cells work in real life.  相似文献   

Wenk MR 《FEBS letters》2006,580(23):5541-5551
The cell biology of intracellular pathogens (viruses, bacteria, eukaryotic parasites) has provided us with molecular information of host-pathogen interactions. As a result it is becoming increasingly evident that lipids play important roles at various stages of host-pathogen interactions. They act in first line recognition and host cell signaling during pathogen docking, invasion and intracellular trafficking. Lipid metabolism is a housekeeping function in energy homeostasis and biomembrane synthesis during pathogen replication and persistence. Lipids of enormous chemical diversity play roles as immunomodulatory factors. Thus, novel biochemical analytics in combination with cell and molecular biology are a promising recipe for dissecting the roles of lipids in host-pathogen interactions.  相似文献   

Intravital microscopy (IVM) has revolutionized our understanding of single-cell behavior in complex tissues by enabling real-time observation of molecular and cellular processes in their natural environment. In preclinical research, IVM has emerged as a standard tool for mechanistic studies of therapy response and the rational design of new treatment strategies. Technological developments keep expanding the imaging depth and quality that can be achieved in living tissue, and the maturation of imaging modalities such as fluorescence and phosphorescence lifetime imaging facilitates co-registration of individual cell dynamics with metabolic tissue states. Correlation of IVM with mesoscopic and macroscopic imaging modalities further promotes the translation of mechanistic insights gained by IVM into clinically relevant information. This review highlights some of the recent advances in IVM that have made the transition from experimental optical techniques to practical applications in basic and preclinical research.  相似文献   

We reported on the in situ nonlinear optical sectioning of the corneal and retinal tissues based on the multiphoton microscopy (MPM) with different excitation wavelengths of infrared femtosecond (fs) lasers. The multiphoton nonlinear processing including two-photon fluorescence (2PF) and second harmonic generation (SHG) was induced under condition of high light intensities on an order of MW-GW/cm2. The laser beams emitted from the solid-state Ti: sapphire systems were focused in a 0.1 femtoliter focus volume of a high numerous aperture diffraction-limited objective (40 × 1.3 N.A., oil). The corneal layers have been visualized using nonlinear optical tomography. In particular, corneal Bowman’s layer was optically determined in situ. The cellular and collagen components of tissues were selectively displayed with submicron spatial resolution and high efficiency without any assistance of staining or slicing. The preliminary study on retinal optical tomography is here also reported. MPM is a promising and convenient non-invasive technique by which the tissue layers can be visualized and the selective displaying of the tissue microstructures be realized. The optical biopsy based on intrinsic emission of MPM yields details that provide three-dimensional displaying of the tissue component and even have the potential to be used in clinical diagnostics.Dedicated on the occasion of the 66th birthday of Professor Dr. Karl-Juergen Halbhuber  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) within the skin are a heterogeneous population of cells, including Langerhans cells of the epidermis and at least three subsets of dermal DCs. Collectively, these DCs play important roles in the initiation of adaptive immune responses following antigen challenge of the skin as well as being mediators of tolerance to self-antigen. A key functional aspect of cutaneous DCs is their migration both within the skin and into lymphatic vessels, resulting in their emigration to draining lymph nodes. Here, we discuss our current understanding of the requirements for successful DC migration in and from the skin, and introduce some of the microscopic techniques developed in our laboratory to facilitate a better understanding of this process. In particular, we detail our current use of multi-photon excitation (MPE) microscopy of murine skin to dissect the migratory behavior of DCs in vivo. B. Roediger and L. G. Ng contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Keima is a far-red fluorescent protein endowed with a large Stokes shift. It absorbs light maximally at around 440 nm and emits maximally at around 620 nm. While the original Keima is obligately tetrameric (tKeima), the dimeric and monomeric versions (mKeima and dKeima, respectively) have been generated. More recently, a tandem dimer of Keima (tdKeima) has been developed as the brightest version. Here we describe examples, which show the usefulness of Keima for dual-color fluorescence imaging technologies, such as fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) and two-photon laser scanning microscopy (TPLSM). Keima can be used in conjunction with existing fluorescent proteins in which the Stokes shift is much smaller, with the idea that while two fluorescent proteins are excited by a single laser each will fluoresce a different color.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of long-term immune defense against infection was used to estimate the energy involved in the principal processes of immune resistance during periods of health and infection. From these values, an optimal level of energy was determined for immune response depending on infection burden. The present findings suggest that weak but prevalent pathogens lead to latent or chronic infection, whereas more virulent but less prevalent pathogens result in acute infection. This energy-based approach offers insight into the mechanisms of immune system adaptation leading to the development of chronic infectious diseases and immune deficiencies.  相似文献   

A rapid, photochemical solution-phase synthesis has been developed for the production of monodisperse, nanometer-sized silver particles. The stabilizer used in the synthesis can be used to control the average diameter of the particles over a range from 1 to 7 nm. The same reaction mixture can also be employed to deposit patterns of nanoparticles with a laser via multiphoton absorption. The particles exhibit strong multiphoton absorption-induced luminescence when irradiated with 800-nm light, allowing emission from single nanoparticles to be observed readily.  相似文献   

Cable JM  Enquist BJ  Moses ME 《PloS one》2007,2(11):e1130


Understanding the mechanisms that control rates of disease progression in humans and other species is an important area of research relevant to epidemiology and to translating studies in small laboratory animals to humans. Body size and metabolic rate influence a great number of biological rates and times. We hypothesize that body size and metabolic rate affect rates of pathogenesis, specifically the times between infection and first symptoms or death.

Methods and Principal Findings

We conducted a literature search to find estimates of the time from infection to first symptoms (tS) and to death (tD) for five pathogens infecting a variety of bird and mammal hosts. A broad sampling of diseases (1 bacterial, 1 prion, 3 viruses) indicates that pathogenesis is controlled by the scaling of host metabolism. We find that the time for symptoms to appear is a constant fraction of time to death in all but one disease. Our findings also predict that many population-level attributes of disease dynamics are likely to be expressed as dimensionless quantities that are independent of host body size.

Conclusions and Significance

Our results show that much variability in host pathogenesis can be described by simple power functions consistent with the scaling of host metabolic rate. Assessing how disease progression is controlled by geometric relationships will be important for future research. To our knowledge this is the first study to report the allometric scaling of host/pathogen interactions.  相似文献   

In biological microscopy, the ever expanding range of applications requires quantitative approaches that analyze several distinct fluorescent molecules at the same time in the same sample. However, the spectral properties of the fluorescent proteins and dyes presently available set an upper limit to the number of molecules that can be detected simultaneously with common microscopy methods. Spectral imaging and linear unmixing extends the possibilities to discriminate distinct fluorophores with highly overlapping emission spectra and thus the possibilities of multicolor imaging. This method also offers advantages for fast multicolor time-lapse microscopy and fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements in living samples. Here we discuss recent progress on the technical implementation of the method, its limitations and applications to the imaging of biological samples.  相似文献   

This study investigates the cellular response of murine hepatoma cells to the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) using two‐photon and confocal laser scanning microscopy. The intracellular distribution of B[a]P and the B[a]P/AhR complex was visualized time‐ and concentration‐dependent for up to 48 h of exposure. B[a]P was predominantly found in lipid droplets, endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomes, where B[a]P is collected and forms large aggregates. Changes in mitochondrial membrane potential and bleb formation due to high B[a]P concentrations were observed. The imaging data presented in this study provide new insights into the systemic cellular regulation following B[a]P exposure. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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