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Brood parasitism by cowbirds: risks and effects on reproductive success and survival in indigo buntings 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
We observed brood parasitism by brown-beaded cowbirds (Molothrusater) on indigo buntings (Passerina cyanea) and estimated dieimpact of parasitism on the success of the individual buntingsin their current nests and in their future survival and reproduction.Rates of parasitism over 8 years were 26.6% in 1040 nests and19.8% in 693 nests in two areas in southern Michigan. Risk ofparasitism was high early in the season; half the bunting nestswere begun after the end of the cowbird season. Risk was independentof female age, plant containing the nest, or habitat The immediatecost of parasitism was 1.19 and 1.26 fewer buntings fledgedper nest. Bunting success was lower in parasitized nests withcowbird eggs (nests were more likely to be deserted or predated),lower when the cowbird nestling failed (nests were more likelyto be predated), and lower when the cowbird fledged (fewer buntingsfledged) compared to nonparasitized nests. Costs were due toremoval of a bunting egg when die cowbird laid its own egg andto competition for parental care of the cowbird and buntingnestlings. Buntings that fledged from nests where a cowbirdalso fledged were only 18% as likely to survive and return totheir natal area in the next year as buntings from nests wherea cowbird did not fledge. Long-term effects of cowbird parasitismon adult breeding later in the season, survival to the nextseason, and reproductive success in the next season were negligiblewhen compared between birds that reared a cowbird and birdsthat reared only a bunting brood, or between birds that wereparasitized and birds that escaped parasitism. The results indicatelittle long-term cost of brood parasitism on individual fitnessof adult buntings beyond the impact on the current nest andthe survival of buntings that fledge from it; nearly all costis to the parasitized brood. 相似文献
Proportions of nests parasitized by brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus
ater) vary greatly among host species, but factors underlyingthis variation remain poorly understood. Cowbirds are believedto find nests by watching host behavior. We tested the hypothesisthat the activity of hosts during nest building correlateswith the probability of parasitism among and within four sympatrichosts: dusky flycatchers (Empidonax oberholseri), warblingvireos (Vireo gilvus), yellow warblers (Dendroica petechia),and American redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla). Daily probabilityof parasitism varied substantially among these species, from3% for dusky flycatchers to more than four times that for warblingvireos. The four species did not differ in the proportion ofcowbirds fledged from their nests. Differences in nest placementdid not explain differences in probability of parasitism amongor within species. Parasitism frequencies increased among speciesthat made longer nest-building visits, had a greater propensityto perch during nest approach, spent more time near their nests,and had males that vocalized more often near nests. Within species,
females that visited their nests less often, spent more timeon the nest per visit, and males that sang more and were activein a smaller area around their nests were more likely to beparasitized by cowbirds. These data support the hypothesisthat cowbirds use the activity of hosts during nest buildingto locate nests. 相似文献