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We present data from a 17-year study of the population biology of a growing population of Spanish imperial eagles Aquila adalberti across most of its breeding range. The objective of this study was to analyse the effects of age, supplemental feeding and rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) on several breeding parameters of this population of eagles. Average clutch size was 2.2 eggs per clutch, and the average incubation time was 41.7 days per clutch. Fledging occurred an average of 76.8 days after hatching, the length of the fledgling period was not correlated to clutch size. The annual average percentage of pairs laying eggs was 88%. A significant reduction in the percentage of pairs laying eggs in the period 1992–1994 (from 91 to 81%) coincided with most of the eagles’ territories being affected by the rabbit epizootic disease, RHD, which reduced their food supply significantly. Average productivity was 1.23 chicks per monitored territory, average breeding success was 1.40 chicks in a clutch per territory and the average fledging rate was 1.69 chicks per territory with hatching success. The main known causes of breeding failure during incubation were nest collapse and human disturbance. During chick-rearing, total or partial chick losses were mainly caused by siblicide, disease, malnutrition or nest collapse. In 26.2% of the 1372 monitored breeding attempts, at least one of the breeding birds was a subadult (the male in 56.1% of the cases, the female in 15.5% and both sexes in 28.4% of cases). In cases of mixed-aged pairs (n = 205), 70.7% were the result of a substitution, and 29.3% were the result of the forming of a new pair. Egg laying took place significantly earlier and breeding success was higher in territories occupied by adults than in those occupied by subadults. Breeding parameters were higher in high-quality (rabbit-rich) territories than in low-quality (rabbit-poor) territories, but only for those territories occupied by adults. The values obtained in the territories occupied by adults were only significantly higher than in those of the subadults in high-quality territories. Age and territory quality thus simultaneously affected reproductive output.  相似文献   

Bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) are considered a recovery success in the United States after rebounding from near extirpation due to widespread use of the insecticide dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) in the twentieth century. Although abundances of bald eagles have increased since DDT was banned, other contaminants have remained in the environment with unknown influence on eagle population trends. Ingestion of spent lead (Pb) ammunition, the source of Pb most available to eagles and other scavengers in the United States, is known to kill individual eagles, but the influence of the contaminant on overall population dynamics remains unclear, resulting in longstanding controversy over the continued legality of the use of Pb in terrestrial hunting ammunition. We hypothesized that mortalities from the ingestion of Pb reduced the long-term growth rate and resiliency of bald eagles in the northeast United States over the last 3 decades. We used Holling's definition of resilience (the ability of a system to absorb changes of state variables, driving variables, and parameters and still persist) to quantify how reduction in survival from Pb-associated mortalities reduced the likelihood of population persistence. We used a population matrix model and necropsy records gathered between 1990 and 2018 from a 7-state area to compare population dynamics under current versus hypothetical Pb-reduced and Pb-free scenarios. Despite a robust increase in eagle abundances in the northeast United States over that period, we estimated that deaths arising from ingestion of Pb was associated with a 4.2% (females) and 6.3% (males) reduction in the asymptotic long-term growth rate (lambda). Comparison between real (current) and counterfactual (Pb-reduced and Pb-free) population dynamics indicated that the deaths from acute Pb poisoning were additive because the mortality events were associated with marked reduction in annual survival performance of hatchlings and reproductive females. These shifts in survival performance were further associated with a reduction in resilience for hatchling (95.4%) and breeding (81.6%) female eagles. Counterintuitively, the current conditions produced an increase in resilience (68.9%) for immature and non-breeding female eagles over hypothetical Pb-free conditions, suggesting that the population of eagles in the northeast United States reorganized (in a population dynamics sense) to ensure population expansion despite additive mortalities associated with Pb. This study can be used by state and federal wildlife managers or non-governmental organizations to inform policy surrounding the use of lead ammunition or to educate hunters on the population-scale effects of their ammunition choices.  相似文献   

During the late 20th Century, due to decreases in both contamination and persecution, bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) populations increased dramatically. Currently, mechanisms regulating eagle populations are not well understood. To examine potential regulating processes in the Pacific Northwest, where eagles are no longer primarily regulated by contaminants or direct persecution, we examined bald eagle reproductive success, breeding populations, winter populations, mortality, and salmon stream use. Wintering and breeding eagle populations in south-coastal British Columbia (BC) quadrupled between the early 1980s and the late 1990s, and have since stabilized. Density-dependent declines in reproduction occurred during 1986–2009, but not through changes in site quality. Mid-winter survival was crucial as most mortality occurred then, and models showed that density-dependent reductions in population growth rates were partially due to reduced survival. Wintering eagles in British Columbia fed heavily on chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) runs, and then switched to birds in late winter, when mortality was highest. Eagles tended to arrive after the peak in salmon availability at streams in BC as part of a migration associated with salmon streams from Alaska to northern Washington. Eagles were most abundant in southern BC during cold Alaskan winters and in years of high chum salmon availability. We suggest that eagle populations in the Pacific Northwest are currently partially limited by density on the breeding grounds and partially by adult mortality in late winter, likely due to reduced late winter salmon stocks forcing eagles to exploit more marginal prey supplies. Larger eagle populations have affected some local prey populations. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The reproductive success of Great Bustards Otis tarda in north-western Spain was studied between 1987 and 1998, both at the population ( c . 700 adult females breeding in our study area) and the individual level (sample of 32 marked females). Overall productivity was low, with a population mean of only 0.14 chicks reared per adult female, and an average breeding success of 0.15 chicks per year in the sample of marked females, but interannual variability was high (0.04–0.29). Population productivity was positively correlated with winter (October–March) precipitation prior to each breeding season, and negatively correlated with the number of days of rain during the hatching period. High annual productivity resulted from a high proportion of females rearing two chicks. Reproductive success was higher in females older than 6 years than in younger birds. The proportion of females in the marked sample that failed in breeding after having bred successfully the previous season was significantly higher than the proportion of those that did not. Finally, females with a higher than average breeding success tended to breed successfully in years of both low and high population productivity, whereas those with lower than average breeding success did so only in years of high productivity.  相似文献   

Plasma proteins, hematocrit, differential blood counts were examined and nutritional condition was estimated for bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) trapped (n = 66) during antumn migration, 1994-95 at Galloway Bay (Saskatchewan, Canada), for the purposes of estimating prevalence of exposure to lead. Sex and age differences in hematocrit and plasma proteins were not observed; however, female eagles exhibited larger median absolute heterophil counts than males. Hematologic values were similar to those previously reported from eagles in captivity. Departures from expected hematological values from a healthy population of eagles were not observed in birds with elevated levels of blood lead (> or =0.200 microg/ml). Similarly, nutritional condition was not related to blood-lead concentrations. Therefore, it appears that lead exposure in this population was below a threshold required to indicate toxicological alteration in the hematological values and index of nutritional condition that we measured.  相似文献   

The hypothesis was to test whether a ratio of estrogen:androgen in eagle feces would reflect gonadal activity, and whether our procedure for noninvasive hormone analysis of fecal steroids could be applied to assess seasonal reproductive function in four captive bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). Total immunoreactive excretory estrogens (E) and testosterone (T) were analyzed and compared as an E/T ratio from ad libitum monthly stool collections during the 1980–81 breeding season of birds maintained in an artificial insemination (AI) project. Since active male gonads are known to secrete a preponderance of androgens into the peripheral circulation and that renal clearance filters steroid metabolites into the urine, it was reasonable to assume that a lowered excretory E/T profile would mimic major changes in male seasonal steroidogenesis; analogously, active female gonads would result in an increased excretion of urinary estrogens, in turn reflected by a seasonal elevation of E/T ratios. A serial profile of excretory E/T ratio data for two male bald eagles approximated unity values except for a midseason low (x < 0.4) in February, one month prior to semen collections, followed by a significant end-of-breeding season rise in E/T values (x > 2.5, P < 0.01). The average E/T profile from data of two female eagles were two- to sixfold higher than males except for a significant mid-breeding season peak in E/T values during March (x > 13.5, P < 0.01). Despite the absence of nest building or egg production by either female, these preliminary observational data indicated seasonal patterns of gonadal activity in both female eagles that were synchronous with semen availability from adjacent males.  相似文献   

Using DNA fingerprinting we estimated the reproductive success of 49 adult birds belonging to 16 breeding groups of the sexually monomorphic brown skua (Calharacta lonnbergi) from the Chatham Islands (New Zealand). This population has a variable mating system, breeding in both monogamous and polyandrous groups. The parentage of 45 chicks produced over three breeding seasons was unequivocally determined using the multilocus probes 33.15 and 33.6. We found no evidence of either extra-pair or extra-group fertilization and there was no evidence to suggest egg dumping by females in any breeding group. Consequently, in the case of pairs, parentage of all chicks was assigned to the resident adult birds. In addition, band sharing analysis indicated that members of communal groups were not close relatives. In the 10 communally breeding groups examined, multiple paternity within a clutch was recorded on two of the 12 occasions in which two chicks were reared. Analysis of the parentage of offspring belonging to different groups, from different years, demonstrated that the number of chicks produced by some adult males varied considerably between seasons. In contrast, the reproductive success of other individuals was constant; for example, one male produced two chicks in each of the three seasons it was studied, while other males in communal groups did not produce any chicks during the course of this study. Fitness is a lifetime parameter, and any assessment of it requires studies over at least the average lifetime of an individual. The findings presented in this study suggest that, for brown skuas, there are significant differences in the reproductive success of some adult males in different breeding seasons. These results indicate that estimates of reproductive fitness based on only a single breeding season's data can be seriously inaccurate. Should temporal changes in paternity (and/or maternity) be shown to be common phenomena in other species, then such results would have major implications for the interpretation of parentage studies.  相似文献   

A population of booted eagles (Hieraaetus pennatus) consisting of 21–29 pairs was studied for 7 years (1998–2004) in a forested mountainous region of southeastern Spain. The average egg-laying time was 25 April (earliest 31 March, latest 26 May). Sixty-eight percent of territorial pairs produced eggs, and 81% of reproductive pairs successfully raised at least one offspring. Mean clutch size was 1.91 eggs, and 84% hatched. The survival rate of chicks was high, with only 17% dying. The major known cause of nestling mortality was predation, mainly by the Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo). The mean number of flying offspring was 0.91 per territorial pair, 1.29 per reproductive pair and 1.65 per successful pair. All population breeding parameters analysed were density independent, but most showed a significantly negative relationship with mean laying date.  相似文献   

Bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) are currently protected in the United States under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940 and Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. Given these protections and the increasing development of wind energy throughout the United States, it is important for regulators and the wind industry to understand the risk of bald eagle collisions with wind turbines. Prior probability distributions for eagle exposure rates and collision rates have been developed for golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Given similar information has not been available for bald eagles, the current recommendation by the USFWS is to use the prior probability distributions developed using data collected on golden eagles to predict take for bald eagles. But some evidence suggests that bald and golden eagles may be at different risk for collision with wind turbines and the prior probability distributions developed for golden eagles may not be appropriate for bald eagles. We developed prior probability distributions using data collected at MidAmerican Energy Company's operating wind energy facilities in Iowa, USA, from December 2014 to March 2017 for bald eagle exposure rates and collision rates. The prior probability distribution for collision rate developed for bald eagles has a lower mean collision rate and less variability relative to that developed for golden eagles. We determined that the prior probability distributions specific to bald eagles from these operating facilities are a better starting point for predicting take for bald eagles at operating wind energy facilities in an agricultural landscape than those developed for golden eagles. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

During the last decades, the critically endangered Hooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus has strongly declined across its African range. Although direct persecution has been suggested as a major cause of this decline, little is known about the impact of humans on reproductive output in West Africa. We studied the impact of human activities on the reproductive output of Hooded Vultures in the Garango area of Burkina Faso. Twenty and 56 nesting attempts were monitored, respectively, during the breeding season in 2013/14 and 2014/15, to determine reproductive success and identify causes of nest failure. Annual breeding success varied between 0.68 and 0.71 chicks fledged per breeding pair per year and productivity was assessed at 0.57 chicks fledged per territorial pair in 2014/15. The main threats imposed by humans were poaching of eggs, chicks and collection of nest materials, leading to 20% (13 out of 64 breeding attempts) of nest failures over the two years. An additional important reason for nest failure was the pruning and (partial) cutting of nest trees. Despite this high level of human interference, we found that Hooded Vulture nest success increased with proximity to human settlements, probably because breeding vultures benefit from protection by people against persecution and disturbance.  相似文献   

Juvenile spotted seatrout Cynoscion nebulosus growth in Chesapeake Bay was compared to growth from southerly estuaries to examine the potential for countergradient growth variation, and finer scale growth variation within Chesapeake Bay was investigated further. Because spawning and growing seasons in Chesapeake Bay are much shorter than in southern populations, and the bay population is genetically distinct, it was expected that C. nebulosus in Chesapeake Bay may exhibit faster juvenile growth than their southern counterparts. Within the bay, spatial and temporal growth patterns were examined using a repeated measures linear mixed-effects model on individual retrospective growth histories. Juvenile C. nebulosus were collected from seagrass beds throughout Chesapeake Bay in 1997–1999 and 2002; sagittae were removed for daily growth analysis. The calculated growth rate of 1·44 mm standard length day−1 for Chesapeake Bay fish is two to three times that reported for Florida C. nebulosus . Within the bay from 1997 to 1999 (average rainfall years), growth patterns were similar with the fastest growing fish collected from seagrass beds in the central bay, followed by the eastern shore fish with intermediate growth and western shore fish that exhibited slowest growth. These results were reversed (western shore fish growth > eastern shore > central bay) in 2002 (a drought year) even though temperatures across all years were similar throughout the bay, indicating that growth may be influenced by freshwater inflows.  相似文献   

The breeding performance and population trends of Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) was studied at Esperanza/Hope Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, by comparing an area with low levels of human disturbance (LLD) and an area with high levels of human disturbance (HLD), close to an Argentine research station. From 1995/1996 to 2004/2005 (except for 1999/2000 and 2003/2004), the following population parameters were measured in both areas: (1) the number of breeding pairs, (2) the number of chicks in creches and (3) the number of chicks produced by breeding pairs. Counts were made for 26 breeding groups situated in the LLD area and 63 breeding groups located in the HLD area. The number of chicks per breeding pair was obtaobtained by following 100 marked nests in each area. All parameters were measured as described in the CCAMLR Monitoring Program protocols. The magnitude and direction (increasing or decreasing) of the changes in breeding population size and the number of chicks creched were similar in both areas. Overall, the number of breeding pairs decreased from 4,744 to 2,968 (37.4%) in the LLD area, and from 8,744 to 5,378 (38.6%) in the HLD area. The number of chicks fledged increased from 3,808 to 4,065 (6.7%) in the LLD area, and decreased from 6,991 to 6,712 (4%) in the HLD area. Breeding success (chicks fledged per marked nest) did not differ significantly between areas for most of the seasons compared. In 1996/1997, breeding success was significantly higher in the HLD area. Our data suggest that environmental influences currently exert greater effects than human disturbance on the penguin population at Esperanza Bay.  相似文献   

Climate and landscape change are expected to significantly affect trophic interactions, which will especially harm top predators such as the golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos. Availability of optimal prey is recognized to influence reproductive success of raptors on a regional scale. For the golden eagle, medium‐sized prey species between 0.5 and 5 kg are widely considered to be optimal prey during the breeding season, whereas smaller and larger species are deemed as energetically sub‐optimal. However, knowledge about the effects of optimal prey availability is still scarce on larger scales. To decrease this apparent knowledge gap, we combined biogeographical information on range margins with information about the foraging behaviour and reproductive success of golden eagles from 67 studies spanning the Northern Hemisphere. We hypothesized that availability of optimal prey will affect foraging behaviour and breeding success and, thus, distribution patterns of the golden eagle not only on a local but also on a continental scale. We correlated the diet breadth quantifying foraging generalism, breeding success and proportions of small (< 0.5 kg), medium (0.5–5 kg) and large‐sized (> 5 kg) prey species within the diet with the minimum distance of the examined eagles to the actual species distribution boundary. Closer to the range edge, we observed decreased proportions of medium‐sized prey species and decreasing breeding success of golden eagles. Diet breadth as well as proportions of small and large‐sized prey species increased, however, towards the range edge. Thus, availability of optimal‐sized prey species seems to be a crucial driver of foraging behaviour, breeding success and distribution of golden eagles on a continental scale. However, underlying effects of landscape characteristics and human influence on optimal prey availability has to be investigated in further large‐scale studies to fully understand the major threats facing the golden eagle and possibly other large terrestrial birds of prey.  相似文献   

Comparative analyses of nuclear and organelle genetic markers may help delineate evolutionarily significant units or management units, although population differentiation estimates from multiple genomes can also conflict. Striped bass (Morone saxatilis) are long-lived, highly migratory anadromous fish recently recovered from a severe decline in population size. Previous studies with protein, nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers produced discordant results, and it remains uncertain if the multiple tributaries within Chesapeake Bay constitute distinct management units. Here, 196 young-of-the-year (YOY) striped bass were sampled from Maryland's Choptank, Potomac and Nanticoke Rivers and the north end of Chesapeake Bay in 1999 and from Virginia's Mataponi and Rappahannock Rivers in 2001. A total of 10 microsatellite loci exhibited between two and 27 alleles per locus with observed heterozygosities between 0.255 and 0.893. The 10-locus estimate of R(ST) among the six tributaries was -0.0065 (95% confidence interval -0.0198 to 0.0018). All R(ST) and all but one theta estimates for pairs of populations were not significantly different from zero. Reanalysis of Chesapeake Bay striped bass mtDNA data from two previous studies estimated population differentiation between theta=-0.002 and 0.160, values generally similar to mtDNA population differentiation predicted from microsatellite R(ST) after adjusting for reduced effective population size and uniparental inheritance in organelle genomes. Based on mtDNA differentiation, breeding sex ratios or gene flow may have been slightly male biased in some years. The results reconcile conflicting past studies based on different types of genetic markers, supporting a single Chesapeake Bay management unit encompassing a panmictic striped bass breeding population.  相似文献   

As part of a monitoring study of Adélie and Gentoo penguin colonies, birds occupying nests with eggs and chicks in crèches were counted annually from the 1995/1996 to the 2006/2007 seasons at Stranger Point, Isla 25 de Mayo (King George Island), Antarctica. During the study period the Adélie penguin population showed a decrease of 62%. The number of chicks in crèches followed a similar trend, the smallest number occurring in 2002, when it was 63% lower than in 1995/1996. In contrast, the Gentoo breeding population size increased by 68%, while chicks produced increased by 63%. Despite the opposing trends in population size between species, there was a positive relation in their interannual variation, although the extent, and for some years the direction, of the change observed always favoured Gentoo penguins. Breeding success (chicks in crèches/nests with eggs) fluctuated between 0.65 and 1.26 for Adélies and between 0.76 and 1.27 for Gentoo penguins, and did not differ significantly between species. The similar breeding success of these species suggests that the contrasting population trends observed were driven by factors operating over winter. We suggest that current changes in environmental conditions may affect adult birds of both species during the previous winter with different intensity but in a roughly similar way, but that juvenile survival of both species and thus the recruitment of new breeders might be affected differentially, with a much lower survival rate of juvenile Adélie penguins.  相似文献   

Understanding how parental expenditure reflects food availability and influences reproductive output is a key part of studies of breeding performance. Provisioning behaviour is an important aspect of parental expenditure. We show that Macaroni Penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus have clear sex-specific differences in provisioning behaviour. Females provision chicks throughout rearing and at higher rates than males, which only participate in the later stages. Female provisioning is consistent throughout chick-rearing and appears to relate to a threshold rate governing whether or not chicks survive. The additional expenditure by males (but not females) during the crèche period influenced chick growth and fledging mass of survivors. We suggest a very simple model to account for these sex-specific differences and effects. Interannual variation in parental expenditure resulted in differences in reproductive output between years. Years of lowest expenditure resulted in lowest growth rate of chicks. Sex-specific differences in provisioning were similar among years, however, with a consistent proportion of expenditure by males.  相似文献   

As bald eagle populations recover, defining major sources of mortality provides managers important information to develop management plans and mitigation efforts. We obtained data from necropsies on 1,490 dead bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) collected in Michigan, USA, conducted from 1986 to 2017 to determine causes of death (COD). Trauma and poisoning were the most common primary COD categories, followed by disease. Within trauma and poisoning, vehicular trauma (n = 532) and lead poisoning (n = 176) were the leading COD subcategories, respectively. Females comprised a greater number of carcasses for most COD diagnoses. The proportion of trauma and poisoning CODs significantly increased in the last few years of the study in comparison to a select few years at the beginning. Trauma CODs were greater in autumn months during whitetail deer (Odocoileus virginianus) breeding and hunting seasons and in February, when aquatic foraging is unavailable and eagles are likely forced to scavenge along roadsides. Poisoning CODs were greatest in late winter and early spring months, when deer carcasses containing lead ammunition, which are preserved by the cold weather, also become a supplemental food source. The major infectious disease CODs, West Nile virus and botulism (Clostridium botulinum type E), were more prevalent during summer months. We recommend moving road-killed carcasses, especially white-tailed deer, from the main thoroughfare to the back of the right-of-way, and the transition from lead ammunition and fishing tackle to non-toxic alternatives to decrease these main anthropogenic sources of mortality for bald eagles, and other scavenger species. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between reproductive performance and food availability requires knowledge about many different variables, including such factors as the length of incubation shifts, provisioning rates and patterns, as well as how variability in these factors affects reproductive output. To examine some of the most important aspects of parental investment, we studied the provisioning behaviour and patterns of adult Southern Rockhopper Penguins Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome breeding at Staten Island, Argentina. We investigated foraging trip duration, provisioning rates and chick survival using adult foraging patterns. Our results show that Rockhopper Penguins had clear sex-specific differences in their provisioning behaviour. Females provision chicks throughout chick rearing. By contrast, males provision chicks only during the crèche stage and at a slightly lower rate than females during this period. Foraging trips increased in length as the breeding season progressed. Rockhopper Penguins from Staten Island performed longer trips throughout the breeding season than do other species of Eudyptes at several other locations. Our results also show differences in parental investment between years that were related to differences in chick survival. We suggest that this was most likely to be related to female rather than male foraging behaviour as only females showed inter-annual differences in their provisioning rates.  相似文献   

Knowledge of demographic parameters affecting population dynamics is critical to the formulation of effective conservation strategies. Sooty Falcon Falco concolor is a little‐studied, Near‐threatened species; estimates of global population size and trend for this species are uncertain. They lay eggs during mid‐summer and sometimes nest in colonies. This unusual breeding ecology suggests that demographic parameters driving their population growth rate may differ from those of most other falcons. We studied Sooty Falcon reproduction at breeding aggregations on Fahal Island and the Daymaniyat islands in the Sea of Oman during 2007–2014, modelled population growth and identified important life history parameters using elasticity analysis. The mean (± se) clutch and brood size was 2.83 ± 0.06 and 2.11 ± 0.07, respectively. Overall, 11.7% of nests failed between the egg and nestling stages, and the failure rate differed significantly between Fahal and the Daymaniyats, and across years. The mean proportion of eggs that hatched annually was 0.66 ± 0.02, and broods were significantly smaller on the Daymaniyats than on Fahal. Falcons on Fahal Island had a higher rate of hatching, a higher rate of nests that produced at least one chick, and produced more chicks per nest than on the Daymaniyats. We suggest that Fahal's proximity to the mainland gives breeding Sooty Falcons access to a more plentiful and stable source of food, especially during the period between arrival from the wintering grounds and the onset of the autumn migration of prey birds, resulting in the better reproductive rates for falcons on Fahal Island, relative to those on the Daymaniyat Islands. The annual asymptotic population growth rate (λ) was 0.87 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.75–0.99), suggesting a declining population, although Sooty Falcons enjoyed a slightly higher population growth rate on Fahal than on the Daymaniyats. Because our study population is on the edge of the breeding range and is isolated from other breeding areas, measures to improve reproductive success of Sooty Falcons breeding on the islands in the Sea of Oman could be important for conservation of Sooty Falcons in Oman.  相似文献   

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