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Questions: What is the contribution of the seed bank to restoration of species‐rich vegetation in oligotrophic wet dune slacks? Does the restoration management affect the seed bank? Location: Calcareous coastal dune slacks at the west coast of The Netherlands. Methods: Species composition of the seed bank and the above‐ground vegetation was sampled in dune slacks that had a variable extent of groundwater level rise in combination with either topsoil removal or mowing. Results: The seed bank had a high potential for restoration of species‐rich vegetation: 60 species were found in the seed bank of which 14 were characteristic of oligotrophic, wet dune vegetation. While topsoil removal almost completely removed the seed bank, groundwater level rise did not permanently submerge the seed bank of species of oligotrophic, wet conditions. Changes in abundance in the established vegetation were unrelated to species abundance in the seed bank. Of all new species establishments in the vegetation relevés, 76% occurred where the species was not found in the seed bank. The chance that presence of a species in the seed bank led to establishment the following year was only 11%. Conclusion: The seed bank was not the dominant source for newly establishing species following the large disturbance that was induced by restoration management. Changes in species abundance after the restoration impact were not related to species abundance in the seed bank, but to ongoing succession and current year dispersal. To attain a high number of new establishments, restoration projects should preferably be planned in the proximity of refuge populations, rather than relying on the seed bank alone.  相似文献   

Questions: Does the increased atmospheric deposition of nitrogen, which can have major effects on the established vegetation of nutrient‐poor habitats, also impact germination from the soil seed bank? Location: Coastal dune slacks at Newborough Warren, Wales, UK. Methods: The effects of nitrogen addition (15 kg.ha‐1.a‐1) on seed germination from the soil seed bank were investigated using the seedling emergence method between September 2004 and February 2005. Results: More seedlings emerged from fertilised samples than unfertilised controls. Most species showed enhanced germination after fertilisation with nitrogen, with seedling numbers statistically significantly greater in nitrogen addition samples in a quarter of species abundant enough for analysis. Species that responded positively to fertilisation were species with low Ellenberg indicator values indicative of infertile sites. Conclusions: Most species showed increased germination after fertilisation with nitrogen, including early successional species normally growing in nutrient‐poor conditions. This suggests that the increased atmospheric deposition of nitrogen probably not only impacts on established vegetation, but also has the potential to alter seed bank dynamics.  相似文献   

Forest paths are characterised by a zonation in vegetation composition as a result of gradients in abiotical conditions and continued recreational impact. Little is known about how much seed bank composition is affected by recreation and the existing path structure. As it is difficult to assess the contribution of seed banks to vegetation restoration, this study imparts relevant knowledge to restore vegetation on paths which are closed for recreational use. We surveyed seed bank and field layer vegetation composition in transects across path ecotones in deciduous forest. Analysis concentrated on seed bank characteristics and similarities of the seed bank and field layer vegetation in terms of ecological and seed size groups. A total of 74 species and 9,815 seedlings germinated out of the seed bank samples. The total seed density does not differ between path zones, but significant differences exist in the depth distribution and composition of the seed bank throughout transects. There is a large discrepancy between the composition of the seed bank and the vegetation. Small seeded species of disturbed environments dominate in each path zone. Typical forest species dominate in the vegetation while their contribution to the seed bank is low. Only with reference to the proportion of species of forest edges and clearings, the seed bank and vegetation do not differ significantly. Similarity between the seed bank on the path centre and the vegetation in the respective path zones decreases towards the undisturbed forest vegetation. Some competitive species like Urtica dioica and Lythrum salicaria are excessively represented in the seed bank and efficiently may obstruct further visitor use. However, these early successional species may not contribute to the conservation values of forests. Therefore management should carefully consider alternative amendments (e.g. soil scarification and seeding) to stimulate vegetation restoration.  相似文献   

The drawdown zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region was assumed to be completely formed in 2009 and the water level would range from ~145 m in flood season (summer) to ~175 m during non-flood season (winter). The soil seed bank is an important propagule source for vegetation restoration. In order to evaluate the potential of the soil seed bank to revegetate the drawdown zone of this region, we examined the quantitative relationships between the germinable soil seed bank and the established vertical and horizontal vegetation patterns. A total of 45 soil samples at four sites was collected to examine seed bank density, species richness, and composition using the seedling-emergence method. Forty-five species (from 20 families) germinated from the soil seed bank, and the average seed density was 4578 m−2. The seed bank was dominated by annual plants, suggesting reestablishment of some above-ground species was plausible. However, most established woody plants and perennials were absent from the seed bank indicating a low probability of reestablishment for non-annuals through the seed bank. Thus, due to low species compositional similarity to extant vegetation and the dominance of annual plants, the soil seed bank had a low potential to restore pre-dam vegetation in the drawdown zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region, but its potential as a propagule source should be considered regarding the management of the drawdown zone for vegetation cover.  相似文献   

Observatories are designed to collect data for a range of uses. The Australian Acoustic Observatory (A2O) was established to collect environmental sound, including audible species calls, from 344 recorders at 86 sites around Australia. We examine the potential of the A2O to monitor near threatened, threatened, endangered and critically endangered species, based on their vocal behaviour, geographic distributions in relation to the sites of the A2O and on some knowledge of habitat use. Using IUCN and EPBC lists of threatened and endangered species, we extracted species that vocalized in the audible range, and using conservative estimates of their geographic ranges, determined whether there was a possibility of hearing them at these sites. We found that it may be possible to detect up to 171 threatened species at sites established for the A2O, and that individual sites have the potential to detect up to 40 threatened species. All 86 sites occurred in locations where threatened species could possibly be detected, and the list of detectable species included birds, amphibians, and mammals. We have incidentally detected one mammal and four bird species in the data during other work. Threatening processes to which potentially detectable species were exposed included all but two IUCN threat categories. We concluded that with applications of technology to search the audio data from the A2O, it could serve as an important tool for monitoring threatened species.  相似文献   

The expansion of rice fields is one of the main human activities responsible for the decline of natural wetlands throughout the world. However, rice fields have been recognized as having considerable potential value for many aquatic species. In this sense, an important question from the point of view of biodiversity conservation is the adequacy of these agricultural wetlands as an integrated managed landscape that contributes to maintain a rich biodiversity. The two main questions of this study were: (1) Do richness, density, and composition of macroinvertebrates differ in rice fields with different management practices (flooded and dry)?; and, (2) Do richness, density and composition of macroinvertebrates change in rice fields over the rice cultivating phases? Six collections were carried out in six rice fields with different management practices after cultivation (three dry and three flooded during the fallow phase). The macroinvertebrates were sampled using a corer (7.5-cm diameter) inserted 10 cm into the substratum of the rice fields. We recorded 6,425 macroinvertebrates, comprising 71 macroinvertebrate taxa. Macroinvertebrate richness and density varied over the rice cultivating cycle. The different management practices adopted after cultivation did not influence the macroinvertebrate richness and density; however, they influenced composition. Thus, the mosaic created by the variation of flooded and dry rice fields would provide the setting for a greater number of taxa within the agricultural landscape. The difference in taxa composition between flooded and dry rice fields is an interesting result in terms of biodiversity conservation. Rice producers could maintain part of their agricultural land flooded during the fallow phase. These management practices adopted could be an important strategy for biodiversity conservation in areas where the natural wetlands were converted into rice fields.  相似文献   


Wetlands are among the most diverse environments on the planet and are strongly threatened by human activities. Their restoration and/or mitigation of human impacts, therefore, relies on information that can aid to the management of impacted wetlands so that they return to a (semi-) natural state. We investigate in this study the relationship between dormant stages of zooplankton and clay removal in areas subjected to mining. We evaluate whether a gradual increase in topsoil addition from donor natural wetlands to the sediment of mined wetlands influenced the zooplankton community. Eight wetlands were sampled in the Sinos River floodplain, four natural and four mined. In the laboratory, four field sediment samples were incubated for zooplankton hatching in five treatments comprising sediments from: mined wetlands, natural wetlands, and three treatments containing mined sediments added with low (5%), medium (20%) and high (40%) quantities of sediment from natural wetlands. Hatching consisted of 61 individuals distributed across eight zooplankton taxa. Copepod nauplii were the most abundant (31.1%) followed by Epiphanes sp. (29.5%) and Ovalona glabra (16.4%). While natural wetlands provided 42.6% of the hatched zooplankton, mined wetlands had just 6.5%. Zooplankton richness and abundance were higher in natural wetland sediments compared with mined and added sediment wetlands. To some degree, the sediment soil donation from natural to mined wetlands was considered viable. As long as prior studies are performed to test the size and quality of the dormant banks present in the sediment of candidate donor wetlands, sediment from donor wetlands may aid in the establishment of a more diverse community in disturbed systems.


Abstract. Vegetation and soil seed banks of a threatened Atlantic fen meadow community were studied using recent phytosociological records and seedling emergence from soil samples. Similarly managed but differently degraded stands that suffered different levels of species impoverishment were compared. The actual vegetation was related to a set of phytosociological references representing the subassociations of the community. DCA positions of reference relevés from the different subassociations were overlapping, suggesting that in all references many common species occur. Recent records were positioned in‐between the seed bank samples and the references. The soil seed banks of all stands were dominated by ordinary species. Most character species had at most sparse seed banks and no seedlings of locally extinct character species, mentioned in historic floristic records, were detected. In contrast species of pioneer and small‐sedge communities as well as those of heathlands were abundant in the seed banks. Based on the vertical distribution of seeds in the soil layers most fen meadow species were classified into transient or short‐term persistent seed bank types. We concluded that complete restoration of the Cirsio dissecti‐Molinietum without reintroduc‐tion is only likely in stands that were degraded only a few years ago. On the other hand, the presence of viable seeds of Nanocyperion and Parvocaricetea species is promising for the restoration of these communities even after decades. Recreation of pioneer habitats by sod cutting will preserve these species.  相似文献   

Conservation of species in agroecosystems has attracted attention. Irrigation channels can improve habitats and offer conditions for freshwater species conservation. Two questions from biodiversity conservation point of view are: 1) Can the irrigated channels maintain a rich diversity of macrophytes, macroinvertebrates and amphibians over the cultivation cycle? 2) Do richness, abundance and composition of aquatic species change over the rice cultivation cycle? For this, a set of four rice field channels was randomly selected in Southern Brazilian wetlands. In each channel, six sample collection events were carried out over the rice cultivation cycle (June 2005 to June 2006). A total of 160 taxa were identified in irrigated channels, including 59 macrophyte species, 91 taxa of macroinvertebrate and 10 amphibian species. The richness and abundance of macrophytes, macroinvertebrates and amphibians did not change significantly over the rice cultivation cycle. However, the species composition of these groups in the irrigation channels varied between uncultivated and cultivated periods. Our results showed that the species diversity found in the irrigation channels, together with the permanence of water enables these man-made aquatic networks to function as important systems that can contribute to the conservation of biodiversity in regions where the wetlands were converted into rice fields. The conservation of the species in agriculture, such as rice field channels, may be an important alternative for biodiversity conservation in Southern Brazil, where more than 90% of wetland systems have already been lost and the remaining ones are still at high risk due to the expansion of rice production.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a unicellular eukaryal microorganism that has traditionally been regarded either as a model system for investigating cellular physiology or as a cell factory for biotechnological use, for example for the production of fuels and commodity chemicals such as lactate or pharmaceuticals, including human insulin and HPV vaccines. Systems biology has recently gained momentum and has successfully been used for mapping complex regulatory networks and resolving the dynamics of signal transduction pathways. So far, yeast systems biology has mainly focused on the development of new methods and concepts. There are also some examples of the application of yeast systems biology for improving biotechnological processes. We discuss here how yeast systems biology could be used in elucidating fundamental cellular principles such as those relevant for the study of molecular mechanisms underlying complex human diseases, including the metabolic syndrome and ageing.  相似文献   

Biodiversity continues to decline, despite the implementation of international conservation conventions and measures. To counteract biodiversity loss, it is pivotal to know how conservation actions affect biodiversity trends. Focussing on European farmland species, we review what is known about the impact of conservation initiatives on biodiversity. We argue that the effects of conservation are a function of conservation-induced ecological contrast, agricultural land-use intensity and landscape context. We find that, to date, only a few studies have linked local conservation effects to national biodiversity trends. It is therefore unknown how the extensive European agri-environmental budget for conservation on farmland contributes to the policy objectives to halt biodiversity decline. Based on this review, we identify new research directions addressing this important knowledge gap.  相似文献   

The most common form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia is due to a deficiency of 21-hydroxylase (21OHD) activity and is caused by a mutation in the CYP21 gene. By genotyping patients, new and important information can be gained, including presence or absence of 21OHD in borderline cases, determining the severity of disease and identifying heterozygote carriers. Current management of patients with 21OHD involves administering sufficient glucocorticoids to suppress excess adrenal androgen secretion, but not so much that bone growth and mineralization are impaired. New management strategies have been proposed and include administering only substitution doses of corticosteroids and counteracting side-effects by administering an anti-androgen and aromatase inhibitor. Adrenalectomy has also been proposed. Further investigation into these approaches is necessary.  相似文献   

Adaptive transgenerational plasticity (TGP), i.e., significantly higher fitness when maternal and offspring conditions match, might contribute to the population growth of non-native species in highly variable environments. However, comparative studies that directly test this hypothesis are lacking. Therefore, we performed a reciprocal split-brood experiment to compare TGP in response to N and water availability in single populations of two invasive (Amaranthus retroflexus, Galinsoga parviflora) and two congeneric non-invasive introduced species (Amaranthus albus, Galinsoga ciliata). We hypothesized that the transgenerational effect is adaptive: (1) in invasive species compared with non-invasive adventives, and (2) in stressful conditions compared with resource-rich environments. The phenotypic variation among offspring was generated, in large part, by our experimental treatments in the maternal generation; therefore, we demonstrated a direct TGP effect on the offspring’s adult fitness. We found evidence, for the first time, that invasive and non-invasive adventive species differ regarding the expression of TGP in the adult stage, as adaptive responses were found exclusively in the invasive species. The manifestation of TGP was more explicit under resource-rich conditions; therefore, it might contribute to the population dynamics of non-native species in resource-rich sites rather than to their ecological tolerance spectra.  相似文献   

Genetic benefits from mating with multiple males are thought to favour the evolution of polyandry. However, recent evidence suggests that non-genetic paternal effects via seminal fluid might contribute to the observed effects of polyandry on offspring performance. Here, we test this hypothesis using the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus. Using interference RNA, we first show that at least one seminal fluid protein is essential for embryo survival. We then show that polyandrous females mated to three different males produced embryos with higher pre-hatching viability than did monandrous females mated with the same male three times. Pseudo-polyandrous females that obtained sperm and seminal fluid from a single male and seminal fluid from two additional males had embryos with viabilities intermediate between monandrous and polyandrous females. Our results suggest either that ejaculate mediated paternal effects on embryo viability have both genetic and non-genetic components, or that seminal fluids transferred by castrated males provide only a subset of proteins contained within the normal ejaculate, and are unable to exert their full effect on embryo viability.  相似文献   

Seedling performance is often a limiting factor in ecological restoration. Changes in the soil microbial community generated by invasive plants contribute to seedling failure. A method to remediate invasive species‐induced changes to the soil microbial community that results in increased native species seedling performance and decreased invasive species seedling performance could have a large impact on the success of many restoration efforts. In a greenhouse experiment, we first examined the changes in the soil microbial community created by invasive compared to native grasses. Then, we investigated four microbial treatments (bacterial inoculant, fungal inoculant, fungicide, and bactericide/fungicide) to remediate microbial plant–soil feedbacks (PSFs) created by invasive species Bromus inermis and Poa pratensis and increase the performance of natives Andropogon gerardii, Elymus canadensis, Pascopyrum smithii, and Schizachyrium scoparium. We found that the PSF mitigation treatments had some context‐dependent utility for restoration. For example, all of the treatments decreased the performance of B. inermis and fungal inoculant decreased the performance of P. pratensis. However, no single treatment increased the performance of all natives. Fungicide increased the performance of A. gerardii and E. canadensis in soil previously occupied by B. inermis and the performance of S. scoparium in soil previously occupied by P. pratensis. If validated in the field, PSF mitigation treatments may have utility for restoration practitioners.  相似文献   

Summary The aim of the study presented here is to determine the relation between the vegetation and the ground water régime in the dune slacks on the island of Voorne. A distinction is made between the spatial and the temporal variation in the vegetation. On the basis of data from a transect the relation between the spatial variation and the water-table is determined. With respect to the temporal variation data recorded on permanent plots were used. Both the variation in space and that in time proved to be related to differences in the ground water régime. The supposition is put forward that the amount of variation in time depends on the height of site relative to the water-table.Contribution to the Symposium of the Working Group on Succession Research on Permanent Plots held at Yerseke, the Netherlands, October 1975.Nomenclature of phanerogams follows Heukels & van Ooststroom 1975, Flora van Nederland, 18e druk Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen; that of bryophytes Margadant 1959, Mossentabel, 3e druk, Amsterdam.The author is very much indebted to Mr. P.A. Bakker, Society for the Preservation of Nature reserves in the Netherlands, for the use of the 1966 relevé of site 46, and to Mr. W. Smant for his assistance in field work and the preparation of the data.  相似文献   

Can plant biochemistry contribute to understanding of invasion ecology?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ecologists have long searched for an explanation as to why some plant invaders become much more dominant in their naturalized range than in their native range, and, accordingly, several non-exclusive ecological hypotheses have been proposed. Recently, a biochemical explanation was proposed--the "novel weapons hypothesis"--based on findings that Centaurea diffusa and Centaurea maculosa produce bioactive compounds (weapons) that are more active against na?ve plant species in the introduced range than against co-evolved species in the native range. In this Opinion article, we revise and expand this biochemical hypothesis and discuss experimental and conceptual advances and limitations.  相似文献   

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