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With growing pressure on primary forests from destructive land uses, increasing the diversity of native species plantations can increase ecosystem service provision, such as timber production or carbon sequestration, thus better supporting sustainable livelihoods. Understanding the effects of tree species composition on productivity can inform plantation design and ecological restoration strategies. However, tree species composition effects have been neglected in experimental biodiversity‐ecosystem function (BEF) research. This study uses a 10‐yr data set from one of the first tropical planted forest experiments established with native species and designed for BEF research at scales relevant to forest management. At our site in Sardinilla, Panama, we established plots containing 6 species from a pool of 18, in four combinations, to investigate how composition affects species and plot productivity. We used basal area as a proxy for productivity through time, measured annually, and summed this at species and plot levels for analysis. We found that plots that differed in species composition appeared to differ in temporal rate of basal area increase, but did not differ in BA after 10 yr. Species were generally consistent in size between compositions, and composition performance was correlated with the size of component species, suggesting that species identities were most important in determining plot productivity. Our results suggest that species choice can be based on preferences for individual species, as species performance was consistent across composition contexts. We make recommendations for the use of particularly productive species that also provide multiple services such as Guazuma ulmifolia, Spondias mombin, and Anacardium excelsum.  相似文献   

In avian systems, nest predation is one of the most significant influences on reproductive success. Selection for mechanisms and behaviours to minimise predation rates should be favoured. To avoid predation, breeding birds can often deter predators through active nest defence or by modifying behaviours around the nest (e.g. reducing feeding rates and vocalisations). Birds might also benefit from concealing nests or placing them in inaccessible locations. The relative importance of these strategies (behaviour vs. site selection) can be difficult to disentangle and may differ according to life history. Tropical birds are thought to experience higher rates of predation than temperate birds and invest less energy in nest defence. We monitored a population of crimson finches (Neochmia phaeton), in the Australian tropics, over two breeding seasons. We found no relationship between adult nest defence behaviour (towards a model reptile predator) and the likelihood of nest success. However, nest success was strongly related to the visibility of the nest and the structure of the vegetation. We found no evidence that adult nest building decisions were influenced by predation risk; individuals that re‐nested after a predation event did not build their nest in a more concealed location. Therefore, predator avoidance, and hence nest success, appears to be largely due to chance rather than due to the behaviour of the birds or their choice of nesting sites. To escape high predation pressures, multiple nesting attempts both within and between seasons may be necessary to increase reproductive success. Alternatively, birds may be limited in their nest‐site options; that is, high‐quality individuals dominate quality nest sites.  相似文献   



Individual variation in both survival and reproduction has the potential to influence extinction risk. Especially for rare or threatened species, reliable population models should adequately incorporate demographic uncertainty. Here, we focus on an important form of demographic stochasticity: variation in litter sizes. We use terrestrial carnivores as an example taxon, as they are frequently threatened or of economic importance. Since data on intraspecific litter size variation are often sparse, it is unclear what probability distribution should be used to describe the pattern of litter size variation for multiparous carnivores.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used litter size data on 32 terrestrial carnivore species to test the fit of 12 probability distributions. The influence of these distributions on quasi-extinction probabilities and the probability of successful disease control was then examined for three canid species – the island fox Urocyon littoralis, the red fox Vulpes vulpes, and the African wild dog Lycaon pictus. Best fitting probability distributions differed among the carnivores examined. However, the discretised normal distribution provided the best fit for the majority of species, because variation among litter-sizes was often small. Importantly, however, the outcomes of demographic models were generally robust to the distribution used.


These results provide reassurance for those using demographic modelling for the management of less studied carnivores in which litter size variation is estimated using data from species with similar reproductive attributes.  相似文献   

Tropical forests are experiencing a growing fire problem driven by climatic change, agricultural expansion and forest degradation. Protected areas are an important feature of forest protection strategies, and sustainable use reserves (SURs) may be reducing fire prevalence since they promote sustainable livelihoods and resource management. However, the use of fire in swidden agriculture, and other forms of land management, may be undermining the effectiveness of SURs in meeting their conservation and sustainable development goals. We analyse MODIS derived hot pixels, TRMM rainfall data, Terra-Class land cover data, socio-ecological data from the Brazilian agro-census and the spatial extent of rivers and roads to evaluate whether the designation of SURs reduces fire occurrence in the Brazilian Amazon. Specifically, we ask (1) a. Is SUR location (i.e., de facto) or (1) b. designation (i.e. de jure) the driving factor affecting performance in terms of the spatial density of fires?, and (2), Does SUR creation affect fire management (i.e., the timing of fires in relation to previous rainfall)? We demonstrate that pre-protection baselines are crucial for understanding reserve performance. We show that reserve creation had no discernible impact on fire density, and that fires were less prevalent in SURs due to their characteristics of sparser human settlement and remoteness, rather than their status de jure. In addition, the timing of fires in relation to rainfall, indicative of local fire management and adherence to environmental law, did not improve following SUR creation. These results challenge the notion that SURs promote environmentally sensitive fire-management, and suggest that SURs in Amazonia will require special attention if they are to curtail future accidental wildfires, particularly as plans to expand the road infrastructure throughout the region are realised. Greater investment to support improved fire management by farmers living in reserves, in addition to other fire users, will be necessary to help ameliorate these threats.  相似文献   

The effects of cilium length on the dynamics of cilia motion were investigated by high-speed video microscopy of uniciliated mutants of the swimming alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Cells with short cilia were obtained by deciliating cells via pH shock and allowing cilia to reassemble for limited times. The frequency of cilia beating was estimated from the motion of the cell body and of the cilium. Key features of the ciliary waveform were quantified from polynomial curves fitted to the cilium in each image frame. Most notably, periodic beating did not emerge until the cilium reached a critical length between 2 and 4 μm. Surprisingly, in cells that exhibited periodic beating, the frequency of beating was similar for all lengths with only a slight decrease in frequency as length increased from 4 μm to the normal length of 10–12 μm. The waveform average curvature (rad/μm) was also conserved as the cilium grew. The mechanical metrics of ciliary propulsion (force, torque, and power) all increased in proportion to length. The mechanical efficiency of beating appeared to be maximal at the normal wild-type length of 10–12 μm. These quantitative features of ciliary behavior illuminate the biophysics of cilia motion and, in future studies, may help distinguish competing hypotheses of the underlying mechanism of oscillation.  相似文献   

New-hoof growth is regarded as the most reliable metric for predicting age of newborn ungulates, but variation in estimated age among hoof-growth equations that have been developed may affect estimates of survival in staggered-entry models. We used known-age newborns to evaluate variation in age estimates among existing hoof-growth equations and to determine the consequences of that variation on survival estimates. During 2001–2009, we captured and radiocollared 174 newborn (≤24-hrs old) ungulates: 76 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Minnesota and South Dakota, 61 mule deer (O. hemionus) in California, and 37 pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) in South Dakota. Estimated age of known-age newborns differed among hoof-growth models and varied by >15 days for white-tailed deer, >20 days for mule deer, and >10 days for pronghorn. Accuracy (i.e., the proportion of neonates assigned to the correct age) in aging newborns using published equations ranged from 0.0% to 39.4% in white-tailed deer, 0.0% to 3.3% in mule deer, and was 0.0% for pronghorns. Results of survival modeling indicated that variability in estimates of age-at-capture affected short-term estimates of survival (i.e., 30 days) for white-tailed deer and mule deer, and survival estimates over a longer time frame (i.e., 120 days) for mule deer. Conversely, survival estimates for pronghorn were not affected by estimates of age. Our analyses indicate that modeling survival in daily intervals is too fine a temporal scale when age-at-capture is unknown given the potential inaccuracies among equations used to estimate age of neonates. Instead, weekly survival intervals are more appropriate because most models accurately predicted ages within 1 week of the known age. Variation among results of neonatal-age models on short- and long-term estimates of survival for known-age young emphasizes the importance of selecting an appropriate hoof-growth equation and appropriately defining intervals (i.e., weekly versus daily) for estimating survival.  相似文献   

Early psychosocial stress (e.g., parental divorce, abuse) is conjectured to place individuals on a developmental trajectory leading to earlier initiation of sexual activity, earlier reproduction, and having more sex partners than those with less early psychosocial stress. But does it also affect an individual’s mate choice? The present study examined whether early psychosocial stress affects preferences and dislikes for opposite-sex faces varying in masculinity/femininity, a putative indicator of mate quality, in premenopausal women (58 with a natural cycle, 53 pill-users) and 196 men. No significant three-way interactions were found when women selected the most or least preferred face with participant group (natural cycle, pill), conception risk (low, high), and early psychosocial stress (low, high) as between-subjects factors. Early psychosocial stress did not affect men’s face preferences when selecting the most preferred face. However, men with high early psychosocial stress disliked masculine faces significantly more so than men with low early psychosocial stress. Overall it was concluded that early psychosocial stress does not affect mate choice with the exception that men with high early psychosocial stress were more likely to dislike masculine female faces. It was suggested that men with high early psychosocial stress may dislike masculine female faces because they have nothing to gain from associating with women with such faces.  相似文献   

It has been repeatedly hypothesized that job characteristics are related to changes in personality in humans, but often personality models still omit effects of life experience. Demonstrating reciprocal relationships between personality and work remains a challenge though, as in humans, many other influential factors may interfere. This study investigates this relationship by comparing the emotional reactivity of horses that differed only by their type of work. Horses are remarkable animal models to investigate this question as they share with humans working activities and their potential difficulties, such as "interpersonal" conflicts or "suppressed emotions". An earlier study showed that different types of work could be associated with different chronic behavioural disorders. Here, we hypothesised that type of work would affect horses' personality. Therefore over one hundred adult horses, differing only by their work characteristics were presented standardised behavioural tests. Subjects lived under the same conditions (same housing, same food), were of the same sex (geldings), and mostly one of two breeds, and had not been genetically selected for their current type of work. This is to our knowledge the first time that a direct relationship between type of work and personality traits has been investigated. Our results show that horses from different types of work differ not as much in their overall emotional levels as in the ways they express emotions (i.e. behavioural profile). Extremes were dressage horses, which presented the highest excitation components, and voltige horses, which were the quietest. The horses' type of work was decided by the stall managers, mostly on their jumping abilities, but unconscious choice based on individual behavioural characteristics cannot be totally excluded. Further research would require manipulating type of work. Our results nevertheless agree with reports on humans and suggest that more attention should be given to work characteristics when evaluating personalities.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe outcomes of pilon fractures are multifactorial. Anterior articular impaction requires sagittal plane correction (anterior distal tibia angle (ADTA)) with articular reduction. However, there is a risk of avascular necrosis of the articular fragments and postoperative tibiotalar arthritis. The purpose of this study was to determine if the presence of anterior impaction affects radiographic alignment after definitive fixation.MethodsRetrospective cohort study of patients who underwent operative management for pilon fractures at two academic, level 1 trauma centers between September 2005-September 2016. Fractures were categorized as having anterior impaction or no anterior impaction after review of preoperative radiographic and computer tomography imaging. Patient demographics and postoperative time to union was recorded. Quality of reduction was measured using (ADTA) (degrees), lateral distal tibia angle (LDTA) (degrees), and lateral talar station (LTS) (millimeters) from postoperative radiographs. Statistical analysis compared fracture patterns with anterior impaction to those without.Results208 patients met inclusion criteria. 132 fractures (63.4%) were determined to have anterior impaction. Cohorts were similar in demographics and medical comorbidities (p>0.05). Mean ADTA, LTDA, and LTS for the anterior impaction group 83.5°, 89.7°, and 2.4mm versus 84.6°, 89.9°, and 2.0mm in the group without anterior impaction. Cohorts significantly differed in ADTA(p=0.01), but not LDTA(p=0.12) or LTS(p=0.44). No significant differences were found between cohorts with infection (>0.05), nonunion(p=0.76), unplanned reoperation(p=0.56), or amputation(p=0.34).ConclusionThis study demonstrated no significant differences in the coronal or sagittal plane alignment when comparing definitively fixed pilon fractures with and without anterior impaction. Additional studies are needed to evaluate the longterm clinical impact of failing to restore ADTA. Level of Evidence: III  相似文献   

Plants produce low levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which form part of basic cell chemical communication; however, different types of stress can lead to an overexpression of ROS that can damage macromolecules essential for plant growth and development. Iodine is vital to human health, and iodine biofortification programs help improve the human intake through plant consumption. This biofortification process has been shown to influence the antioxidant capacity of lettuce plants, suggesting that the oxidative metabolism of the plant may be affected. The results of this study demonstrate that the response to oxidative stress is variable and depends on the form of iodine applied. Application of iodide (I) to lettuce plants produces a reduction in superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and an increase in catalase (CAT) and L-galactono dehydrogenase enzyme activities and in the activity of antioxidant compounds such as ascorbate (AA) and glutathione. This did not prove a very effective approach since a dose of 80 μM produced a reduction in the biomass of the plants. For its part, application of iodate (IO3) produced an increase in the activities of SOD, ascorbate peroxidase, and CAT, the main enzymes involved in ROS detoxification; it also increased the concentration of AA and the regenerative activities of the Halliwell–Asada cycle. These data confirm the non-phytotoxicity of IO3 since there is no lipid peroxidation or biomass reduction. According to our results, the ability of IO3 to induce the antioxidant system indicates that application of this form of iodine may be an effective strategy to improve the response of plants to different types of stress.  相似文献   



Previous studies have suggested that there is a positive correlation between the extent of video gaming and efficiency of surgical skill acquisition on laparoscopic and endovascular surgical simulators amongst trainees. However, the link between video gaming and orthopaedic trauma simulation remains unexamined, in particular dynamic hip screw (DHS) stimulation.


To assess effect of prior video gaming experience on virtual-reality (VR) haptic-enabled DHS simulator performance.


38 medical students, naïve to VR surgical simulation, were recruited and stratified relative to their video gaming exposure. Group 1 (n = 19, video-gamers) were defined as those who play more than one hour per day in the last calendar year. Group 2 (n = 19, non-gamers) were defined as those who play video games less than one hour per calendar year. Both cohorts performed five attempts on completing a VR DHS procedure and repeated the task after a week. Metrics assessed included time taken for task, simulated flouroscopy time and screw position. Median and Bonett-Price 95% confidence intervals were calculated for seven real-time objective performance metrics. Data was confirmed as non-parametric by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney U test for independent data whilst the Wilcoxon signed ranked test was used for paired data. A result was deemed significant when a two-tailed p-value was less than 0.05.


All 38 subjects completed the study. The groups were not significantly different at baseline. After ten attempts, there was no difference between Group 1 and Group 2 in any of the metrics tested. These included time taken for task, simulated fluoroscopy time, number of retries, tip-apex distance, percentage cut-out and global score.


Contrary to previous literature findings, there was no correlation between video gaming experience and gaining competency on a VR DHS simulator.  相似文献   

Spatial abilities allow animals to retain and cognitively manipulate information about their spatial environment and are dependent upon neural structures that mature during adolescence. Exposure to stress in adolescence is thought to disrupt neural maturation, possibly compromising cognitive processes later in life. We examined whether exposure to chronic unpredictable stress in adolescence affects spatial ability in late adulthood. We evaluated spatial learning, reference and working memory, as well as long-term retention of visuospatial cues using a radial arm water maze. We found that stress in adolescence decreased the rate of improvement in spatial learning in adulthood. However, we found no overall performance impairments in adult reference memory, working memory, or retention caused by adolescent-stress. Together, these findings suggest that adolescent-stress may alter the strategy used to solve spatial challenges, resulting in performance that is more consistent but is not refined by incorporating available spatial information. Interestingly, we also found that adolescent-stressed rats showed a shorter latency to begin the water maze task when re-exposed to the maze after an overnight delay compared with control rats. This suggests that adolescent exposure to reoccurring stressors may prepare animals for subsequent reoccurring challenges. Overall, our results show that stress in adolescence does not affect all cognitive processes, but may affect cognition in a context-dependent manner.


  • -Rats were reared with or without chronic unpredictable stress in adolescence.
  • -In adulthood, spatial cognitive abilities were tested in a radial arm water maze.
  • -Prior-stressed rats began searching faster in the maze after an overnight delay.
  • -Prior stress may facilitate faster action in challenging situations.
  • -Prior stress did not affect learning, reference or working memory, or retention.



A number of imaging factors can affect the orientation distribution function (ODF) reconstruction in high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI). The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the b-value on the HARDI reconstruction and to seek for the appropriate b-value for ODF reconstruction from clinical HARDI data.


Diffusion MRI data with various b-values were collected on a GE 3T MRI scanner. To reconstruct the diffusion ODF and fiber ODF, decomposition-based spherical polar Fourier imaging and deconvolution-based constrained spherical deconvolution approaches were applied separately. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the ODF and the angular difference of the peaks extracted from ODF were measured to investigate the effect of b-value on the ODF reconstruction. Visual inspection of the ODF was used to evaluate the reconstructions.


The FWHM of the ODFs in the corpus callosum, which was chosen as the region of interest (ROI), decreased with increasing b-values. The differences in the FWHM for the diffusion ODF and the fiber ODF between the b-values of 2000 s/mm2 and 2500 s/mm2 were not significant. The angular differences of the ODF between 2000 s/mm2 and 2500 s/mm2 were lowest in both single-directional and two-directional situations. The ODFs became sharper and crossing-fiber situations were detected with an increase in b-value. B = 2000 s/mm2 and above revealed most of the two-way or three-way crossing-fiber structures.


Considering both the signal-to-noise ratio and the acquisition time, b = 2000 s/mm2 is the basic requirement for ODF reconstruction using current HARDI methods on clinical data. This study can provide a useful reference for researchers and clinicians attempting to set appropriate scan protocols for specific HARDI experiments.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Plant functional trait responses to processes such as grassland management have been analysed frequently; however, the scaling-up from individual traits to the outcomes of vegetation dynamics has seldom been tested. In this experiment, germination success was studied with respect to the relationships between grassland management (mowing and grazing), as well as abandonment, and two traits that are relevant for seedling recruitment: seed mass and germination season. On the basis of discussions in the literature and indirect trait analyses in our previous studies, the following hypotheses are proposed: (1) with respect to seed mass, mowing and grazing favour the germination of small seeds, whereas after abandonment the germination success of larger seeds is higher; and (2) with respect to germination season, mowing and grazing favour autumn-germinating seeds, whereas succession promotes spring-germinating seeds. METHODS: The germination experiment took place in a semi-natural, dry grassland in north-east Germany. Seeds of eight herbaceous species that differ with respect to seed mass and germination season were sown in mown, grazed and abandoned plots. Germination success was documented during the following year. KEY RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Contrary to the hypothesis, germination of small seeds was not promoted by mowing or grazing and they germinated relatively more often than expected in the abandoned plots. A relationship between abandonment and gaps of bare soil below the vegetation cover that favour germination of small seeds was likely, but could not be proved statistically. It is possible that the small seeds suffered less from predation. Mowing favoured autumn germination, which could be explained by the removal of biomass in late summer. Contrary to our expectation, there was relatively more spring germination after grazing than after mowing, yet vegetation height was smallest in spring. Generally, germination season was found to be related to the temporal occurrence of favourable light conditions.  相似文献   

In group‐living animals, individuals may benefit from the presence of an innovative group‐mate because new resources made available by innovators can be exploited, for example by scrounging or social learning. As a consequence, it may pay off to take the group‐mates' problem‐solving abilities into account in social interactions such as aggression or spatial association, for example because dominance over an innovative group‐mate can increase scrounging success, while spatial proximity may increase the chance of both direct exploitation and social learning. In this study, we tested whether the individuals' innovation success influences their social interactions with group‐mates in small captive flocks of house sparrows (Passer domesticus). First, we measured the birds' actual problem‐solving success in individual food‐extracting tasks. Then, we manipulated their apparent problem‐solving success in one task (by allowing or not allowing them to open a feeder repeatedly) while a new, unfamiliar group‐member (focal individual) had the opportunity to witness their performance. After this manipulation, we observed the frequency and intensity of aggression and the frequency of spatial associations between the focal individuals and their manipulated flock‐mates. Although flock‐mates behaved according to their treatments during manipulations, their apparent problem‐solving success did not affect significantly the focal individuals' agonistic behaviour or spatial associations. These results do not support that sparrows take flock‐mates' problem‐solving abilities into account during social interactions. However, focal individuals attacked those flock‐mates more frequently that had higher actual problem‐solving success (not witnessed directly by the focal individuals), although aggression intensity and spatial association by the focal birds were unrelated to the flock‐mates' actual success. If this association between flock‐mates' actual innovativeness and focal individuals' aggression is not due to confounding effects, it may imply that house sparrows can use more subtle cues to assess the group‐mates' problem‐solving ability than direct observation of their performance in simple foraging tasks.  相似文献   

The prospective behaviour for nests by conspecific intruders may be a strategy to gather public information for future reproduction or to secure resources for immediate reproduction. Although the relationship between the sex, age and breeding experience of intruders and the sex and age of residents may be crucial for understanding the significance of nest‐prospecting behaviour, a precise determination of these traits has rarely been addressed in field studies. In a free‐ranging population of spotless starlings ( Sturnus unicolor), inexperienced birds were the predominant intruders. The ratio of male‐to‐female intruders was higher among birds without previous breeding experience, although our results did not allow us to determine whether more inexperienced males or females intruded nests. The average annual rate of intrusion of either sex was strongly correlated with the number of fledglings produced in the study colony the previous year, which seems to indicate that the inexperienced intruders were, in general, yearlings. The proportion of the sexes among the intruders in each study year was correlated with the average age of male owners but not with the age of female owners. This result suggests that the presence of intruding males in the nests was affected by an increased opportunity to find vacancies in nesting territories as resident males became older. This finding supports the hypothesis that, in most cases, birds visited nests to obtain personal information about nesting resources. However, the intrusion rates were higher when there were nestlings than during the incubation period, which suggests that collecting public information was also involved in the intruding behaviour. Both sexes regularly attacked intruders, which implies that the intruders inflicted some kind of cost on the owners. Female floaters were more frequently chased, probably because they regularly lay parasitically in conspecific nests.  相似文献   

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