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Genetically based variation in coloration occurs in populations of many organisms belonging to various taxa, including birds, mammals, frogs, molluscs, insects and plants. Colour polymorphism has evolved in raptors more often than in any other group of birds, suggesting that predator–prey relationships was a driving evolutionary force. Individuals displaying a new invading colour morph may enjoy an initial foraging advantage because prey have difficulties in learning the colour of a rare morph (apostatic selection), or because morphs provide alternative foraging benefits allowing differently coloured individuals to exploit distinct food niches (disruptive selection). Plumage polymorphism should therefore have evolved in species that prey upon animals having the physiological ability to distinguish between differently coloured predators but also to flee once a predator has been detected. From this assumption, we can predict that closely related polymorphic and monomorphic species prey upon different animals. They may also differ in morphology, because foraging upon different prey may require different foraging modes, and in turn different morphological structures. We tested these two predictions in a comparative study of raptors. As expected, polymorphic and monomorphic species had a different diet, and there was a difference in wing length between polymorphic and monomorphic species within two genera ( Buteo and Accipiter ). Across all raptors for which phylogenetic relationships are known, polymorphic species preyed more often upon mammals than did monomorphic ones. These two types of raptor did not differ in the frequency of birds, insects and reptiles in their diets. We discuss these results in the light of the hypothesis that predator–prey relationships played a role in the evolution of colour polymorphism. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 81 , 565–578.  相似文献   

We studied polymorphism in all species of birds that are presently known to show intraspecific variation in plumage colour. At least three main mechanisms have been put forward to explain the maintenance of polymorphism: apostatic, disruptive and sexual selection. All of them make partly different predictions. Our aims were to investigate evolutionary causes and adaptive functions of colour polymorphism by taking into account a number of ecological and morphological features of polymorphic species. Overall, we found 334 species showing colour polymorphism, which is 3.5% of all bird species. The occurrence of colour polymorphism was very high in Strigiformes, Ciconiiformes, Cuculiformes and Galliformes. Phylogenetically corrected analysis using independent contrasts revealed that colour polymorphism was maximally expressed in species showing a daily activity rhythm extended to day/night, living in both open and closed habitats. All these findings support the hypothesis that colour polymorphism probably evolved under selective pressures linked to bird detectability as affected by variable light conditions during activity period. Thus, we conclude that selective agents may be prey, predators and competitors, and that colour polymorphism in birds may be maintained by disruptive selection.  相似文献   

Co-evolution between phenotypic variation and other traits is of paramount importance for our understanding of the origin and maintenance of polymorphism in natural populations. We tested whether the evolution of plumage polymorphism in birds of prey and owls was supported by the apostatic selection hypothesis using ecological and life-history variables in birds of prey and owls and performing both cross taxa and independent contrast analyses. For both bird groups, we did not find any support for the apostatic selection hypothesis being the maintaining factor for the polymorphism: plumage polymorphism was not more common in taxa hunting avian or mammalian prey, nor in migratory species. In contrast, we found that polymorphism was related to variables such as sexual plumage dimorphism, population size and range size, as well as breeding altitude and breeding latitude. These results imply that the most likely evolutionary correlate of polymorphism in both bird groups is population size, different plumage morphs might simply arise in larger populations most likely because of a higher probability of mutations and then be maintained by sexual selection.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that ornaments can honestly signal quality only if their expression is condition-dependent has dominated the study of the evolution and function of colour traits. Much less interest has been devoted to the adaptive function of colour traits for which the expression is not, or is to a low extent, sensitive to body condition and the environment in which individuals live. The aim of the present paper is to review the current theoretical and empirical knowledge of the evolution, maintenance and adaptive function of colour plumage traits for which the expression is mainly under genetic control. The finding that in many bird species the inheritance of colour morphs follows the laws of Mendel indicates that genetic colour polymorphism is frequent. Polymorphism may have evolved or be maintained because each colour morph facilitates the exploitation of alternative ecological niches as suggested by the observation that individuals are not randomly distributed among habitats with respect to coloration. Consistent with the hypothesis that different colour morphs are linked to alternative strategies is the finding that in a majority of species polymorphism is associated with reproductive parameters, and behavioural, life-history and physiological traits. Experimental studies showed that such covariations can have a genetic basis. These observations suggest that colour polymorphism has an adaptive function. Aviary and field experiments demonstrated that colour polymorphism is used as a criterion in mate-choice decisions and dominance interactions confirming the claim that conspecifics assess each other's colour morphs. The factors favouring the evolution and maintenance of genetic variation in coloration are reviewed, but empirical data are virtually lacking to assess their importance. Although current theory predicts that only condition-dependent traits can signal quality, the present review shows that genetically inherited morphs can reveal the same qualities. The study of genetic colour polymorphism will provide important and original insights on the adaptive function of conspicuous traits.  相似文献   

An opisthosomal (abdominal) colour polymorphism is described in the North American spider, Theridion californicum , comprising a plain Yellow morph and (at least) ten patterned morphs, which exhibit areas of red or black pigments superimposed on the yellow background, or no pigment (white). The polymorphism appears to be present throughout the species' range. The Yellow morph is the most frequent in populations, with patterned morphs all, individually, being rather rare. Progeny from known mothers were reared and indicate that the polymorphism is genetic and that Yellow is probably recessive to patterned morphs. Similar to other theridiids with well-studied colour polymorphisms, T. californicum occupies an under-leaf habitat and the variation in all these cases might be maintained by sight-hunting predators exerting negative frequency-dependent (apostatic) selection. In T. californicum , blocks of guanine underlying the pigmented hypodermis indicate a segmental patterning, which is not usually apparent in adult spiders. These segments, plus dorso-lateral divisions, permit the dorsal surface of the opisthosoma to be divided up into two mirror-image halves, each comprising 12 compartments. Each compartment can either lack pigment (thus appearing white as a result of underlying guanine) or be yellow, red, or black. All patterns in T. californicum can be derived from this ground plan, as can the morphs of other colour-polymorphic theridiids. It is suggested that selection for polymorphism, combined with constraints imposed by this theridiid ground plan, may have led to the convergent evolution of colour patterns across the family.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 23–34.  相似文献   

Rainforests offer two contrasted light environments: a bright canopy rich in blue and UV and a dark understorey, rich in green and orange. Therefore, natural selection for crypsis should favour dark brown signals in understorey and bright green signals in canopy, whereas sexual selection for conspicuousness should favour bright yellow‐red signals in understorey and dark blue and UV signals in canopy. Using spectrometry and comparative analyses, we examined the relationship between ambient light and colour signals in a bird community of French Guiana. It appears that brightness and hue are mostly naturally selected, while UV content of plumage is more likely sexually selected. At each height, both sexes present similar coloration but males display more conspicuous sexually selected patterns than females. These results show that ambient light drives the evolution of colour signals at community scale, and should be considered when studying signalling in other communities and light‐contrasted ecosystems.  相似文献   

鸟类羽色多态现象:概念及其进化机制假说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多态现象对了解物种的遗传、变异和进化有着重要意义,鸟类羽色多态现象的进化机制,是多态现象研究中非常重要的内容。鸟类羽色多态现象的进化机制假说主要有:分化选择假说、异类选择假说和非随机性交配假说等。本文对鸟类羽色多态现象的概念和以上进化机制假说进行了综述,并针对鸟类羽色多态现象进化机制研究中存在争议的问题及研究的不足提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

Many birds undergo seasonal changes in plumage coloration by prebreeding moult, abrasion of cryptic feather tips, or both. Seasonal dichromatism is thought to result from optimizing coloration to the conflicting demands of different life-cycle periods, sexual selection for conspicuousness being substantial during the mating season, whereas selection for camouflage and for social signals may act in all seasons. Furthermore, energetic and time demands may constrain the extent of moult, thereby limiting colour change. We investigated the relative importance of several factors in shaping this variation in a songbird clade using phylogenetic comparative methods. We found that prebreeding moult relates most strongly to breeding onset and winter diet, demonstrating that both time and food availability constrain feather replacement. Feather abrasion was best predicted by winter flocking behaviour, and secondarily by open habitats, implying that exposure to predators and the simultaneous need for social signalling may favour the expression of partially obscured ornaments in the non-breeding season. The combined occurrence of prebreeding moult and feather abrasion was associated with the polygynous mating system, suggesting that species under strong sexual selection may employ both strategies of colour change to ensure the full expression of breeding coloration.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 711–721.  相似文献   

The ladybird beetle, Menochilus sexmaculatus (Fabricius), has a remarkable elytral colour polymorphism composed of black and red. In the present study, we investigated the effect of temperature on growth from the first instar larva to the pupal stage, as well as maternal morph types on the phenotypic expression of the elytral colour morph in a polymorphic population from Osaka, Japan. Female individuals of three different elytral colour morphs were collected from a wild population, and hatchlings from each female were divided into three groups, which were reared at three constant temperatures: 20 °C, 25 °C, and 30 °C. The phenotypic frequency of F1 adults indicated that the elytral morph type was determined by genetic factors, but not by growth temperatures. Namely, type A (almost black morph) was the most abundant in F1 from type A mothers (Male: 52.6%; Female: 32.3%); and types B (four small-dotted morph) and F (four medium-dotted morph) were the most abundant from type B (Male: 56.7%; Female: 53.3%) and type G (four larger-dotted morph) mothers (Male: 33.3%; Female: 31.3%), respectively. Therefore, the expression of elytral colour polymorphism in the Osaka, Japan population is likely to have a genetic basis contingent on parental morphs, rather than a phenotypic plasticity associated with growth temperatures.  相似文献   

The absorbance of melanin content from dorsal feathers was compared between wild-type Japanese quail and nine other quail plumage colours determined by single mutations in one of seven genes: extended brown ( MC1R ), yellow ( ASIP ), silver ( MITF ), lavender ( MLPH ), roux ( TYRP1 ), imperfect albinism ( SLC45A2 ) and rusty . As compared with wild-type quail, all mutations but extended brown decreased total melanins. The largest decrease was observed in quail with one of the dilution mutations at TYRP1 , MLPH or SLCA45A2 . No difference in eumelanins was found between the 10 plumage colours. Despite visible colour differences, homozygous and heterozygous mutants at MITF , or the two imperfect albino (white) and cinnamon (pale yellow) alleles at SLC45A2, could not be differentiated on the basis of melanins. In contrast, the two white phenotypes caused by mutations at MITF and SLC45A2, or the two reddish plumage colours caused by the roux and rusty non-allelic mutations had different total melanin contents. The results showed that rusty was not likely to be a dilution mutation.  相似文献   

Variation in traits that are sexually dimorphic is usually attributed to sexual selection, in part because the influence of ecological differences between sexes can be difficult to identify. Sex‐limited dimorphisms, however, provide an opportunity to test ecological selection disentangled from reproductive differences between the sexes. Here, we test the hypothesis that ecological differences play a role in the evolution of body colour variation within and between sexes in a radiation of endemic Hawaiian damselflies. We analysed 17 Megalagrion damselflies species in a phylogenetic linear regression, including three newly discovered cases of species with female‐limited dimorphism. We find that rapid colour evolution during the radiation has resulted in no phylogenetic signal for most colour and habitat traits. However, a single ecological variable, exposure to solar radiation (as measured by canopy cover) significantly predicts body colour variation within sexes (female‐limited dimorphism), between sexes (sexual dimorphism), and among populations and species. Surprisingly, the degree of sexual dimorphism in body colour is also positively correlated with the degree of habitat differences between sexes. Specifically, redder colouration is associated with more exposure to solar radiation, both within and between species. We discuss potential functions of the pigmentation, including antioxidant properties that would explain the association with light (specifically UV) exposure, and consider alternative mechanisms that may drive these patterns of sexual dimorphism and colour variation.  相似文献   

Two general models for the transspecific evolution of butterfly colour patterns are advanced: directional selection acting equally on both sexes, and disruptive selection involving periods of polymorphism. To consider possible outcomes of me latter process, a morphism notation based on an integrated classification for polymorphism and sexual dimorphism is developed. This notation is used to examine the properties of all morphism transformations possible from the minimal expressions of the nine morphism categories, as reached through defined minimum step changes. The significance of such pathway models is analysed in terms of general properties of butterfly polymorphism. The potential use of pathway models in evolutionary studies is briefly discussed, mainly with respect to phylogenetics, and ideas on the evolution of genetic dominance.  相似文献   

The costs of bird song incurred in a diversity of ways may result in trade‐offs in the production and maintenance of elaborate plumage ornaments. In this paper, we examine evolutionary trade‐offs between acoustic and visual signalling in trogon birds (Trogonidae). Using multiple regressions with phylogenetically independent contrasts, we found that interspecific variation in male plumage coloration was not significantly predicted by song traits (reduced by PCA) or altitude. Although plumage coloration is expected to decrease with increases in song elaboration, both groups of variables were not related. Given that song and plumage coloration traits are likely targets of sexual selection, we also examined their relationships with sexual plumage dimorphism. We found that male carotenoid‐derived coloration was positively related to sexual plumage dimorphism, suggesting that sexual selection on male carotenoid‐derived coloration may be stronger than on melanin‐ or structurally based coloration, or than on acoustic traits. Comparative studies on other bird families accounting for the effects of phylogeny as well as environmental covariates are required to test the generality of our findings in trogons.  相似文献   

Phenotypic polymorphism in cryptic species is widespread. This may evolve in response to search image use by predators exerting negative frequency‐dependent selection on intraspecific colour morphs, ‘apostatic selection’. Evidence exists to indicate search image formation by predators and apostatic selection operating on wild prey populations, though not to demonstrate search image use directly resulting in apostatic selection. The present study attempted to address this deficiency, using British Lepidoptera active in winter as a model system. It has been proposed that the typically polymorphic wing colouration of these species represents an anti‐search image adaptation against birds. To test (a) for search image‐driven apostatic selection, dimorphic populations of artificial moth‐like models were established in woodland at varying relative morph frequencies and exposed to predation by natural populations of birds. In addition, to test (b) whether abundance and degree of polymorphism are correlated across British winter‐active moths, as predicted where search image use drives apostatic selection, a series of phylogenetic comparative analyses were conducted. There was a positive relationship between artificial morph frequency and probability of predation, consistent with birds utilizing search images and exerting apostatic selection. Abundance and degree of polymorphism were found to be positively correlated across British Lepidoptera active in winter, though not across all taxonomic groups analysed. This evidence is consistent with polymorphism in this group having evolved in response to search image‐driven apostatic selection and supports the viability of this mechanism as a means by which phenotypic and genetic variation may be maintained in natural populations.  相似文献   

The colour polymorphic isopod Idotea baltica inhabits the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus which is often colonised by the white epizoite Electra crustulenta (Bryozoa). In an experiment the predation risk for the different colour morphs of I. baltica was highly dependent on background colouration. Morph frequencies and Electra density varied substantially among 10 collecting sites but correlated poorly with each other, suggesting that local selection for cryptic colouration may be counteracted by gene flow. Indeed, estimates based on four polymorphic allozymes suggested rate of gene flow to be high. These results support the hypothesis that locally varying selection for cryptic colouration counteracted by gene flow contributes to the maintenance of colour polymorphism in I. baltica. The visual differences between the microhabitats and the differential microhabitat use between males and females seem to result in different patterns of selection on males and females for cryptic colouration. Also this is likely to play an important role for the polymorphism.  相似文献   

The extreme polygyny expressed by male lekking birds leads to the expectation that sexual dimorphism should be greater in lekkers than related non-lekkers. However, evidence for this association is weak, and many lekkers are actually monomorphic in size and plumage. To better understand the kinds of plumages associated with lekking, I characterized plumage variation for combinations of sexual dichromatism and colourfulness-and-conspicuousness (COCO) among lekking and related non-lekking birds. Compared in this way, the plumages of lekkers and non-lekkers differ dramatically for both sexes. Correlations between sexual dichromatism and COCO for phylogenetically independent contrasts are significant for male lekkers (positive) and female non-lekkers (negative), but not for female lekkers or male non-lekkers. Moreover, the total number of character–state combinations, and multivariate measures of variability, are greater in non-lekkers than lekkers.The characteristic plumages of lekkers (duller monochromatic, brighter dichromatic and intermediate between these extremes) comprise just a subset of those observed among non-lekkers, and exclude extremely dull dichromatic and extremely bright monochromatic plumages. I suggest that predation, and foraging behaviours compatible with lekking, may restrict plumage variation among lekkers. Thus ecological rather than overt sexual characteristics may explain monomorphism in birds under intense mate competition, as well as the paradox of strong female mate preferences on leks, where males appear to contribute only sperm to female reproductive efforts.  相似文献   

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