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The evolution of ANTP genes in the Metazoa has been the subject of conflicting hypotheses derived from full or partial gene sequences and genomic organization in higher animals. Whole genome sequences have recently filled in some crucial gaps for the basal metazoan phyla Cnidaria and Porifera. Here we analyze the complete genome of Trichoplax adhaerens, representing the basal metazoan phylum Placozoa, for its set of ANTP class genes. The Trichoplax genome encodes representatives of Hox/ParaHox-like, NKL, and extended Hox genes. This repertoire possibly mirrors the condition of a hypothetical cnidarian-bilaterian ancestor. The evolution of the cnidarian and bilaterian ANTP gene repertoires can be deduced by a limited number of cis-duplications of NKL and "extended Hox" genes and the presence of a single ancestral "ProtoHox" gene.  相似文献   

The phylum Placozoa is represented by a single known species, Trichoplax adhaerens, a tiny marine organism that represents the most simple metazoan bauplan. Because of the latter, placozoans were originally considered the most basal metazoan phylum. A misinterpretation of the life cycle at the turn of the century and some more recent molecular phylogenetic analyses have placed Trichoplax as a derived species within the Cnidaria. The latter hypothesis assumes that the primitive organization of the Placozoa is the result of secondary reduction. Here we compare the molecular morphology of the predicted 16S rDNA structure and the mitochondrial genome between Trichoplax and representatives of all four cnidarian classes. Trichoplax shares a circular mtDNA molecule as a plesiomorphy with all other metazoans except for the derived cnidarian classes Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, and Cubozoa. The predicted secondary structure of the 16S rRNA molecule differs substantially between Trichoplax and cnidarians, particularly with respect to the number and length of stem and loop regions. The new molecular morphological characters provide compelling evidence that Trichoplax is not a derived (medusozoan) cnidarian. Furthermore, it was found that the mitochondrial genome in Cubozoa consists of four linear molecules instead of a single circular molecule or two linear molecules, suggesting that the cubozoans may represent the most derived cnidarian group.  相似文献   

Epithelial tissues are a key metazoan cell type, providing a basic structural unit for the construction of diverse animal body plans. Historically, an epithelial grade of organization was considered to be restricted to the Eumetazoa, with the majority of cell layers described for Porifera lacking any of the conserved ultrastructural characteristics of epithelia. Now with the use of genomic information from the demosponge, Amphimedon queenslandica, we identify orthologs of bilaterian genes that determine epithelial cell polarity or encode components of specialized epithelial junctions and extracellular matrix structures. Amphimedon possesses orthologs of most bilaterian epithelial polarity and adherens junction genes but few or no tight junction, septate junction, or basal lamina genes. To place this information in an evolutionary context, we extended these analyses to the completed genomes of various fungi, the choanoflagellate, Monosiga brevicollis, the placozoan, Trichoplax adhaerens, and the cnidarian, Nematostella vectensis. The results indicate that the majority of "epithelial" genes originated in metazoan or eumetazoan lineages, with only two genes, Par-1 and Discs large, antedating the choanoflagellate-metazoan split. We further explored the mechanism of evolution for each of these genes by tracking the origin of constituent domains and domain combinations. In general, domain configurations found in contemporary bilaterians are inferred to have evolved early in metazoan evolution and are identical or similar to those present in representatives of modern cnidarians, placozoans, and demosponges.  相似文献   

Pax genes play key regulatory roles in embryonic and sensory organ development in metazoans but their evolution and ancestral functions remain widely unresolved. We have isolated a Pax gene from Placozoa, beside Porifera the only metazoan phylum that completely lacks nerve and sensory cells or organs. These simplest known metazoans also lack any kind of symmetry, organs, extracellular matrix, basal lamina, muscle cells, and main body axis. The isolated Pax gene from Trichoplax adhaerens harbors a paired domain, an octapeptide, and a full-length homeodomain. It displays structural features not only of PaxB and Pax2/5/8-like genes but also of PaxC and Pax6 genes. Conserved splice sites between Placozoa, Cnidaria, and triploblasts, mark the ancient origin of intron structures. Phylogenetic analyses demonstrate that the Trichoplax PaxB gene, TriPaxB, is basal not only to all other known PaxB genes but also to PaxA and PaxC genes and their relatives in triploblasts (namely Pax2/5/8, Pax4/6, and Poxneuro). TriPaxB is expressed in distinct cell patches near the outer edge of the animal body, where undifferentiated and possibly multipotent cells are found. This expression pattern indicates a developmental role in cell-type specification and/or differentiation, probably in specifying-determining fiber cells, which are regarded as proto-neural/muscle cells in Trichoplax. While PaxB, Pax2/5/8, and Pax6 genes have been linked to nerve cell and sensory system/organ development in virtually all animals investigated so far, our study suggests that Pax genes predate the origin of nerve and sensory cells.  相似文献   

The correct identification of homologous Hox genes within and between diplo- and triploblastic animals is of crucial importance for recent hypotheses on the anagenetic evolution of animal bauplans. While the homology discussion in general has reached new heights, we apply traditional homology criteria to assign homology to Hox genes from diploblastic animals. Comparison of theTrox-2gene from the presumably most basal metazoan animal, the placozoanTrichoplax adhaerens,to other Hox genes suggests the presence of unambiguous homologs in Hydrozoa and Scyphozoa and the absence of any specific homolog in triploblasts. Furthermore, the comparisons provide support for the idea that Hox genes—at least in diploblastic animals—are composed of functional subunits (modules), which to some degree have undergone independent evolution. The findings are not readily compatible with the existence of the “zootype” in diploblastic animals.  相似文献   

The multicellular Metazoa evolved from single-celled organisms (Protozoa) and usually – but not necessarily – consist of more cells than Protozoa. In all cases, and thus by definition, Metazoa possess more than one somatic cell type, i.e. they show-in sharp contrast to protists–intrasomatic differentiation. Placozoa have the lowest degree of intrasomatic variation; the number of somatic cell types according to text books is four (but see also Jakob W, Sagasser S, Dellaporta S, Holland P, Kuhn K, and Schierwater B. The Trox-2 Hox/ParaHox gene of Trichoplax (Placozoa) marks an epithelial boundary. Dev Genes Evol 2004;214:170–5). For this and several other reasons Placozoa have been regarded by many as the most basal metazoan phylum. Thus, the morphologically most simply organized metazoan animal, the placozoan Trichoplax adhaerens, resembles a unique model system for cell differentiation studies and also an intriguing model for a prominent “urmetazoon” hypotheses—the placula hypothesis. A basal position of Placozoa would provide answers to several key issues of metazoan-specific inventions (including for example different lines of somatic cell differentiation leading to organ development and axis formation) and would determine a root for unraveling their evolution. However, the phylogenetic relationships at the base of Metazoa are controversial and a basal position of Placozoa is not generally accepted (e.g. Schierwater B, DeSalle R. Can we ever identify the Urmetazoan? Integr Comp Biol 2007;47:670–76; DeSalle R, Schierwater B. An even “newer” animal phylogeny. Bioessays 2008;30:1043–47). Here we review and discuss (i) long-standing morphological evidence for the simple placozoan bauplan resembling an ancestral metazoan stage, (ii) some rapidly changing alternative hypotheses derived from molecular analyses, (iii) the surprising idea that triploblasts (Bilateria) and diploblasts may be sister groups, and (iv) the presence of genes involved in cell differentiation and signaling pathways in the placozoan genome.  相似文献   

Homeobox genes of the ANTP and PRD classes play important roles in body patterning of metazoans, and a large diversity of these genes have been described in bilaterian animals and cnidarians. Trichoplax adhaerens (Phylum Placozoa) is a small multicellular marine animal with one of the simplest body organizations of all metazoans, showing no symmetry and a small number of distinct cell types. Only two ANTP class genes have been described from Trichoplax: the Hox/ParaHox gene Trox-2 and a gene related to the Not family. Here we report an extensive screen for ANTP class genes in Trichoplax, leading to isolation of three additional ANTP class genes. These can be assigned to the Dlx, Mnx and Hmx gene families. Sequencing approximately 12-20 kb around each gene indicates that none are part of tight gene clusters, and in situ hybridization reveals that at least two have spatially restricted expression around the periphery of the animal. The low diversity of ANTP class genes isolated in Trichoplax can be reconciled with the low anatomical complexity of this animal, although the finding that these genes are assignable to recognized gene families is intriguing.  相似文献   

Fragments of the nuclear and mitochondrial genes for the large-subunit rRNA were compared for Trichoplax sp. and T. adhaerens. High similarity was observed for their sequences, suggesting that different Trichoplax isolates belong to one species.  相似文献   

For more than a century, the origin of metazoan animals has been debated. One aspect of this debate has been centered on what the hypothetical “urmetazoon” bauplan might have been. The morphologically most simply organized metazoan animal, the placozoan Trichoplax adhaerens, resembles an intriguing model for one of several “urmetazoon” hypotheses: the placula hypothesis. Clear support for a basal position of Placozoa would aid in resolving several key issues of metazoan-specific inventions (including, for example, head–foot axis, symmetry, and coelom) and would determine a root for unraveling their evolution. Unfortunately, the phylogenetic relationships at the base of Metazoa have been controversial because of conflicting phylogenetic scenarios generated while addressing the question. Here, we analyze the sum of morphological evidence, the secondary structure of mitochondrial ribosomal genes, and molecular sequence data from mitochondrial and nuclear genes that amass over 9,400 phylogenetically informative characters from 24 to 73 taxa. Together with mitochondrial DNA genome structure and sequence analyses and Hox-like gene expression patterns, these data (1) provide evidence that Placozoa are basal relative to all other diploblast phyla and (2) spark a modernized “urmetazoon” hypothesis.  相似文献   

A recent report of high levels of genetic variation between strains of Trichoplax adhaerens challenges the traditional view that the phylum Placozoa comprises only one species. At the morphological level, placozoans are amongst the simplest extant animals, but molecular evidence suggests that they may have more complex origins.  相似文献   

Trichoplax adhaerens is the simplest multicellular animal with tissue differentiation and somatic cell turnover. Like all other multicellular organisms, it should be vulnerable to cancer, yet there have been no reports of cancer in T. adhaerens or any other placozoan. We investigated the cancer resistance of T. adhaerens, discovering that they are able to tolerate high levels of radiation damage (218.6 Gy). To investigate how T. adhaerens survive levels of radiation that are lethal to other animals, we examined gene expression after the X-ray exposure, finding overexpression of genes involved in DNA repair and apoptosis including the MDM2 gene. We also discovered that T. adhaerens extrudes clusters of inviable cells after X-ray exposure. T. adhaerens is a valuable model organism for studying the molecular, genetic, and tissue-level mechanisms underlying cancer suppression.

The placozoan Trichoplax adhaerens is able to tolerate high levels of radiation and is resilient to DNA damage; this study reveals that exposure to X-rays triggers the extrusion of cell clusters which subsequently die, and that radiation exposure induces the overexpression of genes involved in DNA repair.  相似文献   

For more than a century, the origin of metazoan animals has been debated. One aspect of this debate has been centered on what the hypothetical “urmetazoon” bauplan might have been. The morphologically most simply organized metazoan animal, the placozoan Trichoplax adhaerens, resembles an intriguing model for one of several “urmetazoon” hypotheses: the placula hypothesis. Clear support for a basal position of Placozoa would aid in resolving several key issues of metazoan-specific inventions (including, for example, head–foot axis, symmetry, and coelom) and would determine a root for unraveling their evolution. Unfortunately, the phylogenetic relationships at the base of Metazoa have been controversial because of conflicting phylogenetic scenarios generated while addressing the question. Here, we analyze the sum of morphological evidence, the secondary structure of mitochondrial ribosomal genes, and molecular sequence data from mitochondrial and nuclear genes that amass over 9,400 phylogenetically informative characters from 24 to 73 taxa. Together with mitochondrial DNA genome structure and sequence analyses and Hox-like gene expression patterns, these data (1) provide evidence that Placozoa are basal relative to all other diploblast phyla and (2) spark a modernized “urmetazoon” hypothesis.  相似文献   

Long-term field studies on placozoans (Trichoplax adhaerens), including both substrate sampling and slide sampling, were carried out at a subtidal site near Shirahama, Japan. Samples of natural substrate materials from the field, such as stones, shells, or fragments of coral, were particularly useful for obtaining placozoans. Results from the substrate sampling indicate that placozoans are present year-round at the study site. Large intermittent peaks in the number of animals collected at the study site occurred roughly once a year, between late summer and the beginning of winter. Placozoans were present every year from 1989 through 2000. A seawater aquarium was also studied and provided a considerable number of placozoans for more than 1 year.  相似文献   

The homeobox gene Not is highly conserved in Xenopus, chicken and zebrafish with an apparent role in notochord formation, which inspired the name of this distinct subfamily. Interestingly, Not genes are also well conserved in animals without notochord such as sea urchins, Drosophila or even Hydra, but appear to be highly derived in mammals. A search for homeobox genes in the placozoan Trichoplax adhaerens, one of the simplest organisms available today, revealed only two homeobox genes: a Not homologue and the previously described gene Trox-2, which is most similar to the Gsx subfamily of the Hox/ParaHox cluster genes. Not has a unique expression profile in Trichoplax. It is highly expressed in folds of intact animals and in the wounds of regenerating animals. The dynamic expression pattern of Trichoplax Not is discussed in comparison with the invariable expression pattern of Trox-2 and the putative secreted protein Secp1. The high sequence conservation of Not from Trichoplax to lower vertebrates, but not to mammals, represents a rare example of an apparent gene decay in the lineage leading to humans.  相似文献   

Six major steps in animal evolution: are we derived sponge larvae?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A review of the old and new literature on animal morphology/embryology and molecular studies has led me to the following scenario for the early evolution of the metazoans. The metazoan ancestor, "choanoblastaea," was a pelagic sphere consisting of choanocytes. The evolution of multicellularity enabled division of labor between cells, and an "advanced choanoblastaea" consisted of choanocytes and nonfeeding cells. Polarity became established, and an adult, sessile stage developed. Choanocytes of the upper side became arranged in a groove with the cilia pumping water along the groove. Cells overarched the groove so that a choanocyte chamber was formed, establishing the body plan of an adult sponge; the pelagic larval stage was retained but became lecithotrophic. The sponges radiated into monophyletic Silicea, Calcarea, and Homoscleromorpha. Homoscleromorph larvae show cell layers resembling true, sealed epithelia. A homoscleromorph-like larva developed an archenteron, and the sealed epithelium made extracellular digestion possible in this isolated space. This larva became sexually mature, and the adult sponge-stage was abandoned in an extreme progenesis. This eumetazoan ancestor, "gastraea," corresponds to Haeckel's gastraea. Trichoplax represents this stage, but with the blastopore spread out so that the endoderm has become the underside of the creeping animal. Another lineage developed a nervous system; this "neurogastraea" is the ancestor of the Neuralia. Cnidarians have retained this organization, whereas the Triploblastica (Ctenophora+Bilateria), have developed the mesoderm. The bilaterians developed bilaterality in a primitive form in the Acoelomorpha and in an advanced form with tubular gut and long Hox cluster in the Eubilateria (Protostomia+Deuterostomia). It is indicated that the major evolutionary steps are the result of suites of existing genes becoming co-opted into new networks that specify new structures. The evolution of the eumetazoan ancestor from a progenetic homoscleromorph larva implies that we, as well as all the other eumetazoans, are derived sponge larvae.  相似文献   

Laminins are a family of multidomain glycoproteins that are important contributors to the structure of metazoan extracellular matrices. To investigate the origin and evolution of the laminin family, we characterized the full complement of laminin-related genes in the genome of the sponge, Amphimedon queenslandica. As a representative of the Demospongiae, a group consistently placed within the earliest diverging branch of animals by molecular phylogenies, Amphimedon is uniquely placed to provide insight into early steps in the evolution of metazoan gene families. Five Amphimedon laminin-related genes possess the conserved molecular features, and most of the domains found in bilaterian laminins, but all display domain architectures distinct from those of the canonical laminin chain types known from model bilaterians. This finding prompted us to perform a comparative genomic analysis of laminins and related genes from a choanoflagellate and diverse metazoans and to conduct phylogenetic analyses using the conserved Laminin N-terminal domain in order to explore the relationships between genes with distinct architectures. Laminin-like genes appear to have originated in the holozoan lineage (choanoflagellates + metazoans + several other unicellular opisthokont taxa), with several laminin domains originating later and appearing only in metazoan (animal) or eumetazoan (placozoans + ctenophores + cnidarians + bilaterians) laminins. Typical bilaterian α, β, and γ laminin chain forms arose in the eumetazoan stem and another chain type that is conserved in Amphimedon, the cnidarian, Nematostella vectensis, and the echinoderm, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, appears to have been lost independently from the placozoan, Trichoplax adhaerens, and from multiple bilaterians. Phylogenetic analysis did not clearly reconstruct relationships between the distinct laminin chain types (with the exception of the α chains) but did reveal how several members of the netrin family were generated independently from within the laminin family by duplication and domain shuffling and by domain loss. Together, our results suggest that gene duplication and loss and domain shuffling and loss all played a role in the evolution of the laminin family and contributed to the generation of lineage-specific diversity in the laminin gene complements of extant metazoans.  相似文献   

Ctenophores are one of the most basally branching lineages of metazoans with the largest mitochondrial organelles in the animal kingdom. We sequenced the mitochondrial (mtDNA) genome from the Pacific cidipid ctenophore, Pleurobrachia bachei. The circular mitochondrial genome is 11,016 nts, with only 12 genes, and one of the smallest metazoan mtDNA genomes recorded. The protein coding genes are intronless cox1-3, cob, nad1, 3, 4, 4L and 5. The nad2 and 6 genes are represented as short fragments whereas the atp6 gene was found in the nuclear genome. Only the large ribosomal RNA subunit and two tRNAs were present with possibly the small subunit unidentifiable due to extensive fragmentation. The observed unique features of this mitochondrial genome suggest that nuclear and mitochondrial genomes have evolved at very different rates. This reduced mtDNA genome sharply contrasts with the very large sizes of mtDNA found in other basal metazoans including Porifera (sponges), and Placozoa (Trichoplax).  相似文献   

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