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Summary The stigma of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) is covered by unicellular hairs. The cytoplasm of these hairs degenerates before the stigma becomes receptive. The vacuole remains intact, but the hair cytoplasm becomes a mass of dark, amorphous material with only a few organelles still being visible. The rest of the stigma consists of thin-walled parenchyma cells with large vacuoles and large amounts of starch. The cells of the style are differentiated into a uniseriate epidermis, vascular tissue, a cortex of thin-walled, vacuolate parenchyma cells, and the transmitting tissue. This latter tissue occupies the center of the style and consists of thick-walled cells with few vacuoles. The cells are rich in starch, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum and dictyosomes. They also contain deposits of calcium salts in the form of druses. The pollen germinates on the stigmatic hairs, grows down the outside of the hair and between the cells of the stigma to the transmitting tissue of the style. There the tubes grow between the walls of the cells but do not enter the cells themselves. Some transmitting cells adjacent to the pollen tube degenerate after the tip of the pollen tube has grown past them. However, not all degenerate, and those that do show no fixed spatial relationship to one another. The cells which do degenerate follow a characteristic pattern of breakdown. No ultrastructural evidence was found for the secretion of hydrolytic enzymes by the pollen tube.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure and composition of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) pollen, exclusive of the wall, was examined immediately before and after germination. The pollen grain before germination consists of two parts: the outer layer and a central core. The outer layer contains large numbers of mitochondria and dictyosomes as well as endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The core contains units made of spherical pockets of ER which are lined with lipid droplets and filled with small vesicles; the ER is rich in protein and may contain carbohydrate while the vesicles are filled with carbohydrate. Starch-containing plastids are also present in the core as are small vacuoles. The cytoplasm of the pore regions contains many 0.5 spherical bodies containing carbohydrate. After germination the ER pockets open and the lipid droplets and small vesicles mix with the other portions of the cytoplasm. With germination the pore region becomes filled with mitochondria and small vesicles. The vegetative nucleus is large, extremely dense and contains invaginations filled with coils of ER. A greatly reduced nucleolus is present in the generative cell which is surrounded by a carbohydrate wall. The cytoplasm of the generative cell is dense and contains many ribosomes, a few dictyosomes and mitochondria, many vesicles of several sizes, and some ER. No plastids were identified. The generative nucleus is also dense with masses of DNA clumped near the nuclear membrane. An unusual tubular structure of unknown origin or function was observed in the generative cell.  相似文献   

Potassium antimonate was used to locate loosely bound calcium in the stigma and style of tobacco. The tobacco stigma is wet and covered by a thick layer of glycoprotein exudate at anthesis. The exudate contains abundant vesicles, which are densely labeled with calcium precipitates. When pollen grains arrive at the stigma, become hydrated, and as the pollen swells, Ca2+ precipitates accumulate at the aperture. Calcium precipitates that accumulate in pollen cytoplasm are initially concentrated within small vacuoles, but as germination proceeds these appear to fuse, forming prominent, densely labeled vesicles that preferentially accumulate near the proximal region of the growing tube. Although the stigma has abundant particles, few calcium precipitates are observed in the transmitting tissue from anthesis to 11 h after pollination. However, at 22 h after pollination, accumulation of calcium increases distally from the stigmatic interface with the transmitting tissue through the length of the style to the ovary. An examination of flowering plants with differing floral biology will be needed to understand the role of loosely bound calcium accumulation and its relationship to tissue-level changes in calcium uptake, maintenance of other calcium pools, including [Ca2+]cyt, and in pollen and style maturation during the progamic phase.  相似文献   

The surface of a pollen grain consists of an outermost coat and an underlying wall. In maize (Zea mays L.), the pollen coat contains two major proteins derived from the adjacent tapetum cells in the anthers. One of the proteins is a 35-kDa endoxylanase (Wu, S. S. H., Suen, D. F., Chang, H. C., and Huang, A. H. C. (2002) J. Biol. Chem. 277, 49055-49064). The other protein of 70 kDa was purified to homogeneity and shown to be a beta-glucanase. Its gene sequence and the developmental pattern of its mRNA differ from those of the known beta-glucanases that hydrolyze the callose wall of the microspore tetrad. Mature pollen placed in a liquid medium released about nine major proteins. These proteins were partially sequenced and identified via GenBank trade mark data bases, and some had not been previously reported to be in pollen. They appear to have wall-loosening, structural, and enzymatic functions. A novel pollen wall-bound protein of 17 kDa has a unique pattern of cysteine distribution in its sequence (six tandem repeats of CX3CX10-15) that could chelate cations and form signal-receiving finger motifs. These pollen-released proteins were synthesized in the pollen interior, and their mRNA increased during pollen maturation and germination. They were localized mainly in the pollen tube wall. The pollen shell was isolated and found to contain no detectable proteins. We suggest that the pollen-coat beta-glucanase and xylanase hydrolyze the stigma wall for pollen tube entry and that the pollen secrete proteins to loosen or become new wall constituents of the tube and to break the wall of the transmitting track for tube advance.  相似文献   


The stigma (tip of the pistil) of medlar is wet and covered with stigmatic exudate at anthesis. The exudate contains many vesicles with abundant calcium precipitates. After deposition on the stigma, the pollen grain undergoes hydration, displaying signs of calcium ion (Ca2+) transfer from the exudate vesicles into the pollen grains. Calcium precipitates in the pollen cytoplasm are concentrated into small vacuoles that fuse to form large vacuoles, which provide turgor pressure to push the cytoplasm to the apical region of the growing pollen tube. Many calcium precipitates are present in the stylar transmitting tract, which displays a calcium gradient: fewer precipitates are localised in the distal (upper) transmitting tissue below the stigma, and more precipitates are present in the transmitting tract at the style base. The emporal and spatial distribution of calcium in the stigma and style of medlar suggests that it satisfies the demand for calcium in vivo and played some functional significance.  相似文献   

Ute Joos  J. van Aken  U. Kristen 《Protoplasma》1995,187(1-4):182-191
Summary Recently, we found that the anti-microtubule drugs colchicine and propham caused the absence of microtubules and thus loss of cytoplasmic zonation in in vitro growing pollen tubes ofNicotiana sylvestris, but did not seriously affect growth. In the present study we used the herbicide carbetamide as an anti-microtubule drug. It had the same effect as colchicine and propham: the cytoplasm, including the generative cell, was no longer concentrated in the tip but was distributed randomly. In addition, ultrastructural investigations have shown that even the vesicle zone, usually found at the very tip of pollen tubes, had disappeared in some tubes. Nonetheless, in vitro growth was not inhibited by more than 20% over a period of 22 h.In contrast, tube growth in plants ceased 1 cm down in the style when carbetamide was applied to the stigma before pollination. At the lowest concentration causing this effect, microtubules of the vegetative cell had disappeared and the cytoplasm was distributed randomly, as it was for in vitro grown tubes. It can be concluded that microtubules of the vegetative cell are essential for pollen tube growth in the style.Abbreviations DAPI 4,6-diamidmo-2-phenylindole - EGTA ethyleneglycerol-bis-(aminoethyl ether) tetraacetic acid - DIC differential interference contrast - GC generative cell - IC50 inhibition concentration 50% - MF microfilament - MT microtubule - PEM-buffer 50 mM PIPES 1 mM EGTA, 2 mM MgSO4, pH 6.9 - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PIPES piperazine-bis-ethanesulphonic acid - PTG-Test pollen tube growth test - SAM substrate adhesion molecule - VC vegetative cell  相似文献   

Our model proposes that pollen tube growth is a form of cell movement where the tube tip can be considered analogous to a migrating cell which leaves a trail of extracellular matrix (the spent pollen tube) behind. We demonstrate that the tube cell can convey the sperm cells to the ovule and effect fertilization even in the absence of the pollen grain and the spent pollen tube. Adhesion is an integral part of cell attachment and movement in animal systems. We show that in vivo-grown pollen tubes grow beneath the cuticle of the stylar transmitting tract epidermis and directly adhere to one another and the outer wall of the epidermal cells. A fibrous wall material is found to cover the tip of the pollen tube cell wall and the surface of the transmitting tract cells where the two adhere. Fixation methods to preserve adhesive compounds were used. The pollen-tubes grown in vivo, but not in vitro, show star-shaped clusters of F-actin microfilaments in the region back from the tip, as seen by rhodamine-phalloidin staining. These configurations are similar to focal adhesions seen in moving animal cells.  相似文献   

Summary The sperm of cotton were observed in the pollen tube in the style. They are true cells but relatively simple in organization. The nuclei are small and each contains a single, very small nucleolus. Nuclear pores are common and heterochromatin lines the nuclear membrane. The plastids and mitochondria are so reduced in internal structure that it is impossible to separately identify them. The suggestion is put forward that only mitochondria are present in the sperm. Dictyosomes are few but appear to be producing large numbers of vesicles. Single membrane vesicles of a large range of sizes are common. ER is scarce but polysomes are numerous.  相似文献   

花粉管的生长和发育是植物有性生殖过程中重要环节。本文首先介绍了花粉管的结构及其脉冲生长方式。然后介绍了花粉粒在柱头上萌发、花粉管在花柱道中生长及其进入胚囊的一些特点,同时还介绍了雌蕊在花粉管生长发育所起的重要作用。  相似文献   

. We have investigated the diversity of serine esterases in pollen and stigma tissues of Brassica napus and the role of these enzymes in pollen germination and pollen tube penetration of the stigma. The serine esterase-specific inhibitor diisopropyl fluorophosphate was used as a probe in a tritiated form, [3H]-DIPF, to determine the number and diversity of serine esterases in crude protein extracts from pollen and stigma. Seven serine esterases were identified in pollen and at least seven serine esterases were identified in stigma. The most abundant enzymes had molecular weights of 30-50 kDa. In the pollen extract a serine esterase was detected with the same molecular weight, 22 kDa, as an esterase previously shown to be a cutinase. Only one serine esterase (40 kDa) appeared to be shared between pollen and stigma extracts. Butyrate esterase activity in pollen and stigma extracts was assayed using p-nitrophenyl butyrate (PNB), an ester substrate frequently used in 'cutinase' assays. Total PNBase activity in pollen and stigma extracts was shown to be significantly reduced by the serine esterase inhibitors DIPF and ebelactone B. When DIPF and ebelactone B were applied to stigmas prior to pollination, pollen germination was not significantly affected but, at the highest inhibitor concentrations, up to 70% of germinating pollen tubes failed to penetrate the stigma surface. These data demonstrate that serine esterases, most probably cutinase(s), are required for pollen tube penetration of the dry cuticularised Brassica stigma.  相似文献   

Summary Using a Clark micro electrode the actual oxygen tension at various places in a style can be measured. Within the unpollinated, ripe style of Hippeastrum a pO2 gradient occurs. In the upper part, possibly with a little increase in the stigmatic branches, a very high oxygen tension is found; in the lower part, about 5 mm from the ovary, a sudden decrease occurs. In the ovary itself the oxygen tension is extremely low. After pollination, passage of the mass of pollen tube tips can be followed by a fairly sharp drop of the oxygen tension, which shifts down the style with progressive growth. This oxygen tension depression seems to be sharply limited to the region of pollen tube tips and the amount of decrease is dependent on the growth rate of the tubes. After passage of the pollen the original high level of oxygen tension is not fully restored in the upper style. This suggests that the metabolic activity of the pollen tube is strongly linked with the metabolic condition in the style. It seems that tubes grow most of their way to the egg under aerobic conditions; only at the base of the style, just before entering into the ovary, does the pollen have to switch over to an anaerobic pathway. For most of the style oxygen tension does not form a tropic gradient for tube growth.
Zusammenfassung Unter Benutzung einer Clark-Mikro-Elektrode konnte die aktuelle Sauerstoffspannung an verschiedenen Stellen in einem Griffel in situ gemessen werden. Dabei wurde im reifen, unbestäubten Griffel von Hippeastrum ein pO2-Gradient gefunden: Im oberen Griffelabschnitt, wahrscheinlich mit einer kleinen Depression in den Narbenästen, wurde eine sehr hohe Sauerstoff-Spannung gefunden; im unteren Teil, etwa 5 mm über dem Fruchtknoten beginnend, nimmt der pO2-Wert plötzlich schnell ab. Im Fruchtknoten selber ist die Sauerstoffspannung extrem niedrig.Nach Bestäubung kann das Durchwachsen der Masse der Pollenschlauchspitzen an Hand einer scharfen Depression der Sauerstoffspannung verfolgt werden, welche mit fortschreitendem Wachstum im Griffel nach unten zu verschoben wird. Diese Depression des pO2-Wertes scheint streng lokalisiert zu sein auf den Bereich der Pollenschlauchspitzen; die Größe der Depression ist abhängig von der Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit der Pollenschläuche. Nach dem Durchwachsen der Pollenschläuche wird die ursprünglich hohe Sauerstoffspannung in den oberen Griffelabschnitten nicht vollständig wiederhergestellt.Aus den Meßergebnissen kann der Schluß gezogen werden, daß die Stoffwechselaktivität der Pollenschläuche in hohem Maße abhängt von den Stoffwechselbedingungen im Innern des Griffels. Es scheint, daß die Pollenschläuche auf dem größten Teil ihres Weges zu den Eizellen unter aeroben Bedingungen wachsen; lediglich an der Basis des Griffels, kurz vor dem Eintritt in das Ovarium, muß der Pollenschlauch umschalten auf einen anaeroben Energiestoffwechsel. Ein Zusammenhang mit der Öffnung der Pollenschlauchspitzen bei der Entleerung des Schlauchinhaltes in den Embryosack wird diskutiert.Die Sauerstoffspannung scheint für den größten Teil des Griffels nicht die Funktion eines tropischen Gradienten für das orientierte Pollenschlauchwachstum zu haben.

The ultrastructure of the style and pollen tube pathway before, during and after anthesis were studied in 13 species belonging to the tribes Pomaderreae, Paliureae, Colletieae and Gouanieae (Ziziphoid clade) and Rhamneae (Rhamnoid clade) using light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The aim of this study is to provide new morphological characters useful for phylogenetic analysis at suprageneric level in Rhamnaceae. The patterns of pollen tube growth and the ultrastructural changes undergone by cells of the style were also described. Species of Rhamneae (Scutia buxifolia and Condalia buxifolia) have a solid style, with the transmitting tissue forming three independent strands (S. buxifolia) or a central, single horseshoe-shaped strand as seen in transversal section (C. buxifolia) which could derive from the fusion of formerly independent strands. In contrast, Pomaderreae, Gouanieae and Paliureae showed semi-solid styles, while in Colletieae, as previously reported, the style is hollow with two or three stylar canals. The style anatomy and the ultrastructure of the pollen tube pathway show that there is a tendency towards a solid style with a single strand of transmitting tissue within the family. The three-canalled hollow style could be the plesiomorphic state of the character “type of style” in the family, the semi-solid style the synapomorphic state and the solid style with three strands of transmitting tissue the apomorphic state, with the solid style with a single strand of transmitting tissue as the most derived state. Therefore, Colletieae would be the most basal tribe of the Ziziphoid clade.  相似文献   

Trimezia fosteriana is a self-incompatible plant with an open style. The stigma was found to be receptive for approx. three hours. Pollen tube growth in the entire transmitting tract was followed with LM, SEM and TEM. The cuticle that covers the mature papillae is continuous but in the rest of the transmitting tissue it is thin and ruptured. The pollen tubes grow in a mucilage mixed with cuticle remnants. In the style, however, larger parts of a cuticle film remains which gives the impression that pollen tube growth occurs under a cuticle. The secretion contains proteins and carbohydrates including pectic substances. The pollen tube growth rates were estimated to 2 mm/hour in the stigma, 1–2 mm/hour in the style and 0.5 mm/hour in the ovary.  相似文献   

The dry type stigma of Brassica is covered with a continuous layer of cuticle. Cutinase and non-specific esterases may be involved in breakdown of this cuticle barrier during pollen-stigma interaction, but only a little is known about their nature and characteristics. We report here the presence of two distinct esterases from stigma and pollen of Brassica. A 33 kD esterase assayed using MU-butyrate substrate shows high activity in stigma papillae. A similar esterase from Tropaeolum pollen has been shown to possess active cutinase activity. The esterase activity in anther tissue is due to a 24 kD enzyme with substrate specificity toward acetate esters. Both enzymes require sulfhydryl groups for their catalytic activity. Immunogold labelling of antibodies raised against these esterases localised the proteins at the subcellular level. Antibodies for MU-butyrate hydrolase gave a positive signal in the cell walls of mature stigma papillae and in the tapetum and microspores during early stages of anther development. In the mature anther, a positive signal in the cytoplasm of pollen grains with some detectable localisation in the exine layer of the pollen wall was obtained. Similar results were obtained with acetate hydrolase antibodies. These esterases are thus spatially and temporally regulated in stigma and anther tissues.Abbreviations MU methyl umbelliferyl - pAbC anti-butyrate hydrolase polyclonal antibodies - pAbE anti-acetate hydrolase polyclonal antibodies  相似文献   

Lily pollen tubes grow adhering to an extracellular matrix produced by the transmitting tract epidermis in a hollow style. SCA, a small ( approximately 9.4 kDa), basic protein plus low esterified pectin from this extracellular matrix are involved in the pollen tube adhesion event. The mode of action for this adhesion event is unknown. We partially separated three SCA isoforms from the lily stigma in serial size exclusion column fractions (SCA1, 9370 Da; SCA2, 9384 Da; SCA3, 9484 Da). Peptide sequencing analysis allowed us to determine two amino acid variations in SCA3, compared with SCA1. For SCA2, however, there are more sequence variations yet to be identified. Our structural homology and molecular dynamics modeling results show that SCA isoforms have the plant nonspecific lipid transfer protein-like structure: a globular shape of the orthogonal 4-helix bundle architecture, four disulfide bonds, an internal hydrophobic and solvent-inaccessible cavity, and a long C-terminal tail. The Ala(71) in SCA3, replacing the Gly(71) in SCA1, has no predictable effect on structure. The Arg(26) in SCA3, replacing the Gly(26) in SCA1, is predicted to cause structural changes that result in a significantly reduced volume for the internal hydrophobic cavity in SCA3. The volume of the internal cavity fluctuates slightly during the molecular dynamics simulation, but overall, SCA1 displays a larger cavity than SCA3. SCA1 displays higher activity than SCA3 in the in vitro pollen tube adhesion assay. No differences were found between the two SCAs in a binding assay with pectin. The larger size of the hydrophobic cavity in SCA1 correlates with its higher adhesion activity.  相似文献   

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